The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 01, 1890, Image 4

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it.1 .
Th3 Sioux County Journal.
Subscription Price, J2.00
I.. I. SiiunMMu, ... Editor-
t,i.kml at the Harrison pout office as sec
ond claw nutter.
Thtbsdat, May 1, 190.
A remarkable admission appeared ia
th Ut isHue of the Herald. That aa
that the people of Sioux county ruled.
Prior to the 9th of January, 190, the
gang ruled and the people had to submit.
Truly the world do move.
TA application of nick-names to par
ties who have opposed the actions of the
gang and its organ forms very strong
arguments against the bonds, but for
some reason such arguments do not al
ter th records of the county in regard
to the illegal and excessive charges
made by former county officials.
Last weeic President Harrison used his
power of veto for the' first time. The
tall was to permit the city of Ogden,
Utah, to assume increased indebtedness.
The president takes the position that the
law regulating the debt creating power
of cities in the territories is liberal
enough for the best interests of the mu
nicipalities. The RepMiean the new Chadron paper
appears on our table, with O. A. W. La
vison's name on the head ef the editorial
colomn. It is neat and newsy which in
dicates editorial and mechanical ability,
and it also has a good advertising patron
age. If the town of Chadron can sup
port four papers, it will certainly be a
showing creditable to the business enter
prises of the town.
Van Wyck has been talking to the
farmer's alliaoces considerable of late
and has taken such an aggressive stand
that the Bee, which for years lias stood
firmly by the old man in spite of his ec
centricities, states in an editorial that
the Bee cannot endorse the acts nor the
methods of the gentleman from Otoe
county, who is so anxious to serve the
farmers in the capacity of governor.
Anticipating the advantages to lie
gained by the Northwestern as soon as
the Cheyenne & Northern is completed,
the B. & M. has shortened its running
time between Chicago and Lenver four
hours. There is no doubt that as soon
as through train service is put on this
line to Denver the Elkborn will endeavor
to give its patrons as good accommoda
tions and as rapid transit as is offered by
its competitors, and the result will be
that excellent advantages will be en
joyed by our people in the way of rail
road facilities.
For some time, conference has been go
ing on between President Harrison and
Attorney-General Miller relative to the
obstructions offered to the execution of
civil process in the United States courts
in portions of Florida. The last was a
letter from tbe president to the attorney
general directing that United Slates Mar
shal Weeks proceed at once to serve any
writs placed in his hand and employ a
civil force sufficient to discourage resist
ance or overcome it There is no mis
taking the position of the administration.
No foolishness will be tolerated in mat
tors where the national courts are inter
ested. farmers, if you have to borrow money
on your real estate at 10 per cent, per
annum, and on your chattels at 3 per
cent, a mouth, will it not be a good plan
to make a loan for the county at 6 per
cent? If money is worth 10 percent.,
or more, to you and you can get it for 6
ia it not good business policy to take it
at the latter figure? In addition to that
it will place tbe county on a cash basis
so that tbe taxpayers will not have to
pay a premium on the price of everything
furnished to the county, which in the
past haa amounted to as much or more
than tbe real value received by tbe
One of the reports from the political
slate-makers in regard to Attorney Gen
eral Leese was, that be was working for
the nomination for congress from the
second district, to succeed O. L. Laws.
Mr. Leese emphatically denies this. If he
ia chosen for any office, it will, in all
probability, be to succeed himself as at
torney general. He has many friends
who desire to see him prosecute cases
now in court until finally settled, and
(or this reason do not want to see him in
the field for any other office, and it is ev
ident that should be feel inclined to seek
tba nomination for congressman, govern
or or anything else, his friends would
not favor it
Speaking of working for tbe interests
of tbe country tbe Herald dwells on tbe
fact that a year ago, it issued a boom
aaUtkxi for the board of trade. Tbut is
II right It got out a boom edition and
the board of trade paid for it, and the
JZtrald ia entitled to no' more credit in
4W ibaitar than for doing any other job
,t a,A for which it received cold caah.
m tftf aAtnr do it to help build up tbe j for which the couoty will be obliged to
matUjf Atar gsttios; out tlie boom pay 1 ut tl actual value. It will im
tZZxmtot Which t got paid tlie editor niediat-Iy reduce the taxes at least one
ti tiM CtttiU wrvt. to parties, who con- i third and leave tbe debt we now owe to
? iiSrf locXl" ttoux county ad-! be paid wlwn the amount of assessable
CJ Th"1 fa"' property io tbe county has become so
pfrftyauTj m gwijf
The Herald in its fight against Hie
bonds reproduces the old chestnut of the
$37,000 estimate made by the county
board lat January and attempts to t rain
t down the thoats of the taxpayers.
There is no danger of anyone being de
ceived by tiiat The people of Sioux
county know that an estimate costs no
thing. Some figures appear iu the col
umns of the gang organ in regard to the
levy of former years showing what
amount was levied ea-h year. Tha
amount may have been small as the
county was new, but every year since
the county was organized, the levy has
been fifteen mills on each dollar of as
sessed valuation and that is the highest
levy which can be made, except by vote
of the people or an order of the court.
In adJitiou to issuing all the warrantsJ
possible under the law, the allowed
claims. amounting to about t,000 are
hanging over the county and no provis
ion made to meet them. Tlie whole
fight of the old gang and its organ
against the bonds is simply to keep the
new officers from reducing the rate of
taxation. The voters of Sioux county
elected the present olficers believing that
the affairs of the county would I ad
ministered by them in an honest and eco
nomical manner and the taxes kept as
low as possible. Were tlie new otlicers
able to reduce the rate of taxation the
contrast with the old administration
would be rather unpleasant to the gang
and as a consequence they tight every
thing advocated which would tend to
bring about a decrease in the taxes. In
another column, the IL ra d asserts that
the county is under a shadow, dark
enough without assuming bonded indebt
ness of flS.OOO. Admitted that the
shadow is dark enough, but what caused
tliat shadow? It was the actions of the
old gang who incurred this indebtedness
and if they would step tip and assume
that debt.the cloud would, to a great ex
tent, lie dispelled, or if the meniter of
the old gang who have profited by the
creation of tlie debt would refund to the
county what they have been illegally al
lowed, quite a reduction would be made
in the debt which now faces the taxpay
ers. It is safe to predict that the tax
payers of the county, knowing that the
gang, upheld by the llrald, led them in
to their present financial condition, will
be very careful not to be misled in the
matter of getting the county on a good
business footing.
The World-Ikrald of tlie 26th inst. in
an editorial proposes to solve the jioliti-
cal problem to its own satisfaction, at
lea-st. with a chance of having Nebraska
represented by democrats in the next
congress, the plan is a combination be
tween the democrats and the farmers
alliance, wliereby the alliance would
name and the democrats endorse a state
ticket, and the democrats name and the
alliance endorse the three candidates for
congress. That is a great catch trap,
indeed. Nebraska has had one congress
man named by the democratic party and
that exiwriment was sufficient to put
the farmers on their guard. That was
in the first district, and the democratic
congressman, John A. Mi Shane, was re
tired at the close of his first term. Jn
the second district the plan of fusing any
or all farmer organization with the dem
ocrats in the contests for congress has
been attempted for years, but has never
been successful. This scheme had been
worked so often that prior to the last
campaign in which he took part the late
Congressman Lain! expressed the hope
that he would have a straight democrat
for an opponent iq one campaign. Such
plans did not work out as the leaders ex
pected, and it is safe to predict that no
such combination can lie arranged. The
farmers do not have to go into the demo
cratic camp. Tliey can secure the re
dress they seek at the hands of the re
publican party in Nebraska. The al
liance of the state, as an organization is
cot political, but simply Beeks redress in
certain lines, and the history of the re
publican party is that when the people
ask for anything that is just, the party-
is always ready to give the desired re
lief, as far as it is in its power to do so,
and what has been done in the past will
be done in the future.
It is the proper thing for the farmers
to organize as farmers to discuss what is
to their interests and then let tliem go to
the primaries of tboir respective rtie
and see that their rights are respected
and that men who will work for tlie in
terests of the farmers are selected to
represent them at tbe various gather
ing of the parties. Ia' that manner the
farmers can get the recognition to which
they are entitled without relinquishing
their party allegience.
We heard it asked, "what immediate
benefit will we farmers derive from the
issuing of bonds sufficient to pay off tlie
outstanding indebtedness of tbe county?"
It will set afloat between five and eight
thousand dollars in Sioux county by the
paying off at one hundred cents on the
dollar that amount of claims and war
rants either held by you or your neigh
bors or other parties living in the
county. It will admit of some work be
ing done in needy places on the roads
you now find almost impnssable and the
I of a fe much needed bridges,
greui, nasi cue caj uivub in tie r-?-
"It make one sick," remarked a prom
inent tanner from the valley recently,
"to read m tbe Hrald that they oppose
tlie bunds because of the expeuse to the
'dear people". Their past record plamly
show,, tliat it is sun ply a 'leg in the
manger' policy. Where was tlie Her
ald t love for the 'dear people' lien
that 1400 worth of lumber which be
longed to tbe county and had been ille
gally purchased at ao exhorbitant price,
was given outright to Murphy & Whit
ney? Why did not the H rald howl in
double head lines when the old officials
let to Murphy & Whitney, illegally, the
ooutract to build several bridges at
double tbe amount others would gladly
have done the work for? Why don't
they howl now because several of tlie
aforesaid bridges are, on account of the
poor manner in which they were built
and the negligence of the commission
ers in accepting them; only passable at
the risk of life and property? Lid the
Ihrald love 'the dear people' when tliat
$300 was sunk in the celebrated hill road
from which no one has ever derived a
cent's worth of benefit, did they love
tlietn then as now? If so why did they
not how l about it when they knew the
tax payers were being robbed thereby?
Theu those little matters, such as the
f2')0 McGinley road, the fiO court dock
et steal, the $100 a year steal on county
attorney salary, the several hundred dol
lars of fees to the sheriff and county
judge, in civil cases, which were allowed
by the old commissioners but upon ap
jieal to the district court were knocked
higher than a kite. And then those 'jier
sonal spite' cases of a little over a year
ago w hich cost the county nearly $000,
and which were subsequently dismissed
on motion of the very party who began
tlie prosecution. They cost the tax pay
ers double what tlie recent, discliarged
jury cost. Why did not the lover of the
dear, innocent ople go on record with
a great big kick against those things?
Hut no, far from it They d fend d
every steal made aud every illegal act
committed yes, every one, and even af
ter the district court had ruled that the
b.lls were illegal and ordered their disal
lowance the H rald said 'No, no the
aint', but w hen the people went to the
polls in November they voted emphatic
ally against the Hirald" party and re
buked them for their many lies and false
and slanderous assertions.
'Lo I think the people will be misled
by this 'rule or ruin' policy of the ILraJd
in regard to the coming bond election?
Well 1 should say not Vou know Sim-
gerland used lo be down among us val
ley folks when lie ran a paper culled tlie
Bodarc Rmird, and in that he used to
give this same gang he is now affiliating
with why he just gave them 'particu
lar fits', and told the people they were
ballot box thieves and stuffers, and
would stoop to any meanness or deviltry
in order to accomplish their purpose,
and he proved it, too, thats the worst of
it But things have changed you see.
It makes a difference w hether or not we
have a linger in the pie'. Slingerland
did have a good many friends among the
farmers when he ran the Rucuid but he
lost them all when he turned over into
tlie enemy's camp for cause. A traitor,
you know, is sometimes compared to the
color white, which is said to be the com
bination of all colors. A traitor being
the combination of all vices. No sir. 1
have too high a regard for. the intelli-
ence of the tax payers to think tliat
they will for a moment believe, or be in
fluenced by one whose record is such.
'I see Slingerland now professes that
he is and always has been a straight,
dyed-in-the-wool republican. When he
and Hunter ran the Record they didn't
Hy any particular color of parties but es
poused most any cause going. Slinger
land was catering to the union labor and
ndependent factions while Hunter was
making iron bound and double cinched
affidavits to the democratic land offi
cials w hereby lie expected to secure a
share of the printing of land notices.
Yes, it was a great outfit, but their posi
tion was many times more honorable
then than any tliey have occupied since.
"As to bonds again, I tell you I have
had experience in other counties and it is
the rule that the bonds are usually too
small and fail to put the county on a
cash liasis for the reason that it is not
sufficient to pay the actual outstanding
The frantic, efforts of the Herald to de
feat the bonds, to screen the illegal acts
of former officials and to pose as the
friend of the "dtr pe"p'e" whose editor
has so long been a resident of the county
is highly creditable. The records of the
county treasurer disclose the fact that
during his residence in Sioux county the
editor of the gtng orgin has not p-aid a
dollar of taxes. A man who has lived
in tlie county for years and received a
large amount of money from tlie county
and has not taken enough interest in the
prosperity of the county to pay the legal
taxes assessed against him, certainly
should not Hnd fault with any one -vho
obiects to Wtvinfl: taxes illeirally as-
In almost every neighborhood through
out the west there are some one or more
persons wliose live have len saved by
Cliamotrlain's tolic. Cholera and diar
rhoea Reintdy, or who have been
cured of chronic diarrhoea by it Such
persons take special pleasure in recom
mend in? the remedy to others. Tlie
nraia tliat follows it's introduction aud
use makes it very popular. M and 50
cent bottles for esla by C. H. Andrew..
C H. Andrews the druggist, desires us
to publish tlie following testimonial, as
he liandles tbe remedy and believes it to
Ee reliable:
I bought a 50 cent bottle of Oiamber
lain s Pain Balm and appled it to my
limbs, which have been afflicted with
rlieuinatism at intervals for one year.
At the time I bought the Pain Balm I
was unable to walk. I can truthfully
say that Pain Bilm has completely cur
ed nie. R. H. FjlRR, Holy wood, Kis.
Mr. A. B. Cox, the leading druggist at
Holy wood, vouches for tbe truth of the
above statement
Eye and Skin Ointment.
A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes,
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Old
Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples
and Piles. It is cool:ng and soothing.
Hundreds of cases have been cured by
it after all other treatment had failed.
25 and SO cent boxes for sale by
C. Ii. Andrews, Druggist
Nulir for Fuliltea'lnn.
Land Office at f 'liadron, Nebraska, I
April to, Irfo. t
Notice is hereby R-i en tliat tlie following
named settler has 11 led notice of his inten
lion to make final prtaif in support of Ills
claim, and that said proot w ill be made In
foretonrid i.lmleman, clerk of the district
court, at Harrison, Nrur., on J unci, lxut, vex:
WilliHUi K. rat'rr-oii. of Harrison Nebr.,
who made I), S. No. 2104 lor the e5( and
s it, sec 4, tp 31, r .VI.
He name the following witnesses to prove
his eontiuiimm residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: liwighl II. Urlawold,
Llls-rt M. 1 arrier, Wlllet II, t.rcon, Edward
A. Weir, all of Jlurrison, Ncbra-ka.
Stf-Kj W. H. Mccakk, lteglater.
Notice of f'onimt,
1'. 8. Land Office, Chadron Neb.,
April it, IKO. I
f omplalnt No. having beer, entered at
thlsoltlcc bv August W. Mobr ngiluat ( lies
ter K. walrev,for failure to comply w ith law
aa to timber-culture entry No. ftf, dau-d
August ft, is5, uja i the sek. seciion 7, iown
ship S3, rautr Vi, iu Mou county, Nebraska,
with a view to the canoellationof said entry ;
contest ml alleging that the said claimant
h n failed to break or c u- to la- broken
live acres of mid tract during Ihe tlrst year
altcre try;aud has failed torure the delect
up to the d te of Initialing this co itest. 1 he
s.iid p.olies arc hcret.v summoned lo appear
at this office oil the KI day ol Ju-ie, IXO, at
10 o'cha-k a. m., to resiKind and furnish testi
mony concerning said alleged failure. 1 es
lliiKiny ol witnesses will ie taken before
C. K. ei-ity, an I'. s. Court Coinmlwsioner,
at 111" office In Hi lTison, Nebraska, on the
U th day of June, 110, at in o'clock a. in.
3S-40 W. H. MCI ANN. Register.
Grant Guthrie,
Dealer In-
B. E. Brewster,
C. F. Coffee,
Vice Pres.
CIUS. C. JAMESON, Cashier.
Commercial Bank.
General Banking Business
All persons having Haul proof noliem In
UiU p .per will receive marked copy of the
p per aud are requested to examine their
notice and if any error cxiat report tbe
aula lo till o (Bee at out.
CoDKilldn'ci Volte for Pnb'l -a'ioa.
Laud Office at ihsdron, Nebraska, (
April, ', wo. i
Notice ! tiered! given th -t lb following
named aettier ha Med notice of bi Inten
lion to uiuke dual proof lu supnoi"t of hi
claim, and tti t said proof will he mad he
I for l onrad I indeman, clerk of tbe district
court, at UaJTlaOn, eD-, on J uue , law, via :
William Miulr. of Harrtaou, Nebr.,
wbo made U. 8. No. iU (or tbe aw ree 1, tp
SI, r K.
He names tbe following w!tne-w to prove
his continuous resideuoe upon and cuiiivv
lion of id land, vli; John I.nder, John
Merman. Ferdinand Podoli. Hum tei.ker.
all of Hamsun, NLa raaka- Also
William E. Porter, of Harrison. Nebr.,
bo made U.S. fllliig So. 1H for the ne ec
He names the follow ing wltncf-a lopiove
hia continuous residence upon and euitiva
tion of said land, vli : heMitn r. llndrfv.
C.eorice W. Meve'is, Kred IleU-hen, Charle
Camuiinilnd, all of Harrison, Nebr., Aiso
Albert M. Tnylnr. of Harrison, Jiebr.,
who made D. 8. No. IfS for the nw V ec U,
tpSI, r Si).
He names the following witnees to prove
hU continuous residence uXn and t ultiva
lion of jiid land, viz: John ( orbin, Kellu-n
V. UndHHV, Kich ird simler, IJelaiia M. t'Ut
ton. all of liurrlson, Nebraska.
I34-37J W, H. McCiXK, Begistcr.
Consolidated Nn'lre For Publication.
Land Office at Imdron, Neb., I
April U, Ix-.O. (
Notice i hereby irlven thut the following
named settler hus filed notice of bis Inten
tion to niske Dual proof In. support of his
claim, and that ssid proof will lie made be
fore lonrad l.lnde.nan the clerk of the dl
trict court at Harrison, Neb., on Way il,
William K. Wo ire. of llHrrison, Neb.,
who made H. E. No. 2am, for the i V at;c ,
He names the following witnesses to prove
Ms continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion o! aaid lam!, viz: Klls-rt M. farrier,
Arthur W. Kmerr. Wsrn.ii w. Hall, Hunry
C. Armstrong, all of iiarri-ou, Neb. Also
Elbert 51. 1'srrl r of Harrison, Neb.,
who made l. S. No. 2200 for the bS awi and
s ncM sec 13, ti 31, ru
ne mimes the fotloa ing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence iiHn ami cultiva
tion of said land, viz: William K. Moore.
Arthur W. Kmerv. Warren W. Hull, Henry
C. Annstiong, all of Harrison, Neb. Also
Mar'ha A. M.air. of Harrison, Neb., '
who made I), S. No. 1CT for the neV see 33, tp
31, r ai. .
Mih names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence us,n and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: KlIart M. f srr er,
Vi iirren W. Hall, Arthur W. Krnery, Henry
('. Armstrong, all of HmitIsou, Neb.
igl-aii) W, II, MC( AMI, HeglsUT.
CoiMolliiatcd Vn'lrc Publ lent Inn.
Land (iftice nt fliiidron. Neb., j
SI'irch 31, lo. (
Notice ia hereby given tint the follow
ing named setllt-r has Med notice of Ills In
tention to nuike fliu'l pr.a.f In support of bis
claim, and lliat said priaif will Ih. made Im
fore I onrt.d I indeunm, f l.-rk of the Msirlct
Court, at Harrison, Neb., on May IS, l-flo, viz.-
llriint Neeee. of llHrrison, Nebr.iska.
who ninde D. S. filing No. 132 for the X '!(
and s,S sw it sec ,12 tp t.' r M w.
Ilenuinea the f.illowing witnesses to prove
ills continuous residence uhhi and cultiva
tion ol sibt laud, vU: HI. Harris, Krt
ward I'owiH-v.l.'fMjrp r.nglebrecbt, Andrew
McCfiuley, ull of Hurrlson, Nebraska. Also
.Inliii f". Conk of llHrrison, Nebraska,
who made t). S. No, Ion for the x seH ee. B,
8Wli nwH we ft, and nel ttei sec 7, tp 2-, r IW.
He nnme.s the following a Ituesscs to prove
his continuous resilience uhu nnd culliva
tion of said li.nd, viz : John A. (,reen, Isaac
II. Hcndrix, Octave Harris, John 1). lircen,
ull af Harrison, Nebraska. Also
Christen ClirMfiiM n. of Harrison, Nelrni.ka.
who made D. S. Ua for tbe ow 'C 12, tp SI,
He names tbe following wltnee to prove
hU continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of a.iid land, viz: Kggert Ifohwcr, win
uel W. (ox, Kdwnrd lchwnrz, l-reilerick
eehwarz, all of Harrison, Nebraalt i.
27-34J W. II. McCaxk, Itogtster,
Consnll'liiled ntl'-e for Puliltca'inn.
Ijind Office at ( lifidron, Nehr.o-ka, I
March 24, s0.
Notice Is hereby given tlnit the following
named settler his Med notice of hi Inten
tion to unikc tlnnl proof In supiKirt of his
claim, and that said proof will Is- mtide Is
fore Conrad l.iiulenmn, clerk ol the district
court, at Harrison, Nebraska, on May is, Is'au,
F.d In C. Myers, of -Montrose, Neb.,
who innde II. K. No. S.VW for the nt'H' '(
tp 35, r 55
He mime Ihe following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence npou and cultiva
tion ol said land, viz: liavid K. Mack, liiis
acl William", Henry f. Ilu iter, Kben low
liwhaw, all of Montrose, Neb. Also
Hat ll F. Jlnr-l, of Montrose, Neb.,
who made II. h. No. l'tfO for the sw! w e 23,
tp ;tr. r.
He mimes the following witness. to prove
his continuous residence iion and cultiva
tion of said land: Kdwliu . Myers, Hussei
u till:, ms, Henry ('. Hunter, tla-ii f owlish aw,
all of Montrose, Neh.
iSriWl W. II. McCANN, Ilegister.
Cutisnliilnt'-d Notice Fur l'litill'-jitlun.
Land Office at f h.idron. Nebraska, I
March 24. two. (
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler h.. nliil notice of her Inten
tion to njnke fluut proof lu npM)it of her
claim, and that said proof will ! made Is-
fore fourad l-ludenmn I lerk of the District
( ourt, at Harrison, Ncuracka, "i May 0, ii,
Millie H. Necnr. of Hurrlson, Neb.
who made 1). R. Ming No t'Si. for lots 3 and
4 nnd sK IIW W sec 6. tnXI. t Hi.
Mie mtnii-s the following witnesses to prove
her contlnnous residence imioii nnd cultiva
tion of, Raid laii'4. ixi Willbuii II. Hough,
Kda-nr li. Hough, fharies r, jiuiii
1 horuton, all of Harrison, Neb. Also
Jiirnes W. Scott, of Harrison, Neb ,
who made I). S. No iti'o for the nwK ec J tp
31, r!i.
He nnmea the following witnesses to prove
hl continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of add land, viz: Nathaniel K. Arm
strong, Henry A. Armstrong, Altairt K. Hsm
sey, .al l... rial. AlnlH), all ol llarriaOll, Neb,
Charles K. Scott, of Harrison, Neb.,
who made If. K. flllnir No. H4-3 for the hw!
aee II'. tp3l, IM,
Ho name the following wltneasea to prove
hi ccpttinuon residence urain and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: Henry ('. Armstrong,
l.ltsTt M. Carrier, John II. .rlell, .acli .r.
ah Amos, al ut Harrison, Nebr.
5-33J W. II. Mcf'ASK, Keglstor.
CoiiKiIldiil.-il N'olire for Cnlilicatian.
Ijind Office at (liiulron, Neb., I
March 17. !!. i
Notice la given th it the following
nainisl settler h is ilIM notice of his Inten
tion to Inakti final priaif In supairt .of his
claim, and that a .Id proof will la- made lie.
forelpnrad l.tndemsn., clerk of the district
court, at Harrison, N-cu., on way 2, inw, viz
Il inner A. Pi Lilly,
who made II K, No. 23U6 for the aw V.of sec t,
tn 32 n r bi w.
lie name the following witnesses-to prove
his continuous resilience upon unii cuiiivu
lion of, said I.UIU, viz: l.eorge h. (iiinger
nillla. II K, fatterso.i, Jcsv-pn M llomusou
iii ant (.utUrie. ull of ll. ri lson. ell.
And W iibert K. l,ninls-rso.i who made l. ft.
fllli.g No. i 7 to the nlaive described tr n:l
la cie.M.1 to hpiatar at the saioti time
and place, and allow cu- wny the i.lsive
prolyl should not laj ulluwud uud hi tiling
cauueieu. Also
Jme H. 1 lerrr,
who made I). S. No. I40. for the nc V sec 7, tp
stt r no, w.
ue u.u. ,e the following wlinesMM lo prove
ma co, lib, uou resilience upou ui.u
t.o.iol si.d land, v.z: I'.c .J .lulu r . l ho..;...
rio.ner A. i r.ddy, ch .rle L. 'lulibs, Joh
1 horn ton, ail ol liarrlso.i, Nebr. Aiso
ka'ej Ntniial.
who made II 8. No. lad for the aej; e(i 03,
tp M, r 66.
He name the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said laud, viz: Jacob Henry, Henry
Wasen burger, Ferdinand, fcuiil
HerUler, all of Montroae, Nebraska.
t7-WJ W. U. MitX)A. Megtoter.
I", b. Land 'J'VtT'
March4. . Vt
Cort.plalut So t having beea ej. uM M
thisofU by John r. '-e;Vth U a5
( 1 pper lor f-ibure to eo "P'T " 1 , IthruarT
tin.lir-cti.ure entry So ?J??a
U, P5. upi tl " ' ,p . cancel'
cJu .ty. Nebraska. im ' . n7l
i ,t ou of id e itry ; co .test ""'"
the ."lid claim -nt u failed "Xact oand
U, be btoke . five acre, ol Mid tract of
the first er after entry; aud Ml''"
bleak or cnltUat me a r -
land lue cond yr .lw trf.
failed to Plant or cU- to b PJUJ " J
tree., seed, or cutting on aaid trac t otw
ihe third year.fu-r e.,try ;
cure delect. P to the d .te of Ui r"'",p.
1 be ...Id p -. sre uerehy Mtu.u.oned toalj
pesr at this office ou me w. iu - -
lstu, at ' o'clock a. in-, va ii" "...
LsjtJOre 1 U S. r. . nviu'c, ' aaa Hs
his office la Harrison, Nebr., on the Wd day
oi m y, wo, ai r- " d I..,,.
(51-3B) W. H. no
V S Laud Office. ( hadron, Neb.,
March U. . .
m s. mi, i. . ....... sn entered at
voirpiaini ro. i?it -.. - -- ,(lirit
thi ofhee by 1 hoiuna L. Irvine g'" ""
amiu r..fe. ;"""'' n.riua
tmma jiaiuaa ji.i.t-.. .-":-,,ra
Moore, decease.!, who tiuiberculture
entr, No. dated tebruaiy . P""
the l.eH alii l" n a n -k- - r
... v..., with a view tO the
cuicell. tlon of said entry. cu-iteaUnt "
lug by amenue.1 ..mun iuj. - ----arli.e
Moore made i.ffidavit for aaid tim
ber cnltureentry June Uth, and made
add entry rebruary Cth sMuuder ald ai
a....i. kffl,i,vit viNniulp more tlie necessary length of time for tru-
initial to the local land omce, a..u
that said ivtbarine Moore died more than
four mouths before making id entry, and
that tin- heirs are Benjamin K. M.ajre. tm
. ...a . l..l.n & evander
ma aiaiiHja jn... ...
Moore. Ihei.ld jnrtie are hereby uin-
.... . . . i. ..m..u t hs It.t h
moiieo io .ppe .r iii .in- -- -
day of May 1-10. at 10 o clcxtk a. in., to re-
upoiia mm inr.usu tisiiiiu
said alleged laiJure.
Notice of Contest.
V. S. I.andornee, I hadron. Neb., j
March II, Irf.O. )
on. plaint No. hsving lieen entered at
lis ofli.-e bv Jerrv will Kdwln r..
ilds for lallure Vt comply w ith law a to
smta-r culture entry mi. mb, unu-u amu.
. IhhA. uiHili theawU 13, tp S3, r 80, In
Moua county, Nebraska, with a view to the
cancellation of said entry; contestant alleg
ing that entrv. nan has failed to break or
cause to lie broken five acres of tr.irt during
first year of said eniry and has failed tocuro
s ,id defect up to date of this content. Also
there Is over leu oi iimis-r
merchantable ipl illty on said aectlon, Ihene
fore pursuant to "il of March I, Ih!0, the
s.ld p ,1 lies ure hereby stimmo,.eil to appear
at this office o, i the loth ilav ot May PH at
lUo clock.a. in , to n -iaji.d and furnl-h tea
tlu.onv concernl. g s .Id allcg.Hl failure.
Testimony of witness ca will be liken be
fore .. II. Jones, Not .iy Pul.lic.iit hlsoftli-n
n Harrison, NcbrusKa, on the iir.l uay oi
M .y, Ismi, at 10 a. in
. II. Jici A, in ginicr.
I'. 8. Lund Office, Children, Nebraska. I
March Ihio. I
Complaint No. !4ii h ivlug ta-eu entered at
thin otllce by Jacob llcsperng linst t llarlcs A
Allan. s, lor failure lo comply with law us to
timls-r culture entry No. 877, dated Murcb
il, Isas, ummi the s V. ee tp 33 r Mi, In
lou X con ..ty, .i-orasaa, w uu a view iu vtiv
alicelliilioii of s ild entry, contestant alleg-
hg that Ihe saltl i n ries a. a.i lias no.-
lv i.Im.mIo aed .ld tract lu that he haa falicu
o break, plow or otherwise cultivate any
Kir I on of s Id tract since Ming on tlmsaUiO.
Also he has f .lied to plant to trees, weds or any portion oi s un tract since ue
leg on time. And lor the further reason
th t said Mint- was ulisolutely ol.l from In
ception, ( h .ries A. Adams lsdng a fictitious
alne; tlie sain entry Having oeen mane uy
buries A. I. lurk in the name of (baric A.
Adams. 1 he said p rl ies arc hereby summon
ed to Hiiix-sr at this office on the 2"tli day of
Mnv Ism. at Id o'clock a. tn.. to resiaind
ami furnish testimony concerning said al
leged failure,
lesilmonv of witnesses will tie taken lie-
fore I has. ii. Holmes, a notary public, at hi
office In Harrison, Nebraska, on the 131b day
of May, 10, at ivo'lock a. in.
I'Jh-hai T, r. fowaaa, necrtver.
II. X., CoutestanU Atl'y.
Wshk, on till Huh day of April, liJ0,
suae N. I'rocunlcr, f . ther of Kllz.ibetU A.
I'rocunler. i her mother being dead) made
and llied lu I his office his sworn atalemcnt
lul v stlestcil nnd stat.-d that he dirMinsf to
relinquish all right to the custody of and
pou er and co.ttroi over r.tizamnti a, i rocu-
er. his minor citiiu, ami an claim ami in
terest in aud to her services and wages; and
also came I rclcrick M. I'rocunlcr and Kllza-
tli I'rocunle, , bla wife, and made and
i-d In in v office a statement under oalh.
I ii I V llllestcd, tint tliey lleslic lo adopt said
hlizahctli A. i-rK-unler a their own child.
I have therelore appointed Hie lentil day of
May. 1M0, nl eleven o'cUa-k, a. in., ul my
uthce lu fli.rrlson, as the time and plac-u
w here a hearing win la. had in hiiu mailer,
at w hich time and place ull pertona interest
ed may npiH-ar.
li is ordered . i nat a copy ol tins order
be published lu the Hioux I ooti- Jouknal,
a uea sp .ja-r puhiisheil In Maid county, for
three successive week prior to the time,
M1 for e. IIabki h,
laaxtj 1 ai as j fouuly Judge.
At a special sesslo.i of the board of coun
ty co,un,i'. lio.i.Ts ol the county of hlouc
and stale ol Ncbr.isaa, held on the eleventh
. Uth ; day of April, Is'.n, It a as by aaid lioard
of county commtssio.iei by virtue and by
ine auiuor.i iu ineiii vesicci uy an ael ol
tlie legislature of Nebraska, apnroved
March i, isTii, aiue.ided in lasa, resolved that
the following questions lai and are hereby
aiib.uiiu-d lo tm- ciuuhtled voter of stoux
county, Nebraska:
lo tlie electors ol hloux county, Nebraaka:
ne lajaru oi eouuiy c-omuiisaioiier or
said county hereby submit the following
Mi.ui the county of nioux. MuU- of Nebras
ka, issue Us couiaxi I iloil lue; bonds lu the
1,11,011, il of Micen thousand ii.',UUU.0ii) dol
lars lor Ihn purposi-ol paying the outstand
ing and Unpaid wurr.iiila aud li.dclili-ilues
exisling ami now due of said county and
appi opi lac- ine proceeus Ol aalll laliida lo
p .y the i. nutans. i. K. unpaid w arrants and
liiuebtediicsaol aalil county ol Mloux, said
iamds lo la- ol the ilei.oinlustion iam each,
dateil j unc 3, Into, payable at the office of
tueieuiinty ne.suier ol sal.! comity, ami
lo run te..iy twi year with Interest at lx
(n) per cent. .-r annum, p.y, .bin cmi-ii-
uu.,iiy, the county reserving ihe option of
p ying any or all of said at anv time
al icr ten years f ro.n tha dale thereor. If the
county commissioners by majority vote or
der llie county n-easurer lo UU HO. Haiti
bond shall not Is: sold tor lea Hi. in uar.
rui ther. shall Iheie, lu addition to the au
nu .l lei ies ol t .xc for ordinary purposes,
be levied and co.iecteil a tax annually a by
law provided lor Hie I... vine, it of the Inter
est on ald s.,1.1 lsi.,ils a such interest ahail
oecome line, unii sn.,u an auiiiiioiial amount
be levb-d ami collected as by law provided,
aultlcleui to create a sinking fund for the
payment ol said bond til maturity, or at
..ny time niter .ild lamd have run ten iioiii tbu d.iUi tlier.-ol should the
. oil ., I y eo. mills noiiers at su h time consider
it des, ruble so to do. I iovlded, that not .
moie than i0 per cenl. of the principal of
Haul bond so lasm-d shall not exceed five
percent, of the assessed valuation of aald
I further that no levy ahull be
iiiinle lo nay any part of the prlncpal of
ald bomis until niter ten ycrs from the
d..Ui lliereol. Ihe lorm ami manner In
a hid. the ulsive proMMlllon shall In aub
initc d, sh .l. tai by ballot Umiii which aald
Uaiiol n.,n oe wr.ttcu or piiuted, or partly
w or p..ruy prlnll Ihe words "lor
lunuing laJuci ai.U levying tax" or "Agaliiat
I 'A-i'i-K bond and icv)iug tax," and all
b..i.ol. i' .si having thereon tlio word "for
lu.iuii.g Isi.els ami levying tax" shall h
decneu nnd taken to lj in favor of aald
uioji.m.Liii.., ,.,.d all ballot cast having
(ll. i. o.. the word "Against funding bond
..(! levy ii, g i.. ," all II Im. deemed and
..keu to t,e ..d proposition.
ihe .id pi'opo.otui.1 ah ill be submitted
and vpled iiaj,i at a special election to
be held l.i th county of nloux, and ttata of
Nebraska, o.i lue uy, llie MtU day of May,
m.,1.1 election will be held at the rariotM
vollng pi .ee iii llie v..rlou pteoincu o?
Blout eouiily where the Ust general election
w.. held, ilnles otherwise onlerial by tSS
(xiniity co.iiinlsslo ier. Mi . WSlg"
l.halr.uau Hoard of County tininlaaiaarL
Attest: CoasAP Lixukhas, TfcsH
County Clerk
I nanuy ot uouuso.