The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 27, 1890, Image 1
V 4, i V" The Sioux Journal, VOL. 2. hajs&irIsoin', nsrcgB., feb. 27, 1990. NO 23 .f' County THE SIOUX COUNTY M A Patfenoa, Proprietor. F.E.1H.VB.E. Time Ublr. Uoliif Wt Going Kat. No. n, pitmpiiKer, I So. !8. Danoenarer. (I :S No. W, freight, II : No. w, freight, : HARRISON MARKET. Corn per hundred Oats per hundred fihorW per hundred t .. SO 75 75 1 UO I 00 12 wiu-per uumirra id Feed chopped per liumlrcl t ruviinw-per nuuurea n Butter per . per do .... 10 roultry-per dor. . ... 1 T5 & a 00 Onlona per ...... 4 Meant per t . .... Coal per ton i 4 50 J M I.umlier nnlive ier in. ft. l'orrected every Thursday. 15 00 Corn at 50 cents a hundred at Turn er's. Prunes, prunes, 18 pounds for 1 at C. R. Wells'. Tlie celebrated Anchor, patent brand of flour at C. R. Wells. Oo to Dr. Clary .Cluidron, to get your eyes, ears and throat treated. When you want a (food square meal go to the Northwestern hotel. Best vinegar in town at 80 cents or gallon. c. R. Wells. Oo to Dr. Clary, specialist in eye, ear and Throat diseases. Office in Central Block, C'hndron, Neb. Get your loans from If, T. Conlev and avoid the red tape incident to pro curing loans through loan companies. The Northwestern hotel always takes good care of its guests. A trial will satisfy you tliat that is the place to top. If you need anything in the way of Eye, Ear or Throat treatment, go to Dr. Clary, specialist, Chadron, Neb. liist tiifcht was the coldest night of tlje season, but the bright sunshine this morning bids fair to soon turn the snow into watefc For coQifort and good living go to the Northwestern hotel when in Harri son. Everything is done that can Vie to make it pleasant for those who stop there. -The popularity of the. Northwestern hotel hiia been gained by the pains taken to please guests of the house. People like to go where they are well taken care of. The social at the residence of E. T, Satterlee on last Thursday evening was well attended and a. pleasant evening Spent- The weekly sociuls are becoming tpute popular and the attendance is usu ally good. During the cold snap the first of the week Jiu k Frost crept into TllE Joch SaL's cellar and froze the supply of jiota . toes on hand, and in consequence we are ready to receive some good potatoes on subscription. The commissioners were in session Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, Commissioners Grove and Oreen only being present. A good deal of buisness was transacted, some import ant matters having been taken up. The clerk could not got the procedings ready In time for publication in this issue, but the full record will in the next issue of The Journal. 'The weather this week has been se verely coltl and a good deal of snow has fallen. It lias cleared up now and the snow will soon disappear. No complaint can be made of the weatlier for but few cold days have been exjierienced during the winter. The weather in Sioux coun ty will average up about as good as 'it does in any locality. The people are (ill glad to see plenty of snow for it makes a good crop almost certain. A man by the name of Anderson liv ing a couple of miles east of town on tle F. E. &. M. V. road attempted to jump from the east bound freight train on last Saturday afternoon. He did jump frow tlte train, but in doing so got pretty badly used up. The company's physician from Lusk came down on the evening passenger to attend him, and he is in a fuir way to soon recover, but it will probably lie some time before he will attempt to jump a moving train to save walking a few miles. A special train passed up the Elk horn last Sunday, with a number of the officials of the road on board. The indi cations are 1 1 nit preparations are being Dilute to begin building operations in the near future. Tho fact is the com pany has too much invested in this line to permit it to stop where, it is, and it is also quite certain that they will wont to take care of the buisness which will be created by the development of the oil and mining regions weM. of here, As soon as that buisness is opened it wUI give employment to a large numlwr of people who will bo non-producers, and the result will tw that a market will be created for the products of Sioux county oil without bviof to be shipped long fetMN. Hard times ball March 17th. Good flour at 90 cents a sack at Turn er's. 14 pounds of extra C sugar for 1, at Wells'. C. R. Wells is receiving new goods daily. IS pounds prunes for one dollar at Turner's. 14 pounds dried apples for one dollar at Turner's. 13 pounds granulated sugar for 1 at C. K. Wells'. When you want a nice clock call on Griswold & Marsteller. California canned goods at 23 cents per can at O. R. Wells'. 12 pounds granulated or 14 pounds C sugar for one dollar at Turner's. I cannot, 1 will not, I shall not be beat in low prices. Respectfully, C. R. Wells. A choice family flour 1.13 per sack, no better for the price sold. C. R. Weixs. For farm loans go to fi. 1L Jones. Farms bought and sold by 8. IL Jones. We need some wood on subscription at once. Mrs. J. A Snyder has received a nice stock of fancy goods and notions which she is selling very cheap. When you want a farm wagon, plow, harrow, or anything else in the implement line call on Griswold & Mar steller. H. T. Conley has consumated ar rangements whereby he is authorized to make loans for private parties on Sioux county real estate. Tltere is no question about moisture for the crop for the coming season. Plenty of snow is falling and plenty of rain will follow in due season. We have the biggest stock of hard ware, implements and furniture ever shown in Sioux county. Come in nnd look us over. Griswold & Marsteller. Last week a portion of the material from the Herald was taken to a point in South Dakota where a newHptper is to be established by W. H. Davis. We did not learn the name of the place but un derstand that it is on the B. & M. line. O. Guthrie informs us that his brother-in-law, J. W. Robinson, will lie here either the last of this week or the first of next, with two carloads of stock and goods to improve the land be hoe tax ken near Harrison. This is another indi cation of a good number of new settlers coining here this season. We are informed that S. A. Beers contemplates returning to Sioirx county in tlie near future to make his residence on his farm in the north part of the county, The bright prospects for the future of our county cannot help at tracting many people hither in the near future. Tliere is room for all who wish to come, Commissioner Grove lnlorms us that he did not say that the appointment of Geo. Walker was against his wishes, as the Herald says he is credited with saying. Mr. Grove told Walker that C. E. Holmes was his first choice, but as that gentleman did not want it he was for Walker. Commissioner Grove also says he has no occasion for being ashamed of his cource in the matter. There has been a good deal of talk of late in regard to the collection taxes. The taxes which are to lie pushed for col lection are those for 1887 and 1888. These can be collected by distress pro cess, but no such action can be luul on the tuxes of 1889. The personal taxes of 1889 are delinquent now, but the only penalty attached is tlie interest fixed by the Statute. It is quite likely that every one liaving delinquent taxes on the records against him will be notified by the treasurer in the near future, but no distress warrants will he issued against any one until they have fair notice and an opportunity to pay, and then only for taxes for years prior to 1889. Of course if a person is attempting to niove his ef fects from the county without first set tling with the treasurer, be need not be surprised to see an officer after him. In the attempt of Hull to get posess ion of tlie Nebraska Reports belonging to the office of county judge, the case be gan before Justice Maine fell through because the officer who served the paers failed to make any return of the same. In tlie case lie fore Hunter when it came or. Thursday, Hull asked for a jury and the cose was set for hearing Saturday, Feb. 23d . On that day the parties re paired to the residence of the justice und the jury was there, but when Walker informed them that was a legal holiday the court was not opened nnd the result was that the case fell through. All that was accomplished in the entire pro ceedings was thai Walker was compelled to niiike two trips to Bodarc and also in company with Judge Barker had to appear in the justice court here. It is quite evident that all that is intended lv these suits U to ninko fho ollicials all the trouble the' run, nnd it would ap pear that there ought to be some mtthod of putting a check on such proceedings. PERSONAL. N. L. Pollard lias been on tlie sick list this week. B. B. Bixby contributed generously to tlie welfare of Thb Jovbnal last week. Mrs. S. L. R. Maine has been on tlte sick list for some days but is improving. B. F. Johnson is reported as being quite sick. Albert Rands was in Harrison oa Saturday. County Attorney Walker went to Chidron last evening on buisness. Mrs. J. A. Brill arrived here this montl ing to help her husband transform a quarter section of government land into a valuable farm. ', Mrs. A. W. Mohr arrived at lIarrisor this morning and will go to cheer the home prepared for her by her husband on his farm north of town. That it ma prove a happy home to the newly mar ried coupie, is tlie wish of all. ' "Pat Welsh is struggling with an at tack of inllamation of the lungs. ,r Dr. Ziegenhagen has been confined tf his room at the Northwestern Hotel si in e Sunday with an attack of inflamei tion of the lungs. He is now convalea ent and will soon be able to attend to hi practice. J. H. Cook return! on Tuesday moror ing from a buisness trip down the road. II. T. Zerby arrived from his trip east on last Saturday, bringing with him a car load of goods. ' i L. Oarlock went to his farm in the north part of the county to spend Sun day. J. W. Lnngdon was in Harrison on Friday and called at this oflice. He to now engaged at the saw mil) and orders The Journal mailed to him at Harrisoa "Treasurer Gayliart came to Harrison on Monday to look after his official matters. ; Supt. Southworth was attending tft official duties at the county seat Friday and Saturday. Commissioner Grow came up on tbi' passinger Monday morning to attend thf meeting of tlie county board. 'f C. E. Verity made a buisness trip the south part of tlie county the first toe weehi n v Mws:es( A few dayjs ago The Journal re ceived a letter from the superintendent of the B. & M. in regard to the rate on sugar beets from Sioux county to Grand Island. The freight department state that no rate has yet been mode, but they assure us that they will certainly make a reasonable rate for moving the crop. Arrangmeuts are being made for a hard times ball at Andrew's hall on the evening of St. Patrick's Day, March 17th. A dress pattern will be given to the lady wearing the best hard times cos tume, and the gentleman who appears in the best representation of hard times will be presented with a new hat. All are invited to come and have a good time. On last Monday morning Clerk of the District Court Lindeman received word from the district judge ordering a grand jury to lie called for the April term of the district court for Sioux county. This is what the people of the county have been waiting for some time. There are a great many matters awaiting the investigation of a grand jury and it is quite likely that some of those who are accused of having done crooked work in either public or private matters will be well investigated. Bodarc Buds. The closing exercises of the Bodarc school were attended by a large and appreciative audience. C. F. Coffee was in Crawford on buis ness list week. Tne long expected saw mill was moved into Boggy canyon Wednesday. B. B. Smith was down to count the points Sunday. C. II. Andrews and wife were among the interested at the No. 6 school house Saturday night. II. II. Steel was down the government trail looking up educational interests Thursday. II. T. Zerby has returned home after a six weeks absence in Iowa bringing half a car load of household furniture, etc., and half dozen brood mares. Willie McMann was quite severely hooked by a cov Sunday. Don Cam,os. CHAMBERLAIN'S Eye and Skin Ointment. A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, Totter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Frairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling nnd soothing. Hundreds of cases have boon cured by It after all otber treatment bad failed. 83 and 80 oent boxes for salo by t U. Andrews, Druggist Best Line to the East. Tlie Burlington Route B. &,. M. R, R. is running elegantly equipped passenger traines without change from Newcastle, Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection at that point with their own through trains for Deuver, Cheyenne, and all points west, and for Kansas City, St. Joseph, St, Louis, Omaha, Peoria, Chi cago, and all points east. Remember this is tlie only line by which you can take sleeping car from Crawford in the evening arriving in Lin coln and Omaha the next afternoon, and in Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis the fol lowing morning. For further information and tickets ap ply to nearest agent of Burlington Route B. & M. R. R. IRIEA-ID this? TWO PAPERS FOR THE PRICE OF 1 THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL And the AMERICAN FARM SEWS one year for Two Dollars. To every one who pays for a year's subscription to The Journal in advance we will send them in addition, postage paid, for one year the celebrated farm (taper, "American Farm News." Or Offer No. 2. We will send the papers as above and also the Western Stockman and Culti vator (a 16-page semi-monthly) for -S 2.25- Now is the time for YOU. JE3 JSE1 to take advantage of this offer. WEBSTE "3 THE BEST INVESTMENT Far the Family, School, or Professional Library,, Has been for years Standard Authority in the Government Printing Oflice and V. 8. Su premo Court. It is highly recommended by r,H State Hup'ts of Schools nnd tho lending College Presidents. Nearly all the School Books published in this country are based upon Webster, as attest ed by tho leading School Book Publishers. 3000 more Words nnd nearly 2000 more Engravings than any other American Dictionary. 8 PCC IMEN TCSTIMON I A US. The Ifrtr Tort World y : Wetwter k i 'moHt uiTivorNilly 'conceded to be the. brut, Tl9 BOStOQ Olobil y I Wcbftor ill tho ao Tcnoiditodftaiiclard in lexicography. Tae Atlanta CoBsaratlon aym wuterhaa "CnjnuI'"!afiulhority in our ofll f. Tto Chicago Inter Ocean naym wubator a ""TJnafTrldgi'd ban alwaya bvtn tho atandai d, Tfce Hew Prime Tuiee Democrat nay- . ""ToCIcrTaTlandTrTaTrUwrTtyTirour Tie Wew Tort Trfeww aay itiraoofnitd "i tliT!raininuLTItlnt "word-lwik" of tho Bngliah language all ver kh wprld. Sold trr all Bookaelltrt. ramphlot fro. JDIDT10NA( ITSELF jl 0 s e i B 3! 9 CO 55 crq I CD 'A CD CD CO i U3 CO o ORROIV DON T 3 FROM US IF YOU CAN Get it for 9 1-2 per cent, straight some where else. We don't make 9 per cent, loans but we will make you a reasonable loan and ON BETTER TERMS Than those who advertise the 9 1-2 per cent, racket. Reidy & Pollard. HERE, WE ARE READY FOB SIFiRIISrQ- TIEIDEI WITH OUR Building FULL. Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Agricultural Implements, Furniture, Etc., At tbe Lowest Living Prices. We Have a Big Stock of Barbed Wire on Head' Which We are Selling 2(j. Below Market, COME IN AND SEE US, GRISWOLD St EIARSTETJ.EB, T O U5 i V, o IVIOtlEV o CO CD J A, , 1 . ,