The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 22, 1890, Image 1

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ioux County Journal,
"VOL. 2.
STO. 36.
Simmons i Patterson, - Proprietors,
1 '
I mi
1 m
F. F.4 Jf.VR. R.TinM.tsMe.
(Join West. oln(f Eat.
St. , iKUMritRrr, :M I vQ. , p:i-w.igt.r tl-M
No. flciitht,...)! 1 No. "4. freight l.m
Corn per linndre'l 1I .
O t j pr Imixlred P'.
Short-per hnnilnst ft
Bran jut huinlrt-d 9
Feed -r hoppo-l - per hu-elre-l
I'ot.'itoi-per handre-l ft
Poultry -per tior 1 75g S m
Onions -per t 4
Beano per ft ..... . 4
"0;il per ton... .... 4 jo
Wcxxl-jwrcoril . V)
I.njiitHT-natlve per in. ft 15 01
"('orrt'Cti'(l every Tliur.flny.
Fresh pin at the restaurant.
Paints and oils at (lie drug store.
Tim well fit E. A. Weir's place is
being sunk rapidly.
Any kind of cake desired m:ule at
the restaurant.
Harness made to order out of No. 1,
oak leather, at Cunningham's.
Two more windmill arrived here
during the past week to be put up near
Call and see the complete line of har
ness, Kiddles, whips, lap-dusters, etc. at
the harness shop.
A nice ruin visited portions of the
county last night. Only it little sprinkle
fell at the county seat.
If you want the very liest terms on
farm loans, go to the Hank of Harrison
before making application elsewhere.
The board of county commissioner
met to-day at ten o'clock. Hume im
portant business is to come before them.
An error occurred in the item in our
last issue regarding the los of horses. It
should have been, J. M. Robinson, where
it states that J. W. Robinson lost a horse.
The departure of 3frs. Post makes
an excellent opening here fur some one
with a millinery and dressmaking es
tablishment. It is a good location for
some one.
E. L. Uulpin leaves to-day for the
north. This leaves Harrison w ithout a
barber. Some knight of the razor who
is looking for a location will find an
(inning Iwru ....
Keep it before the public, that Har
rison wants a flouring mill ready for op
eration by the time the growing wheat is
ready to be made into flour. It is an ex
cellent opening for a puller.
Some of our citizens complain that
stock allowed to run loose around town
haR been damaging their gardens. It is
singular that people will continue to
let their stock run at large, contrary to 1
law, unless they desire to create trouble ;
and litigation.
On last Tuesday night 51m. L. A.
Post, who has been conducting a millin-1
ery and dress making establishment here
for a long time, quietly packed up bur
goods and departed. It is supiosed that
she has gone to join her husband who is
near Custer City.
As soon as The JorTOfAL quoted the ,
law in regard the legal qualifications;
iieocMsary lor a village trustee, E. O. j
Hough resigned as a member of the;
Wtrd. His prompt action in the matter j
is commendable. If matters are con-1
ducted legally and economically all will j
lie well. I
On May 13, 190, Mr. Dennis O'Con-j
nell and Miss Elizabeth Gaybart werej
married at Crawford and started at once j
for the east to spend the honey moon. J
The bride is the daughter of County 1
Treasurer Cmyhart, and has the good i
wishes of all Tor a. sale and prosperous
voyage over the matrimonial sea.
The question of growing fruit in this
section f country is frequently dis
cussed. It appears that Mr. Ridpath
bus faith that fruit will do well here and
has contracted to plant an orchard and
care for it until it bears. The contract
is made with Thos. Holly and the orch
ard will consist of one hundred and sev
en apple trees and also some other vari
eties of fruit,
The Hirakl acknowledged in its last ,
issue that Messrs. Gayhart and Jones are '
ready and prompt to call in outstanding
warrants as soon as payment of taxes en- i
aibles there to do so. In view of the j
tatenient made by the fusion-ring-orgau
in Its issue of the previous week, insinu-!
ating that county funds were not paid
out promptly, it is evident that tnat pa-1
per does not hesitate to make misleading
statements in fegard to county ollicials. j
The question of growing time grnss-;
in this section of country is in a fair j
way to be settled, and that, too, favora-'
ble to that kind of crop for this locality.
II A. Priddy lias abont two and one
half acres of clover and timothy which
bid fair to do exieedingly well. Others
have also put out tame grass wed and
II report excellent prospect. It will
not be long until Kioux county will tie
noted as much for its fine tame glasses
as it has Ijeen in the past for ill natural
-productions in that lis, j
' For farm loans go to S. H. Jones,
f Mortis at all hours at the restaurant,
j For mixed) paints, oils and varnishes
go to the drug store.
We want a large number of people
to take advantage of our new clubbing
By taking advantage of our new
, clubbing offer you can get a large
! amount of good reading for a small
! amount, of cash.
! (. H. Turner informs us that in ad-
dition to operating his store in Harrison
' h" h is a crop of groin on bis farm in An-
t-loe precinct of one hundred p.cres.
1 One of lus neighbors, Henry l eister, has
j an equally large crop. There is no
I question aliout Sioux county being an
! agricultural district when the farmers
! put out as large crops as they have this
I siisnn.
j About twenty pounds of sugar beet
!fe.d has lieen distributed among the
farmers of this county from TtlE Jorit
NAt. office. Rut a small quantity was
given to each one as it was only intend
ed to make a test. It is to lie hoped
that careful attention will be given the
crop so that nil the information possible
can lie obtained. A large nunil-er of ap
plications have lieeu made for seed since
the last was dealt out and more than
double the amount of seed would have
been gladly planted by our farmers bad
it been obtainable.
Machinery by the car-load is being
shipid west on the F. K. & M. V. for
the development of the oil wells in Wy
oming. The indications are that the oil
business will lxj vigorously pushed from
this time on. The building of the
'beyennu & Northern road, making a di
rect line to t cover, and the development
.f the great coal fields on the B. & M.,
all tend to assist in the development of
this section of the country. All the peo
ple employed in the oil and mining oper
ations will bo non producers in the agri
cultural line and will have to lie suppli
ed from other places and this locality lie
ing situated near to 'the mines and oil
(ields, will have a decided advantage
over the territory further east.
The attention of the Imard of village
trustees is called to the statute in regard
te the publication of a financial state
ment semi-annually, Chapter 14, sec, 09,
paragraph 31, on page 183 of the statutes
of W! rcails as follows:
X S .Tf.-jfitinncUt statement. J T)ie win;
n''IrnxWrVthairWuHe' to be piititjslif.l
semi iinnn. illy, tt stntmiient of the receipt
ot ttie corporation ami sources ttiertsil, anil
ait ltp;ni?,ei soeoiiat. of i'SpfHt!ttirM, with ft
slutciiieiit of the ftnaiieiul condition of the
eity or villnge.
Luring the past year, no such state
ment has been published. Why such
niglect? If the village is to lie run ac
cording to law, let the law be complied
with. The residents of tho village have
a right to know what is done with the
funds received by the village treasurer.
I-et the statement lie published,
The JoniSAL has been making some
inquiries as to the amount of small grain
buing grown in this locality this season.
It is fotind that there will be somewhere
between 1,500 and 2,000 acres of wheat,
oats and llax on the tabbi land, surround
ing Harrison. This will make an excel
lent opportunity for some one to bring
in a threshing machine. The fact of
wood being plentiful and coal cheap ren
ders the operation of a steam thresher
advisable and we are informed that par
lie are already contemplating the pur
chase of that kind of an outfit. Now
what is wanted is some one who will put
up a mil! and elevator so our farmers
will be able to market their crop or have
it converted into Hour without having
to haul it to other towus. The above
estimate of crop does not include an acre
of wliat is being rairtl in the valley
north of the pine ridge, and a large acre
age lias tieen put in there. A mill and
elevator would be certain to prove a
paying investment and gome one must
le found who will take hold of the mill
It is reported that a number of
horses have been stolen from the north
part of the county recently. The Uunn
Brothers have lost four head which they
are satisfied were stolen, and O. 11.
Turner says three of his are missing. It
looks as if those recently missed by
Leonard lJout might also have been
stolen, It appears that the stealing of
horses is becoming too frequent to tie
pleasant to the settlers and the result is
that they are becoming aroused in the
matter. It has been suggested that the
farmers and stock men organize lor mu
tual protection. It is quite evident that
something will have to bo done, for by
the lime word can bo brought to the of
ficers the thieves will have secured so
good a start that It will lie hard to over
take them, and in the country through
w hich they would Iw likely to pnss tele
graph lines mid mail mules are not very
plentiful. Those interested ill the pro
tection of their stock should certainly
give their tltention to this nuttier, if
any of our readers have any views 0,1
the matter or any sngKestions to make
to the si k owners, we shall l; ph ased
to pulJisJi tljeru.
E. A. Weir spent Sunday in Chidron
with relatives.
Herry Brundiire passed through Har
rison the first of the week on a business
trip to Wyoming and made a pleasant
call nt Tire Jot'iiSAL office.
' J. H. Cook Arrived home from Fort
McKinney on Saturday. Mrs. Cook is a
reat dtl U-tter, but is not yet strong
tiioOt;h to travel.
C E. Verit.y of the of Harrison,
made a business trip to Chadron on Mon
day. Mrs. E. B. Price and daughter, Miss
Wiza. were in Harrison on Suturdav.
H. E. B. Nash, representing J. M.
Wolfe & Co., publishers of the. N'brnyk'i
Htnte, aiiz"ttiir, was in Harrison on Sat
urday nod called at our otlii-e.
H. T. Zt-rbe was in Hirrison on Tues
day and -a!p d at our oflice.
P. E. Met Yea, having got his crop in
trood shape, leaves today for the Black
Hills. Ho will be absent about six
W(- ks.
E. J. Wilcox was in Harrison on Tues
day and called at these headquarters.
M. J. Fritz, assessor for Sheen Crei k
precin.-.t, was in Harrison on Tuesday.
1 ie n ports that pin ol Hie county as
settinif new setll'Ts, and prospects of
rnpid development. He added his name
to our list of readers.
The question of attracting settlers
and capital to Sioux county is tho most
important one Wore our people. How
best to do this is the query. With the
large amount of crop now growing, the
excellent prospet ts for good yield of all
kinds of grain, the natural advantages of
the county, all cause the settlers to feel
that there is a bright future in storo for
Sioux county. The prevailing opinion is
that more can be done to induce se ttlers
to come lu re and also to firing in moral
capital at lower interest, by our countyi
being represented at the state fair than
in any other way. Parties who know
Hie result of such work say that Sioux
county lost a great deal by not making
an exhibit at the state fair in 1H0. Let
us profit by past experience and not
make the same mistake twice. Sioux
county has natural advantages over any
other county in the state of Nebraska
and when people find it out they will
come here to live and help build up the
country. It is to be hoped that the
farmers will take a little pains to pre
pare something for the exhibit. Fo not
expect sonii one else to do it all, but let
each make it his personal business to
have some article ready to use in mnlfc,
mg up.tin exhtbiu iou't,,,b.frttieV f
crowding. If an exhibit is made let it be
large enough so that it can be seen.
Sioux county is large and it is a Ions
distance to Lincoln, and it would not be
a good plan to go to the slate fair w ith a
handful of stuff. Prepare wheat, oat.s,
corn, rye, flax, barley, potatoes, onions,
beets, radishes, in fact, everything
grown by the farmers. Then get good,
liberal samples of the various native
grasses, w hich t-xoel thoseof any other lo- j
cahly m the state; samples of stone; of
pine and other varieties of timber, etc
a matters not vvtiat tt is so that it is
prixiueed in Sioux county. Iet the
farmers begin this at once and all can be
done without cost or inconvenience to
any one. Then it is also to be hoped
that the matter of organizing a county
agricultural society will be taken up
bj some of our people. The movement
would meet with tho hearty approval of
all who wish to see the county settled
and the land made valuable. By begin
ning now and working in earnest, good
results ifre sure to reward the efforts
There are some important matters
which should have the attention of the
people and also of the county board at'
some time in the near future. One of
them is the better arrangment of voting
precincts and polling places in the coun
ty. The polling places should be made
at school houses or similar places when
ever practicable, as such plaoes are far
better than at a private house. It would
also be a good plan to change the boun
daries of the voting precincts in some so as to render it more conven
ient for the voters. Another very im
portant matter is the re-districting of
the county. At present the county is
not divided as contemplated by the stat
ute, which says it shall be divided as
nearly equal, as possible, according to
population, That would necessitate
some very material changes. It is early
now and the matter can be taken up and
such action ns is for the best interests of
all taken. These matters are of a na
ture in which the people are interested
and all should consider them. In the
matter of polling places the voters of
various precincts should discuss the mat
ter among themselves and after deciding
w Inch is the best and most convenient
place lor holding elections and then get
up a petition uskirg thu commissioners
lo locuitt the polling place at the desired
point, 'ibis will also apply to the
the changes in the precinct boundaries.
The matter ol redisricting the county
.or commission! r districts is certainly
one In which all
should belrnely discussed and the opm
ions arrived at should be made known
to the co'iiniisaouers in order that they
may act. intelligently in the matter.
Xoufrose Items.
Crops are growing nicely.
Weather just splendid now days.
Corn will tie king in Sioux county if
the acreage is any indication.
M. D, Jordon, with a few men to heir
him, lias been busy the past week
planting: trees on his timfier claim.
Jos. Kirst lias also been fulfiling the
requirements of the law regarding his
timber claim on Whitehead by putting
in the required amount of trees.
The click of the corn planter can be
heard now-a-davs in everv direction.
Herman Konr.tth Is putting in about
one hundred acres of corn this season.
John A. Peters was at the county seat
one day the past week on business.
The Wasst.-rburger boys, on Squaw
'-reck, in connection with their father,
are herding aliout one hundred head of
cattle west of their place this season.
Henry (i.ij hart, the genial clerk of
County Treasurer Cayhart's store at
Montrose, lias been filling anil stocking
up tho pa -.t week with a full assort
ment of dry goods, notions, boots and
eboes, and with a choice lot of groceries
which be is selling at bottom figures.
Hi nry is a vhole Routed fellow and is
also doing quite a business in repairing
watches and clocks. Anything in that
line is done with neatness and dispatch.
Give him a call and lie convinced.
If ever ye traveler should loose your
way and by mistake should happen to
discover this burg, call at the restaurant
and you will be well taken tare of,
Uiiele" understands bis business and
can dish up food in first class style.
Mr. A. W. Mohr seems to meet with
good success here lit Montrose with his
imported stallion as fanners are taking
advantage of the opfiortunity and are
patronizing Mr. Mohr's horse by breeding
and improving their stock.
County Treasurer Gaybart seems to
be of the idea that the defeat of the
bonds was about the right thing but has
expressed the opinion that all those tax
payers who voted against bonds (and of
course they being a majority of the tax
payers of the county) should . now step
Coward and pay up their delinquent taxes
and show the minority that the county
debt can lie liquidated without bonding.
f avid Anderson has just received
another car loud of corn on siding three,
on the B. & M. K. P.., which he is dis-
(58Mlj!fflf jfTW'Wftts- pfr 100 poun-hr.
i ave has been doing quite a business in
the wny of handling different kinds of
grain for the benefit of tho farmers, not
forgetting himself however.
Barney Piekenbrock bus taken unto
himself a claim on Jim creek and is now
busy planting corn and also talks of put
ting up a house. That's right Barney.
Now girls look out.
According to rumor the newly ap
pointed P. M. of Montrose seems to be in
a bad pickle as he has for the past week
been trying hard to get. an assistant P.
M. and also a place to move the oflice in
to but so fur has failed and in all proba
bility he will have to buy or lease a
piece of ground and put up a building
for that purpose. As rumor has it he
says he did not want the oflice, bit that
the siimo was forced upon him by 1). P.
1J. and others. Sorry for you Jimmy.
The farmer's of Montrose met
at the Montrose school house on Satur
dan, May 17, for the transaction of their
regular monthly business. The attend
ande was a very limited one. Seeming
ly the farmers are very tardy and do not
take enough interest in the matter to
make the alliance a success.
Mr. Claus Christenscn, the assessor for
Montrose precinct, has been busy for the
past two weeks making the assessment
and will about finish this week; which
I think will lie done in first class style
as be is an old hand at tho buisness.
Talk about. Sioux county when Mr.
Reinders, of Montrose, is already cutting
Can you show me another county
In the month of May
The people are a-making hay?
D. P. Luefy.
Warbonnet Sews.
William L, Parrish, of Wyoming, was
here last week. He has rented his farm
to F. Todtenhaupt.
Justice Garten has erected a large
barn on his farm on Monroe creek.
John L. Kay and Jerry Will Jr., are
taking cure of the S E cattle near Van
Tassel creek.
The Warbonnet people need another
saw null as Hie one here can't saw
enough to supply the people with lum
ber. Frank Femesig has some good work
horses to trade for cows.
Wtu. Noreisch and Win, Schoncbnuni
ore. in Newcastle Wyoming.
F. H. t oeshor will preach in school
house No, !2'.' at 10 o'clock next. Sunday,
Latur Win. Noreisch returned home
are interested and , Tuesday having hurt Ins foot by acci-
We have a fw clocks for sa) cheap.
Call won at the drug fctore and &1 one.
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