The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 23, 1890, Image 4

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th3 Sioux County Journal.
tpnoAi.corsTY Rarra.
. o '
Subscription Pri, fi.OO
L. J. Si mamas, ... Editor.
:lrl at the MiOTison ijtt office as sec
ouil cl&s matter.
Boyle, il.e ex-priest i iim ietal of raj
and sentenced to the dUh enulty lias
had a new triul rcuiti-d by tlie supreme
court. This pives him a new lesos? of
A test was made a few days uo on
Chicago's projects for the worlds fair
and the result was a black eye for the
lake 'city. It is more than likely '.kit
tlie national capitol will be the pluce
selected, although New York is making
a deHjjerate effort to sev iire the prize.
It is reported that a move is on foot
at Crawford to yet the railroads crossing
there to put in a switch so that cars can
be transferred from one road to the
other. This would he a benefit to this
locality as immigrants cars and other
stuff could he shipjied from B. & M.
points here without being handled.
Bank reserves in New York are in
creasing, clearances and railroad earn
ings are heavy, money is abundant and
low, and tlie financial situation general
ly is satisfactory. Tlie business outlook
has seldom been more encouraging in
the middle of the first month of the cal
endar vear tlian it is at this moment.
Kun ze, the German defendant in the
Cronin case, lias been granted a new
trial. A good deal of doubt as to his
guilt has been expressed ever since the
close of the trial and the tendency of the
court has been to see that justice was
done to all, and now it is reported that
the proceedings against him will be dis
missed and he be set at Liberty.
An important move was made in of
ficial circles of the B. & M. a few days
ago. E. Bigtell, who lias been assistant
superintendent, with headquarters at Al
liance, has been made superintendent to
succeed D. E. Thompson. Mr. Bignell is
to be congratulated on his promotion.
He is still a young man and his being se
lected for tlie important position of su
perintendent is a recognition of his abil-
sty- r
Census Superintendent Porter says
he expects every enumerator to be
' ready to begin work at nine o'clock in
the morning of the first day of June
and he expects to have the returns in
shape so that congress can apportion
the representation of each state in
time for the election of 1892. Mr. Por
ter appears to be determined that the
census of 1890 shall be published in
less time after it is taken than was
that of 1880.
The republicans in the Iowa legisla
ture express their determination to force
the democrats to yield or continue the
deadlock until midsummer. The demo
cratic governor cannot he inaugrated
until the matter is settled and the result
is that the republicans have one point of
advantage in that fact. Senator Allison,
having been made the choice of the rep
ublican caucus for his own successor,
rests perfectly easy and urges the repub
lican members to hold to their principles
and not worry about him.
Omaha is still rustling and is after the
the national methodist conference and
also a national fat stock show. It is be
coming apparent to all organisations
that Nebraska cities are good places to
go to be entertaind are taking advantage
of all opportunities offered to visit the
rapidly growing cities of this state. It is
safe to say that Omaha will capture the
Methodist conference and the fat stock
show, and the treatment the visitors re
ceive at tlie hands of the people will
make them feel kindly to all Nebras
kans. Walker Blaine, eldest son of Secretary
of State James G. Blaine, died at the fam
ily residence in "Washington on January
15th, of acute pneumonia caused by an
attack of la grippe. He was sick but a
few days and his sudden death come
with a terrible shock to his parents and
many friends. He was a man of more
than ordinary ability and his success in
places of official responsibility indicated
that he had inherited his father's execu
tive ability to a high degree. The sym
pa thy of the entire nation is extended to
toe bereaved parents in their sad afflic
While congress and the press are dis
easing the negro question, the mem
ben of that race are begining to look out
for themselves. Large numbers of
them Me going to Arkansas , and it is
eetlwiatr1 that fifty thousand of them
will ; settle in Oklahoma. it is
oaiy Bseesjary , for the blacks to get
wmf from their old homes and asaocia-ty-sM
to pot them in a way to rapidly
( the matte and educational scale
Bp froai that the question of their fu
ton wCl be easily settled. It is bet
ay get into settlement, but
fc CUM po break loose from their
.CttjtmHnmni the plantations of their
f rtrractJrsiWMl they will begin to
-- mm& will seek to im-
There is no qnes-
L of Cr goto to Af
(U t r'-r-t them and
X I ly to aay such
( iiMMIvf'iMts' EE' I it I'.
Haeeisos, MOl'X Co., M.B. Jan. 14, K'
Board ummi-iii rs luv.t Ui rrKulr
4sioa. Jrt'Ht: omiiii-sioin r tru(-
anil (ji-iH-n Hud t-ierk.
l:iolvcJ tOK ljouru lo tlu county trca-ur
l's room nU M-tUt itli liiin
Attest. " l.IMiEMAN,
( ouuly ( li Tk.
IIaEhimjs, sku x Co., Ntc, Jan. li, 17 i.
Huard of vouiiuisioiim met in r. ulr
seisiou. prra-nt: 'iiutiiiiaiu-r Weir,
i.n-'ii anil (irove.
bcan, on cxaiiiinntion of reniri!i ami
file it as. loiiml t lmt tliere a i.o
i pal ai pointmeiit of eouuty iiriirv aii'l
I'lfrt'tare tne .( n? nil vacant.
M-jtiou Diaile 4-oiniul-r.!'iT tm o to
r.r"Viil to aj)jlnt county nt! ini''y to fill
trie yacaney. Motion c;irrleil. i.recn ami
Grove vfilm aftiniiatHe; W ir, no.
Oljjf'etlon maiti-by Weir to lnotiou on de
eriunt ol having an attorney.
Motion nimie lv 'onunN-ioner Own to
Hppoint Geijrire Walker a eonnty attorney.
Motion carried. ;r".cn b:hI i;rove votit'g af
llniiative; Weir. no.
SKIt'X t (It.M . I
WHKHEAS, E. 1. Satlerlee, llicilnlr elected
county attorney of siux county, ut an eiec
tion held the tits day ot JinvemUT, is, hu
tenderel his reinatiftn and tiie stinf iwins
accepted, by rental of u hn li tlie friee of
county attorney tm lai-oiiie vueant. "ow,
THLKEFOKK, We hereby npiviint t.-urse
Walker, Ek., county !tt r'.'" of ..aid conn
ty, to hold s-aid oftHc u.ti! li.- next m-r.d
elnetlon and until a ciiec'M(r i- eii-i-t-d and
ijualifled. J. A.
("has. I'. ( uovr,
County lioard .f sioiu County.
Dated this Kill day of J.uiuary,
Motion made to allow county au( rinten
dent t3M perday for the year lii. Motion
carried. Oreen and Weir voting amu.ative;
tirove, no. .
Motion made by ConiTnli-loner Crove that
the comity clerk be paid !W. it year ai.
clerk of this board for tin- year ln, lo be
pald rjuarterly. Motion carried.
Motion made by ommn.-'ioner Green that
county clerk be allow ed a deputy for year
Irtfl ut salary of STiMW l r year. Motion
The following official ItotulK were cou.M-
red and ft(prtvel :
1). M. Woody, jutlce of t!l )Vaef
Cni-k jirei-iuet.
HolxTt Necoe, afse--or Lower ltuuniiiif
Water preeinct.
Eoliert Neeei.
n'or Upper Riinnii.f?
Water firerinet.
Weiicel KerneaJl
uM'sor Snake Creek
pnn Inct.
Octave Ilarrla, to:uI ovoroT Vpper Run
ning: Water precdnet.
John Mo-U-y, Justice of the pearp Cot ton -
wood p,"i.einct.
I'etltion of John F. Cnrren. Ch:irle 1'nlm-
er, Weneel llaine and othem, for a public
road to be e-tublNhed, eomineneinif at the
southeast corner of section 2: in twnshlp
27, range 53 and thence running wet to the
southwest comer of section SO In town-hip
27, range M, ladni? pre-entl, and It being
wbat is known to be a consent road, the
name was granted and ordered to lie a pub
lic road. "
Motion made by C'ommljiMoncr Green that
the Siorx Cori.Tr Jocbnal Is designated a
tbe ofliflal paper of the county. Motion
The following estimate for expenses lor
the year lso was made :
District court expenses . , on
Stationery 4'i ')
mining . . . ,tt m
Omeers im-tt i.Mi )
Koadsand bridges l.i'n l)
Indebtedness and lutere-t 1(1,01(1 no
Institute Km (i
(;ourt bonne and Jail . ... 1 .fro On
liicddental expen- . 3.000 (i
liiKiuie and tMKir fund 6JU 00
Allowed account outstanding on
court btme .2(io 00
Soldiers reliel fund i on
On motion lioani adjourned for dinner.
Attest: ( ONK.VD Linkkmak,
County tlerk.
Board met pursuajit lo adjournment.
lrpsent: nil board and clerk.
Motion made to ln.-truct clerk to order
one-half dozen justice dockets. Motion
The official bond of George Walker for
county attorney wsi- presented and approved
by comuiinioner Grove and Green and
rejected by ( bnimi-doner Weir on account
of bavin gone county attorney.
Motion iiuide to reconsider claim "o. 7i',
of fc. I. Sutterlee, and clerk lntrueopd to
notify' Claimant of the fact. Motion carTbil.
CommiKrtioners Gii'en and Grove voting in
the affirmative. Weir, 110.
Motion made Ui recon-ider claim Jo. 7(11,
of lleury K reman, ami clerk iu.-tructed lo
notify claimant of tlie fact. Motion carrinl.
Motion made to reconsider claim o. 7i;4,
of John W . Hunter, and cieik inntructed to
notify claimant of tbe fact. Motion carried.
Motion made to reconsider claim No. 7W,
of J. K. i'fo-t, and clerk limtructed to notify
claimant of the ttuct. Motion carried.
On motion ihe aheriff lie authorized to em
ploy prisoners In bis charge o the public
highways or at such other labor a may be
deemed neceKsary.
The following citizens were appointed ft
tbe soldierB relief commix-dou:" Jill J. Wil.
cox, . G. ilongh and Job 11 Speas.
The clerk was in-trucGil to advcrtUe for
proposaialor furnishing the comity with
coal for the ensuing year.
(m motion the clerk was instructed to no
tify all Justices of the peace in the county
to deliver their dockets to the county clerk
before the next meeting of the board.
statement of tbe treasurer was piesented
and balances certified to by the board.
Statement of School .Moneys
received and disbursed from May 2ist, 1KX7,
to January lith, HMO, to-wit.
Br. District No. I. Or.
Amount ree'd 11272 W I Vouchers I WW
I ( 'oiniuissioii. 11 fr
I Balance Ct VI
1272 W j
Dr. District No. 2.
Amount! ree'd lfittj 87 ! Vouchers
I ( 0111 111 iion.
1 Italance .....
1272 W
10(4 fi"
14 )
417 40
W0B d7 i
District No,
1WM1 8'
Amount ree'd
Vonchers .
Com mission,
balance .....
!H2 79
i 40
m 4 i
Dlfttrict No. .
Amonnt ree'd
Balance .....
I 7
Dr. District Ho. t.
Amonnt ree'd 14 "0 I Voucher....
i Commission,
i rtalajmc ......
, I4 SB
District No. . '
MM H Voaehera....
j OriHUllMllOII-
j tktlanec
Amonnt ree'd
ll-tri t So. 7.
b'rt t-, ' VU( ber
' 1 oiiiuti-,iou.
j halauec
bxi s7 i
Dl-triet So. .
S3 57 ; Vollebers
; lijauee
l.v:r 47 ;
is 1
73 li'
Amount ree'd
12 : 1 .
i1 S7 1
Di-triet So. B.
a.'l 12 ' 'oueber-
i o!tiuii-,-lon,
; balauee
H 12 i
Iii-trict So. 11.
I i2 t Vout lier
! 1 ouiiiii iou
1 lliilance
m 57 j
r. j
vk l '
" I
AuiOrTl ree'd
Anujunt ree'd
1M si :
I'll os '
iw m 1
litriet So. li.
l'J( 1 Vouehel-
, 'inuti--i'iii.
i llauiut-e
Amount rt c'd
( r.
Ill 14
5 id
11 4'.' :
ll-triet So. 13.
Hi 4'.' ; I liuetier-
' ( o iiuii-doii.
1 Uulanee
Hit 4!i i
lM.-lrfet No. 14.
1M ISi . Voucher-
i 1 'i!iiml--ioli.
l.'lf. J i
Ji-trlct So. r.
VM 77 Voueber-
i l OTlllMl ion ..
V.? 77 :
Dl-trlet So. Hi.
liri OA I Voucher-
( I Olllll!l-iOll.
: ll'tlant e
1(8 (fi (
Distriet So. H.
3,'t ! Voueliers
: ( oiiiud ion.
i liuiuuee
Amount ree'd
Amount ree'd
Amount rec'
Antoiint ree'd
in fi
l(l K
; 22
4 72
f i 4
7 7
K .'i7
1'2 4-
Amount ree'd
Amonnt ree'd
DMrii t No. 19.
H:m r7 - 'oueher-
f oiiiml--iou.
' l'.ilanec ...
(Ml S7 1
Di-triet So. 20.
t'2 .V . Vouehi-r-....
; ( Otiniii-ion.
.2 rt) ;
Di-triet So. 21.
41 10 : Vouchers
i ( 'ofi.lelv-.lou.
1 I'.n.aiiee .
41 in
Dl-trlet So. 22.
47 , Voucher-
1' ( oniiul ion.
j balance
47 !' !
District So. 23.
2 l ( oimiil ion.
i liaiunee .....
2 .
Dl-trlct So. 21.
7'J 7'1 Vouchers
( omml ion.
j llnlunec
71) 7(1 1
Di-trlet So. 2.5.
25 6'J 1 Voucher
; 'oumilM-ion.
j Kalanee
Amount ree'd
( 2 .'HI
;ll t it
41 10
47 .V
( r.
2 Wi
M '
4 4
7S( 7(1
24 7
Alnourit ree'd
Amount n e'd
Amount n-c'd
Amount ree'd
Amount ree'd
2-1 (i i
District So. S7.
ISO ! i Vouchers
1 i ommi-slon.
J Pnlance .....
& (
14.. U
1 is
3 U
Amount ree'd
150 if
190 BN
.. $22 12
.. 4S7 411
,. lit .'HI
4 4s
.. 21
.. m .'is
.. 12 1(7
U s-'l
5 M
IS (17
.. II II
.. 2s 'f
District So. 1, lialancc
31 1
$ M
4 '
3 s;
Total s
On motion the Ixiard adjourned itliout a
day. Attest:
County Oerk.
It is reported that up in Sioux coun
ty the out-going county official, had a
scheme all fixed up this year whereby
they expected to stay there. The plan
was, we believe, for the county com
missioners to find fault with the bonds
of the officer-el.'t or something of
that sort, and fool along with the new
men for a vear or two while the old
ollicials continued to get in their work.
But people outside of the "rinn" irot
onto things in some way and on the
day upon which tlie winds were to te
"considered" there hapnod t lje
from one hundred and lifty to two
hundred men in town from the country,
all armed w.ith either revolvers, Win
chesters or shot (funs. There were no
threats made by the ariued men but
some of them incidentally expressed a
desire to see the tends of the new coun
ty official!) approved, and they were
approved. The commissioners found no
room for a kick, the new officers were
dulv installed, the had men from awav
up the Sowbelly went home and unload
ed their weapons into jack rabits, instead
of county rinsters, and white winged
peace will airain hover for a fiew mo
ments over that turbulent political lmt-tle-fleld,Sioux
county. Sheridan County
Tlie recent order issued by the man
agement of the Q. railroad system rela
tins? to the use of liquor by its em.
ployees. is the most swepinsr move
anainst the liquor habit that lias been
promulted by any coris-n-ation as far
as we can recall. Under Ihe order a man
of intemperate habits is not to be employ
ed in any capacity, and should he become
intoxicated a second time wlen in the
employ of the company his discharge is
made imperative upon the superinten
dent or master mechanic under whose
supervision be is working. That is tlie
kind of temperance work which counts,
A few years ao the commercial trav
elers were considered A lot of drunkards,
with an exception once in a while of a
temneratfl man being mixed in. One by
one the wholesale houses demanded
tliat men who represented them should
he tmn Derate men, and now a traveling
man who gets drunk is an xoepUoa,
Now that the Q. railroad has Mt the
example the other great corporations
will follow suit as a matter of mli
protection and other corporations and
Amoant ree'd
lai 4f j
4 r.
l(i If i
:44 t i-
I" 11; j
li;. 4 1hs-9
cr. !
lil I
i:a at
1 'd
1 IS JS-1
11 11 :
I'.-s 77 1
72 W
Adjustment by the ViarJ of county roiiimiwaoneni or Sioux count', Nebraska,
(,f the ai-ounts of E. f. LockwiMxl. county treasurer 0 wild county, oil account
of taxe for the years Y', l" and 1"9."
lN7tax Amount collei ted for state 240112
Amount paid stale treasurer 24ft 2 29
1 fnx Amount collected for state
. Amount jaid htate trea.-ui-er
i Vx Amount collected for state
Amount calln ted on scl-ool lenses
Amount iid .slate treusiirr
lv?T tax Amount collected countv
Auk Hint of warr.ifits iid
js'.s tax Amount collected county.
Amount of wurrvntfc laid
19 tax Amount collected countv
Amount of Slid
Bowen pre i"' t
Amount of waiTunts iKiid
liowen pivi inct uikiiinlid interest
Amount of couisins
t'onimision and sistnf.'e
School pvn. fund, fines and state
apportionment . .
Ap'sirtioiimcnt by sufs-riiitcnilent.
Hiiile fund...
Amount of warrants paid
torn mission
lsu9 tux Rriilre fund,.
Amount of warrants paid
-Road fund..
Amount of road receipts..
-School district No. 7 liond
Amount of cupons iaid
-Villape of Harrison
Paid village treasurer
Commission ,
Amount due school districts
K DO 1IKRFHY ( F.HTIK V.Thai we have candully CTiimined tbe account" f Kd. C. lick
wo1. ( onuty Tre i-uriT of said county; that tbe forerolnir Is a Ju-t and correct adjust
mi nt ol bis account- for Talc- for the year lss7, 1 and lsmi; that tbe pernonal property
tat ordered strSi ken from the Tax Book Is not
under the pmvl-lons of s-etion 147 of "An Act
March.lst. 17'.'; that tbe dclliniuent taxes
a- stated, and that the taxes collected have
Irovided by law
Dos M. WriR, 1
Hts. f. ghovk, 1
JollS A. GKEI , )
WITNF.sN our hands and tbe county scal.thl
i f
Sr.41.. r
A Good Grade of Family Flour for SI. 15 per sack.
Men's good calfskin shoes for $2.00.
15 lbs. of prunes for - $1,00.
30 lbs. of hominy for - 1.00.
4 lbs. standard coffee - 1.00.
12 lbs. New Orleans sugar for $1.
A full line of MEN'S ARCTICS of all sizes
Ah There!
Ladies';Fine Kid Gloves for 1.25 worth
A Genuine Gents' Seal Skin Glove for 85c
warth $1.50.
A line of Gents Underwear at a great re
duction. Kentucky Jeans at 85cts, worth 50 cts.
Mens" Felt Boots fl.OO, worth $1.60.
Calll and examine my line of
Have a full line of
I have one niece of fine XT
' vy i-i urn
that would cost you
Fine line of Flannels, 30c " 50c Brocade Worsted, 10c, worth 20c
Shaker Flannels, SOo " 83c Worsted.Dress Goods (ex-
Blue Overalls, 40c " 75j tra wide) 15c " 85c
Wool Fleece Lined Mitts, Kc " 60c Blue Denims WJc " JOc
All Wool Boys' Mitts, 20o 85c Cettonadee, 80c " 80c
8erryaoth, 80c " 80c
I also have a full line of CTothing, 8boee, HaU and Cape, the beet m offered for
sale in Sioux county, which I am selling at price that Uet r Competition. Alio a
Urge invoice of Groceries New and Fresh that I will aell at price a low a the
lowest. Remember my motto ia "A Nimble Penny rather than a Blow Sixpence."
I SELL FOB CASH, and intend to give my curtomera tbe benefit of Caab Price.
You can be convinced of thi fact by calling and giving me a trial.
Trusting again to ne many familiar new etore and to merit a (hare
of the trade, i am very rwipectfully,
0, 22. WELLS,
2J1 11
1WH 6." 23 4(1
9'h 6-1 VP
904 36
22 it,i f2
Si"'.' M)
4901 29
- : 1 539" 0 98 80
.! 94
292 63
42H 4 3221 12 1M7 &
WM) 1
14dl H6
1 f-i 1:M1 3h
-,0000 00
llHHS) (SI
700 00
r 07
Wt 07 721 70
1008 02
9-1 25 2fl 77
:m 9ii
40 99 325 P7
4 31
35 IX
721 02
m 79 139 23
509 69
72 10
270 03
27 06
102 44
lor, 00
31 7S
29 M 141 12
317 9
130 73 11 11
17H 73
100 73 2 00
1533 KS 5181 01
148 W(
17 H7
collectible and la entitled to lie-trickcn off
to provide a System of Itevenuc," approved
have Is-en airain rharK-d i(aiii"t said Treasurer
been chanted aKnlnst him to Is- accounted for
Commissioner of Siot'X County, Nebraska.
icih day of January, A. V., mn.
Coxiuri I.IKDr.M i County Clerk.
now in stock. Remember the place'
C M Inches wide for )c
i rv i n v
90c at wholesale.
. .. . ... 1 ....... iiMtinia it
All rHnMiiiM naviiiK uuni . - --,
lhi uaiier will receive 11 rnrrked fopi" 01 .,ne
' . ..1 A, their
paper ami are njursw-i ij -a,..,,.Hai,,l
If ftnv error. eXiflt rt'liort the
same to Mii office t once.
Ciuisoli'Uted .Voile for Ptibllmtloo.
Land Office at Chlroii, Sell., I I
S'otlee ia liereliv irlv. n that the following
named nettlcr las Uled not lee of Ills Inten
tion to make Una! proof in support frf Id
claim, and that said proof will be made I
fore the Clerk District Court, at Harrison.
Neb. , on mar. 3, lsMi, viz :
Ikaar H. lltlidrii. of Ifsrrlon, Xeb,
irho made D. f. No.Kt for the m( 3. tpS7
He name the following- wltnessf to proie
bU conttnitou renldenee urti and cultiva
tion ol said land, vli. Alva shiwves. CharlM
K. bowrv, Andrew Jacolis, J:ime II. Cook,
all of Harrison, Nebraska. Also:
JOHN' A. 0KK.F.X. of Harrison. Neb.,
who made D. S. fllliiK No. 9,tra for the neV of
section 4, towuhill 'It, raliKe M.
He names the followlui; Itnesses m prove
his continuous residence nn and cultiva
tion of mid land. VU: Cliarles K..owi-y. An
drew Jtu'o lis, James II. Cook, John Cook,
allot Harrison, Nebraska. il
. II. llcciSSi, KCKlsier.
Consollilated Notice For Puhllcatlun.
jin (I Office at Chadron, Neb., I
I lec. 2, lsS. (
Notice Is herrhy (riven that the following"
name.1 settler has filed notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof in Hiipport -of his
claim, mid that said pnsif will Is- made be
fore the clerk of tlie dl-trlct couit, al.llar
rlsou, Neb., on r eby. lii, lslJ, viz:,
Helmut M. of llarrinon,
who made D. H. No. iwni for the nX ne4 wt
neH see IV, sw!e m- s.c tp '11, r 5A.
He names the following- witnesses to prove,
his cotitluuouM rcKidenee upon ami cultiva
tion ot said land, viz: Libert M. Carrier,
John II. Kartell, Asa C. Davis. Albert M.
Taylor, all of Harrison, Neb. Also
Albert K. Kiej'. of Hnrrlsnn,
who made U.S. No. KIWI for the eK uwjj- w)f
ne IS, tp r 5ti.
He names the following- witnesses to prove
hi continuous resilience u)Kn and cultivu'
tion of, aid land, viz: I harles H. Scott,
Warren W . Hall, Arthur W. fcuiery, Wtlllam
K.iloore, all ot Harrison, Neb. Also
Arthur W. Kmerj', of Harrison,
who made 11 K No. 1x73 for the aeli sec 6 tp SO
r .
lie names the followlns
Uncases to prove
hi contlniiou rt-tj
ami eulliva
n V. Hall. AI-
Hon of sahl laisi,
Is-rt fc. Hams, y, '
Moore, Nathan-
lei K. Arinsirong.'
son, Neb. .
1 14-11)
ss, Itearlslor.
'si'aUsl proposa.
ifcelved until the
1,1th day of lebru
HI, at 1 o'cloi'k, in.,
as Hi- oltlee of Hie .sttiutv (derk. at itarri-
son, Nidi., lor furnlsiiinK sloiu county with
coal durliiK the year Isoo. The bids to be
oiicucd and conlrlerel at the next moclltitf
ol the ts.iird of commissioners. The Isiard
reserves the i-iejit to leject any and all bld.
Hnrrlson, Jan. an, iawi. County Clerk.
Grant Guthrie,
Dealer In
Aqcnt for Wind Mills and pumh.
B. E. Bhewster, C. F. Corrnt,
President. Vice Pre
CHA8. C. JAMESOX, Cahier.
Commercial Bank.
General Banking Busta
ooniMtiues win soua iau une urn