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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1890)
fb Slcux County Journal. rtmau. coomr paper. Subscription Price, 2.00 L. j. fllatan.-, . Eitr. Eatered at the Hurl ton peat ofBo aa aee and cIm mailer. THTaWIUY, FEBRCART 27, 18SA A man io Boone county took a drink of carbolic acid, thinking it to be alco hol, and died from the effect ia thirty minutes. Two boilers in tbe Amour-Cudahy packing house at South Omaha exploded last Saturday, killing three men and in juring eleven others, and causing a loss of over $30,000. The bill of Senator Manderson to ex tend the boundaries of Yellow Stone Park, passed the senate a few days ago. Ttie work of the Nebraska Senators is at tracting a good deal of attention. The bonds for a court house in case the county seat of Box Butte county is located at Alliance were carried at a special election last week, titers being but tliirty-four votes against the bonds. Jt has beeu decided by the directors to build 200 miles of the Sioux City & Og den line west from O'Neil this year. This will not reach Sioux county but will get it in a good place so as to be ex tended next season. The late William D. Kelley was elected to Congress fifteen times, but in only four of those contests was his plu rality greater than that which Beyburn, his successor, obtained last Tuesday. There is no political backsliding in the Fourth Pensylvania District By the breaking of the deadlock in the Iowa legislature the democrats get the speaker and the republicans get all the rest. It would have been better had the democrats acceded to this at first, and the law making of the session would have been considerably advanced. Senator Manderson had his left arm quite severely burned one evening last week. He was at work under a student lamp which was adorned by an immense paper shade. The slmde caught Are and in his efforts to extinguish the flame his arm was burned in a number of places. Neal, the man arrested at Kansas City for the murder of the old couple in South Omaha a few days ago, has been identified by a number of men who met him about the time of the murder. There appears to be no doubt as to his being the perpetrator of the horrible crime, and he will be pretty apt to pay the penalty. Chicago was chosen as the site for the worlds fair by the House on last Monday. It took eight ballots to decide the question. The result is thought to practically settle the fight on the mat' ter, and now that is settled and the rules of the house adopted and speaker Reed has demonstrated that he knows what he is about, it is to be hoped that con gress will settle down to buisness and do something that will benefit the peo ple. In the contest for the worlds fair all the congressmen from Nebraska voted every time for Chicago, that being the expressed wish of a large number of the people of the state. A correspondent from Fairmont, Neb., writing to the Lincoln Journal on the matter of railroad rates and the prices of grain takes the position that it is more the fault of the grain dealers, whom be calls gamblers, than of any one else that the low price of grain con tinues. There is a vast amount of truth in the position he takes on the subject If the supply and demand were per mitted to regulate the price of all pro ducts and bulls and bears deterred from putting the price up or down, it could not but be more satisfactory to the masses of the people. But how such a state of things can be brought about is certainly a great question. For lack of time we could not look up the amount charged for collecting taxes by the ex-county treasurer, but in the general ledger of the treasurer's office, page 10, in account with the general fond, is found the following enteries: June 90, 1889. Official expenses, &D. No.1,.... $ 60 00 July 13, 1889. Commission on court house fund 200 00 That is no record of any bill for the above to be found in the office of the county clerk. It is evident that the amount was taken without the matter being brought before the commissioners. It may be that he was entitled to a com minimi on the court house bonds, but they were only for Bowrn precinct and there ia certainly no reason why the amount should be taken out of the gen eral fund of the county. As to the M oSctal expense, the occasion for the ex i grew out of a suit for school mou- Tbe same may be true in this case, tlmt be was entitled to re-em bursement for bis expenses in the cast, but if H was a case hi which the county was legally bow to pay the expense, there is no rmnon why toe county attorney nouM obvcoaKtnhta Meat, and at H inatii tbe bill abouM have bwn aud ita! mi a&xwad by to county board Tbe Herald a d tbe Herald Lawyer Again. Editor Jotrxajw About a year ago the Herald started a' law department and published a few weighty diswertatiooM on civil law, but about the time the people began to get interested in the new enter prise the law department was discon tinued. Perhaps tbe expense of a law editor of such technical proficiency was greater than the revenue received from the Oew department, but with its usual spirit of enterprise tbe organ of tbe fu sion ring broke loose last week with a department of criminal law. I think that I might safely say, without fear of con tradiction, that most men, and particu larly lawyers, are only too anxious to allow their ignorance to remain in in nocuous desuetude" as m jch as possible, but it is not so with tlte fusion-ring or gan and its lawyer. They not only ad vertise their Ignorance of the law, but quote law to establish said ignorance beyond all question of doubt With flying colors and sails set to tlie breeze it ( I mean the Herald and its lawyer ) charges Judtre Barker with ex ceeding his jurisdiction in the case State of Nebraska vs. Ferry Leweu et al., in which said defendants were charged with assault and battery in the following manner: "Perry Lewen, Frank Siwon, Frank Stratton and John Stratton did unlawful ly and feloniously assault, strike and wound the said complainant contrary to the form of the statutes in sui h cases uiaiie and provided." And then the ponderosity of his great legal acumen discovers that the above charges a felony; to prove which he cites section 14 of the criminal code, as fol lows; Sbc. 14. Felosiots Assault If any person shall assault another with intent to commit a murder, rape, or robbery upon the person so assaulted, every per son so offending shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary, not more tlian fifteen years nor less than two years. Let U9 See what the above section de fines as a ''felonious assault" If any erson shall feloniously assault another does it mean that such allegation shall constitute "felonious assault?" Most certainly not, but the Herald lawyer would have you so believe. "If any per son shall feloniously assault another with intent to commit a murder," (on the person assaulted, describing the dead ly weajwn) such allegation would con stitute a "felonious assault," or, "with intent to commit a rape," (on the person assaulted) would also constitute a "felo nious assault," or "with intent to com mit a robbery," (on the person assaulted) would also constitute a "felonious as sault" Thus we see that there are three sep arate and distinct wrongs in said section, the charging of any one of which, in cor rect terms, would constitute a true charge of "felonious assault." Does tbe complaint against Lewen et al. charge the persons with "felonious assault" i e. does it contain any of the following alle gations: "With intent to commit a murder;" "with intent to commit a rob bery;" or, "with intent to commit a rape?" Most assuredly not, but still the Herald lawyer would have you believe that the tine qua non of the complaint could be omitted and still a felony be charged. Tbe word "felonious" in said com plaint against Lewen et al. was not nec essary to constitute a charge of simple "assault and battery," nor does its pres ence there vitiate said complaint, nor does it raise it to the crime of a felony. If Judge Barker had followed the theory advanced by the Herald lawyer as being the correct one, he would have been the laughing stock of the legal fatemity of the universe. I might call the Gang editor's attenton to the fact that parcels do not always contain what their labels indicate. The label or title, "felonious assault" with out a proper charge thereafter, does not charge felony any more than the label "Christian" on said editor makes the fes tering mass of hypocrisy and servility which it covers, honest and noble Chris tianity. I came near forgetting the record sav ing clause of tbe law article which is as follows: After the defendants became fully as sured that Barker intended to try them on the charge of felony, anyhow, in spite of the law, Mr. Satterlee, desiring to preserve the record for the protec tion of his clients, filed the following in writing: "In the county court of Sioux County, Nebraska, before S. Barker, county judge: "Utate or neorasKa vs. Frame strat- ton, John Stratton, Perry Lewen, Frank Si sson. "The defendants object to the jurisdic tion of this court for the reason that they are charged with having commit ted the offense of a "felonious assault an offense over which this court has no jurisdiction only as an examining mag- unrate, anu uie niu ueinwsuu waive examination and ask to be bound over to appear at the next term of the district court, in and for Sioux county, Nebras ka. Frank Stratkw, Johh Stratton, Prut Lbwkk, Frani Swwn. By E. D. Satterlee, their attorney. In reference to which I might add that to a man up a tree it looks as though the record saving genius was taking a good deal of pains to advertise his ignor ance of law. W. In the last issue of the fusion ring or gan appears a communication and one or two editorial article reflecting on the course pursued by Judge Barker at tbe trial last week of the mea from White Biver precinct. It would appear from tbe artkU aUonad thai that paver it a DRV GOODS, BOOTS HATS Tps flour and provisions THE STRAWS Shows Which Way the Wind Blows. THIS SIGN BOARD Will Lead You to the CASH STORE of C. R. W. apt at attempting to cast reflections upon Judge Barker as it was in defend ing his predecessor. In regard to the legal points a corres pondent of The Journal lias something to sav in another column which shows whether Judge Barker did any thing wrong or not Tlie Herald in speaking of the action of Judge Barker says: It was wlllfull perversion and misrepre sentation to help lilm out of the box into which his arrogance hail brought him. II it is not malfeasance In office, what 1 It? If he will resort to such a course to save himself humiliation, It la unfit, unaafo that he should ait aa Jndge of probate, or be vested with magisterial authority." Does tbe organ of the fusion ring which did all in its power to defeat Judge Barker last fall, and whose efforts in that direction were rewarded by the people by Judge Barker receiving the largest majoity of any one on his ticket, expect that the people of Sioux county will swallow any such statement? The people of Sioux county know the men they elected to office last fall and they know, too, that Judge Barker is a man of integrity and ability and that no man owns tbe couty court of Sioux county while Barker is presiding. Tbe whole attempt is simply to carry on the war against the county officials, in order that they may cause all the trouble possible. It is a peculiar fact that the ring or gan should so soon discover that Judge Barker is unfit for the position to which he was elected, when it did not appear to find any cause for complaint in regard to the action of his predecessor during the time he held the office. It may be that the old ring got so accustomed to the doings of the county court during the old administration that it cannot ap preciate a court conducted on legal principles, but it can rest assured of one tiling and that is that all the howling it can do will not deter Judge Barker from doing his duty as a court nor will it cause the people to lose confidence in the man they chose to be the judge of the county court From the course being persued by the old gang and its organ, it looks as if there was a concerted plan to place Sioux county in the worst possible light before the public, apparently to keep people from coming here to settle up the country and build up the town. Attempts have been made by them to keep people out before and the actions of late appear to be intended to have the same effect. It is to be hoped that some means will be devised to put a stop to such methods so that Sioux county may receive its full share of settlers an? grow in wealth and prosperity. The senior proprietor of this paper has been subject to frequent colds for some years, which were sure to lay him up if not doctored at once. He finds that Chamberlan's Cough Rem edy is reliable. It opens the secretion's, relieves the lungs and restore the sys tem to a healthy condition. If freely used as soon as the celd has been con tracted, and before it has become settled in the system, it greatly lessens the attack and often cures in a single day what would otherwise have been a severe cold. Northwestern Hotel Re porter, Des Moines, Iowa. 90 cent bot tles for sale by C. H. Andrews. mm L J GROCERIES, SHOES, WHERE YOU Will Find A GOOD ASSORTMENT of floods to Select From And the LOWEST PRICES In North-west Nebra.ka. B. E. Brewster, C. F. Coffee, President Vice Pres. CHAS. C JAMESON, Cashier. Commercial Bank. INCORPORATED. -A. General Banking Business -TRANSACTED. Harrison, . . . Nebraska. Grant Guthrie, -Dcalck In- Lumber, Lime, Grain Coal. AOCNT FON WlNO MftlffANO rVMN fisal noor soncra. All penes having anal proof notice la thlii paper will rarolve a marked copy of tbe paper and are requested to examine their notice and U any error exist report tlic to Una omce at once. ,'otlre for Publication. I.and Office at Chadron, Nebraska, ( February 5, Is. t - Notice Is hereby given that the following pained settler ha Bled notice of bin Urten- 'tion to uiake final proof in support of hi claim, and mat aald proof m m ue maoe oe f ore the Register and Receiver, at Chadron, Neb., on April 10, ISM, via: CONRAD LINDEMAN, of Harrison, Nab., who made I, S. No. IT lor the swkf w V I, and ii H ml and wl nw, cc 12, tp 32, r S. He name the following wltneasea to prove "his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion ol said land, viz: Joel II. twn, joa eph G. Morrlo, John I'lnukett, Henry C. ttoitxh, ail of iiarriNon, iveuranaa. M-J W. It MX'iii, RecbWr. tontotidklrtl Nofiff Fur Publication. iJinil Oflk at (liadron. Neb., j Feb. U, li.W. Notice hi'hnrebv rtvf n he lollowlng named net! Mr 8 led notice nf 1U Inten tlon to mnki fifial riroof In Mitwort of hi claim, and rhat anM proof will W wad be- lore lmral l. inn-man ne cicra oi xne an trict court al llarrixou. Neb., on April S, 1), via : KDW ARD A. WKIR, of Harrison, Sob., m ho made I. 8. Nx. 16K0, for the sw iteo tp 31, r 50. He tiamethefollomln wttnrawa to prove hi continoous residence upon and cultiva tion of aald land, viz: John II. Kartell, Wil liam K. rattcraon, Asa . Havla, 4'harUw K. Verity, all ol Han-inon, Neb. Alxe WILLIAM E. PATTKRSON, Of llarriaon. Neb who made I. 8. No. iilOt for the V H 'H net- 4, tp 81, r A6. He naniea the following wltncio to prove hin continuous residence uiam and cultiva tion of aald land, vis: Wlllel II. orcen, Dwlaht II. Griswold, Kllcrt M. Carrier, Ed ward A. Weir, all of Harrinon, Net". Alw AI.I1KKT E. RAMsKY, of llarrlwm, Neb., IJW " " ' " r. i- WW iv HI. n " - " -1 ncl ce is, tp so, ri. He names the following wltnetsea to prove hit continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, (nid land, via: Charles H. Seoit, Warren W . Hall, Arthur W. Kiuery, William ..-1. ........ I It a 1U HArn,lhd.l nvLf L' r.. aioore, ail oi iiarnoniicD. M-mj v . it. Met ash, Kcirister, Consolidated Notice For Publication, lind Office at Cbadron. Nebraska, February , )). i Notice 1 hereby arlvcn that the following- named settler haa filed notice ol his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that aald proof will lie made be fore Conrad l.indcman Clerk of the District Court, at Harrison, Nebraska, on March 9, ihhu, viz : Elbert M. Carrier of Ilarriaon.Ncb. who made I. 8. filing No Wu for the tX w X and v Jf e X sec. 13 tp .11 r m w He names the following wltnesaes to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, suid land, via: William V.. Moore, Nathaniel t. Armstrong-. Alla-rt M. Taylor, Zachariah Amos, all of Harrison, Nebraska, also Perry L. Mcfrea, of liarritnii, N'eb, who made D. s. No. 1517 for the nwli aoc V tp ae, rtw. He names the following witnessed to prove his continuoua residence upon and cultiva tion of said iand, viz: I, rant Guthrie, George Walker, Otto Tletre, Mic hael lirnck, all o Harrison, Neb. Al-o (instav Noreisi li, of Harrison, Neb., who made l. H. tiling No. tfl for the H ee 27 neX ncjf aec M, nwV nwVf sec 85, ip us r ml He minis" the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence noon and cultiva tion of, Mild land, viz: John Y. Schulz, si dor Kiehsteln, Carl Kcvrherm, Charles E. Hchllt, all of Harrison, Neb. Sl-t W. II. MiX'ASX, lleglster. Conaolidated Notice for Publication. I-and Office at Chadmn, Neb., I February- 4, 11. I Notice la hereby given that the follow ing named settler has tiled notice of his in tention to make Una) proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will 1st made fore Conrad Lindemnn, Clerk of the District Court, at Harrison, Neb., on March Id, 1HU0, viz : Albert M. Taylor, of Harrison. who made I. R. filing No. lx?u for the nww aee 14 tp 31 r M w. He names the following witnesses to prove liia continuous resilience upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz : Richard Slmler, Kel luni 1". Lindsay, John Corbin, Asa C. Davis, all of Harrison, Nebraaka, also: Jolin H. Kartell, of Harrison, Nebraska, who made I. 8. No. IMS for the ne aee. 11, tp3l,r!1. He names the following witnessed to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: KdWHrd A. Weir, Asa C. Davis, 8. Barker, Delana M. hnttou, all of Harrison, Nebraaka. Martha A. Miaire. of Harrison, Nebraaka. who made D. 8. 1W1 for the neX sec 8.1, tp 31, r(W. She namea the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Arthur W. Emery, Warren W. Hall, Albert E. Ramsey, Nathan iel E. Armstrong, all of Harrison, Nebraska. (il-SK W. II. McC'akn, Register, Consolidated Notice for Pnbllcation. Land Office at Chadron, Neb., I February 4, law). Notice la hereby (riven that the following named settler has filed notice of her inten tion to make nnal proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will he made be fore Conrad Lindemnn, clerk of the dist rict court, at liarrison, Neb., on Mar. 17, ISM), viz: Emma J. Churchill, of Harrison, Nebraska, who made I). 8. No. SHI for the new swX, and dX acjf see 81 and n W awl aee 32, tp 81, r M .She namea the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence uon and cultiva tion of, suid land, viz: Del M. Luni, of Glen, Neb.; Elvln J. spauldlnjg, of Crawford, Neb.; M. Kuapp, and Albert T. ilughson, of llnr riaon, Nebraska. And John W. Pratt, who made, D. s. 01- Ing No. 11 to the nk aekC sec 31, nH swW sec St, tp, 31, r M, part of tbe above described tract, is citeu u appear at me same lime and place, and abow cause why tlie alsive proof should not be allowed and hia tiling canceled. Alao Wllhelm Onblke, of Harrison, Nebraaka, who made D. 8. No. 1411 for the new ec 80. tp 38, r8A. He naniea the following witnesses to prove hia continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of aald land, viz i Andrew Dahlman, August Jolm, Carl Feyerherm, August Wt sclman, ail of Harrison, Nebraska. Alao John Corbin. of Harrison, Nebraaka, who made ! 8. No. 1W for the nX self and H lie Si see IS, tp 81, r SU. He namea the following witneaae to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Richard Mmler, Al win a, i t t -jIimii u s j iiuijb, r,ns i b aa. carrier, ui Of Harrison, isenrasaa. 11-W W, II. McCakn, Register. Consolidated Notice for Pdblliatlon. Land Office at Chadron, Nebraaka., I February 4, IH0. Notice la hen-by given that tbe following named settler has died notice of Ills Inten tion to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Con rail Llndeiiian, clerk of tbe district court, at Harrlaxiu, Neb., on March la, 1MKI, viz: ZACHAKIAH AMO, of Harriaon, Neb., who made O. 8. No. ttat for the nesX aeo tS, tpSl.r&l). lie namea the following wltnesaea to prove bis continuous residence npon and cultiva tion of aald land, viz: Nathaniel E. Arm- William K. Moore, ll of llariiaon, Neb., alao WARKF.N W. HALL, of Harrison, Neb., who made I), 8. No. lMI for tbe wH new and wJ4 aek act; 7. tp 80. r Ml. He names the following; witneaae to prove bl continuous residence npon and cultiva tion of aald land, vie .achartah Aims, Nathaniel K. Armstrong. Arthur W. Emery, Albert K. Ramsey, all of Harriaon, Neb, Alao NATHANIEL E. ARMSTRONG, of Harriaon, Nebraaka, who made P. 8. Mo. MM for the ae eae M, tpii.raa. He namea the following witneaae to prove hta eoutlnuoua reaklence noon and cultiva tion of aald land, viz: Warren W. Hall, 2Mb art ah A mo. Kinert M. Cwter, William f. alooTV, ail ef liarrison, nan, ii auj W. U. MoVAjig, Rerlater. Coaaolf dated Sot ice (at PabUrallaa. Land Office at Ctuvlron, Nebrk, ( January fT. I. ( . Kotic Is hereby given that the following named arlllcr ha Bled notice of his I J tew tion to make final proof in support of kM claim, and that ad proof will b made he fore Conrad Undcuian, clerk of the district court, at Harrison, Neb., on March W, WW, WI Kaiunel H. Joiiea. ol Harrison .Tien., who made H. F.. No. l for Iota I and 1 end aX neK wee a, tp 3t, r V.. He names tlie following witneaae to prove his continuous re-ldcnoe upon end mltlvav lion of aald land, viz: (fiarle h. terltv, ( harlea k. Hoime, Willet II. Green, miaa l U. Maine, all of Harrison, Nebraaka. Also illiaiu E. Moore, of Harrison, Sen who made 11. E. No. 4 for tlie aw ace , tp 31. r a. He names the following a ltneaaea to prove hi continuous resilience upuii Mm tlon of said land, viz : Jamea W. Scott, llen- . . . . . .. A..k...ia- L ........ k D.rt rv i i ariiiniii'iin, m "' "- -. E. Ramaey, all of Harrison, Neb. Also Thoina. W, Pimn. of Harrison, Xeb.. who made l. 8. No. I' for the self sec , tp $3, rsa. He names the following witnesses to prove hia continuous resllcni-e upon and cultiva tion ol said land, viz: Joseph '. Parsons, Charles T. Grea dl, Nathan U. White, Johu II. Bradley, all of liarrison, Nebraska. IJSX5I . H. Met', Register. Consolidated Notice for Publication. Jjind Office at (liadron, Nebraska, January 7, I mm. ( Notice is hereby given that the following named wt tier ha filed notice of his Inten tion to make nnal proof in uport of bla claim, and that said proof will lie made be fore con rail l.lndeiniin, clerk ol the district court, at Harrison, Neb., tin Mar. 11, lu, viz: Aniri'-t Jolm, of Harrison. Neb., who made H. E. No. K7S for the H neV and n se . -c , tp St, r M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continirons resilience uram and cultiva tion of aid land, viz: Jerry Will, Carl fry erherm, John Ludera, John Herman, all of llnrriaon, Nebraska. Also Jacob Ilnnirlkhanser. nf Harrison, Xcli., who made II s filing No. ,nm for the sw aee t, tp S3, r 5li. He names the followlngwltnees to prove his continuous re-ldeuee npon and cultiva tion of auiii land, viz: Chnrlea auler, Han la-nker, Ferdinand- I'odoll, William Scbultz, all of liarrison, Neb., Alao helium P. Llndsey. of Harrison. Xeb. who made I), s. No. VM for the H nwV end nw nwl anv IS, and S awl,' aee 10, tp3i, y. He names the following wltnewtca to prove hia continuous residence npon and cultiva tion of aald land, viz: Warren W. Hall, Richard Slmler, John II. Martell, Ass C. Da vis, all of Harrison, Nebraska. ao-25 W. H. Met', Register. Conanlldated Nollra fur Pulilicatinn. Land Office at Chadron, Neb., I Jan. i, is). ( Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed iintlce of Ills inten tion to miike filial proof In Hunart of his claim, and tliat snld proof will Imi made las fore the Clerk District Court, at Harrison, Neb. , on mar. 3, lawi, viz: Iaac B, llenilrii. nf Harrison, Neb, who made D. 8. No.3 lor the wVJ aee 3, tpI7 t. He names the following wltncssea to prove his continuous residence ujion and cultiva tion of said land, viz. Alva Mirceve, C harlc K- (.owe-, Andrew Jacolst, James H. Cor,k, all of Harrison, Nebraska. Alao: JOHN A. GKKKV. of Harrison. Xeb.. who made I). 8. filing No. V.4U for the nel, of section 4, township Tt, range N9. He mnnes the following wltnesaea to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: i Harm r.. Gowey, An drew Jacobs, James II. Cok, John F. Cook, all of Harrison, Nebraska. in Hi W. II. McCaxh, Reglater. Notice of Contest. I". S. Land Office, Chadron, Neb. I February 11, lswi. J Complaint No. Stun having la-en entered at this office by Maria l-rlews agulnst Henry Fleming for failure to comply It ti law as to tlmlier culture entry No. S.M'2, dated Febru ary l, 1h, upon the sec , tp 33, r IS4, in hloux county, Nebraaka, lth a view to the cancellation of said entry ; contestant alleg ing inai me mini itciiry rieming (lid not bread or cause to b. broken rive acres tu first year after making said enlrv, ending February 111, ssi: nor liaa he renal red salif detwts to the present dale of information. IhesHKi parties are ip-reuy summoned to appear at this onlee on the llthday of April. Imwi, at 10 o'clock, a, in., ui respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. Testimony of witnesses will lie tak en before 8. II. Jonc, a Notary Public, at blsofhce in Harrison, Nebraska, on the tth day ol April, ln0, at lOo'clm k a. in. iw-si 1 . r . riiwKBa, Receiver. NOTICE OF CONTEXT. C. ft. Land Offlce, chadron, Nebraaka. I Jannary 17, suo. Cmnnlnlnt Sn. l'j4 tiuvlnir licn milM-Hl m thin office by Thonias j Irvine, against Ben- amin r. Moore, Alei Moore and Matilda illller. heirs nt law of Catharine Moore, de ceased, for failure to comply with law aa Ui timber-culture entry No. dated Febru ary , IkwC, upon the nH nek and nX nwjfi see 10, tp is, r M, In Sioux county, Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation of aald en try; contestant alleging that the said entry Is illegal and void lor the reason that Cath arine Moore, in who name aaid entry wa made, died prior to the making of wild en try. Tlie suid parties arc hereby summoned to appear lit this office on the 17th day of March IsWi, at 10 o'clock a. in., Ui respond and form-h testimony concerning aaid al leged failure. Testimony of witnesses will he taken be fore John P. Arnott, a notary public, at hi office In llemliiford, Ncb on the loth day of March, PJW, at 10 o clock a. in. 1W-J T. F. PowgM, ReceUer. Notice nf Content. C. 8. Land Office, Chadron Neb., I Januarv 3, latm. I Complaint No. l having lawn entered at this office bv Charles K. Nicholson unlnal Thomas Price for failure to comply with law a to ttmlK-r-culture entry No. SS1. dated mnrcn , isan, nain ine nw, sec I, tp Ti, t 54, InMouz cmliitv, Nebraska, with a view o.ll.e cancellation of aald entry; contestant alleg ing that the aald claimant ha failed to break 5 acres during the second year after entry, and that he has fulled to cultivate the five acres broken the first year after entry ;and has failed to cure the defect up io ine uaie of una contest. The aald par rtles are herebv auiiiinnued to amwar at ihia office on the 3rd day of March, law), at 10 o'clock a. in., to rcsxmd and furnish teatl mony concerning aald alleged failure. Tes timony of witnesses will be taken before John A. Green, a notary public, at hi office In Running Water precinct. Neb., on tlie it tb uuy oi reoruary, iw,v, mi in o'clock a. in. liW4J f. r. I'oWKKa Keci-lvar. Wanted-500 (rood posts wanted on subscription for which we will allow 10 cent apiece. A good chance to get Tim Journal without any outlay of cash. Do not fail to take advantage of our combination offer. In th nldwt and miMf mehni4 pnpr pnbiuh cirxniauion or nf papar ol wunj ii i RPtnuau, BM inits. rutMahxj WMklf. ooo. Ptusm M a m. if. A geaMMaeea. Back km contain eatatet HUKraphle pis" of aoaalrr aa eHr Tttltnt w. JF"bll kaikllnn. Mommum mitSrtSi and fall .kuw aod eM itrwtion. (orTiTs mat Ht.auir. HVKH lo PviuSfuSr' ' aosMaal TRADE MARXS. UV CO., rataai awtUHeee. -anaai. omeai M tmyii! flu eiM .nuitwofM. UN Of WtVka. Kam. I I ) raar' trparl... mm h... IsJaV I I MM aaallr v-3 t'. (''i-.r '.It I