Sioux County Journal. I NllOl S PiTIKIHOV rklUhr MAURIS OX, XBRASKA AkMlUKralCrwk. Washisgtos, March -4.- Lieutenant I W. V. Kennoo, who has served for four j oars on General Crook's staff, U now on temporary duty in thia city and very much shocked to learn of the gen eral's death, 'lie was ::ne of the great est general that tola country ever had," he said, a "wonderf ul strategist, a re markable soldier himself, thoroughly well versed in all iha principles of the art of war. In Indian warfare he was undoubtedly pre-eminent. Thia was due in a measure 10 his wondrous knowledge of the Indian character. During the early part of hia army life which has all been spent In tha weal, with the eiwption of the war time, he learned tc become a thorough huntsman and woodman. In maiy respects he hud the traits of an Indian keen, quick, NUong and with good judgment when in a wilderness. II knew the Indians us I know my alphabet, and he treated Item on all occasions with that honesty that formed a remarkable factor in his character. Whatever he said he metit, and ha never went back on his word. A promise was sacred with hiin just as much to an Indian as to any one else. These men learned to trust him and to love him, although lie was a terrible enemy to them. During his last visit to me at Vernon barracks, in Ala bama," said Lieutenant Kennon,"the old Apaches whom he captured in Arizona greeted hiui and even embraced him. One of them once told him out in the nest that his people looked upon hioi as they did upon God, as being tlte soul of honor and of truth, I hey had the ulmoat belief in even thing he did. His honesty was peculiar in its intensity. He would not even say w a man, "I am glad to see you," ifhe did not really feel glad. In matters of thought he wan slow, cautious and logical in method and he weighed argument carefully before corn ing to a decision, with an unerricg judgement lie had a kind, considerate, loveable character, simple and approach able, simple in bis manners and his tastes and retiring and quiet in las act ions. He was a constant reader of all sorts of literature, especially upon mili tary topics. have been in receipt of a good many letters from the general sine he left me here in January last, in which he has complained of a slight ill ness. It started with the grip, from which he. soon recovered, but occasion ally ' there would be reference to his being 'under the weather.' (hi the 10th of this mont h he wrote that he was very much better. During his celebrated Apache campaign he received an injury in hie cvert f rem over exertion which seemed to have an effect on his lungs, ad he had a slight cough which worried hiu, but when he went to a specialist he was assured that he was in no danger Mcir. Xew York, March 2". Thegrand jury today handed down a long presentment to J udge Fitzgerald, in which the sher iff's office is characterized a a disgrace to the city and a shame to civilization. The presentment in referring to sher iffs' sales, says: "During the three years eaded January 1, 1880, one linn of auctioneers conducted sberffs' sale from which were realized the sum of 11,387,508. Of this sum M.1,9CJ7 was di v ided between the sheriff and auctioneer. In the year 1889 the sheriffVproiits were over $Mfl0O. How much more he received for extra compensation cannot be learned because of the looseness of hia accounts. Under the system in vogue the deputy sheriff, to realize sub stantial pecuniary advantage, is almost compelled to commit criminal acta, certainly to lay aside all ideas of honeet ty and integrity." The foreman of the grand jury said the inquiry had failed to reveal a single redeeming element in the management of the sheriff's office. It was a black record of violated law, tardy justice, forced settlements, corruption and brib ery. It was no longer a question of what ought to be done to remedy the existing evils, but what must be done at once and without delay. The foreman asked that copies of . the presentment be sent to the governor and the state legists ture. Koih Highly Baile. New York, March 27. The fashion able suburban town of Montclair, X. is horrified over the discovery that one of her most respected citizens, James Tuthill, a maaoo contractor, is the burglar who has been robbing houaea , right aad toft for year past. II was identified by an accident, one of hia vic tims grappling with bim, in a house one night last weak , aad unmasking him. as arch of hia hjuae revealed thousands of dollars worth of jewelry, money aad plate bid in Uie osllar. Tuthill end hia pretty wife are in jail. Ilia former friands baiiere he is the captain of a rabber bead and that his wife was hia trusted lieateeaat. They were both highly rotptottd In Montdair and were good chnroh mesa hers. , ' Wan Mvo In sjwllosftnws-&auKM94r-Ita stated that t ba feosM a riOa in Swiixer- Oanunr. THEY ARE GUILTY. Xw Voaic, March 2..-AtL2uiu vestr dar mornimr the iurv in the Flack case came into the court and announced that they had found all three of the defend ants Sheriff Flack, his son William and Joseqh Meeks guilty. The arguments closed in the case Saturday evening and Judge Barret delivered a lengthy charge. It was divid ed on two deiinations he gave of a con spiracy in law: 1. ' To do an unlawful act oy unlaw ful nieaus. 1 To do a laatul act b unlawful means. Therein no douU the judg ment record is that of fraudulent defense. Under the first divisoo the jury must decide w aether the suit was falsely insti tuted and if Mrs. Flack had - given her con Meet. Under the second division, assuming that Mrs. Flack had agreed to the proceedings and had a right to divorce, it would be necessary to con sider the unlawful means employed to procue it. The judge also touched on all the important points in the ei ideuce. He charged the jury an to reasonable doubt and left the ae with them. A sensation was created at midnight by the reKrt that a reporter had been found in the room with the jury. He wasDilworth Otioate of the World, and ttdiuittrtl that he had eomealed hininelf behind the curtains in the room. The defense deiuaudt-d that he be punished. Judge Barrett said the law did not pro vide punishment. Choate was compell ed to give up his notes and Judge Barret, after expressing his alioniinution of the act, asxed C'hoat to say that he would not publish what he had herd. Ohoate declined to make the promise. The jury slrouglv recmumeuded olem ency. The Judge said as it w as Sunday all he could do as to except the verdict, the defendants would remain under bail of .haJ each. The penalty for the offeni-es of which the prisoners were convicted is one year's imprisonment, or a tine of 8.'d(t or bonth. It is under stood the defense will move to set aside the verdict on the ground that the pres ence of a reortr in the jury room vitiated the proceedings for jounsel. The Judge said he needed no counsel He was allowed to go and the jury was sent back to delilerate. t'ugilivr riminHl-.. Washington, March SB. The conven tion supplementary to the tenth article of the treaty of 1812 between (ireat Britain and the United States, concluded at Washington July 12, 1s80, and ratifi cations exchanged at London March 1J, 1800, was proclaimed today. The addi tions to the old list of extraditable crimes were made public some time ago. The committee further provides that a fugitive criminal shall not be surren dered if the offense in respect of which his surrender is demanded be of a polit ical character, or if he proves that the requisition for his surrender was made with a view to try or to punish him for an offense of a political character. Xo person surrendered shall be triable or tried for any crime or offense committed prior to extradition. Jkrvourlngc KUuum. SrorKTox, Kai., March 25. Prairie fires have devested a large portion of the farming lands of Cooks county. Yester day many outbuildings and an immense amount of grain and stock were burned. The fire was started by a man burning corn stalks. He will be prosecuted. .Vktiita, Kax., March 25. Two boys playing with matches oc a farm north if here started this morning a disastrous prairie fire while the wind was blowing a gale. Tonight it is learned that the lire has practically burned out after passing over about fifty quarter sections of land, destroying a great quantity of grain and hay. The loss of stock is not severe. It is understood the pecuniary loss will reach $150,000. Mill Blola. Xr.w Oauuss, March 25. Advices from various points along the Missis sippi show that there has been no in crease in any of the levee breaks, but at the same time not much headway has been made towards closing them. Water is still pouring through the Offuts and Raleigh breaks in Mississippi and northern Louisiana, and all the land in that vicinity is badly flooded. Moat of the people have been able to move out of the larger part of their belojgings to places of safety. At Arkansas City the river is rising again tonight and the water is pouring down on the town rapidly from the Sap ngton breaks. Iwraalair rirM. MiNSEAroi.i, Mimx., March 27. A Bismarck, X, D., special says that, the town is greatly excited over two or three inoendiaiy fine started early this morn ing. Everything ia wet from snow and rain, nod thia aided the citizens in sup pressing what might liave geen a conflag ration., There is no clue to the miecre ant. - WUIawtwele Jail. Baltimokk, March 36. Mrs. Kilrain has a telegram from her husband. He Utea that ho will not lie aent to jail, but will apond bin two months with hia friond, Charles Rich, nt Richburg, Mkm, whom Kilrain fought Sulliran. Rieh, it fctBsmtoobM purchased Kilrain'. nndar the contract Uaaiag ys- 4rU,y Ihi I'iMr lii.o LiJiu-s t'-al., March 25.- Early yesterday morning several shuts were heard in the hallway ef the Windsor hotel and Manager MeConky was found dying with a bullet wound in hia breast. A ride w as lying near hini end it was supposed he had leaned uoa it and suicided. In a few Minutes, however, the body of X. C GreehaJU, foreman of the Caligraph, (newspaper) was found in the parlor with bullet wound through the heart and a pistol in hia hand. The theory is that McCookey shot (jresham and then suicided. Jeal ousy over a woman is supposed to be the cause. Kihum Agitation . Londox, March 2Tb Dispatches from Russia in regard to the agitation among the university students are confused and conflicting. The agitation started in the agricultural academy near Mos cew. In spite of the strict precaution of th government the agitation has spread to ot)er institutions and the students have been holding meetings at all the universities. There is a general upheaval in the university world. Arrests of s'adeola suspected of leiiig leaders in the agitation have been made at every one of the principal universit ies throughout llussia. t auM not b Adminn Svs Fk vxciw o, Cala., March St.- Dr. Whitney of Honolulu states'thut Siriter Koee Gertrude, the English girl who was anxious tj nurse lepers at Molokai, will not become an exile in the leper settle ment. The settlement of Molokni is in charge of the sisters of the Sacred Heart and as Sister Rose Gertrude belongs to another order the could not be admitted. She is therefore in Knliki, a relieving clarion for leiers or those supposed to have contracted the disease, where they are car, for til it is determined lint their ailment really is. Thr HlMourl rsrinr lit Cwcsi-o, March 27. Talking last night with a representative of the Awno cisted press regarding the cut in pass enger rates west of the Missouri river, Mr. Townsend, general passenger agent of the Missouri Pacific said he wished to deny the charges that his road is cut ting rates in a spirit of ' piracy." The Missouri Pacific, he said, maiutains the '. same stand it has since the beginning UflhA tr-iiM0 t).st it will mcftt mmtift- t ition wherever found.- The cutting of rates has been done, he said, to meet those of competitors, and by direct orders of 1 'resident Jay Gould. fthot hisi Itosn. St. bills, March 20. Cecil Knglieh, an ex-driver, boarded a Washington ave nue street car thia foreuoou and shot Conductor Thomas Fitzgerald dead. He then took the reins from the driver, drove the car up to the stables and was arrested. He claims that Fitzgerald was intimate with his wife. Three la dies on the car were terribly excited over t he tragedy, and one of thein f ailited. The l-slnd OsMid. Mkmi-his, March 28. The low lands of Mississippi and Arkansas seem to be dooomed. The levees are continually breaking and the floods are practically beyond control. Work on lhecrevass at Arkansas City has been suspended, which means devastation for that sec tion. At Shipwita, sixty miles below Greenville, n big levee broke yesterday morning, overflowing the little town and sweeping away several houses. The break was instantaneous. A leading citizen, standing in four feet of water and holding his child on his shoulders, telephoned an appeal for a skiff and boats to rescue drowning people. He had seen some of hia neighbors drown close to bim, and reported that many more would suffer the same fa'e. He claims the people living in the country cannot escape. Repeated warnings have had no effect on them, as they feel secure beyond their big levees. The break is bad and the levee is melting like a snow bank. Rescuing parties in boats have jeen organized nt various points. Livestock will be drowned by thousands, as no provision has been made for removing them, and the gov ernment boats patrolling the banks can do no more than the rescuing of human lives. Kie Vfrfor KnbrtilraiHl IUxmikhtek, X. Y., March 28. In the court of oyer and terminer this morning, Judge Adama presiding, John A. Davis, late city treasurer of Rochester, pleaded gjilty to the charge of embezzlement and waa sentenced to Auburn state pris on for live years, Davia made a speech in which he aaid he had supposed all along until the explosion chat his property would make good any deficiency. . Xot because of his failure to square accounts but because of the offense. The amount of the embezzlement ia 161,000. Hlrlumt frt , Coos Citt, Most, March 28. Work on the Mountain Lion Silver mine, which haa been in progress during the winter, hsa iuat resulted in tlie dittooverr of the greatest bod of ailver ore that has thus far bean found in the stata of Montana. Oarhsaa Win QaM. Baitimobk, Md., March 28. The Bun says: "It can be stated authoritatively that first Assistant Postmaster General CUrkaon will -attentat no 1st day. Whan Mr. awteoafaecaptsd tfaa ofhos it was wiU the uadaratendiac;that ha would War it at tba and of tba yaar, 1 STATK NHWS. rlrsk Seward county boasts a full nVded farmers' alliance. Broken Bow will have a new hotel be fore the warm summer month. County division and a new railroad line are leading topics in Custer county. Nelson proposes to have a oca' schorJ house and w ill vote bonds to aid in its construction. The tire bell lower at Kud Cloud is be ing built higher, so that all citiens may hear the alarm. Superior is oue of the twelie cities of the state to be written up in the world's fsir edition of the Chicago 7'iix Citizens of Mnroe are import uuiiig the Union Pacific oit'cials to a station and build a depot in the village. Shooting wolies by the light of the moon is one of the sports indulged in by Greeley county farmers and sjiortsiuen. Managers of the different ball teams in the state ure called to meet in Fremont on the 25lh to assist m rimiiug a league. Mm. Mary .Mi-Ye an old resident Xebraaka City, dinl ut that place yes terday at the advanced ii; of ninely luo yeaas. X'orth Bend is working for a hemp fac tory in addition to the pro.osed llouring mill. The former will le a branch of the Fremont factory. The tendency among the farmers of the state is toward a greater diversity of crops. The plan of raising so much corn and so little w heat, llax, be ing abandoned in ninny localities and more attention to the small gntitiHuKur lieets, etc.,ill lie given. A somewhat noted crool;, hearing the name of Charles X. Walker with a num ber of aliases, has been syMemafii-ally defrauding the hotels of Nebraska City. A telegram from Kansas City requesting his arrest for a offence arrived too late, as he had skipped across the river to Iowa. The aid of the sheriff of Greeley county was invoked to keep at u projer distance, an over-infatuated youtjg man of Loup City, who troubled with his at tentions one of the fair ones living near Scotia. When convinced that his suit v.uh hopeless he left, but assured tht pres ent that his dead Issiy iuil.1 son W found in the raging Iiup. I'rrHy llnr,I llspi-. Sr. Lon'ip, Mo., -March 27. - A siM-cia) I; f i 1 1 ) i i l.i., Hif. "This moru iug John Raiqif, a Wabash tireman, killed hia mistress, Mella Hone. She was endeavoring to net him to return from a sh1o;ii to the house, when he struck her onjthe neck, Itiijiug her. The blow hroke her neck. The woman's relatives live at Stella, Xeb. l-efl pemillrs. Bckkaui. L Y. March 28. William Rofut, agent for the White sewing ma chine company, hits left town with n valuable horse and sewing machine wag on worth about 200, belonging lo the sewing machine company. Koful left a wife and six small children penniless. KsllnMul Areidrnt. Misiot'i.A, MowT.,March 27. The east bound express on the Xi.rthern Pacilic went through a culvert near Heron eta tion yesterday. The express messenger was killed and seven passengers injuied none of them being seriously hurt. Among them is J. II. Richards of S. D Snf- blower. Bimjbami'Tos.X. Y., March 2H.--.t 10. 15 o'clock last nightthe safe in Parker's coal ofllce was blown os?n by men who were evident ly accustoniei to the busi ness. The three men killed at Red Hock, Pa., are supposed to be the ones by whom the btirgla-y was committed. A Xew Wrinkle. Paint from potatoes h a u-iv wr.nkU Id the arts and sciences. Kvlilow't Trade lievtew gires the manner of preparutiou. Boil a kilo of peeled po tatoes in water: uUev nuliin;; dilute with water and iiass tliroiili a line sieve. Add two kilo of SpaniHli while diluted with four kilos of wuter, and the result will he n color of Ixmiitiful milk-white. Different colon can be effected by the nddiiion of different oiihres and minerals. Apply ivilh a hrtuh. It adheres to plaxier and wood very well, will not pec!, and, bctt of all is cheap. AipwU'i Beantlful Hhouldera. The Emprcs Augusta was famom it her younjrer dars for her pci-son.i, beauty and especially for her rnnguiii. cent shoulders. In the later years ol her life her beauty of feature had quit disappeared, but to the day of tier death the wonderful shoulders re mained the tame. And court goip tellt the following story about it: The Empress has always bcea excessively proud of her beauty, and so, when the unkind years began to leave their trace upon her, the devised the most skillful aids from art. For her neck and shoulder Indeed, for the entire upper body she had a waxen corci-Ing made which perfectly simulated nature in coloring:, . texture and outline. This armor once asnmed, she was nevur known to remove It, and Indeed for many yean the fact of its Iming the product of art was a matter of suspicion rather than actual knowledge. Cer tainty same about In this way. One of the young women of the court of an experimental turn of mind sliped sly ly up behind tba august presence on day and gars just the tiniest touch of a aoed!e on tba smooth white shoulders. Tae Eajpnai did not stir. She pushed Ilttk harder, still tba Empress did aai wlace, and ooart spacalatka waa stUatwd foroTtr. A'. I. Smn. H-r Nrw-Year's tiM. it tl-i over stih er tvt'-r - .... n.l.l 1-i lnauri- l irlurs SIN 1 ... - A,sfbH-. sUAIW. ' KNi .n-llR ,n.l.o. oJ 'n tt ben Us. Ut U IMIO tr rcr ii..uirI JlJw 1 l!!o my cuu-ta eiv He wiiirlii lisve tent Die flower or '"f-. Ilul t ir. .K r fell-.w !""".'.e Of Is-srmd 1 fl I - l"le j (.aJ i,iui ! w ilii a uoJ sod ' Ye nm-l.ow I llur!it the t.;iirMj w Wuuld iTinfr ,ne n,.-wieor """' I l.rt.lrt-rt so fix- ",lle A teaJxl alilic U.iu-1 tier gltl "a""!- Ble ktml It thrlcre lie mlllni fi lj.fe. !.! 'in I '' l- f"" (Milt mi filliful Is-art." lie aIU. MuJ 1 i-:l nl ;ur Hxpoi. smtwir'ti'r!T Muiyotir hesrt," SsM kls -Is i(r 0,-srri.l g-llt lu U wiwl'l. .i iw, - M. f. Hri.lifs Ke d lajr. Wh-it i the lif.' of fu'hiouable and emancipated Ij.K ? LM ''rn S,utU-niH i -utufi and re:l hat Lady r-Ulierim; Mimeu Gs-kell h:n to sa. Here ii a spci-imeii of the day's routine: Mie jiu s wiih the childiMi. She -riic ordi i i lo tho cook and oilu-r wrvaiiis. Mic arrane for the reception of iitor (cviH-i'lcd and unexs'cled). .she takes a turn at Herbert Spencer. Mie settle a (lignite between hiillcr ami "unh tiir (ihejfardeuerliad "xiteu onicrs'' to the hullci ). She confute the l rcm li jrnvenie-s, who complains of lliu chlot daughter (iju'clle ctait d une impcrtiiu uco in ci'otable). Sim soothes the. board schoolmaster (the curate had been pnsiiinin ). .She pacific a tenant who ttaiiH hit rent reduced and doesn't liko beiu; bitten in tho ler by t niastilf. She im's for a tliie with her hiis-baii'l- Slie ojs-ri a nuiic hall ami makes a SJS-ecll. She rends the Bible to a sick woman in the parish. Mic receives her jriicu. She eNjilain to her Imslian why the li.sli iiu't up to the mai l.. And then perhaps hc uriles au ar ticle for a iniinihly maaiiie. No wonder that nervous evhaiiitinii is le coiniiifj as frequent tinioii haiil-livin woiucu aa gout aiiioti hanl-driiikiu men. The Hardest Worker In Jamatoa. Everywhere, here the water is qtiiel In bays and harbors, one sees '.lie nmn prove at its silent, ceaseless work. The parent trunk, Trunin;; from a little pink stem, bliools up into a low shrub with lde-rprenilinjr brain lu , clothed rerH?tuallf with f.''o.v rreen leave, rroin those, branches lotijr. slender roots drop iuto tho water lioneatli, V( here, in the muddy soil at tho bottom, they themselves take root, and hi turn lo coino trunks and trees. And every where under the snake-like net-work of roots w hich rise out of the muddy soil, and in a tangle of branches alsive, life is pulsing and rustlinjr. Innumerable crali, with lmij; red lers and black bodies peppered with white spots, curry and crawl io and out upon the rank mud beneath the arching root', ftud droll hermit-crabs draw them nelves with a click into tlui burrowed houses straujre-lookin shells with lon spines, curioiu spirals, mottled with blue and pray and yellow. In tho days of the Spaniards vessel) used to sail up tho Rio Cobra lo Spanish Town; now it is welliiijzli choked with the wash of centuries. To enter it you pass around a long spur of sand that stretches far out iuto the bay, a roosting-place for sleepy pelicans resting from their fishing,:old Joes." as the islanders call them. Tliecbaunci, barely deep enough for the liht canoes of the fishermen, is tortuous aud wind ing, and further up along its course is nearly roofed in by overarching trees, and bordered by impenetrable thickets that now forever shut out the life that used to come and go Ik;! ween the har bor and San Jajro dc la Vera. -Huward Fylt, in Harper s Magazine. A Persevering Prisoner. "Perseverance will accomplish any thing." I had these words for a writ ing lesson once, and I shall never for get them. It is a great thing lo have perseverance. There was once a uian who was shut up in a dungeon wiih walls 'AKJ feet thick, made of the hard est kind of stone. He hail no tools ex cept a pair of scissors his brother had sent him io a loaf of bread, but he re membered that a drop of water will wear away a stone if it fulls on the stone long enough, and that a coral worm, which is so small that you can hardly see it, will eat up and destroy a coral reef if you will only give it time enough. So he said that he would per severe and dig a hole through the wall of the dungeon with the scissors and escape if it took him a hundred years. He had been digging about a year when the Governor pardoned him, and the jailer brought him the joyful news. But tbey couldn't get him to leave tho dungeon. He tola the jailer that he had undertaken lo dig bis way through tho wall and escae in that war, uud that ho was going to stick to it no mat ter how long it might take. The jailer urged him to give it up and walk out of he door, and even offered him 10 to give up his dungeon to a new lodger, but notluug could induce him toenail" his mind, bo he staid in the dungeon aud dug away at tho wall for forty, seven years, and every six months ho bad to par a big bill for damages to the jail.aud he finally died when lie was ball through the wall. This shows what a splendid thing perseverance U and that we all ought to persevere. IK. L Aldeit. UoW ' Favorite. Brown: "How is it you are iR-n a "Ol , that's easy enough. Wheuerei anything pleasant happens to mo I knap It to myself, so as to make nobodr eh s lou.: hut all my miseries and ruWor tunes I toll to everybody who will Roar me. and you can't imagine how happr they make entry body! mi them ll Ju know, that misery lores company. I dob f know bow thaT is. hat company lores misery every tlraeV" Wsew.i xra,-ieAa.-. The Karl la (irnwiag lairgwav ri.. -.n:. traveling' in its ' around 1 he sub aud onward with the solar sstem around some unKuow4 snd stii'l gn:atr center of attraction, is cinsiaiiily traversing new regions of rpaec. which it depletes of meteoric dti-t and meteorites, thus steadily no matter how slow ly increasing ia diameter. Now let this growth cou linne till the earth has jul twice the S aiir i' tiie (siwer which it now possess es, we Simula men uae nut meuuin-U-r of meteorite and double the uiiantiiy of dit-t falling auoually upon Fortunately for our head the eartli has not j ci "attained Very formidable d lMCIi-io'lit. but we luay look upon it as su e-tabli-hed fact that it constantly aius in weight, and lhat in propor tion to such gaiu it attractive power sieadilt increases. 1 he altraciive foriv of the sun is so (jrioimotis that peip.-liial hail of iiieleoiiics and a torrent of dust par ticles in u-t rush iisn it from all di rection, ami some of the foremost ob-M-rver are now of opiniou that thse tailing lsdies are the sole Caue of the sun's heat. In llie light of this theory our earth is a young and growing, not au old mid "ih ing I'lanel; a planet with a future, which ought to bo cheerful new lo all of us. although we shall nut lit lo reap the. IsMielil of it, aud the sun, far from being ou its last leg as au expiring lumiiiary, is .steadily gaiuic in heat and lighting capacity- -An.rt- W here llcauiirs Are Itred. The great Wauties who lake the so cial prizes in marriage are almost all bred in the lesser towns, where a less conventional society gives wpinon a snatch at freedom in girlhood. You don't find thein grow ing up w itu cali thenies health lifts, and a rujsjage-use to do their exercise fur them. You ail remember the painful storr I of a girl in a city home, surrounded by ci crv care, w Im was strangled in thu ! c ird'sof her health pull'' one evening i little more than a ) ear since. Scarcely niorc pitiful h her fate than that ol girls bn. tight up to depend on such mb-tiliHe for work and t-ltise if they lis e. A siek, ana-iiiic woiirssi',' un-u-ed, unable to Care for herself and all others, is the most pitiable, repugnant object on earth. You seldom liud a lasting beauty which has not had a si-iiii-Greck education of outdoor lif and exercise behind it. Take the Iw-autiful Gunnings, who ran wild in their Irish country home, till their calculating mamma had raked a:id scraped enough lo take thein to Dublin and tiienco to Ixindou. The Gunnings were unlicensed hoyden hut their races over tho hills gave them matchless complexions. Later still Mrs. Langtrr took her leaiity course, roving the Jersey lanes with tier broth ers in sea air, living on peaches and coat se bread, with as little lvssous as sulliced lo lit her fur London drawing moins. ..iVV j''v:e Juunml. 5H0PPINC IN AMERICA. Ar..irSln lo a liruiiptlos) OItss by a I mil HrltUh Trarrlsr. Tht (American) stonrkeejx'r nerer says what a coinmodily is really worth intrinsically or in his ftarticular market, but places its value about 25 per cent over what he will take for it and which is in turn about 25 per cent over what he aid for it. bargaining which goes ou in all the provincial cities and town is extraordinary. The process is called ".lew ing down," and proceeds some thing like this; Sene: Store. Enter prospective buyer, Kints laconically to article and loijiiitur: "Say, w hat's ! his worth t" storekeeper --(bin dollar, and dirt cheap. P. B. (who really wants H) Ah. waul, it's not quite what I want. But I'm in tio jtertickler rush to-day. (Pauses.) B'licvc I'll give you 70eciil for it. S. - Seventy cents? VThv, I deelai it's dirt cheap alfl; but j.piltooning I'll let you have it for IK) cents. P, B. That's quite ridiklons. How ever I ken jist let tin rip! (Turns over about a du.eii articles and then pre pares to leave the store.) H. Come now, yer shall have It foi 80 cents, thai ! I couldn't make it bet ter nor lhat an) how. P. B. (examining artido attentive! v, but. grunting iho while) Xo, sir-ree. it won't run it. Xow coniidentially I II tell yer what 1 will do. I'll givi yer 75 writs -75 cents (iwpressivelv), and not a red cent more. What say? Tim .sorekocer tires a bolt at tht nearest fpilinon, shakes his liead, and turns to serve another customer. Pro. speeiiie buyer saunieis around the store, and eventually reaches the door.' At this tiioincui the biorckeeper calls onl: "Say, you can take that durneJ thing, but como and see us ''ain, will yer?'' And so tho compact is concluded. Both are fully atislied, ami think noth ing of the ten minutes they have wasted, for both concluded they have 'liested'' the other. This phrase "come and see us again" is the usual fare well. I have had it said to me scores of times. ArUotr MmiUfiort in TenwU It nr. itells on Sheep. A -Michigan farmer claims to bare lived Ins huge llock of sheep from the dogs by putting tt be. 'e.v,D on When the sheep get frlghlened and run the bells .lay a gran.f march aad Hie Uogs caniei' off. The Virt ue of Hot Milk. ll is worthy of reiteration that milk heated lo as high a temperature as it cau lie drunk or lped. above 100 de grees but not lo the boiling point, it of great ralue as a refreshing stimulant in cases of over-exertion,, bodily or mental. To most people wbo Ilk milk. It docs not taste to good hot, but that Is a small matter compared with the benefit to be got from lu Its aotioa It exceedingly prompt and gralefaJ, -tht effects much mora saUsfaotorr far more lasting than those of aar i holhs drink whatever. It safpUes ml strength at well at exhilaration, waieh s'vKoi Mvsr does "