The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 29, 1890, Image 1
V ' V. v-V.. -- L, JKtihSUUJ,, The Sioux County VOL. 2. HABBISOIT, IMIT 29, 1890. ETO. 37. Journals r in v mitmummctmur iff rr THE SIOUX COUNTY KIimim A htttfim, . Proprietor. T. F. M. V B. B. Thn M. Joln WeU Oolnir Et. go. l, pw-igr, B Sl I No. n, nnwu-nirer, Mo. a, f relrht,.!l ;SS j So. 84, freight, i:04 HARRISON MARKET. Cam per bnndred ... 75 OhU per htlndre4 . 1 3 Miort per bund red ft 75 R run per hundred .. 7s Fed chopped -i-r hundred I--. 1 00 PoUtoeit per hundred t . 1 an Batter per 10 per doi )0 Poultry per doz 1 75 & S 00 Onion per tt, Ben per 4 i Ml 8 M 16 00 per ton..., Wood per cord . Lumber native per tti. ft WCorreeted every Thursday. Paints and oils at the drug store. For rent Ttie North-western hotel. Feed and grain for sale at Smith Bros, livery barn. Harness made to order out of No, 1, oak leather, at Cunningham's. All indebted to James Slattery are requested to call and settle at once, Call and ee the complete line of har ness saddles, whips, lap-dusters, etc. at the harness shop. If you want the very hest terms on farm loans, go to the Rank of Harrison lief ore making application elsewhere. We have a few clocks for sale cheap. Call soon at the drug store and get one. VV. O. Patterson has buiU an addi tion to his residence in the west part of town. A. Hasselquist has commenced the erection of a house on his land a few miles west of town. County Clerk Lindeman and Banker Holmes are improving their residence property in the west part of town by building picket fences. Judge Barker has purchased the lot north of the one occupied by E. M. Car rier's blacksmith shop ard has had the house moved from his farm and placed thereon. Almost every evening those who en joy ball playing have a little sport In that line. Why would it not be a good plan JftAntage andh&va a mine in cated at the residence of County Com missioner Green, is now doing business, the mail being carried from this place once a week. Crops of all kinds are booming. Now tell your friends to come to Sioux County and see what a nice country it is. No opportunity should be lost to induce new settlers to come here. II. A. Priddy has the new house on his farm well under way and it will not be long until he will have it ready to lie occupied. Thus is the country in this locality being improved right along. The farmers all report the prosiects for a good crop as flue as could be asked for. Sioux county is coming to the front this year. Now is the time to tell your friends in the east to come here end see the country. The Montrose alliance is called to ir.eet at the Montrose school house, on Saturday, June 7, 1890, at 3 o'clock p. ni. AH members are urged to attend and all desiring to join should present themselves at that time. By order of the secretary. Geo. Iluckman and John Messing, of Indian Creek, were in Harrison yes terday and made a (short call at our of fice. They report crops looking fine in their locality, some of the corn leing big enough to plow. They took out over a ton of wire to use for fencing, which indicates prosperity. On last Monday a replevin suit was tried before the county court. Edward Schwarz having replevined a calf from P. J. Northiies. The court found the "ownership of the animal vested in the plaint ;ir, Bchwurz. W. G. Purdoe, of Crawford, represented Northness, and II. T. Couley a p -eared for Schwarz. A son of W. H, Green had a narrow escape the first of the week. He was running a disc harrow on S. II. Jone's farm, northwest of town, having four (horses attached. The horses got fright ened and became unmanageable and started to run, throwing the boy directly in front of the machine. Fortunately just at that time the long eveuer broke, freeing the horses from their load and the lad escaped unharmed. It is reported that the village has a floating indebtedness of between $800 and 1,000, besides the water bonds. It is al so stated that no report has ever been published showing what the money re- ttv-d from the bonds, was used for. It Would be in order for the village board . would last for ten years. If a saving or H$ comply with the law and publish a nearly the whole amount in one year tjatcnwnt showing just what lias been vn be made by tlie investment of 4:100, motived, from whom and to whom and Lnd the public be equally well, or bet fot what It bo been paid, and also to ter supplied with water, it would be show tbe tire sent financial condition, Tin M sooner Che tnyntwy connected with (the village finances m cleared up the tyst- Acr it win n lor all inureow. Ut M For farm loans go to 8. H. Jones. For mixed paints, oils and varniklies go to the drug store. The Elkhorn will sell tickets at one fare for the round trip for Lecoration Day. We want a large number of people to take advantage rf our new clubbing olfer. A wedding is to ocur in this place to-day, but as we go to press it is too early to report it T. O. Williams is putting down a well for Win. C. O'Conner on his place southwest of town. Bids to run the pump and furnish fuel must be filed at W. R. Smith's store on or before next Monday. O. II. Turner has his new store al most ready for oociiancy and will move his stock of goods into it in a few days. By taking advantage of our new clubbing oiler you can get a large amount of good reading for a small amount of cash. The two men who came here with Mr. Stastney ha ve each secured a piece of land a few miles from town, and art busy making improvements thereon. The covering over the old town well has been caving in some of late. This is a mutter thai tthoiild have careful guarding, as an accident may occur whereby the village would be in for a damage suit. The prediction by tho IlriUd that the county attorney suit in the supreme court would he settled by last Tuesday, was not fultllled. The case has lieen ar gue! and submitted, but when court convened on Tuesday no decisions were handed down. Grant Guthrie received a telegram on Wednesday announcing the death of his sister, Mrs. C T. Brady, at Crete, Neb. He leaves for that place this evening to attend the funeral, which will occur on Saturday. The sad news was quite a shock to Mr.. Guthrie, as the telegram was the first, informa tion that he had that his sister had been sick. Yesterday the supply of water ran out and the chairman of the village board said there was no wood and no money with which to purchase any. E. M. Carrier rustled around and collected enough woiMty to purchabe some fuel, and. went owa and tired tip. , J show some indications that they were going to get the finances of the town in shape. A statement of the finances would lie a good start. It will be seen by the proceedings of the commissioners which appear in an other column, that un expert is to be employed to go through the county rec ords and see who lias got more of the public money, than they were entitled to. it will soon be known just who of the old ottlcers where boodlers and to what extent and as soon as tliat is learned ac tive stops should be taken to recover all that can be civilly and if any have bled the county by criminal acts, they should lie made to feel the power of the law. A petition is being circulated for the establishment of a mail route starting at Hemingford, Box Butte county, and connecting with Lawn, Canton and Roy ville postoflices and terminating at Har rison. This is an excellent move for the postal advantages of the settlors in the south part of this county are very mea ger, At present mail addressed to some of the settlers of Sioux county has to go either to Fremont or Grand Island, then west on the U. P. to Kimball and from there taken by stage aliout seveuty-flve miles north. If a route can lie estab-' lislied connecting these people with the county seat it will be greatly appreci ated. It is reported that the boiler used at the pumping station is in bad shajw nnd will have to be handled with care and also be repaired some in the near future in order to do its work proerly. Some of our jM'ople have been investigating a Kills and it is found that a windmill can be put up at th well for $:i00.00 cash, guaranteed to pump 500 barrels a week into the reservoirs now in use and par tially constructed in the town. That is hut little more than it would cost for fuel and a man to run the steam ar rangement, and the boiler could lie kept as a reserve in case anything should get wrong with tho wind engine. The use of a windmill would do away with the paying an engineer and the expense for fuel, as it would need little care except to be oiled occasionally. It ( cost last year about $16 a month for running the pump, and since Jan. 1st it has cost ntarly 97 a month for fuel. To use a windmill and save the two items men tioned above, would almost pay for the windmill, and with proper care a mill j good policy to make the investment. iX is to be hoped that the village board wui idvwukuw lira maiwr ueiure nwy make ixuVruvUi tor fuel and operating Montrose Items. Benntiful May! Weather cool and pleasant. (xrn is coming up nicely and the hopes are that it will make a good crop. Small grain is just a booming and is screwing in fine shape. The weather be ing cool and the ground moist gives it a first class chance for stool ing out finely and if nothing serious turns up will rive a rousing crop and make the grang ers feel happy n e more. s . Turning over the virgin soil seems to lie the order of the day at present. Tbe granger still seem to have faith in Sioux county soil. The proof of the pudding is tle eatiag and judging by that County Treasurer Gayhart seems to think more of granger ing than he does of the county treasiir ership as he has for the pawt "few weeks been busy putting in his crops and at present is turning over the sod in great shade. No objections, but the delin quents ought to be looked after, just th same, since the bonds failed to carry and the county is Iiadly in debt. Mr, treasurer you war.t to look a little out. How is the tax business, anyhow? Hope it will not be as hard on us the coming year as in the post. Corn is still only B.T cents per hundred at I avid Anderson's, at the circle ba ranch. ' John A. Peters purchased a couple of first-class cows of Peter Hansen, for $55. The price of cattle seems to lie improv ing' t 1 decoration Pay will be observed at Vronian's Ranch, near Collins. All are invited to attend. Ho, for the 4th and where are the peo-. pie of Moutrose going to celebrate it? 'an we not have some kind of a time in this neighlmrhnod? Think it over neigh-; liors and start the bull a-rolling. Thunder and lightning and lots of rain on Tlimd ty, tiw 2'J.l, and a few hail stones mixed in, but not enough to do my damage. D. P. LtTFV. : Buggy Sews. j This fair weather is good for corn and ve have rain enough for all crops. W. Southworth has laid bis lister by for this season. . , wMHN!iiw oiiWtuWsi Pi'rTf ffou wro W. H. Price ha.s turned the Boggy up liillj) and irrigating his garden, and hatching out chicks by the dozen with the aid of a kerosene lump. Mr. Higgens is hauling logs with his oxen to the Rand's saw mill. We have lots of good lumber now as the two mills are running. Mr. Kent ia very busy weeding his on ions. Corn is coming up nice. I have some that came through the ground the tenth day after it was planted. All gardens are good. Wheat and oats are looking good. I never saw small grain look better this time of the year and think a big crop is assured. The 4th of July is coming and as Har rison has had the three past celebrations the valley ought to have the fourth one. Let it Iw held at some convenient place, say on Hat Creek. The school picnic passed off nicely and the children enjoyed themselves finely at climbing the buttes and other vigor ous sports. John Serres is visiting every granger and finding out how much they are worth and if they are living. Pat Murphy is hauling lumber to build a barn. C, F, Coffee is hauling himlier from the mills to build a cattle shed. Judy Hunter can 1k seen on the prai rie herding cattle any day. He makes a number one cow puncher. Jerry Bowser is breaking the sod. Wild West. From White River. Mr. Pullman has built a new house on his claim and is having a well drilled. S. V. Kemp and A. E. Gates have finished planting corn. Jo Decker has enlarged his pasture. Abe Mcintosh has moved on the Free man place. Jewett's sawmill has been moved to the Black Hills. W. J. Miller is doing a lot of breaking on his homestead. We hope those who worked so hard against the bonds will take Occasion to pay theif back taxes. Jo Decker has completed the assess ment of this product. Mr, Frye is having a well drilled on his place, W, From the reKrts which come in of the amount of breaking being done it is saTe to predict that there w ill be double tins acreage under cultivation in Sioux county next year that then) is this. It h estHiiutted that the acreagu under cul tivation this year ia 8,000, so that Sioux county will nava a crop ia 181)1 of not law tbaa 11,03. PERSONAL. W. G. Pardee, county attorney of Pawes county, was in Harrison Monday on legal business and -ailed at Thk Jotn NAJ. oflire. J. B. Bradley was in Harrison on Mon day and reported that cros of all kinds are looking fine in his locality. Rev. L F. Lusk was at Whitney Sun day filling an appointment at the quar terly meeting, the presiding elder lieing unable to be present. C. E, Myers, of Montrose, was in Har rison on Monday and made a pleasant call at this office. Mr. Scott, father of James and Charles, accompanied by a nephew, arrived in Harrison Tuesday from Illinois. Deputy Sheriff I'ecker was up from White river on Tuesday, G. A. Walker and Geo. Todd, of Sheep -reek precinct, were in Harrison on j Tuesday and called at our oflire. H. A. Cunningham returned on Wed nesday from his trip down the road. Commissioner Green waa in Harrison on Wednesday. Robl. Parish came up from the sand hills on Tuesday to hold down his home stead for a few days. Couuty Surveyor Pew left Friday evening for Lincoln to copy the origina field notes in the state, record. John.Ricedorff was in Harrison on Sat urday and made a pleasant call at this office. It has teen suggested that a good time for the stock-owners of the north part of the county to organize to pro tect themselves from horse thieves, would lie on Saturday, June 7th, at Montrose. The alliance is called to meet there on that date and an organization to protect each other from loss by horse thieves can lie effected at tho same time. A good organization of the farmers will soon put a stop to the loss of horses, for not even a horse-thief cares to get into the hands of a lot of angry farmers, for 'tjvy are not noted for lieing very nierci ul under such circumstances, f It will be remembered that about Jan. 1, 1800, the was a dearth of water mifrt eTariuin ami a ilia fiHUu-fu ttnfl lwn . , . . nas in the village treasury with WBWflT to purchase wood, the outlook was not very bright. G. H. Turner took hold of the matter, stating that he would see that wood was furnished until spring. He circulated a paper and got 19.05 subscribed, all but 50 cents of which has been paid in. In addition to that three loads of wood were subscribed and hauled. During the time lietvveen Jan. 1st and this date Mr. Turner has had thirteen loads of wood hauled, at two dollars a load and he also paid one dol lar for having the lead pipe repaired. This shows that Mr. Turner has received 118.55 and has paid out $27.00. He therefore has paid out of his own pocket, in addition to his subscription of one dollar, $8.45. That the town has been benefitted by the action of Mr. Turner in this rnattt'r there is no question and now it would be no more than justice for the village trustees to re imburse him to the amount he has paid more than his share. THE IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION, BARBARIN 10256. 110135. Will make the season of 1890 at my place oq War bonnet creek, 8 miles west of O. F. Coffee's, except Fridays and Sat urdays w hen he will stand at Montrose. Rescript inn anil Pedigree. Barharin is a bluck-gray ; star in forehead; foaled March 2i, 1H0; imported 1H8; weight 1,800 lbs. Bred by M. Lorchene, loin mum; of Coiilognes les Sublons, Le piirtment of One. Gut by Kouillard 10!, he by Favori, belonging to M. Cliaiiipeoi). TERMS-? 16 to in sure with foal. uue and piiyublo when tbe mare is known to be with foul or upon her re moval from the county or change of ownership, Cure will be tnkon to proeont agcldeilti bat I will be retpousibUi for nouo. A. W, M0HR, Owiw, i" o E i PI (u 4; SS Z A 2 n 2----V4 4 , "" " v II III! ' T-1IIII Y Hl 1-"-' i i mm i i l m m 1 J A II. U ' ir -5 it ki t 1 P3 IssiKa If If 11 . L & mm mm m 1- (UJ .; era i mm hh . . w 1 tr 'M i i m m u a mm .-.; ' 1 - lia 1 i ,c)?r ." , - '';.. t vt''-'- - .' it t 4