. .a. i I' ll The Sioux County Journal VOL. 2. H-AIRISOItsr, KEB, .A.PR,IX lO, 1890. ft I I; t i f THE SIOlX COCXTY (V- . KinintonN A Patterson, lYoprieloiN. F. E.4 M.VB.R. Time tub... o1iik Went. IjOing Ka-)t. So. ("I, pawnirer, R :SI I No. 92, pa-aenwr, :.) Ko. IB. frclKhl, 11 M I No. M, irpgbt,..-0 HARRISON MARKET. Com per hnnflrd J , & Ota ppr htinilrivl .. in Short per hunrtred ti . '5 Bran rT hundred 1ti.. 75 Feed chopped per hundred S 100 I'olHtoPn per hundred t 1 Do Butter per 1h . gn Eff-per do . 10 I'oultry-per do 1 .5 0. S 00 Onions per t... 4 K, hub per 4 'onl per ton . . 4 60 Wood per cord S 60 Lumber native per ni. ft )SW lYrreetel every Thursday. Fresh pies at the restaurant. Paints and oils at the drug- store. Corn at 50 cents a hundred at Turn er's. Farms bought and sold by S. II. Jones. Oo to Dr. Clary .Chadron, to get your eyes, ears and throat treated. We have a few clocks for wile cheap. Call soon at the drug store and get one. During the high wind Monday night, the chimney on C. II. Weller's building was blown down. fro to Dr. Clary, socialist in eye, ear and Throat diseases. Oilice in Ceutral Block, Chadron, Neb. If you need anything in the way of Eye, Ear or Throat treatment, go to lr. Clary, specialist, Chadron, Neb. If you want the very liest terms on farm loans, go to the Bank' of Harrison liefore making application elsewhere. We have added a full line of window glass to our stock. Call and get prices. Oribwoij) & Maiwteu.er. The church services at the South worth school house have been postponed from the 13th to the 20 inst. All are in vited to Iw present at the latter date. E. A. Weir is liaving a large portion of his farm just east of town fenced, and will put down a well and erect a wind- Jfllittni-hiWitWi the sture. The entertainment recently given by the boys, was so well received tliat they liave determined to give another of a similar character on the 30th. The pro gram will be given later. The cold wave came down from the northwest on Monday night and quite a quantity of snow fell and the high wind proceeded to toss it about in great shape, but spring is again with us. From the way some of the gang kick about the remarks made by the .iournai, last week relative to the village election, one would infer that such re marks struck close to them. Some of the boys have been practic ing on brass instruments of late. Why not reorganize the band and practice for a purpose. The instruments are in the town and there is plenty of musical tal ent. In the qno warranto case in the Su preme court of Hull vs. Walker, the motion of Walker to dismiss, was over ruled and he will file an answer. The contestants have agreed upon W. H. Fanning, of Crawford as referee and tes timony will be taken before him at some date in the near future. A new post-office has been established in Sioux county, at the residence of Commissioner Green, in Running Water precinct, with Mrs. Green as postmis tress. The office was established through the efforts of Senator Manderson, and will be duly appreciated by the settlers in that locality. In the past, they have bid to go about thirty miles to get mail. This is the second post-office in the south part of the county within a few weeks. TTne arrangements are about com pleted to get the debt which lias been hanging over tlie M. E. church so long fixed up. A loan has been negotiated so that the organization will have a much better footing. In this matter, Rev. Lusk has been very diligent and has had a good many difficulties to overcome, but he has succeeded, wit. tlie aid of Chaplain McCe.be, of New York, and his efforts should be appreciated by all in terested in the welfare of the church. Quarterly meeting will occur two weeks from next Sunday, April, 27th. It appears that Sioux county has never been supplied with the necessary government field notes and plats to en able the surveyor to establish a legal cor ner. This puts matters in rather a had shape for all the surveying that has been done will have to be done again after the proper plats have been secured, so as to verify the location of the corners. The county board will no doubt be called up on to get the documents as the boundar ies of real estate are of too much import ance to be permitted to remain in uncertainty. For farm loans go to S. 1L Jones. Meats at all hours at the restaurant. Good flour at 90 cents a au k at Turn er's. IS pounds prunes for one dollar at Turner's. 14 pounds dried apples for one dollar al Turner's. Any kind of cake desired made at the restaurant For mixed paints, oils and varnishes go to the drug store. Rememlier the school meeting Thursday afternoon. When you want a nice clock call on Griswold & Marsteller. A good breaking plow for sale. In quire at Tim Joiknal office. 12 K)unds granulated or 14 pounds C sugar for one dollar at Turner's. Special BakiS Friday, Id a. m. Jelly buns, 15 Cents per dozen, at the restaurant. Mrs. J. A Snyder has received a nice stock of fancy goods and notions which she is selling very cheap. When you want a farm wagon, plow, harrow, or anything else in the implement line call on Griswold & Mar steller. We have the biggest stock of hard ware, implements and furniture ever shown in Sioux county. Come in and look us over. Giuswoij) & Mai.hteu.eu. H. A. Cunningham is about to es tablish a harness shop at Harrison. The people of Sioux eollnty will lir.d Mr. Cunningham an agreeable gentleman to do business with. Iiimhrille Sun. Harness Shop. I will, within the next thirty days, open a first-class har ness shop in Harrison anil endeavor to give you satisfaction in work and stock. Soliciting your patronage, I remain Respectfully, H. A.. Cunningham. A good many entries for land are being contested in Sioux county. It is rejwted that numerous entries have leen made in fictitious names, so that money could be obtained for the relin quishment, but the settlers are investi gating such mutters and securing rights by contesting. In a private letter to one of our cit izens, Judge Kinkaid stated that he would he in Harrison on next Monday morning so as to be ready to open court bime A.fMl.lTnuaiy terested should lie sure to be present by 9 o'clock a. m. on Tuesday so that the business of the court need not be d"layed. During the past week tfie journal otllce has been unusually crowded with job work ami we have been obliged to devote a part of the time needed on the paper to job work in order to meet the demands of our patrons. This oilice is rapidly gaining a reputation for doing first class job printing of all kinds and we hope to continue to merit a literal patronage in this line. Come and see us when in need of any thing in this line. The minstrel entertainment on last Thursday evening was a decided success in every respect. There was a large attendance and a great deal of fun. The jokes and hits were given and received in the best of humor. Those who took part feel well satisfied with the result and those who attended express them selves as well repaid. The music by the Harrison orchestra added to the pleasure of the evening. After the close of the minstrel performance, dancing was in order and kept up until a late hour, The arrangement of the railroads to ship In grain for seed and feed for the settlers in the new counties free of freight, Is being taken advantage of by a great many of the farmers. When they can get corn for fifteen or sixteen cents, it proves a great saving to them, and the liberality of the railroads will be duly appreciated by them. The same thing is being done for the farmes of Dawes, Box Butte and other counties which are just being settled. The pros pects are that it will not be necessary to ship grain into Sioux county for the in dications are that a good crop will be harvested at harvest time. A few days ago, an execution was issued by H. Merri field, justice of the peace, against George Walker to satisfy a judgement of about H0. The papers were placed in the hands of Constable Columbia of Bodarc precinct, and he pro ceeded to the residence of Mr. Walker and took something over fifty head of cattle and a span of horses. It appears that the stock belonged to Mrs. Walker, the brand being registered and adver tized to that effect Mrs. Walker reple vined the stock in an action begun in the district court and Sheriff Reidy took the cattle and returned them to the owner. It looks as if this was another plan of tlie gang to harass County Attorney Walker for no other apparent reason than to keep him in hot water so as to prevent his giving his attention to his official duties. It is a queer proceeding that the property of one person should be taken to pay the debts of another and it is pretty apt to become interesting for the officer who did the work, unless he is protected by a good indemnity bond. Weir & Co. received an immense in voice of thread a few days ago. Tlie residence property of County Clerk Lindeman is being painted in nice style. A nev girl arrived at the home of O. A. Garten last week. Everythiner is booming in Sioux county. E. A. Bigelow reports the arrival of a boy at his home a few days ago. Thus Is tlie county becoming populated. Let every one see how many new- settlers they can induce to come to Sioux county between now and Janu ary 1, 1891. Andrew Procunier, of Little Cotton wood has become tired of bachelor life, and lias taken unto himself a wife. His friends wish him much happiness; On account of the storm on Tuesday the mail from Montrose did not arrive at Harrison until lute and did not start on the return trip until Wednesday morn ing. It is reported that the war on White River has again broken out lietween the Shay and Mason families. It is to be loped that ah end will come to these dif ficulties after a while. J. B. Bradley Was in Harrison on Saturday. He says he has his wheat all in and tlie ground is in excellent condi tion, so that it will take but a few days for the grain to sprout. A boiler formerly in use at Fort Lara mie was taken to Fort Robinson, pass ing through here the first of tlie week. The men in charge of it report it a hard thing to haul across the country. While in Omaha a short lime ago Deputy CoUnly Treasurer S. H. Jones tried the civil service examination and the reort from Washington stiites that he passed a satisfactory examination. Mr. Jones did not do this with the expec tation of securing appointment, but sim ply to see what the examination was, but should he lie appointed to a position the government would secure a good man. . H. T. Merriam was In Harrison on Monday and called at our office, He re ports that his vJheat is up and growing nicely. Mr. Merriam is one of the best gardeners and small fruit growers in the norths, t' sad -fcsa i -sees, nsritty fruit already started. ' He says they are all doing finely and tliat ho believes strawberries will do exceedingly well in this locality, Every one who has mentioned the subject of county finances to us, express themselves in favor of getting on a cash basis as soon as possible, and all recog nize that the only way to do that is to vote bonds enough to pay olf the float ing debt of the county. If it can be done prior to the time of making the levy there is no reason why a reduction in the levy could not be mode. It would be a good plan if the taxpayers would get up petitions asking the county commission ers to submit a bond proposition at once, large enough to pay off all outstanding indebtedness at the time of issuing the bonds. Then the matter could be settled and when the levy is made it can be made as low as the actual needs of the county demand. Tlie county commissioners will meet to-morrow (Friday) for the transaction of county business. County Attorney Walker has been devoting considerable time to getting his report ready. The report will not be complete, but will show that a large amount of county funds have been misappropriated, and will place the commissioners in posses sion of facts which will enable them to give him further instructions. It iw quite evident that it will be necessary to employ an expert in order to get the matter settled so that it will be satisfac tory to the people. As it is now the people cannot know just how the mat ter stands, or how much they have been defrauded out of by unscrupulous offi cials and hangers-on. It is quite likely that there will be some prosecutions ordered. For a number of years I have been subject to violent attacks of inflamma tory rheumatism which generally lasted about two months. On the first of this month 1 was attacked in the knee and suffered severely for two days, when I procured a bottle of Cliamberlain's Pain Balm and 'it relieved me almost instant ly. I thrrefore most cheerfully recom mend it to those who are similarly af flicted everywhere. R. D. Whitley, Martindale, N. C, Feb., 1888. Mr. Whitley is a very prominent man in this place and his disease was very widely known as he suffered such severe pain. W. M. Houston & Co., Merchants, Martinsdale, N. C. 50 cent bottles for sale by C. II. Andrews. Remember The Journal clubs with almost any paper in tlie United States and when you want anything in the line of papers or periodicals call and see us and we can save you some money. PERSONAL. J. F. Cook is in town to-day. F. M. Procunier is doing business at the county seat to-day. Mrs. MaiLachlan and Miss Bessie Sands, mother and neice ot II. W. Ma Lachlan, arrived front Chicago Sri Wednesday to visit J. H. Cook and faflv ily at the Agate Springs stock farm. Henry C. Roush and J. H. Elbert went to Chadron last evening to attend U business at the land office. L. Geilach visited the Agate Springs stock farm of J. II. Cook last week. He says the stock of fine horses and cat tle as well as the improvements on the farm are a credit to Sioux count'. County Clerk Lindeman is in Chadron today making final proof. On acf otihi of his official position he has to go to the land office to make proof. I. B. Hendrix arrived on Tuesday from a visit to his old home in Missouri. He had not lieen there for thirteen years. H. T. Conley has been on the sick list most of the past week but is now able to attend to business. , Hon. W. H. McCann, register of the Chadron land office spent a few days in Sioux county during the past week, and on Saturday called at our office. He is a pleasaut geatleman to- meet and ex pressed a belief that this county would develope rapidly in the near future. Jas. Slattery, the popular landlord of the North-western hotel, made a trip to Alliance and other points last week. Mrs. Homer Priddy returned from her visit to Iowa this morning. E. M. Carrier is happy as his wife and son returned from their visit to Iowa yesterday. Mrs. I). M. Sutton arrived on Wednes day from her visit to Iowui lion. E. Mclntyre, a capitalist of Sew ard, an old acquaintance of H. T. Conley and L. J. Simmons, arrived in Harrison yesterday morning to look after import ant business. Mr. Mclntyre expresses the opinion that there is a bright future for Sioux county, and as he has been a member of the state board of agriculture rer since its organization, and watched asT-ewtt-ffa. T - terests of the state, he can sjieak intelli gently on the subject, READ THIS? TWO PAPERS FOR THE PRICE OF 1 THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL And the AMERICAN FARM NEWS one year for Two Dollars. To every one who pays for & year's subscription to The Joursal in advance we will send them in addition postage paid, for one year the celebrated farm daper, "American Farm News." Or Offer No. 2. We will send the papers as above and also the Wettern Stockman and Culti vator (a 16-page semi-monthly) for -$2.25- Now is the time for YOU. i tar to take advantage of this offer. Go FO GENERAL t - a - - .'IWj!! ' i&p&$3 FARM Reasonable Terms Reidy & NEW SUITS! Not suits In court, but nice, new dress suits to wear on Sundays, week days, holidays and other days. Suits to fit you and suits to fit me. Long suits, short suits, narrow suits and wide suits. We have a good line of clothing which will be sold very, very cheap. Would like to have all the men on earth (but more espec ially those in Sioux coun ty,) to come and examine our Line of Clothing. Our stock of dry goods, boots and shoes, hats, caps and grocer ies is complete and at lowest living prices. These are all suitable for the persona who buy suits as advertised above or for those who do not buy suits as advertised above. All goods warranted to Dot shrink in the "light of the moon" or to shrink by the action of the "dark of the moon." THE CASH STORE, C. R. WELLS, Proprietor, to the MERCHANDISE. LOANS On By Pollard HARRISON, NEBRASKA. Ob no lndeadl I' U 41- i S r I: V V -"fa-H.ir'- .tL.