. . 1 - . . - 1 ' ' r unty Journal, HE Wat, a "FT A TV&TBOUT, NTSB., ,X.AJSr. 9, 18SO. v. j i Sioux Gd v. -a.--' y It' ;- V 4 it it a i H K3 OOUX COCHTT r.K.AM.TB.E.T'lattoU. WM. IMuIul HARRISON MARKET. Cura-pr handled . 0U pur bndnd Sbocto pet hasdml . "ran per hundred Vot rhonacd-nar handrad ft.. Potatoesper haadred Btt--por rVmbwy per dos Ontoua pw 78 10 4 4 H - Cad pur tan. Wand per card.. Uunber satire-per a. fv eaTCorreeWd every Thursday. It Ml School re-opened on last Monday. -Now it the tint when wood on sub MriptioB very acceptable. Do oof (ail to call on Thk joctwal t you want a nice job of printing dona. For Rjcrr. Good house, 14x26, two room and cllar. Enquire of Conrad Tinrtenian. Tall your friend to subscribe 'for ItaJoraXAL and get the benefit of our premium offer. The Drat regular matting of tha new board of county commissioners will occur on Tueaday, Jan. MUi. Quite a large number of tlie people from various part of tle county came in Uiia morning to witness tba seating of Um new oountv official. ' .J -Tm Joctxal want several loada ol wood on subscription as soon as possible. uon i pa nacRwani, . but bring on your wood. Wood on subscription, like a mo tion to adjourn, is always in oroer. C. K. Wells is receiving his stock of goods this week and will be ready for business in a few days. He will occupy Um room formerly occupied by Bosa aV Inompeoa. Xbe v books bf the Buffalo Lumber u. will remain at tha lumber offlca of 0. Outhrie for a limited time for settle ment and it is to the interest of all owing tham to call soon. -. . ... ., At a meeting of the two societies on Wednesday Miss Retta Sands was elected president and Miss Ida Hester secretary bftheW. C.T. U., and Mrs. L L. Lusk was elected president of the ladies' aid society. The sixth prize medal contest oc curred on last Friday evening and the medal was won by MW Ida Hester. The, ooate for the gold medal will occur on Friday evening January 17tU, ' 4Juiia a number of people in Harri ana and vicinity are suffering from the nfluenza. None have been seriously ill so far, although a number have been laid up for a day or two. -Harrison needs a tmrness shop. There would be a good business here for a harness-maker ..who would put in a stock of tliat line of goods "and let people know that tliey can get a new harness or have their old one repaired without go ing some other place, If you wan) to, keep youj; friends in the east inforqjja. thy prospecta of Bioux i mint Jljn1 iniliiiijiiliii fin a copy of Ttu JotltMo be sent to thera. It will save you writing and will do them mora good than a letter each week. Have you filed on government land? Do you expect to file on government' land? If oi then you should purchase a copy of Uie "Settler's Guide," full in formation in reference to homesteads, 7-amption and Umber culture entries, the latest rulings of the land department. In short, it gives tba land laws in a nut shell. Twenty -live renin per copy, for sute by Reidy A Pollard; The entertainment by the jubilae sing ers on last Monday evening was', quite well attended and was as good an enter tainment as could be expected in a place of this sis. They left on Tuesday, and we are informed that they left soma bills behind uneettleU" Bhariff'' 'pfoat "was sent after them and succeeded in getting enough money to partly settle, the ' bills, and they, in turn, have coromaooad aortjs kind of a rail against Mr .'Pfoat. It is regarded as a huge joke on him and ha is having loU of fun about it, "'" Tba cold weather which baa pra railed for the past- weak baa been jdst what our psopie like to see. It ia right that tit wHaiher should be cold at Uiis fimaof tha year, and Kiaatr bdioaUon of a good crop next asasoo, AU tbo aatr t)n fl food ovar Um proapacti' tor Uk future of Sioux county. ' M bounteous pjufall ia assured nadthat makes good crop sJraacartaioiA. 'Ilow for a long pull, a iitronf pull 'u k ajsthar raralarraautiilMf of HjS0m' Do not fail to take advantage of our ceaabtafttioa offer. Dent forget that Tm Jocbjtal is ptapaaai to do all Wade of job printing taaaaat and taaty maimer, on abort Wivn-900 good poets wanted on (iibacKptioa tor which we will allow 10 oanta apiece. A good chance to get Tnt Joiwial without any outlay of rash. Bametnber Thz Jotkxal clubs with almost any paper in the United States and whan you want anything in the line or papers or penodua.li call and sea us and we can save you soma money. J. F. SchulU is having a good deal of business with his grinder and converts a good deal of wheat into breadstuff. Of course ha only makes graham flour but ground as be does it , it is excellent Hav itm tried it we know whereof we speak. In our advertising columns appear the card of Adolph Begenhagen, M. D.t who has recently located in Harriaon, Tba gentleman is a graduate of tha med leal schools of Germany and that is prat ty good evidence of his proficiency. He baa his office at the Northwestern Hotel. The prospects for the mill are good. Mr. , Thomas left for his home on last Friday evening and stated before he left that he felt very fyycrable towards Uie project and would inform us of his dW4 ion as soon as he could settle a few ftointfi bearing on tha matter. It is quite rob abla that he wHI decide befsre the iimt of tlie montii. Every day brings report from the net- tiers that they expect friends from the east to come to Sioux county to locate in the near future. It is about a settled fact that thera will be the Iteaviest im migration this season that has ever been known, and avarv familv aero ml an rem increase8 value of all the prop. erty in the county. Tlie weather has again moderated and yesterday was as pleasant as one could desire. , Severe weather does not last as long in this locality as it is apt to iu Um eastern portion of the ijtat. Ia factj Ijfi weather here the year around is 'more pleasant, as a rule, than any local ity we know of. " toftrtinlubcr of new building are al ready being talked of to be erected dur ing the season. One indication of pros perity brings on another, 'The prospects of good cron pi veu the business men as well w tlie farmer encouragement, and attracts new business enterprises and it all goes to develop Sioux county. 6n Tuesday evening Mr. Maine, father of 8. L. R. and Edward Maine, braatlml.WK jvX at aliout 10 o'clock p. m. Mr. Maine had reached the age of 83 years and for some years past liud.beea a great, sufferer. Ue bus beVtn a confirmed invalid for quite a long time and had re--natedly expressed a desire that death would come to his relief. He hod loug been a devout christian and passed away as quietly as though falling into a sleep. The funeral occurred to-day at Um M. H church The board of county commissioners met on last Monday and began Um work of approving the bonds of ' Um officers elected in November. A good deal of figuring was done and some of the bflt- cets elect were compel leu to strengthen their bonds before the commissioners would approve them. It was about all completed by Tuesday night. Tba board also hjid.to make a' fituvl settlement witi Um county treasurer and so it has been quite .a busy session. The new county officers take their seats today. L. O. Hull was appointed county attorney to fill Um' vacancy caused by the resigna tion of E. D. Satteriee. The county now has an entire set of hew officers except one county commissioner. Dqo. M. Weir, who has one year yet to servo.. A des perate attempt was made by some of the old gang to keep the new officers out. TIm course pursued, indicated that a plan was lata lor mat. purpose, un bonus were nearly all .approved1 on Tuesday and then on Wednesday evening the board decided to re-consider the. bonds on a legal technicality, raised by the newly appointed county attorney. There was a fear that Um new officers would be put to all the trouble possible and a large number from all parts of the county came in to witness the proceedings. The A. Green took bis seat as commissioner. aid the. other officers were soon in their places. Ajur an uie cnargas oi wrong doing that have been made, Um demand comes from all quarters that a thorough investigation of all the county records be made so the people will know in just what shape tha county ia and wheif the' funds have gone, and netting but a search to Um vary bottom will saUsfy them.' they made the fight for that purpose at Um' polls in November and (hey came here to see that tha men they elected ware properly seated and they will stand by tha officers in Um discharge of their duty, with tha same spirit of honesty of purpose and determination VVatjuaUoe shall be done that baa char- 4 I jpunty PKEMOXIL. A. BoutbworUi waa in the seat on Monday. County Treasurer Oayhart speailjnosl nf flu waIt in Huvimii A. W. Crites was up from on Monday on legal business. Ctajdron, a R. Story, John Ragland, CkaCobb itial otiiers ware m Harriaon on ThuaVtay. Hon. Alfred Bartow, of CbAron, was in Harrison on Monday on legal bus iness, Miss Nettie Snyder is employed in the store of C. R. Wells, as clerk and look keeper. Asa Davis called on Saturday and ordered The Jochkal sent to IL L. Davis, Taylor Hjll, 111. t Ed. C. Lock wood was at Lincoln Jast week making his settlement wiUt ' the state treasurer. ' ' , Judge Barker arrived home from Kush ville on Saturday so as to take poaaassion of Ills office to-day. R. E. Massey arrived on Monday from Newcastle. He says that tliat placv is not as good as it is reported. . Wm. Schultz called ou SatunLiy and paid us Um cash for a year in advafre, thereby securing our premium mper. Cliarles OroVe, comniissioner-lri-t from Um 2ml district was at the county seat on Saturday , and called at our otlV e. Thomas Devenport, J. D. (iates, Joe Decker and a number of otiiers were i from White river pn Thursday and ciifd at our office, ' I Sioux Coantr Teachers' Assoc la Uati j JANUARY 2. PWHItNOOS 8KHWON. ,4 The Teachers' Association met at 'the Harrison school house. Tlie meeting vfcs culled to order by Um cliairnmn. ' Tne subjects Geography, Penmanship und iff thography were discussed. Ailjoiinil to meet in the afternoon at. the alj ve named place. ' j AFTEH.NOHS HGSHlON. The. association met at oVkxy The call to order was made by the cha man. The following subjects were dis cussed: Drawing, which wajLyeiy esting, conducted by Pro. C. E. Holmes; also Physiology and Grammar. Ad journed to meet in Uie evening. " - VEXINU 8K8HIOI. Association called to order by chairman. The committee on" Uterary exercises failed to arrange a program, but Uie teachers all res)xndl ami the evening was paused quite pleasantly with recita tions, etc. Adjourned to meet January 8rd, at the same place. JANUARY 8. MORMNU SESSION. The Association met at the school houfe, Called to order by the chairman. Tlie following subjects) were discussed: The Word Method, How to prevent Tar diness, School Government and Securing Attentieh at Recitations. A committee on resolutions was appointed. A motion to adjourn was moved, and seconded, and atljpujjiiueut made subject to call by the officers. Ida Hester, Sccretury. The following resolutions were read and adopted; Resolved, Tliat we, Uie undersigned teachers of, Sioux county, extend a vote of tlianks to the citizens of Harrison for the interest manifested in the recent Teachers Assjciation, and be it also REHulAKb, TJiat we also commend (?) the present county superintendent and county superintend-eleci for their inter est X?) shown throughout the entire meet ing; and be it also ' Rkholvkd, That we return our thanks to the. committee on programme for Thursday evening. Aba Davh, Chairman, Ida Hester, Sec. SftNNiE Crane, ' Retta 8ands, Nettik Snyder, Rlth Elbert, Clara Snyder, B. B. Smith. Land Patents. TIm following is a list of the land pat ents now awaiting the call oi" the owners at the land c pee at Chadron, the land for whicU tliey were issuedheingin Sjoi county. Cash entry No. 1,843, Mike Blewett, sec. 33, twp. 84, R. 95, w. Cash entry No. 1,343, Jas. H. Doyle, iwgo. Hi, twp. 88, R 68, w. Casheqtry Nu.( 1,846, Pierce Blewett, sec. 33, twp. 84, R. 5ft, w. . . C. H. Andrews, druggist, desires to in form Um public that he is agent for the most successful jiwuaratjon that has yet been produced for coughs, colds and croup. It will loosen aod relieve a se vere cold in lees time than any other treatment. The article referred to is Chamberlain's cough remedy. ' It is a medicine that has won fame and popu larity on it's merits and one that can al wavs be depended upon. It is the only known remedy that will prevent croup. It must be tried to be appreciated. It m put up in 30 cant and $1 bottles, ealiby C.H. AAdMWa, For Beat 14m to tha East. The Burlington Route B. A. M. R. R. is running elegantly equipped passenger trainee without change from Newcastle, Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection at tliat point with their own through trains for Denver, Cheyenne, and al) points west, and for Kansas City, St. Joseph, St. Louis, Omalia, Peoria, Chi cago, and all points east Remember this is the only line by which you can take sleeping car from Crawford in tlie evening arriving in Lin coln and Omaha Um next afternoon, and in Chicago, Peoria and St Louis tlie fol lowing morning. For furtlier information and tickets ap ply to nearest agents of Burlington Route B.1M.R.R. Notir. of ratt. V. S. Land Office, Chailrnn Neb., I Jsuunry g, Itwa, I ( oYiinlslnl No. MM hiring linen entered at this omr lT 'hHrlts E. Nicholson affuinat TI10111H8 lrlr for fsilurr tncomplr with law as to tiiiiluT culture entrjr No. MIB, dated Msrch S, ISSH, tion the nwfc, are t, tp t7, r M, Insioux county, Nilrnkn, with a view tothr cancllHtion ofMHld entry; cont4tiit alleg ing that the said claimant liaa failed to break 6 acre during- tlie wcond year after entry, and that lie has faild to cultivate the Ave acres broken the first year after entry ;and has failed to cure the defect up to the ilat4 of thia content. The (aid par rtles an; lierehv auinnioned to ap)ear at till office on the 3rd day of March, IsW, at 10 o'clock a. in., to rcapnnd and furnish testi mony concerning mild alleged failure. Tes timony of witnesses will tie taken before John A. (irecn, a notury public, at his office In KuiiiiiiiK Water precinct, Ncli., on theMtb day of r'clirunry, IHW), at lOo'cliM k a. m, IliMK) T. f. Powssa Receiver. Nolle of Cnutest. T. S. Ijtnd Office, I 'hndron, Neb. I Decemls-r), lsa. Conijilnint No. i;:M having lieen entered at tills onlce by i'luis. K. tiowcy, against Janen liores lor failure to comply with law lis to timber-culture entry No. 6140, dated licceiu lsr 14, IHH5, upon tile's nep ne.4' seV and x'4 ! . '' 3, t t A4, In Sioux county, Nc braska, with a view to the cancel lnt ion of sahl entrv; contestant alleging that said claimant failed to break or canne to be bro ken ten acres of said tract during tlie first and second years, and lulled to plant live acres to treew, seeds or cuttings, during the third year af ter entry was made aim has failcd'to cure said defects at date of Initia ting this contest. The said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the gntli day of Febru ary, tslMi, at 10 o'clta'k, a, 111., to rc'rMud and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. TcMllino'iiy of witnesses will lie1 tuk en before John A. (ireen, a Notary Public, ut his office In liunning Water precinct, sinux comity, Nebraska, on tlie l:ttli day of Febru ary, 1HWI, at too'clock a. 111. l-) T. r. -IttWE-as, Kecelvcr. THIS? TWO PAPERS TOR THE PRICE OF 1 THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL And the AMERICAS J.VB.H $WS one year, for Two Dollars. To every one who pays for a year's subscription to The Journal in advance we will send them in addition, postage paid, for one year the celebrated farm. daper, "American Farm News." Or Offer fJo. I. We will send tlg papers us above ttd also the Wentern lilQcJcman awl Culti- vator (a 13-page Hemi-raiq,thly) for, -$2.25- Now is the time for. vou. nr or nr to take advantage of this offer. LooIom We think the prospects for a boom in Sioux county in X890 are very good. WiUi the good trade we had lost year and with tlie outlook for a better business this year, ve feel encouraged; and with year experience in supplying tlie wants of Sioux county peo ple, we are better prepared than pyer to sel you what you want at Rock Bottom Prices ALWAYS. Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes,. WBIB & CO., PROPRIETORS RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. DON'T on now FROM US IF YOU CAN Get it for 9 1-2 per cent, straight some; where else. We don't make Of iier cent, loans but we will make you a reasonable loan and on betted mm Than those who advertise the 81 RACKET. - 21 . rf u. eji jxd, Clothing, OtlEY per cant 'i 0 V i $ . J r' ' )j ' ' ....... v'A ; AS 5 f -it ..