The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 27, 1890, Image 4

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TtoS:ux County Journal.
fcubscrtpUon rice, 12.00
EatsAwd at the Harrison pe efflce as wto
oad claw matter.
TBtWDAT, Mast 27, 1890.
On last atoiifky the Midway Hotel at
Keame? wfca destroyed by fire. It was
ft fine struct, k Weeping; with the eti
Wpriseanfl fate! growth of that town,
and ila destrurtio. t11 be a Wvy loss
to the pMsf, but It be rebuilt in the
The Nebraska, Uewspaper Publishers'
Union is called to meet at the Midway
hotel, at KeameV, on Friday evening,
March 28th. This organization has been
gotten up by those in the active newspa
per work for mutual business benefit.
There are a great many things which the
newspaper fraternity have to contend
With which could be corrected by the
united action of tbe publishers and if
these matters are taken up and handled
properly good results will follow. The
co-operation of all publishers is urged
and a strong organization will soon be
N. D. Jackson, of Neligb, while in Lin
coln a few days ago, was engaged in
conversation by a representative of the
State Journal. He stated among other
things that be believed that in tbe con
gressional contest is the third district,
Judge Kinkaid would probably go into
the conventic with backing enough to
secure the nomination. Kinkaid is fre
quently spoken of as a possible candidate
and has a great many friends and admir
ers all over the state, but tbe fact of his
prospects for the nomination for con
gress being so good as that has not been
generally supposed.
On last Friday morning, Major Gener
al George Crook died at the Grand Pacif
ic hotel in Chicago. - He was apparently
a well man until he suddenly told his
wife that be could not breathe, and be
fore help could arrive, life was extinct
Gen.' Crook was one of the most
noted Indian fighters of the age: He
stood in high esteem with all who knew
him and his death will be sincerely
mourned by people in all parts of the
United States. His services as a milit
ary man during the rebellion and on the
frontier will eves-live aa a part of the
history of the natfTi - ,
The number a alliances tn the state
are increasing at a very rapid rate and
the result will b that thay will soon be
as well or better organised than tliey
have ever been in the state. There is
one thing to be urges' in the conduct of
the organbmtioo aad that is f or the rank
and file to arl2 meetings and take a
haiaimthatoaA Unleai this is done
the orgwniwtaTaV will not accomplish
anygoo4or tow schemers
intonfS -N tb. alh-
ancii ? la-yferCr ly , ,. Jinn Oft he farm
era niincfeBJ$att'.it7' ft'fb certainly
their duff tost that no 1 unscrupulous
tricksters take the management of the
affairs into their baatut8e tbe influ
ence and strength of CI efifciety for a
purpose directly opposite to . what was
; intended Caution shooM he ased lest
some Judas betray them with a kiss.
' The Berald sees aome haaey 4&tt
meats. . The fact that Tax Jocks al does
not always, contain sentences construct
ed according to the rules of Gramma
rians, and the fact that its editor was
dressed up one day last week, are cer
tainly points to be attacked by the fu
sion ring organ. The cause for its re
marks concerning Chairman Bichards is
explained by the fact of their coming
out for Geo. W. E. Dorsey for congress,
for a third term, and as Chairman Rich
ards live at tbe same place as does Mr.
Dorsey, aod tide friends are urging him as
a candidate for governor, It is evident
that at order to support the latter they
muet oppose the farmer, for it is not at
all bkaly that the governor of the state
and a member of congress would be
chosen from the same town. In the
congressional contest, it should be borne
in mind that Sioux county is an agricul
tural district and the people will not
wish to be represented in congress by tbe
president of half a dozen banks.
Tbe iate atate commission has made
a tawt'to Nebraska and taken its depart
ure. It appears they did hot bear testi
mony a a court, but simply as investi
gHtim a little and the bourse pursued
looks a good deal like a farce. Among
those who gave testimony were Hold
redce, of the B. at M., Church Howe, of
the Missouri .Pacific, Judge Mason, C
H. Gere, and tbe eecrateries of the state
' board of transportation. With the dis
satiafaCTtioa existing among the people
of the state in regard to the actions of
thnsMekanrdtt is hardly hkely that
ttettCMCyof the secretaries of that
tt7tcJ Ce inane gars of the roads
trr H to ahow that there was any.
C'Tt-..? ' &a were all on the de
fewtWAatf aof different could be
v-Mta-l' If tm aar state commission
UCMui fcr-ers, the
cle-J ethers of the state and got
, Cr o tira) snbject, a comparison
mmU tote iiw aMita and the tree state
tfaC arrived at. A person
does not osu-
H4 art
krme-nnrtaa dsfsafcat
The work of tbe state board of trans
portation as provided for by the present
laws does not satisfy tbe people of the
state and it is quite likely that a change
will be made by tbe legislature at its
next session providing tliat the members
shall be elected by the people for that
purpose, and not make it a part of the
duties of other state officers. This can
only be done by tbe adoption of an
amendment to the constitution, as that
does not admit'of more state offices be
ing created. A man may be well fitted
to fill one ef the present state offices,
but there may be reasons why he should
not be a member of the board whose du
ty it is to look after the management
of the railroads. Xo ciiange can be made
for more than two years, however, for
such an amendment could not be voted j
on until 1992, unless a special session
the legislature could be called at once
and prepare for the submission of such
an amendment, sand that is not likely to
be done. It is safe to presume now that
farmers have taken hold of matters that
they will see to it that as soon as possi
ble the state board of transportation will
be elected by the people.
The recent attempt of Congressman
Dorsey and Auditor Benton to work up a
boom by a visit to Cliarles Francis Ad
ams, president of the Union Pacific rail
road, in regard to a reductioo of freight
on coin has created a good deal of
amusement among the people of Nebras
ka. Tlie idea of these two brothers-in-law
representing the farmers of Nebras
ka is about as rediculous as the state
ment of C. H. Gere before the interstate
commission to the effect that the freight
rates in Nebraska were sutisfcietory to
the people of the state. The farmers of
Nebraska are not to lie hoodwinked by
any such action. There never was a
time in the history of the state when the
farmers have felt so in earnest in regard
to public affairs as tliey do now and tlie
farmer organizations are growing in
numbers very rapidly aod will make
their power felt If any one seeks (nr
honors at their hands it will be net-essary
to prove that tliey are serious, and not
attempt to treat the masses as if they
were a lot of weak minded people who
could be deceived into swallowing a bit
ter pill, simply by a thin coating of su
gar. The new tariff bill prepared by the
ways and means committee makes a
great reduction in the duty on sugar.
Tills is not at all favorable to the inter
ests of Nebraska and the entire delega
tion will oppose that part of the bilL
Now that Nebraska lias just started in
the cultivation of sugar beets and their
manufacture into sugar, it is but right
that the industry have the benefit of a
protective taiff until the business is es
tablished. The fact of sugar, factories
being established and operated In the
west will have a tendancy to attract
other manufacturing industries to . the
locality and thus tend to bring tbe mar
ket closer to the place of production. It
is to the interest of all the western and
northern states that there be no change
made which will be detrimental to the
establishment of factories in the west.
After the business is put upon a solid
footing it may be all right to reduce the
tariff, but so great a reduction as is pro-
ftoasd in the bill would be a death blow
tb the sugar business in Nebraska.
Mr. James Lambert, of New Bruns
wick, Illinois, says: "I was badly afllict-
ed with rheumatism in the hips and legs,
when I bought a bottle of Qiamberlain's
Pain Balm. It cured me in three days.
am all right today and would insist
on every one, who is alllicted with that
terrible disease, to use Chamberlain's
Pain Balm and get well at once." For
sale by C. H. Andrews.
Eye and Skin Ointment.
A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes,
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Old
Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, 8ore Nipples
and Piles. It is cooling and soothing.
Hundreds of cases have been cured by
It after all other treatment bad failed.
25 and 60 cent boxes for sale by
, C H. Andrews, Druggist
Agricultural Implements,
; Furniture, Etc.,
At the Leweet living Prices. We Hat. a Big Stock of BarbsxJ Wire on Head
: 'Which
We are Selling 25c. Below Ilarket.
The resignation of Bismark as chan
cellor of the Empire of Germany, is call
ing forth . great deal of comment all
over the world. Some predict trouble
for the government, others going so far
as to prophesy tliat tlie great power of
Germany will be broken. It is true tliat
the great prince has demonstrated that
he is possessed of a great deal of ability
as a ruler aod statesman, yet history has
repeatedly shown that no man is so
great but that another can be found cap
able of filling bis place in public life. It
was doubtles a good thing for the Ger
man government that Bismark remained
in the office of chancellor for a time af
ter the succession of tlie new sovereign,
but it looks like folly to claim that tlie
government cannot exist without him.
The result may be a great change in tlie
policy of the government, and it may
be that tlie peaceful relations may be in
terrupted, but there are many things
which indicate that existing peace must
be broken in the near future, and the re
tirement of Bismark may be one of tlie
steps leading to the breaking out of hos
tilities. It is quite evident tliat a war
now, while it would be very destructive
while it lasted, could not be kept up for
atay length of time. Wars extending
over a period of years are only to be
known as matters of history.
How aa Innneent Oiil UmtloMaa Created
a Gowf Deal of Kxcitouiant.
A Cambridge gentleman was asked to
bhj a ticket to tbe nremeu's bull and good
naturedly compiled, say a Boston letter to
the Providence Journal. The next quenUon
was what to do with it One of bis two
men-aervanta wculd probably be glad to use
it, but be did not wish to show favoritism.
Then It occurred to him that he thhrht buy
another ticket and give both of his servants
a pleimure.
Not knowing just how to proceed he in
quired of a policeman where tbe tickets
v ere to be had.
Why don't you go dowa tn the engine
bouhef" aaid the officer. 'Tbe men all
--now you."
Ko the old irentleman went to the enplne
Hiuse but when be entered there was no
ma In sight. He had never been In such a
!lnr be I ore, but was perfectly familiar
with the use of electric signals. On the
ide of tbe room was a button, evidently
connected with s bell, and naturally
enough, after waiting a minute or two he
put his thumb upon it.
The effect was electrical in every sense
of the word. From the air overhead so, at
least, it seemed to tbe old gentleman in bis
bewilderment men began to rain down,
completing their tplleu as tbe fell. The
horses rushed out at their stalls, and, in a
word, all the machinery of a modern en-glqe-houae
wae-tnuastly in motion.
. Amid all this turmoil stood the mild-man-uered
and innocent old gentleman, who,
even now, did not suspect that be had
touched tbe fire alarm. The men rushed
upon him for information as to the where
abouts of the fire, but when be opened his
mouth tt waa only to say, in the mildest ac
cent! H should like to buy another ticket to tbe
ball, If you please." , ;, ;
Tbe situation was so ludicrous that no
one oould be angry, not even the men whose
nap had been broken into, and the old gen
tleman bought his ticket and departed in
;v-'.'" Triple Lightning Strokes.
' Borne rather curious points which have
hitherto been regarded as doubtful were
tested by an assistant of Pro!. Kucher dur
ing a recii t heavy thunder-storm In lxn
don. and in one or two instances their truth
t blithed. One of these points waa the
s Hiun (bat every flash Of llphtning is In
reaUty made up of three distinct d:s
!,erge. following one another with such
m-k-ulbly swift consecutiveness as to aji
.Kur bat one flash, even to the closest observer-.
Blips of the ToufM,
: A friend of mine was attending services
at a certain Baptist church In Washington,
says a letter in the Salem Oazette. Tbe
minister was a very deliberate speaker,
with a broad mouth. The sermon was about
the death of Moses. In the course of It the
preacher began a sentence "Biddy diddy"
and again halted. Wbat could it bet lie
made a second attempt "diddy biddy"
and again halted. Strange. Lubricating
his lips be made a third attempt and suc
ceeded ''Did he bid adieu," etc, A clergy
man in Ohio said: "For now we see through
a dark glassy," and the same man Spoke of
some one going "heedlessly" to destruc
tion. A Providence minister once said:
"Turned his eyeless sight-balls up to
StatlatJea at Muscular Power,
Han has the power of Imitating almost
every motion but that of flight. To effect
these he baa, in maturity and health, sixty
bones in bis bead, sixty in bis thigh and
legs, sixty -two in bis arms and bands and
sixty-seven in bis trunk. lie baa also 43
muscles. His heart makes sixty-four pul
sations in a minute, and therefore 8.M0 in
an hour, 92.1G0 in a day. There are aUu
three complete circulations of bis blood in
the short space of an hour.
Eeulllbrioaa of th fekefc.
Whenever careful and reliable statistics
have been obtained it is fonnd that more
male than female children have been bora.
In Great Britain, where tbe returns are
nearer perfection than elsewhere, the pro
portion for tbe last ten years was found to
be 1.041 msies to 1,000 females. It is a
singular fact, however, that tbe mortality
among the male children is greater, so that
the equilibrium is restored in Wn years,
and a census of children of that aJ scow
the sexes to be equal From that ae on
ward, owing to the more perilous occupa
tions of males, to losaes in war, Xc, tbe
proportion of females begins Vl fnV.iae
until tbe final census in CngbWM shews
l.UuO women of all ages to iy enw
U Tax Was Crossed 0V
The toHowing story is told by Uf t)xtcrd
(Me ) iewooral: ''About twenty years age
a Bluefteld man, noted for his ahrewedn,
was attacked by tbe small pox. Conceiving
tbe idea, as he waa convalescing, that it
would be a good time to dispose of bis road
lax. be took his staff in oae hand, Slid,
shouldering his hoe, started for the scene
of operations. Like the prodigal, he was
seen 'afar off.' 1 he men oegan to tnrow up
their heads and sniff trouble. The snr
vevor sang out: "1 swow, Jase, they art
afraid of ye.' 'Can't help it,' saya Jason,
I have got to work out my tax.' 'Bay, Jaoe,
t you'll go back I'll cross out your lax.'
All right,' says J ay son, ana ine tax waa
John M.Tliayer, iiovemor, l.lm-oln. Neb.
(jeo. D. Meiklejohn Lieutenant Oovernor
H. R. Cowdery Secretary of Ktnte
T. H. Ik-ntou i - -Auditor
John E. Hill ---- TreMrtrcr
William iJ fM- , AtUimey (.eneral
John Kteen IiihI ( oinniissioner
Geo. B. Lane Siiit. 1'ublle Inxtrnctluu
I). Hopkina.... Warden of 1'eulteutiary
W. M. Knapp Supt. Hopltnl for Insane
A. S. Paddock I". 8. Henator, lleatrice
C. f. Mandersou 8. ScuaUir, Omaha
W. J. tnnell, Congressman 1st lit., Omaha
G. I Ijiws, " t " McCKk
Geo. W. E. Dorsey, " W " Kn-mont
Amasa tibli t'hlcf JOHtiee, Lincoln
S. Muxwell... Awkxiste Judge, Fremont
T. L. Norval... AK-lBte Judlfe, SewaH
W. A. Leet Clerk and Kcporter, heward
M. r. Kinkaid Judge, O'Neill
Conrad Lindeinmi Clerk, Harrison
s. Darker County Judge,
Conrad Litidenian.. -I le a
M. J. Gayhart- Treasurer
A. tionthworth Supt. Ftibllc Inxtrnetloii
Thos. Iteldy Khi-rilT
Geo. J. Chafer Coroner
A. K. Dew Surveyor
Conrad Lindeman Clerk of DJutrtct tourt
Geo. Walker ...County Attorney
Don M. Weir, (clmlrmnn) lt DUtrlcl
Chas.1'. Grove 1 "
J. A. Green Sd "
A. Bartow.-Senntor, Dlptnet No. 14, Cliadron
U. W. SiiMonii Bvp.,DiV JiOi S3, Alliance
. L. H, Uatue . ,-Jostleeol the Peace
II. Merrifleld.. . "
R. K. l'ost (testable
W. R. Smith (chairman)...,- Trustee
j. r. t'foHt
J.C. Northrop V
E. D. Katterlee "
R. W. Winilxir v. "
A. J. Biibeock iJUerk
I), I'. Davl TneiiWrer
n. I- R- Maine Director
W. K. Smith Moderator
D. H. Grlswold Treasurer
District Court. At Ilamson, commences
April lAtb and Septenilwr 23d, IHW.
County Court,-At lliirrison, commences
first Monday of each month.
B. E. Brewster, C. F. Coffee,
PresidenL Vice Pres.
C1US. C. JAMESON, Cashier.
Commercial Bank
General Banking Business
miii proof scrim.
AH persons havinc final proof notices In
thin paper a 111 reoeiv a marked copy uf tn
paper and are requeted to examine thrir
notice and If any errors exbtt report tbe
same to this ofhec at once.
t'ttBsulldaled Notice fur Publication.
Jjuid Office at (liwlron, Nebraska.
siittrli it, I
Notice Is twrtby siren that tlie following
named settler h filed notice of his lntmi
Hon to make fl nal proof In support of Ills
lailil, ana inai saio prom win lie uiwjt; us
ire (Vjnrtid Uiidenian. clerk of the district
court, at llnrrtaou, k'rbraaka, on May 9, imft,
Edwia C. Myers, of Montrose, Neo.',
who made H. E. So. S536 for the ne ie ii,
r . r . ....
He names the following a itnenoe r, move
his fcoptlnuouh residence npon anrt cultiva
tion of Salrt land. viz. Ilgvlil F. Muck, Hue
el Williams, Henry f. Hunter, Ibeu w
llxfutw, all iA Montrose, 'eh. Alo
Ihivid F, Mack, of Montrose, Neb.',
who made H. t. So. I'm for the , ine S,
P .. i.
He names the following wttnesi U prvn
his continuous rsldencs upon and cultiva
tlon of said land: Kilwln ('. Myetft lliliwel
WiUUms. Ilcnrv t'. Hunter. Eljcn Ccw)leiaw.
ll of Montrow', b.
9I 33 . II. HC.KH, BCglKier.
Consolidated Xotii-e For PTihlicotloe.
Land Office at Chadron. Nt brfi-ka,
Marcb M, lwo. i
Notice Is hereby irtven that the followiug-
named wtller ha nli'd notice of her Inten
Hon to make final prool in support of her
clsim, and that khIiI prool a ill is- made
fore Conrad Lindeman Clerk of the Dlntrlct
ourt, at Harrison. Nebraska, on May 0, IHW,
M e H. Secor. of Harrison, Neb.
ho made D. S. riling No. for lots I and
and BX uwk sac a. tp 91, r w.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her cciritJuuoui residence upon and cultiva
tion of, wild land, vl.: William II. Hough,
Kdirar G. Hoimli. Charles E. Holmes, John
Thornton, all of Harrixin, Nh.
latiii-s f. Ki-iill, Harrison, Neb ,
who made D. 8. No 2376 for the nw X sec SS tp
SI, rati.
He names the following witnesses lo prove
hi continuous residence nport aud cultiva
tion or said lann, viz: amaniei r.. Arm
strong, Heni-v A. Armstrong, AltH'rt E. Itam
aey, .acharlah Amos, all of Harrison, Neb.
lsO . . . .
Charles S. Sfoll. of llnrrlon, Seb.,
who made II. K. Cling No. i4K3 for the swS
- 1W. t r 31. r M.
He iiamn the follow tng wltiswes to prove
his continuous rewidi-uce upon ann cniiiva
lion oi xhhi iBim, viz: iicnry . Armstrong,
Ellsrt M. Carrier, John II. Ilartell, ZacUarl
uh Amos, all of Harrison, Nbr.
!s-l W. H. MoCaXS, RegisU r.
I rtnsolldated Notice for Publication..
1-aild Oltlc" at Chadron, Neb., )
March IT. 111. I
Notice Is hereby given that the following
name! s'lller hss nMl noih-e oi ins luten
tlon to make final proof In sntij!rt of his
claim, nno inai wivi'i i"rKi ttih is inline ic.
fonitnnid Ijndi'iiiaii, clerk of the district
court, at Harrison, Neb., on May 4, Iwo, viz:
Homer A. Prlildy,
who made 11 h. No.SWS for the s H,of see tit,
tn 34 n r W w.
lie names tne louowing wunesses to prove
lits cnntinuinis resl'lence niam and cultiva
lion 1,1, saM lain!, vir.: George . Olinger,
lllliiui ruttersrm, Joseph M. KoMuson
Ijranl Guthrie, all of Harrison. Neb.
And W lllierl It. MmtaTson who made D. S.
filing No. Ii.7 Ut the alve deacrlls-d tract,
Is cited lo alua-ar at the aauie lime
and place, and show cause w ny the Blmve
pnai siiouiu not ue aiiowca anu ins nung
canceled. Also
James H. Meree,
who made D. a. No. Ifm for the neW sec 7, tp
m, r M, w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence iimu and cultiva
tion ol said land, vlr. : Ileiijauiln r . Thomas,
lomer A. rriiior, i narics I., lunis,, jotin
ThornUm, all of Harrisoni Nehr, Also
MalrJ Strsdnl.
who made II E. No. WJO for the 23,
tp H4, r M.
He name Die following witnesses to prove
his eonltnnous residence upon and rnltlVH-
tinn tn sain lanu, vir.: jncoo Henry, Henry
Waascnlitirgcr, Ferdinand Hllner, Kmil
llertsler, all of Montrose, Nebraska.
(ifi-lM! W. 11. McCanx, llegister.
Notice fur Publics! ion.
Land Office at Chad ron, Nebraska, (
February iA, Ism (
Notice is herehv given that the following
,eo settler luo. Illeo nitice of bis inten
tion to make final prM)f in siipiiorl of his
claim, and that said praf will is' made be-
tore the negisier and lieceiver, al tiiaoron,
Neb., ou April 10, isai, vise:
(?)NRAD I.INDLM AN, of Harrison, Neb..
who made D, H. No. IT-) lor the V sV c
I, and nX nw V aud swk nw s li, tp 32, r
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence Umjti and cultiva
tion of said land, vlx: Joel II. F.lla-rt, Jos
eph (.. Morris, jonn rmnaett, llunry c
Housb, all of Harrison, Nebraska.
ia-i-seu j V . 11. McCAjiK, Register.'
Cousnlidsted Nitlice For Pnbliration.
ijind Office at Chadron, Neb., (
Feb. '14. Xm.
Notice is herebv given that the following
named settler has flicd notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof In support of bis
claim, and that aald proof will be madat he-
lore t oiirad. Liiideiiian the clerk 01 the dis
trict court al Harrison, Neb., 011 April S,
Ihuo, via:
F.DWAHI) A. WEIR, of Harrison, Neb.,
who malo D. S. No, ltWQ, for the swk set 4, tp
He names the following to prove
his continuous residence upon aud cultiva
tion 01 said lanu, via: jonu 11. Kartell, w n
Hum t.. I'at b-ron, Asa C. Davis, C harles K.
Verity, all ol Harrison, Neb. Also
WILLIAM E. I'ATTKKSON, of Harrison, Neb
who made I). H. No. 1104 for the X scX X
awl c 4, tp .11, r li. -.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence uikjii and cultiva
tion of saJd land, via: Wlllet If. (.wri,
D wlgbt H. t.nswold, F.llsrt M . Carrier, F.d
ward A. Weir, all of Harrison, Nob. Also
ALBERT E. RAMSEY, of Harrison, Nub.,
who made D. 8. No. txf) for the K nsl( K
ni-i, see 13, tp wi, r M.
Ilu sHiwsj the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of , said land, viz: Charles 8. Scott,
Warren W. Hall, Arthur W. Emery, William
r.. aioore, an 01 Harrison, neo.
jsssaVJ W. II, HeOass, Register.
. . OTHer. f Cosiest
- '' V. 8. LaadUfflco, Cha-lron, Ni-b., (
- - tfairb 11, 1M. (
OomDlslnt No. t having been entered at
this office by Jerry Will against Fill win I.
Olds for fallon to comply with law as to
tinilsir-cnltara entry No. SMO, dated Marcb
4, lSsft, upon tbe swtf see l, tp SS, r iW, In
Hloux couniy, Hebraska, with a viw to tlie
cancellation of Said an try ; contestant a Hug
lass failed to break or
re acres of tract duriusr
flrst year of eaMI entry sad has failed locure
said defect ep to 4ate of this contest. Also
tiicrw is over sm ataasj at umiwr of goou
mercluuitsibla enalttr on said sevtion. ttien;
lore porsoant te "H" bf March- r: law, tlte
saw partus) era ereuy auiausgaea 10 appear
at HUs ofllee tat the itsth day utMny imhu, at
lOo'clock, a. n-, to rewpoodajM furnish tes
Union y coucerniSf said aliesjSS failure.
Testimony of srltnsssas wlU be taken be
fore s. II. Jones, Votswy Pablte. at his office
In Harrison, Nebraska, on tlw srtl day of
Mav. ISM), at
147-S4J W,
MMcCash, Register.
Notice of Cosiest.
IT. 8. I-and Office, Chadron Neb., I
February W, laso.
Complaint No. M74 having been entered at
this office by John A. oreen against Alfons
Schroller for failure U comply with law aa
to homestead entry No. tlsK, itated
March , lass, upon the see S4, tp t, r
s,ln Worn county, Nebraska, with a view to
the cancellation of aald entry; contestant
ailain( that tbe said claimant has wholly
abandoned said tract; that be baa changed
his residence tbcref mm lor more than sis
mouths since making said entry ; that aald
tract la not settled upon aad ctlltivsted by
aasd party as required by law. Tbe said par
ties are hereby summoned to aptmer at this
otlce on the sth day of April, ISM, at 10
o'clock a. ni.t to respond and furnish teatl
anoay oonoerutng amid aileged failure. Tea
tlimmr of wltaeaaes will be taken before
tliaa. a.. Holmes, a notary public, at hi ofltae
la Harrison, Nelsnuka, on the list day of
April, haw, at N o'cloek a. m. ,
IaVat W. U. MWA,MJUt4fr.
'i- a. IjiiiA Offic-. fliaifroii. Wrttwlt !
March , isse. ... 1V1
tld. oc by Jacob pesper aala.l lmr1ml
tnr failure to coiupIv with law as to
.,.,,1, viiliiireeiitrv No. 1717, dated Marcc
U, 15, upon lliesl,ec li, tp S r S, In
woni couniy, Kebraaka. wlfli a view to the
csiitellatliu ef said entry, contestant allee
iug that tlie said Charles A. Adam, has whol
ly abandoned said tract In that be baa failed
to break, nlow or otherwise cultivate any
fVrtion of said
. MAe .l...,a Mliiia gan t isS. aUllliA.
cuttings any portion of said tract sine Bl-
tliat ald (llliig waa abaoluu-ly void from 1
eplfiu, Charles A. Adams being a ficticious
name; the said entry having been wade by
Vuar'ea A-1 aik In the name of Charles A.
Adams. Tlie said parlies are herebv snmiuon
ed tj apia-ar at this oHice on tbe loth day oi
Slav al IU ovima a. hi..
and furnish testimony concerning aald al
leged fail n re. . .
Testimony of witnesses will be Uken be-
-.Jl . . ....t , .. ... .,, Kl i. ut his (if-
nas. r. ii'iimw, m i,h,i , j....... ,
flee In Harrison, Nebraska, on tlie Wth day or
Mav, iswu, at ivmcwi a. ut.
i35i T. f . fowsaa, Receiver.
II T. t'OXLrr, Contestants Att'y.
S'otlee of Contest.
V. 8. Ind Ortlce, Chad ron, Keb. I
Kebruarv li, law. (
Complaint No. tut having been entered at
thlaoBtce by Maria Frieae against Henry
Fleming for failure to comply with law as to
fliu'v-r colture entry No. S&42, dated Febru
afy lVf, li, Ulrtn the seal sec , tp :a, r M, In
Sioux county, Nebraska, with a view to the
cancellation of said entry ; contestant alleg
ing t'.iat the said Henry Fleming did not
bread or cause to be broken five acres the
first year after making said entry, ending
February Id, Ik; nor has he n-palred said
detects to the present date of Information. ,
Tie said parties are hereby summoned to
appear at this ortlce on the llthday of April,
isai, at IU o'cliM-k, a, in., to respond and
furnish testimony ctinccrnlng said alleged
failure. Testimony of w ltncsses will be tak
en la-fore H. H. Jones, a Notary Public, at
hlaoftloe In Harrison, Nebraska, on the lib
day ol April, WO, at lOo'clock a. in.
T. F. Powers, Receiver.
Notice of Cancelation.
Notice is hereby given that the contracts
of lease on the following described lands
have la-en cancelled, aud If not paid up will
la- offered for lease on and alter 10 o clock
a. in., of Saturday, April lth, law at the
office of the eounty treasurer of Moux
countv :
W X and s X se M-1S-U; 8 so 36-30-53;
All 3K-1 4"; All 1H 31 67.
Commissioner of Public Lands and
Lincoln, Nebr., March IKth. ISSO. 3DJ
Notice to Non-resident Ilefendant.
In the district court of hloux county,
brask a.
AK.Mi; OLI.ROO, Plaintiff,
ll, i
nut, )
Joint Oi.l.Koo. Defendan
To John IMIroe non-resident defendant:
Yon are hereby notified that on the 15th
iluv of March, suo, Annie Ollrog filed a ell
Hon attains! you In the district court of
Kloiix cunly, Nebraska, the object and
prayer of a hlcli are lo obtain a divorce f nun
vou on the ground that you have w ilfully
abandoned the plaintiff without good cause
lor two vt-ars last pa-st, and lo obtain nn or
der or decree of said court granting the
plaintiff the custody of the following minor
children towlt: Annie Ollrog agert 17 years,
John ollrog aged 14 years, KOward Ollrog
aav-d VI vears, Frank Ollrog aged s years, Ma
tilda (ilirog aged 7 years, William ollrog
aged 5 years, KoshIIiic ollrog aged S years;
said children being the Issue of her mar
riage w it li you, on tin ground that you are
a man of vtseious and vulgar habits and are
hollv unlit to be entrusted with the care,
cusKsly, and education 01 children.
1 011 are reouired to answer said atltlon
on or la-fore Monday, the'th day ol April,
ICO. AnmiR (, I'lalntln.
Jty II. T. Coklet, her attorney. 7-i
Nollce to Nnn-ri'sldent Defendant.
In the district court of Sioux county Ne
braska. John Tlioms, plaintiff, I
Al-cl Tlirlms.ilefendBllt. I
To Als-1 1'hoiiis, mm resident defendant:
Vou are hereby not Hied that on the 10th
day nf March, Imki, John Thorns, filed a lie
IIII011 against you In the district i-ourt of
Sioux couniy. Nebraska, the object aud
prayer of a filch are to obtain a divorce
from you on the ground that you have wil
fully alaindoned the plaintiff without good
cause lor the term of tao years Inst past.
Vou arc required to answer said petition on
or belore Monday, theSlst day of April, IHW.
Jons Tiioms, I'lalutlff.
Ilv II. T. Coslet his AtUimey. 1;-4D
Uosil Notice to Land Owners.
To all a hfiin It may concern :
The commissioner apiHilnb-l to locate a
road coiiiinenclitg at tlie corner in south
line of suction 84, twp. 34, range Hi, In Howe 11
precinct, Sioux county, Nebraska, running
thence north through the center of section
K4, 47, 44 and IA, In the same township and
rang)-, terminating at the X corner In the
north lincol said section Ifi; has rcortcd in
favor of the establishment lliereol, aud all
objections therebi or claims for damages
must la; tiled In the .nuiilv clerk's office on
or la-fore noon ol the 40th day ol May, A. it.
IHWi, or said road will ta- established It bout
rclci-em-e thereto.
e4) ( i,xhii I lKliF.HAN, County Clerk.
. 1' 1 .
Kiitrny Notice.
Taken up at my place on Antelope creek,
on ss?. n, Tp. M, R. 011 Feb. 4, IKWI, one
brown horse branded w ith Mexican brand
something like ttrwf), with nourish ex
tending from lower purl of the F"., on left
shoulder, alsait 14 vears old and weighs
about 700 latunds. 4-31 (MM .'AS W. STogr.
Est ray Notice.
Tnken up on my premises on section ,
tow nship fa. In range w, on Feb. B, law, one
dun hin-ae, aupiioscd ti tv three years old,
with black mane and tall, and branded with
something like V 011 left thigh.
I4!ij H. F. Thomas
Ihitcd, Harrison, Feb., March , 1SUU.
Grant Guttji,
-Dcalck In
. 4
he to bUged
MWfT'St'o MIU Alt"
.;,: 4',-. "-. - .V 1 2 'tr
ft t
7 t,,
'' 1"