The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 17, 1890, Image 1

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    . "jr-"
The Sioux
VOL. 2.
1TO. 31,
t ( ;
fMamoM A Patterson, - Proprietor.
V ii i ii i ii -
P. F. . T B. R. Tlm
Going Wett, fiolnjr Eat.
No. 1, paiwtiitsr, s-si ! o. M, niwifer.
o. B, freight, 11 :S5 1 No. U, freight, t 03
Corn per handled 9. w
Out per hundred . to
ghortu per hundred lb 75
Bran per hundred .. 75
Feed chopped per hundred ?.. 1 00
Potatoes per hundrod I on
Battor per fl 550
E(Jg per doz 10
roultry-per do 1 7S ft I 00
Onloiu per Tf 4
Bonn per .. . i
Coil per ton 4 50
Wood per cord.. ........ S so
Lumbar native per 111. ft. ... IS m
"Corrected every Thursday.
Fresh pies attjie restaurant.
Paints and oilJt the drug store.
Farms bought and sold by B. II.
K. I Morrison arrived in Harrison
this morning.
Go to Dr. Clary .Chadron, to (ret your
eye, ears am) throat treated.
We have a few ifts for sale cheap,
('all soon ut the driuAtore and gi t one.
Did any one say that 11)0 was going
to 1)6 a dry year iti northwest Nebra-ka?
J. II. Truax h."S l?en employed in
the blacksmith shop of W. O. Patterson.
The aniounf of moisture in the soil is
sufficient to produce a good crop of small
! Go to Dr. Clary, specialist in eye, ear
and Throat diseases. Oflice in Central
Block, Chadron, Neb.
If you need anything in the way of
Eye, Eur or Throat treatment, go to l r.
Clary, scialist, Clmdron, Neb,
If you want the very liest terms on
farm loans, go to the Hank of Harrison
before making application elsewhere.
We have added a full line of window
glass to our stock, and get prices.
Giumy.tfiV& Mahsticixer.
Fanners from all parts of the county
report their wheat, coming up in dice
shape, and all are looking forward to an
abundant harvest.
ware, implements Tiy furniture ever
shown in Sioux cotintV Come in and
look us over. GRiwxfLK.&!
" Asa C. Davis has been appointed
county secretary of the state Sunday
school association and desires to receive
reports from all the Sunday school secre
taries in Sioux county. Address him at
E. M. Carrier is erecting a building
on the lot belonging to E. A. Weir and
will open a blacksmith shop in a few days.
Bert is well known as a blacksmith and
will, without doubt, get a liberal patron
age from the people.
On account of the number in town
to attend court some had quits a time to
find sleeping accommodations, but the
most of our people are used to taking life
a little rough and made some kind of a
shift to secure sleep,
E. A. Hasselquist who arrived here
from Iowa a few days ago and located on
a place a few miles west of town, in
forms tis that two colts, one yeai ting and
one two-year old have strayed from his
place. Neither were branded.
On last Tuesday II. A. Cunningham
arrived in Harrison and has rented the.
building north of Weir & Co's. store. lie
expects his stock here in a few days and
then he will be ready to lake care of the
wants of all the people in the harness line.
Commissioner Green's team ran
away a few days ago while the family
were on their way home from town.
The occupants of the vehicle were
thrown out and Mrs. Greet) somewhat
bruised, but the others escaped unhurt.
In dismissing the grant! jury the
court stated that there was no bar to
the county attorney beginning action in
the lower courts against any parties who
have violated the law, and we are in
formed that County Attorney Walker
will begin action against some parties
jn the near future on criminal charges.
County Superintendent Southworth
ianded us a letter from the shite super
intendent urging that a lesson on April
23d, that being Arbor Day, on the "care
and protection of small trees" be given in
every school house in the county and that
fne afternoon of that day be devoted to
ie practical work of planting trees. It
- n hoped that the teachers of Biouxcounty
wijl g ye this matter the projier attention.
. On last Saturday snow began to fall
jnd continued a great portion of the
Jime until Tuesday night. The air being
warm the snow melted almost as fust as
fell ko hat no great depth of the beau
f4fu( itt any one time lay on the ground.
The reuH s that the soil is thoroughly
qtJced, the farmers are happy and the,
proapecu for an excitant crop and geu
, . eml prosperity make all peop' re
joice. .
For farm loans go to S. H. Jones.
pleats at all Ijrs at the restaurant.
We need some wood on subscription
nt ouce.
Any kindofcake desired made at
the i-estauranKf
T o not fail to take advantage of our
combination offer.
For mixed j t y, oils and varnishes
go to the drug sjXii
When you 'fr' a nice clock call on
Griswold & MatfVjer.
A good breaking plow for sale. Til
quire at The Joi-rnaL office.
Mrs. J. A Snyder has received a nice
stock of fancy good and notions which
she is helling very cheap.
When younria farm wagon,
plow, harrow, or tiling Use iti the
implement line can ifiri.swold & Mar
stellcr. '
IVn't forget that Tiik Joi hn'ai. is
prepared to do all kinds of job printing
in a neat and tasty manner, on short
Wanted-Wit) good posts wanted on
sulisi ription for which we will allow HI
cents apiece. A good chance to get. The
JoL'KNAL without any outlay of eash.
It would be a good plan if the coun
ty commissioners would provide for im
proving the ground around the court
house a little. The cast, of having a
few trees put out on the lots would !
small and would great Is improve the ap
pearance of the county property. The
sooner the trees are set out the sooner
they will become large enough to be of
some benefit,
The reversal of the action of J. W,
Hunter, as county judge, in the case, of
Brookrnire & Co. vs. Rosa & Thompson,
is certainly an indication that justk e ean
lie secured in just courts. The order of
the district court is that the pr'ierty be
returned to lW,a & Thompson, the costs
are taxed up to Brookrnire & Co., and
the attachment is vacated. The attor
neys for Brookmire &. Co. asked leave to
(lie amended petitions and the court
granted leave to do so, but indicated that
as the case was disposed of such petition
would lie of no force. Perhaps brook -mire
& Co., will not think their attorney
is so much of a "good boy" as they once
. . ,
ratiroau uiiuuu oiuu. couiny win oe
greatly increased in the near future.
J. C. Northrop informs us that through
trains from the cast to l.enver will he
running bv July, 1. The work of build
ing a line to close the gap between the
F. E. & M. V. and the U. P. is being
pushed rapidly and will h; completed a.s
soon as possible. With such connections
the trains on this lino will be still more
improved and it will all assist to build
up this section of the country. It will
also give our people an opportunity -to
get California goods direct, so that lliey
will not have to pay express or freight
to some eastern fioint and back.
That L. O. Hull is anxious to serve
Sioux county ia evidenced by two bills
on lile in the oifice of county clerk.
Signed by Mr. Hull. One is for $125,
first quarters salary us county attorney,
and the other is office rent for the
months of February, March and April,
amounting 10 $7.f0; three loads of wood
amounting to $8, 2o, and to cutting the
wood $8. Thus the county is asked to
pay $U1.7!5 to Mr, Hull, before it is de
cirisd by the supreme court that be has
any right to the ollice. Should, that lie
decided in his favor there is 110 provision
to our know ledge a uthorizing the pay
ment of bills contracted without orders
from the county board for oflice rent
and expenses.
The special school meeting on last
Thursday afternoon was not largely at
tended. The cull staled that the meet
ing was to accept or reject a proposition
from the village board to furnish a per
tnaueut water supply on the school
grounds and thus settle the debt of the
village to the school district. ' W. K.
Smith, chairman of the village hoard,
was the only member of that Istdy pres
ent, and he bad 110 projiosition to submit.
Not one of the petitioners for the meet
ing were present. A motion was made
to instruct the school board 10 cancel the
indebtedness of tiro village to the school
district, and the motion was defi-ated by
the unanimous vote of those present. A
resolution endorsing Asa, Davis' iu:tioti in
declining to give up the school wheu re
quested to do so by some of the resi
dents of the district vas passed and the
meeting adjourned. Thus the mailer
rests just where it has been all the time.
It is simply putting it oil' and a settle
ment will have to ba made sometime.
For Sijflo ( hen p.
1 span of mules 1 span of good work
horses; 2 sets (I mblo '1iurms; 2 fanm
wagons; 8 cowi; iwW blooded short
horn bull, one v. ar old; Poland Uiina
Stock hog; 3,'W yt of en uter 11 lumlicr.
Any of theabove be sold very cheap.
MasXj McGcnmoal,
Qn, W, H, Smith's place.
Waller Recognized as County Attorney,
The birsnd and IVtli Juries Discharged
on Account of Illegality.
On last Tuesday district court for Sioux
county opened. There were a large num-l-r
of people in attendance and a good
di al of interest shown.
When the time came to call the crimi
nal docket L. O, Hull assumed to repre
sent the county. This brought up the
question of the attorneyship, and the con
testants presented their eases. Hull's
claims were presented by A. W. Crites
-Hid Walker's interests were looked after
ly A. liartow.
Alter a review of the facts in the case
Judge Kinkeid decides! thut Wa liter being
recognized by the county coniiiihednnnrx
;wid the clerk of the district Court, was
the one that would lie recognize d as the
county attorney. In bis decision the
court stated that as a quo warranto case
was pending ill the supreme court and
should he permit Hull to act the supreme
court would be apt to reverse it arid tnut
would make all bis acts fruitless, and ax
a result there was no other way fur bun
to do than to recognize Walker.
Later when Walker made a motion 111
a case Hull took a hand 111 it, when the
court promptly informed him that Mr.
Walker had charge of tiie ease, and Mr.
Hull -id -.:d.-..
When the cull of the grind jur w is
ordered by the court, Atto-.iey Jencke.i
presented a plea ill abatement signed bv
L, (). I'll!!. This set up that the juries
were not legally drawn, and also con
tained charges against individual mom
tiers of the jury. The latter allegation
was withdrawn later, except in
one instance. The claim made was t'nl
the jurors were not properly distributed
throughout the various precincts of the
county. The objections to the jurj win
prosecuted l y Jctuks and, t. rites ol
hadron, and Hull and Satterlee ol Har
rison, while the legality of the jurv w is
defended by county attorney Walker,
assisted by IT. ' T. Couley. After the
taking of considerable tealimonv tile
court held that the jury list should have
been selected from all ties precincts ac
cording to the abstract of the vote cast at
the last election and as it Was not so pro
portioned the jury was new to,iiave ii n
portioned the jury was held tajjave btx n
making the desicion the Judge slated that
it was frequently the case that juries
were illegally drawn but the question
was seldom raised, but sh mid he permit,
the venire to stand any action taken by it.
could bo taken to the supreme court awl
a reversal secured. He also staled that
the county board was not eensureable us
it was an error frequently made in old es
tablished counties. He made an order
directing the sheriff to immediately sum
mon twenty-four men to act as a petit
In the case of L. O. Hull vs. J. A. Green
and Cbas. U. Green for damages, lor not
permitting him to act as county attorney,
A. W. Crites asked leave to lile 1111 mould
ed petition within ninety days. Tile in
terests of the commissioners were looked
al ter by ( '. E. Holmes ngd II. T. Con ley.
The court remarked that, he did not see
wiiatgood could result from an amended
The following is the disposition of
(uses as far as the record is made up:
State vs,
Slate vs.
as above.
State vs,
Geo. Cobb, defendant dis
Henrv Wasseriierger, same
Conrad Hettick, same
Jerry M-ihoney, same
Nelson Pollard, same as
Joseph Slastny, same as
State vs. John Prat t, continued.
Henry llrmidigfj vs. Lave Lyon, con
tinned. Bull'alo Gap Lumber Co. vs. The Trus
tees of the Cora Memorial M E. Church,
dismissed without, prejudice.
Tollorton & Stetson Co, vs, Burtis
Rosa, et ill., issues not joined.
Furnam B. Carley vs. Joseph F. Pfost,
continued at request of defendant,
A. W. Emery vs. Grant Guthrie, con
tinued. W. S. Hiys vs. Elmer McFnrling.'dis
missed at plaintiff's cost.
W. A. McMami vs. Lizzie Mr.Manu,
L. O, Hull vs. John A. Green, et a.,
demurrer sustained; ilO days to amend
petition, 80 days to answer.
Patrick K. Murphy vs, F. E. & M. V.
railroad Co. , dismissed without prejudice.
Bull'alo Gap Luinhuf vs. Co. The Trus
tees of the Cora Memorial M. E. Church,
stricken from thedoiket.
3 n the application of a number of the
taxpayers of the'vill.ige of liairi:,on lor
an injunction restnuning the county
trenhuror from collecting the village
taxes levied in 18S9, the court granted a
temporary injunction and the question
of waking it permanent will come up at
tlie September term,
Te court will probably complete its
woA to-d&y or to-morrow.
cilf Keidy orders THE JOURNAL sent
to hs brother, John Iteidy, Masonville,
jj A. Brill orders THE joubkaL sent to
hi;ii in the future.
Commissioner Grove accompanied by
Mr. dve, a new resident of Sioux coun
ty, failed at our olllce on Friday.
CJiunly Clerk Lindeman has become a
resijietit of Harrison, having moved his
faiifily into their neat residence here,
(jit last Saturday Andrew Dahlman
an'JjTamily moved back to their farm a
fei miles from town.
Cbas. Palmer, of Snake Creek precinct,
ordjists The Journal sent to him at Hem
iiigeford. W. H. Zimmerman exjsjets to start in
a few days for Iowa where he will'spend
tl.'f summer.
R. J. Vwlcox was in Harrison the first
ol the week to attend court.
Ii I. Johnson is at Hot Springs where
bet recovering from hisattack of inllam
mSurv rheumatism.
Iev. J. A. Scnmahoru, of Gordon, came
dpi to Harrison on Tuesday to attend
jkMrliind see his many friends.
5 Br. Zicehagen is again quite sick, at
ii. residence of S. I. R. Maine.
. E. A. Weir went to Rushville Satur
day evening to visit his brother, and re
timed Tuesday morning.
' flcuiy briuulige writes us to change
idditss of his paper from Corbiu to
llr. and Mrs. Thomas Devenport were
ill! guests of U. T. Couley last Tuesday.
J. Ov onnell was in Harrison the
of the week and made a pleasant
at our oflice.
I hi h hum, of the Crawford Clip-
was in Harrison on tuesOay ana
; a Iraternal call at our oflice.
0. Huckman came to Harrison the
1( of the week.
bu Mcintosh, of White River pre
t, gave us soma cash on subscription
J4ev. Lusk and family went Chadron
' Lmmvmim, jiialIriendsforB
t 4 -
fi w d r s
Leonard Pout called on Wednesday
ami ordered Tins JofUN.vL sent to him.
Among the attorneys present at district-
court from other places were no
ticed Messrs. Bartow, Jenckes, Crites
and Byington of ('hadron, Fanning,
Daily and Purdue of Crawford, Westover
of Rushvillo, and White of Norfolk.
Prizes For School Work.
The following is a list of the prizes of
fered by those interested in school work.
. Superintendent Southworth is trying to
t up an interest in ihe educational in-
tcresls of the county and any who desire
to udil to tile list are requested to notify
S. II. Jones otl'ers a set of drawing in
struments for the best specimen if free
land drawing.
IS. 12. Smith olfers a Webster's dic
tionary for the best map of Nebraska,
; The Jorr.N'AL offers a large wall niapof
j Nebraska for the best executed map of
i Nebraska by a pupil.
I . Suierititeiideiit, Southworth offers a
j handsome school-house Hag to the school
that makes the best exhibit.
The Sioux County HuraM otfersi a copy
of General Lew Wallace's "Ben Hur" to
the teacher whose school presents the
best exhibit,
C. C. Jameson olfers for the best speci
men of penmanship,. " Short Cut; pn
C. F. Cuvleton offers a set of colored
crayons for the best composition, on
"i H.1S." -.'-.-.
Asa Davis offers a book for the best
specimen of penmanship by a pupil under
nine years of age.
S. Wi Cox will present a book on the
Civil Government of our Country for the
best article on the Revolutionary "war. ,
Warbnnuet New.
Henry Warneke from Runningwatcr
whs in the valley last week.
Bill Schlier has the contract to buikl
about tour miles of fence for J. O. Mor
ris on Prairie Log creek,
Ronaldo Gallizo, of Wyoming,, was
here the first part of last week to look
after his property here in the valley.
. William Guhlke and Aug. John left us
Saturday, they went to look for work ill
tho Black Hills.'
There w ill be religious services held in
distrii t No. 2, at 11 o'clock a. m. All
are ii.vited to attend.
ClrisTodteuhunpt returned from Dawes
county Satiilday.
John ILi'uiau aud Buih Wilhulm had
agait) a little trouble.
Charlie Hass, of Wyoming, was among
his friends in the valley lately,
Huns Zenker went to t hadron Monday
to file on a homestead, , ,
We don't
Sugar or one dollar and
Sell 11
We don't advertise 88 or 28 burs soap for
Only 25c. worth
We don't sell some good
Below cost rob
(lixHls, We don't iiinke a bicf Wow alxint
Clnim tliut w(
Always Give a
And carry tho
Most Complete line of General Merchandise in Town
Yours for the next 365 days,
WEIR & Co.. at B
Reasonable Terms
Reidy &
Not suits in court, but nice, new dress suits to wear on Sundays, week
days, holidays and other days. Suits to fit you and suits to fit me.
Long suits, short suits, narrow suits and wide suits. We
have a good Hue of clothing which will be sold
very, wry cheap. Would like to have all
. the men on earth (but more espec-
' inlly those in Sioux coun
ty,) to come and
- examine
r-ur . ,
Line of Clothing.
stock of dry
goods, boots and
shoes, hats, caps and grocer-
ies is complete an3 at lowest living
prices. These are all suitable for the persons,
who buy suits as advertised above oy for those who do
not buy suits as advertised above. All goods warranted to not
'shrink in the "light of the wooq" or to shrink by ihe action, of the
"dark of the moon." . Oh no indeed!
. Q, It. WELLS, Proprietor
12 pounds
one dollnr and sell
to any one party.
on other
our customers
pome elt "for the next, 20 days" lint we
Square Deal
WEIR & Co., at Ranch Supply House.
f. A
1 jj
' .'j