Cioux County Journal . MNMOK M I'ATTKHHON I'ublinbm HAKRISOX, : , XBrtASKA t-riaiitae eriirttul. Xr.w York, Jan. 11. -Judge Wallace handed down a decision in the United States court holding that ex Sheriff Peter Uowe cannot be held accountable for t00O,000 seized fsoni Leon Barnard a canon of the Church of Rome, und also dismissed the suit bruugl t in the name of the Catholic prsbend.iry ag-iinst Xew 5jrk'a former sheriff. The fiiOO.000 in question ib part of a fortune of 10,000 that bad been accumulated by the bis hopric of Tourna, Belgium, in the course of a century. Through a change of bishops the threat fortune was unearthed in 1871), when Bishop Ihiinout, for some otfense or other, was sus;euded by Bis hop Durrousseau, The new prelate managed to turn the money over to Canon Barnard, a priest of the diocese, and the latter took it with him to this country. KllftiritiK in KallnMh. a. I'Minl. S r. Loi ik, Jan. 11.- Dispatches from ilitfereut portions of Kansas report a blizzard in that state. The whole coun try is covered with enow to the depth of a foot or more. Badroad trains are stuck at several places and trallic is practically suspended. suffering is reported in the destitute districts in several of the western counties, The temperature is not very low yet. out the mercury ia fall ing and severe cold ia apprehended. All along the path of last evening's terrible storm in this city large crowds gathered jesterday morn jig to view the ruins. The number of buildings which were damaged will probably reach 150, with the loss ranging all the way from 100, 000, to KW0.IMI0. A large force of work men is clearing up the debr's. As far as known the list of injured numliers fifteen. . Tie Vote. Dkh JIoixks, Ia., Jan. 11.- The- house situation is unchanged. Caucuses by " both parties were held ami are still in session. The conference committee of the two parties have made a report to the cau cuses giving the republicans the tem porary ppeaker and the democrats the chief clerk. The report v. as not adopted by the democratic caucus. The caucuses lire again in session trying to reach an agreement before the time for the tem porary organization at 2 o'clock this af ternoon. At 'J o'clock the house was -called to order. Head of Green and Hotchkiss of Davis wei e nominated for the position of temporary speaker. The whole matter was then laid aside for the election of a temporary clerk. Ou roll call each of the candidates, Fred Lehman and Ben Van Hteinburg received fifty votes. A IlaudjiaHia lteuet. Xew York, Jan. 11. Millionaire John IL Shoenberger's will has been filed for probate. Sboenberger directs that his widow receive three houses, with everything attached thereto, a number of railroad shares and $10,X 0 worth of United States bonds. His brother, two sisters and other relatives are provided for. According to the will the principal object of Shoeti brrger's life-was the es tablishment at Pittsburg of St .Mar garet's memorial hospital as a memorial to his wife. He bequeathed for this pur pose Dearly 1,000,(100 and provides for the formation of a corporation to take charge of the institution. His other be quests to charitable institutions amount to nearly $200,000, including o5,0X to i Bishop Seobery of the missi' - of Min nesota. On the Hwk. Xew Lonijon, Cons., Jan. 13.-1 steamer City of Worcester, of the 'r wich line, fr this port, is on the rocks about one-third of a mile north-northwest of Bartlett's reef lightship. She struck a rock this morning during a dense fog. The captain and other of ficers of the boat say that they did not hear the lightship's bell and losing their reckoning in the thick fog struck the rock. The steamer rests on round Ijnulders and lies easily. There are from five to seven feet of water in the second, third and fourth compartments. The other two water tight compartments are not injured. After striking the rocks the steamer's fire went out and she began sounding signals of distress. Failing to receive any response, a bout's crew rowed to this port and reported the disaster to the company's agent. Stanley In Cairo. Cairo, Jan. 13. Henry M. Stanley and his party did n t stop over at Suez, as it was; reported they would, but pro teeded for this city, where they arrived this morning. They were greeted upon their arrival by General Orenfell, com mander of the Egyptian troops, and B; r ins;, the British consul general. , Hlawa rrmalh Track., Jan. U. A dispatch from 8k Hilaire says the Grand Trunk train for Hoatrati was blown from lite track. Tbe conductor, brskeman, mail clerk ed three passengers were seriously and several others slightly injured. rto4(n'a laha. - TTaMiiHrroii, Jan. J4. Assialant Sec f -f tiofisBer baa directed the collector "uri at Fort Benton, Moou, toitis-.-Tf C praetM of iaavinf to 'f l'( f:ra akot to VMe the A ' t r tJirCiUie Vhat thy ire Ilrc-ai lj fire Sr. Liri-, Jan. li. -The large dry goods store of I. Oawfcrd wa dam- aged t the extent of ,! by lire ye terday morning. -V Mirr-flil lMriitiiu. f Washington, Jan. 10. - Mr. James 11. j Branch, secretary aud treasurer of the Universal FJ x-'.rio Kail way Signal com- i pany, gavo private exhibition to repre-' sentatives of the ort-ss this afternoon of ; the merits of the company's r.ew inver.-! tion of train signalling. The invention . is purely electrical ami bids fair to revo- ; luliouiza the system of signalling now in ' vogue, especially on single track rail-, roads. The idea is to enable the enpi- miera ot locomotives, to coiiiuiuiiicme ; with each other by telephone oi a didf ! of signals at any point along the line of the rof.d when they Income within a; specified dii-tance of eavh other, running either in the came or ill opposite direc- 1 tions. The Invention is a marvel of sim- j plicity and is apparently entirely practi- j cable. ! ! I Mrlk" fr.XM-cl-i. Xtw Voi:k, Jan. 10.- General Super- intendent To.'cey of the Xew Vork Cen tral railroad said that no notice had j : been received by the management of' any trouble or discontent among the en-! gmeers and tiremen on the portion of j ; the road between Xew York ami Svrn-j cuse as rejxirted in the morning papers, i Xo grievance known to exist and no ' strike wan expected. A luial k' i-iufloM. j Xiew BtaiiHTo.x, Pa., Jan. 10. This; afternoon the boiler of the steam shovel used by tiie l'ittsburg k Lake Krie rail ! road in excavating at Fallsloii, Pa , ex-j ploded with such force that several pieces , were blown across the river and driveu ! iulo the ground, a quarter of a mile 'away. Besides the regular force em. ; ; ploved. a numlier of Italians and train-j i men were sitting in th car back of the j shovel. They nere all more cr less in-j I juretl. West ley Francis of l'ittsburg, a i repairer Jif boilers anil engines, who had j i; just arrived, was fatally hurt and died j in a few minutes. Thirteen others were j more or lets hurt, but none fatally. ; A .r.-al (nl I (air. CiiiiAi.o, Jan. 10.-A meet nig of the southwestern division of .the western freight association has Ijeen held to consider what action was necessary in consequence of the big cut iu cattle rates inaugurated by the Chicago ,t Al ton road. The interested lines were anxious to restrict the application of the reduced rate to through business from points beyond the Missouri river, and so leave the locai rates undisturbed. Va rious projiositions were made to the Al ton people, which the latter declined to consider, and the meeting finally ad journed until today, when a conference will be hud with the trurig Missouri lines on the subject. Great efforts will be made to protect the local rales east of the Missouri river, and to prevent the cut rate from spreading to other Mis souri river points than Kansas City. lrUlil in ill Storm. Caujaky, X. W. T, Jan. 11.- It is sup posed that John McDonald, who started from Rosebud Thursday with a team to drive Mrs. Wilson and three children to Glfiichen, must have perished in Thurs day night's ftorm, which was very se vere, as they have not lwen heard from since. .IoIhimIuii Orphan rrovldi-rl I'm-. I'liir.AHKLPHiA, Jan The Johns town commission meets today in this city and will discuss the erection of staunch bridges, the erect ion of a hospital and arrangements with the Girard Trust compiny for establishing an orphans' annuity fund, by which all orphans by the flood will receive $") a year until sixteen veurs of ago. The com mission's balance is MOn.OOO. AglOl at l-'Ioml Height. IYiTbm .to, Jan. 10.--A! dis patch from Johnstow n says the water in the Conemaugh river and Stony creek are again at Hood height. The Cambria city bridge is in danger of being swept away, lhe lower part ot ftlitiviile, near the stone bridge, is again underwater, and the occupants of some of the houses are preparing to move out. Illtrixlurrd HI Kill. Wahhi.nctok, Jan. H. - Senator Plumb introduced a bill to repeal so much of the act ot July 1, 1870, as au tharizes the leasing ot rights to engage in the business of taking fur seals from the islands of St. Paul ard St. George, Alaska. The bill provides that all authority hertofore conferred upon the secretary of the treasury to lease the rights of the seal lisheries lo any com pany shall be repealed. The bill also re quires the secretary to promulgate regu lations prohibiting the taking or killing of seals or other fur-bearing animals by any but natives and prescribing the num ber to be taken each year. The bill pro vides that all skins taken hereafter shall be traaported annually to Bin Francisco to be sold there in the open market to the h'ffheet bidder. All the money de rired from these soles ia to be oaid into he treamry and set apat for the educa tion of tbe native of Alaska. Dunnell haa Introduced a similar bill in the ju.itfi 'Mr'uinnt'lPs IVcHinii, Ihrpm. Kaai(tM Na Trial. CiucAcjo, Jan. 11 Judge MoConnell this afternooo in the Cronin case granted the application of Kunzefor a nejr trial, but denied the motion as to the other defendants, Coughlin. Burke and O'Sui livan. Judge McConnell in his decision said iu part: I think it would be a mere pretense for me to take more time to deliberate on this matter. 1 would not arrive at a different conclusion in sev eral days than 1 have now. It has weighed heavily upon my mind during the trial that the defendants should have a fair trial. Since its conclusion it has weighed iip tn my mind whether toey had a fair trial and whether the jury had re;iched such a conclusion that within the limits a judge has the right to question whether the verdict was a jusl one. It was a just one. Judge Wing suggested Ih-it the defendants were prejudiced by not having been granted separate trials, yet the trial disproves this, becautse the theory generally accepted by the public and urged by tha state that the con spiracy was formed in camp 'JO was not accepted by the jurv, as shown hv the acquittal of fieggs. As to trie jury, of course it is mure satisfactory to the trial judge to have a jury of men without opinion as to the merit of a case anil this course was fol lowd in securing the first four juiors, buw as dropped when it became evi dent that it would !e impossible to ob tain such a jury in the country. The impression of a trial from his whole ex amination would be taken br a higher court as the judgement of a jury from the manner in which the question was approached. I am convinced that if any one watched the manner of the trial judge during this trial they would liave been irtain tho court was determined to have a fair jury. As to lhe evidence, the j'idge is not called upon to say whether, if on t! e jury, he would have come to the same conclusion. As to one of these defend ants I am convinced tho evidence is in sullicieiit. First, evidence against John Kui-ze is that of James, w ho saw him in a window across the street and never saw him again until in court. I do not think his identification is reliable. I also discredit the identification of Wil liam Merle, who claimed to hove Been Kun.e one evening. Xiemnn, the saloon keener, did not identify Kun.e positively. This murder sprang out of Irish poli tics some way. It is not necessary to even conjecture hew, but there is no motive of Kunze to have part in the crime and even f Mertes and James were to be believed, anil pieman i had been more positive, there is no difficulty in reconciling these facts with his inno cence. I mean to say that he might huve been in the Clark strict flat and all the other places and still have been innocent. I lielieve tho verdict of the jury in his ease was not only unwar ranted by the evidence, but was an ab surdity. As to the other difendantsl over-rule the motion for a new trial. Maffiia-titin of cmi Trali . " Si'okase, Pa., Jan. 10. Work at the Henry Clay shaft, the largest mine of the lteadiug company, employing I,8u0 men, was suspended indefinitely this evening. Xo reason is assigned for the stoppage other than the absolute stag nation of the coal trade. A l .!.-. I Malm. Xkw York, Jan. 14. A breach of promise of marriage in which the dam ages are placed at 8100,000 was begun before Judge Ingraham in the supreme court here. The plaintiff is Miss Caro line J. Cammerer, the twenty-three-year- old daughter of Robert Cammerer of Philadelphia. Thedefendant isClcments Miller, a wealthy real estate dealer. He is a man of family and is alout sixty years of age and a prominent member of society. The plaintiff testified that during a nimble in Central park he proposed to her. She gave him no decision then, but on the 17th of IJecember, 1S85, at Philadelphia, he again "proposed and she accepted him. Soon afterward she learned that he had a wife in an insane asylum. Jn answer to a aemanu lor an explanation he said he would get ft di vorce and later assured her father that the divorce had been obtained in In diana in July MHO. At Khtnebeck he introduced her as hia betrothed and soon afterward they came to Xew York to make purchases for the wedding. He so urged her to hasten the ceremony that she became ill and when she re covered 'ie proposed a mock marriage, which she indignantly rejected. He haa never returned to see her since Chen, though h! wrote to her several times. These are the allegations of the plain tiff. The defendant denies them all. Colonel Ingersoll, counsel for the defend ant, asked for the dismissal ot the case on the ground that she was relieved from the engagement. The motion was denied and the case continued to to morrow. Hen. Haher Xmlatrl Washiwoto.i. Jan. 11. The president sMit Uia followinc nomination to the asnats: Bevjawlo 8. Bnker.of Nebraska, to be United Stetea attorney fur the district of NeteaeJu. Bail Irnliana. Wash I. .(.Ton, Jan. II. - Secretary Proctor, who has been for Mini' mouths i giving his earnest consideration to the amelioration of the eoudition of the Apaches who have Uen held as prison ers of war since Gfror.imo and his band surrendered to General Miles, submit ted his conclusions to the president in two fiiternathe suggestions. One is the purchase of the tract of lund in the mountains of Xorth C-irolina, tho other that t he consent of congress ie requested for their transfer to sonic point in the j Indian territory if satisfactory negotia tions can lie completed. The latter sug gestion has the approval of the secretary of war and he recouiiner.ds its a loption. 1 lit- Ml io tllli-ll. LomkiN, Jan. 15. The mot ion hi chiii mit the uiauageis of the Ixmdon edition of the Xew York H' tuhl and the t'rte iiiitn'K Join iiiiI of Dublin for contempt of court for publishing certain comments on the O'Siua divorow ni was argued I today. The motion was dismissed ou the ground of informality iu the pro ceedings, hut permission was given for a renewal of the motion if the action le taki-n within a week. A low ii S-l r r,l l- Pin-, Jackson, Mi?., Jan. 1:). The busi ness isirtinii of Flora, Miss., with the ex ception of one small store, burned last night, 'lhe town is on a branch of the Illinois Central railroad and has about l,(i inhabitants. inrr ami S4-titcii-(fl. Fi.KAHt.ii, Ia , J.iu. VV Wesley Klkins the twelve year old boy who n week ago murdered his father aud stepmother living in K!k township, this county, made a complete confession of the crime pleading guilty before the district court now in session here to murder in the j first degree, and was sentenced by Judge Hoyt to imprisonment for life at hard lalsir, nt Anumosa. Young Klkins mani fested no feeling when the sentence was pronounced. He is undoubtedly the youngest life criininal ever sentenced in this f 1 1 i r. Ti e Judge has ordereda the confession shall not he given to the public, owing to ils sensational diame ter. A (;iinliy liiMirai.M' . Bai.timokk, Mo., Jan. '.. The Ameri can Casually Insurance and Security compati) was incorporated here. I with John Gill, Judge iliiam A. 1 isher, William Spence, Charles 1). Fisher and Jan es A.Gary of Maryland, and Robert SeweU and John A. Hodge of Xew York as incorporators. The capital stock is 1,0 0,( . The concern is novel in the great ramifications of its business, as it will insure almost everything against loss from anv cause under the sun. It will insure all kinds of building? and nil kinds of property, including credits, profits, and cases in action. It insures cuttle and live stock, steamships, steam boilers and engines, electric plants, plate glass against breakage, etc. It insures against liability of employers for injury to em ployes. It covers losses or damages from the action of the elem; nts, air, wind, lightning, storm, water, cold, frost etc., gaf;es, lire, electricity, ruKt mildew, poisons, decay, insects,, etc., or by accident, negligence, trespass, theft, embezzlomcnt, breach of trust, breach of contract, i-X;. It guarantees the pay ment, performance and collection of promissory notes, contracts. Isuids, rent, accounts, etc. PoL'(Iiki:kpsir, X. j.,.Jan. W.-For some time past there has been trouble between tne union glasub owers and the apprentices employed at the l'oughkeep sie glass works. When the woiks started up in October after the summer vacation the union men refused to return to work because of a reduction in wages, and the company has ever since had apprentices and non-union men at work. Last even ing a party of union men got into a street fight with some non-union men, during which Eugene Morgitbroyd, a non-union man, was badly cut and bruised about the head, aud one or two of the others hurt. Warrants for t e arrest of several of the fighters liar l)een issued. Mrs. I). H. Price of Lllwood was se verely bitten by a savage dog a few days since. Jlerlillle son wua first attacked and chased into t he house by the animal, which, being unable to follow through the door, tried to jump through the window. Mrs. Price seized a whip and started out to quell the vicious brute, when it turned upon her, biting and lac erating her ami in a frightful manner. The dog then made a desperate attempt to swallow the mar.zle of a gun, but was prevented by a timely discharge of the piece. -Henry James Lambert, the Kuglish man of Plattsmouth who gained national notoriety by writing a letter to Georgia signifying his willingness to help sol re the race problem by accepting the literal offer made by an ex-slave' of that state, which was to tho effect that he would present ILVOO to any respec'.able white man who would take his daughter in marriage, is said to be not altogether a myth. The lleraH announces that such character really exists and. that on ac count of hia general peculiarities he haa been confined to the county pour farm for the past three years. NEBRASKA SfATE NEWS' -Boiler skatiug has broken out at Gor don, i Fullerton ladies haveorganizeda brass band, : Lmp City is exjieriencing a religious awakening. Burwell wants to le the county seat of Garfield county. The new Baptist hurch at Arnold was dedicated Sunday. The Presbyterians of 'JVkauiah will build a SViKI church. Imperial's schools have beeu cloed ou account of aeuriet fever. Fremont's wow city hall will be ready for occupancy Feb-uury 1. W. H. Mills of Curtis recently lost MO head of h8 from Cholera. I Larly closing hours have been adopted by the merchants of Cliadnm. Davis county paid out ft Jt, H .( K for runuiug expenses iluring ISrt'.i. Reform in funerals is Leing agitated by the clergymen of Tecuuiseh. - An influenza epidemic has broken out in the insane asdum at HantingH. The Clav Center post-oHice is to be removed to more commodious nmu tera The state bank of Belvidere is prepar ing to erect a magnificent new building. The young s.cicty people of Hay Springs have organized a dancing club. The Missouri river is now frozen so that foot passengers may cross on tuc ice. A merchants carnival is lo bo given in the hear future by the lalies of Chad run. Registered puckages containing 15,- 0 HI were burned in the Sidnev railroad w rock. Stockmen of Table Rock are inoculat ing with lir. Billings' swine plague pre ventive. Kearney w ill blow in 500 on the edi torial fraternity at their iiiimial iiu-etiiig in that city- Susrior is tuking a lively interest iu and w ith it instruct her scholar how to the proposed extension of the Missouri get out of the roonisquirkly and sjstem I'acillc northwestward. atically in cafe i f fire. John Slater, an old and respected. The condition of Conductor Haney ctizen of Add ms county, died Sunday in Hastings of influenza. , v. i- , i ,i , 1 he Loup Cltv canal is to be thirteen ...mmi., I ,-iii l.u,.. u direct fail of sixty live fcft. After operating nt Beati ke for some time the Salvation urmy has rained the seige an left for other fields. , , , , i i.i makes his rounds tiiev are brought UacK A stock company has purchased the.""" . . . , (l old school house at Clarks, and will con- , . . . vert it into an opera house. ,, . 1 1 - i . , . Mwrefield is happy over the certainty of a new bank and a second lumber yard being located at that place. !"rtho L "4' ' i'hyu-nan cburob at j that place. It will be used in the dou Dakota county again cones out ahead, )ia (.;ll,!U.jiy f calling the worshippers having been awarded a diploma on its j together and sounding an alarm in eaj corn display at the Paris exposition. ; f jr(, More men are wanted to work on the ' -j-,,,, hU.:iii1 p!alit fr )j heating of tho Gottenburg canal. The work ia to be ! i buildings of the Kearney industrial pushed to completion as fast as 'si- p.-h..l is said to le t he largest isolated u'- steam plant in the United Stales. There Tho Union Piicitic company has built ! areStytOO twi of radiation in the ptunt a large ice house at Beatrice and propone ; and five lOxOt eighty horse-power iKiil putting tip 500,000 tona of congealed era are required to one rule them. coolness. Herbert White was tried and found guilty in the federal court at Omaha for!n;;(.d h(.v,.,,ty five, und Sofia Sempet, s.lling or giving liquor to an Indian at 0K,., f(,rlVi to murr ntit stia promiseil "omer. t() 8UIip(,rt peter. The latter is blind and The Xew York I'oce is raising money a public charge, but Sofia made the re lo send 20,000 copies of that paper to ; quired promise and the license, was i Xabraska fuiiiilies during the present ! sued. campaign. At the last meeting of the Xebraska City council license was granted to run a roller skating rink. Croquet grounds will follow later. It is undcrstS)d that tho anti-Sunday law bariK-rs of Omaha have decided lo continue shaving on Sunday, notwith standing the Inw. A number of new dwellings, a bank i ,m.t c,)H1,tH ()f cw )0J- who wir in. aud a large new hotel are some of the j toxicated and o-.e of them, to try his improvements under contract in the lit- , , , , Ho i ,in., HklU 'Jcd Iwqifr head with a rope tie town of Peru. . ,, , . ' , , .. . ; and pulled him out ol Ins cart. The in- The executive committee of tho state toxiented cow pun; iiileUt sm the Sunday school association has arrainged . other side of the j ke until the police a programme, which w ill lie held at : judge explained it. Hastings June 3, 4 5. ; n . ... . ,, lhe 11. AM. will pr.,!,aby ask the state Hicliard, the fourteen year old son of j for ,.riniBsion t() Uiiethfl Pf0K, n Judge O'Connel of Tecunmch, while out , buretUr system of lighUng fr cche. riding had one legs broken by his . A round tank is place.! upon the roof of horse on him. , Ul9 ,,)a,;h and the can filled with gaao- Kenator Mandersoii has intnsluced a line: a genorator just insido theoMoh bill for the disposition of (he lands of ; turns the gasoline into vap-ir, which ia Forts Hartfluff. Sheridan aud McPherson ' passed to a burner through a pipe. Tbe military reservations. light is W1;d to be far superior to any yet Chase county leads in more things t"'tJ for car lighting. . than one. The county now contains1 While a drayman of Dakota City WW over 1,400 children of school age, a guin crossing the Missouri with n wagon load oflOO during tho year. of beer he so tar forgot himself aa to A young painter named Hendricks of i nK Iwa Went Mf.-Gmly," when tea OS Sterling is missin. S-j is 50, the re- j "'"W"". lr and all went undir tbe ieav ceipta of a lmll given recently by the j 11 "1' 'X timely assistance that the) young men of the town. (driver and horses were saved. If th Alfred Samuelson of Clay Center, who ; 'I1'0 riatUinouth will wstoh U returned to home from the insane 1 f,v.r f"r B U ,lay lb"7 may AjmI asylum some months ago was again ,n)ct,'inf t''ir advantage, taken to the asylum last week. j Kx Chancellor Irving W. Mnoatt, for The once famous Indian brass bund. u"rly "f rtsto university, and t of the industrial school at Genoa has ! VnH'ni "l AHna, Oreeoa, wni! been rejiganized and will be put (Uj ff'0l ' Fremont : The oOkJ through a rigid course of training. i worl1 li,,t ,,,t with Athena and At .,., - , .. niimi oi v-nsoron received three hmk.n ,11- .-.i . hi. ln an .ZZZZ'r ' "Bishop Graves was giver at Kearney Monday eveo. ustHiniptionof his dutire ( created mission sry district A. J. Stump Iiri sued j Bertram! f-ir 10,0 datuaf claims for alleged injuries his horse fulling with hioij The ChaJron Journal ported Btrike of rich silver! near Spiingvww, in Keys F is probably a fake starte.t for Purvises , N.ime scoundrel has leen git t!i rets of the Masonic lar organized here. At 1 -art a laqriw ; of our citizens have the grip. Iuu- jiiililintii. j young man named Mesch was ufl caled hint Sunday night bv escaping ' steam w hile sWping iu the engine rooa of the Arens-lorf Leader bottling or si al Covington. I A movement is on f-ot to comwl tht Fremont, Kikhorn & Missouri Valley ri..:i. . i : T .. .1 :.. ....... C UiaJ. sou ri com pan v in putting in a transfer track at Crawford. J A water famine at Arlington is imr nent, a large proportion of the best t '"n ,1r-v- fln'' "u'r remaining ones is muddy and -. not lx-used without filtering. A Crab t)r hard undertaker is closing his winter slock ' shrouds. He B,nt: "I have au assortment of line : burial robes for men. women amd chil dren, which I am selling cheap. Ttie sheriff of Xemaha county has ,'got his fo t in it" by serving paier on parties living on an island in the Miss ouri river near rem. and which is claimed by tho "I'likes" as 1 heir terri tory. A public banquet will I given alFu) Sertoli alxiut February 1 upon the occa sion of tho o'iiing of a roller mill just rebuilt after its destruction in August. The mill will have a capacity of 400 bar rels per day. A teacher in the Fremont schools has U1i .,iIl(.,M ,n her department a lire alarm svstem of her ow n contrivance. who was seriously injure .lU-it wjak nt ' Ki stis, is as favorable as could be ex - oected. It. is announced, howerer, that ; I 1 .... .. . In broken limb will have to 1 amputn- ted iu order to save his life. The citizens of Harvard s nd their ' dogs out of town to evade tne paymanv of the dog tux, and after the assessor u"', . marshal, but is tiaru on me nogs, ...... ' The Alliance Aran rejoices in that a "'"" w ' ; ,K w w"nB " 7T" j ,,..,.. ... ; n i,..,.llg4, permitting Peter Drong. , , , .... ,;,., ; niwllt m!(.B uthwest of Tobias, was ' r,JUIlJ ()W nHl A.k wjlh Um , faco -ith bhssl. Durimr i ha morning he had been Unting a vicious j horse and it is supposed '.hat death re suited from a ruptured blood vcwael. A youn; man named Leepcr while out riding with his IrfwtL'irl nenr Aulmrn ucaanu all Mo ns to conUmblate tr 1 languages to kee in t"j mwmmtr t...: P-ple of .11 MtkX:' , .-