The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 16, 1890, Image 1

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HABRISOW, iC&B., JfLisr. 16, 189.
VOL. 2:
; . 4
XN V-. J-O.
i v.
A Patterson, Proprietor.
F. E.4 I.TE.B.T1mt)lf.
Going Wnt. ColiiK Kant.
fo. 91, rmumrtBPT, :ttt I Vo. Pt. pmpn(rfT( A :
Ho. , f rpitflit, 1 1 j So, W, freight, 2:05
Corn per hanilnvt 4
OM per hundred -.. H8
Shorts per hundred t 8
Brn per hundred . 7S
Feed chopped per hnndred -.. 1 00
Potalom per hundred tb 1 00
Batter per 40
E4W per doc... .
Poultry per dor 1 no
Onion per 4
Bean per lb 4
Coal per ton 4 SO
Wood per i-ord S 50
LumbPT native per m. ft 15 00
fforreeted every Thursday.
nts pSm
ndred nt the him-
Corn 4f een
ber yard. x
Corn 4.S cenw perndred at the
ber vard. N
Do not fail to talM advantage of our
combination offer.
Oo to Dr. ClY-,Grtiidron,'tngpt your
eye, ears nnd'thrart treateoT
Remember you enf!
cent per hundred at
For Rknt. Goes;
rooms and cellar.
Farmers go
you can buy corn
hundred pounds.
1 '
to thUyrn
V corn for 4
mlier yard.
ise, Uxin. two
mre or Lonrno
ber yard where
ly 4H cents per
lecialist in'eye, ear
Office "in Central
ST Oo to Dr. C
and Throat disea
Block, Chadrr
C. F. Slinf.-vrland has moved into the
house belonging to Mrs. Bassett, next to
the resilience of C. E. Verity.
If you neeTrWnything in the way of
Eye, Ear or ThronWveatment, go to Dr
Clary, specialitvhrtrtron, Neb.
Don't forget that The Jotrnal is
prepared to do all kinds of job printing
m.aneatandtu.sty manner, onshort
A progressive euchre party occurred
at the residence of E.D.Satterlee on Mon
day evening, and those attending report
A letter was received a few days
ago from Mr. Thomas, the mill man, but
he had not decided on any plan of action
at the time of writing
Wasted 500 good posts wanted on
ubscription.for which we will allow 10
cents apiece. A good cliance to got Thk
Jocn.NAI. without any outlay of cash.
On account of the prevalence of the
influenza in the community, Hie contest
for the Demorest prize medal has been
postponed untilTuesday evening, Janu-
The influenza, still nan its grip on a
number of people in this locality, feme
liave recovered and otliers are just com
ing dow n with it. No one 1ms teen seri
ously ill with that alone, although Mrs.
McDowell lias been suffering from a com
plication of disuses as a' result of an at
tack of the malady. Judging from the
reports the disease is not so severe at tliis
altitude as at other places.
On last Friday Slieriir Iteidy went to
Crawford and brought back D. A. How
ard, the manager of the jubilee singers
who were here last week. Ha was tried
before Judge Barker under the statute
relating to lieating hotel keepers, and the
court found him guilty and fined him
f 25 and costs. As he had no money he
will have to board it out. C. E. Holme
prosecuted the case and E. D. Satterlee
Mr. William T. Price, a justice of the
peace, at Richland, Neb., was confined
to bis bed last winter with a severe at
tack of lumbago; but a thorough appli
cation of C'hanilx-rlain's Pain Balm ena
bled him to get up and go to work. Mr.
Price says: "The remedy cannot be
recommended too highly." It nnyone
troubled with rheumatism, neuralgia, or
lame back give it a trial and they will
be of the same opinion. 50 cent bottles
for sale by 0. H. Andrews.
A good example of what can le done
in this ortion of the country in the way
of improving a farm with a little money
is the case of J. W. Scott. He came here
a few months ago and now has a house,
stable, sheds, stable lot fenced and the
posts set clear around his place and a
cross line of posts, ready for the wire
and in all lie has expended less than $100,
all the rest having been accomplished by
his own latior. ill some one tell us
where there is a place where a settler
can do as much as that with so small an
investment of cash?
On last Sunday a severe storm passed
over the east and southern part of Ne
braska and extended dowfn as far as St
Louis, Mo., at that point, as well as the
rest of the territory covered by the storm,
it was severe enough to be reported as a
blizzard. The people of Kioux county
can look with pity on the residents of
these portions of the state while such
storms prevail, free from most of the
severe weather which their neighlor3
have to endure. If your friends want to
le almost free from severe storms t:11
them to come to Sioux county to live.
We wish to urge on the farmers of
Sioux county the importance of begin
ning in season to prepare for exhibitions
next fall, Our county ought, by all
means, to have an agricultural society
organized by that time and hold a county
fair and an exhibition should be made at
the state fair without fail. If a little
pains is taken in preparing the ground
and putting in the seed, much lietter re
sults can be had, and a much more cred
itable showing made both at the county
and state exhibitions. It would be a
with the general wish of tle pe4 to
go to the bottom of the affairs offtbe
county and let the ople know in Jp6t
wliat sliape matters tUnd. We ufciir
stand that a large number of petitio3irsi
... . . i
ling gotten up for various things,
Best Line to the East.
The Burlington Route B. &. M. R. R.
is running elegantly equipped jiassenger
I traines without change from Newcastle
Wyoming aiid Crawford, Nebraska, di
to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection
Peoria, Chi-
it is to be hoped Umt tht people wijeot at that point with their own through
attempt to crowd them upon the Mftra trains for Denver, Cheyenne, aim ail
too rapidly. There is a great. dart of points west, and for Kansas City, St.
work to be done and it can be donAJ Pre Joseph, St. Louis, Omalia
ranidlv if new business is not put UP eago, and all points east.
ahead of them. It was found that PM RemeniW this is the only line by
liadbeenno county attorney appealed which you can take sleeping car from
according to law and the board appolpted Crawford in tlie evening arriving in Lin-
riwnra Walker ti fill tlie vacnncv. Od rviln and Omaha the next afternoon, and.
another natre appears the record ot the in Chicago, Peoria and St Louis the fol
proceedings had at tlie hist nieeting,4nd lowing morning.
the doings of the board during thN nes
sion will appear in the next issue of HE
For further information and tickets ap
ply to nearest agent of JJurlington
Route B. & M. R. R.
Surveyor Dew was at the county", aeat
on Tuesday. ;
Notice of Contest.
I'. S. Land Offline, ( hadron Neb., I
.Imnmrv .1. 1"S)0. 1
Complaint So. WiW having been entered at
t),lB ..ttii.e liv (iinrleH K. Nu'tloWoll HftUlnsl
Harrison th first Thomas l'rli-e for failure t voiily witu law.
as to tlinlxT-cultii
March :t, issii, upon
lie-lonx county, Ne
cancellation of aal'
lug Hint the said
break 6 acres
year after entry,
cultivate the nv
after entry .and
up to the date of
o'clock a. m
monv com1
tlnionv of.
John A.
In Ku
dav ol
iK VVatei
Z. O. Deuel was in
of the week. j
Arthur Weir is assisting in TllE Jot'R
SAL office at present. . J
Attorney C. E. Holmes went dowy t he
road last Saturday evenin;
John Mcintosh called last Thursday riles are here!
, , i ... l miicr ij Li,,? tt'm
anu gave us some cusu mi buiw uy.
.Ins. H. Cook went to Crawford! last
Friday evening, returning next mennng.
E. M. Carrier made a trip to Cralford
Tuesday evening and returned UiJne.t
Ex-Commissioner Burke left on
day to assume his duties at the
man coal mines.
County Commissioner Green a
at the county seat on Monday reiU
business on Tuesday.
Eil. C. Lock wood has lieen Ite
most of the week making his final
ment with the county board.
County Commissioner drove 4
on the morning passenger Ti
ready to do service for the county.
Mrs. M. R. McDowell has teenfquite
.111)!, dated
2, tp T,, r S4,
h a view to the
tentant alien-
baa failed to
i-inff the seconu
iBliat lie lias lnneu io
s broken the first year
lied to cure the ueioei
conteat. The said pai-
ined to Hiiiiear at this
f March, Isflo, at 10
1 and furnish testi
fied failure. Jes-
be taken lK-fore
mblic, at liln offlee
I)., on thezun
clock a. m.
T. I". l'w'EKa Kecciver.
1 11 j mies
ary 21st.
The books ol the luffalo Lumlicr j good plan if steps were taken at an early
Co. will remain aVtl lumber office of i date for the organization of a county ag-
time for settle-
ustof ail owing
O. Guthrie for a 1
ment and it is
them to call sooii
-ItetnenfVf The Jouisal clubs with
almost any paper in the United States
and when vou want anything in tlie line
of pajiers or periodicals call and see us
and we can save you some money.
' The snow continues to fall occasion
ally, anil the settlers prospects brighten
as the snow deepens. Good crops are
almost certain for the voining season,
and a year of prosperity ' is bound to
To those who have promised to bring
us wood on subscription we would say
that it would be very acceptable just at
Dresent. and we will be clad to have as
much as our friends will bring us as soon
as possible.
Tire Journal acknowledges itself un
der obligations to Mrs. Wm. Scliultz for
some line beef and sausage. There is no
class who enjoy good things to eat
better than western printers, and conse
quently the above good tilings were
highly appreciated.
The Harrison orchestra, consisting of
Dave Bartlett, John Blunt acd W, E. Pat
terson, went to Lusk last evening to
furnish musik for a bull. It is needless
to say 1 1 nit tlie people of Lusk were
highly pleased with the service rendered.
The weather has been quite cold and
tome more snow has fallen. Today it is
considerable warmer so that the snow is
beginning to melt. It is to be hoped
that it will go oil' slowly so that the
moisture will guttle into the ground
rather than run otf the surface',
Who will take the
January 12, was the 89th anni
versary of Goo. Walker's birth, and not
withstanding the fact tluil the date fell
on Suuday a number of inunds assem
bled at his residence to help
brate the event. The result
ricultural society.
lead in the matter?
C. H. Andrews, druggist, desires to in
form the public that he is agent for the
most successful preparation that has yet
been produced for coughs, colds and
croup. It will loosen and relieve a se
vere cold in less time than any other
treatment. The article referred to is
Chamlicrlain's cough remedy. It is a
medicine that lias won fame and popu
larity on it's merits and one that can al
ways be depended upon. It is the only
known remedy that will prevent croup.
It must be tried to be appreciated. It is
nut u n in BO cent and tl bottles. For
sale by C. H. Andrews.
A vacancy has occurred in the treas-
urership of scnool districn No. 9, and the
director, S. L, R. Maine, has issued no
tices calling a meeting of the electors of
the district, to be held at the school
house in Harrison, on Monday, January
27, 1890, at 2 o'clock, p. m., to elect a
person to fill the vacancy, There is no
question but -hat everyone in the dis
trict should be present. There is no mat-
ter of more importance to the people
than the conduct of the public schools,
for it is there that the foundation is laid
for the future well-being of the com mu
nitv aud it is necessary that good, intel
ligent and honest school ofticcrs lie elect
ed to look after the interests of the rising
generation, It is to be hojied that all in
terested in the public school matters will
be present at the meeting called.
The county commissioners met in
regular session on Tuesday, all the mem
bers being present and they are still in
session. The most of the time thus far
has been occupied in checking up the
books of the county treasurer preparato
ry to turning the same over from the old
to the new treasurer. This is aboutcom
pleted and the board will soon turn their
! attention to other matters. There is a
him cele- great deal of important business to be
was that 1 transacted and the board will no doubt be
Notice of Contest,
f. . Land Office, Chailron, Seb. i
Deepinherao. lssli.
fomnlaint So. 17:!4 havlnif lawn entered at
thin i, nice liv I bus. K. liOKi'v, HKuhiHt Jnaen
Don's for failure to comply Willi law as to
timber-culture entry So. .1140, dated Dccem
ler 14. lss.". upon the hcW nei,, nC-4 seii and
i.k . uii- .v tn-iT. r M. In Sioux county. Jie
braska. with a view to the cancellation of
uniil ciitT-v: contestant alicKiuK that "aid
claimant failed to break or c.iiimc to lie bro
ken ten acres of saiit tract during me nrsi
Mini Mi-conil vcttru. and failed to plant flvi!
acres to Ii'cch, weds or cuttings, iui-in( ine
third year hi ter entry wan made ami lias
failed to cure said defects lit date of iuina
tlntr this contCNt.
The said imrtie are hereby summoned to
nmiear at this office on the, with day of 1-cbru
urv. iswi. at 10 o'clock, a. in., to j-nxpond and
lurnlxh testimony concerning sum nucKcu
failure. Testimony of witnesses will Is- tak
en before John A. l.reen, a Notary Public, at
its on ce in icilnn ng iirecinci, .--ioiia
county, Nclna.-kH, on the i:;ih day ol 1-enru
ary, I'.!, at loo'clo'-k a. m.
It,-i2 . 1. f . niwi.lis, ncceivci.
We tli ink the prospects
boom in Sioux county in
are very good.
With the-good trade we had
last year and w ith the outlook
for a better business this year,
we feel encouraged; and with
years experience in supplying
the wants of Sioux county peo
ple, we are better prepared than
vei to'selfyoit what you want
Rock Bottom Prices
Dry Goods,
Boots and Shoes,
Hats, Caps,
sick from the effects of the inili
but at, last accounts was improvii
TT. T. Zerlie left on Monday
for Omaha and points in Iowa oi
ness. He will lie absent a bo
O, J. Gowey wo in Uat-rh
morning ana gate use
ash to secure The JontSAL and
mium papers for a year.
M. Gayhart camo over on Tuesday to
be present at the transler oi tne proper
ty of tho county treasurer s othce
Mr. Lockwood to himself.
County Hu,.intendent Soutl.worth ClftliY PfillNTY I0IIRMAI
..H ,0,,nitMt the first of the OIUUA UUUI1 I I UUUlilini.
week attending to the duties of his of-
Ho will he here again on Katur-
The State Apuorttoiuiii'iit.
The following shows the amount
money to which tho various school di
liicts of Sioux county are entitled, from
the hist state apportionment, as reported
to us by County Superintendent South
worth. The funds are now in tlie hands
of the county treasurer, subject to the
order of the proper school oflHiers:
And the
one year for
K nr., her. Alllollllt,
1 .24 7
i -m 74
' 47
4 111 40
ft - s
fi 30 12
7 4.1 M
"""rimiiiiiiiiz" .i") 4s
U 30 II!
I t ' t
1H 24 (lit
H.I IS 70
15 44
in it) on
iii ...... is 7:1
adlllll""--. l 4(1 paid, for one year the celebrated
21 . . 7 IIH 1
To every one who pays for d, year s
subscription to TllE Journal in advance
we will send tnem in auumou, iioutc
21 .
14 04
... 27 44
... 22 OS
... 17 71
The Journal'
In the nldntt and naint popular BdentlBc Mf)4
mechanical paper published and h (he larffMt
elnrnlatlen ot any pflpr oi u ciaw in vnm wuriu,
riillT HIimtrKteit. Beat cla nf Wood KnumT.
Own. Putillohed weekly, send for p,cimen
ecpy. Price fa a yar. roar monthii trial, fl.
IIL'NH k CO., flULianiHs. il Uroadway, N.V.
Edition of Sclentiflo American. W
A (rreat nuerM. Ech triuo oontntn colored
lUhopmphio platM ot country nod city retlden
ct or public bu1l(llDtf. Niimerotu engraTtngi
n1 full plnnp und Hiwolflrntioni for thu un ol
mich ui cod tempi fiic nunaiue. rncef jjoi m year,
may inr-
ed by ppply
Ing to Munn
A Co.. who
haTM hadoTer
40 yeara' ejtMiience and rave made ot
X1,,W applii-utlont for American and For
elin pnipnl. "nrt for Handboua CorTea-
pondonco i rtcily cooUdcntiai.
in rn vntir nmik In not rptrlitered 1n the Fat
f 1 1 OiiUfl, apply o UVNS A .' nnd proour
rol'Vft M;rtT tor hftokii, charts, ma pa,
(laer, 1 American Farm News." Op
Offer No. I
We will send the papers as jibove and
also the H'esfcrn Stockman and Ci'lti
vat or (a 16-page semi-monthly) for
Now is the time for
And Clothing,
Get it for 9 1-2 per cent, straight some
where else.
We don't make 9i per cent, loans but we will make you a reasonable loan and
Than those who advertise the
per cent
- '-i
tire day
ry jd':
j in session lur
MtK.II ..f th" 1
"'.- It
mo yet.
His ilf-po- j
in : r'l i
i; iii kiV pr.wrjrf;!. Auuri ft
,4-:-' I- J .