The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 30, 1890, Image 1

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ioux County Journal,
h-a.:rRIso:n nsraB., j"A.:rr. 30, 1890.
2TO. SO.
o !
Patterson, , Proprietors, i
r. f.tV.X B. K. Time
Going We.1. (join Edit,
go. 01, ifr. :' I v0. ft, pii.r,
o. , freight. U :S5 Ko. M, freight,.... :5
Corn per hundred
OaU per hundred 1h
Shorts per hundred
linn per hundred
Feed chopped per hundred 1
Potatoe per hundred 1
Mutter per t ' ,
Kir per doi .. f.
Poultry-per do I 7ft a 8
Onions pr ..... .........
Ben per
f'Otl per ton ... . 4
Wood proord S
Lumber netlre per tn. ft 16
Torre ted every Thursday.
Corn at 3uYen4 a humlred at Turn
er's. , x
Corn SO ceiiN (Wjfiindred at the lum
ber yard. .
For Tltatf-yf returant property.
Inquire of J. H. pnVmj.
Go to Dr. Clary "'hadron, to get your
eyes, ears and throat treated.
When you wantWgood square meal
go to the Northwestern hotel.
Remember yoVyrh buy corn for BO
cento per hundred Xe luniher yard.
Go to Dr. Clary, specialist in eye, ear
and Throat diseases. Office in Central
Block, Children. Neb.
The Northweere hotel always
takes good care of iy guests. A trial
will satisfy you that Miat is the place to
Farmers goUo trie irtmlwr yard wliere
you can buy cn fyf only 50 cents per
hundred poundsA
A. R. Kenntkiy is improving his farm
by having a well put dowu. go our
county is progressing.
For comfort and wod living go to
the Northwestern iol when in Harri-
son. Everything
one tlint can be to
make it pleasant
those who stop
.-The popularit
the Northwestern
hotel has been gai
by the pains taken
to please guests 01
house. People
like to go where
care of.
are well taken
V 01
1 Ahe
' county supehntendant for a special ex
amination of teachers to be lie Id at the
school house in school district No. 27, on
Feb. 26th, 1890.
By the dissolution of the firm of
Jones & Verity S. H. Jones severed his
connection with the flrni and also with
the Bunk of Harrison, where he held the
position of assistant cashier. This posi
tion is now tilled by C. E. Verity, and C.
E. Holmes retains his position in the
bank as cashier.
John Messing and Oeo. Heckman
have entered into partnership and en
gaged in the well and pump business.
They also handle hydraulic rums and
windmills, and have their headquarters
at Montrose. TllK Journal is pleased to
see preparations being made to furnish
the settlers with nulls and well fixtures.
We are in receipt ' of the Settler's ,
Guide, by the well known land authori-j
ty, Henry N. Copp. It gives full in-
tructions how to proceed in securing j
land uuder the government jaws. '' it !
treata of homesteads, pre-emptions, lim-t
ber and mining claims und gives all the
latest decisions of the laud department, j
They are for sale by Beidy & Pollard for j
23 cents a copy. ,
11. 11. Russel cuius up from Glen on
Monday and brought with him a sample j
of turnips raised by him last season, one j
of which measured thirty and onliulf(
inches in circumference und with the top
on weighed twunty-one pounds. Tliat is ;
a, rely lair sized lurmp, und if vegeta
bles (;row to tlutt size in a season like
that of it is hard to estimate what !
can be produced in a season during which J
there is plenty of rain. j
1 A fair number of the voters of
school district No. 7 attended the special
school meeting on lust Monday alter-j
noon. All the meeting was called forj
was to elect a treasurer to fill the vu-1
cancy caused by the rumovul of John
l'hoi iiUjii from the uiatl'ict. U. Gis
wold was elected, there being 110 opposl-
tion. Mr. Gnswold will make an elli
Cient school otlicer and will see that the .
interests of Uie school district are pro
tected. ' The "Chinook" winds of last week
caused the snow to disappear very rapid- '
ty awl now the ground is mostly bare..
The farmers have already begun to,
make preparations for beginning their '
spring -work. They seem determined to
get their -rops ill as early as possible,
It is going to be a little inconvenient'' for
some of them to get the necessary wheat :
for seed, but it is to lie hoped that some
way will bo provided so that us large an
acreage aa possible' can be put out. !
Every settler feels encouraged !and the1
Indication are that trie number of resi-1
dents in Sioux county 'will be largely in- j
$NMtd during the oomlny
Good flour at Wbots a sack at Turn
er's, f
r-Vrn 50 ceuVufr hundred at the lum
ber yard.
IS pounds prunVr one dollar at
Turner's. Y
14 pounds drietfanfileg for one dollar
at Turner's. X
12 pounds graned or 14 pounds
C snjrnr for one dollipMt Turner's.
We are informed that W. IL Dar
nell has sold his sawmill to C. I Brooks,
the transfer occurring' on Mondny. Mr.
Brooks will operate the mill in future.
We have not learned" what Mr. tarnell
intends doing.
We should like to have every farm
er who will properly plnnt, cultivate and
harvest some sugar beets and deliver the
same for shipment., report the fact to
The Jor-RKALso that the proper showing-
enn be made to the management of
the Grand 'slnnd sugnr factory. This is
a matter of great importance to the peo
ple of Sioux county and should be taken
hold of in a business manner,
J. Jensen, who has been postmaster
(it Glen, has resigned and I). Klein has
been nppointed to fill the place. While
Mr. Klein's place is close to the railroad
track it is some distance from the stop
ping place nnd the mail will either have
to lie carried quite a long way, or else a
mail hook put up so that the mail pouch
can be caught on the fly as the train
passes. It has not Wen learned when
the change will take place.
It is understood that L. O. Hull will
begin quo warranto proceedings in the
supreme court against Oeo. Walker, in
order to determine who is the rightful
county attorney. That court will do
justice in the matter, and there is one
case in the report of the decisions of the
supreme court which governed the
county board in the appointment of
Walker, and as a rule the supreme court
does not reverse its own decisions, but
if the case is tried all parties will be sat
isfied. G. E. Lunsford met with a peculiar
accident last Friday. He was hauling
water and turned to shut down the
cover on the top of the tank, when by
some means he got his arm in such a po
sition that his shoulder became dislo
cated. The joint was put in place and at
last accounts he was doing well, but the
mishap will disable him for some time.
Lunsford as he Is dependant on his labor
for a living for himself and family and
can illy afford to lose the time be will be
laid up,
County Treasurer Gayhart has an
orchard of five acres on his farm near
Montrose which he put out last spring.
Luring tlw summer all the trees did
well but a few have died during the win
ter. These he intends to replace in the
spring. He sayH he has no doubts that
apples, as well as other fruits, can be
grown here successfully. All unite in
baying that this is one of the best locali
ties for growing grapes that can be
foiinj. ' There is certainly do question
that the wild, fruits which grow in Sioux
county are equal to those of any part of
Nebraska, and if wild fruits thrive it is
evident that tame fruits will also tie a
success. A little time and experience
will settle that point.
Among the most valuable works of
travel and adventure in which actual
occurrences form the foundation is
"Stanley's Wonderful Adventures" by
Hon. J. T. Hundley. It contains a com
plete history of Stanley's explorations
on the dark continent covering a
period of twenty years. Beginning
with the first adventures of explorers on
that continent the work describes all the
various attempts to reach the source of
the river Nile, until the feat was at last
accomplished by Stanley. Tiie book
contains many line illustrations, show
ing some of the features attendant Uxm
the hazardous undertaking of seeking the
source of the Nile, through a coun
try filled with hostile savages. B. F.
Thomas has the agency of the book for
northwest Nebraska. He has canvassed
a little in Harrison and vicinity and has
met with the most fluttering success.
On last Thursday and Friday the
pump was run, but as the pipes leading
to the resorvoirs were frozen up ail that
could be done was to pump the water
and tin u I it to cisterns. This liad to be
paid for which is not just the right
way to do, and as it is now there is no
water in the public cisterns und the re
sult is great inconvenience to the people.
A farmer comes to town and is unable to
get water for his team without a good
deal of trouble, if he is fortunate enough
to get it at all. Something ought to be
done to remedy this, trouble. if water
cannot be hud here the people will be
obliged to go elsewhere and' the result
will be a great injury to the business of
Harrison, if it is desired that the farm
ers come here to buy goods, care should
be taken thai, it is made as pleasant for
them as possible and a farmer does not
care to go to a town nnd send his mon
ey where he cannot even get ' wuter for
his horses free. Cannot some means be
devised for overcoming thie difficulty ?
C. L. Brooks was in Harrison on Fri
day and called at our office.
Miss Minnie Smith, sister of Mrs. L. J.
Simmons, arrived here on last Saturday
and will make Harrison her home.
T. B. Seley, division superintendent,
and F. A. Harmon, traveling freight
agent, of the Elkhorn, were in Harrison
Sat unlay and made a pleasant call at
our office.
L. Oerlach spent Sunday with his fam
ily in the north part of the county. J
Geo. S. Olinger contributed to the
wealth of The Jocra'al firm on Satur-
foy- ;
Solomon Kinnaman, of Cottonwood
precinct, was at the county seat laat
Saturday, making final proof.
A. W. Mohr arrived at Harrison on
Tuesday morning. Mrs. Mohr was de
tained at lier home on account of the
illness of her mother.
Judge Barker made a business trip to
Crawford the first of the week. . i
Alliert Rands orders The Journal seat
to him in future. ,
Arthur Weir left on last Monday for
Newcastle, where he has secured a posi
tion on the Journal of that place.
W. E. Jones, of Montrose, was in Har
rison Monday and called at our office and
deposited enough cash to secure oar
premium papers in addition to The JOCB
Treasurer Gayhart has recovered frdn
his attack of la grippe and came up on
Tuesday to look after the business of
C. H. Andrews has been suffering fi
a complication of cold and la grippe.
Mrs. I. L. Lusk has been quite eifk
during the past week but is improving;
E. E. Livermore spent Tuesday no
L. O. Hull visited Chadron the OrAf
the week.
IHE Journal is ordered to be sen
Mrs. J. T. Weir, Woburg, Mass.
O. Guthrie orders The Joursal sei
S. Guthrie, Washington, D. C.
B. Rosa came up from Chadron 1
morning. 4
' ;?
The Journal is in receipt of a I jer
from the management of the sugai t
factory at Grand Island, and wee jet
it ftn.V0 nlentv nf iukuI. nnrf flllt fa- Av
ttovto planting; OT."UTlt4wUj
vesting the beets. The letter "states that
the company is anxious to assist the var
ious counties in making a thorough test
of sugar beets during the coming season.
Now we should le pleased to have the
farmers report to us the amount they
wiil plant, properly care for and harvest
and deliver. It is not desired to have
any seed put in in a hap-hazard fashion
and then the weeds be allowed to take
the crop, but it is desired that the best
possible results l secured from the ex
periment. As fast as the information is
received at this office we will give it to
our readers, and we hope all interested
will co-ojsjrate with us in making an
eflectiye test.
NotictTlD Taxpnrm.
The undei-signedl willyJfe at Montrose
on Saturday of em hveek prepared to
receive taxes Jfini Montrose, Five
Points and Antyfole precincts.
rtln Gayhart,
County Treusurer.
Mohr Tody At the resilience of the
bride's parents, near Wall Lake, Iowa,
on Sunday, January 5, 1H90, by Rev.
Brown, Mr. A. W. Mohr, of Sioux
county, Neb., and Miss x-ora Tody, of
Wuil Luke, owa.
The groom is one of the solid farmers
of Sioux county who came here to make
a home and after erecting a cage, re
turned to his former home to secure the
bird to occupy it. He has mado many
warm friends during his residence here
who extend their best wishes to the new
ly married couple for a long and happy
married life, and to the bride they ex
tend a hearty welcome to Sioux county.
White River.
Everybody and their friends are put
ting in tiieir time hunting jack rabbits
tins winter.
J. N. Frazier has moved to Charcoal
canyon, aud is busy cutting saw logs.
Jo meeker has moved onto his home
stead. J. Mcintosh has fixed up his new well
until it looks like a
The boys are all back from, Omaha ex
cept John i-ecker who is visiting friends
and relatives 011 the Platte.
Wonder if that was a prohibition
crowd that got ojf, the train at' Glen the
other night.
John' SI lay is. home again and has
moved onto his old place.
U J. Myers is logging in Charcoal can
yon. J. Grun has sold his claim to D. P.
M. U. Grun is still hauling wood to
the Post.
Lance at, J, T. Mason's the other night,
II. S. Haudy is putting up a lot of ice.'
John Shay lias sold his homestead.
, - - - -
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is liereky given iflat tlte partner
ship heretofore estmjietween M. Gay
hart and John
hart, under the
firm name of Gavb
& Son, is this day
dissolved by mu
consent, John H.
Gayliart reti
business will be
rt, who will pay
continued 1
all lnuehteflness.
whom all ac-
Montrose, Neb., Jan. 27, 1W.
Dlssolutioii Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between S. H.
Jones, C. E. Verity and C. E. Holmes,
under the firm name of Jones & Verity,
is this day dissolved by mutual consent.
The busines will be continued by C. E.
Verity, who will Jy all liabilities and
to whom all accounts are payable.
S. H. Jokkm.
C. E. Verity,
C. E. Holmes,
Harrison, Neb., January 22, 1890.
Mr. William T. Price, a justice of the
peace, at Richland, Neb., was confined
to his lied last winter with a severe at
tack of lumbago; but a thorough appli
cation of Chamlierluin's Pain Balm ena
bled him to get up and go to work. Mr.
Price says: "The remedy cannot be
recommended too highly." Let anyone
troubled with rheumatism, neuralgia, or
lame back give it a trial and they will
le of the same opinion. 50 cent bottles
for sale by C. H. Andrews.
C. H. Andrews, druggist, desires to in
form the public that he is agent for the
most successful preparation that has yet
been produced for coughs, colds nnd
croup. It will loosen and relieve a se
vere cold in less time than any other
treatment. The article referred to is
Chamlierlain's cough remedy. It is a
medicine that has won fame and popu
larity on it's merits and one that can al
ways be depended upon. It is the only
known remedy that will prevent croup.
It must be tried to lie appreciated. It is
put up in 50 cent and f 1 bottles. For
sale by C. H. Andrews.
B. E: Brewster, C. F. Coffee,
President. vice Pres.
CHAS. C. JAMESON, Cashier,
Commercial Bank.
f incorporated.
General Banking Business
Harrison, - - Nebraska.
Mo. Valley
Harrison, Nebraska,
And All Points in the
East, North, South & West.
-Through Ticmxa toii Points.
J. C. Northrop, Agent,
Harrison, Neb.
H, G, Burt, J. R. Buchanan,
Gen'l Manager. , Gen'l Pass.Agot.
How's Your Grip?
We can explain from experience all
about the Russian influenza
or grip and now want
to tell you about
We have a grip on the Largest Stock of
Groceries, Boots and Shoes,
Dry Goods, Hats, Caps,
AT LOWEST LIVING PRICES. Now about the "Staff of Lite." If you want a
cheap good flour, buy our "SUPERIOR" at $1.00 per sack. The famous
"WHITE BREALT none bfetter-for only $1.30 per sack. "FANCY PAT
ENT" or "MINNESOTA BEST" good as any flour on the market for $1.50.
Ranch Sup'ly House
Get it for 9 1-2 per cent, straight some
where else.
We don't make 9i per cent, loans but we will make you a reasonable loan and
Than those who advertise the
K f-
v I