The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 27, 1890, Image 1

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    i 4,
The Sioux County Journal,
HRIISOlSr, -J-STBIX, L--A.R- 27, X89Q.
VOL. 2
. j
6' J
AH it
Mmmsm k Ptteron, . Proprietors.
F.K.s M.VR.K.Tim tabU.
Going Weat. Going Eut,
No. SI, pauMnjrer, :S1 I No. M, pauf nger, 6:90
JSo. U, freight, 11 :3ft I Ko. 94, freight, i KM
Corn per hundred ti
Onl - jkt hundred It ......
Miort ir hundred !!.........-
Rniii- mt hundred .
Kwcl tliopimd per liandred I...
1 00
Pouio--pr hundred lh-..
Butter per 9
V-XK- per do ...
I'ouJ t ry- jxt (l(jz. - .
1 00
1 7- a s oo
Ontom j r fl .
H'.iiit r ff.
'O.ll per toil
Wood per cord ... .
Lumber native per in. ft
't'orrcct!d every Thursday,
4 SO
5 SO
15 00
Burnt eorlt artists April 3d.
Fresh pies at tlie restaurant.
Paints aud oils at the drug store.
-Com at 50 cents a hundred at Turn
Farms bought and sold by S. H.
. June.
Prunes, prunes, 18 pounds for 1 at
C. R. Wells'.
lie sure to we lire seats for toe en
tertainment April 3d.
The celebrated Anchor, atent brand
of flour at C. R. Wells'.
Go to Dr. Clary .Chadron, to get your
eyes, ears and throat treated.
We liave a few clocks for sale cheap.
Call soon at the drug store and get one.
Best vinegar fn town at 30 cents per
gallon. C. R. Wells.
Oo to Dr. Clary, specialist in eye, ear
and Throat diseases. Office in Central
Block, Chadron, Neb.
Laugh and grow fat. To do this
successfully you should be present at
at the minstrel show April 3d.
If you need anything in the way of
Eye, Ear or Throat treatment, go to Dr.
.Clary, specialist, Chadron, Neb.
1 If you want the very Wit terms on
farm loans, go to the Dank of Harrison
before making application elsewhere.
Oet your loans from H. T. Conley
and avoid the red tape incident to pro
curing loans through loan companies.
We have added a full line of window
glass to our stock. Call and get prices.
Gaiswou) & Majwejjjk.
fevod care of iff guests. A trial
will satisfy you tliat that in the place to
stop. J
A new daughter arrived at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Stevens on
last Monday. All interested are report
ed as doing well.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
James O'Brien died on last Sunday, hav
ing lived only ten days. The remains
were taken to Motitrose for interment
It is rc(K)rted that work ou the
grade between the F. E. & M. V. and the
U. P. is to begin at once. When that is
completed, it will greatly increase the
importance of this line of railroad.
C. I Tubbs wishes us to state, that
if the 'gentleman" who borrowed the
stay-chains tliat were fastened together
and hung in a tree in Monroe canyon,
will return the same, he will confer a fa
vor. The boys are doing some bard prac
ticing for the minstrel entertainment to
be given on Thursday evening, April 3d.
Those who have been permitted to peep
behind the sceues report that there will
lie a barrel of'fun on tap on, that even
ing. All should come prepared to
Connly Attorney Walker Is bard at
work getting his report prepared as or
dered by the commissioners. He has not
progressed very far as yet but has found
enough over-cliarges among former offici
als to amount to several hundred dot
lars. He will proUibly have his report
ready to submit to the commissioners at
their next session.
The first rain of any consequence
this spring begun to fall on Wednesday
afternoon and continued until quite late
in the evening, when it turned to Bnow.
The moisture which fell will do a vast
amount of good to the grain and grass.
This is about a month earlier than the
rains began last year. There is no occa
sion to fear a lack of rain from now 'on.
District court will convene two
weeks from next Tuesday. It is hard to
guess how long the term., will last.
There are over forty cases on the docket
and in addition to these will be what
ever tlie grand jury may bring before
the court. It is to be boied that the
docket will be cleared up so that pases
will not have to be carried along from
torn) to term.
The question of roads is receiving a
goxldealof attention of hit, and a
groat number of petitions are being got
ten up so a to be ready to present at the
next meeting oi uie county ooaru
questions mainly discussed ro 1)0 w to
get good roads and get them without
coat to the ta x payers. It is t ast becom,
(pg apparent that good roads niakt prqp
Uty more valuable,
For farm loans go to S. IL Jones.
Meats at all hours at the restaurant.
Good flour at 90 cents a sack at Turn
It pounds of extra C sugar for tl, at
C. R. Wells is receiving new goods
18 pounds prunes for one dollar at
14 pounds dried apples for one dollar
at Turner's.
12 pounds granulated sugar for $1 at
C. R. Wells'.
Any kind of cake desired made at
the restaurant.
For mixed paints, oils and varnishes
go to the drug store.
New invoice of hats this week at
Ranch Supply House.
When you want a nice clock call on
Oriswold & Marsteller.
California canned goods at 25 cents
per can at C. R. Wells'.
A good breaking plow for sale. In
quire at The Journal office.
12 pounds granulated or 14 pounds
C sugar for one dollar at Turner's.
I cannot, I will not, I shall not be
beat in low priced. Respectfully,
C. R. Well.
A cltoice family flour $1.15 per sack,
no better for the price sold.
C. R.
Why not buy a new hat? Some very
nice styles and low prices at Ranch Sup
ply House.
fif-aCUL Bake Friday, 10 a. m.
Jelly bMNa, 15 cents per dozen, at the
Soft hats, stiff brim hats, light hats
and dark hats all very cheap at Ranch
Supply House.
There were no services at the M. E.
church last Sunday, as Rev. Lusk was
away from town.
Mrs. J. A Snyder has received a nice
stock of fancy goods and notions which
she is selling very cheap.
When you want a farm wagon,
plow, harrow, or anything else in the
implement line call on Griswold & Mar
steller. L B. Hendrix carries his head sever
al degrees higher than usual, all on ac
count of the arrival of a son at his home
last week.
E. D. Satterlee has been improving
his residence property by giving the
house a Coat of paint and planting some
.1 : . V- ' -
trves arouuu ii. . ..... ,,r n
rangements wliereby he is authorized to
make loans for private parties on Sioux
county real estate.
Tlie reports from the farmers are
tliat the grain In the ground is sprouting
nicely. A big harvest will reward the
farmers of Sioux county this season.
We have the biggest stock of hard
ware, implements ana lurniture ever
shown in Sioux county. Come in and
look us over, Gkiswold & Mauhteller.
For comfort and good living go to
the Northwestern hotel when in Harri
son. Everything is done that can lie . to
make it pleasant for those who stop
A Sunday school is tq be organized
at the Southworth school house on next
Sunday, March 30th, at 10 a. m. ' AH in
terested are requested to be present and
The winter term of school closed on
last Friday and a vacation is being taken
this week. On next Monday the spring
term will begin and will last for three
months. A.' v
County Commissioner Green was in
the county seat on Monday and brought
a good portion of an . antelope to THE
Journal. De knows that printers ap
preciate good tilings to eat.
Chadron is preparing for June races.
There are a good many people in that
town and the surrounding country -.vho
enjoy races and also a number of good
horses in north-west Nebraska and if the
live business men of Chadron take hold
of the matter it is safe to predict that
some interesting races will be arranged
The reports from all poinU, indicates
that the oil fields of Wyoining'are to be
developed during the cymiug season.
Eastern capitalists are becoming inter
ested, the Standard oil company having
Iterchased a large tract of land in the oil
region oil which they will sink wells. If
the oil business is opened up in good
shape it will be a benefit to this country
for it will make a demand (or the pro
ducts of our soil.
Notice is given for a sjiecial meet
ing of tlie school district No. 7 to be
held at the public school building in
Harrison on Thursday, April, 10, 1890t
at ft o'clock p. m. for the purpose oi rur
nishing a permanent supply of water for
said district and m that manner cancel
the debt of the village of Harrison to
said school district, No. 7, It is expected
tliat the village trustees will submit a
proposition to do the work and thus can
eel the debt of the corporation ta the
school district. This nmttr should be
(ttlfd. Id sorne 'iy hi1 th snowjrtt
doot ft bnMr for
H. H. Russell was in Harrison on Fri
day and called and gave us some caab
on subscription. .
J. A. Brill's fatlier arrived last week
from Illinois and is now a resident of
Sioux county.
Geo. Heckman. of Indian creek, was
in tlie county wt, oo Saturday.
JLF. Cook wu ie Uajriaoa on Satur
day."" r . .-
E. L. Galnio ittjimd ftcat bis visit to
Iowa last WiWlyr.tL.'again in
possession of bis liliLne i glad
to get back to sioux-rjpuBty.
F. Nutto was in tlie county seat the
first of the week.
Charles Phi Hi ps and family are visit
ing relatives and friends in Sioux county,
A. W. Mohr was in Harrison the Orat
of the week and culled at our oflice.
Sheriff Reidy returned yesterday from
his trip, well pleased with the results.
Robert Parish came up from tlie sand
bills the first of the week to hold down
his homestead.
Miss Nettie Snyder has been seriously
11 for some days past, is slowly recov
ering. It will vane some tune ior ner w
regain her former strength.
Mrs. J. A Snyder is now convalescent.
Mrs. J. F. Pfost went to Crawford the
first of the week, to join her husUind
who is in business there.
Eli Armstrong and family left the
first of the week for Custer -county, to
visit friends and look after projierty in
terests. Z. D. Amos has gone to Coburg to
visit relatives.
List of Jurors. .
On Wednesday the county clerk and
slieriff dr-iw the names of those who are
to serve as grand and petit jurors at the
coming term of the district court :
J. B. Bradley,
Henry Wasserberger,
Frank Tinkham,
S. W. Kemp,
Joseph Bofler,
Eli J. Wilcox,
William Uphoff,
J. D. Richards,
John Bamford,
" . David BartletW
yw -
John Mcintosh - '
John S. Tucker,
Jerry Will,
Thomas Devenport,
Grant Guthrie.
Charles Palmer,
Herman Konrath,
M. J. O'Connel,
N. B. Raines,
August Wusselmann,
George Olinger,
Robert Adams,
John D. Green,
John Herman,
J. M. Robinson, '
Ehen Cowlisliaw,
P. L. MeCresi, '
Andrew W. Jacobs,
John H. Bartcli, ' "l
William H. Zimmerman,,
John CurfaV . '
Octave Hawiii: " V
J: C. L. Rartand, f V '.'
uiueon a. mcaenson,.
William Glaze, .'
H. T. Zerbe,
Joel II. Elbert,
IL L. Stoneking,
George Heck man.
Last week J. II. Cook sec1' s Of
his fine young mares to Red 0 -bw,
where she will be bred and put . M the
track to make a record. It will 6ot be
long until the horses from tlie Agate
Springs farm will be known by all horse
The post office in Snake Creek pre
cinct will be opened on April 1, 1890,
The name of the oflice is Canton and W.
Ilerncall, at whose store Die office is lo
cated, is postmaster. This will prove a
great convenience to tlie settkwi of ifntA
part of Sioux county.
Tlie services at the rjwtliworth
school house on last Sunday morning
were well attended and a good interest
manifested. Rev. Lusk contemplates
the organization of a church at that
place. Services will be held at the same
school house on April 13th,At
1030 a. m.
Those interested in good horses will
be pleased to learn tliat L. Oerlach
his fine young sUUIion, in Harrison this
week. This colt l, ft Ngh?grao Clydes
dale! and although not qslte terse ysars
old weighs 1,500 pounds. Ha was raised
in Sioux county and speaks weU f'tljs
class of stock which, our farmers are
raising. If d a weH-established fa.
that it costs ncHMre to keep a good ani
mal than it does a poor pus and ther
a great deal mors' satisfaction Jcl ps
fit to be derived .row growing good,
blooded stock ftp Vfe 1 4 M"f
with-scrwb stt-a
War Bonnet Sews.
Mr. Chas. Sauler's team became urn-
manageable while going down a steep
bill last Saturday and were finally
brought up in a pile of old logs. One of
the mules was slightly hurt.
Ed Todteniuupt is working for Otto
Tietze this spring.
Otto Tietze is making some valuable
improvements on his farm.
Wm. Guhlke and G. Noreisch made
proof on tlieir pre-emptions last week.
Another new house has been built in
Prairie Dog canyon. We did not learn
tlie new settler's name.
We liear rumors of trouble in the
Batclielor's Brotherhood of late but we
understand they have now agreed to dis
miss tlieir cook, Wm. Guhlke, as a
fgood many were dissatisfied with the
meals that Wrn. served to lliem.
There will be religious services held in
School house No. 22, on Friday, April
j4th, at 11 o'clock a. m. All are invited
to attend.
'-. Snake Creek Chips.
i The new school district, No. 28, is get
ting there in good sliape with Mrs C. Pal
iner as teacher. The present .term of
School terminates the 2th of Man:h.
I The farmers ai busy nutting in their
The prospects are good that the Pacif
ic Short Line railroad will be built in the
tear future. Let 'er come, it is sure to
k-intr new settlers to this part of Sioux
founty as there is plenty of good gov
ernment land with Canton postoffice and
W. II. Ilurncall's store near at liand.
t Mr. G. A. Dickinson has finished his
well and is making other substantial im
provements on his claim.
Mr. O. E. Whipple is moving onto his
lilaiiu two miles east of Canton and an
other new settler is about ready to move
Onto his claim one mile east of Canton
nd five more new comers are expected
fvery day from the east,
Canton postoffice will be ready for
business the 1st day of April,
J Mr. A. Bab has just returned from a
ifrip east where he jtoeni, the. winter and
jfot married. We Iippe- thf.t k-' may
ve good luck an&mueh prSasare, pots
on, w'
cattle thief .-tried to drive off wis of
)hn Pokornyteers the other fxfZ at
ut noon V&tcwas gees ana gsroi xmt-
8ter and went off. . r' ' H. W
I&HjJLJD this?
And the
one year for
Two Dollars.
To every one who liays for a yew
subscription to The Journal in advance
we will send them in addition, postage
paid, for one year the celebrated farm
daper, "American farm News, yr
Offer No. 2.
We will send tlie papers as above, and
also the Wcaimn Sit vtown and Culti
vator (a 16-page semi-monthly) for
-S 2.25-
1ow ht the time for
j to tfdM advantsge of tWfW.
Always have
a complete line
of General Mercliandise.
Sell goods at Rock Bottom Prices Always.
Guarantee Satisfaction in Every Transaction. Tlie
( A
is tliat our business is constantly
increasing and the people of f
Sioux county are finding that we
for bargains. Follow the crowd
and get a square deal on any
thing you wish to purcliase at
STAoia: supply Tuougj.
" . -v ,
Reasonable Terms
Reidy & Pollard.
Not suits in court, but nice, new dress suits to wear on Sundays, week
days, holidays and other days. Suits to fit you and suits to fit me.
Long suits, short suits, narrow suits and wide suits. We
have a good line of clothing which will be sokl'
yery, very cheap. Would like to have all
the men on earth (but more eepec-, ,
ially those in Sioux coun-
ty,) to come and V
examine, ' v- .' '
our. - '
Line of Clothing,
Our ..."
stock. o( dry ' , '
goods boots and y
shoes, hats, caps and grocer- lrf'"
ies is complete and at lowesjj Hvrng 4' '
prices. These are all suitable f;or jjfche persons
who buy suits us advertised above or ior those who do,
not buy suits as advertised above. All goods irarranted to no
shrink in the "light of the moon" or. V. fhrinl bv he '9 Of the
t'darkofttomewn," Oh no indeed l:
0, R. WBLI4S, PropriQtQZ
'''' " '
: : V.'
' 1
14' 4'i
t. 1.,. . - -