The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 30, 1890, Image 4

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    TtoSisn County Journal.
omcuL cocsty rxpm.
Subscription Prke, t"2.00
iJ.Mk. - - Etliter.
Catered at the llamaon pot office a. see
t il claa matter.
THt1rtAt. JiMTAKY 30,
The iWHarti'ah W. O, T. U. ladies
who objdt.-ted t becoming a rant of the
third party organization lave adopted
tlie name of the Non-iartjiJi Woman
i liristtoo Temperance Union. 1 11 the
members adopted a shorter title it would
have met with more general favor.
Ladies contemplating taking a short
trip wiH do well to follow the example
..f Nellie Bly on her reoeut trip around
Hie world. That lady wore tlie same
dress during the entire trip of seveuty
t wo days, which explodes the idea that
it is necessary for a lady to take a vs4
.mount of baggage with her wlieneVer
slie leaves home.
The Columbus Sentinel is moved to
remark tbusly on a jrtinent topic:
The Sentinel would be pleased to Bee
Hon. Ik D. Bithards, of Fremont, nom
inated for governor on the republican
ticket next fall. He is a man who
would honor the position of chief exec u
tive, and deserves recognition at tlie
liands of the party.
Frank Carpenter, the well known cor
respondent, in writing of the animals
in congress, which he calls the national
museum, speaks of Representative Dor
of Nebraska, as weighing 150 pounds.
It is eveilent tlial Carpenter is no judge
of weights, or else Dorsey isnt as big in
Washington as lie is in Nebraska.
Wlien he is in Nebraska he tips the
torn at nearly 200 pounds. Fremont
ivaaty Finances.
The matter of tlie estimate of expen
ses for running the county for the ensu
ing year as shown in the proceedings of
Uie county board has given ria to some
expressions of surprise. TLere us no
question but tliat tike total looks pretty
big, but it must be remembered that it
is but an estimate. The law provides
tiiat an estimate sliall be made and also
that tlie levy shall not exceed such esti
mate and in case the levy is larger than
the estimate the county commissioners
and their bondsmen are liable, jiersonally
arid jointly, for such exi-ess of the levy
over the estimate. That tlie estimate
foot up $37,600,00 is no indication that
it will cost that amount to carry on tlie
niihlit-affairs of the couutv for tlie en-
su'ini year. In support of this all tliat
is necessorv to do is to look over the rec
ords of proceeding years.
The wtirmite for 1?7 was:
Corral fund 5,4Su.uo
Six-rial bridge fund 1,750.00
lioad fund 1010.00
Tlie total levy for tlie year WT, for
all pui-ioses, was --1,924,6!?. So tliat the
lew was but a little over oue-lialf the
For tlie estimate was:
Outstanding Indebtedness 1,5001
District court expeiies
Stationery .
Officer" fees
Office rent-
Special bridge fund
" road "
I nciden tul
Lust week Hon. Franklin A. Paddock
ii.other of senator A. S. Paddock of this
V.ite, died at his home in New York,
ilceased liad for years been a prominent
rr. ember of the bar of New York. Two
years ago he suffered a slight stroke of
'i. ralysis and it is thought that his sud
'. death was caused by an attemt to re
v. me the active duties of his profession.
7 e sympathy of all will go out to
xriator Paddock in his bereavement.
Total I3,J.M
Tlie lew for on the alve esti
mate was as follows:
General t mid ",US
BriUzo f uml 51317
Total 7.7W.W
Again it will be seen that tlie levy ex
ceeds one-half the estimate but a small
For 189 the estimate was as follows:
District court expenses 1
Officer's fees-Rent
A temporary break was effected in the
House of the Iowa legislature on last
Monday. All that it doe is to permit of
a temporary orgonzation so that the
members can be sworn in and be
come entitled to recognition. The dem
ocrats agreed in caucus not to at
tempt at any time during the session
to unreal an? republican member on ac
count of the unconstitutioualit v of dis
tricts from which they were elected. A
settlement is no nearer reached than be
fore, and all that can be dene now is to
ballot for permanent officers instead of
temporary ones.
Sot Ire to hereby giVe. Mat I will examine
II peraona Uo m ut to otter I hem
wive a caod idalea or tau-bm of the
athuOls of Sioui coanSVftat tbe school bouse
in district SO. f7; IMnksatorood preelncr, on
tbe Sb day oi rebsMry.laM.
Uo. Superintendent.
. , Xotlre.
scaled proposals m ill tie received until the
1Mb day of February. I"", at ii o'clock, iri.
tlie office of tlie county clerk, at Hani
on, Heb., tor furnishing Sioux county with
coal during tbe year Its. Tbe bid to be
oia-ned and conldered at tbe next meeting
of the board of conimiseioucr. Tlie boaid
reserve tbe right to leject any and ail biita.
Harrison, Jan. , Isai. County Clerk:.
As we have remarked previously poli
tics is a queer game especially in
Sioux countv. Here is Mr. L. O. Hull
who was appointed county attorney in
tliat bailiwick Jan. 7th. Mr. Hull had
hardly time to frame his appointment
before the new county board proceeded
to fire him and appoint George Walker.
Mr. Hull kicks and we don't blame him.
A man who wouldn't kick, after being
fooled tliat way would be no account in
Texas let alone Sioux county. Per
haps the most pathetic feature of the
whole affair Is the way Mr. Hull takes
it to lieart. In a letter to the public be
savs: ''I never desired to fill the office
of county attorney half so much
now." Exactly. It the way with all
of us. When we get left is just the
time we feel the worst about it Chad-.
ton Adnjcate.
Grant Guthrie,
Dcaits In
Bridge find roads.
Other expenses
Tlie death of ex-Senator Riddleberger
i oses the life a man who should be re
numbered as an example of misapplied
jollity. Elected'to the Senate at a time
len great opportunities offered them-r-e'ivea,
with the natural ability and in
formation to enable him to grasp them,
) was respected by all until about three
years ago, when he began to dissipate,
and soon became desperate and drifted on
from bad to worse, until death finally
ended his career.
Incidental s .....-..
Tlie levy for that year
General fund
Bridge "
Bdud "
Tbe Dam County Journal is preparing
to advance in good shape. Tbe proprie
tor has recently been to Chicago where
he purchased a fine new power press
and a car load of stationary and pafier
stock. That certainly indicates pros
perity, and we hope it will not be long
lfore the increase of business will com
pellBro. Egan to again improve his
office. The support which the Journal
has received indicates that the people at
( tiadron appreciate the value of printers
. 17,550.00
i as fol-
... 6,mJie
... i,mM
Receiver Steinmetz, of McCook, and
Iteceiver Hudson, of Lincoln, are each
found to be short in their accounts
about $2,800. They are both democrats.
A number of the holdover democratic
officials have been found in a similar
condition and the departments are look
ing after such cases pretty closely.
When Cleveland went into office there
was not one case of defalcation among
the republican office holders, but the
record of the democrats who were put in
their places is decidedly bad.
Aocnt for Wind Mills and Pumhs
Wamartai ttoftTf
o rtuMh
ttasw with m InSa
mm mmptm.m wn
. alitkMkM
ttwt Tfcafll ftn
pem tkm tiers itMHl
C IX Cooe, a prominent attorney of Par- tnt.", win receive a mai PT of u
1 the
Travellers may learn t lesson from &.
ke, Ikl.jrbojrays: 'I nevrt Wv. -d-rej-
nowm wiusutn uaatnic a wuw vi v iMfi- Mulf. i0 tbla ussee "
berlate s Colic, I uotorea and uarmu-a
Remedy witb me and on many ocutstoos
hare ran wttliitto the relief of some
sufferer Md bre never known it to fail.
For sale by C. H. Andrews.
nek are . lit .
. He iiwue the fola ing
bN continuous reawsruce
mi a a to atow mm
ai tlM m an vfaia. W pay aD SlAl. m.
. tt ti .mm aha aaia arm far aa. raa
Tbe Burlington Route fe. , JL B. R.
is running elegantly equippeil passenger
traines without change stp Jtewcaatle,
Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct
to Lincoln. Nebraska, making connection tin of Mid Jand.
at that point with their own through 'i Ju ol"lu.
trains for Denver, Cnevenne, and all
points west, and for Kansas Cit', 9t.
Joseph, St. Louis, Omaha, Peoria; Chi
cago, and all xiints eaL
Rediettiber this is Uie only line by
wliich you can lake sleeping car from
Crawford in the evening arriving in Lin
1 ..1 rimi.U Ka nAvt o and I 81 T 56.
u " "' I lie name
in Cliicago, Peoria and St. Louis tlie fol- hUconti
tion of
lowing morning. I ( linrlei K. tirewcl, N
nwrialalM) Setiee for rabllcatiaa.
lnd OOlee at 1 .ad rorijWebraaka. j
Jaauary ti. 1- . '
notice 1. hereby fir. u that ne
named settler baa Bled notlc w pia "
tlou to make Uiial pr. f in aPPorV!J
laiui,anu iun -n- i-. v....
fnrr.iird I.Lodeina ii. clerk of Ua laric
court, at llarrlaon, Keb.. on lfkrch at,
vu: . ...
Sasiael H. Jnaea, T naiwna, .--,
-iw, made II K. MotfWM for Bit 1 ana l uu
U. Maine, all t
Williaa E. Maori
trho made H. E- So. 5
tn 31. r M.
He li anient lie fol I' J
blHConlinnoua rea
tion of aaid land, i
ry ( '. AniiatronK,
E. Kaiuney, all
TtMiniaa W
who made
and cnltlva
. E. Verity,
II. t.rren, Sllaa L.
Kebraaka. Alao
Hani ana. Nrh,
for the see 15,
ng arltneaaea to prove
e 11 lion ian
Jame W.wott. lint'
w. Emery, Aioeri
km, Meb. Alao
t Harrlnoa. Seb,
br the eV ec , tp
tion of mid land, via
For further information and tickets ap- nri1!' "
nlv to nearest agent ol Uurlington
Rout B. M. R R.
wltneaae to prove
ipon and cultJva
Oaenh V. I'arnona,
thaiAli. W: lt. Joliu II.
tiwin. Nl braaaa.
W. IL M'i, Eelter.
-:-A NEW-:-
Stock : of : Clothing
Consolidated Notice for Publication,
ld Office at t'hadron.Kebraaks, I
..nilarv 27. ISa. I
llnlin 1b hereliv irlven that Ul follOWlKK
named settler has nlod nolli-e of his "
tion tn maka final Droof In snpnort of bis
claim, and that aald proof lll be made be
fore (Xinrail l.lndeinan, clerk of tbe dutrtct
oourt, at Ilamaon, Neb., on Mar. 1L-IW0. :
AnfTint John, of HsrriwiiySeb.,
who mad II. E. No. (Clfor thcif nex and
nX H, "C ULltf M, r K.
i mcBynowing
It: Jery
g.. ...
iimer.Af Harrlnon, .eo
Hliul.No8,0U01orthewX ec
ng w I tnees to prove
upon ttnu cuniTn
harlca Sauler, Hani
.- ' , " iiuaui
Neb., Also
if Harrixm, Xeb.
wlor the H nK and
and kwK see 10, tpSl, r
ees to prove,
i and cultlva-
Will. Carl try
llvrnuui, all of
A Large Line of Gents' Fine Wool Shirts Cheap.
He namei
till conliiiuouii
tion of aald Ian
eriierin, John
llarriaon, Nebr1
Jacob IhirMtahl
who made D 8
i. tn 33. T 56.
lit; name the fol
lil conlinuoui. re.mi
lion of said lani kf.
Ih'.nker. leraw
Schullz, all of list
Rrlluin r. LI.
who made .
n)nwX fee if, an
He names tse loiiowingwiiiiciMca ji""
bin coiitlnurfuH residence isou and cultiva
tion ol naur lana. vi: " ieu t. .
Blchard Slmler, Jllln II. BartiMI, Aaa U lia
vl, all of ilarrinon, Nebraaka.
.l W . 11. 311.1. W li"" '
Cououlldnlrd Sollre fur I'nbllratlnn.
ljuid Ultlce at (liadron, eb., I
Jim. ai. IHVU. I
vmira u hereliv ariven that the following-
named settler ha nl'''1 "otlco of hU luU'ii
tion u make flnul jirtKif In aiipport of bis
claim, and that wild proof will lie made be
fore the Clerk nwtrlct Court, at Harrison,
licb. , on mar. a, ixw, viz:
1mc B. Hendrli, of Harriaon, fh.,
who maIo 1). . So.tiM for the nw ec 8, tp?7
iM. ....
He name the following witnesses vo jiroi
The recent exploit of Nellie Bly lias
nclipeed tbe record of Jules Verne's hero
in "Around the World in Eighty Days,"
by making the trip in just seventy-two
days. Tbe trip was made by her as the
representative of the New York World.
While passing through France she made
a flying visit to Jt Verne, who expressed
his doubts about her being able to beat
his hero of fiction. All it needed to
make a better history of fact than
Verne's fiction was that Miss Bly found
a poor unfortunate man in some of the
countries through which she passed and
after bringing him home with her made
him her husband.
Once more it is demonstrated that the
levy was but a little more than one-half
of the amount of the estimate.
For the ensuing year the estimate is
187, 00. Allowing that the levy will be
one-half that amount would make it
$18,800.00, but it is hardly likely that
tH levy will reach that figure. Tim
commissioners evidently did not wish to
be caught for a part of the expense of
the county by making tbe estimate too
low and so they put it high enough to
make themselves safe. It was a bard
matter for them to estimate what it
would take to run tbe county. With an
outstanding indebtedness of $10,000.00 or
over and allowed claims only worth
about one-half their face and a large
amount of county warrants registered
ar-d drawing interest at the rate of 7 per
cent, and in addition to that, heavy ex
pense of the district court in trying the
many cases which liave been carried over,
in addition to all the new ones likely to
be instituted, and no fair minded person
will blame the members of the county
board for putting the estimate high
enough to protect themselves from hav
ing to assume any of tlie bills brought
in against the county. If the finances
nf the fount v could be nut on a cash ba
. .. , , , ' . wv, IT HAS ADDED THH BZASOS
aia it would make a vast difference both
in tbe estimate and the amount of taxes jUR YOUTH'S DEPARTMENT.
which the people would have to pay to Edited by URS. FRANCES BODO80
keep the county government in running f,
order. nrrminnva and itj HTRrJUTl U I
In the estimate for the year 1800 there ot only to tbe children but to every mam
is an estimate for $12,500 tor purposes j xtt ol the tamtty. The beet and moat popu
not mentioned in any of tbe estimates rflt Lf1"0? JJJTIS-!!!
... :j.v-j Mad as contributors. This departmert
lor previous years, inciuuing inueoveu- a-Jal m chaimctsr oi Its oeotadt.
Spring is almost here and winter
goods must go. Felts only 50 cents j
per pair, with heavy rubbers complete,
onlv$2. New Orleans Molasses only
, f I his continuous residence upon and cultlva.
KOcr a.ral. H 200 bu. fine seed wheat at )?:xwxziX
O all of Harrlnon, Xcbraeka. Alio:
rTt at 1 rtW 1,,, nnnnnrl fnci QQ 1 .Qn JOHN A. GRKKX. ofHsrrl.on, Xeb
Ol tt UU. TJ UU. 11X1C OOCU UftW, W Whomatlo!).S.l1lingNo.,4.lfor the neK of
1 . I a , section 4, towushlp range M.
abu, Gram ralsea m sioux couniy.i
Buckwheat flour Only 85c. per sack.
Ah There!
11.. naiiif . the folloa Ina witnesses to prove
hla continuous realdenc upon and cultiva
tion of aald land, vlzt Charles E.liowey, Au-dn-w
Jacolw, James II. tnok, John f. Cook,
all of Harrison, eliraka. 1 1 tt)
W . II. MCvAJis, liegisier.
(oun.illdated Notice Kor Puldlcsllon.
live. , lss. i
Notlw is hereby given that the following
nuiiunl ai'tt.ler Iiilm Aled notice of his Intcli- .
tlou to make final proof In aupport of his
claim, and that ald proof will be made bo
fore the clerk of the district t-ourt, at.llur-
rlson, Nub., on f euy: jt, ihw, vis:.
Ilrlsna M. Hutlon. of Harrison,
vho made 1). H. Vi). W0I for the nK nej vrX
i.-v M'c i:t. swli si-V. mc li. tn Si. r M.
to. iumeM the. fnllowttia witnesses to tlTOVfl
(lis continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of suld land, viz.: Elbert M. Carrier,
John II. Kartell, Asa C. Uavls. Albert l.
Taylor, all of Harrison, weo. Also
Albert K. Ramsey, of Harrison,
whotnart I. S. No. swOforthoeX nwk; t)S
mK sec l, tp ., r m
EIly command. po.lUos ai th !
A fcplar Family Paper lutiie Coimtn
Without giving up any of Its POPTJLAj
MATURES it continues to add NEW AT
FACTIONS to its columns. To
Ladies'.Fine Kid Gloves for $1.25 worth
A Genuine Gents' Seal Skin Glove for Wc
worth $1.50i
A line of Gents TJnderwear at a great re
duction. Kentucky Jeans at 3'icts, worth 50 ct.
Mens Felt Boots $1.00, worth $1.00.
He names the following witnesses to prove
is continuous residence, npou and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: Charles s. Scott,
rail and examine my line of
On January 29d the state board of
agriculture decided the location of tbe
state fair for the next five years in
favor of Lincoln. There were seven
competitors for the prize being Dncoln,
Omaha, Hastings, Grand Island. Colum
bus, Loo? Fine and Kearney. On the
Irat ballot Lincoln received 89 votes, out
of 90, Mid on the second ballot enough
Artes went to Lincoln so that it had 56
at the close of the ballot Omaha got
8 votes on tbe first ballot and 10 on the
aeoond. The people of the state have
at forgotten tbe attempt of Omaha to
injure tbe state fair ivnen it was first
locnted at Lincoln and as a result do not
feet kindly toworda that city in state
Mr nwvtterm. It It safe to my that Lin-
ffo wrffl eatwbe the mot of tbe fact of
iMArfcar ttw fair tbars for the nest Ave
rssws, for they my rest assured that
tttU ttet JOflM of the young ctttes
tMetn Mater at the state will be
Warrtrn W. Hull, Arthur W. Kiuery, William
K. Moore, all of Harrison, neb. AlsH
Artlinr W. Emery, of Harrison,
who mafie H E Ko. I'i73 for the sX sec tp 30
r M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his conUuiMins residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, vifii Warren W, Hall, Al
bert K. Uailtsi y, William K. Moon-, Nathan
iel K. ArmstruiiK, " of Harrison, Neb.
w . Jl. jicuass, lU'Kisier.
Notice of Contest.
V. H, Ijind Olllce, Chailron, Neb. I
Here isxv. i
Complaint So. 17B4 ImvliiB been entered at
I this ofhec by Chas. K. tiowcy, UKainsl Jasi-n
I I lores for lallnre to comply witn law aa to
tlmlior eulturtt entry No. SI40, dated Kecem-
la-r II, law, upon the sex nf, ni-n DfH ana
"X seH, s-c A, tptT, r M. In Sioux county, Ne-
bniska, with a view ui tne canceiiaiion 01
said entry: contestant Hllialnu that aald
cliilinant falliHl to break or cause to be bro-
n ten acres of an d tract dnrlns the Rrst
and wwtind years, and falhsl to plant flvfl
-Have a full line of
ness and interest, court house and jail,
insane and poor fund, allowed accounts
outstanding on tbe court house and sol
dier's relief fund, and it must also be re
membered that as the county is settled
up it costs more to meet tbe necessary
expenses than it ought to have done
my publication for young People inttM JJgHftjTfittafl,
IMs if Bleat Bow,
XTrttten by famous novelists, wtll be an
rtber new feature of THI INTKB OCEAN
Cbe Rev. Oeorc Ebers baa written ttM
when the county was new and contained - A- Jt-S
but a few settlers. I wr. This wU be sucosedwl In January m
J I me from tbe pen of KUSavbeth Stuart PbalPl
Attorney General Leese has nWressed xixir of "Gates Ajar," etc. Her story wfl
an open letter to United States Al torney e a novel of tbe times of Chrtet, and wfl
. - -.a-a - m MiwiAT 1 1 Hill I St ffTa. . .... 1
General Miller relating to the Union Fa- 7 MTTn . . iTS
, , . r . , . ... .Bitter Bauward win writs a story of tni
ci fie railroad, in which be charges tne ; rly ttmaa of Babylon and Jeruaalem. ti
company with gross violation of the M entitled "E8THZR." Tbere tsnodouto
xrttcese stones wiu attraot grau aneo
Ladies' Cloth g
I have one piece of fine Verona Sacking
that would cost you ' wwul wrx3
M inc hes wide for 75c
90c at wholesale,
laws relating to the doings of that com
pany. It would be a good thing if the
government could get a settlement with
the U. P. company, During every ses
sion of congress a great deal of time is
taken up by tbe discussion of tbe matters
of that railroad, and when it comes to
enforcing any laws relating to railroad
corporations the U. P. always sets up the
plea that it is under tbe protection of the
government and therefore not subject to
rules and regulations made by the inter
state or state boards of transportation.
addition to an this every yearly sub
scrlber to
wax BBccm. a BKAtrrirt7X. exobatdk
Wblcb of ttaett ought to be worth tbe
prion of tbe paper.
To further aooommodsta its readers TI)
im ema has matte a combination with
rnE nonE magazine.
Iditad by m. tmui JMfi A kmai, t
rbiobtbat paper la sent lor oneysarwm
A WWU DTU 0CIAI for awwiw"
Fine line of Flannels,
8haker Flannels,
Blue Overalls,
Wool Fleece Lined Mil
All "Wool Boys' Mitts,
There does not appear to M any reason cm. Only tblnk-WTB fr:s8 foi
why tbe Union Pacific should be entitled MJ. Tbua trrery on can Have reodin
y, ane favor, from the irovernment otteromTCaLrnattbeverylowe
than any other railroad company, and if
they vloUte the law they should be
made to suffer the penalty.
If yon need anything in the way of
Eys, Ear or Throat treatment, go to Dr
Clary, specMist, Chndrou, KeU
sertaafTII WRXXT Dm QCT.rt U r)l pw rm
te srls) rfTB BH-wnaiLT h m r tm
0eat) lorsaaipteoopua. Liberal te.ianx
ssasmnntanand otub aouta.
aUtms tac nmocttF, c,.:,
80c " 50c Brocade Worsted, 10c.
20c " 3V' Worsted Dress Goods (ex-
40c " "7.V; tra wide) I V
35c " 60c Blueltenims I2K
20c " 35c Csttonrules, 20c
Berry Cloth, 20c
res to tri-ea. seed or cuttlais. duiiiiK the
third year after entry was made and has
fai list to cure said detects at date of llillla
tinK this con U-st.
The said parties are hereby (iiiniuonsi to
aptiear at tills olllce on the lth day of Kcliru
ary, IsHO, at lo'o'clock, a, m., tu itvpond mid
furnish testimony ioniernln(f aalil alleret
failure. Testimony of wltimsmis will be tak
en la-fore John A. lirecn, a Notary Public, at
Ills ofnee in KitnuliiK Water precinct, sionx
county, Nebraska, on the lath day of Kcbni-
ry, ISWI, at lOo'cloek a. in.
M-i T. K. lttwsas. Receiver.
Notice of Contest.
U. 8. Ijuid Olllce, Chailron Neb., j
January S, 190.
f'omplalnt No. afAs havliip; lawn entered nt
this ofhee by Charles K. Nicholson airalnst
Thomas Price for failure Ui comply with law
as to timber-culture entry No. MIS, dated
March , ism, iiain the nwx, see tp X7, r ft.
IiiMoiU countv, Nebraska, with a view to the
cancellation of anld entry; contestant alleg
ing Hint the said claimant una tailed to
break tu-res oiinug tne h-coiki
year alter entry, and that lie has failed to
cultivate the live acres broken the first year
worth 30c I 't"r """try ;M"d has fnlli-d to cure the defect
rtles art- hereby summoned to appear at this
offlne on the Xrd (lav of March, IsMi, at 10
3c I o'clock a. in., to resMiiid anil furnish testi
mony nmiTi "o'S wiiu siii-ai-u iminre, r-s-
tlmony of wltnesM-s will lie taken laifori)
John A. lin-eii, a notary public, at his office
30c I '" Knnnliig water precinct. Neb., on ltieS4tn
on; ri:ui ui j , inwv, wh -,,n s a. ill.
30 i is-w i t. r. row sis KXeiver.
Chattle NoHgsce sale
Notice Is hereby given thai by virtue of a
ehattle mortgage dated tlie 14th day
I also hove aTull line of Clothing. Slioes, Hate and Cops, the best ever offered for ia.ka,iut,
I trt MvV Oil II Hit If
nle in Sioux county, which I am selling at prices that Defy Competition,
nary, IM, duly filed and recorded
I nee of tne cou
Also a I one promissory n
AIH0 " mortgage, anif d
. .... .i, x f . t at i riMiiiy -nvr ifiimr
lanre invoice of Groceries- New and f resh timt l win sen at prices as low ns tne e, f,,,,,, rtaie, and
" ... I asalgllisl to llal id
lowest. Rememlier my motto i-"A Nimble Penny rr ther than a Slow H.xpence.
i - . : -
I SELL FOB CASM, and intend to give my customers tbe bew,fitof Lh Prices. r,LXg?.Vj
. ... . . I to recover thasf
You can be convinced of this fact tiy caning anu giving me a inu.
Trusting again to see many familiar facesjn tlie new store and to merit a sliare one Wj
of tlie trade, I am very resjiectfuHy,
upon tbe
Mi Ml I
he of-
r Mathew Rllaf to Jamm
vment of
of even ante with said
Januarjr 14th, IStft. for
Mid leur ier cent Inter-
and mortnjre
. Hafld ; ami default ha-
incTit of ssld note.
don In the aggrv
d no suit or other
vlng hn-n Instituted
lie aaalwmw has levied
Ing rVoiiertv deacrlbeil in
to-wlt : (One yoke ot oxen,)
slNaat fmiSWears old, one red
lawt four nrsrs old, and one
i be will arlftl no bile Miction
ol retiruifcy, Kse, at twn
Of RSiTlSOaf,
0, JR. W
o'eka-k p. m . hi the vt
Woux coutrtv, .Mil ask a.
luvinH. J.sX Aasitaea,
I'T inusjia aaiui. ssiei IB . -
liatad at Harrbwii, ., Jan. ,