The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 30, 1890, Image 3

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Author of " B".rhim Hait'trotti Trial,"
mQu':etU't Whim," '-Thr S.;irck
; fur Dull l.yndhurtl."
CiuiTF iv. ii;i:i.t:' ihmmi at
So It U T settled, M-rir?"
Ve, Aunt Aga'hs," i returned, Ijri -ik-jr.
for she (.poke lu lugubrious voice;
mid u otic Hd s ripfigli ljesch
lh family hearth, I assuiiiedfa tuhpuiily
cheerful aspect. If only Aiilit Agatha's
0ft would not look ill me sojeiider!:
"Poor chilil!" she slitlied; iJi.l then, as I
remained silent, ulie coutinull. in a few
minutes, "I wish I (VMild reconcile mys.-If
mure to the idea, but I canlot help feel
ing presentiment that yojf will live to
repent this tranie step yon are 1 n k I
I found thisspeech a litpe 1iiiii(u tiitije,
but I bore it without flinching, can
never net out down smi new mad willi
ont a few friendly missiy.s living ub.jut
one' eari. "Keiueiuber. I toid you such
nil inch a thing would happen if yon did
not take uiy advice. I am only warning
you for your good." Alas! Hint one
dearest friend should lie transformed into
a leasing gadfly! What ran one do but pn
Straight neroi-H the eiii-tiiy's country, i.-n
the boats are dent roved behind one I nl
way did think that a yrand ac'lon on
Xenophuu's part. ,
"Vou have nut given me your opiuio'u
of my tie mistress," win my wicked re
joinder. Aunt Agatha drew herself tip at this
and put on her grandest manner. '"Vou
need uot go out of your way tojvex me,
Merle. I am tuniricutly hiiniilited with
ont that."
"Aunt Agatha." I reniotisfratod: for
this was to.) niiifh for nty ftf',
"do you think I would do nn.iiiug to vex
you w lieu we are to part lu 4 few days?
Oh, you dear, Hilly woiuayr'.'ir.hc "as
actually crying. "1 am t-v1fYlS "'( la
know what you think of CVyf oii.''
"She Is perfectly lovelf?WWi,f' die re
turned, drying her eyed, iw 1 klssod and
coaxed her. ''I very nearly f-ll in love
with her myself. I liked the simple way
in which she sat dowu and talked to me
about my old pupil, making herself
quite at home In our little drawing-room,
and I wa much pleased with her inanuer
when she spoke abntit you; It was almost
pity you came Into the ro mi Just then."
"I left you alone for nearly half un hour:
please to rememtK-r that,"
"Indeed! It did not si-em nearly soloag.
Half an hour! And it pased so quickly,
too. Well, J must sav Mrs. llortoii Is a
moat Interesting woman; she Ik full of in
telligence, and yet no gentle. She ha lout
her baby did she tell you tlnit? only
four mouths ago, aud her husband does
not like her to wear mourning. She Is a
devoted wife. I ran rn-e thai: but I have a
notion that you will have noma dilllculty
in satisfying Mr. Morton; he is very par
ticular, ud hard tfl pleaae."
"I have found out that for myself; he la
man of strong prejudices"
"Well, you must do your Iti-st to concil
iate blm: tact goes, a lout; n ay In these
caw. Mrs. Morton hat evidently taken a
fancy to yon. Merle. She told me over
gain how her baby boy had made friends
with you at once; she said your manner
wan very frank and wiuuiug, and though
vnn 1w.L-t vf.mttt vtnt Vire Hlilill
utl self reliant,"
I wisn vucio jvenu nau oeaio unit.
Did she say any more about me, Aunt
"No, you Interrupted u at that point,
and the conversation became more gener
al; but, my dear, I imit scold you about
oue thing; how absurd you were to insist
ou wearing cap! Mrs. Morton was quite
embarrassed; ahe said ihe would never
have mentioned audi a thing."
"But I have act my heart on wearing
them, Aunt Agatha," 1 returned, very!
quickly; "you have no Idea how nice I j
- Khali look In a neat bib Bprou over my !
dark prlut gown, and a regular cap, such j
aa hoapital nnnara wear. I Khould l quite
dlaappolntcd If I did not carry out that
part of my programme; theonly thiugthat
tronblea mo la the umalliieas of my salary i
I mean wage. Thirty pounilH a year
will never make my fortune."
"You cannot ask moro It It a good con
aclence, Merle; you have never been out
before, oud have no experience. Mr.
Morton Said herself that her hunhand lmd
promlacd to raise It at the end of aix
montln if you proved yourself c petenl;
It li quite aa much aa a nursery governess'
"Oh, I am not mercenary," I replied,
haatlly, "and I idiall save out of thirty
pounda a year. I must keep a nice dress
for my home vlsitii and for Sundays,
though It Is dreadful to think that I ahull
not always go to church every Sunday un
til little Joyce U older; that will be u and
. deprivation."
. "Yea, my poor child, but you muat not
peak a though this were the only aeri
oua drawback; yon will find plenty of dif
ficult! In your position; even Mis. Mor
ton confessed that."
"The world Is full of difficulties," 1 re
"tnriMwl, loftily; "there have been thorns
and briers ever since Adam's time. J)o
yon remember your favorite fablo of the
old matt and the bundle of slicks. Aunt
Agatha? I mean to treat my dilllculties
In the same way he managed his. 1 shall
break each stick singly."
Bhe smiled approvingly at this, and, Uncle Keith's knock reached her
ear, she rose quickly aud weut out of the
room. "
The moment I was left alone, my as
sumed briskness of maimer dropped Into
the mental dmhabllle that we wear for
our own private use and comfort. Those
two bad always so much to say to each
other that I was sure of at least half an
hour's solitude, and In some moods self
lathe finest company. Yes, I had de
atroyed my boats, aud now my motto
' muat be "Forward!" This afurnoon I
had pledged myself to a new servlce-a
aervica of self-renunciation and patleut
labor, undertaken nnder the Influence of
love to our Great Master and In tho effort
' to lollow Ilia example yes, 1 dare to say
it-wtth the double desl re, viz., of doing
as much good aa lay In my power, and
also for the welfare of the large sisterhood
fftfttf Ho, A toldier; fori hould b one
. l. M. I. ui-lvi in tnnka
. i BPWI1 wv im iwm"" " w.,......-
ttooallty. Not that I feared the word
fSrTloe, considering what Divine llpt had
aid M that snbject "I am among you
UM who aeretb"-but I knew how the
World shrunk from tuch terms,
" I bae always maintained that half the
O-caliea aimcniiies oi mo consist ninmij
im tuir ArmmA at other nennle's ODllllOOS:
. Voeaeo are especially trammeled by 'this
lmnlflgr. They breathe the aimoepnere
a Mwlr. own special worlil. and the chill
wftid of jsipular oiir,ioa blow colnly over
them, like the m native plant, they Lhiver
and wither tip f,t t,jUl;, I u,.i,eve the
master rmiid tl,,:t achieve great Ihiuys '
have crented their oa u atmosphere, else I
how chij they appear so impervious to
critiflsm How can they carry them
selves ao calmly, iheu their coiitemiHir-!
aries are sneering round them? We must i
live above onr-ielvet and ea h other; there I
is no other w.-iy of gAtinx rid of the !
shams and di-giiiw of life; alk,l 5,.t howl
U one w ho has been le ru in slaverv to l I
absolutely true' How is an Knglbli g-n. '
tiewomau to shake off the prejinlicc of'
caste and declare herself free?
Ah. ell! t .is was the euijriiia f had set i
myself to solve. And now the Tn "li
the protecled g:rl's life was receding
from me; the old guards, the old land
marks were! to be removed by my own '
bauds. Should 1 live to r.-ent my rash!
act, hs Aunt Airatha predicts, or should j
J at some future time, whan I looked back j
UKin this wintry day. thank fiod, humlily
aud with tears of gratitude, that in hum- j
ble trust aud in dependence npou hisstrtrit :
for guidance I had courage given ma to;
see the titht and do it, ml !t,,nti ffM, I
faithful to (he !asl
I found thi e l,it few day of home life
singularly trying. Indeed, I am not sure
that I as not distinctly grateful when
the final evening arrived. When one has
to K-rfortn a paiuftilduty there is no use
in lingering over it; and wlieii one is se
cretly troiibled.ii spoken and too discur
sive sympathy only irritates our mental
membrane. JIow could Job, for example,
tolerate the sackcloth and ashes, and,
worse still, the combative eloquence of his
Aunt Agatha's pathetic looks and pity
ing words (retted me to the verge of en
durance. I wished she would have been
less mindful of my comforts, that she
would not have ImMed on helping mH
with my sewing, and blading me with lit
tle surprises lu the shape of gifts. Hut
for the bitter cold that kept me an un
willing prisoner by the fireside, I would
have esraed into my own room, to avoid
the looks that seemed to follow me every
where. Hut I would not yield to my Inward Ir
ritability; I hummed a tunc; I even sung
to myself, as 1 hemmed my new bid
aprons, or quilled the neat border f r mv
cap. Nay, I became recklessly gay the
last tiiht, and dressed myself in what. I
termed my nurse's uniform, a dark navy
blue cambric, nnd then went down to
show myself to Uncle Keith, win wan
reading aloud the paper to Aunt A.galhrt.
I could see him start as I entered; but
Aunt Agatha's first word made lie blush,
and It a moment 1 repented my misplaced
spirit of f nti.
"Why. Merle, ho.v pretty you look!
Dees not the child look almost pretty,
Ezra, though that cap docs hide her nice
smooth hair? 1 had no idea Ih it dress
would bj so becoming I! H tic ri.'-l of
Aunt Agat lia's sp -eeh win ..-t ir.ion me,
for 1 ran out of the r i.uu W.;y, t'aey
seemed actually to believe that I wu
play-acting, that my part was a becoming
one! l'rcny. Indeed! And hero such a
sirangn revul lion of feeling took posses
sion of me that 1 absolutely shed .a few
tears, though none but myself was witness
to this humiliating fact.
1 did not go down stairs for a long lime
nfter that, and then, to my relief, 1 found
Uncle Keith alone; for men are less sharp
lu some matters than women, and he
would uever find out that I had been cry
ing, as Aunt Agatha would; but I was a
little taken aback when he put down his
paper, and asked, in a kind voice, w hy 1
had stayed so long In the cold, nnd if I had
Hot finished my packing.
"Oh, yes," I returned, promptly, "every
thing wns done, and my trunk was only
wailing to be strapped down."
"That Is right," he said, quite heartily;
"always be beforehand with your duties,
Merle; your aunt tells me you have made
up your mind to leave ns in the morn
ing, I should have thought the after
noon or early evening would have been
", Uncle Kelih," I exclaimed; '
Rnd then, oddly enough, I began to laugh, just below tho shelf on which to han
and yet tho provoking tear would come, ' drcs'sos, wraps, c'.e. Let two long cur
to ray eyes, for a vision of sundry school j (ajns j,.lng fmm t)l0 n,, 0f t,(. su,f t()
domestics arriving toward night wltu , u. floor. 1'mity crctoiino nmkes nice
their goods and chatl -Is, and Uih rcniora-: curlaiiis for llio purpose. You inav
brauceof their shy faces In tho morning fasR. t,fi ,.retonno in plails, sccmiir
light seemed to evoke a sort of drcaiy t1(,m vv il, lmlo brass-head nails. If
mirth; but, to my Infinite surprise and ;..,, ,,avi! c),. fa3Um ft Btr.,j,rlt
embarrassment, I tide Keith patted me , 8lf a j..jt jt
on the shoulder as though I were a child, j like iiiatiiiiT
"There, there; never mind showing a ' '
bit of natural feeling that does you credit;
your aunt is fretting herself to death over
losing you hir-rumph; aud I do not mind
owning that the house will be a trifle dull
without you; aud, of course, a young crea
vure use you must icei a no. Bmoi". . , i ;i, ,.,, tt,,,l -.,;i;.,.
.l.i.i , ,, with two pretty c mien stood uniting
that he took my hands, awkward y "lll"Jl" j iv ;.,,
enough, and began warming them In his! t !,-v? tllf! , ,llr!' ' ne 1 ' ,
own. for they were blue ith cold. If ''Can t slop lier,..' satd tic condticlnr
ture like you must feel It too.
Aunt Agatha had only seen him doing It,
aud me, and with the babyish tears run
ning down my face!
"Why, look here," continued Uncle
Keith, cheerily, with a sort of cricket-like
chirp, "we are nil as down as possible.
Just because you are leaving ns, nnd yet
you will only be two or three miles away, ,
aud any day If you want us we can be!
with yon. Why, there Is no difficulty,
really; yon are trying your little expert-j
meut, and I will say you are a brave girl!
for venturing on such a brave scheme,
well, If It does not answer, here is your
home, and Jour own corner by tho fire
sidu, and an old miclo ready to work for
you. I can't say more than that, Merle."
"Oh, Uncle Keith," I returned, sobbing
remorsefully, "why are you so good to me,
when I have always been so ungrateful
for your kindness?"
"Nay, nay, we will leave by-gones
alone," he answered, ft little huskily. "I ;
never minded your tantrums, knowing j
there was a good heart at tho bot tom. I
only wished I was not such a dry old fel-1
low, anil that you com, nave oeen .omicr
of me. Perhaps you w I I "'"Icrs.and me
bettor some t.ay, and " Here he slopped
and cleared his throat, aud said "hir-(
rum iih" or twice, and then I felt a;
thin cradling bit of paper underneath my
palm, 'it will buy you something use
ful, my dear," he finished, getting up In
a hurry A five-pound note, and ho had
lost so much money aud had to do wit hout
so many comforts! Who can wonder
that I Jumped up and gave hi in a peulteut
It was long before I slept (hat night,
and my llrst waking thoughts tno next
morning were hardly as pleasant a usual.
A preitioiiiMiry ayiupLoiu ui nuiiiuaiunriwi
eiaedmeM I glanced round my little
room In the dim winter light. Aunt Aga
tha had made It so pretty: but here a cer
tain suspicious moisture stole under my
eyeiids, and I Rave myself a resolute
hake, and commenced my toilet In a business-like
way that chased away gloomy
Never had the little dining-room looked
more inviting than when I entered It that
morning. One of Uncle Kudh's carefully
hoarded logs blazed aud (jrutUed in the
roomy tire place, a delii ciui aroma oi
coffee and smoking hum pervaded the
room. Aunt Agatha, in her pretty morning-cup,
was placing a i-e of hot-house
11 iwci's N.iiiv old pupil hid sent her in the
center of ;he tabic, and I lie bailfiueh w;w
whistlitiT as iii-Ti'ily as ever, while old
ire not exceedingly unhlppy? My dear,
you are leaving us with a sore heart, I can
see that, and it only makes me love you
all the lietter. Yes, Indeed, Merle," for I
was cliugiuti to her now and sobbing soft
ly under my breath; "aud however things
may turn oul, w hether this step be a
failure or not, I will always say that yon
are a brave girl who tried todo herduty."
"Are you sure you think that, Aunt
Then Hlte smiled to herself a little sadly-
' You remind me of the baby Merle who
was so anxious to help every one. 1 re
member you such a little creature, trying
to lift the nursery chair, because your
mother was tired; aud how you dragged
It across the room until you were red in
.the face, aud came to me rubbing your
little fat bauds, and looking so important.
'The chair hurled baby drcfful, but it
might hinted poor mammy worscr;' that
was what you wild, 1 think you would
Mill hurt yourself 'dreff nl' if you could
help someone else."
It was nice to hear tills. What can be
sweeter or less harmful than praise from
one we love? It was nice to sit there with
Aunt A;at lia's soft hand lu mine, and be
petted. Jt would be long before I should
have a cozy time w ith her again. It put
fresh heart In me somehow; like Jona
than's taste of honey, 'it lightened my
eyes," ho that when the dual good-bye
came, 1 could smile as I said if, and carry
away an impression of Aunt Agatha's
smile, too, as she stood on the steps, with
Patience behind her, watching until I
was out of sight. I am afraid I am differ
ent to most young women of my age
more Imaginative, and perhaps a little
morbid. Many things In every-day life
came to me in the guise of symbols or
signs a good bye, for example. A part
ing even for a short time always appears
to me a faint type of that last solemn
parting when we bid good-bye to temporal
things. I suppose kind eyes will watch
us then, kind hands clasp ours; as we
start on that long Journey they will bid
God help up, ns with failing breath and,
perhaps, some natural longings for the
friends we love, we go out Into the great
unknown, looking for tho Divine Guide
to take us by the hand. "In my Father's
house are many mansions." lie who
gave the promise and w ho died to make It
ours, will lead ns to those other rooms,
where the human drops will be wiped
away, aud w here pain and trouble.are un
known. To continued.!
The Caro of Girls.
Wliere tliero nro several growing
prlx in a family it is well to give each
a scji.'U'aio room, if it is possible.. Hut
when- there is a largo family nnd a
small house, (his cuutiot bo dotio. If
two or llirco gills nro to share one
room, let them have tho largest room
available. It is most desirable to have
n neat, iron, sitigln bed for each. II
tho girls aro ambitious and wish
their room to bo dainty and pretty,
the la'dsleads may have u coat of while
enamel paint, with a touch of gold
here ami tliorc. A capacious screen in
front of tho tvushstami will give privacy
for dressing. Each girl will fuel tlio
necessity of doing lice part in keening
the room tidy. With tlio separate beds
Hutu can bo no question as to whoso
turn it is to attend to (he making. Of
course, gills nt'iid plenty of closet
room. In many of tho new-fashioned
houses this is lacking. A good sub
suit ute for a wardrobe, may bo made ns
follows: If you have n spare, corner lit
in it a triangular shelf, six feet from
ilio lloor. Have a row of stout hooks
Against The Itulcs.
Yesterday aftornoou as a Third
avenue ear'cro.sscd llio divide nt Con-
mvss and Giiswold streets a woman
a liearuiess ouug louuw , us aamsi
All the same the car did stop, and
while the conductor rang the bell for
the driver to go on the woman and her
children climbed in.
"Weren't vou going to stop for us?"
she asked, in some surprise)
"No, iim'itm, and I didn't stop for
you," lie said, gruffly.
"I know you didn't. It wits the
driver. Hut would 1 have had to walk
to tlio top of I lie block and cross over
to get the car? '
"Ves'iu," said I lit conductor; "that a
the rule."
And a more absurd, unreasonable
rule was never made; ami one would
biippose the convenience of the horses
was of more importance than that of
tho passengers or that the w heels of tlio
cars had to bo locked to keep them
from slipping down the declhity. It
was well enough in tho days of one
horse cars, but there is no possiblo ex
cuse for it now. Washington and ISos-
, , , . , th(j
k passengers,
- f
Giowing t iiibrelln Slicks.
Tho fragrant German welchse! stick
now so popular for canes and umbrella
handles, aro cut from a wild cherry,
which, dealers say, grows only in the
IJluck Forest, llio natural tendency
of the wood is to grow crooked and
gusii-lcd. In order to get straight
iticks tho German peasants build
frames around tho trees and tram the
. n hhoots upon them, fastening
Jtrin-rs to the cuds of tlm shoots, puss-
ing them over pulleys and attaching
weights. 1 ho weights nro siow at lirst,
but are increased as the branch growl
thicker ami stronger. A tension is thus
produced which Insures that the branch
will jrrow straight.' -A7. 1". Huii.
How He (saved Ills fn.OOO.
Father Malone had just put the fii
Hiing touches to oue of his excelle
sermons yesterday when bis lions
keeper announced that a couple of i
dividual wer awaiting in t lie adj i
ing room to have the nuptial knot tico
The task is always a doaing one t..
hts reverence. So running a brush a
few times through his hair and assum
ing bis most pleasant smile be pro
ceeded to perform the ceremony. On
reaching the w aiting room, however,
there was a surprise in store for him.
There snt John C McGraw and his
good w ife Sophie no one else.
"We come to be married, " quoth
"Married, you say! Why. you must
be crazy, John McGraw. This is not
a matter to joke about."
"Joke, your riverence? I ain't no
funny man, and you ought to know it
by this time. We want to be married,
and no mistake about it."
'Then where is the lady?"'
"Lady! There she is," pointing to
his wife.
Hv this time Father Malonn had con
cluJed beyond all doubt he had a
couple of lunatics on his hands, and
just as be was about to dispatch a mes
senger for a policeman McGraw ex
plained. "Father, perhaps you didn't hear
about it, but Sophie- has being going
back on me an' ull I could sav to her,
she must have a divorce. Well, yer
honor, Bhe got it, bad luck to her, and
it cost like tho excuse me, father
but it made rue hot, especially con
6iderin' that the court gave her '$0,000
alimony nine t-li-o-u-s-a-n-d dollars!
father, "think of that. Why, it would
min nie twice over. So I says to
Soijie, sez I, 'C'au't this little matter
be arranged; you an' I, Sophie dear,
have liveil together for twelve years
aud surely yer not goin' to desert me
now?' Willi that she burst into tears,
and so we agreed to get married again.
Jt isn't the ifcU.OOO I care about, father,
but it nearly broke my heart to think
1 would have to live w ithout her."
And here McGraw nobbed softly and
contiuued to sob while the priest ex
amined the marriage license, which
was in duo form. Nothing further re
mained but to unite the divorced
couple. By becoming a party to the
arrangement the lady released her
000 chiiiits on her husband's estate, and
John was proportionately happy.
The parties w ere married in St. Louis
(tome twelve years age, w hen Mrs. Mc
Graw was a blushing girl of 17. She
obtained her divorce a few days ago in
district court on llio ground of her
husband's- extreme cruelty. Denver
The Trick tiy Which lie tirrame a Cel
brated and Distinguished .Man.
It once happened, says a book on
German folk lore, that Paracelsus was
walking through a forest when he heard
a voice calling to him by name, lie
looked around and at length discovered
that it proceeded from a lit1 tree in the
trunk of which llieru was a spirit in
closed by a small stopper, scaled with
three crosses.
The spirit begged of Paracelsus to
set him free This he readily promised
on condition that the spirit should be
s.'ow upou him u, medicine capable of
healing all diseases and a tincture
which would turn everything it touched
to gold. The spirit acceded to his re
quest, whereupon Paracelsus bik his
penknife and succeeded, after some
trouble, in getting out the stopper. A
loathsome black spider crept forth,
which ran down tlio trunk of the tree.
Scarcely had it reached the ground
when it changed, and became, as if ris
ing from the earth, a tall, haggard
man, with squinting, red eyes, wrapped
in a scarlet mantle.
He led Paracelsus to a high, over
hanging, craggy mount, and with a twig which ho had broken off by
the way he smote tho rock, which,
splitting wilh a crash at the blow, di
vided itself in twain, and tho spirit dis
appeared within it. H i however, soon
returned with two small phials, which
he handed to Paracelsus u yellow one
which contained the tincture which
turned ull it touched to gold, and a
wliito ono, holding the medicine which
healed all diseases. He then smote the
rock a second timo, and thereupon it
instantly closed again both now set
forth on their return, tlia spirit direct
ing its course toward Inuspruck, to
seize upon the magician who had ban
ished him from that city. Now Pa
racelsus trembled for the "consequence
which his releasing llio evil ono would
entail upon hitu who had conjured him
into the tree, and ho thought how he
might rescue him. When they arrived
once more at the lir tree ho asked tho
spirit if he possibly could transform
himself again into a spider anil let him
see him creep into the hole. The spirit
said that it was not only possible but
that he would be most happy to make
such a display of his art for the grati
fication of his deliverer.
Accordingly, he once moro resumed
the form of a spider and crept again
into tho well-known crevice. When
ho had done bo Paracelsus, who had
kept the stopper all ready in his hand
for the purpose, clapped it as quick as
lightning hito tho hole, hammered it in
firmly with a stone, and, wilh his
knife, made threo fresh crosses upon it.
Tho spirit, mad with rage, shook the
lir tree as though with a whirlwind,
that ho might drive out the stopper
which Paracelsus had thrust in, but his
fury was of no avail. It held fast aud
left him there with little hope of es
cape, for, on neconut of tho great drills
of snow from tho mountains' tho forest
will never bo cut down, and although he
hould call night and day, nobody in
the neighborhood over ventures near
the spot.
Paracelsus, however, found that the
phials were such as ho had demandod
and jt was by their means Hint ho after
ward became such a celebrated and dis
tinguished man.
Tho Hotel Columbia.
The mammoth now American hotel
In London, on tho silo of the Waterloo
house, will be worked at a rental by
an American syndicate, and is expected
to be opened eighteen months hence aa
lb Hotel Columbia.
' Sfr '"
but it will only take a minute in which to state a few facts, that, if heeded;
will prove Invaluable to many. It's well-known that the press teems with
advertisements of sai'saparillas and other liver, blood and lung remedies, for
which great claims are made. They are generally represented as sure cures.
Iiut there is one medicine, and only one, the claims for which as a cure for all
lingering diseases arising from Torpid Liver or Biliousness, or from impure
blood, are backed up by a positive guarantee ! If it don't do just as represented
in every case, the money paid for it is promptly refunded.
This peculiar method of business, it will readily be seen, would bankrupt
the manufacturers of the ordinary medicines in the market. Only a marvelously
ellicacious medicine, containing the most positive curative properties, could
sustain itself under such trying conditions as these.
This peculiar medicine sells beyond all others throughout the civilized
world. And why should it not? "Talk is cheap," but when it's backed up
by a positive guarantee, by a house of long established reputation, for hon
esty, integrity and sound liuancial standing, then words mean business t And
that's just what the World's Dispensary Medical Association, of Jiuffalo, ft. Y.,
mean in guaranteeing their Dr. Pierce's Goldeu Medical Discovery to do all
that it is recommended to do. or refund tho price paid for it.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery checks the frightful inroads of
bcrolula, ami, it taken in time, arrests the march oi uonsumptioii ot the
Lungs which Is Lung-scrofula, purilies and enriches the blood, thereby curing
all Skin and Scalp Diseases, Ulcers, Korea, Swellings, and kindred ailments, ft
is powerfully tonic as well as alterative, or blood-cleansing, in its effects, hence
it strengthens the system and restores vitality, thereby dispelling all those
"tired feelings" experienced by the debilitated. Fispccially has it manifested
lis potency in curing Tetter. Ec.ema, Erysipelas, Koils, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes,
Goitre, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glands.
manently cured by DR. SAGE'S CATARRH
Langtry's Silver Bath.
A curious story is told as lo the ori
gin of Mrs. Langlry's silver bath,
llathmakei's believe there is only one
silver balh in tho world. This was
nrndo ij2io yoiuv- a-o tr -nn - Jo.lin
prince by a London bathmaker, and he
supposes that the owner having died,
the silver bath came into the market
and was bought by Mrs. Langtry. A
silver bath is a tremendous affair.
Some few wealthy people have copper
baths plated with silver, but the co t
is but a trille compared with the genu
ine article. Some wealthy people, w ho
go in for luxurious bathing, till their
bathrooms with statuary, have painted
the walls and the bath is fitted into a
case of carved oak. Then thero are
rnarblo baths. They are b4h cold and
Tho most novel things in baths, how
ever, is one fitted with a shower bath
overhead, a needle spray bath at the
side and a wave bath that rushes out at
the foot. These are in addition to the
ordinary hot and cold taps; so the
possessor of ono of these ingenious
things can have fivestyles of bathing.
They cost about if 125.
There are half a dozen or more dif
rerent sorts of towels for bathing. Af
ter the ordinary Turkish and hucka
back towels some doctors are fond of
recommending a towel of rushes, made
appropriately enough by Russian peas
ants. It is hard and stiff and feels like
a coarse dishcloth. Its use is confined
to bath-room fanatics who think they
aro happy in abrading their skitis.
Then there is an elastic towel made of
net, and another skin raiser called
loofah. This is imported from Egypt.
The loofah is made of dried grass and
it is not softened by immersion in
Perfoct Patience.
In certain peoplo patience has ac
complished its perfect work. "Why,
she w as such a patient woman," said a
son, eulogizing his mother, "that she'd
let mo cat eighteen hot pancakes as sho
fried 'cm, and then go and mix another
hatch!" Whether such long suffering
is altogether to be desired would proba
bly be disputed bv a dyspeptic.
A Quaker one Jay driving through a
narrow lane met a young man, who
was also driving. There was not room
enough for them to pass each other un
less one should turn back to a point
where the lano was broader.
"I won't mako way for you!" cried
the young man. "See if I do!"
"I think I am older than thou," said
the Quaker, "I have a right to expect
thee to turn about."
"Well, I won't!" resumed the other,
and pulling out a newspaper, ho be
gan reading. The Quaker Buttled back
!n his chair, and placidly contemplated
tho landscape.
"Friend," said ho, finally, "when
thou hast read that paper, I should be
giud if thou wouldst lend it to me."
This calm assumption of ability to
wait indeliuitely was too liitieh for the
young man, And he yielded his point.-
Youth's Companion.
An Old Ticket.
A resident of Mtirfrcesboro, Tcnn.,
presented a ticket issued in 1855 on the
Nashville & Chattanooga railroad the
other day and rode in a palace-car on
tho same bit of pasteboard that would
have secured him passage in one of the
clumsy coaches of thirty-four years ago.
no matter of how long standing, Is per
REMEDY. 50 cents, by (lruirglsts.
Lifting by Arithmetic.
Civil engineers aro mostly common
place people, but an odd stick occas
ionally turns up among them. One of
the oddest I i'Ver met with-lives - here
in St. Louis, lie is an old man, thor
oughly educated in his business aud a
paragon of esactuess.even for a mathe
matician. Not many months ago lie was called
to East St. Louis to make a new survey
of an old line, orriginally run by him
self. On the first survey he had driven
a certain corner-stake deep in the
ground and covered it up with a large
stone. When he came to the spot he
got a spade and cleaned the soil away
from around the stone and then clean
ed it off uioely with dry leaves, top and
Next he took out his rule aud made
careful measurements of the stone,
which ho used a moment later on the
basis of a calculation to determine its
weight. When ho saw the product his
face lighted up with joy, for the num
ber of pounds, ounces, and drachms
represented therein was wilhiu the
limit of his lifting power, lie made
no attempt to lift the stone as a means
of testing his ability ts handle it, but
relied on his mathematical knowledge
to settle that point for him. This is
the only case I ever knew of where a
man demonstrated his own lifting
power by tho use of arithmetic. SI.
Louis (jtobc-Dcmocral.
JefT Davis' Remarkable Memory.
Jefferson Davis had a memory for
faces and names that has probably
never been excelled by that of any
public man in the United States. It
has been said of Gen. Sherman that
when ho meets a man who was intro
duced to him twenty years previously
lie will recall his name and the circum
stances of the introduction, and will
talk over tho incidents of their lirst
meeting. Both Grant and Lee posses
sed to a great degree the same faculty
of remembrance, but neither Sherman,
nor Grant, nor Lee could do what Mr.
Davis did. At his ollice in Richmond,
as President of the Southern Confeder
acy, and in his visits to the front of tlio
army, ho treasured up in his memory
the names of every officer and soldier
with whom he came into contact, and
he never forgot them. While he was
t his Ueauvoir plantation last winter
there came to him a wornout and
broken-down man who made a claim
on his charity as having been a Lieuten
ant in a certain Mississippi regiment.
Davis taxed his memory u moment, and
then told the. applicant that ho was a
fraud, mid that a man bearing an en
tirely different name was the Lieuten
ant of the company which tha lneudic
nt had specified. The beggar made a
quick exit from tho house, and was
never seen around it again. J'hilndti
vhia Inquirer.
A London Custom.
In the rail Mall Gazelle appears this
account of a curious custom: "The
London road car-drivers have a
grievance which approaches the ludi
crous. If they do not wear high
hats they are suspended for a week.
Last Monday a driver's hat was blown
off, nnd a cart went over it, so that he
was obliged to resort to a low felt hat
tor tho remainder of the day. For this
heinous crime lie was stopped and tus-pemled."
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