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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1890)
A r&MIION AMir APT A IK. UstaaUaaahbp.., A tmUmm bbbuaaat AhUatfabMuk, - Aa) fMfcUmaiti. gun; ACMkluMbWCkrutiui la faatuoaabW hi; A fii lite yntt book A afaaUoaauiacfcoir: Afaatkaabkcaai! Wit S tHBiossUs ipire; A fMhtn hl M(tB Witt la-aiuaabi (pmrk: AhaMnaa Mmnm Mi (MhloMblo mi; A fa-ainasbli valmoM At U faahiuaata. door; A faahiuaabW paaaj For la ftehianatiU poor; A Mioudto Utm Aad faaaioaabl bll; A hikwuUi Biol. , For Mi-rahioaatl Ull; A fataiuu.lil. kaMliac Asd I fMhioctule and: A fataioaabb n-r-thiaa' But Bo fatiiioeabl (toil. -aVrrliaot Traveler. HOW RIDICULOUS! "What under the sun are you putting Into that butter Sugar as true as I live-instead of salt! What has got into you?" and Miss Mehitable Robinson, an old maid, whose mental and jidy sn-ul angularities exactly eorresitonded, leaurdoer the wooden bowl of butter which her niece- a young lady of nine teen was working over. I reckon, Hope Harris, if you mother knew what a time I was having with you, she'd about give up, in despair The last words she said to me, standing right there, in that front entry-you can teethe spot yourself, if you're a mind to look -was; 'Mehitable, I leave Hope to your care, and all 1 ask is, that you endeavor to make as good a house keeper of her as you are yourself. There is no doubt but she will prove troublesome, sometimes, for she doesn't I'm sorry to say take naturally to domestic pursuits'oh lord," and here Mehitable drew a long breath ami pro ceeded to taste of the yellow lump, spread so temptingly before her. "'Take naturally:- I shouldn't think she did! You See that butter, I sup pose," continued the spinster, removing the wooden spoon from her niece's hand and brandishing it aloft in a manner o comically tragic, that Hoie was com pelled to turn her head one side to con ceal the rising laugh. "Yes, ma'am, 1 see that butter," she replied. "I've had the pleasure of look ing at that butter, and feeling of that butter, for the last hour, in the vain at tempt to remove the last drop of but ter milk from that butter, and 1 would give the small farm I own, before here, if some good angel would say, today : Hope Harris, you need never, as long as yon live, touch the sticky goumy stuff again,' A farmers wife! Xo such fate forme, if jron please. Why, I'd rather engage myself, for a life-partner, to old Mephistophiles, himself." "1 don't know nothing about you r city chaps, and more than that, I don't want to; but this much I do know, you needn't worry yourself alout any fann ers ever wanting you. They know too well which side their bread is buttered. Heavens and airth! If heredon't come Mr. Halstead! Between you ami I, Hope, that man's got to coming here pretty often, lately. I never have done anything, in the whole course of my life, but I had just as lief everyliody In the created world would know; but 1 begin to be pretty well scared about what folks will say about this old bachelor's coming up here e'ena' most every day. How does my hair look, Hope? AH of a frouse, I'm sure; but it'll never do to run and fix up a bit, because he's seen us both, 1 wish he would go to the front door." Hope's curls were tied out of her eyes by a knot of scarlet ribbon, w hich' added not a little to the coquettish make-up. The sleeves of a light cambric wrapper were pinned to the shoulders, display ing an arm which would make an astist wild, to copy. And then, Hope's eyes! So one bad eer detected their exact shade, tuough sonnet after sonnet had been dedicated by her numerous lovers, to her blue, brown, cerulear, sea-lined, gray, and other colored orbs. Aunt Mehitable had laid down the wooden spoon, at the approach of the stranger, and Hope, as if life or death depended upon her celerity, spatted away with a vengeance. The tones of .the new comer's voice were very pleas ant, but Hope didn't turn around. Her cheeks were as red as the ribbon which peeped out from among the brown curls. "flood morning, Miss Robinson -ex ense my early call. I " "(Mi, don't talk, about excuses, Mr. Halstead. Some people are always welcome. 1 was Just telling Hope how pleasant it was to have you for a neigh bor. Hope, child, why don't you look around y Here is Mr. HalstewL" "All, toujour, Mr. Halstead," said the butter-maker, giving him her little left hand. "You And me very busy. The fact is, I hare been trying ever since breakfast to whip the properties, which auntie declares should be foriegn to good but ter, out of this unmanageable lump, and now, having used sugar instead of salt, to flavor It with, I shall have, I suppose, to bang away an hour or two longer. Ooodocaa! how I do deleat uckworkr ' Br. JJalaUad laughed heartily Id which Aunt Mehitable Joined, andtlien the gentleman made known his errand. The young folks visiting him, from the city, had determined upon a picnic that very day, by the sea-shore, and would Miss Robinson and Miss Hope favor him with their company? The ladies assented, and our gentleman took his departure. Lawful sakes, Hope, you hav'nt the least idea how that man makes my heart beat every time he comes into this house. If I didn't know just what he was arter, 'twould make a consider able ditTerenee; but, you see. John never in the world could get along, ou this farm, without me; and then, Mr. Hal stead don't stay here in the winter. He's got a house in Xew York - and they do say 'tis elegant where he ges, just as quick as the frost conies. Massy! how my heart does beat!" "Why, Aunt Mehitable. you don't suppose he wants to -narry you. do you ?" ' Vet, Miss; and why not. I should like to ask ? Men never look at women, as that man looks at me, without mean ing lonwthiim. Fortune-tellers always told me that I should die in wedlock, and I suppose it's got to be." Ilojie threw down the butter-spoon in a paroxysm of laughter, and retired to her room, from whence she issued in a short half hour, all ready for the pic nic. Nof so Mehitable. Two hours of curling, fixing, and fussing, and then, with stately step and dignified meiii, she walked across the Held to Mr. Hal stead's. The most of the party had started for the shore, and Miss Robinson followed. The path she took was a little circuitous, but the spinster chose it because she desired to give herself a little more time to think. It wound along by a winding brook, under the shadow of a great rock. Here it able stoped to take breath. TK sound of voices, inclose proximity, was wafted to her ear. "Goodness alive," nlie muttered, "who can (tat be? Well, I declare, if that ain't pretty goings on! Our Hope, as l'rn alive, and a man's head in her lap!" There was no mistake about it. The old maid was right. Hoie, with a shawl spread down for a eariet, sat leaning aginust a tree, while, by her side, reclined Mr. Halstead, and truth comielH us to state that his head wins not only lying in her lap, but Hope's lingers playing loviugiug with his hair. Mehitable, with cat-like tread, drew near. "Hope, I loved you the first time I saw you, and you are. sure, very sure, darling, that you lovenie?" And Rich ard Halstead waited for an answer. The reply he rece d was quite unex pected. "Hope Harris, n . along with me! 1 never wou',1 h.ive thought, it you hussy you a-ift.l, designing hussy! I'll send for your hither and mother to morrowthat I will," roared ,M eh table. "There's no occasion," replied Mr. Halstead, coolly. "I saw both of Miss Hope's parents, yesterday, and they have given me full permission to ad dress the young lady, with ii view to matrimony. Won't you add your bless- Miss Mehitable?" "Who'd a thought it ? who'd a thought it? The Ingratitude of one's own flesh and blood!" And the irate spinster walked away. ' ''IXv you know I have sometimes thought that your aunt had an idea that I was in love with her?" said Dick, as he watched the tall figure stalk majestically away. All the answer he received was a merry laugh, and "How ridiculous, Dick!" To this day, Mehitable has not for given them. Ames. Ingersoll a Tenderfoot. One of Denver's old time citizeus last evening at the Windsor related a very interesting incident of nn experience of Colonel Robert Ingersoll, the noted athe ist, as a "tenderfoot," say the Denver Kew. Colonel Ingersoll has for years past been interested in mining and ranch properties in the west, and his immense cattle ranch in Xew Mexico, owned jointly with ex-Senator Dorsey, Is known all over the union, Several years ago "Bob" and some eastern confreres were investigating mining property In Xew Mexico with a view of purchasing. At one raining camp where the party visited, the owner of a mine, which had after a thorough trial proved to be scarcely worth working, saw an oppor tunity to "strike it rich" by selling his almost worthless mine to the eastern tenderfoot. In order to effect the sale he decided to "doctor" the mine, as nothing else than n ersonal examina tion would satisfy the worthy Rob. So the wily miner procured a quantity of the very richest silver ore and strewed the lumps along the floor of the mine close to the wall where the vein, which was being worked, cropied out. At an hour appointed Colonel liob and the trickster, quipied with hammer and sack, went to the mine to bring away some samples of ore in order to test them. The great infidel attacked the ledge where the ore cropped out with his hammer, and as the lumps knocked off fell at his feet his companion stuffed Into his tack the rich pieces of ore with which he had strewn tho floor of the ca.e. Great was the astonishment of "wise men of the east" when the samples brought away from the mine assayed from tfOO to 91,000 per ton. of course a bargain was struck, and at the mine owners figures. FASHION NOTES. Vmaii Hiriwn la I A lady w hom I know is thinking of opening a haircuttiug saloon for gentle men, and having a trained army of lady hairdressers to wait upon them. There is no doubt that a staff of lady haircut ters would attract customers. There is no reason at all why women should not be employed to "barber" men. Wuiueu barber's are largely employed tocut wo men's hair, and a man's hair is easier to cut than a woman's. Of course the wo men barbers would Have to gain proli ciency in shaving. Miss Mantalini in Pall Mall Gazette. A New Artirlc ofUrtw. The most sensible thing that has come forward lately is the "Kstelle Clayton shirts" for ladies. It is made of the usual material of laundered shirts, and is just like a man's, so far as the bosom, collars and cuffs go, w hich latter are made ou the shirt. The only way in which it dif fers from the masculine garment is that it is shorter and hat a drawing string that holds it around the waist. Every woman who likes to wear cuffs, but who dislikes the instability and pricks of pins, will thank Miss Clayton, if she lie the inventor of this garment, which, by the way, why not call the "Clayton" without the name shirt attached? We wear "Soutags;" why not "Claytons?" New York Commercial Advertiser. r'liliu In Tollat Ket. It is a fashion of the hour to use a number of articles for the toilet table in richly cut crystal in place of silver. Silver toilet articles require constant 'care. The cry.stal, moreover, throws over the dainty drawn work cover ol the toilet table and over the delicate tinted hangings of the boudoir the love liest iridescent lights whenever a stray beam of Kunshiue touches them. ISrushes and combs, however, are still mounted in silver in old repousse and etched patterns. A (Jneeii Anne bedtime candlestick of polished metal is preferred to one in crystal, but not to one in Merlin or Dresden porcelain or even blue Delft The loveliest porcelain toilet boxes are made by the JScrliu factory, mounted in gold and painted in realistic flower patterns of the period of Martoline at Meissen, or in line andscaes of old Dresden. The Rerliu factory does little work of original design, but makes the best reproductions from old Dresden patterns. Xew York Tribune. Tba Fa-hlon in Root. This high cut boot with a top that can be removed at will is a novelty for lady tourists who wish to climb or walk much. By lacing the top of the boot proper above the ankle it Isdrawn tight and acts ns a support to the ankle, while the loose extra top protects the limb wit hout causing any inconvenience. With the extra top removed the boot is a stylish one for rambling or for lawn games. Roots and Shoes. Skirt ror Spring: Wear.. The fiat has gone forth that soft, light, clinging materials like foulard will be used for spring dresses, crossing in folds on t he bodice, which they nearly cover, yet showing the outline of the figure and falling thence in graceful folds on the skirt. Only flat skirts without Uiruures are seen, though it is predicted that this fashion lias had nearly its allotted time of popularity, and they are made much longer than formerly. The correct thing is only just to show the tip of the toe in front and to lay four or Ave inches ou the ground in the back. The definite styles of Henry II and Louis XYI are losing favor, and one sees only crossway folds round waists, coming to the hips with a small point in front. The waist is made long at the back, the gathered skirt fasten ing on to it, while bows of ribbon or velvet rosettes retain the draperies and folds. Exchange. Frnmla Anomallm. A woman will walk up street in the rain to save a street car fare, and then she will give n quarter of a dollar to the first beggar she meets. She will go over every carpet in the house with a damp cloth and brush, and then go down town with a black spot on her nose. She laughs because the Smith girls wear old fashioned bonnets and cries because she knows of some poor boy who don't a9ord a winter overcoat. She will arrange a silk Kcnrf over a picture frame until a man's eye will bulge with admiration, but she can't tie a plain, ordinary necktie to save her life. Buffalo Express. Covering Book. The books we are most intimate with are apt to grow more or less defaced by frequent handling. To restore their at tractiveness by concealing the original covers is a pretty home nrt quite worthy of practice. I f the book is bound- In black or dark cloth, a silk with black ground and colored figures may be selected for the new covering, ai a lighter ground, unless the silk is very thick, is apt to be shadowed by the darkness under it. The cover is cut to tit tie book, much as the slip covers school books are cut, excepting that, only a small portion is left to turn in ou tu wrong iidft ,'kiston Record. YOUTH UNDER THE AX. caurfcaMa Karva Ksblblte Hf ITouuf at Vketia- af tha OaUlatlaa. "That man has receutl v witnessed a rare and infrequent sight," s:iid a well known man-about-town to a Xew York Journal reporter on Broadwav, point- lug to a foreign-looking man who was just going into the Fifth Avenue Hotel, i The reporter approached the gentle man, who gave bis name as George Hur'uitioD. a well knows Parisian jour-- nalist He left Pans about ten dayi ago. "Ye; I have witnessed a strange sigLl,aud one I don't care about seeing again," he said, with a strong foreign accent. He then related the incideut. He had seen the guillotining, about two weeks ago, at Paris, of the youngest person who had fallen a victim to the grim ax in Palis since the French Rev olution. It was a boy of 18 who had suffered the awful puiiUhment His name was Georges Henri Kaps. He had murder sd his sweetheart in May last. At the trial for this crime 5 was shown that toung. beardless the age of 11, ad assassinated an old man in a dark side stret When arrested for this last murder, boy though he was, he threatened his guards with death. "I have seen many persons die," said M. Herbillou. '1 was in the coui niune in 71 and at the executions after it, but I never saw anything so distress ing as tho end of this young murderer. "He was only a boy lit still for a mother's caressing," went on M. Her billon, "but he displayed the most re markable nerve during the trial and greeted the verdict of death with a smile." When the officials came in to the prison to announce that his hour had come he showed no fear.though till that moment he had expected a commutation of sentence. He dressed himself with out assist ance. When a priest approached he mof.ioned him to leave with a wave of bis little hands. Afterward he gayly skipped to his place in the sail procession for the guillotine. When he arrived at the "Place of the Ax" he glanced curiously at the few 8ectators. Catching sight of the deadwagon that was soon to carry away his lifeless body he smiled visibly. Standing beneath the glittering knife, the priest extended the crucifix to the boy s lips, but ho tin ned aside his head. The victim's manner was so naive that a movement of pity made a mur mur in tho little throng as the execu tioners forced him back and laid his ueck in the fatal groove, ' As ho lay for a second before the blade dropped," said Mr. Herbillou, 'I caught a lingering smile upon his lips. "Then I turned away," he said, "and the sound of the falling knife was heard. The bov died more like my Idea of a Christian martyr than any on 1 ever saw die." Experimented ou Dad. One of tho well known citizens ot Pawtucket, R. I., and a man of de cidedly mechanical turn of mind withal, says the Providence Journal, was severely shocked the other day in the following manner: He has a son, l.r) years of age, who is a chip of the old block in his love of mechanics and his desire to see into the reason for everything. The young man is very much interested in and a linn believer la the wonderful power of electricity. A few days ago, as the father sat down to dinner and attempted to take his knife, the knife refused to be taken up. tie glanced at it hurriedly, and saw that it appeared to have been fastened down with a piece of string. TUink log one of little ones had tied it down for a joke, he administered a mild and playful reprimand, at the same time attempting to take up the fork at the other side of the plate. But the fork also refused to be taken up. Thinking that his two younger children had com bined in tho joke, lie reprimanded the other little one. In the meantime the young man had been quietly watching the progress of events with a good deal of iuterest and saying nothing. Ths father then attempted to take up th kuife and fork in each hand, and theu be understood the matter, as he re ceived au electric shock that raised him from bis chair and set him shak ing like a touch of ague. Ho finally shook the kuite and fork from his hand and then proceeded to investi gate. He discovered that the innocent looking young studcut of electricity bad beeu tryiug an experiment. Tak ing a battery which he had made him self in his father's shop, he bad concealed it under the table; then, cut ting down the bell wire, he had it at tached to the battery and attached on pole to the knife ami one to the fork. The result of the experiment was satis factory to himself, whatever the fathei might .' ' ought of it. STATISTICS OF OLD AUt. a Anal?1 of Ktitrn Kenpeotlng fifty Two English Ceiiteuariaut. Prof. Murray Humphry has JnsV brought together a remarkable book on 'Old Age,'7 says the Pall Mall Oaxctte It is based uKn the results of an in quiry conducted by the collective in vestigation committee of the British Medical association. In a portion of it the analysis of ths returns respecting 62 centenarians are given; of these 16 were males and 34 Females. Eleven of these were single (10 being females), 5 were married." and 8 were widowed. Out of 60 re turns 8 only were in affluent circum stances, 28 were comfortable, and 19 poor; of these 9 were fat (8 being to males), 20 were spare, and 18 of average condition. Twenty-live were erect n figure and 2ft wcro bent. Oat of Sfi returns 28 used glasses, 7 did not; out of these 4 were poor, 6 had used glasses for 40 to 60 years, A for 8C to 83, 4 for 10 to 20, 2 for 4 to 6 years, 6 for "many years," 2 for a few years. From among these 1 had used specta cles for many yearn, but for the last li veers had been able to read without them; another had not used them for II year, another "not for many years.' bat I can not now get them strong OttOS-l' CAM OF WATCMttk ffca Maawar la WMrk a Panhat Til aaauM Ba Haadtad. A watch, even of very good quality, ean only give satisfaction if it is treat ed t'ordiug to its subtle const ructioav tays the American Anahjat. Its pos sessor niutt prevent it from falling of heing knocked about. A jump from Mi'eei-cir has more than once caused a ood timepiece in the jumper's pocket o change its rate. A watch must be kept in a clean plai'e. Dust and suall articles of the pocket liuiug gather eontiouously in the pockets, anil even .ha besl-tittiog case can not protect the movement from dirt hading its way to the wheels and pivots of the move ment. Watch-pockets should be turned inside out and cleaned at regular in tervals. A watch ought to le wound np regularly at about the same hour every day. The best time to do it is in the morning, for two reasons. First, because the hours of rising are more regular than the hours of disrobing and retiring. Second, because the full power of the Bsiaspring is more likely to reduce to minimum the irregulari ties caused by the movements of the owner during the day. When not car ried in the pocket a watch should al ways hang by its ring in the same po sition that it is worn. As a tills watches will run with a different rale when laid down. Only high-grade watches are adjusted to position ami will cnly show a few seconds' dif. ference in twenty-four hours, whils common watches may be out of time several minutes in one niglit. Ladies often complain that watches do not run regularly. their This Biay be ou accouut of smaller size and more difficult regulating, but the main reason for the faulty rate is to be found in the fact that ladies do not always carry their watches and consequently often forget to wind them. Xevei leave a hunting-case watch open dur ing a considerable length of time. A careful observer will bud in the morn ing a layer of dust on the crystal of a watch that has been open during the night The dust will find its way into the movement. The dust on the out side of the caso will be unconsciously rubbed off by the wearer, but wheu the watch is closed the dust inside of the case must remain there. A watch ought to be cleaned every two, or at the utmost three, years if'it is not to be spoiled. The oil will change. It will become thickened by the dust that can not be kept out of the best closing. nse. The dust will work like emery, and grind the surfaces of the pivots ol the train. The best of movements will be spoiled if this requirement is neg lected. Even after being cleaned and put in order they will not recover their exactness. Many times it has been ob served that a watch ran well for years, and that it was unreliable after having been cleaned. The reason is to be iound in the fact the pivots and their thick oil tit the jewel holes, and the rieaned pivots and their clean oil do aot tit the same jewels. Choking Off Farmer. As the train left Dayton, south aound, the conductor came into the smoking car with a cry of "Tickets, please!" and as there was only one fresh passenger he walked directly up . to him. The new arrival was from the farm, and in nothing of a hurry. "What's up, Kurnel?" he asked as the conductor halted before him. "Ticket, sir?" "Yes. Is she on timeP" "Yes." "Going right to Cincinnati?" "Yes. Ticket, if you please." "I had a ticket, but . Say, how's wheat looking along the line?" "Give me j our ticket." . "Wonder where I put it? Been much rain between here and Hamilton this month? F'eller was telling me yesterday that he never " "I'm in a great hurry, sir!" exclaim ed the conductor. "Shoo! Haven't got any hay out at the other end of the line, have you? 1 Sot caught once last week, and me'n ill had to work like uailors to beat a thunderstorm" "Have you got a ticket?" "Of course." "Then hand it over at once! I can't fool away any time here!" "Sboo'i Wall, here's the ticket, and I want a receipt for it. Feller in such a hurry as you are might die suddenly. Lands! but what a hired man you'd make for a week or two! Never had one who was in a hurry. Say, if you But the conductor had gone, and he turned to us with a look of disgust ou bis face, and continued: "That's tho way with these monopo lies. They not only want all your money, but they won't treat you de cent after they get it. Reckon I'll drop in on the boss of the road when I git to town, and let him know that such con duct don't go down with a free-born American." -V. Y. Sun. Getting a Snbstltntn. in China nothing is more common than for a gentleman who is in a serious trouble with the law to hire a substitute to take the punishment foi him. The payment varies according to the gravity of the offense; but when it is murder," for which the penalty is death, it runs, we are told, . to 12 exactly. In England these matters are seldom settled by proxy, and the last .xirsons likely to volunteer to be hanged for one are one's relatives; they will see us hanged Krst. This makos the scene at the Portsmouth- Police Court the other day vcrj remarkable. A young gentleman of i9 is brought up on several charges of burglary; tht evidence is, unhappily, clear, but his father comes forward and expresses his wish to net as substitute. "What do you meant1" asks, the astonished magistrate. "To go to jail for himP" "Yes, certainly!" Upon this amazing proosltion being rejected the young gentleman faints; a young lady whoss relations with him have been described by an adapter from Shakspcaie as be ing "a little loss than kin, and mors than kind,'' faints also; and tho soif sacrificing parent has a tit. This Is, probably, the most emotional family, as well as the most tree from conven tion, thai has yet been discovered SOME THOUGHTS Of eOfSON. Ill 0raat laaatar CaaaapMaa af Mac- tar a4 Stallaf la Oaa The following extract is from "Talks with Edison, by George Parsons l.athrop, in Haryer'$ Magazine, lu addition to being extremely practical in his thoughts and processes, Edison has a rich imagination of a creating sort, and moods of ideal dreaming in . his particular line. One day at dinner he suddenly spoke, ss if out of a deep reverr, saying what a great thing it would be if a man could hare all tho component atoms of himself under complete control, detachable and ad justable at will. "For instance," he explained, "then I could say to one par ticular atom in me call it atom No. 4320 -Go and be part of a rose for a while.' All the atoms could be sent off to become parts of different min erals, plants, and other substances. Then, if by just pressing a little push button they could be called together again, they would bring back their ex lerieuces while they were parts of those different substances, and I should have the benefit of the knowledge." Of course this was only a passing fancy, an imaginative way of express ing ths constant desire which exists in the inventor's mind for a more inti mate knowledge of the nature of things concerning which he has already learned so much. This desire is gratified to the farthest practicable extent by the great store of all sorts of materials animal, vegetable and mineral col lected in his laboratory, where he ex periinents upon and combines their various properties as a composer plays upon the instruments of his orchestra. Indeed, in this large imaginative as pect of his mind Edison distinctly re minds me of men having creative mu sical or noetic or artistic genius. The mingled abstraction and tire in their faces and eyes are noticeable in his, at times, when he emerges from some private room in the laboratory where he has been engaged in deep inventive work. The above remark about the atoms, too, recalls a statement which he once made to me regarding his conception of matter. "I do dt not believe," he said," "that matter is inert, acted up on by an outside force. To me ft seems that every atom is possessed bv a cer tain amount of primitive intelligence. Look at the thousand ways in which atoms of hydrogen combine with those of other elements, forming the most diverse substances. Do you mean to say that they do this without intelli gence? Atoms in harmonious and useful relation assume beautiful or in .cresting shapes and colors, or giro forth a pleasant perfume, as if express ing their satisfaction. In sickness, death, decomposition, or filth, the disa greement of the component atoms im mediately makes itself felt by bad odors. Gathered together in certain forms, the atoms constitute animals of the lower orders. Finally they com bine in nian, who represents the total intelligence of all tho atoms." "But where does this intelligence come from originally?" I asked. "From some power greater than our selves." .-- - - - "Do you believe, then, in an intelli gent Creator, a personal God?" Certainly," said Mr. Edison. "The existence of such a God can, to my mind, almost be proved from chem istry." Surely it is a circumstance calculated to excite reflection, and to cause a good deal of satisfaction, that this keen and penetrating mind, so vigorously repre senting the intelligence the mind of a remarkable exponent of applied science, and of a brilliant and prolirio inventor who has spent his life in deal ing with the material part of the world should so confidently arrive at belief in God through a study of those media that often obscure tho perception of spiritual things. A Pleasant View of Swinburne. How very conservative Mr. Swin burne is in his daily habits, lie gener ally takes an afternoon walk from Put ney over to Wimbledon, where he "puts up" for a quarter of an hour at a house he is fond of visiting. He never carries a walking stick or an umbrella, though I have it on very good authori ty that he is not above lining his pock ets at a confectioner's shop with sweets and biscuits, and dispensing these free ly to the youngsters whom he meets on the road. The other day Wimbledon was deluged, and the Common especi ally was a place to be avoided, but when the downpour was heaviest about 4 o'clock I saw Mr. Swinburne calmly marching along toward his usual resting place, and . he was pro tected against the ungentle rain from heaven by neither umbrella nor mack intosh. He was wet through. From his large-brimmed felt hat rills of rain ran down upon his garments, his face was shining as if anointed with oil, his long white cuffs were in a miserable state. The number of stories, by tho way which are told at Wimbledon about the poet, whom every child in the vil lage knows and admires fthe admira tion being, no doubt, a kind of cup board love), is quite . endless. The other day 1 asked the confectioner's wife whom Mr. Swinburne honors with his custom, whether she knew who the gentleman was who had just left her shop. "Oh, yes," she replied at ones, once, "that's Mi. Swinburne, a private gentleman, but he isn't quite light in his head; ho is what tbey call a poet,Fm told." When he is walking along In his soldierly fashion, Mr. Swinburn nevor takes bis eyes off the ground, and evidently doos not see that be is tho observed of all observers. The other day a charming young lady sakt to me, in an ecstacy of admiration: "If I only dared, wouldn't I like to hayo tho honor of shaking bands with him. But ho looks too stern." .The sternness, however, vanishes altogether when, on their playground on the Common, ho sees the children at play or being wheeled about in their perambulators. And if you "catch" Mr. Swinburne a such a moment, you no longer marvel that this is the mat poet who WTOW "Atalanta." His face is tntnsfmd, and from bis eyes then shines a f-ict which is not of- the arth.-ftU iU