The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 27, 1890, Image 2

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Sioux County Journai.
glMMOS PAHt KSON rablUhrra
SMtll Uaoia Bmwwm.
. Buffalo, N. Y, Feb. 20.-The Courier
this morn-Jig publishes as extract from a
private tatter written by a fanner in fc4
sounds oounty, South Dakota, to a friend
lDtlnai city, inclosing a orcuiai
sent out by the central relief committee,
calling attention to the distress of boutb
Dikote farmers and asking for help
The letter says:
"DeepltsHbsrfacts stated in the circu
lar and I know them to be true, all the in
of wealth are em
ployed to hide those facU""Tkm the
knowledge of the states generally. The
reason tor the adoption of th'ur course
by the bankers, land sharks and others
of that ilk of South Dakota bp' tnJ'
fear that if the true state oftbe farmers
is known the consequences will be dis
astrous to themr These men have even
gone to tbs extent of sending emissaries
in advance of our representatives who
reiappealing for aid for us, denouncing
them as impost ere, and collecting on
their account. Cars of food have been
detained in many depots owing to their
representations and we are deprived of
Via fond, nlothas and fuel we are so
much in need of."
The letter also says that Governor
Mellette did not exaggerate when he
said that thousands were on the verge
of starvation in Miner county alone, and
that nineteen counties were sadly in
,1. and that South Dakota
could not possibly relieve her needy ones.
Float"' by Manked Sln,
Newtowx, Mass., Feb. 18. John
Campbell-of this place was last night
flogged by masked men and is suffering
badly tor-ight Cumpbell has been in
the habit of beating his wife, an amiable
young women, and has one been con
fined in jail for thrashing her. The
couple live in a neat cottage on the turn
pike and the neighbors say they often
heard Campbell beating his wife. Sun
day afternoon he struck her on the head
with a blunt instrument, making a dan
gerous scalp wound. Mrs. Campbell fled
to a neighbor's house, w here her wounds
were dressed and she was made comfort
able. Late last night four men disguised
and masked entered Campbell's house
and dragged him to the street Camp
bell's night shirt was torn off and in a
rude condition he was lashed to a tele
graph pole. The four men then whipped
him with rawhides until he became un
conscious. The man's back and limbs
were covered with welts. He was car
ried back to the house and placed in bed.
His cries aroused the neighbors and
brought a crowd to the scene, but
when they found Campbell was being
whipped no resistance was offered.
An esplmion.
PrrosBt'BO, Feb. 19. A special to the
Times from Everson, Pa-, says: An ex
plosion occurred in the roller mill here
which resulted in the killisg of John
Coley almost instantly. Coley threw
cold water on the live cinders in the
furnace and the result was an explosion
in which Coley, a man named Ryan and
several others were injured. Coley died
shortly after the explosion.
Aa I'nkMWB M tacreant
Lebamok, Iid., Feb. 19. During a
prayer meeting at Edward Randall's, five
miles south of here, an unknown miscre
ant shot through a window, fatally
wounding Mrs. Randall. The family is
one of the most prominent in the county.
Bobbed of Her Hair.
MimiEAPOLis, Feb. 18. Miss Cora
Brandenburg of Peoria, 111., who has been
visiting friends on Bloomington avanue
in this city, met with a startling expe
rience last night. She went to a drug
store alone to buy some medicine and in
returning a man followed her, and in
the shadow of a church building she was
sized, dragged irto an alley and her
beautiful blonde hair clipped off close to
her head. The young lady was badly
frigbtenil, but was otherwise unhurt
There isio clue to the robber.
A Suicide.
Milwaukee, Feb, 18. The remains of
handsome young woman, apparently
eighteen years of age, were found near
the Lake Shore railroad track near this
city this morning. She had evidently
suicided. The body baa not been iden
Trtod to Daaaaliafc aa Italian ghaatj.
PiilaDklthia, Feb. 18. At Treskow,
Carbon county, Sunday, mob of Hun
garians aod Poles tried to demolish an
Italia boarding shanty. Stones and re-
Voivers were used by the attacking party
ane! every window in the house was
nattered. John Baako appeared at the
door of the ahacty and fired several shots
into the crowd. Joha Paul, an innocent
ecUtoc. was fatally wounded. Basko
was anseted.
Boaad Over
Acarara, O, Feb. 19. - The seven
: s2smm( Sharon arrested and brought
fcaw oa nherges of interfering with the
Cisw-o of bis. duties ? Postmaster
CxtwofCb ofEfcaron, were examined by
VzC&mQommmkanr Alexander
iisdk ombk tSOOmA to appear
13 torn of the Moral mrt hi
iJc behead W tot
r itxic'e. VMtUkm Attoc
: -
L Import ant Arrrtl Mail ialbOle
fcratvd (",
8t. Lot in Feb. la Detective Thomas
of Chicago, accompanied by two local
detectives, made an important arrest last
night, which was kei.t very quiet until
today. The prisoner is believed to be
one of the rata baJiy wanted in connec
tion with the Cronin case, and Thomas
had been advised that parti would ar
rive tonight from Chit-ago to fully iden
tify him. The prisoner BaTe tt e Dame
of J. B. Kelly, and admitted that he was
the man for whom the Chicago authori
ties had been lookipg, but denied that
he was Smith, Dan Coughliu's friend,
who was believed to have driven the
hninrv in a-hich Cronin was conveyed
r- . -
from hie bnmft. He further d-nied
complicity in the murder.
iMeutive Thomas says Lis prisoner
is known in Chicago as J. 13- Klly, but
is supposed to be the man knon as
Smith. If he proves to be so the arrest
is one of the most important made in the
celebrated case. Smith was the last
person in whose company the murderrd
physician was seen alive by Croniu's
When questioned by a reporter this
afternoon the prisoner was very uly
He said he was J. B. Kelly of Chic igo.
but that he knew nothing of the Cronin
case or the parties interested in it, ex
cept Tom Desmond of San Francisco.
He never belonged to any C!au-na-Gael
camp and was an active Irish s; mpaUii
zer. He wouli not talk further except
to say that he had been in St Louis
about two weeks. This statemf nt, how
ever, is disproved by the fact that the
detectives located him at the People's
hotel, where he registered the first time
onAugust20 last and has been there
almost continuously since. He was
shabbily dressed, and to the hotel peo
ple pretended to be a peddler ot books.
He paid for his lodging regularly, but
never seemed to have much money.
Detectives Collins and Clark of Chi
cago arrived tonight and have identified
the Cronin suspect arrested in thia city
last night as the man suppose to be
Smith, who took Dr. Cronin o the Carl
son cottage.
C. A. IC. Reunion.
B.M.ITMOBE, Feb. 19. -The annual re
union of the department of Maryland of
the G. A. R., began here yesterday.
The feature of the occasion was the pres
ence of Commander-in-Chief General R
A. Alger. At the session General Alger
made an Address, which was in line
with the one he delivered at Washington
list night He took the view that the
G. A. R. was not begging anything from
the government, but was merely asking
for justice. He said the G. A. R. pen
sion committee liad concluded to urge
the dependent pension bill as the best
measure that could bo passed by this
congress, tie tnougnt, n oesi usai me
G. A. R not press the service bill at this
time. Of course this did not mean that
the service bill was to be abandoned.
Its passage would be insisted on at a
later day. A banquet was given at the
Carrollton hotel in honor of the com
mander-in-chief. There was no pre
arranged list of toasts, but extempore
speeches were made by General Alger,
Congressman Boutelleof Maine, Depart
ment Commander Wheeler of Mary land
and others.
A Great Excitement,
Namr-a, Feb. 18. There is much ex
citement to-night among the striking
operatives, Agent Shaw having refused
to arbitrate matters, and stating that the
mills would start to-morrow. At a mass
meeting this evening the strikers de
clared that they would not return to
work. Policemen will be placed at the
mill gate to-morrow morning to protect
those who wish to go in when the bell
rings. It is not expected that there
will be trouble, as the help have been
A Crofcl Hnnband.
Chaei.estox, S. C. Feb. 18. To night
Napoleon Laval called at the store of B,
Feldeman A Bo., and asked to see his
wife, who had been separated from him
for some time. When the woman ap-
MAt-Ad Laval shot her and then shot
Feldman. Bovictthie ms ar thought to
be fatally wounded. On being arrested
Laval said that it was only a family af
fair and that there was nothing more to
bo said about it The affair has created
a irraat aensatiou. as both parties lire
0 - r
well known.
Plunged Through a Bridge
St. Locis, Fob. 18. A Wichita, Kan.,
special says: The engine and baggage
car of the Galveston express plunged
through a bridge over ChiBholm creek,
six miles south of here, at 8 o.clock this
morning. The passenger coaches were
left on the brink. Roadmaster E. Peters
of Newton was killed; Engineer Wanda
and Fireman Smith each had a leg brok
en; the express messenger, name not yet
learned, both arms broken; Miss Cain of
UdeL, four ribs broken; Josiah Ericsen of
Topeka, arm broken; Edward Whitney
of St Louis, fracture collar bone, and
several other passengers suffered from
cuts and braiam A relief train and six
doctors have arrived at the wreck from
this city, and toe injured will be brought
ban aa soon aa possible. Tbe supports
af the bride bad been burned awaydur-
thenkt,tttoawppoaedb7 tramps.
A aosaels taoklnf for tbe miserean.
A Kajral KerepUoa.
f'm iiBKKr-Aix, S. D. Feb. JO. The of
ficials of the land oihoe, together with
the force of clerks sect out from Wash
ington, arrived and were tendered a royal
reception by the citizens. It is exported
the office will be ready to receive tiling
by the last of the week.
(j.C Sherman has just returned
from twenty miles in the interior, bring
ing Sne samples of coaL Sherman rep
resents a syndicate of western capital
ists who located a ni mber of coal mines
and is so entueiastic over the pmse-t
that he has ordered sn outfit with
which to begin mining.
Will rel ui' tha Kate.
Chicago, Feb. IS. The western freight
association voted yesterday to reduce
rates from Chicago to Kansas CMy and
Omaha to a basis of 00 cents per hun
dred, tirst class, taking effect on the tM
This action is taken to meet the reduc
tion of the Illinois Central to Sioux City
Tbe associat'-on, however, refused to
authorize a reduced rate to Sioux Cihy,
thus putting upon the Illinois Central
the onusof breaking down Missouri river
rates in violation of the agreement.
1 nrorpo rated .
CisciNNATi, Feb. l'J.-The N.iiional
Starch Manufacturing company has
been incorporated in Covington under
the Kentucky law. The companv em
braces all the starch factories in the
United States, to the number of thirty,
with the possible exception of oue.
Will Arrent the Foreman.
Wilkksuarbf, Pa Feb. 18. Mine
Inspector Williams has obtained a war
rant for arrest of the inside foreman
of the Nottingham mine. He charges
him with the responsibility for the recent
disaster that caused the death of eight
miners. The arrest is to be made to
morrow and is in accordance with the
finding of tha coronor's jury.
Mrurlt by a Train.
PiTTsiit iKi, Feb. 19. A special to the
Timet from Johnstown, Pa says: The
Xew York &. Chicago limited express to
night running through here at a fast
rate of speed struck and killed a man
named Col man residence unknown,
supposed to be Woodvale, and fatally in
jured a man whose name is supposed to
be Welch. They were walking on the
track when struck. MARKETS.
V-nATf,nwfr: rob., rHTAo May. T.
errc; July. v.mnv.
fViRic-Uiwc-r: Frh, 'Sc; W-iJ.
r)'c; July. ;il&:iIS,c.
Oath-Ijiwit: Foh., 20)t30Se: Mny. 21?i2
June, mfcSlc
Vaovtsioxfi Mfw Pork lower: Pobniiirv.
ff.Oftfi.M; MuM'li. !)"? P.70: Mav. r.Wt!t..
IjudLnwer; Feb. :..77ia.7'Hl Maruu.
t&MieitMl'it May. KM&ie&JA,
Cactus Oiiotatktra runee from M.TT.B.W
for pwwi t ch,lf rattle; H.WhASD frond ship
plnr flwm: CUKi4X0 common to fair Moors.
IIX;spnlp, rsnirerl from rt.TOe-4.00 lor
Hfriit, S.XhVua.'.iS for Innvy inwkinjr.
FnrEP Oiiotntloim ran?e at K.0?S.TS for
Wpiprn: f').2.'&0.75 for natives, and
6.70 for lamb.
Wool Quotations follows:
WiMusin, Illinois, MlHiliran, Indiana and
Eiuitcru Iowa.
Conre, tub 2Ti3So
Medium, tub a-'Clr
Fine, unwashed IHsSir
Medium, unwashed 2iafie
'onre, washed ?ae
M(-'bra&l;a, ltukntn, Minnesota, KuntuM and
VVtstero Iowa.
Fine, unwashed , 15a1c
Mi-dlum, unwashed ?!ii2c
Couiiie, unwashed 2ua22c
Money on rail easy at 3 to 4 V cent, closed
offered at '4 ivr cent.
Pterlinpejehaniredul! butalcadyat 4K!! for
C(i-d hills and 4K? for demand.
Government Ilonds lolnir quotations: 4's,
coupon, K3; 4Hs, ccjupon, VHli.
hei-Clrwlntr prices : No. 2 red MSSMUc
Feb.: H,an,o May.
Corns Market eloed for No. 2. Feb.. SRK
Jie: May. ;74t37t4.
tiATS-Warket euHl for Mixed western, S64
eaHc; Wblte ZWOc
Wheat No. I hard closed at fc
Cork No No. 2 In ihe market
Whbat Cash. Tlici May, 7:ic.
Corn No. :i. at.
Oatm-No. 2 White, 23c.
IiE-No. 1, tM:.
Wheat Cash. 7r,r: Mar, 7"a
Cons Cakh, 'c May, 'Jb'4c.
Oats Cash, 21e; Mav. Tlc.
I Hovimoxs Pork tio.l. Iard B.85S
A Haunted llonae.
A curious story comes from St.
Petersburg. A well-known Polish
princess recently took a house in the
capital. To her disgust she found it
haunted. A religious service was held
and the demons exorcised. But after
a few days thev returned with re-cn-forcemeuls.
The result is that in or
der to live in the bouse at all the
princess has to hold an exorcist reli
fious service every three days.
Making Pearl to Order,
Whether the pearl ha gone out of
fashion because of the facility with
which artificial ones have been made is
a matter that may be accepted as in a
great measure true, for tlio pearl is
one of the most beautiful of gems. In
addition to the efforts, successful, too,
towards making artificial pearls, efforts
have also been made from time to time
to force the ojster itself to produce the
pearls by introducing foreign sub
stances within the hells, which have
not been altogether successful. In the
South Kensington Museum in London
the writer has teen several evidences
of Ibese attempts, as well as shells
which came from Chin containing
mall images of Buddha. It is said
that these were originally moulded in
tin foil snd then placed between the
bell and the mantle of the oyster. Tha
shells were then returned to their natu
ral bods, and after a time a layer of
mother-of-pearl coated these Igures
and attached them to the shell. In
some instaaeet tbey are cat oat and
old, and It k said tbe Chinese prteeU
ci aimed them to be evidences of their
mlraele-worklng uoweTS.--lrVNMr Jftava.
Pier ifreatlvin ned of a furniture
Hubbell ixKseSHea the ji.iy saloon in
Thajer county.
Kearney has a band composed of thir
teen small boys.
A s ciety is being organized in Omaha
to erect a creamtory.
Freiituut parties are shipping shevp to
Chieftgo by the train load.
North Platte's streets auJ buildings
are to b? named and riumVnvl.
C impany (J. X. X. (1, will give a ban
quet and dance at Geneva on the !).
A school house costing $10,iO will l-e
built at Porchester the coming summer.
C!arenceS!iort, ae-J twecly-oneyears,
a as killed at Armada by the kirk ( a
Eighty l ine conversions are reported
as the n-sult cf revival meetings at Cen
tral City.
John I!ik of Hattlo Creek was made
happy last week by receiving a back
pension of f I
An election has been called at Falls
City to vote on a propoailion to light the
city by electricity.
The Christian church nt Red Cloud
will be dedicated Sundiy, H M. Rains
of Tojieka olliciating.
The future for Friend is looking bright
and her population bus increased nearly
500 during the past year.
1 he era for sod houses is paxeing away
in lilaine county, and Brewster is to have
a first-class lumber yard.
A petition for a saloon and a re
monstrance are leing circulated at
Brenster at the same time.
South Sioux City's three hotels are
unable to accommodate the large num
ber of railroad men ut that place.
The city of Crete has over gymo avail-1
at le in the treasury and a banded imlebt-i
edness of jsC.OOO is to be paid off.
The future prosperity of Platte Centre
is assured. A post-office right has boen
precipitated and the war goes merrily
Extensive prairie fires during the past
week have doLe considerable damage to
fences and buildings north cf Gothen
Charles Mettz bd old alid respected
citizen of Falls City, is suffering from
blood poisoning and his recovery is
Mrs. Pierce, wife of the presbyter-an
.minister of Ord, is so gifted as tole able
to fill her husband's pulpit at
any time when he is absent.
After bavin rained t,000 to aid in the
construction of a flour mill the citizens
of North Bend propose to donute 11,500
to some one w ho w ill build a good hotel
Dr. Hall, formerly of McCook, has been
selected by the H. & M. railroad as exam
ining surgeon of the Burlington relief
department, with headquurters at Hold
rege. Charles L. Wood has been confirmed
as postmaster at North Plalte end will
assume the duties of the office as soon as
his bond is approved and returned, per
haps In a week.
A lodge of the Pythian SiKterhod, an
organization for the benefit of the wives,
mothers, daughters or sisters of Knighte
of Pythias, is the latest secret society in
stituted at Kearney.
North Platte is coming to the front
as a milling center. Last week six cars
of flour were shipped to Oregon and
Washington points, including two cars
to the city of Portland.
The new railroad company unloaded
a car of wheelers, scrapers and plows at
Wallace last Monday and work will be
commenced at once on the grade between
North Platte and Wallace.
Jim Lee, a .North Platte Chinaman,
thought he needed protection and pro
ceeded to arm himself in cowboy faehon.
For this expensive luxury be was as
sessed (1B.G5 which he paid -allee samee."
By order the governor W. W. Abbey
of Falls City has been called into the
central part of the state to look after a
herd of Texas cattle which came into Ne
braska in violation of the guarantee law.
The proepscts are that before very
long Broken Bow will be lighted by elec
tricity. A company composed of citizen
has made a proposition for a franchise
and the request will probably be grruted.
The aoldiers'relief commission appoin
ted by the supervisors of Dodge county
effected a temporary organization by
electing Thomas Lyman of Hooper and
Z. T. Wilcox of Fremont as chrirmanand
secret ray.
According to the Schuyler Sun there
are beavers yet along the creeks in that
section of the country. Ole Van Honsen
and Kris Kreoger, who have been trap
pins; and fishing along Shell creek, have
oought four.
The Nebraska City Pre says the
prospect for a plentiful supply of hogs
in southern Nebraska is good excepting
in Nemaha valley, where there are prac
ticaly none at all, the cholera having
swept the platter clean.
- Lew Burnell, an eighteen -year -old col
ored boy of Nebraska City, was locked
up ia toe city jail because be expressed
aa Insane desirs to kill Ruben Brunei
sad then wanted to bam the house In
order to destroy his mother.
Farmers in the south half of Clay
county are organizing, not only iu a
litical but in a bu,iiir- way, and are
preparing elevators at Fairfield and at
Edgar wlierein they ill store their own
grain and do their on shipping.
T. W. Ilaar.l who live near Broken
Bow and ppin.U txinti h-rable tiaie in
telling how every body tries to rob the
farmer, swindled a ! a! grain buyer the
other day by wiling him a load of dirt,
snow, iharf and other rubbish covereJ by
a thin layer of fine spearing corn.
Which May at l-at 11 of home ra ta tha
The following editorial from the S:in
Francisco Itrxnl it not w ithout intere-t
to those who are f:imili:r with the city
at the Gulden Gate: The Flood man
sion stands on the summit of Nob Hill,
virtually decried. The Flood family
does not intend to inhabit it ajrain, anil
it h very unlikely that any other
family will ever desir it. It is a very
tine mansion. But it is not the kind
of house that our millionaires like, to
live in nowaday. It occtipit a a com
manding ixjsilion, but the frlory of Nob
Hill has dVMirted. No one will ever
build or buy another "palatial resi
dence" on Nob Hill. The summit of
Nob Hill is not the aristocratic quarter
par excellence now, and will Ktcadily
be less aristocratic. The drift is west
ward. But the Flood mansion is for
sale, aud it will be sold linallv for some
purpose or other. What will it ulti
mate fate be, with iu massive walls, its
$20,000 bronze fence, its spacious and
gorgeously decorated apartments?
Qukn tabet What wo would like to
see it bought for and transformed into
is an art gallery and museum. It is
already well fitted for the latter, for
the rooms are large aud high and well
arranged, and the alterations to lit it
for proper display of pictures would
not bo very extensive or cosily. Of
course we would rather have tho city's
museum and gallery out in tho park.
But Nob Hill is our second choice. It
is very accessible by cable car now
from all parts of the city, and the
beautiful view the building commands
would be an additional attraction.
Now, which of our rich men will
como In and contribute the money
necessary to buy and tit up this man
sion and thus establish an institution
such as all great cities have and San
Francisco must have, not only as a
standing attraction, but as a means of
educating and refining it people. No
few, but plenty of contributions would
soon come in, once a handsome and
safe place for their display had been
Toys of the Oldrn Time.
A thoughtful-looking little gentle
man sat iu the House, of Phila
delphia, one evening watching tho
people pass In and out and listening to
snatches of conversation which were
wafted to his cars. H sat alone in a
corner, smoking a pipe with a long
slender stem. His black coat was
ornamented with braid, and his grey
hair was topped by a black skull cap.
The gentleman U Auguste Blare, of
Paris, an inventor of mechanical toys.
He has spent his life in this work, and
each year brings him additional in
terest in it. Mr.'Elare has a marvel
ous fund of anecdote, especially about
the wonders of automata, and takes
great pleasure in talking about the
" "Puppets and marionctts were pat
ronized," he said, "both by the Greeks
and the Romans, and automata, which
are the inventions now principally
dealt in, also go back to a remote
period. Vulcan's tripod on wheels has
the authority of Homer; Daedalus made
moving statues; Arclivtas of Threntum,
in 400 B. C. invented a wooden pigeon
that could fly in the air. la tho six
teenth century Rcgiomantamons made
an iron fly which moved through tho
atmosphere, and afterward an auto
matic eagle, which on the arrival of
the Emperor Maximilian nt Nurcm
bury, flew forth to meet him.
"But one of tbe most wonderful of
such inventions of which wo have
record was a group of automata con
structed b Philip Camnz for Louis
XIV. Tins consisted of a coach and
four horses that started off at the
crack of a whip, tlio horses prancing,
trotting and galloping in turu. It ran
along until it got in front ot the King,
vhen it stopped. Then a toy footman
descended, "and opening the carriage
door, handed out a lady 'with born
grace,' as the records tell us. The
lady made a courtesy, presented a
petition to the Emperor, re-entered her
carriage and was driven rapidly away.
Such is the description of the most
wonderful automaton," concluded Mr.
Blare. "I never saw the toy itself, of
course, but the description just given
to you tallies almost word for word
with an authentic record. I memorized
the latter at one time, so marvelous
did it seem to me."
Made to Look New.
Old clothinz may bo made to look
nearly as good as new by pursuing the
following plan, says the Philadelphia
Take for instance a shiny old coat,
vest, or pair of trousers of broadcloth,
cajwimere, or diagonal. The scourer
makes a strong, warm soapsud and
plunges the garment into it, rubs the
dirty places; if necessary puts it
through a second suds, then rinses it
through several waters aud hangs it to
dry on the line.
When nearly dry be takes it in, roils
It up for an hour or two, and then
presses it An old cotton cloth is laid
on tbe outside of the coat and the iron
passed over that until tbe wrinkles are
out; but tbe Iron is removed before tha
team ceases to rise from the goods,
else they would be shiny. Wrinkles
that are obstinate are removed by lay
ing a wet cloth over them and passing
the iron over that
If any ibiny places are seen they are
treated as fas wrinkles are; the iron is
lifted, whtti tha foil cloud of steam
rises and brings tha nap up with it.
Good cloth will bear many washings
and look better every time because of
them. .
Ingrraoll On tXnra.
Before the ninth anuutd contention
of the State Bar association Cul. Kob
ert G. Ingi-rxill delivered an address
upon the subject of "Crimes Against
Criminals." iu which at the oul--t be
demonstrated that punishment by tor
ture aud death had f.ti e.l to abate
crime. The following were among Mr,
liigtTSolI'd utterances:
Degradation has been thoroughly
tried, with its maiming and l.raud
itirs. and the result was that those who
inFlieted the punishment lecane as de
graded as their victims. It U safe to
s.iy that governments have committed
f.,r more crimes than they hare pre-wtiU-d.
1 am perfectly salUlied that
there are millioiis.of others incapable
of practicing certain virtues. There is
no reformation in degradation. Who
ever is degraded by society Itccomes
its enemy. A punishment that de
grades the punished w ill degrado the
government that procures Urn inflic
tion. Is there any remedy? Can any
thing lie done for thn reformation of
the criminal? He. should be treated
with kindness. Every right should bo
given ti i in coii-isteut with the safety of
MN-iely. He should neither lie degrad
ed nor robbed. Why should these men
after having been imprisoned for years
le turned out without the means of
support? Would it not lie far better
to lay aside his earning so that when
the convict is released after live year
of imprisonment he will have poveral
hundred dollars of his own, enough to
keep the wolf of crime from the door
of his heart? If we are to change the
conduct of men we must change their
conditions. Eurcmu poverty and
crime go hand in hand. Iuorancc,
tilth, and poverty arc tho missionaries
of crime. As long as dishonorable
success outranks honest effort as long
as society Ikiws and cringes liefore the
great thieves there will bu litllu ones
euougll to till tlio jails."
Anecdotes Of the Great-
Shortly after the death of Osar's
daughter Julia, who had married Pom
pey.'thcy latter grew very distant to
ward Osar and licforo much time
elapsed the two had become thorough
ly estranged. Brutus having remark
ed in Osar's hearing that Pompey
made a great mistake in treating him
in the way he did, Cicsar observed:
"Yes. A very foolish mistake. Ho
treats mo as though I were his mother-in-law."
It was that evening that
Bnitus joined the opposition.
Oliver Goldsmith's modesty has be
come proverbial, but he was by no
means tho dullard in conversation
that he is sometimes represented.
David Garrick, w ho was fond of his
little joke, once asked Goldsmith be
fore a largo party of gay young Ixn
dotiers: " hy iloes an as bray when
ho can argue "no xdoqiicntly with his
hind hoof?" "Why do yon ask mo?"
asked Goldsmith. "Because ou are
an ass," replied Garrick with a smile.
Quick as a wink came the reply:
"Tou're another." It is not likely
that Garrick after this .trilled much
with dear old Noll.
On another occasion, Bosworth haw
ing said in Goldsmith's hearing that
tho "Vicar of Wakclield" should have
been called tho "Vicar of Slcepticld,"
modest Noll turned toward him and
without a moment's hesitation cried:
"Shut tip jour mouth!" Dr. Johnson
nearly laughed himself into an apo
plectic fit over this when Sir Joshua
Reynolds told him about it next daj'.
"Will," said Bacon one clay to
Shakspeare, "they say I wrote your
plays.'' Shakspeare laughed. "Why
do you laugh, my William?" "Be
cause, my lord, tlioy think you are
swan of Avon. You're a devil of a
swan, you are."
Ben Johnson says it took one of Ba
con's strongest essays to keep him from
sinking tho wcL" A1 . Evening Sun.
For Perturbed Literary Hplrlta.
Tim fact is, whether authors be
lieve it or not, the editor is more anx
ious to discover merit in a manuscript
than is tho author to have him. Novel
ty and freshness nrc to-day tho ruling
elements In literature, and the editor
is watchful for either in all the manu
scripts which come under his eyes. If
authors would devote more time and
care to the composition of tho manu
scripts, and less to worrying what be
came of them after they reached the
editorial desk, literature and the read
ing public would lie the gainers. No
author need ever invest her soul in
anxiety that her manuscript is not
read. In these days of sharp literary
competition, the keenest outlook is re
quired of the editorial room, and good
manuscript or a bright idea need not
search long for a market. Well-told
stories are not so plentiful that even
the unpromising looking manuscript
ean afford to Ijc overlooked. An author
can always feel euro of ono point
that, if her manuscript is returned,
thcro is some reason for it, and tbe
cause is generally not very far off or
obscure, if search is only made for it.
Either the production lacks merit, or
the wrong channel has been selected
for the material. These are generally
the two principal reasons. There is a
world of common sense in the remark
niado by a famous author to a young
w rilcr who was loudly complaining of
editorial inappreciation: "Don't waste
so much time blaming the editors; de
vote to seeing if any rests upon you."
Ladies' Hume Journal.
i'criodic-als in Itunsia.
There are 686 periodical publication!
In Russia. Kuveuly-elglit of them are
political and news dallies, 109 are
scientific, m religious, ;, BrtUtlo, St
agriciiltural.82 statistical anil biograph
ical, 16 pedagogic, 13 for children, aod
tbe rest miscellaneous.
An Immense ovenuppiy of em sj re
ported In the New York wholesale mar
ket Prices have fallen to Y4 1-1 osala,
ant dealers with large stocks of "wtfl
eggs to hsnd will lose heavily. ,
Tho young Duke of Orleans was as,
tenced at Paris to two yeara' ImprlMsa,
ment for violating the dcrre of er-' V
skm prononnoeti again sMbsn til J
family by the French UvtratMaM. - s -
Six of the 111 members of tU Til)
law school are Japaneae,
- f th
1 of
. th
I tu
r fa
-it -.
ft. s
. I
?: !