ioux County Journal vox,, a. HA.E,ISOlNr, USTEIB., APBIL 3, 1890. -tiro. nn The THE STOUX COUNTY Simmons A Patterson, Proprietors. F. F. v. V j. K. Tir"p Going Wst. iiia; Kn .t. No. H, iw"iitr, :SI No. W, piK.T, No. OS. freight, 1 1 :35 j 'Jo. freight i:OA HARRISON MARKET. Corn pr hii"iii"l . Oots p r hinfl--o4 "S Short- per hu-iilrrfl V, Bran r hii'i!n(l red rhopix"! pi-r ha .'Ircl T IotHtop4 per liuieire i Tiutl.'r ;icr 1h . EKPTi pi'r iloz . M ' 7fi 1 or 1 on 20 in roiiltrj- por flo ... 1 75 W 3 00 Onions :vr 4 4 Wl Bentm p 'r t ("oul per Irtii Wood per ronl , Lumber native pi-r in. ft .Correct ! every Thursday. 3 w lion' 1 The minstrel; to-night. Fresh pies at the restaurant. Taints arid oils at the drug store. Corn at 50 tents a hundred at Turn er's. Farms bought and sold hy S. II. Jones. Ilark! Did we hear some 0110 say "harmonv"? To the other 19 traitors "We 5 there, didn't we?" -Oo to Dr. Clary .Chadron. to get your j (eyes, ears and throat treat!. -We have a few docks for sale cheap. Call soon at the drug store and get. one. . . , ' , . ., .,, . The lioys dei dare that thev will give I ,, , . i , . , , ' . ; the best entertainment of the season this 1 i "Who is it that desires hy mutual Concessions to let the light. drop ':" "On ly us eight!' Oo to Dr. Clary, specialist in eye, car nod Throat diseases. Office in Central Block, Chadron, Neb. W. R's. desire for olilce overcame his love for the truth and he fell and great (?) was the fall thereof. If you need anything in the way of Eye, Ear or Throat treatment, go to Dr. Clary, specialist, Chadron, Neb. If you want the very best terms on farm loans, go to the Hank of Harrison before making application elsewhere. Get your loans from IT. T. Conley and avoid the red tape incident to pro curing loans through loan companies. We have added a full lino of window glass to our stock. Call and get prices. GlUKWOIJ) & MA IlSTEIJ-KIi. Who called the mass meeting of cit izens which nominated a ticket in the interest of harmony? "Only us eight." The Northwestern hotel s, always ! takes goixl care of its guests. A trial j will satisfy you that that is the place to j stop. j In nnnfher column nnrwEtl-ki a cn I i iiv ., . , . , .. , 'is no way for the atlairs of the public, to the county clerk for a meeting of the , ' . ,, 1 , , , . , . . r, . lie conducted sntisfactonally unless the board of county commissioners on Fn-i , ,. , j inn rt .1 . ' public take an interest in the work, day, April 11th, for the transaction of,', A, . ... , , . The (iiK-sl.ion of settling the indebtedness county business. I . . ... ... . ,, , , . 1 of the village of Harrison to the. school The I unn Brothers who have been 1 , . .. 1 1 ,1 i .1 1 .! ' district is the object, ol this meeting an.l in the sand hills during the winter with, , ,,, J , , . 1 ,1 m all should be present and participate, their cattle returned yesterday. They 1 ' ' report the stock as having gone through! -A snow storm visited this locality the winter in good shape. '' lilst- Saturday, and although unpleasant The Uxly of an infant was found i ! 'bile it lasted it added considerably to a privy vault last Thursday. An in-i the amount of moisture rei-eived hy the quest was held and a verdict rendered ground and is one more point in favor of to the effect that it camo to its death j prospects of a grand crop the coming from causes unknown to the jury. j season. A large proportion of the seed In another column appears an adver- j " heat is already in the ground and as tiseineut of the imported Bercheron stal-1 w l--sihlu the- oat, crop will lie put lion, Barbarin, owned hy A. V. Mohr, j A big crop is looked for. This is one tf the finest horses in the Lust Week a friend of Otto Munson stiite and those desiring to raise valuable arrived from lown with his family and a horses will do well to read the advertise-, car load of stoi k, household goods and ment. I farm implements, with which to cionvert Out of the whole twenty-ono w hose a quarter se tion of government land iu solemn promise to support the ticket; to a good home. People are begining to which they themselves nominated is a j find that Kioux county is a good place to matter of public record, only one ro-i como to live and they will ulso soon tnained true to his pledge, and that one 1 learn that if they desire to gel free gov is S. W, Cox. May the other 20 htrive j eminent land they must come soon, to emulate his noble example. One greatly needed addition to the Action is to lie commenced by a J business enterprises of Harrison has been number of the property owners of thu i Hrmntfea for. H. A. Cunningham was village of Harrison to prevent the col- j loru tlst wcek m,d arranged to open a lection of the tax illegally levied in 1WI). , harness shop and be ready lor business in There is quite an amount of this illegal '. a N1(,rl tlllie. Ho is a practical harness and the property owners do not care to j ,llaj er and intends to keep a lull stock of pay more than they were obliged to. everything needed hy the people in his By promptly declining to accept the : jne, As soon as he can settle up some office of trustee, after being elected in business matters at ltu.shvitle, where lie the manner he was, C. E. Verity acUd in ,aH .en j,, business until recently, he a way that shows true manhood. No one! wi r,.lur prepared for takiug care of could countenance such proceedings, j tle peoples' wants in line of harness sup or in any way be a party thereto with- j p)(Wi Xlie farmers will great ly appreci out odium attaching to him as a result. ' ult! a uunt!hs; slu.p for they have been Arrangement are being made to greatly incoiivienccd in the past. ship more corn In at the free rate lor seed and feed for the farmers. This is a great help to the settlers and the rail road company are entitled to their thanks for the favor. The prospects are ; The ground is in good condition, that this is the last season that it will be j Mr. Coy has sold his logging interests, oecessiiry to ship in grain. , and gone to other parts. Thu boys, most of them of a larger j Mr. limes has his house nearly coni jrrowth, indulged in snow balling Wed-' plU;d. newlay afternoon. The result was a George Kint has lost two cows re irreat deal of sport, a broken wuidowr in , ceully. Weir A Go's, front and also in the post office. It teemed to afford fun enough to pay for the expense, and every onel who attempted to cross the street had a volley of snow balls to dodge. For farm loans go to S. IL Junes. M'xiiKatnll hours at the restaurant O.kmI flour at UO cents a sack at Turn er's. IS pounds prunes for one dollar at Turner's. j 1 1 pound dried apples for on? dollar at Turner's. Any kind of cake desired made at the restaurant. For mixed fraints, oils and varnishes 1 go to thi; drug store. Wh n you want a nice dock call on Orisvold A M:iitcer. A good breaking plow for sale. In quire at Till', Joi i'NAi, oflice. 12 pounds gruitilaC d or I t pounds C Hisirar for one dollar at Turner's. I Why n-t buy a ti'-w hat? Some very I nice stylos and low prices at Hunch Sup-! ply House. prBr;iAL Ram; Friday, 10 a. in. Jelly hiuis, 13 cuits kt dozen, at the restaurant. Mrs. J. A Stiyd'-r has received a nice Ktix k of fancy goods and notions which she is selling very cheap. V.'e have often heard it remarked that "a person who will lie without cause would steal for cause." When you want a farm wagon, plow, harrow, or anything else in the i i imolement line call on Oriswold & Mar- stolltr ' -II.'t. GmW Las eonsumatod ar- nins,.M,u whereby he is authorized to mulw ,,,, for iriv,e rtjus Smix v r,;., eH,.)k.. " . .... , , , , , , We have the higgest stock of hard- . , , , ware, implements and furniture ever , . , . shown in Sioux count v. Come in ami For comfort and good living go to the Northwestern hotel when in Hani son. Everything is done that can 1m to make it pleasant for those who stop there. "To lie or not to lie" was the ques tion decided hy the historical twenty-one anilS. W. "ox is the only one who de cided "not to 1.'". His action is a pos ing contrast to tho perlldy of the other twenty. In our advertising columns ap(earg the announcement of the horse, Bay Boh, the property of C. S. Scott. This horse is a good one for general purposes and stock men should not fail to read the advertisement. . . ... llAR.vfcss Ruor. I will,- within the" next thirty days, 0en a first-class har ness shop in Harrison and endeavor to give yon satisfaction in work anil stock. Soliciting your patronage, I remain Respectfully, II. A. Cunningham. It is to lie hoped that every one in school district. No. 7 will attend the spec ial meeting called for April 10th. There Boggy News. Farmers are about done sowing wheat. i O. Greger has the posts set around his pl r&uly for the wire. . The Unuurs are to rucuive a good deal of gram for seed and feed, over the B. M. road. Wild Wivr. PERSONAL. W. W. Byinaton, an attorney of Chad ron, was in Harrison last Thursday and called at our offUe. John Mosley was in Harrison last Fri day and made a pleasant call at our oflice. Mrs. J. M. Robinson orders The Jorn SAL wot to her daughter, Miss Mabel JJ Robin , on, at Glen. H. A. Cunningham, the gentleman, who will open a In mess shop here in a few days, cuh 'd at our otlice last Sat urday. Rev. Julian, of Chadron, was in Har rison last Friday. Win. Tod. nee. nn attorney of Heming-foi-d and nn old ocouititance of TllE JoCR-NAT-, was in Harrison on Monday. Otto Munson relumed on Monday from J Chariton, Iowa, glad to get 1 a k to Sioux county. He has lieen in ill-healtli most of the time during his absence. J. C. Sear'rest, representing the Slatn Jmirn'il, of Lincoln, was in Harrison on Tuesday and made an agreeable call at these hcadqiiarU rs. j II. G. Mason, representing the Car-t-n t'-r Paper Co., of Omaha, was in Har rison on Tuesday and made a business call at our otlice. B. I'. Smith was at Chadron the first of t!ie week. Joseph Stastuey is here setting out trees on his fa tlier's place just south of town. County Attorney Walker went to "'hadrou Monday evening to attend dis trict court. Judge Barker went to Rushvillu Sat urday to visit his father, and returned on Tuesday morning. Mrs. Blunt left for the east Wednes day evening. Miss Nettie Snyder is now able to sit up a portion of the time. Mrs. 1. F. Lusk is recovering from her illness. Mrs. E E. Livermore is spending a- few days with friends in Chadron. C. E. Holmes, of the Bank of Harrk, son, spent Sunday at Rushville. I). P. Davis, E. D. Satterlee and L. O. Hull returned from Chadron Thursday morning. -iA County Superintendent SouthworCfi I is determined to get up nn interest in the schools of the county and proposes to make it an object for the teachers, schol ars, and all interested in educational matters to take hold of the work. He proposes to induce the schools to make an exhibit of their work at the teachers' institute and offer prizes for the Vst productions by the various schools. In addition to this, other parties have agreed to give prizes for individual work in certain branches. The list is not yet, complete, and those who feel interested in the w ork are requested to inform Mr. Southworth what prize thay will give and f or w hat line of work. We lielieve the plan a good one and will show excel lent results. The teachers of the county are urged to take hold of the matter and get up the best exhibit possible. War Itonnot News. Jos. (i. Morns and family have taken up their nlmde at his ranch on Prairie i og creek. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wnrneke and fam ily were visiting with Friedrick Todten haiipt last Sunday. Augu it John has been very sick for the last few weeks. Several horses are missing from B. F. Thomas' pasture. Mrs. Hass, of Harrison, was visiting friends in the valley last Sunday. J. (1. Morris has moved his cattle to his ranch in Wyoming. I has. Hauler has his blacksmith shop completed and is doing first class work. Jerry Will wants to trade his mule team lor a span of mares. Preaching nxt Friday in school house No. 22 at 1 1 o'clock a. m. For a number of years I have been subject to violent at tacks of inflamma tory rheumatism which generally lasted about two months. On the llrst of this mouth 1 was attacked in the knee and suffered severely lor two days, when I procured a hot tie of t.hambcrlain's Pain Balm and it relieved me almost instant ly, 1 thrrelore most cheerfully recom mend it to those who are similarly af flicted everywhere. R. D. "Whitley, Martindale, X. G., Feb., 1H88. Mr. Whitley is a very prominent niaii in this place and his disease was very widely known as he nullereil such severe pain. W. M. Houston & Co., Merchants, Murtiusdale, N. C. fiO cent bottles lor sale by C. 11. Andrews. Wells Drilled! 1 have a jiooc! well uniting machine and am ready to drill any sized well on short notice. Terms good and prices low. Pootollieo, Harrison. Tkey Do Sot M'ant Peace. Three or four weeks ago a meeting vas held at which all but two or three voters of the village of Harrison were present. It was called in the interest of peace and harmony and it was agreed tiirit I'oncess'ons should be made all around, and the municipal affairs run in the interest of the town and taxpayers. Witn this end in view selections were m-ide for trustees and C. R. AVells, Thos. Reidy, C. H. Weller, S. Barker and J. C. Northrop were chosen, ar.d all present agreed to stand hy the ticket at the election on April 1st. All went along well until the morning of election when a different ticket was sprung consisting of W. R. Smith, W. A. Snyder, ('. E. Verity, J. C. Northrop and C. II. Weller printed thereon instead of those selected at the meeting. It vms plain to see that the old gang had got to work and fixed up the new ticket and hy working the voters the count showed the vote to stand as fol lows: W. R. Smith 20 W. A. Snvder 21 G. E. Verity 20 J. C. Northrop 28 G. H. Weller 28 R. Barker Thos. R. idy .8 ('. R. Wells 7 After all the promises made the vote showed that the ga ng and every man they could control voted different from the agreement. The inference to lie drawn from this is that they do not want peace. In fact, if peace reigned the principal oc cupation of some members of the old gang would he gone, and the protesta tions of those whoewere so anxious for p'-ace and then acquiesced in the 'disrepu table work of last Tuesday, certainly shows that they have not been sincere in their professions. In this connection C, E. Verity author izes us to state that he was not tendered the nomination, that he was not con sulted in the matter and therefore did not consent to lie a candidate and posi tively declines to qualify as member of the board of trustees. The bad faith shown in the matter cer tainly will not tend to promote harmony, and it looks as if some people, instead of wishing to build up the town would rather see it remain at a standstill, but their efforts will prove unavailing. The 4(Uleri5 in the country have learned ;the object of the old gang and have downed them and the people, in town will get their eyes open and do likewise. There need lie no kick at the men elected, but the principle, or rather the lack of principle, shown by those who managed the affair is certainly deserving of censure by all men of honor. The promptness' and certainty of it's cures have made Chamberlain's Cough Remedy famous. It is intended espec ially for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, and it is the most ef fectual remedy known for these diseases. 00 cent bottles for sale hy 0. H. Andrews. Srant Guthrie, -Dealer In- Lumber, Lime, Grain -ANI- Coal AtNT .OH W'NO MILLS D PUMHS CAUSE! WE Always hare a complete line of General Merchandise. Sell goods at Rock Bottom Prices Always. Guarantee Satisfaction in Every Transaction. The EFFECT is that our business is constantly increasing and the people of Sioux county are finding that we ARE HEADQUARTERS for bargains. Follow the crowd and get a square deal on any thing you wish to purchase at KnSTCH SUPPLY HOUSE. Harrison, Nebraska. FARM LOANS On Reasonable Terms By Reidy & Pollard. HARRISON, NEBRASKA. NEW SUITS! Not suits in court, but nice, new dress suits to wear on Sundays, week days, holidays and other days. Suits to fit you and suits to fit me. Long suits, short suits, narrow suits and wide suits, We have a good line of clothing which will be sold very, very cheap. Would like to have all the men on earth (but more espec . ially those in Sioux coun ty,) to come and Line of Clothing. Our stock of dry goods, boots and shoes, hats, caps and grocer ies is complete and at lowest living prices. These are all suitable for tlie persons who buy suits as advertised above or for those who do not buy suits as advertised above. All goods warranted to not shrink in the "light of the moon" or to shrink by the action of the "dark of the moon." THE CASH STORE, C. R. WELLS, Propriety?. CAUSE! Oh no indMf If c t i i 1 P" art HA 4. t". 1 i' "S -1 ' v J 1 7 ' If' f 1 ? " f ii vr