Tto Sioux County Journal ornoAL eonrrr fapol Subacriptkm Price, $8.00 E41ter Mi . men i t - - Entered at tbe Harrison post offloe nl clue mailer. aj eee- Tbtbsday, Miwn 27, 1890. Qovernor Thayer has iseued his pro clamation, designating April 221 as Ar bor Day. This day U eet apart for the planting of tree, and it is to be hoped that the day will be generally observed lad a large number of trees planted. Boyle, the expriest at Baleigh. X. C. who was recently convicted of ra and sentenced to death, has had a new trial and was acquitted. A great deal of ap plause was indulged in by the crowd the court room, the order of the judge to keep quiet being disregarded. The result of the trial seemed to give general satis faction. The cyclone has already opened u business for the season, the first exhibi tion having- been given at Louisville Ky., on March 2th. The result was the destruction of a large amount of proper ty and the loss of about one hundred lives. Not less than two hundred build ings were destroyed or damaged so tliat they will have to be torn down and re built A legal sensation occurred at Rush- ville last week by a juror in a case in the district court charging the bailiff with bribing the jury to secure a verdict in favor of a man by the name of Cham berlain. Judge Kinkaid at once ordered an investigation and as he has a fashion of getting at the facts, it is safe to say that ample justice will .be done in the matter. Congressman Laws has introduced in the House the bill to provide that real estate sold under decree of the United States court shall be advertised and sold in the county and state w here the prop erty is located. This is a copy of the bill introduced in the senate by Senator Manderson and certainly is a meritori ous measure and it is to be hoped that it will soon pass both houses and become a law. Van Wyelt is a candidate for governor and will attempt to create a third party with a hobby on which be can ride into office. It is just such men as him that make all attempts at united action on the part of the farmers prove failures. The idea of Van Wyck setting himself up as a leader of the people is enough to disgust all honest men. If a man is sin cere in his pretentions as a friend to the laborer and farmer it is all right to ac cept, but for a chronic office seeker to pose as the friend of the poor man looks as if the voters of Nebraska were not well informed. When the reports came in that people in Scotts Bluff, Banner and otiier coun ties were in destitute circumstances, Gov. Thayer did not propose to be mis lead in the matter so he made a trip to that locality to learn the facts. He re port that the people of that section of the state are able to take care of them selves. When action is needed Gov. Thayer does not sit still and let matters drag along but gets to the scene and looks the matter up to his own satisfac tion. The people of Nebraska are not disheartened by a little hard times. They may not have much of the fat of the land to live on but they do not propose to be beggars. Some of the papers of the state are at tempting to make a point against Attor ney General Leese by showing how much the state is paying the Leese family in the way of salaries. It is all right to state the facts in the matter but it is not right to go beyond the facts. To as sert that be or his daughter or brother is getting such large salaries as claimed is foolish and does no harm to Mr. Leese, but instead will react on the person who made the statement. It is certainly true that Mr. Leese made assertions which be failed to prove before the in terstate commission and as a result be has been lowered to quite an extent in the estimation of a great many of his friends. Had he done as he said he would do at that time he would have re ceived credit for it, but his failure has caused many to doubt his sincerity in his position as the true friend of the people. For what be has done to correct wrongs h should be duly honored, but if he is pnJy attempting to make a show for the purpose of being continued in office, the people will certainly resent his actions. Bast Lias to the East. tbe Burlington Route B. A. M. B. R. hj ruBBing elegantly equipped passenger tainee without change from Newcastle, Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection at that point with their own through toaios for Dearer, Cheyenne, and all aoiato wast, and f Kanau City, St. joaspb, St Louis, Omaha, Peoria, Cbi so, and all puipto aaaV fjiajswher to tha only Una by Hi you cm Uka sleeping car from Oaarfai (a tha ereqiag arriving in Lia- saiOsnafa the aet afternoon, and bCpa, flria and St Louis the fol- Pjt teem ktmz9m MWtoUp f Mato'ejnt' of BuHfBito ... J. The financial question of the county has been creating a good deal of discuss ion and tliought among the taxpayers since the true state of affairs has been looked up. There is a debt of home twelve or sixteen thousand dollars to he met by tbe taxpayers and the question is how best to meet it and not keep the credit of tbe county down to 50 or 60 cents on tbe dollar. The law provides tliat the levy of eac h year shall he to pay the expenses of tliat year and as the outstanding warrants and claims fur exceed the amount of funds which can possibly be realized from the delinquent taxes it is necessary to provide some means by which to pay off tlie old debts. In other counties parties holding claims or warrants against tlie county have brought suit and got judj-roent against the county, and thus compelled tlie tax payers to pay up the debts and also tlie cost of legal proceedings. The outstand ing warrants are drawing interest at the rate of 7 per cent, and as many warrants are issued as tlie law will permit and still there are a large number of allowed claims for which no warrants can be is sued, and it is quite probable that unless a way to pay off such warrants and claims is provided, some one will begin suit against the county and that will be tlie signal for the same action on tlie part of all those holding claims. The result would le tliat a large amount of costs would be made for tlie county to pay and tlie taxpayers would be com elled to meet the indebtedness at once and the credit of the county would be forced even lower than it is at present. Tlie general disosition of the people op- pears to be favorable to the voting of funding bonds sufficient to place the county upon a cash basis. A six per cent bond could lie sold at par. at least, and that would be a saving of one per cent on the outstanding warrants and avoid all costs tliat would be created by tlie bringing of suits. Bonds could be issued, payable in twenty years and providing that a levy be made during the last five years to pro vide for paying off the bonds at matur ity. This would relieve the taxpayers from the burden, except the interest, un til the county has developed and the peo ple are better able to pay the taxes. The Journal believes this to be tlie best, and, in fact, tbe only way by which tlie finances of Sioux county can be placed on a cash basis and the credit of the county redeemed, and also be lieves that a majority of the voters and taxpayers of the county will agree with it in that respect It is not desired to go into this matter without due considera tion. The farmers have been discussing tbe matter to quite an extent, and to as sist in getting the matter fairly before the people the columns of The Journal are open for communications, eitlier fav orable or unfavorable to tlie proposition of funding the indebtedness of the county by bonding. A meeting was held at the Capitol Hotel, Lincoln, a few days ago, at which a manifesto was gotten up demanding that tbe republican party take steps to right all the wrongs existing in regard to freight rates and all other things needed. That part of it is all right, but in addi tion to that the demand is made that the republican state convention be held not later tlian tlie second Tuesday in Au gust and also that the republicans meet in delegate convention at Lincoln in May, to discuss the political situation. This is signed by O. M. Nettleton, Chas. B. Keckley, Wm. Leese, J. It. Sutherland and J. R Ballard, as committee. The meeting is said to have been an informal one. It is a significant fact that most of the gentlemen whose names are attached to the document have been mentioned as candidates for some office. The call for a convention in May is not advisable as at tliat time the farmers are too busy to attend to political matters and the result would be that the class who are urged to be present or represent ed could not be there. The holding of the state nominating convention early in August is also a bad idea for the same reason and in addition to tliat it would make so long a campaign that no one except a rich man could afford to at tempt to make the race. It would seem much better to have candidates for the various state offices announce them selves early and let their fitness be dis cussed before tlie convention is held. Should the convention be held early and men placed on the ticket who did not suit the people tlie result would be de feat at the polls, while if their qualifica tions and integrity was investigated be fore nominations were made, good se lections could be made, and the republi can party strengthened as a result, while if the course outlined by tlie manifesto is followed it cannot but endanger the par ty strength. For a number of years I have been subject to violent attacks of inflamma tory rheumatism which generally lasted about two months. On the first of this month I was attacked in the knee and suffered severely for two .days, when I procured a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and it relieved me almost instant ly. I thrrefore most cheerfully recom mend it to those who are similarly af flicted everywhere. R. D. Whitley, Martindaie, N. G, Feb., 1888. Mr. Whitley is a very prominent man in thin place and his disease was: very widely knows as be suffered HUCQ sever pain. W. M, Houston Co., Merchants, MartinadaK, N. C. SO cent bottle for sJakyCB. Andrew The last iaue of tlie organ of tbe f sion-oitice-for-revenue-only-ring contains a long article beaded '-Facts About Dis trict Court" in which it dues some tiard kicking against laving a term of dis trict court and a grand jury. Tlie claims of Hull to the county attorney ship are upheld, and Mr. Hull is quoted as saying tliat be has the most solemn promises that if a term of court be held here this month ample justice will be done in the matter of recognizing tbe county attorney rightfully and lawfully entitled to hold tlie office. It may be in ferred from tliat statement tliat Mr. Hull has been communicating with tbe dis trict judge and nothing more could be expected than that that gentleman would inform him tliat justice would be done, for tliat is what the people elect a district judge for. But for any one to think that tlie district court would oust Mr. Walker and put Mr. Hull in cliarge of tlie business of the office is ratlier re diculous. In his petition in the supreme court Mr. Hull states tliat Walker is now in tlie tiossssKion of the office and performing the duties thereof. If lie i.s to perform the duties of tlie office why does lie go to the supreme court with his case. The organ of the gang brands those who wish to see tlie affairs of tlie county straightened up as anarchists and claims that the grand jury is called for political purposes, and speaks of the docket as al most empty. Tliat is a peculiar state ment. At the term of court last May tliere were 43 cases, two of which were against W. E. Patterson and two against Geo. Walker for liliel, which were dis missed, and if those cases were brought for anything hut political purposes we should like to lie informed what the ob ject was. On the docket for the coming term are 41 cases and not one of them has been filed by the new officials, so tliat if any of them are political cane? they are ones liich were carried over from last term. Tlie county commissioners are called im omjietent "amounting almost to im becility," yet these officers have instruct ed County Attorney Walker to look up illegal expenditures and excess charges of former officers and reiort to tlie board. Walker has found about $2,000 of such exenditures and fees and lias not got near through with his task yet. The ring organ cites tliat no expert has been employed to look up the records. 't is well known that the finances of the county were in such a state that it was necessary for the board to go very slow ly until they got matters in shaie to pay the running expences of the county. The treasury depleted and a large float ing debt hanging over the taxpayers was a very discouraging prospect for tbe new officers. But the records are in such a condition tliat anyone who will take the pains to look it up can And gross errors, over charges and payment of funds which tliere was no law to war rent The entire article of tike fusion ring organ is nearer an array of mis statements than of facts and it looks as if they did not desire an investigation by a grand jury. The fact is, that the people are desir ous that an investigation be had and they are becoming tired of su' h misrep resentations as are frequently being made by the Hrald, and it is to be hop ed that after the matter is investigated and wrong-doers punished that the gang and its organ will be satisfied. The at tempts of the Herald to bolster up the acts of tbe old county officials do not change the records and the only tiling that can make it right is to punish those who have wronged tlie public and prov en untrue iu their official capacity, and the people who stood by the principles of right at the polls last November and who came here on the Oth of January to see that justice was done, will continue to stand by their principles until the old gang, who have put a heavy burden of debt upon them, are made to feel that ustice will be done and that the will of the people is not defeated by any outfit that has no other apparent use for the public than to get all the money possible out of it. ENGUSHSHIRE--BELMQNT STALLION, Will make tbe season of 1890 as fol lows: SATURDAY of each week at Smith's livery barn in Harrison. Tlie balance of tlie time at my residence 5 miles south-east of Harrison. BAY BOB ha bright bay weighing 1,300 pounds in ordinary condition and was sired by a thoroughbred and im ported Eoglishshire horse, and his dam was a Belmont mare with splen did action. The above pedigree gives Bar Bob the qualifications for a food general purpoae hone, and he bus proved himself to be a fine breeder and a rare foal getter. Men wish ing to breed to a good stallion should nee this borne before breeding elsewhere. TERMS 48 to insure a mare with foal, due and parable when the mare is known to be with foal. Single service 4, cash. Parties, disposing of mare or who fslls to return Uiuin regularly will be held responsi ble for service money. Care will be taken to prevent aceideuta bat will be nwpoaet bie for none. 0, 0, eCOTT, Owner, Bay Bob. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OFFICERS: Jobs M. Thayer-Goveiiur. Lincoln, Veto. Ueo. Li. Mcikk-jobn Lira tenant Governor B. B. Cowdcry secretary of St t- T. H. Beutou Auditor John E. Hill.: Treanurer William lee Attorney General John 8 teen . Laud Commissioner Geo. B. Lane supt. Iublle instruction l. Hopkins Wardtin of Penitentiary W. M. Kuapp ...-Supl. Hospital for Insane CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION: A. 9. Faddoek L". 8. fx-uator, Beatrice C. V. Mandereon I'. 9. Senator. Omaha W. J. Council, Congressman lt Dlt., Omaha G. L. !- ., " Sd " MeCook Geo. W. E. Iorey, " Id Fremont JUDICIARY: Amasa Cobb Chief Justice, Lincoln 3. Maxwell ....Associate Judge, Fremont T. L. Norval Associate Judge, Seward W. A. Leee Clerk and Bejxirler, Se ard TWELFTH Jl'DK lAL DISTRICT: M. P. Kinkaid Jaditv, O'Seill Conrad Lindenian... Clerk, HarrUon COl'NTV OFFICERS: S. Ilarknr County Judi Conrad Lindenian Clerk M. J. Gayliart Treasurer A. fcoutbworth supt. Iubllc Instruction Tuos. Keidy hherlfl Geo. J. Sbafer Coroner A. B. Dew Surveyor Conrad Limit-man Clerk of Distric t Court Geo. Walker ....County Attorney BOARD OF COMMISSIONER'S: Don M. Weir, chairman) 1st District Cua. L. Grove d " J. A. Green ad " LEGISLATIVE: A. Bartow.. Senator, Dinnet No. 14, Chadron G. W. .Sluionxon lii-p., Dlst. No. 13, Alliance rKEClStT. S. L. B. Maine Justice of thfi Peace H. MerrldHd " K. K. J'ost Constable VILLAGE OFFICERS: VV. II. Smith (chairman) - Trustee J. V. Pfust " J. C. Northrop " K. D. Kauerli " It. W. WlndM.r " A. J. llabcock Clerk 1). P. Davis Treasurer SCHOOL OFFICERS: S. I.. R. Maine Director W. R. Smith Moderator D. H. Griswold ..Treasurer TERMS OF COCRTi District Court, At Harrison, commences April lfitli and September 33d, 1H-.0. County Court, At Harrison, commences first Monday of each month. THE IMPORTED PERCHERON 8TALLI05, BARBARIN 10256. 110135.I Will make the season of 1890 at my place on Warbonnet creek, 3 miles west of C. F. Coffee's, except Fridays and Sat urdays when he will stand at Montrose. Description and Pedlgw. Barbarin is a black-gray: star in; loaiecl March 27, 1HH6: imported 1HHH; weight 1,80(1 Jlis. Bred by M. uorchene, Com mune of Coulognes les Sablons', 1 e partment of Orne. Got by Rouillard 10133, lie by Favori, belonging to M. Cham peon. TERMS-$15 to in sure with foal. Due and payable when the mare is known to lie with foal or ujion her re moval from tlie county or cliange of ownership. Care will be takon to prevent aeoldeuu but 1 will be i!inBlj)e for none. A. W, MOHR, Owner. B. E. Brewster, 0. P. Coffee, President; Yjce Pres. CHAS. C. JAMESON, Cashier, Commercial Bank. racORrOBATED. General Banking Business TRANSACTED.. XntAK.. FIHALPEOOF X0TICES, All persnfe bavtnf final proof notices to tbi paper will receive a marked copy of lb paper and am reiueted to examine their notice and U any errors exUt report tha aula to this officii at ouee. Consolidated Notice for Publication. Jjind Office at Cbadron, Seb March 31, lvu. i Notice la hereby given thst the follow iuir named aetller baa filed notice of bin in tention ut make nnai proor in upori oi nia claim, and that said proof will ia made 1-- foreConrad Lindenian, clerk of the District Court, at Harrison, Neb., ou May IX, Isw), viz: Grant Veece. of Harrison. Nebraska, wbo made D. S. tiling No. ls2 for the H e and H sw V sec 31 to t) r hi w. Henamea the following wltnee to prove nia continuous resilience upon and cuitiva tion of said land, vix: oetnve Hsrris, Kd ward Downey, w-ora;e Knglfbrecht, Andrew MCGiuiey, all ot Harrison, KcorasKa. Also John F. CooV. of Harrison, Nebraxka, who made I). S. No. im tor the seV e. , swi ik sec II. and neS, neu noc 7. ll r He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence npon and cuima tion of said land, via : John A. Green, lssjic 11. Hetidrix, tictHve Hurria, John D. Green, all af Harrison, Nebraska. Also CbrUten Chrl-teuscn, of Harrison. Nebraska. who made D. 8. UTi for the n V sec It. tp Si He name the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and eulllva lion of said land, vix: kuwrt Kohwer. sam uel W. c:ox, Kdward eehwarz, l-redenck schwnra, all of Harrison, Nebraska. I27-S4 W. H. Met ask. Register, t'ousoliilateil Noti-e for I'ubllca'iou. Land Office at Chndron, Nebraska, March 14. "! Notice i hereby fi ven that the following named aetuer hits n ii-o notice ot nis inLcti tion to make final prixif In support of his claim, ana tnHt NHia proof w til is. mtine is- lore Conrad l.iiideniau, clerk of the district court, at Harrison, Nebraska, on May li, isvo, Edwin C. Mvi-rs, of Montrose, Neb., who made 11. E. No. for the ne!s; sec S.1, tp as, r Ml. He names the following witnesses to prove nis continuous residence ujion and cultiva tion of said land, viz: David F. Mack, Una sel Willt-ims, Henry C. Hilnt'T, Kleu Cow lishaw, all of Montrose, Neb. Also Dioiil F. Mack, of Montrose, Neb., w ho mnde H. E. No, 17i for the swij sec SS, tp r 6 He names tbe followlns: witnesses to prove nis continuous resiuence ujMin and cuitiva tion of said land : F.dw In C. Myi-r, Busm-I W fllbims, Henry C. Hunter, Els-ii t owlish.iw, all of Montrose', Neb. liss-XfJ W, II McCaxs, kVKlsler. t'onsiilldHt"fl Sutler For Publication. Loud Office at Chadron, Nebraska, I March 10. I Notice is heretiv iriven that tlie followlna- named settler has tiled notice of her inten tion to timke final prtiof iu -miport of her claim, and th:it said (iroof will Ih- made be foreConr:id Lindenian ( lerk ot the District Court, at Harrison, Nebraska, on May , Is., vi ; Sllllle II. Sernr. of Harrison, Neb. who made D. K. flllnir No 2rtt, for lots 8 and 4 ii nd s nwVf sec ft, tp :il, r Mi. She names tbe folio Ink witness. to prove her continuous residence immiti nud cultiva tion of, said land, viz: H llliiiin H. HoukIi, KdsTr r. HoukIi, Ch:irlc K. Holmes, John Thornton, all of Harrison, Neb. Also James W, Ncott, of Harrison, Neb , who made D. H. No 237S for the nwJi aec 23 tp 3l.rSi. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of s4ld land, viz: Nathaniel K. Arm strong, Henry A. Armstrong, Albert L. Kain sev, Zacharmh. Amos, all of Harrison, Neb. Also Charles N. Scott, of Harrison, Neb., who made H. K. filing No'. ii-S for tbe sw!i ec IB, tp 31, r 5ft. He numws the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence Ukii and cultlva tion of said load, viz: Henry c. Armstrong, Libert M. Carrier, John 11. li'irtdl, Zacharl ah Amos, all of Harrison. Nebr. W01 VV. 11. McCa.n.v, Hcgister. Consolidated Notice for Publication. Land Office at Chadron, Neb., I March 17, iwsi. t Notice, is hereby given th-it tbe following named settler has tiled notice of his inteu tion to make final proof in support of Ills claim, and that said proof will ts made ! fore Conrad Llndemnn, clerk of the district court, at Harrison, Neb., on May , IsiO, viz: Homer A. l'rlddy, who made II E. No. 23 for the !., of sec 2s, tp tlnrif w. He name the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: (ieorge s. Olinger, VViniaui K. Patterson, Joseph M. Koblnson, Grant (inthrle, all of Hi rrlson, Neb. And VVUlHTt K. limlM-rson who made I). 8. filing No. 17 to tbe alKive (Inscribed tract, la cited to appear Bt the same time and place, and show cause wny tlie alsjve proof should not be allowed aiid hla tiling canceled. Also James H. Pierce, ho made D. S. No. 1H for the new sec 7, tp 32, r sti, w. lie names tne following witnesses to prove his continuous residence uisin and cultiva tion of said land, via : Benjamin V. 1 houias. Homer A. I'rlddy, Ch irles L. Tnbbs, John Thornton, all of Harrison, Nebr. Also Matcj Si radii!. who made H E. No. 2420 for the seV( sec 2.1, tp ., r p.,. He names the following witnesses to nrove his continuous residence upon und cultiv,i- lion oi sain lauu, viz: Jacob Henry, Henry Wassenburgcr, Ferdinand Hltner, Kniil llertzler. ail of Montrose. Nebraska. (27-32J V. H. McCass, llegtstcr. Notice fur Publication. Land Office at Chadron, Nebraska, 1 February 2.1, HfWi. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice if bis Inten tion u make rinul proof in sunnort of his claim, and that said proof will be made be- lore me register hiui iteceiver, ai i naorou, Neb., on April 10, 18(0, viz: CONRAD L1NDKMAN, of Harrison, Neb., who made D, 8. No. 1720 lor the swv swaf sec I, and n)i nfV and bwU n Si cu 12. to Hi. r Henamea the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence ujxin and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Joel H. Libert. Jos eph li. Morris, John I'lunkett, lloury C. nousu, ai oi garrison, eorasaa. 24-IJ W. H. McC a.s.n, llcglster. Consolidated Notice For Publication. Laud Office at Chudrou, Neb., I eb. is'.fl. I Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler ho llicd notice .of bis Inten tion to make final proof in support of his cliin, and that said proof will is: made lie tore Conrad Lindenian the clerk of the dls trie l court at Harrison, eb., ou April s, EDWARD A. WEIR, of Harrispn, Neb., who maiie D, S. No. If.d, fur the sw4 see 2, tp 31, rati. He names the fo lowing witnesses to nrove hla continuous residence umjc and cultiva tion oi said innu, viz: jonn II. Uartoii; Wil liam E, I'nltersou, Asa (;. Davis, Cliat'lea K. Venty.all of Harrisou. Neb. Also WILLIAM li. PATTERSON, of Harrison, Neb who made D. g, No. 2104, for tlie ni M ik w 9UU t, ip ax, r no. He names the following witnesses to nrove Ilia coutluuoua residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: n Ulet II. (,roen, 1 wight H. oriswold, Elbert M. I arrler, Ed waru a. neir, an oi Harrison, iei. Also ALHEKT E. KAMsE V, of Harrison, Nob., who made D. S. No. 2320 for the H uV )( nH see I, tp 30, r As. He uauiea ibu following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultiva tion ol, said land, vis: Charles ft. bcolt, warren . nan, Aiunir w. Emery, willmiii K. kloore, ail of Harrison, Neb. M-mj W. U. McCajix, Register. Notice of Contest. V. S. Landoftloe, Chadron, Neb., j March II, io'.O. I Comlilsint No. t hnvn.g been entered at this otuce by Jerry Mill against Edwin K. Olds lor failure to comply with law us to timber-culture entry fto, MM. dated March 4, 1BB6, uHn the swX are 13, tp 33, f tn, iu lou county, Nebraska, with a view to tbe Cancellation ol said entry ; contestant alleg inn tuai eutryiiiaii "'s ioiiwi to nreaK or c.use to be liroke.i five acres of tract (luring Unit year of aaid entry und baa falieal tocuro aid delect up to date of tout conUsjt. Also there Is ovbt win acres of Umber of gissl uioruli en table duality on eaid setloii, tneni fore pureueut to !'' of Uareb I, Isvo, the mM partiee am tiereby ftimiuoumi to appear at thl. oBloe 00 be letb day of Mi o'clock.. 10 re-wiid Ju.ruilb llmony c-oneerni., .aid l'l'u''- 1-( Te.tin.ony of wilne-se, will be fore s. H. Jones, Notary I'ublk. al bl- Iu Harrison. Nebraska, ou tbe 3rd day Of Mar. ,, at 10 a. uc, k,1.Uir, CONTEST NOTICC. r 8 Laud OIBce. Chadrtin, Neb., t March 17. 1SV0. t Complaint No. 1S14 having beea entered t this ofhef by Thomas 1- Irvine against lieu r. Moore, John Alexander Moore and mma Matilda Miller, belrs ol Catharine Moore, deasel, who made timber-culture entrv No. m, dated lei.ruary , isW, umh. the ii nei, and n I. t r u slouz county, Nebraska, with a view to tbe cancellation of said entry : contestant elicit ing by amendtsl Hltidavtt that Hh- said I alh arine Woore made said affidavit lor said tim ber culture entrv June I4lh. Isss, and made aid entrv 1-cbrunry'th l-under said af fidavit. ITiat said affidavit mas made more than the ucis-ssarv length of time for trans mittal through to the local land ofltce, and th ,t said 1. Hi irine died more than tour months Is-fore making s .ld entry. " that the b-ira are Benjamin F. Misire, Em ilia Matilda Miller and John Aleiauder Moore. The said p.rties are hereby sum momsl to npiear at this ottlce on the b.lh day of MaV IsiO, at 10 o clis k a. m., to re Hind and furnish tetimouy concerning said alleged lailure. 21t-3ft T. V. Pow tus, Receiver. .Notice of Contest. U. S. 1-and fifflce, Cbadron Neb., I February s, IWO. 1 Complaint No. ha ing lieen entered at this ofller by John A. oreeil againt Alfolis schroller for lailure to comply with law aa to ho nete,id entry No. 2is-2, dated March V, lsC, umn the lis X, sec 34, tp 2s, r .v, in sloux couutv, Neliniska, with a view to the cancellation of said entry; contestant alleging that the said cbuniant has wholly abaudomsl said tract; that he bus changed bis residence therefrom for more than six montll since making mi Id entry; that said tract is not settled usei and cultivated by aid p artv us required by law. The said par ties are liereliy siiiiuuomst to iipM'sr at this otitis 011 I be i-th day of April, IsM, at 10 o'clock a. in., to resnd and lurnlsb testi mony concerning said alleged failure. Tes timony of witnesses will Is taken before ( has. E. Holmes, a notary public, at his office in Harri-on. Nebrnsku. 611 tlie 21st day of April, ls'.o, at 10 o'clock a. m. 1 -a-z , W. H. Met ass. Register. NOTICE OF CONTEST. V. Laud Office, Chadron, Nebraska. ( Man h 1, IS'.O. I Complaint No. 2'4'; having ls-en entered at this office iv Jacob Denier agalll-l ( 'baric A Adams, for failure 10 comply with Uw as to timber culture entry No. 3727, dated March 24, Iss.',, Umii the s V, sec 14, tp 33 r .'si. In lout counlv, Nebr .sk 1, w ith a view to tho oiillcetltitiouof Slid ei.i! ', cuntestiint alleg ing that the said ( h.irles A. Adams has whol ly 11b iiiilonsl said tract In that be has failed to break, plow or ollicr-st-a cultivate any isirllon of said tract since filing on the same. Also he has faih-d to plant to trts-s, seeds or cuttings any jiortion of said tract since fll li'gonsiine. And for the further reason th ,t said tiling was absolutely void from In ception.t h -rles A. Adams Is-lng a fletlcions name; the said entry having been made by Charles A. ( lark in the name of ( hsrles A. Adams. 1 he s ltd p - riles Mre hereby summon ed ti app-ar et this office on the 2oih day of .Mav l-Ui, at 10 o'cWa-k a. in., to remd ami furnish testimony coucemliig said al- li-ged failure. lestiuin ony of witnesses will be taken be- ( Ins. F. Hoi lues, a notary public, at his of fice In Harrison, Nebraska, on the 13th day of Msv, l-'.O, at lOo'lcock a. m. I ie-s 1 1 . F. I'owers, Receiver. II. T. CciNLET, Contestants Att'y. Notice of Con'cs. U. ft. Land Office, Chadron, Neb. I February II, IsVO. Complaint No having lje-n entoreil at this office oy Maria Frie- against Henry Fleming for'fiiilure to comply with law as to tlmbcrs-uiture entry No. 3a42, dated Febru ary l!, 1st, upon the se4 sec S, tp 3.1, r ft4, In SioUJt county, Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation of said entry; contisilant alleg ing that the said lleniy Fleming did not bresrl or cause to tie broken live acre the first year after making said entry, ending February IP, Immh' nor hit he repaired said delects to tbe present date of inroruiHtion. The said parties are hereby summoned to sppear at this office on tbe nthday of April, Isio, at 10 o'clock, 11, in., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. Testimony of witnesses will bo tak en before s. II. Jones, n Notary I'libllc, at hlsofllce in Hiirrlsoii, Nebraska, 011 the 4th day ot April, ISWi, at lOo'cloc k a. in. j 24-301 T. F. I'owtgs, Receiver. Notice of Cancelation. Notice is hereby given that the contracts of lease ou the follow Ing di-w rlls-d .lands have been cancelled, and If not paid up will Is offered for lease on and after 10 o'clock a. m., of Saturday, April IKth, I8V0 at the office of tho county treasurer of Kioui county: X and H f m 2ft 63; 8 H ms 3H 30 63; AllSb-Ho-fts.; All Hi 3167. JOIIX tTKKN, Commissioner of I'ubllc Land and Huildlngs. Lincoln, Nebr., March lHb,lio. 2S .101 N(H)ce to N'on-reshlent Defendant. In the district court Ol hlou county, Ne braska. AxxieOllrog, PlaintifT, 1 vs. limt Ott-Roo. Defendant. To John ollrng non-resident defendant: You are hereby notified that on the 16th day of March, )svo, Annie Ollrog tiled n pen non rgauai juu in me uisirici couri of sloux county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on the ground tint von have wlirmiv abandoned the plaintiff without good cause for two vears last jiast, and toobtaln an or der or decree of said court granting the plaintiff the custody of the following minor children towlt: Annie Ollrog aged I, years, John Ollrog aged 14 years, Ollrog aged 12 years, rank ollrog aged s years, Ma tilda Ollrog uged " years, V llltniu Ollrog aged S years, Kosallnv Ollrog aged 3 years said children being Un, bwue of her mar riage with you, ou the ground Hint you are a man of vlsclous mid vulgar habits and ure wholly unfit to lie entrusted with tbu cure custody, and education of children. ! You are reuulred to answer said n,.nii,. on or before Monday, the 2th day of April lain 1 . W . L. I Ft. .. I . . , ,, , ..r...... iiw-n-m, l iaiUIIU. By II. T. Conlky, her attorney. . 27-;)j Wtllen in V.t... ...(.l..n, 1 .1 .. . Ill the district court of Jjioux county Ne braska. John ihoms, plaintiff, I v. Alel Thorns, defendant. ) To Alsil 1 boms, uon resident defendant- You are hereby not Med that on the loth day of March, Isio, John Thoins, tiled a pe tition against you in the district court of . ...... .....j, ., ,.,a, in,- onji-ei end prayer of winch are to obtain a divorce troll, V',,1 r, Him trrf.nnA ,S . . ...... j .. . .... . ..u j,,u nave Wll- lully abandoned the plaintiff without good .., j,ja,, iasi past. 1 ou are re,uire.d to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 21st day of April, IBM. .. , v..,,.- aiionn, i isjlllin. By II. T. CONLEf bis Attorney. ai-2j Road ntlce til I. anil fluiKiM To all whom it muy conca-rn : The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at the X corner In south line of section 34, twp. 32, range ftn. In Ho wen precinct, Moux county, Nebraska, running thence north through the center of etlon 34 , 27 , 22 and iS, In ilia, same township and range, u-rinlnntlng at the X corner tn the noi ih line of said section Ifi; baa reported In favor of the establishment l her..,, ., u objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed In the county clerk's of!lce on or before noon ot the mith dav of May, A D isjo.or said road will be eataljllshed without reference thereto. I2i,--J ( Q.-.HAU Linliemak, County Clerk. F.try .Not tee. Taken up at my place ou Antelope creek, on bee. H, ip. 34, k. i, on Feb. , lfl, one brown borsc branded with Mexican brand eouiethiiig like E tree f), wtu llourl.b ex tending from lower part of the E, on left shoulder, about 12 yeara old and weighs about 7i pounds. taT-31 j ocA w. stoic t. Kdirgy VoMce. Taken no on my prcinlae. ou Miction t, townslilp .12, in range On, on Feb. , l4), one dun i horse, .upnofsl to be three years old. Willi black ui.oie and tall, um braieled with omclUIng like Y on left thigh Dated, llarrli, Feb., March ! IM. . The Isjirtl ol commissioner of Nloug cou.ity, Nebraska, are hereby notified to eouyeuo In -a-ssiou at tbe clerk's office of 4d cp'i'jty. Hi Harrleou, Nebraeka, on frt. day, Aorll litb, Imm., at 10 o'clock a. m" foi 'ila1r"1',,"'t"'" f rdl'ry county budneiT