The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 23, 1890, Image 3

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)- NAl'i'IlFTTE rAHKY. !
f. -tj'vnu? n htm," Tim Search
i, fvrButt Lwdhuisl."
I CHAITKll HI TJIK Kf'W 4 :.R. '.
f ! luokiaf bark on thoe ilaj , t simplv j
woniier al my own nu.lneity. Am I reallr
od truly the mn Merte Kenton who
' fanir aM he bell at li iiiee flate. and in-
formed the astouislH-d footman tuiit I was
.-the person applying for the uurse mtna
tloo. I recti! that M:rii! tenv with a
', laugh, but I frankly owti that, thai m--
nient wa nut the pleasantest in my lift-.
True, it had ltd ludicrous side; but how ii
one to enjoy the humor of mi it musing
kilaalion alone? ami. to tell the truth, t ln
U feet of plush ami imwder Is-fur, tn
wm alarming to my fennie
timidity. I hear uiv Ihe man's xt irili-l
"I best your pardon, ma'am."
"I have fume by apjioiutment," I ri
ttimed, with a lunch diirnily as I rool-l
summon nndertbe trying circumstances;
"will you iiifurm your mistress. Mr. Mur
ton, that I have come alMitit the niirne
Of course, lie was looking at me from
heivl to f-xit. In spite of the limiiinin
plainness of my dress, I snpiiose the word
iren tic woman wax clearly HlaiiiXI upon
me. Heaven forbid that under any cir
cumstances that brand, sola nerit.v.;? of
my dewl parents, should ever be effaced!
Tliea he Opened th door of a charming
little waiting-room, ami civilly enough
bade me neat myself, anil for nome min
ute I Was left alone. I think nearly a
quarter of an hour elapsed la-fore ho re
appeared with the message amt his tiiln
tr wa now iliscinraired mid would aw
me. I followed the man as i lomly at I
cotild through the loin; hall and tip the
wide staircase; not for worlds would I
have owned that a rerlaln short nean of
breUh.uuusualin youth, Heemcd to impede
me. At the top I fouud myself in a haud-
ivime corridor, tommiit;
druwliiii-rooin of no
mey call them in n
certainly It wan a prli
1 entered. A lady was
aina.ll table at the furl he
Am the man Hjmkn to her die
once raise her head or turn
waa evidently flnh.hitiit n mile.
' later ah laid aiide her pen mi l i iunc io
ward me.
"I am worry I could not atten I to
you at out, and yet you were very nonet
nal." die lieitan, In a plea.-aui, ndi mhIu
luted voice, and then -the Mopped and re
garded me wilh llijfelitned Biirprise.
Shu wraa a very lovely Uiim f Uomiiu,
with an Juileteriliille tn itroiilv nlr i.lniut
her that apok of the molht r. Sh" oulil
have In-eii really iUi:e beautiful b it for a
certain worn look, often n iu women of
fashion; and when xlie iMke there wan a
awevtneaaanil almplicily of iii.iuuer t lint
wax miet winning.
"I'ardon me," wilh a shule of iplexi
ty 111 her even, "but I iip;oi niv ei vaul
wna rlaht in Mating t)(nt you ha I one by
appointment lu no-ner to my udvertie
Jrieut f
"Ve, ItiHil line," I relumed,; for
her Mltit nei voiiuii put me at toy e.i.
"I have yotir letter here.''
"And yon are really arplylu for the
Iturae'a a.tualiou the upper nur-n, I
mean; for, of rotirne, there in on tinuei
nume kept. I hope" (coloring a little)
"that you w;H hot think me ru le If I eny
that I wan not prepared for iho sort of
jiernon I m to aee."
I could have ijroaned n.i I thrmitlit of my
not. Was It poaalbh! that I had (tjielled
Wlvertiwmeuf wrongly And yet, I
had the paper before iiiejmy handwriting
wan neat and legible; hut evidently Mri.
Morton wan drawing aonie compariaou be
tween my letter and iippearanre, and I did
not doubt that the former had not prepon
mined ber In my favor.
, J became confused In mr turn.
"I hope to prove to you," I heat), In a
eryamall foice, "tiiat. I am a lit pernon
to apply for yotir Hltnntlun. I am very
fond of children: I never lose my patience
with them, aa other people do, or think
anything a trouble; I wish to take up thl
work from lovu an well an ueccwtlfy I
mean," corrertlutt myself, for hu loiiked
atill more a.itonlhed, "that thou jjh I tun
obliged to work for my llvlmt, 1 would
rather be a nore than nnythiiiK else."
"Will J'Otl aiiKWer a few qiiestlomif"
ami, a though by an afler-thouijht, "will
yon alt down?" for ahe had been ataodints
to keep me company, out of deference to
my inperfor appearance.
' I will answer any question yon liko to
put to mo, mndame. "
You have never been in service, you
tell me in your letter, ilnve you ever
tilled any kind of nit nation'"
I ahook my head.
"Yorj are quite youn, I should aayf"
"Two-and-twenly lam Chriaimna."
I iihotild hardiy have thought you no
old. Will you oblista m with your
"Merle Feuton."
A half mllo cruised her 'beautiful
month. It wa evident that hIio found the
name somewhat Incomrru inn. and then
ha continued a little hastily. "If you have
never fllird any sort of ultualion, tl will
heaomewhat diflicult to jtulife of your ca
pacity. Of course you have good refer
ence; can you tell me a little about your
ael( and your clrcuimtauceitr"
I wan fast loninR my nervtmsnesiby thie
time. In a few minutes I had nivcu her
ooiicliie account of myiielf and my be
JottgtnK. Once or twice she Interrupted
me by a question, uch as, for example,
wbenlvpoke of Aunt Anatha, ahe naked
tna name of the families where she had
lived aa a governess; and once she looked
a little surprised at my answer.
"I knew the Cureons before I was mar
ried,' ahe observed, quietly; "they have
often talked to me of their old governetm,
Mlas Kenton; her name is Keith now, you
ay; aba was a (treat favorite with her pu
pils. Well, Is It not a pity that you fihould
not follow your aunt's example If you
are not clever, would not the situation of
a nnrsery governess bo more flltiiiR for
youf Forgive me; I am only (.peaking for
roar good; one feels a little uncomfortable
at aeelng a gentlewoman desert the ranks
to which ahe belongs. "
My f wasburuinn by this time; of
coarse It must nil come out that mlxera
bh) defect of mine, and everything else;
bat raising my eyes at that moment 1
aawsncbaklud look on Mrs. Morton's
fane, such quietly expresncd sympathy for
my very evident coul ii.tion, that t a a mo
ment my reserve broke down. 1 do not
kaow what I said, but I believe I must
kave been vtry eloquent, 1 could hear
fcef to herself, "How very strange
What m misfortune," when I frankly moii-t'-MeXl
mr Inability to snell; but 1 did not
I flOBf on this point,
Vatwanby her strong Interest
I do-
y ii a,. win two
"I -M mi, nii'l
"u-ut itmt
V 1
r tk J'i room.
Wl mil nt
round: she
A minute
Unieu s-iou.y wan I iniei my timiry. I j
told her f my love for little hi! Ireu. mr
llur'!o to work anions them. h'w d.-epy j
1 b-!t I til t t hi- would'-) l- a ilea! ieuti- :
man's work, that 1 did nt lejr u.y .int '
ni e;eri,-r . 1 tol l her lh it om ,. 1 h id
staved J..r M:'.ie n i the hint-" of one
ol ni v orli! I'dlows. and that every niht j
ai.d iiiormuii 1 had ioue up to (he uurs'-ry ,
to h'dti the mir- na-li nd lire the ha- I
hiex. au.i that a! I he riui ot a weik I hid j
1 arne I to il.i il a the mmiaii'
her-elf. an I rifil -he h'f loi I in. "(-,lioil-f.
I'.o.v If, it he had n"ver -eu :iv votti- j
ladv i-o timid , aud pal !i :il wii Ii caddteii, i
and thai Ui - were hapj.ter vviiii lae liiau ,
i! Il tii ,1 o i ll iiiter. !
"1'ie "i-aid child had toe t up one
wi-.-rr. i "-,,1, !ui".i. - - j j - iijo'iii-r waii
n . and i,oi -e v,a- il l-hie. I to he
of cm .l-e. WlH'U the d'Htor rial-' he
pruii d lu-r ery t.iuei) fir her prompt
remerli'ei; ii raid t lit y had pr obiil ly i.-ivei
the I ' I f- ttri tue alt.'ieli wan a everr'
ieic. Niir-e cried when he Mid thai, nvl j
owiteiii : a not s!ie who had t!ioi:i;l of I
ever t'lili-.'. lo'l Ml-K IVntoii. I tell obi
ihi," I uatioiieil, '"ijiiii ,111 may mi-!
iieriaii 1 ii.ii I am reliubK I was only j
ii iie'i then, and now 1 ant Iwo.ind-
twenty." !
Slie looked at me asieiu iu a tren'le, i
"rutin xlnit way; 1 could feel iiiat 1 was. I
making w ay in her iood opinion. ilt"
cnrii ily pnpied; her lull re-l tronirlv
excited ,iie made no attempted to check
me as 1 launched out into farther (lelense
of my theor,; but s-he only -.lailed. and
said, "Very true, I agree wilh joii there,"
us I isioke of the advantage of havliu; an
educated person to siioenutea I In uur
ery. Indeed. I found myself retailing all
my pet iirtfiiuieiits in a perfiailv fearie-p
way, until I looked up end saw the.e were
tears iu her beautiful brown eyes.
How well you talk!" she said, with a !
sort of si;!i. "Von have thought it all
out, I can see. I awiudc r what my bus-
band would sav. Jle is a meiula r of 1'ar-
llameut, you know, and we are very busy
people, and society lias such claims on us
that I cannot be much 'w ith -my children.
1 have only two; Jowe is three years old,
Hnd my Ihi N nearly eilileeii lnunllis.
Oh, he Is so lovely! nnd to think I can
only see him for a few minutes nt a time,
that I loe nil his pretty ways; It is such a
trouble to me. His tiur-e l lenviun to be
married, and I ntu ho anxious to Hud some
one who will watch over my darlings and
make I hem happy."
She paused, as the sound of aimroachin"
footsteps was audible in the corridor, and j
rose hastily as an impatient " folet,
where ore von, mv dear'1 was distinctly
"That is Mr. Morion; will you excuse
me a moment" And the next moment I
could hear her say, "I Was ill the blue
drawing room, Alirk. 1 have sent off the
letters, and now 1 waul to speak to you a
moment;" and her voice died away as they
moved further down the corridor.
1 felt a keen anxiety as to the result oT
tint conversation. I was very Impulsive
bv mil tire, and I had fallen lu love with
Mrs, Morion. The worn look on the beau
tiful youiiK face had touched me some
how. One of in? queer vh-lotihry' Ideas
came over me ns I recalled her expression.
1 thought that if I were an art 1st, and
that my subject was the "Massacre of the
Innocents," t hat t he mot her s face iu the
foreground should la; Mrs. Morton's.
"H.iclul Weeping for her Children;"
nomclhiui; of the pathetic maternal nnouy,
as for a bed babe, had wenic 1 to cross her
face as she spoke of her little ones, 1
found out nllerrtard that, though she
wore no mourning Mrs. Morton had lost
a beautiful Infant about four months aw.
It had not been more than six week old,
hut the mother's heart was niIII bleeding.
Many mouths afterward fhe told me that
she often dreamed of her little Muriel nnd
Woke trying to stille her nobs, that she
minbt not disturb her husband. I sat
oo.'ital int this imaginary picture of mine,
and shuddering over the, sanguinary de
tails, until Mrs. Morton returned, and,
j to my embarrassment, her husband was
i wit Ii her.
I (.'live him a frisihlened tdanc ? as he
crossed the room with rapid footsteps.
He was a quiet-looking man. with a dark
mustache, some years older than his wife.
His Ileitis slightly bald added s'inieivhat
to his appearance of age. lu reality he
was not more than livcaud -thirty. 1
thought htm a lilt In cool and critical In
manner, but his voice was pleasant. lie
looked at me keenly as he spoke; it was
my opinion at thai monieut that not an
article of my dress escaped his olmcrvu
(ioii. 1 hail selected pnrpo tdy a pair of
mended gloves, and 1 am convinced the
fliwrsi'mN were nt once under his inspec
tion, lie was n man who thought no de
tails bcncjiih him. but would lirluK his
masculine Intellect to bear even to the
point of discovering the Illness of his
children's nurse.
"Mrs Morton tells me thai you have
npplled for the situation of upper nurse,''
he begnn, not abruptly, but in the quick
tones of a bii v man who had scant, leis
ure. "1 hnv heard nil you have told her,
she seems desirous of lehti'm your abili
ties, but 1 warn you that J distrust
theories myself. My dear.'' turning to
his wife. " niri't say that litis yomi per
sou looks hardiy old eiioiili for the posi
tion, uud you o vn sue has no real ex perl
!Miefl. Would not a more elderly person
be more suitable, coiudderint; that you
are so seldom In your nursery? Of course,
tlj-ils your department, but. since you
ask my advice" with n little shrii that
seetned to disml8 me and the whole sub
ject. A wistful, disappointed look came over
bis wife's fare,
I was too great a stranger to understand
the n al position of affairs, only my intui
tion guided me at that moment. It win
not until much Inter tlmt I found out that
Mrs. Morton never disputed her husband's
will, even in trifles; that he ordered the
piny of her life as well ns his own; Hint
her passionate love for her children was
restrained I u order that her wifely and
social dul les should he carried out ; that,
sba was ko perfectly obedient to him, not
from fear, but from an excess of womanly
devoliou, that she seldom even contested
an opinion. My fate was very nearly
sealed at that moment, but a hasty Im
pulse prompted me to speak. Looking
Mr. Morton full In the face, 1 said, a little
plleously, "Do not dismiss me because of
my yout h, for that (s a fault that time will
mend. Want of experience Is a greater
obstacle, but It will only make me more
careful to observe every direction and
carry out every wish. If you consent to
try me, 1 am sure neither you nor Mr;
Morion will repent il."
He looked at me very keenly again as I
spoke: indeed, his eye seemed to search mo
through and thioutdi, nnd then his whole
manner changed.
I hnvo lMeu told that Nature had been
kind to me In one respect by endowing me
with a plynsiut voice. 1 believe that I
was freer from vanity tliau most n ri of
luy age. but 1 was glsd in my inmost
heart to know that no tone of mine would'
i vcr jar iiisiii a human ear. hut 1 was more
than glad now lieu 1 saw Mr. Morton s
grae fae relax.
"You siiest: confidently," he returned.
"Voil seem to have a et ran'e faith in your
own theory, sud plenty of self reliance,
but I am afraid that, like most young peo
ple, you have only regarded it from one
jsaut of view. Are you aware of the un
pleasantness of siii Ii a situation? lf-oii
came to us you miht have nothing of
which to complain from Mrs. Morton or
myself, tint we could not ausner for the
rest of my household; the icrtauta would
r-ii.'ird you as a Hirt of hybrid, belonging
to nt, special sphere; they milit show you
scant res;N-ci , ami m.inlfe-t threat deal
' I have faced all thai," I returned, with
lislilile. "but I think the difficulties would
lie like Ibiayan's lions tney were chain
ed, otl know. I do not lielieve these
tliin'.s will hurt me. 1 should never lie
a av from the children in the nursery; I
should be nmnolesi. il aud at home."
"Ala k!" I could hear a whole eti!ion
breathed into that softly uttered word.
Mr. Morton heard it, too, for he turned at
once, aud then looked at his wife.
"On you really wi-h to try this ymii
person. Violet, my clear? It is for you to
decide; this is your province, as I said lie-
ii re."
"if she will love our children and watch
over them in our absence," siie whispered;
but I caught the words. Then aloud,
"Yes, thank you, Alick, I should like to
try her. I think she would make .Joyce
happy. I call go aud sea Mrs. Keith
this aflernooii when I am out driving,
and perhaps I could arrange for her to
come soon."'
"Very well." he returned, brletlr; but
he spoke In the old dry manner, ns though
he were not quite pleased. "When you
are disengaged will you join me In the
library? 1 have some more letters I want
copied. "
' I will be ready soon," she said, with a
sweet, grateful glance at him, lis though
she had received some unexpected bounty
at his hands; and as ho wished me gsal
morniug, anil left the room, she contin
ued, eagerly, "Will you come with me
now and make acquaintance with the
children? I have seen them already this
morning, so they will not e.H'et me, and
it will be such a surprise. My little girl,
is always with me w hile I dress. I have
so little time to devote to them; but 1
snatch every moment. "
She siglvd as she spoke, and I began to
understand, in a dim, gropiug sort of way,
that Fale is not so unequal after all, that
even this beautiful creature had uusatls
lled wauls In Iter life, that it was possible
that wealth and position were to Iter only
tiresome barriers dividing her from her
Utile inns, lier sweetest pleasures only
came to her by snatches. Sbmt likely she
envied humble mothers, aud did not pity
them because their arms ached with car
ry lug a heavy infant, aching limbs being
more bearable tnati an aching jeart.
A flight of broad, liaiulsorntiy carpeted
stairs brought us to a long shut-in corri
dor, titled up prettily wilh plants nnd
statuettes. A rocking-horse stood iu one
corner: the nursery door was open. It
was a long. -cheerful ro im, with three
windows, looking over the public garden,
and fitted up with a degree of comfort
that liordercd on luxury. Some canaries
w ere singing iu ti green cage, a gray Per
sian kitten was curled up In the doll's
bassinet, a little girl was kneeling on the
cushioned window-sent, peeping between
the bai's at some children who were play
ing betoiv. As Mrs. Morton said, softly,
"Joyce, darling. " she turned round with
quite a startled air, and then clambered
donn hastily ami ran to her mother. .
"Vh , U is my mother."' in quite an in
credulous voice, anil then she caught hold
of In r mot her's gown, and peeped nt me
from between the folds.
She was a pretty, demure-looking child,
only somewhat thin and fragile in appear
ance, not iu the least, like her mother, but
I could trace. Instantly the strongest re
semblance to her father, She had the
straight, uncurling hair like his, and her
dark eyes were a Utile sunken under the
fluelv arched brows, II, was rather a
bewitching Hi He face, only too thin and
sallow for health, and with au intelligent
expres-ion, almost amounting to preco
city. "And where Is your brother, my dar
ling?'' risked her mother, stooping to kiss
her; and nt this moment n pleasant-look
ing young woman came from the Inner
room with n small curly-haired boy in her
As she set him down on the Hour, nnd
ho cume toddling over the carpet, I forgot
Mrs. Morton's presence, and knelt down
and held out my arms to him. "Oh, you
beauty!" 1 exclaimed. In a coaxing voice.
"w ill you come to me?" for I quite forgot
myself et the sight, of the perfect baby
Baby pointed a small finger nt me, "0
ook, gurgle-da," he said. In the friendliest
way, and I sealed our compact with many
"Dear me, ma'am," observed utirse,
eying me in a dubious manner, for proba
bly tin news ot my advent hail preceded
me to the upper region-, "this la very
singular; I never s.'iw Master lUby take
siuii a fancy to any one before; he al
ways heats them off with his dear little
"(iurgle-dn, 'ook, 'ook," was baby's un
exieeled response to this, as he burst into
a shout of laughter, nnd he made signs
for me to curry him to the canaries.
I do not know what Mrs. Morloti said
to nurse, but she came up after a minute
or two and wntehed us, smiling.
"He ilu's serin very friendly; more so
than my shy pet here," for Joyce was still
holding her mother's gown.
"She will be friends with me, too," 1 re
turned, confidently; "children are so easily
won." And then, as Mrs. Morton held
out her nrms for her boy, I parted with
him reluctantly.
There was no need for me to stay nny
longer then. Mrs. Morton reiterated her
Intention of calling on Aunt Agatha that
afternoon, after which she promised to
speak to me again: and feeling that things
were lu a fair way of being settled accord
ing to my wishes, I left the hiitiso with a
lighter heart than I had entered It,
tTo Imoontilinpd.l
Draws Ihtvl.liic nt Grindstones.
We live to cut nml we cat lo live,
11 ring us S!5 cciild worth of pens,
peaches, pears, plums penniils, polo,
tats, or possums, ami pit tho best pa
per for thirteen weeks. We will ac
cept butter, beans, eggs, chickens (il
fully hatched), and other rli-roslubles
or fruits. Wo eat anything exenpt
codtisli nnd grindstone.' Hfae County
Ttt.) Mcucmjcr.
How lie- Saved His S,mo.
Father M ilotie l:ad jil-t put the hn
Isllill I'Tlu Les to one .( os excellent i
sermons ic.terd.iv when his hotis-- ,
k'l'per aniioiiiK -, that a - o'!-!i' of iu-
lividtia's wore awa-iiug- iu tie- i-djoiu-in;r
room to liaie the nuptial l.tiot tied.
'I hi; task is alvi .- s a h-usiug one to
liis re erence. So riiiiifitig" a i-ruii a
few times tiiioiih 1, is. Lair ami as-iim-
111"; Ills tllo't ie:lsalit
jno- I
eei dts) to perform tin- ccii-moiiY. On
reaching llu vatiui"; room, however,
there was a -Jiijiiisi-in store tor him.
There sat John '. M'. tiia'.v ami his
ihmI w ife Supine in- one e!-e.
We come to I,- married, " otioili
".Married, ton s;n ; Why. imi mu-t
lie crazy, John Mctiraw. '1 'hi is n it
a matter to joke about."
Joke, lour rivorcma ? I ain't no
funny man. ami you oiiht to know it
by this time. We want to be married,
and no mistake about il."
"Then where is tho !ad ? "
"J.adi! There she is," pointing to
his w ife.
By this time Father Malum- 1. id con
cluded beyond all iloubt' ho had a
couple of lunatics on his hands, ami
just as he uas about to dispatch a mes
senger for a policeman Mi tii nv ex
plained. "rather, perhaps you didn't hear
alxiiil it, but Sophie lias being going
back on inn au' all 1 couM to her,
she must have a divorce. Well. er
honor, she got it, bad luck to her. and
it cost like the excuse me, father
but it made ine hot, especially eon
siilurin' that the court gave lu-r '?!),
alimony- nine t-h-o-u-s-a-n-d dollars!
father, think of that. Why, il would
ruin mo twice over. So I says to
Sophie, sez I, 'Can't thi-i little matter
be arranged; you au' I, Sophie dear,
hae lived together for twelve yei'.ls
ami surely yer not goin' to desert me
now ?' With that she burst into tear-i,
and so we agreed to get married again.
It isn't the if'.I.OOO I care about, father,
but it lu-arly broke my heart lo think
J would have lo live without her."
And here Metiraw sobbed softly ami
conl'miicd lo sob while, the priest ex
amined Iho marriage license, which
was in due form. Nothing further n-niaim-d
but to unite the. divorced
couple, lly becoming n party to the
arrangement the lady reloaseif her
(MM) claims on her husband's estate, and
John was proportiotiulclt happy.
The parties were married in St.. Kouis
some twelve Real's age, when Mrs. Mo
(iraw as a blii-hing girl of 17. -She
obtained lier divorce, a few days ago in
district court on the. ground nt her
husband's extreme cruelty. DniVtr
The Trirl !y Which lie Heeums a Cel
limtctl anil Distinguished Man.
It, once happened, says a book on
(lunnun folk lore, that j'anict-lstis was
walking through a forest when lie heard
a voice calling to him by name. He
looked around ami at length discovered
that it proceeded from a lir tree in tho
trunk of which there was a spirit in
closed by a small stopper, sealed with
Hi ntc crosses.
The spirit begged of I'.ii'acelsus to
set him free. This lio readily promised
oh condition thai tho spirit bIiouIiI be
stow upon him a liieilieina capable of
healing till diseases and a tincture
which would turn everything it touched
lo gold, idie spirit acceded to Ins re
quest, whereupon raracel.sus took his
penknifo and succeeded, after some,
trouble, in getting out the stopper. A
loathsome black spider crept forth,
which ran down tho trunk of the tree.
Scarcely had it reached the ground
when it changed, and became, as if ris
ing from tho earth, a tall, haggard
man, wilh squinting, red eyes, wrapped
in a scarlet mantle.
lie ltd luracelsus lo a high, over
hanging, craggy mount, ami with a
hazel twig which ho hud broken oil by
tin! way ho smote the rock, which,
splitting with a crash nt tho blow, di
vided itself in twain, and the, spirit dis
appeared within il. II however, soon
returned with two small phials, which
he handed to Paracelsus a yellow one
which contained the tincture which
Lurnod all it touched to gold, ami a
white ono, holding the medicine which
healed all diseases. He then smote the
rock a second time, and thereupon it
instantly closed again. Iloth now set
forth ou their return, tho spirit direct
ing its course toward Innspruck, to
seize upon the magician who had ban
ished him from that city. Now Pa
racelsus trembled for tho conserpietico
which his releasing tho evil one would
entail upon Jiiui who hiul conjured him
into the tree and ho thought how ho
might rescue him. When they arrived
once more at the tir tree he asked the
spirit if he possibly could transform
himself again into a spider and let him
gee him creep into the hole. The spii it
said that il w as not only possible hut
that he would be most fuippy lo make
audi a display of his art Jor'the grati
fication of his deliverer.
Accordingly, he otict) more resumed
the form of a spider and crept again
into tho well-known crevice. When
lie had done so Paracelsus, who had
kept the stopper all ready in his hand
for the purpose, clapped il, as quick as
lightning into the hole, hammered itiu
firmly with a stone, and, with his
knife, made three fresh crosses upon il.
Tho spirit, mad with rage, shook the
lir tree as though with a whirlwind,
that ho might drive out the stopper
which Paracelsus had thrust in, but his
fury was of no avail. It held fast ami
left him there with litllo hope of es
cape, for, on account of Iho great drifts
of snovv from tho mountains tho forest
will never be cut down, and although he,
should call night and day, nobody iu
tho neighborhood ever venture near
the spot.
PuraceU;;s, however, found that the
phials were such ns ho had demanded
and It was by I heir means that hu after
ward became such it celebrated and dis
tinguished man.
When the Itcv. dlover of Iloqttiain
announced that "Heal Kstute" would
be tin) subject, of his next Salihath's
sermon an enterprising dealer in town
lots nliered him ) to speak a kind
woid for Campbell's addition. 1'orU
iaiut OrcrjnnUn.
"Oh 1 where shall rest be found ?"
The worn-out mother sighs;
"Trousers to mend and stvxkiugs to darn,
Dishes to Wash and butter to churn,
While my back fuels to break, and head and heart burn.
And life is a constant friction."
The Summer came and went,
The matron no longer sighs;
Elastic her step and rounded her cheek,
Work seems but play, life is now sweet,
And the change was made in one short week
By Da. liKHCE's Favorite l'KESCRrpnoii.
As an invigorating tonic, it im
parts strength to the whole system.
For overworked, "worn-out," de
bilitated teachers, milliners, dress
makers, seamstresses, "shop-girls,"
housekeepers, nursing mothers, and
feeble women generally, Dr. Pierce's
Favorite IYcsc.rijiti.on is the great
est earthly boon, being unecjualed
as an ajijietizing cordial and restor
ative totiie. Contains no alcohol to
inebriate; no sugar or syrup to de
range digestion; a legitimate medi
cine, not a beverage.
As a soothing and strengthening
nervine, "Favorite Inscription" is
Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate and cleanse the liver,
stomach and bowels. One a dose. Sold by druggists.
No I'luce Like Home.
To the Cape fodder, like the Ice
lander and the Swiss, his native prov
ince is the best the sun shines on. So
unique, emphatic, and personal 4w
cape ami its towns have become, to
those reared here, that a cape man
finds nowhere else so glorious a home,
so full of such sweet memories, says the
Xew Kmjbtnil Mugmhic. The cape col
ors lit nt all his life Urn roots ami
libers of him. He may get beyond, but
3d never gels ov er the cape. '.
Make him a merchant at Manilla or
Calcutta, a whaler at, the north pole,
mute in Australian waters, a millionaire
on Fil'lh avenue, a farmer in Minnesota,
and the cape slicks to him still. He
will feel in odd hours to his life's end
the creek tide on which ho floated in
shore as. a boy, the hunger of the salt
marsh in haying time, the cold plash
of the sea spray at the harbor's mouth,
the spring of the boat over the bar
when he came home from lishing, with
the wind rising on shore out of the
gray night clouds seaward, the blast of
lite wet northeaster in the Seiteiiibr
morning when uuder tho dripping
branches he picked up the windfall of
golden and crimson apples, the big
llukcil snow of the December night
vv lien ho beaded his first sweetheart
home from singing school; and he will
see, in dreams, perhaps, tho trailing
arbutus among the gray mosses on the
thin edge of a spriug snow bank, the
bubbling spring at the hill foot near
tidewater, the fat, crimson roses under
his mother's windows, with a clump of
Aaron's rod or lilac for back
ground; the vellovv dawn of an Octo
ber morning across his misty moors,
and the fog of the chill pond among
the lino trees, ami above all, tho blue,
sea with its headland, on which go the
white-winged ships to that great far-off
world which the boy had heard of and
the grown man known so well.
The Ilesourccs of Hudson's lio jr.
A Canadian surveyor who was en
gaged iu an official expedition to Hud
son's Pay in 1885 and 18X0 says few
people have any idea of tho resources
of lliis great sen. Its shores are the
haunts of the musk ox, the moose, the
reindeer, the red deer, tho while bear
and his black brother, the otter, the
mink, tho black fox, also the silver,
gray, ami white varieties, and other
valuable fur-bearing animals. Its
waters are teeming with the most valu
able varieties of water mammals and
fish. Ho has seen tho bay as far as tho
eye could reach appear one undulating
mass of white jiorpoisi-s. Iloth (ho
hides and tho oil of these are valuable.
In some jiarts of tho bay and in the
straits the shores of tho islands are
swarming with walrus. It has been
reported Ijy Prof. Hell that ono island
on the east coast was found to be thick
ly strewn with the ivory tusks of l he
walrus. The tusks are valuable,
thouirli tho chief valuo of the walrus
lies iu the hide, which weighs on tho
average 800 pounds, and is worth from
10 to 20 cents per pound.
A Bin Wildcat. .
Peter Skiff.a veteran hunter of North
Kent, Conn., recently shot a wildcat
live feet long that weighed forty
pounds. It was the biggest wildcat
that has been shot in the state. Skiff
killed the animal lu the air im (t wat
priuj;iug at him
ttneqtialed and is invaluable in al
laying and subduing nervous ex
citability, exhaustion, prostration,
hysteria, spasms and other distress
ing, nervous symptoms, commonly
attendant upon functional and or
ganic disease. It induces refresh
ing sleep and relieves mental anxiety
ami despondency.
A Book of pages, on "Wo
man and Her Diseases," sent to any
address, in jilain, sealed envelope,
on receipt of ten cents, in stamjis.
Address, WrjiiLii's Dispensary Association, 003 Main
Street, Buffalo, X. Y.
Giant Dancers.
The San Francisco Examiner ay
that the atmospheric conditions of the
deserts and high plateaus at certain
seasons of the year produce strange
phenomena. The dry weather in
Nevada has produced a host of giant
dancers in Lyon county. These ap
pearances are puzzlers to all scientists.
How they brace up ami hold together
so long is a mystery. On a quiet, sun
ny day you see a litLle handful of sage
brush soar aloft ou a light breeze.
Some. more joins it, until it is as big
as your hat, and then your body, and
then sand, and rocks, and soil by the
bushel begin to roll iuto the mass- from
the ground, ascending upward like a
column. It is soon as big as a tele
graph pole, and all the lime gaining,
and ere long its top maybe reaches
1,000 maybe 5,000 feet. While you are
watching this one robably three or
four others will spring up, or a half
dozen will come waltzing down from
the upper end of the valley, having
traveled probably twenty-live miles and
torn up the soil like a steam plow in
their waltzing and zigzagging. They
tear up the hillsides, smash houses, and
stick up men like waterspouts. They
go to pieces in as strange away as they
are formed.
Children That Teaso.
It is a misfortune to a child to sup
pose that teasing is essential to his
gaining a point that he ought to gain.
A result of such a view in his mind is
that he looks not to his parents' wisdom
aud judgment, but to his own positive
ness and persistency as tho guide of his
action iu any mooted case of personal
couduct; not to principles which are
disclosed to him by one who is in au
thority.but to impulses which are whol
ly in his own bosom.
Such a view is inimical to all wise
methods of thinking and doing on a
child's part. And it is even more of a
misfortune to tho parent than to the
child for a child to have the idea that
the parent's decision is a result of the
child's teasing, rather than that of the
parent's understanding of what is right
and best in a given ease.
No parent can have thu truest re
spect of a child while tho child knows
that he can tease that patent into com
pliance with tho child's request con
trary to the parent's real or supposed
conviction. For the child's sake, there
fore, aud also for the parent's, every
child ought to be trained not to tease,
and not lo expect any possible advant
age from teasing. Sunday School
The Desert of Sahara.
Tho Sahara is said to bo growing.
Tho fertile strip of Kgypt is less thanlt
was within historic "times, and tho
sands are invading Tunis. A French
scientilie commissioner reports to his
government that the whole- southern
part of Tuuis is gradually becoming
desiccated. The commissioner, E.
Blanc, can not suggest any measure
for saving tho oasis of the desert from
extinction Suilieicut water can not
be obtained by any means to support
The word "lord" is derived from tho
Saxon word "loufward," meaning
guardian of tho loaf and so perhajis ft
is not strange that some lord are loafers.
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