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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1890)
Deux County Journal. HAKSX30N. NEBRASKA state news. its at Columbus have werhsd up a boom ia lb city property. AlesScbatt recently shot a fifty pound rat Ash in the Elkborn at Weet Point Riverside park at West Point will be opened lor the Beacon Hay 20 by an old settlers picnic , Work began Tueaday on the electric treat railway at Kearney, and it will be completed a aoan ae possible. Taaura wanta to rob Seward of the oounty eeat and ia raising funds by sub- acription to build a court house. Wiener people have run ahort of fresh fiah oa aooount of the Went Peint dam and will accordingly appeal to the law of the state. Fremont's street car company has run against a aaag in a proposed extension, naving been refused the right of ay through a certain "pasture." Gertrude Hatch claims 1,700 dam rgea 'rora the city of Seward for injuries received by reesou of iter horse falliDg into one of the water works ditches. Hit ma of Fremont made a pecu ar discovery the other day consisting of a bunch of keys of all manner of d urn stowed away inside a dark lantern that had been hidden in a bunch of The case of Little Willie Laurerof Columbus against the Union Pacific wherein the railway company ia defen dant ia a auit tor $JO,000 damages, has been compromised by the company agreeing to pay $4,001) to the injured boy. On one of the principal streets of Kearney, within two blocks can be found four cornet, one tuba, three pianos, four organs, a parrot and a number of smaller instru ments, in the way of jewsharps, harmon ica and flutes. When they all turn knee ths overflow of the canal stops to 'listen, farmer listen," The number of bogs raised in Lincoln county ia 1780 trebled those of 1888 and present indications are that this year's jnrfaet will mora than, double that of bwfjawys Urn North Platte Tribune . Co will continue to reign supreme Mast of Lincoln county, his ooneort will ha the bog; and North Platte his com mensal city. Walla engaged in digging a well on George Laid iff h's farm near Nebraska City, Charles Thorn peon met with a aer ioae accident. He had just sent up a bucket loaded with day, when the buck et slipped from the rope and fell to the, bottom Of the well, striking Thompson breaking three ribs and frightfully braising him about the head and body. The city council of Seward ordered oat the street lights, leaving nearly five miles of dead wire strung around town. A ripieasntative of the light company aye the original expense of putting in the poise, wires, posts, lamps etc.. aansssary to light the streets was nearly $1,5001 which are now practically useless. The object in discontinuing the uee of the lights is to ears money to help com plete the water works. Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Stephenson of the Wesson's Christian Temperaix Union at Hartiagtoa received sixty naiiea from tea business men of Hartington against! "Hell's Halt Acre No. 2," the proposed Covington, opposite Hartiagtoa. The stiff comes before the board Tueaday. , A great deal of bitter personal feeling is being a rows id over tbe matter of issuing Kesass to tbe Taaktoa saloonkeepers located oa thie aide of the Missouri. Bad blood at fever heat Troeble Gem. A refill, assieiaat inspector -geo- arsi of national homes, visited and in saaetedtb Nebraska soldiers' and seil M Its) aad expreaead blmesif as MfUy aieesed with tha impiovemenU that haw been added aiaea hia last vieit ta farmers aliiaaeeof Perkins connty ad will build a mill . jOTaaaaaav wi ana uafiiiai .- gtftle t-3 with shares HO eaefa. ch aN can lioH mors than f K.J tT in saairil oasv Vf 1 jM X . , 4 1 is i, ... .... W A,.waa,f " r a- --'. . " ' '"i t-a at . ' fr Sit- -- 1 The Pottawatomie indisne complain of the management of their tribal affairs by Agent John Blair. I Frontenac claims to be shipping coal to Great Britain where it is used for spe cial manufacturing purposes. At Pittsburg, Saturday, Minnie Tay lor, the four year old daughter of L. C Taylor, fell into a cistern and was drowned. The state Sunday school convention of the Christian ehnrvh met in Atchison and remained in session three (lavs. The Marion county agricultural so ciety will hold ita fair, on its beautiful grounds at Peauody, August 20 to 22 in elusive. Whileout hunting yesterday Edward Fellows, a farmer living near Douglass, was killed by the accidental discharge of his gun. Reports from Wichita shows that the recent frosts have damaged the peach crop seriously and the wheat and corn crops slightly. Harry Synan, a young society leader J and railroad man cf I'araona, has been adiuctaed insane. He imagined that hewas posessed of a vast capital. At Pittsburg Saturday an original package ahop was opened and it did a rusting business. Last night a mass meeting ass held at which the mayor and police force were promised hearty support in their efforts to suppress such places. A. L, Mickle, on trial at Fort Scott for having robbed the M-, K. k T. safe in that city on March 30 or fOlfllO, was acquitted. The railroad company al leged that Mickle invented tbe robbery story to cover up embezzlements to that amount He will now sue the company for &hfl00 for false imprisonment and malicious prosecution. COLORADO. The Animas river is already at a flood Potato plsnting lias begun about Greeley. New and rich strikes in the Kioo mines are reported. Boulder's new brick works are turn ing out 15,000 brick a day. Prospects are good for wonderful crops in the vicinity of Lamar. Holyoke baa recently completed an addition to tbe city hose house. Tie printers of Durango are about to form union and apply for a charter. The snow ic tbe San Jaun mountains is beginning to melt and streams to rise. The Copper King smelter at Trinidad is being rapidly pushed toward eomple tion. i..js jji'sr ' ' The farmers about Meeker have about completed their spring seeding and work on tbe irrigating ditches has be gun. The Colorado Springs board of trade has been holding meetings to consider tbe location of both tbe soldiers' and printers' homes soon to be built at that Dead deer are aaid to be very numer ous on Piccance creek and tributaries ia Rio Blanco county, which shows the past winter to have been unusnally hard on tha denizens of the forest as well as hordes and cattle. From tbe raging impetuosity of the Rio Grande at Del Norte, it ia highly probable that tbe bridge across the river at tha. point will go out before the water reaches its highest stage. This will settle the question as to the erection of the state bridge next fall. While returning home on Sunday, says the Meeker AVtra, Commissioner A. B. Critoblow lost the horse he was riding near White River City.,, He tried to ford the river near the old bridge, and the swift current took both horse and rider down the stream. The horse was drown, and Mr. Cr itch low barely escaped with his own life. The man O'Brien, says tbe Red Cliff Comet, who was killed at Rock creek last week, must hare been of a some what eocentric character. Hia trunk arrived a few days after be was killed. aad whan opened valuables were found to the amount of tlOJXJO, consisting of receipts for money deposited ia the baaka of tbe east lie also owned, ac- cordnsg to papers found in his posts on, 100 bead of eattle. What motive a man of hia wealth could have in working on a railroad grade ia very hard to explain Hia only relative, a young lady ia New York, is coming hare to take charge of the remains aad his effects. . ; Feoru, luL, May 21. Tbe brewery deal which has been on tbe tapis bore for several months has been closed. A foreign eradicate has purchased all the the ctt. The pries ia bat it will amount to a assves KerDsaw, Boero Mass, May M.-U wk tbaabaoondiagof Oetwaoa Jewitt, law lilt of tha Jewitt swbhahisf com Mat, ft it wow stated that sHnnaca Mat eaatgaay mm cagltaliaad at f?yK9 oaiy fciwaaat!yreJta. Cr Daaw wraasCmwteatae. .ast-a-ji'. w -zt-t: rx a umtraKZ, - tzz. - - "'erf jrs- . w ' GUARDING THE CESSIS. Washixctor, D. C, May 21 Mr DunueL, from the committee on the cen sus, reported a bill to the house this morning prescribing penalties to any supervisor or enumerator of the census who shall receive pay other than his reg ular compensation from the government and it was passed. Conferences were ordered on tlie army appropriation bill and the military academy bill. A bill appropriating fttO.OOO for deficiency in printing and binding was passed and the house went into committee of the whole noon the river acd harbor apprjp riation bill. Des M0ISK8. I., At an annral meet ing of the Woman's Christian Temper ance uniou of H!ai khak county Prof. Wright of the Iowa state norm:il school in delivering the opening address charged Mies Willard with teachi.ig "souiiilisin and anarchisiu." At the close of his address a lady in audience arose and challenged the gen tleman to produce proof of one sen tence or one word in which Miss Wil lard ever taught the doctrines named. Prof. Wright replied that she recom mended the rending of Bellismy'e "Looking Hack word" at the national convention last fall, whereupon his an tagonist answered, "If that was a dis grace the lady had excellent company in Prof. Swing, Dr. Thomas and other intellectual lights the country over," fter which followed a general co mbat of words in which Fosterism, Willard ism and Bellamyism were frequently uttered. Mrs. Mary Hinman, district president declared that ehe had rather have J. F.llen Foster's old gown stuffed with straw at the head of the Women's Chistian Temperance union of Iowa than that any other women should take her place. A clergyman replied that she had fig ured as s women of straw at the head of that society quite long enough. The convention indorsed Mrs. . Hinman's preference for the woman of straw by declarin gt he nisei vea non-partisan. Mrs. Mary F. Robinson, the lady who answered Prof. Wright in a letter says: "Ladies permit me to say that the wo man of atraw has been with you while tbe woman herself has spent most of her time, while acting as president ' of the Iowa Women's Christian Temper ance union, in supporting the high license candidates in New York state for high license morey." The rupture in this organization in Iowa is quite pronounced. -apy- u. .. A Gravel True UaUkte. Pittsbi :ars Pa., May 22. A gravel train co'lided with the rear of a south bound freight train near Alltquippa station, cn tha Pittsburg k Lake Erie railroad. Engineer Thomas Rogers of the gravel train jumped from hisengina. Hia head strtca against the end of a railroad tie and he was instantly killed. Conductor Manse and fireman Robinson who also jumped from the engine, were seriously injured. Ilobinson may die. Tbe engine and three ears were wrecked. A heavy fog waa hanging over the val ley at the time of the accident The Next Mas, New York, May 23. The Herald's Washington correspondent referring to tbe brakedown of the Behring sea nego tiations, says: I urn advised that the next step in the negotiations will be discussion and settlement of the details in connection with the creation of a joint commission of experts to prepare and submit to the two governments a full and particular project as tlie basis of s treaty by which tbe whole question can be settled. It is possible that Rus sia may be directly represented in this commission of experts, but that is a matter that has not yet been consid ered. At all events it ia confidently ex pected that a treaty can be framed in time for submission V, the senate imme diately upon tbe opening of tbe second session of tbe present congress. Mean while oommanders of our cruisers will be enjoined to refrain so far as possible within their instructions from any con duct towards Brittish Bailors whom they meet that they can be made the ocoa sion of just complaint or resentment at lb Czar. Spi"onBU,0,MBy 24. Mr. Wil liam H. Doaatoa, resident of R'laaia for thirty years aad prassnt Americas vioe consul gsmaral at Bt Petersburg, is in tiiis eity. Ha takes decided issue with 'George Ken nan, whom he calls a sensa tionalist, girao to . exsgerstioo. Mr. Duaatoa says tha Bwaian prisons are aa kBBtanely eoaducted as oar own, tha prisooen being well treated and well fad. Tha peoaie of St Petersburg lore tbaeaar. Tha Idea whieh eeea to pre vail hers that tha esar aerer appears la public ttaless ha is awarded by troops is net a oorreot one. ! With tha empress bs be asan nearly every day driving threach the streets wKa only oae soUier oa tbe eetWiaUMnttvwraaaJIwaotes foot BMaatr. T 13r. Dwaaton says eoane warf acaea, wt n i iMii areorted by Mr. riamaa to Ma leawarai aa aaob- vkmwmmwtsm as i jssl p i t t .',t It .4U il . , r--f. :.i-Am. r-i is; : H-J t '' t .rr Knew it Krtarm Hswl. NawYoiK, Msy 24. The Herald's Washington special sas that the gov ernment hud infoi mat iun before the pressdid about the rumored plot to cap ture Lower California, und that Inst Saturday Secretary B'.uine onlered the criser Charleston to proceed from San Francisco to the Lower California coast and instructed theCommander of troops at San Diego to dispose his command so as to intoriwpt all persons attempting to violate the neutrality law by a dem onstration against Mexico. A Stroke at IJaWtnies 1"1 It Werk. Com-mhia, S. C, May 21. During a thunder storm that passed over Marbo ro county Wednesday a stroke of light ning did fatal work. As soon as it l gan to rain a dubjImv of regroes who were working in the field took rehigp under a ahed at the foot of a tree. The tree was struck and the lightning paus ing down through the shed. killeilSuiart Patterson and John Uraim, knocked two other men senselehs and huruetl several others. I.igbleBlac and Fire. Marios, Indm May 21. -The building occupied by the flint glass works of this place was struck by lightening last night and deetojed by the lire that fol lowed. The loss is about 10,000. Wlthunt FouuilalUtn. Mii.wai KKk. Wis., May 21.-Gavin Campliell, superintendent of the Wis onsin Central railroad, last night pro notinced the report of the railroad acci dent near Plover, as entirely without foundation and wns at a loss, he sa:d, to understand where such a report orig inated. NenleMYd la 0th. RotHesTi.R, N. Y, May 2G.-Frank Fisk, aged twenty-six, who killed Joi n Callinain at Canondaigua last Jan uary and who was convicted of murder sen tenced to die by electricity at the Au curn state prison during the week be ginning July 12. Aa Origin! Pai-fcagc More. PirrsiiiKo, Pa., May 21. Original package houses wer open in Apollo and Leechburg, both local option towns, this afternoon by an agent for an out side brewing company. A car load of beer in packages arrived at Leechburg at 5 o'clock this evening, and in lees than two hours the contents of the car was sold out, and "original packages" were traveling in all directions. A com mittee of citizens this evening decided to enter snit against the agent Monday for violation of the state liquor laws. The authorities will also enter suit for maintaining a nuisance in the borough. The agent says he will refuse bail if the eaM decided iaa favor 4s committee for dimages. Asafeaart of the industry the streets were filled with drunken men tonight There is great excitement. Sentiment is nearly evenly divided. " Kaaccled to KmII. Pasib, May 53. As a consequence of the charges brought aeainst him in con nection with his administration of the affairs of the Credit Foncier, it is expected that M. Christphele, late gov ernor of that institution, will tender his resignation. M. Tirard contradicts the report that he waa desirous of suc ceeding M. Christophela. - A Mm Who Kmbeuled Money Kent la Aid Mottle. New York, May 22. George 8. Tur ner was arrested here last night on a tele? ram from the chief of police of Seattle, Washington, charging him with the larceny of 815.000. It seems that when Seattle was nearly wiped out by fire about a year ago the cry for bid brought thousands of dollars from all parts of the country, which money was placed in the hands of aditbursing com mittee. One of the members of tbe committer ;as George McCourt who bad been known as a reputable1 business man. McCourt met Turner w ho had started a store, and it i alleged that the couple united their interests and all supplying for the McCourt district were sJd throvgh Turner's store. For every 85 worth sold, a bill for 9105 worth was given the disbursing committee. These bills were certified by tbe court and the twe divided the profits. The total amount thus abstracted is over tUiftOO. Investigations caused the indictment of the two men. McCourt was arretted end held for trial ia Seattle. Turner fled to New York. In the Jefferson market po lice court this morning, Turner refused to make any reply to the charges and L was remanded to await tbe arrival of requisition papers. Oa Aroraatof a Brabaa WrM. CovDoa, Ll, May 24. The case of Chester Li ttel against Dr. F. M. Ever ett for nprwstice, whieh waa contin ued from the March term of court ia be iag heard ia the district court this week. The ease ia tor llOjOOO dsmages on ao oount of a broken wrist which waa treated IS years ago. Littaldaims tha boae waa not properly set and that i-e a retail be has lost the use of bia wrist Tbe work of esewriag a aaaoiel jury has beea completed aad tha lairing of taati atoay for tha proasealtoa baa eosa miaeiJ. Ce ratal ptvsnaneat phyakaaoa fomaB tarts of the state an araaaat aaair-art wttaaMsa. Tba aaat la at- toaaUas m&2ai ratarast oa aw pat at tW !? mii ef the parties AN EXTRA SESSION. Tlw l.xtrraor all. a Cpacial Kwaa af Ika hi air Lra-Ulalarv. Tha Prorlaiualiaa. Section 1, article 5, constitution of Ne braska, reads: "The governor may on extraordinary occasions couvens the legislature by proclamation aettingforth the purpose for which convened, and the legislature shall enter upon nobusi ne except tor which they sere called together." Whereas, Matters of vital interest to the people of the state greatly agitating the public mind constitute, in the judge ment of the executive, an extraordinary occasion which justifies, ihe assembling of the legislat jre, therefore, I, John M. Thayw, governor of Ne braska, by virtue of the authority in me vested by provision of tha constitution, do hereby issue this, uiy proclamation, requiring the members of the houses of the Twenty-first joint assembly of Ne braska to convene in their respective halls in the capitol building on Thurs day, June 5, 10, at 10 o'clock a. ui., for the purpose of considering the tak ing action upon the following named subjects, and these only: 1. For the purpose of enacting a law establishing maximum railway freight rales, and to reneal that section of the statute creating a state board ef trans portation. 2. For the purp.iee of considering and amending our election laws by the adoption of what is known as the Aus tralian ballot system. 3. To consider and give expression in favor of an increase in the volume of currency and of the free coinage of sil ver. No other subjects will be 'proposed for consideration of the legislature at this special session: Jons M. Thavft. By the governor: Bemj. Ckowokry, Secretary of State. 'otrad I i . I I i ' Chicago, Ilu, Msy 21.-E. C. Walker, of the brokerage firm of Walker Co., whose agent, E. S. Cattell, in St Paul is said to have disappeared with a large sum of the firm's money, telegraphed bia house this mornirg that his short age would not aggregate more thau KV 000. Tbe telegram also stated that CBt tell had probably not intentionally dis appeared, but bad gone off on a deltauch with kindred spirits, a thing not new to the social broker. Mr. Walker will re main in St Paul until all the firm's customers have been settled with on tbe basis agreed upon Jty Agent Cattrell and before he leaves will place a reliable man in charge oi uie u raui omce. A Sperlal Tax . Bkkijh, May 23. It is learned that thepelicyof Chancellor Von Capri va comprehends a scheme for levyiug of a special tax upon German residents in the country who are ineligible for mili tary service and upon ti.oso subjects of the empire who hold their residence abroad. Til rmbrUrrlaa Aaarmblv Oeenptrd with Hull Koallna BaalaaM. Takatoga, X. Y.,May 2L -This morn ings session of the Presbyterian assem bly was occupied in hearing committee reports and listening to prosy add ruses. Tbe reports, with a" single exception, were promptly adopted without debate. The assembly displayed more impatience than at any time since it conveped. The committee on bills and overtures reported an overture from the Presby tery of Philadelphia concerning the cel ebration ef the fifth eemi-centenninl of the adoption of the Westminster con feNsion. Tlie committee recommending the assembly to refer the matter to the the pan-Presbyterian coiu.cil when it meets in 1892. Adopted. Tlie overture from Presbytery from Olympia aaking a division of the synod of Columbia and the organization of a synod at Washing ton, comprising ths Presbyteries of Ida ho, Washington, Olympia and Alaska, approved by tbe committee. The re port was adopted after a desultory dis cussion in which it was ahown that the object of division was because of the vast territory embraced in tbe synod. Withjregard to the presbytery of Bis marck on lotteries, the committee on reports that the Presbyterian church denounced tha various influences of lot teries and all other forms of gambling. Adopted. The memorial of ministers and elders in Oklabama asking to be placed in the Presbytery of Chickasaw. Tha commit tea was approved. Rsr. IL & Little, D.D, of Texas read the re port of the board of borne missions. - Ml naaasn. . I rrrMiruu, Pa., Mar 23. The Wad dell colliery, near tta borough of tbe Luxene, four miies south of here, baa been flooded and eleven men who ware workiag ia tha nuns were shat In for a time. The floodlag was eaassd by the breaking of a rift la aa ahaadoaed working of tbe Grodoak ooiliery. Aa soon aait was known that tha mine bad beea enbeaarged aearon was instituted for tMmiastagSMn. Tha flrat search waa ntwnnnaaf oi Aaother eatraaoe perohed upon the kkebeat aoiat ia tbe mia ware foajMt eight of tha iatarkv naad atbsaaa, Ibay waraaaSirf gottaa at AklleUtaraaCia oUara wan lUlliwaw Hassan Natarw. Now and then one finds a persoa waa andentauds railroad human nature, as exhibited by the jratejnen in the depots. There orders ale to pa u I without a ticket and it i the easiest tUiii' lu the world lor tliem io w ate back aid age, youth, beauty, sud any. body else wbo'wsuts to pas in to meet a Jriend expected on that traiu. One of the surliest official 1 every saw has . .wt. iu the L. ' N. depot iu tin- ciuuati, e . . . . I. hi- nil 1 nate mx:u im lure atifflv away from desperate men, weep ing women, and howtiujr children. 'In every proteataliou he had but oue at swer: Csu't pas 'thout a ticket The other day while I wa watching kiut a little blue-eyed woman came gliding into the throng waiting at the gate. CM the two tenders he selected llii oue to operate ou, although any ue could have seen that the other had itie biggest heart Aflr everal pie bait beeu turned away she slid for ward iu a graceful way and inqi'Wed. Beg pardon, sir. but aiu 1 apeakiug lo the President of tbe road." ' N o. uia'aui!'' he slaiumerea. thrown on hi beam ends by the query "Ah! you look w much like him. Are you the guriutiideui?"' No, ma'am not exactly." "Then you must be the managtrf' Hardly, ma'am." 'Dear uie! but bow could the peop'.s be no mistaken?1 she eut ou. "Ii!f a dozen of thera said you were oae of the high officials, ami 1 am so disap pointed to liud you are not. I'erhap. thougli. you ba'e tho general mana gers powers wheu he U uot here." "W hat U it, nia'ara?" "My sister w ill be in on the 6:30, and I so want lo go inside tbe gatvs and help her with the children. As yov. nuit have ibe authority of the manager iu his absence, I make bold to" "Certainly, uia'aiu; walk light ia." be interrupted. "You are so kind." "Don't niciitiou iL" "But all leading railroad men arj ever courteous," she said as a parting bit of taffy, sud then she made a beeliue down the depot . "We turned to look at the gateman, and the change wa surprising, lis had braced up until his height was in creased by four inches, hi chest was 'brown out and hu was standing as tiff as a crowbar while a man pound ed him on the huck and offered to lick the stuffing out of him if he would come off this perch. The little wouiau of all had found his weak spot X Huh. " Bargaining In Algiers. Ton select vcur goods with slow de liberation, pile them together casually in a little heap, eye them aikance with an inquiring glance, and take a con templative pull or two at the inspiring weed in solemn silence, says a writer In tha Gentleman's Magazine. Mo hammed Ali responds with a puff from his cigarette in grave concert Then voa walk otce or t fe up and dowa 4iss slowly, aufSattafyout la4 with careless ease la the direwoa a . af rear selected pile, yoa Inquire, aa if for abstract reasons merely, in an off aaad tone, your Moslem friend's lowest cash quotation for the lot as it stands. Two hundred francs is the smallest price. Mohammed Ali paid far more than that himself for them. He sells imply for occupation it would seem. Look at Ihe work, monsieur. All graven brass, not mere repouMe metal,' or real old chain-stitch, alike on both sides none of your wre'.ched, common-place, modern, machine-made em broidery. You smile Incredulously, and remark with a wise nod that your Moslem friend must surely lie in error. A mis take of the press. For 200 franc read 10 francs. Mohammed Ali aMomei an expres sive altitude of virtuous indignation and resumes his tobacco. Fifty francs for all that lotl Monsieur jests, lie hows 'jiruself a very poor judge, in deed, of values. Half an hour's debate and ten suc cessive abatements reduce the lot at last to a fait average price of 70 francs. Monamuied Ali declares you have rob bed him of his profit, and pockets hi cash with inarticulate grumbling in the Arab tongue. Next day you see in the Kue Bab-Auoun that you have paid tiiiu at least 30 francs too muck for four supposed bargain. , Statistics as to Hancbbacks. Ten years ago a remarkable cliarae tar died in Paris. He was known all over France and the greater part of all Europe as "The Learned Hunchback." He was rery wealthy, and (peat a mint of money in the last fifty year of his life, traveling In all direction mak ing reiearche concerning bis hunch backed brethren. It was in the mild er portions of Europe that ha found tha misfortune tbe most prevalent Spain supplied the greater number, and in a circumscribed locality at the foot of tha Sierra Morena ba found that there was one humpbacked person to every thirteen Inhabitants. They wera aiso found to be qnite numerous la tha valley of tbe Loire ia France. Tbe lit tle humpbacked tatistician cacae to the conclusion that thera waa one humpback in every 1,000 inhabitants, or aa aggregate of 1,000,000 against the estimated thousand million ef the en tire eartk. v ... After tbe death of this eeeeatrlo ! dividual hie hairs found la place af a will rolnminooa manuscript of 1000 p-fas. all ranenniaf hnmpe. Tha i-K page, elthosgh it said aotblag bout ths disposJtioa af prtpr7, a ptMBwi tbe aataor-M wtob U bare hamp of marMs raiseu mm bit grave, . with Utk (ascription: "Here lie m. kampback who bad a taste for haataa, aad who knew mora about them Uaa aay ether asjnpbaok." Mwfc tmrmmf, la IHockbridxa tawBtkla, Mlata, ft hungry hawk swooped down mimt bM to drira klat awtj, bat falKtt elo aa apa away, nmittmhm moC" 'f wsrsMiwiftM caoa Of MarctscinMlsa i TVa CaBso ta fca ctaa to asO aiCOaw4saala(awWia bat rtlMKtnisi Urn basa mwtii ta Iqr 12a awfvral waa t