The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 16, 1890, Image 2

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Cioux County Journal.
on tho Meckey system will probably goon
be aotOed'and freight traffic on the differ
ent roade again be resumed. The Peoria
Decatur 4 Evansville grievance commit
tee arrived here and with other delega--t
inti conference with Presi-
.i-,t UW.t at 3d. ni. It is understood
at this writing that concessions have
been made on both sides. President
lfarka haa airreed to reinstate four of
the eight discharged conductors without
investigation and to inveetigate the
cases of the remainder, with a view to
.v-;, -mnlovment. The point of dis
agreement ia believed to be the demand
of the strikers for Superintendent
Hurd's discharge. An adjournment of
the conference between the grievance
committees and President Macaey is
looked tor about midnight. 'i.he stri
kers around the yards tonight are confi
dent that matters will be settled before
the conference is ended.
A final adjournment of the confeience
was taken at 11 p. m. last night
When asked the result of their deliber
ations Traffic Manager Kraemer replied:
-The troubles are settled. This is all
I can say at present." The men are
equally reticent and nothing definite
can be obtained from them. It is prob
able, however, that the strike will be de
clared off tomorrow.' No reason is given
by the officials or men for their unwill
ingness to talk on the subject of the
terms of settlement.
Struck In the roc-
Des Moisks. I a., Jan. 5. -The foggy
atmosphere last night was responsible
for an accident on the Rock Island road
which resulted in the injury of several
persons and the destruction of several
cars. The accident occurred between
Malcolm and Brooklyn, in Powsheik
county. It was a tail end collision be
tweentwo freight trains, the fog being
so dense that the engineer on the second
train could not distinguish the red
light on the first section until too late
to prevent an accident. The caboose on
the first section, which was occupied by
the trainmen and passengers, was
thrown from the track and several of
the occupants were injured. Seven
freight cars were also thrown from the
track and the engine of the second sec
tion was somewhat demolished.
Bode him a Kali.
East Livekpooi, O., Jan. 0. At
Ilooksrstown, Pa., a band of regulators
took Johnston Calhoun, one of the old
est and wealthiest resident of Beaver
ounty, from bis house, beat him and
rods Dim on a rail until their strength
gavs out Calhoun is badly injured.
He is sixty years of age, and has a young
wife of whom he is very jealous, and his
aniol treatment of her has been the
town talk for some time.
Mora rorela-a Capital
Milwaukee, Jan. C The Angus
Smith system of elevators, "A," fcB" and
"C." located on the south side, were
yesterday sold to an English syndicate.
The price paid is not given, but it is un
derstood to be more than a million dol
lars. Their storing capacity is 200,000
bushels. Mr. K. Sheppard, formerly a
Milwaukeean, who has recently returned
from London, and who it is said repre
aanta Eruriiah caoital in some other
ventures, engineered the deal. The syn
dicate is the same one that bought
breweries in Cincinnati, O., and Syra
cuse, N. Y., some time ago.
Work Hcaamed
Mattook, Iu Jan. 6. The striking
conductors, brakemen and switchign
crews of the Peoria, Decatur & Evans-
ville railroad, who went out id sym
pathy with their fellow employes on the
Indiana lines, concluded to resume
work. The first train moved in thirty
Ats hours was started at 2 o'clock for
Paoria. The man on this line had no
B-riAvance and considered it ill-advised
to quit their places.
Both ratal lr Wounded.
Jacksohviixk, Jan. 8. For
long time the affairs of Miss Keener and
Nathan Paston, her colored coachman,
have been the gossip of the town. Borne
time ago Paston went talowa and while
there Miss Keener sent the negro a large
monnt of valuable property. This
morning Pastes returned and pro-
eseded to the home of Miss Keener,
whan be was met by her brother, Tom
Keener, who ordered the negro away
As Fasten turned to go he met Mis-
Keener and a young man named Kan
croft. Without warning the negro drew
a ntatol and becan shooting, first at
rtanmft, who was twice wounded, and
the at Mies Keener, who promptly
Mtonadtba fire, both being wounded.
Caw Keener wae shot through the lungs
adhipawd k la a very critical condi-
PaawM was shot in tne arm aaa
At this joaetore the negro was
g-Yf! and dawnaed by the crowd
dnwnto theeeeoe. Pasten U in jail,
tat to an terribly injured that it is
&act heeanaot recorer. It kaaid
Ct tZ Kaanar eaa searoely lire
Crfcwk5. ThalUanar family
uzaXweL ;iiniwtfai Jaataon
tfZ HZ XLiXU flwrtac been m
f'A k tti MMllM bneiaesaat
. ja Ml tiTTWfirat eawi
1 ballad IZanmrtm
. u...... k-uiaa la Few Hsan.
Sas Fka.-misco. Jan. '.. -A strike oc
curred at the Union iron wor.
afternoon which was amicably seuieo a
few hours later. The men objected to
an order of the company providing ior
anasaeUment of 30 cents to insure
medical attendance in case of accident
About 300 men left the shop. A confer-
.1-1 . 1 - Anmnanl AO-TAmI
nee was new anu w w. -
to refund the money.
frefcr a Confer"'-
Losoos, Jan. C.-A vote has been
taken by the employes of Scotch railway
lines on the ten-hour question. The re
sult shows that a majority of the men
are opposed to a strike and in favor of a
conference witfi the managers, with a
view to relief from exce-eively lng
periods of work.
Uuu( li- a Ikx'T Makl Mm
NewOkleasn Jan. 9. -The Time
Democrat" Bayou Sara, La., special says
that abody of masked men took Henry
Ward, the negro boy murderer, irom uie
jail last night and hanged him to a tree
the court house square.
Fatal IXK !.
MiNNfcAroiJK, Jan. G. A special to
the Tribune from Pine Uity, Minnwja.
There was a sad death here from hydro-
r.r,nl,i at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
n iwv irht vears oiu, sou ui
Julius Dosev. of this place, was bitten
anme four weeks ago by a dog belonging
ti A V. Urakett that had acted strange
ly for some days and was supposed to be
rabid. He was killed by the village
marshal. A few days ago the little one
uh tRken ill and after several dBys of
severe sunering uieu. " -
Rush City, the attending physician, pro
nounced the symptoms as t how? men
belong to hydrophobia.
Author of ll.e Hwlfd jwpiu r-
- . . -ar- i. WW ill
Xew York. Jan. 3. The Commercial
AJnertiwrjt Albany corresi)onaeDv n
t . - . 1
learned that the author or u.e iiubuki
mnid transit bill is William M-Ivinu, ex-
chamberlain of New or city ana uuiu
r . . ..,
recently a partner of William K. Grace.
William V. St. John Tndr Hli Bmils-
Nkw Yokk. Jan. 0. William P.St.
John, president of the Mercantile Na
tional bank and also president of the
southern society, has resigned the latter
office and withdrawn from the society
In a lttr announcing his withdrawal
he states that he is one of those who did
not think it proper to take any action,
as a society, on the death of Jefferson
Davis. There were varieties of feeling
in tne associaiion on m "
the objects of the organization were
purely social it was not proper for a
portion of the society to take action of a
political flavor purporting to express the
viwa nf the society as a whole. 1 he
time has not come when the epitaph of
Jefferson Davis can by written in terms
n,wTtjihl to all Americans alike. Ihe
sole justification for the existence of an
organization in New York city, bearing
the title "Southern" is as the interpreter
between the north and south tor the
presd of sentiment in common, and the
action in question cannot tend in this
A Great Celebration.
Chicago, Jan. 9. Two thousand people
gathered in Central Music hall last
jight to celebrate the anniversary of
Andrew Jackson's great victory over the
English at New Orleans. The celebra
tion was under the auspices of the
Andrew Jackson league of Chicago, a
democratic political organization. Ex-
Governor Proctor Knott w as the chier
TobaeeonUts He-orgaalie.
Washisotow, Jan. 9. Representative
of many leading cut tobacco manufac
turers of the country met here and
organized a trade mark association,
having for its object the protection of its
members in the use of legitimate trade
A ratal Caae.
Toledo, O., Jan. 8. James E Hus
ton, ex-prosecuting attorney and a well
known lawyer and politician of this city
died of la grippe here. He returned
from Columbus Saturday and was im
mediately taken with the disease and
which resulted in his death. This is
the first death reported from la grippe
here, but the disease is spreading rapid
ly and in many cases is very severe.
Settllas aa Old Dlflcaltjr.
Kansas City. Jan. 8. The Time
Liberty, Mo., special says James C.
Scheeta, ex-prosecuting attorney of Clay
county, shot and killed John Luyton.
The cause of the murder is a mystery
and the identity of the murdered man
unknown beyond the fact that he came
here a few days ago from Illinois with
his wife en route to California. Scheetz
has been out of town for some days and
Luyton had called several times "to
settle an old difficulty," as he expressed
It Scheetz will make no statement nor
aay anything as to the identity of the
victim. An effort waa mude to see Mra.
Luyton, but she had gone to California,
leering ber husband to follow her.
A fanner living on the island in the
Platte, avren miles from Columbus, was
in that city Monday to purchase corona
for two of bis children who bad died of
diphtheria. While in the city he
esired word that another child had died
ha took three eoflna home with hint.
The uw.f ul I w4Mk for Mm I'
at rna Vto.
Colx'mui's Jan. 10. The demo-!
cratic rnembers of the legislature eon-;
vened in caucus for the purpose of se
lecting a candidate to be Toted on for
United States senator to suocavnl Jlenry
S. Payne. There were numerous at
tempts to effect a combination during
the afternoon, but they all failed. The
caucus was called to order at 7:40 and
the roll call nhowed seventy-three of the
seventy-eeven members present, forty
being necessary to a choice in the cau
cus. Representative Huntof Shelby pre
sented the name of Calvin S. Brice, it
being received with loud applause. Rep
resentative Haggerty presented tne
name of Hon. John 11. Tbouiay and
Representative Forbes that of Julin A.
McMahon. Several other ' names were
presented. The first ballot resulted:
Brice 20, Thomas 11. McMahon 1 4, liakiT
0, Hunt 2, Neal 2, McSweenev 4, Heney
2, Geddes 2, Outhwaite 1.
The name of Hunt was .withdrawn
and the second ballot resulted: L'rice 5.3,
Thomas 3, McMahon LI, Baker 1, Seney
2, Outhwaite 1. Monatt. on behalf of
Thomas, moved the nomination be made
unanimous, w hich was agreed to with a
whirl and much enthusiasm.
Tig Iron K-ll-y" ttrml.
WAn)N.To?t,Jan. 10. Judge William
D. Kelly of Pennsylvania died at GMI)
o'clock , last evening. At the lelnide
were Mjs. Kelley, his daughter, Mrs. r .
O. HorJLsman, his pon, W illuim 1J. Kel
ley, jr., and A. B. Kelley, Dr. Stanton
and Private Secretary Weirick. He was
unconscious at the last, as he has ten
at intervals during the last two days.
His remains will be buried at Laurel Hill
cemetery, Philadelphia. The immediate
cause of the death of Judge Kelley was
intestinnl catarrh, brought on by a cold
contracted during Christmas week. For
Bone year?, however, he baa been an al-
ro t constant sufferer from a cancerous
grow th inside of his face, which was re
moved about six yeara ago by a sur
gical operation. The relief thus obtained
however, was only temporary. The
funeral services here will take place in
the hall of the house of representatives
Saturday at noon.
Judge Kelley was born in Philadelphia
April 12, 1814. He was elected attorney
general of Pennsylvania in lW.r and in
184G was judge of the court of common
pleas of Philadelphia. In 1800 be was a
delegate to the national republican con
vent ion and in the same year was elected
to congress, where he has served in the
lower house longer than any other mem
ber and for this reason is often called
the "father of the house." He has for
mnnv years been known UifPttt Iron
Kndcd Mw Carver.
Saxta Fe. X. M., Jan. 10. -An un
known Mexican desperado has been ter
rorizing the people in the vicinity of the
mining camp at Georgetown for some
time. Yesterday he rode into the to xa
and began firing at the citizens. A
posse succeeded in capturing him, but
before he could be taken to jail a mob
seized him, hanged him to a tree and
filled his body with bullets.
Hied to Ueath.
Nkw Yoke. Jan. 10. J oseph Kosoo
aged forty -eight a Russian nobleman by
birth, committed suicide this morning by
gashing the arteries of both arms with a
razor and rapidly bleeding to death.
Despondency induced by misfortune was
the direct cause of the act. He leaves a
wife and five children in destitnte cir
cumstances. Kosoo was of a noble
family that was for centuries in power
in Poland-Russia. During the revolu
tion of 18C3 the government suspected
Kosco and banished htm to Siberia for
ten years. The estate was confiscated.
Five years ago he came to this country
with all that waa left of his fortune, $10,-
000, but ill luck seemed to follow him
for all hia venture resulted in disaster.
Nhot off Hl Own IleaJ,
Wiwamac, Iwd. 10. Charles Kur
yart, prominent farmer of county,
and his neighbor, Ferdina-i Gastings,
in the adjoining countv of Starke, quar
relied yesterday over the boundry line
of their farms. Gastings went to Kur
yart's home later, called him out and
shot him dead and fired another load
into the open door of the house, serious
ly wounding Kuryart's child. Gastings
then walked a abort distance from the
house, reloaded bis gun, sprung the
trigger with a stick and shot off hie own
head. ;
Two Mra Kilted.
Cmc Alio, Jan. 10. An accident which
resulted in the killing of two men and
the serious injury of two others occurred
at Higby A Peters' lumber yard at 3
o'clock yesterday afternoon. Four lum
ber shovera, John Thorn peon, Andrew
Johnson, John Perry and John Lind
quiet, were carrying a large piece
timber' and passed a pile of timbers
twelve inches wide and twelve inches
thick, when in some way the timbers be
came loose at the bottom and toppled
over before the four men could make
their escape. Johnson and Thompson
were crushed to death beneath the tim
bers, dying almost instantly. Perrynd
Lindquist each had alisb seriooely
crashed. They were taken to the coun
ty hospital, where it is tboot ampaU-
Uoa win be aeeesaary ia bott oaaaa.
A FanrlMn.
Imuuxhjs, Jan. 10. Jud' Cirehh
iii has entered a tUx;re in the caae of
; the Central Trust company of Xew Vork
and rraok bturjis gainii u.e unio.
Indiana t U'wltm Railroad company
ordering the foreclosur r ileof the
shrrt IiHh Account
Chh a(o, Jan. 10. I. P. Sonville, a
nephew of G uiteau, the asmsia of Presi
dent Gartield, has disappeared and his
whereabouta are unknown. IIe usjuecre
tary nf a ! 1 building arid loan aiwocia
tiou and il is alleged he is uliort in his
accounts to the extent of j,0f f.
A CullMpar at Hhantuiig.
Sax Frasuwt), Jan. 10. Iu the thea
tre collapse in Shantung, China, report
ed by telegraph from Shanghi in these
dispatcher!, it appears the temple where
the performance was being held stands
on a high terrace. A hill was once there,
but it has all been cut away except the
portion on which the temple stands. A
all about fifty feet high was built up
rom the street to support the terrace.
During the performance the entire wall
suddenly gave way and the whole mass
of men, women and children were hurled
to the street below. Many died of suf
focation and o'hers met death by being
rampled upon by their fellows while
rying to escape. All Una time the im
mense blocks of Btone and concrete from
the broken wall fell with deadly force.
Heads were burst open, bodies cruifhed,
and arms and legs broken. The lint of
dead numbered nearly 2.10.
I'owrirrty to be Arrested.
.S-raki).n, Pa., Jan. 8. A properly
drawn warrant for the arrest of Mr.
Powderty, sworn out by Edward Cal
laghan before JuBtice Keener, of Scott
dale, was received here. Whe the consta
ble went to Mr. Powderly's house he
fonnd the grand master workman sick
in bed with quinoy sore throat and influ
enza and did not make the arrett.
Nrrdft Mopr .Mnliry.
BiKMARCii, N. D., Jan. 8. Governor
Miller has sent a special niessago to the
legislature asking how the current ex
penditures are to be met, and stilting
that the present deficiency has almont
reached the constitutional limit of
1200,000, and that the state auditor can
not issue evidences of indebtedness be
yond thut sum. Tt.e governor hna
vetoed the agricultural bid.
In a Illleiniiia.
A woman who was riding down-town
on a imru avenue limn rerenwy, says
tin! N. Y. Xun, l.-ccaine involved in nil
interesting dilemma, which afforded
am iseiiieiit to all those ii.-tssenircrs w ho
U-eanii! aware of it. lie win Heated
directly behind 1 lie last cross seat in
the car. In front of In in was a young
woman who w as devoting her time to
watching the windows on the opposite
side of the street as the tram sped
along. She was young ami pretty;
without her knowledge a, few tresses
of her blonde hair had escaped from
under her bonnet, and had fallen over
the shoulder of the man behind her.
and had in some unexplained manner
become fastened around one of the
buttons of his coat. He made one or
two delicate attempts to remove tho
wanderings tresses, hut was so tiuna
that he only entangled them the more.
He sat there with a frightened hut
meek expression upon Ujs face, not
daring to move. A climax was put to
his predicament by the young woman's
arising, or rather attempting to do so
at fourteenth street, bho hail only
got half way out of her seat when she
felt a violent tug nt her hair, him re
sumed her seat and turned around in
dignantly to learn the true, situation.
Iu a moment her complexion rivaled
that of the unfortunate young man
and her attempts to release herself
convulsed the w itnesses with laughter.
Her lingers trembled, and after fum
bling away until the guard had closed
the gate in vain attempts to release
herself ehe gave one violent yank at
the two tresses, breaking them off and
leaving the cuds still entwined around
the miserable button. Aliliouirli the
man saw them and was painfully con
scious of their presence he did not dare
remove them unlil tho young woman
hau left the car at tho next station.
For the rest of the way to the city hall
he kept his head buried in his news-
The Girls Do Ihe Courting.
In the Ukraine. Russia, the maiden
Is the one that does all the courting.
When she falls in love with a man
she goes to his house and tells him the
state of her feelings, ji no recipro
cates all is well, and a formal mar
riage is duly arranged. If, however,
he is ucwilluig, she remains there hoe
inz to coax him into a better mind.
The poor fellow cannot treat her witb
the least discourtesy or turn tier out.
for her friends would be sure to avenge
the insult. His best chance, therefore
If be is really determined that lie won't
is to leave bis home and stay away as
Song as she is in it. This is certainly
very peculiar way of turning a man
out of the house and home. On the
isthmus of Darien either sex can do the
courting, with the natural result that
almost everyltody get married. There
is not quite the same chance where the
girl has to bide the motions of a hesi
tating or bashful swain. 1'iMurg J)i
A Datchman'e Idea.
"I am afraid," said the business
man, "that the natural gas about Pitts
burg is getting exhausted. They've
been simply wasting It."
"Veil, said an old Dutchman, "wot
you expect from dem fools. They
haven't got no sense. Why don't they
keep on making more of dot natural
gas to replace it with, just like the for
estry Uw, where they make them put
down one new tree for every tree for
every one the cut dowor"' '
Hi ig cholera prevails in Ha-lan couuty.
Exeter baa a new post-office building.
Nebraska has 316,a05children of school
The Salvation army hs left Stran? t
its fate.
Omulia'a police force is composed of
ninety four men.
M. M. Warner is preparing to ianue a
history of Dakota county.
Rabbits are destroying large numbers
of apple trees in Jefferson county.
The grippe has made its appearance in
the northwestern part of the state.
Dr. Edward McGlynn will address the
Omtilia single tax club on the 2Hth.
The new school house at Madison will
be ready for occupancy February I.
The ice bridge is now firm at Niobrara
and the mail anil express cross the river
on it.
Wellrleet haa just voted
school bonds to build a
i per
Many Lincoln county farmers will net
out a large amount of fruit trees in the
Johnson, an old resident of
City, died of influenza on
Two hose companies, eompobed of forty-seven
young men, have been organized
at Geneva.
One o' the heaviest rains ever kcowu
so lute in the season fell a few days ngo
at Burwell.
During the steady growth of last year
North Platte expended Sl.VyXO in mi. j
Fifteen Scandinavains were naturalir.
ed at the last term of district court in
Deuel county.
Dakota county has expended nearly
;,000 in supKrting its paupers during
the past year.
The Catholics of Kearney will hold a
fair commencing February .1 and contin
uing to the 8th.
The citizens of Hebron are making an
eliort to secure the locution of a paper
mill at that place.
Workmen on tho Seward water works
well have penetrated the earth to the
depth of feet.
Pierce county votes on the court house
question again this nic. h for the third
time iu two years. .
At a public sale recently, reserved
amis in Thurston county br light from
fi") to H'l per acre.
The past year has ltn n prosperous
one for Geneva, t.125,001) having been ex-
-ended in improvements.
Insurance companies have paid out
over $10,000 for fire losses in r remont
within the past sixty days.
R. T. Evelund, of Bee, challenges any
man in JSewaril county to a rine snoi,
distance 200 yards, off hand.
For selling liquor without a license
Saloonkeeper Minnick of Humboldt has
been fined $o0 and sent to jail.
Sterling's business men have organi
zed a board of trade for the advance
ment of the interest of the tow n.
Five car loads of machinery for the
sewing machine lactory at weeping
Water have arrived during the past
Ihe severe add weather lias er-
rupted work on the Short Line at Plain
view, the ground lieing frozen to a depth
of eight inches.
Thomas F. Donivan, a deserter from
Fort Budger, Wyo., gave himself up at
Columbus Monday. He said he was
ungry r.r.d tiud tf j uuuit.
The supervisors of Holt county have
sent papers to the commissioner of In
dian affairs asking for a bridge across
the Niobrara river opposite Riverside,
The citizens of Louisville and vicinity
met yesterday for the purpose of discus
sing the advisability of erecting a free
bridge across the Platte river at that
A farmer named Larrison, living seven
n.iles southwest of Wymore committed
suicide Thursday by shooting. He had
been acting strangely for several days
and it is thought he was insane.
The second car of supplies lor the Da
kota sufferers was shipped from Wayne
a few days ago. The car contained 503
bushels of corn, 1,750 pounds of flour,
200 pounds of meal and some clothing.
Parties who have lived along the Mis-
rouri river in this county for thirty years
say they have never seen it so low before,
says the Dakota City Eagle. There are
places where it can be forded, and it is
still falling.
Little Artie Murdock of Grafton, went
into a stable and in some wav ran against
a horse. The animal began kicking and
struck the little fellow on the head, in
Aiding a serious wound, besides tramp
ling upon him.
The B. A M. is using a clay found
tew miles west of Holdrege for track
ballast. After being burned and kiln
dried it resembles finely broken brick
and makes a solid roadbed througli
which weeds never grow.
Thursday morning Anton Bau man's
double store at Fremont was destroyed
by nre. Loss, IGXJO; insurance, 12000.
The German National bank also lost
fUHOln one af the buildings burned,
The cause of the fire is unknown, but
supposed to have been acclilcUi.
Mrs. R. F, Baker, ooe f ta
settlers of Marriek county. d
Archer Monday of influeoia. I
The peper mill at West Point has i
a large business the past year and kV
on a thoroughly paving basis.
Owing to the inability to ptoses,
cream the North Platte creamery new
suspended and offers the' plant for a
H. Springer, of Hayes is the owner of j
a short hoi o cow which hsa given birth 4
tofoer well 'developed calves in on
year. ;
The tierce contest over ilie Blair potf
jtlice has at lat beeu settled by all th
contestants being rejected and a "dart
horse" recommended.
The Nuckolls county court house
bonds were sold Wednesday st a press-
ium to parties in Cleveland, O.. fhe j
county making M on the deal.
The first flag raised over a school
house in Adams county was hoisted over
the school building in the Wallace dis
trict last Monday by W. E. Newl.
Benjamin Macey fell dead Monday at
his home in Mt. Pleasant precinct. Case
county. Deceased was an- unmarried
man alsiut tifty years old and one of the .
oldest Betllers of the county.
TIs the Wajr of the WorIX
"That's a fine dog of yours." said n
man at the postollice to another man
who had a line hunting dog at his
heel-. . ,
"Yes, he's a pure strain, and well
trained. To heel, Roger."
The dog fell iulo jHisition with brisk
alacrity. ... , .
I d like to buy a dog like mai.
naiirthc first fmenkor, "but tne troume
is, Alien you find such a dog his owner
will'iievcr part with him."
Toil can have Jiouger ior a..
said the dog owner; "I paid .J lor
him when ho was two months old.
Isn't he a little sunken in the lai-K
for a thoroughbred? asked the omer
Not a bit. That is one evidence 01
pure blood."
"Now that I notice him I see that
bis legs are a trille crooked and he i
lotigt-r than tlio real Gordon setter. I
must have a true proportion 111 a tlog
that I huv."
That's right," said the owner
coolly ' Yon couldn t uuv my Uog If
rou Vera Vanderhilt. hy, then
isn't a hair on him that I w ould sell II
I could get f-HW for it. You iieedu I
depreciate him another point. He isn t
for sale nnd never will lie good day,"
and the umn and the dog disappeared
toiicthur. iklruti tree 1 rtss.
'Congrentnan Martin Huye Vt
Congressman William Martin of
Texas, who was tlio innocent butt 01 a
great deal of fun and practical Joking
ut the Congress, is ierlinp the
heaviest smoker in tho official life of
the capital. Ho has been described and
illustrated extensively, out an me pen
and pencil pictures of him lack one all;
important icature, me never
The fragrant weed is his great com-"
fort and consolation, to wliich he re
sorts almost constantly in his waking
hours. He is not particular as to
brand, quality, style, or price. There
is a cigar stand in tho corridor of tho
House which ho patronizes unremit
tingly. When he steps up to the
couulcr he says to the clerk, briefly.
"Cigars." .If the clerk lays down on
the case a handful Major Martin
counts them, lights one, puts the otb- Jj
ers in his vest pocket, and asks, "Bow-jCSmf
much?'' Tho amount is stated and 1
paid. If only one cigar is laid on the
case ho takes it just the same and says
likewise, simply, "How much?" The
clerks, as may be expected, keep hint
well supplied. I 'lulaueiphta inqmrtr.
An Accomplished Artist.
A gentlemanly hnrglar went to the
National the other night The burglar 't
is taking a vacation just at present.
He was very much Interested in the pev ;
tent drop-alimo-ln-the-slot-and-grjt-a-pair-of-oera-glasses-box.
Ho looked 1 ;
it over, and anon chuckled within: ,
"Well, this is fine. Now let us see. V '
He dropped a dime in at the top,
turned the screw and tho lid felL The
ojK-ra glass came out, (
"In New York they had printed on (
the lining a statement that the opening
of tho box was communicated to the ; 1 '
ticket office outside by some electrical
device. But it was a fake, and they ; '
had to chain the glasses as these are
chained. Now let us sec."
He took a pair of nippers from hit ;
pocket and cut the chain. The glasses r
were placed in his overcoat.
"Hum! ha!"
He deftly took a hairpin from the '
lady in front, gave it a few bends and . j
went to work. In just forty second til11 en
had got into the cash till and recovered ;
his dime with throe others, lie then
pushed It back in place. Tho lid still . ,'
remained ojen. lie gently pushed U . i
"You have to use a special key to
lock it up. Now sec."
Ho gave the hairpin another twist,
probed iuto the slot at the top, hooked
something, and gave a pulL The U4 - , :
w as closed, the opera glasses gone, Md
the till lapped. He straightened Ut
hairpin, gave it the proier turn, M4
inserted it among the lady's trasses.
"Sometime within a month that kz
will be opened," said be, as ho wCUll
out, "and a disapiolnted rlaaa lnr'T
will have a row with the ooorptrrrx, j
or w hoover has it in charge. Tto t V '
pany is getting up some electric! I tf P
vices to indicate when one of L f '
opera glasses goes out of doofn. ' li V
will work by magnetic attrao&ri t ' l
the door. But the tirstmanUMf t" '
up will have a bunch of kayaKS I" f
tho machine to jumping, andtiMi V'-!
lady will have steel corset ribs. - , , f j
is a great scheme." 'eMo-t V
a m iliaMiaasaMSan -"-
A.9?,d,r"n Am refused tf "
at city because her oiMrn t
arvant girl. ity tfoL
tvidentlv crm .111.1..'.. VTZ
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