The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 23, 1890, Image 1

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    The Sioux
V"6: 3:
j&XSbXT, JA.2&. 23, 1890.
iaro. is.
Patter, - Praprirtof.
P. F.IM.VR.R. Tim UbU.
. Going- Went. i.oing Kant.
So. K im-mi(f-r, :1 No. W, T'ifir,
No. W, freight, II as No. S4, ireigbf M
Corn pr liun'lwl fi ; i
Ont-per hundred lh 85
Miort per hnndri-d J . ;s
Bran imt hundred t 78
Fh1 chopped per hundred i) 1 01
Potato per hundred lh.... 1 00
Bnttr per ! jo
Eftics-per Hot . an
Poultry per do
1 75 a t w
union-per S 4
Beans per ... . 4
Coal per ton 4 SO
Wood per cord 3 50
l.umber-natWe-per m. ft 15 00
"Corrected every Tliurwlny.
ILive you recovered from tlie la
gripi. Corn 55 cents per hundred at the lum
ber yard.
Corn 55 cents per hundred at the lum
ber yard.
Remember the M. E. Quarterly
meeting, Feb. 8th and 9th.
For Rest Sly resturant property.
Inquire of J. H. Bartell.
Go to Dr. Clary .Chadron, to get your
eyes, ears and throat treated.
When you want a good square meal
go to the Northwestern hotel.
School meeting next Monday at 2
p. m., at the school house.
Remember you can buy corn for 54
cents per hundred at the lumber yard.
... For Rent. Good house, 14x20, two
rooms and cellar. Enquire of Conrad
Farmer go to the lumber yard where
you can buy corn for only 55 cents per
hundred pounds.
Go to Dr. Clary, specialist in eye, ear
and Throat disease. Office in Central
Block, Chadron, Neb.
If you need anything In the way of
Eye, Ear or Throat treatment, go to Dr
Clary, specialist, Chadron, Neb,
G. Guthrie inform us that he
Intends to handle pumps and wind mills
in connection with his lumbar buisness.
The Northwestern hotel always
takes good care of ft guest. A trial
will satisfy you that that is the place to
The second mmrterlv conference of
the M. E. church will occur on Feb. 9,
1890. Presiding Elder T. U, Webster
will be present
C. R Wells has fitted his store
room up in nice shape, ith covenient
bins and other fixtures which enables him
to take care of his customers in short
For comfort and good living go to
the Northwestern hotel when in Harri
son. Everything is done tliat can be to
make it pleasant for those who stop
The popularity of the Northwestern
hotel has been gained by the pains taken
to please guests of the house. People
like to go where they are well taken
care of.
A few days ago Andrew Christian,
who lives in the edge of Wyoming, was
lifting a log when his foot slipped and
a piece ' of wood went nearly through
his foot. No bones were injured, but
he will be laid up for some time.
The farmers are all talking of put
ting out quite a quantity of sugar beet
seed, if they can get the seed. It would
be a good plan for some of our mer
chants to see if they can get a supply of
the best seed so that the farmers can ob
tain what they need.
The contest on Tuesday evening
at the M. E. Church for the Demorest
gold prize medal was well attended and
a great interest shown. The gold
medal was won by Miss Emma Weir.
This closes the work of the first class,
Sid it is probable that a new class will
be organized and the contests continued.
The school meeting announced in
the last issue for the 27th inst was for
school district No. 7 instead of No, 9 as
stated. By an oversight the figure 9
was put in when it should have been a 7.
The meeting will be at the school house
in Harrison at two p. m. on Jan. 27th.
and 'it is urged that all interested be
We bear it remarked that there is a
dearth of wheat in Sioux county for
seeding purposes, owing to the small
acreage which was raised last year, it
will be necessary for organized action in
this matter. The acreage of grain
should not be permitted to sutfer for the
want of wed for the farmer to tow.
The railroad has a special rate on grain
to be used for seed and if it could be as
certained how much mora would be
needed than there is in the county a uni
ted effort would do much ' toward secur
ing the needed grain. It is getting to be
the time of year when this matter should
bt looked after.
Tell yrtur friends in tiie east to come
to 6iotlx county. There is no danger of
a dry season in 190. You can urge tiiat
point for a plenty of rain is assured.
ETswbet-e jn this issue appears
call by the county for bids for furnish
ing coal to the county for the ensuing
year. The new officials propose to do
filing? fiHit.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Verity wet
corned a bran new boy to their home
on last Saturday. That is the eaus
of tlie broad smile which Mr. Verity
wears of late.
A good many of our citizens are
temporary grass widowers, their fani
ilies being in the east visiting. It
would 1 a good plan to organize
grans widowers' club.
State Auditor Benton reported to
the county clerk that during the year
of 1889 tliera were 170 pieces of land
proved up on in Sioux county. This,
with the increase in personal property
and railroad in the county will make
quite an addition to the taxable prop
erty to be listed next spring.
County Clerk Lindeman and ex
Treasurer Lockwood put in a good deal
of liard work during the past week
getting the records of the clerks office
relative to the doings of the treasure
in Everything in the treasure's
office has lieen checked up so that it
is known in just what shape the finan
ces are in.
The commisHioners paused an or
der at llieir session last week requiring
that all justices of the tieace in the
county deliver their dockets to tl
county clerk, prior to the next meet
ing of the county board. Notice of tlie
meeting will appear in TlfE Journal so
that the justices can be thus informed of
the date at which the dockets will be
Some time ago the hearing in the
case of Brookmire vs. Rosa &. Thompson
was had before J. W. Hunter, who was
then county judge, and a judgment ren
dered in favor of the plaintiff. The at
torney for Brookmire states to us that
the time for taking an appeal has ex
pired and therefore the case has termi
nated in favor of his client. We are in
formed tliat P, E. Baifd, of Chadron. at
torney for Rosa & Thompson, did not in
tend to appeal the case, but is preparing
to take it to the -district court on error.
Owiag to. tho fact flat momt I4
tlie village funds were used up for
officers saleries, the towri is now short
of water. A subscription was circula
ted some time ago and enough contribu
ted to complete the large cistern near
the well, and enough was pledged to
do the work, but for some reason no
work has ever been done on it. As it
is something will have to be done or
water will have to be btought from
some other place. It wa understood
when the contract was let for running
the pump that a bond was to be given
for the performance of the work but
the supply of water is about exhausted.
Some action should be taken to prevent
such it state of affairs.
While the snow on the ground is a
good thing for the farmers it is rather
bad for the cattle men who have let
their cattle range for a living without
providing feed or shelter. It is said
that many of the cattle are already
getting quite poor and if the snow re
mains much longer it will cause se
rious loss to the cattle men. As the
locality is settling up quite rapidly,
the days of ranching are past and this
also goes much against the large
cattle ranches. The opening of farms
makes it necessary for the cattle to lie
herded during the entire year and it is
plainly evidenced that it is but a ques
tion of a very short time when the range
cattle will all be removed from this
part of the country.
The Elkhorn is piling up ties
along the "Y" at this place. We have
not learned the object but it is likely
they are preparing to extend their line
west in the early spring and are getting
their supplies of material as near the
place where they will use it as they can.
At all events the prospects are that
this line will be made an important one
before the close of the present year.
It is a case of necesity for the compa
ny to increase its buisness in some
way for the travel on the line does not
pay and rail roads do not, as a rule, op
erate their lines for fun. - If a connect
ing link is put in from this line to the
U. P. it will give a through line to
Denver and that will be an excelent
thing for this section of tlie country,
Dbsolntlon Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between S. H,
Jones, C. E. Verity And C, E. Holmes,
under the Arm name of Jones it Verity,
is this day dissolved by mutual consent.
The busines will be continued by C. E.
Verity, who will pay all liabilities and
to whom all accounts are payable.
B. II. Joner.
C. E. Verity,
C. E. HoLMKfl.
Ilafriaon, Nab., January 22, MQ.
G. W. Hester contributed to the wel
fare of The Journal last Saturday.
Geo. Cobb and John Ragland were hi
Harrison on Tuesday.
Cttut Christensen was in Harrison
tlie first of the week and made a pleas
ant call at our office.
Mrs. J. M. Robinson was sick the first
of the week; but at last reports was im
proving. Ed Blunt called at our office yester
day. Pave Bartlett is still on tlie sick list
though improving.
Mrs, J. T. Weir and daughter, Miss
Emma, left last evening for Bostor.
Mrs. Weir wifl extend her visit until
spring, and her daughter will enter
school and romain until her education is
Wild West.
We have snow a foot deep on a level.
Fine proxiects for a good crop.
Nothing to do, every body stays close
to their stoves and plan for the com
ing spring.
Mrs. T. Holley is under the doctors
care at Crawford, Mr. Holley made her
a visit the 18th.
Watson and I. Bowser are at Crawford
running a beef and bolongna shop.
Jerry drove all of his hogs, big and
little, down to Crawford. .
Geo. Cant is batching with Holley
this winter.
There are some range horses running
at large here which will be correlled.
Feed for
livery barn:
sale at the Harrison
55 cts per hundred
62 " " "
pj-fj i t it
Smith Bros
Corn, bulk,
Mr. William T. Price, a justice of the
peace, at Richland, Neb., was confined
to his bed last winter with a severe at
tack of lumbago; but a thorough appli
cation of Chamberlain's Pain Balm ena
bled him to get up and go to work. Mr.
Price savs: "The remedy cannot be
recommended too highly." Let anyone
troubled with rheumatism, neuralgia, or
lame back give it a trial and they will,
be of the same opinion. 50 cent bottles
C. H. Andrews, druggist, desires to in
form the public tliat he is agent for the
most successful preparation that lias yet
been produced for coughs, colds and
croup, it will loosen and relieve a se
vere cold in less time than any other
treatment. The article referred to is
Chamberlain's cough remedy. It is a
medicine that has won fame and popu
larity on it's merits and one that can al
ways be depended upon. It is the only
known remedy that will prevent croup.
It must be tried to be appreciated. It is
put up in 50 cent and SI bottles. For
sale by C. H. Andrews.
The new county officials have got
fairly into harness. County Clerk Lin
deman has got pretty well fixed in the
running of his office. Treasurer Gay
hurt has got his duties well in hand and
as he cannot be here all the time he has
appointed S. H. Jones, of ' the Bank of
Harrison, deputy treasurer, so that par
ties having buisness with the county
treasure can always be able to transact
it when at the county seat. The recent
ruling of the land coramisioner prohibit
ing the county judge from taking testi
mony in final proof cases cuts off the
buisness of that office so that a man can
not afford to put in his time for the
amount he would receive, and commis
sioners having provided that tho clerk
could have a deputy Mr. Lindeman has
appointed Judge Barker to that place.
That makes it so that the county
judge can always be found at , the court
house when needed and at the same
time gives Mr. Lindeman a careful,
painstaking and competent deputy. Su
perintendant Southworth is getting the
details of his office in shape and will do
all in his power to advance the educa
tional interests of the county. Sheriff
Reidy lias not selected a deputy so
far, as he does not see the demand for
one. Surveyor Dew is ready to fulfil
the duties of his office whenever called
on, and Dr. Sliafer wears a solemn look,
in keeping Vith the duties of the office
of coroner, while County Attorney Walk
er is ready at all times to do the du
ties devolving upon him as prosecuting
attorney for Sioux county. By the
amount of buisness transacted during
tlie first session of the board of commis
sioners it is pretty well demonstrated
tliat they propose to accomplish some
thing while in session. The prospect
are that under the new administration
the affairs of the public will be well
looked after. The new officers realize
that their action in all matters will be
'ilosely watched by both friends and ene
mies and as they are pledged to the peo
ple to give tliem honest, just and eco
nomical government they will put forth
Uwir bwt attorU to radara tfatt pledge.
Best Line to the East.
The Burlington Route B. A.. M. R. R.
is running elegantly equipped passenger
traines without change from Newcastle,
Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct
to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection
at that point with their own through
trains for Denver, Cheyenne, and all
points west, and for Kansas City, St,
Joseph, St. Louis, Omaha, Peoria, Chi
cago, and all points east.
Remember this is tlie only line by
which you can take sleeping car from
Crawford in the evening arriving in Lin
coln and Omaha the next afternoon, and
in Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis the fol
lowing morning.
For further information and tickets ap
ply to nearest agent of Burlington
Route B. Sl M. R. R.
Notice of Contest.
U. S. Ijmd Office, Chadron Neb.,
January 8, 1H1K).
Complaint No. i!0M having been entered at
tills ottiee by Charles K. Nicholson Hiruinut
Thomas Trice for failure to comply with law
ax to limber-culture entry No. 6316, dated
March a, ihsm, upon the nwtf, see 2, tn Ti. r M
InSioux county, Nebraska, with a view to the
cancellation oi siiid entry; eontentunt alleg
ing uiHi ine aam claimant has laneu w
break 5 acre (lurinar the second
year after entry, and thitt he has failed to
cultivate the live acres broken the first year
after entry ;snd has failed to cure the defect
up to the dnt of this contest. The said par-
rtles are hereby summoned to apj)esr at this
office on the aril day of March, lsSK), at 10
o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testi
mony concerniiic said aliened failure. Tes
timony of witnesses will be taken before.
John A. reeu, a notary public, at his office
in Running Water precinct, Neb., on the 24th
day oi renruary, mu, ai iu o ciock a. m.
18-24 J T. if". Towers Receiver.
Notice of Contest.
V. S. Land Office, Chadron, Neb.
OeceinlsTSSO, IssD.
Complaint No. 17:14 having been entered at
this office bv ('has. K. Gowev. against Jasen
liores for failure to comply with law as to
timoer-culliire entry No. 0140, dated Decern'
ber 14, 1SH5, upon the bcK neM. neif sex and
tt M'M, sec 5, tn 27, r 54, in Sioux county. Ne
braska, with a view to the cancellation of
said entry; contestant alleging that said
claimant failed to break or cause to tie bro
ken ten seres of said tratt during the first
and second years, anil failed to plant five
acres 10 trees, sccna or cuttings, during the
third year sfter entry was made and has
failed to cure said defects at dute of initia
ting this contest.
The said parties are hereby summoned to
appear ai mis oince on u aim aay oi reDru
ary, IWIO, at 10 o'clock, a, m., to respond, and
luruisn wsinnony concerning sum anegea
failure Testimony of Witnesses will be tak
en before John A. tJfemi, a Notary Public, at
uis omce in itunmng waier precinci, hioux
county, Nebraska, on the 13th day of Febru
ary. '"J", at lOo'clock a. m.
16-22J T. F. Powbrs, necetver.
And the
one year for
Two Dollars.
To every one who pays for a year's
subscription to The Journal ill advance
we will send them in addition, postage
paid, for one year the celebrated farm
daper, "American Farm News." Or
Offer Ho. 2.
We will send the papers as 'above and
also the Western Stockman and Culti
vator (aI6-page semi-monthly) for
Now is the time for
to Uka advantage of this offer.
We think the prospects for a
boom in Sioux county in
are very good.
With the good trade we had
last year and with the outlook
for a better business this year,
we feel encouraged; and with
years experience in supplying
tlie wants of Sioux county peo
ple, we are better prepared than
ever toselljyou what you want
at '
Rock Bottom Pr
Dry Goods,
Boots and Shoes,
Hats, Caps,
And Clothing;
Oil now
Get it for 0 i-2 per
where else.
We don't make 9 per cent, loans but we will make you a reasonable loan and
Than those who advertise the
1-2 per cent
cent, straight some
""MV-'ilW,'.!.(..-wl.. l'