-"-v' l r i "npWi at, uin ded for I Ira't it HencVraoBr for you to " Fanny e aa wbiuf put plorj t dainty J l WCII er. . I I lis it. If t?WH8h thJ metowhitf dp you e horws, e Orow, nd wekoa let iup - II go right ubleentW id, her d! won aatdf is the ml own eye t say n't'repli ;en voice. axhameij been bo ;ht. I n oy me, ani mid be tllllt TOR tore kindlr inierrupia ving curt do," reply vpiy. injiiKti(-l nilH wht unit v," mjmthetid oil, nnd may be i itli-Hs, fri' ' York cit; I am not n afraid Ij ive corn. when yi 1. and sh. TiiHled ma a kiwoi. lanty in of ly befoit Smart ion niun ild nifitl ruai.'hcd huw her w from iftlio hot e found i in a L one on uirtcd work. told -yJ mt the i Bjiarromj wanofl i( the ml i caught re. The i iircring M " . t tt tun: ui l ;low vriU liad -row, yard. i math it by t OCCOI reqaii and 1 ItCcj of m an Wk ,rrf nertie tlw Hat It: 'Hoa lo IrUfc ajraaaaiu- rtdlrurat In a va4jtiun.' Kaarrnou- .i.. jpaa Iwttte rt lr Bui)', tough H.rrup. it bt-aiag EKCHlve la Afri.a. N..nb aa- a colbxtioB of l.ij; Birda. je I i U eded it. I JVt tod aataig of M-h .u0ifc,ilir la killing! Ml Uw palne ttiai flr.h la I.ir ft f. aill aaow U la Halratioa on, ,, ft fair trl-l wr"" 'lean Mirtir. tjieatalogna of Mexican meteorites .-Bad ir ai. anion.o lel Castillo aPMfi meatioiiod whirb ru bro g ip and fell iu widely di.ered ami, portion being: found D 0 place at the angle of triangle 0 two longer aide-a were acme tifty aailei and thirty fire. IB otia vt at place wo piaioa were diacn-ered a HO yard apart, bating evidently -id one tiage plate, webbing more ycajbly ton, which broke near tbe liaronomy to ae-c a few- crnta During gaaanap or etrong waahlnp; poailer. 'and a-a-Ur In rained, rotted cloUimi if n.t, .DooiD' Elortrte Hoap, bite a ooir Japan-. Auk joar grocer lor it. I 1 aleia Niai JUUIak. JbMger ("bo ha yelled himself ant over Jmka' telidioue without Jims any reply) See here, can't do ftkisp itli this telephone. Ism (with an air of innocence ) Did - I. ... 1. . . - a.ijau tj huj uue. Birr (-Cwuinly." l"0b! Itba been tlinconnected for Wtmontb. ("pueounected? You didn't aay anv V about it" l"IJioiislit eterybodv knew ne lmd awiBeeted onr tnlfphoiie on account tbe borea. x didu t know yon wihIi- to tain to any one, air. 1 anpposed nerely deaired to exercise your "-aw Xork Weekly. !. It) raraallar l Karm-i. iftjaiii climate, uninm an.l ftinn1af riii a trail, urala, (raaa anl aioci.- munirr la mi at ;! HilarniaUoii fr. A'Mrtu Uia Ofaao mfimtuM JiaaM, l'0Tllaii4. irrg.,n. Ilnan't debt will overtake LI in no malUT 1 far they run tiebind. 'Vfai.lf.n 1 h 4t nil, vavip :!' itilnl&tM in l.rtn,r.l t- I" wmuii, 4jhii,ii ,iu- frit, will not realga. l-Blij I Hen I. IlKl lei I need It be!" we av anil nith liirlnK mower laile ami die. leave the little onra htn: feet iTVj tope I lo irulile In pBllm am f rft. ataeed not be in many caien. All alHut liiinirn are dying dully -hone liven ml;lit m been aaved. It nei-nia to be a wlilo Iml opinion that when a woman l slowly iejtway with the-diaeaae. which prow offfmale weaknea anil Irrrsularitlea ki lk-rc l no help for her. hlic Is doniur-il jaralh. But tbla la not true. Ilr. I'leree'a rlte Preacrlpllon la conatantly ri'torlni; prn aflllcted with d of tlila rlaon to kllli and happlneaa. It la the only meill- lor llirir amnenta. soi'l dy drus-L' M. pier a positive (guarantee from the manu- wrpraoliu irivlne aallarartlnn In erv le, or money paid for It will lie refund 1. ft. Plrrce'a I'elleta, tbe original and only olae Little Liver hlla: 'J5 cents a vial': fa done. ho inanfrv Into tbe rlminittiinpfa of ibi falox of Oklahoma la to lie made. ONE EXJOY8 Wh the method and results when ffrup of Pigs ia taken ; it is pleasant fcatlvyet nromDtlv on the Kid er and Bowels, cleanses the sys- raeiiectuajiT, dispell colds, head--m and fevers and cures habitual nrti nation, fivmn of Fin-a ia tb ply remedy of its kind ever pro ced, pleasing to the taste and ac- piaDie to tlie stomach, prompt in action and trnlv beneficial i n ita Jecta, prepared only from the most Wthy and agreeable substances, f many excellent Qualities com- knd it to all and have made it J most popular remedy known. nyrop or lgs ia for aale in 50c 1 bottles bv all Jeadinedrtie- Anv reliable druccrist who y not have it on hand will pro re it Dromntlr for anv one who hea to try it Do not accept ;y luosxitute, pFORNIM FIB SYRIP CO. I BAM nAUCItCO. CAL. fWtmu, Kt. May ton, n.r. 1 MlilADAGIIG rT7-T nro-lilrelyriired b IflTnOl Utile Pllla. fbay ala nllava !): iron OravaiMla.In digaatlon, aud T oaUnrtr nunc, a oarfart ram Ml for IHajDMa.Natiea Drowalnaaa, Bad Taatfl In taw Moutb. Ooabsll ITaaa-na P-ln in Iba Sldo TOKrID UVIR. Tba rwniaia uw aowala. Puraly VoaMabla. rrm aa vent. SllPill. Small Dote. Small Price. iTfl'fc nil la llliflllK Ci rJllJ fa? Ulawtsi al-iHUW J Z VulMrr aiKUWBii- rilaoi-era. I I Ma aaVTaaaktn small Ms Blla BMnaf Ml aaiaataalwetiiMrw "H"??! L M-. .f waaW "aw m iaawS" 1 1 if if n ' ' .EE 1 I Bald n. - Oua ill.. . . -rBa, - ... 'VH1 will borrow f Bi'tnUer that .V ' .. . . .r " IU- !' aia in the fl , 1 ("?rt "f larLa i ". ' "u.. Hiecnt- beffle;:Atl,.,;,r,,ir",, ''.,. of cliDjai nf 6 on-'l"te aa the IHWJllt m t.U.f . ., .." lueH II,,. "orfc- 18 axle f il V llnjes round tbe iba rilul- i Urr"' ,iret' iu frt of en?l f t ' l,0,V sU"as itl one rir, "e p"" tlie "Slit band tl . ml . tbelWt band it ,.lt.'.i . . -. "lieu he mill- tl. tbe eu iui. By tbe reTolies from Lhl. Z i fc""ufl aquat knife ennder croa-let'Ced, obli' turn tl.e kuifa eriniUtone aquaU tlia ged to ak n ebaugen t course of revolution as tbe tne eof ibew nien who l.ave wreatled with tbe problem of changing a recipro- led donbtleM valiantly a. lid Son " "' r1"""!"" ui eieciro- ; 1 1 ' .Ulen 'e given "up tl problem insoluble, bke tbe proble "I the flynifr machine, and have aettU tbe m down to cb devices as tbe moat fuvor ' Me bug, on which they can contest tbelr market with the a,...;" iw pcang. -Aginn Cor. New York Tribune. llo X, Hra a.,pr.. I am now poing to make an assertion which is nUnya biu.lly denied. Lilt winch ia hoik, the lev true, aud that is that women are not newspaper readers. At the family breakfast table the lirst linns that three women out of four (fiance at is the column of births mar riaeg ami deaths. 'J'hcy po up bv tram to town, and yon see a mornin'" !aper or a sound and sensible weekly in tlie blinds of niue t.-nths of the mas culine travelers. But if the average woinuu buys a printed sheet there is a adly ovorwbelniiiiir probability that it i i either a senseless noveletle or one of those, terrible bolch-potches of iuann villsiiritinf., stnlo clippings from Ameri can publications, and wantonly inartia tin and silly illustrations. These are atroiip terms, but the mental mischief wrought by what may be called uu un varvinp intellectual diet of pepper mints deserves them. Lonp continued rendinz of this rubbish gaps the mind's vitality and renders it incapable of the effort to appreciate a good book, or even to follow the arguments of a lead ing article upon some important social problem, or to crimp tbe popular de scription of a creut scientific develop ment, it bus been said that newspa pers do not cater mfficicutly for the in terests of their female readers; but it nmy certainly be onestioned whether columns on baby nursine would com- pensnte for reviews or rookery recipes for political speeches. Woman's World. Prlxx Paid. Walla Walla iW.nh i Ktab-Miian, Nor. . Mr. F. J. Carl vie, one of the proprietors ot the Uelinonlco Hotel, has junt received $ir),- 000 by express from New Orleans, being one- twentieth of tbe capital prize of IWOO.OOO In the drawing for October of Tbe Louisiana Male Lottery. A few days before the draw In? took place he tried to dispone of his tickets. fl;),xritj among them, hut without suit ress. Something very peculiar and Interest lug attended the success of Mr. Carlylc. A short time ago he and Mr. Marshall, book keeper for Sehwahachcr Kros., entered Into a compact that If one was ever so lucky as to draw the capital prise be would give the other 10 per reut. of bis drawing. As soon as be received his money, Mr. Carlylc bunted up Mr. Man-hall and counted out 11,500 to the surprised gentleman. He had forgotten about the agreement but Mr. Carlylc bad not. The Louisiana State Lottery is perfectly re liable, and those with the most conscientious scruples can Invest In It. It is merely one form of speculation. The Walla Wallans arc very much pleacd with tbe honorable way In which the company treated their fellow citizen. The (irant monument fund has reached the sum of fUO.OOO. Americans must learn bow to conduct elec tions without 0,uayllng. What l' .'.in Know about the Superb Pullman Dining Carswbtch have been recently placed In service via the I'nlon I'aeltie, 'The Overland Koute?" They run on the fat Vestibule Kxpress between Council Bluffs and Denver- and on "Tbe Limited Fast Mall" between Council Muffs and Portland. If you want to get a sumptuous meal while traveling, don't fall Mo take the train on which these Diners run. Meals, which eaa not be surpassed in any of tbe tirst-class ho tels In the country, are. served In these cars at 75c each. Legitime, the misfit president of Hay tl, has become quite a lion In Paris. The Fremont. Klkhorn it Missouri Valley Railroad (The Northwestern Line) extends to Its patrons and friends a "Merry Christ mas" and "Hanny New Year," and for the purpose of enabling them to visit their kin folks during the holidays, will sell excursion tickets December .4th, 2Mh, Huth and .Janu 1st, good returning until January .'Ird, nt one fare for the round trip, between all stations within a two hundred miles limit. Any Agent of the P., E. & At. V. 11. K. will give full information a to the sale of tickets, llmlta, 4c. Protortion for Holla, r.iolmrd Watson Gilder's children are nil of tbe most creative order. Liltle lloretba, who own to nine summers iu the most innocent man nor. has just in vented a plan for protect inp a favorite doll from the destructive assaults of mischief lovinp Ueorgo. What is that von have nronnd your bill's neck, pet?" asked her mother a few days ago. " 1 hat. innmmif. said tlie little clrl comtnp up close to her pa rout with n onlldentinl mr. is a bell. J ou see your baby enn cry if Gcorgie bothers her wlmll you are not loouinp, mil my Imliv can't cry. so I've nut. this bell on her so that I can hear if Georgia taken her up when I'm down stuns. .Bos ton Journal. Haw'i Thlat We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any eai4 of Catan b that ran not be cured by takinsTlairs Catarrh Cure. if J rilKNKY A CO.. I'rons.. Toledo. O. Int. the undersigned, have known F. J. - ey for the laatK. years, and believe him feell Ilr honorable in all biialness transact Ions, etTruax.WholeaaleD(rdU,Toledo.()blo balding, Klnnan at Marvin, Vholeaal Drag- .. (rial, Toledo, odio. m m van Hoeaen. vasaier ivievv jwwiih Rank, Toledo, Ohio, ftall's CataYrh Cure is Ulrea Interaslly, et Inp directly upon tbe blood and saueoua sur face of tie system. Price, The. par botUf. b all Druotma. DOAN- OIT 8KEEBED. .camperondrrr "',''.tikieo6deaWh.Tn- ' " iv UW1. h im bollab whoa! Ji ' he.tePPUi' mifht, belvT I kin beah him at de chimbly It ud acar me mo to del Wp?-r wot rwUM -rune ua. Ef it's nuu and uar atuff l B An- some iiUy brackdoU bab, Wid some clocs on shuah er nuff : i.J?e' brunK ftny dwesses That are sumpin else 'n patch, 5.' Dar 00 8Ua an' stockin's That fur once look like a match 1 Cards wld green and yallcr pictures Like dey gibs you at de stu'; Books all smeared by lilly chilluns Dat dey had de yeah befo' : Candy dat ia Jus' lef oter, Oder chilluna fust hb tried; Spec' we should be glad we's Uvln' Ef we doan' git much besides. Spec he'll gub us wo'n-out gawments Like he did las' Cwiamas day; ' Bits ob stwing an' culled ribbons, Odder chilluns f rowed away. Hals wot ain't no use fur no one, Jess de kine wot nebber suit Ho dar I hear 'im at de chimbly, Dar he's comin', Bistah Scoot ! SIDNEY'S PRESENT. BVALVIN BURTON. The holidays were approaching1, and every boy in Ferndale was counting on a pood time, not such a time as the sturdy, winter-bred boys of the North enjoy, however. Ferndalo was a beautiful Florida village, and Christ mas came amid flowers and soft, hu mid airs and boating and fishinp. A knot of boys were gathered about a littlo cottage near the edgo of Silver Lake the afternoon of tho dav before Christmas. The boat is for sale, eentlemen. and the price is one hundred and fifty dollars. If you have that amount lv- inp loose around your pockets, just pay It now, and the boat poes to the best man." And Abner lucker, the old fisherman, looked at tho crowd of boys at the door of the cabin, and then at tho handsome little boat ly inp moor ed upon the beach of the lake- Justin Orrcn, the son of tho richest man in the villape, was the first to speak. "111 pet my povernor to buy her. She's a perfect beauty." 'iou want to hurry up, then," said the old fisherman. "She's a like ly craft, and there's some fellow from Sow York been lookinp at her. What are you thinking of?" he queried, abruptly turning to Sidney Clare, a poor lad who was a favorite with him. "I was wishing that I could buy it." "Y'ou !" aneered Justin Orren. You'll be thinking of buying the vil lage next" Sidney Clare flushed hotly. "I can express my thoughts. I be lieve," he said. "1 may be able to buy it yet" "When you do, let me know," sneer ed young Orren. Sidney turned from the throng with a quiet air. "You cannot provoke me to a quar rel," he said. "You may be a rich man's son, but you are a bully for all that" "Holp, help!" The cry startled the boys from their petty bickering, sounding as if out at pea, and looking thither they saw an overturned boat and a man struggling in the water. In a moment Sidney had reached the beach, and, springing into the little boat which had just been the object of the conversation, with a cut ting stroke he drove it toward the drowninp man. It proved to bo a visitor to the vil lage, a boarder at the hotel, one Mr. Brandon, who was out sailing when the accident occured. "You are a brave lad," he said, when he reached tho beach, "and but for you I should have been drowned. How shall I reward you?" "I ask no reward," said Sidney. "I am not a rich man," said tho etranper, "but I can do somethinp for you. Come to the village inn, and you shall have a small recognition of your services at least" Some time later tho boy was dealing to his companions the generosity of the stranger. He had given to him a piece of Moxican monoy a curious coin, worth nearly ten dollars. "I have only a few of these," ho bad said to the boy. "I am In great hopes that I shall find manv more, however. I would like to have you go to tho island in the lake with mo to-morrow. 1 have a secret quest to make that may interest you." Of course there was great specula tion and curiosity among tho boys, and tho following day Sidney Clare set out for tho island with tho stranger, Mr. Brandon. It was tow.ird night that day that tbe bovs. led bv Justin Orren, were standing at the door of the old fisher man's cabin conversing with Abner Tucker on tho subject of his boat, when tbey were approached by the stranger, aocomaniod by Sidney Clare. "Is your boat still for aale, Mr. Tucker)" queried tho latter. "Are you going to Invest?" sneered Orren. Sidney did not reply. The old fish rata answered! "Yea, at tha same price oaa hua ared and fifty dollare." "I'll take it." said Sidney, and, to the surprise of all. paid him then. .u a roti of bills which he took from his pocket Orren was considerably taken aback when it afterward transpired that the stranger had found buried in the soil of tbe island box of old coin, and that he had shared liberally with his youag companion. After that the rich man's on was content to become a little more humble to the fortunate possessor of the boat which was the envy of all, and which constituted a royal Christ mas present indeed. OtU-waWltbtlakrMt. 1 all pes, or club feet- an the shortening of one or more of the several muscles passing across the ankle and controlling the motion of According as it is one or an other Of the muscles the, nnaitinn nf the foot varies, tbe foot turning in. uuw or me toes being raised, or vice versa, the heel, making it impossible for the child to walk on the sole of the foot Many times this deformity is no tload at. hirtVi. or,..;- i. i .. . i v uov manliest until the first attempts at walking are ' made. But, whenever noticed, bear in mind, unless VP1-V filirrri i will never cure itself, and the rule is to in crease in degree with prolonged walk ing until the ultima! is reached. It is a mistaken idea wait until tho child walks before doing anythincr. and a r w. utioiiuau iua.il jr times to then harness the child with cuniDrous shackles which some instrument-maker has palmed off on you. In this case, as in alt others requir ing operation, if you cannot command the services of a slrilifni nna. . member you have only to apply at a DuauuM.ru uuspitai in any large city to command, free of eharrm iho a-rin of the best or one of the best surgeons vud cny, mime so Dy practice and study. Have no fear of exDerimenta tion. The writer has yet to see the first case experimented on in a hos pital or before a medical class unless It was a case demnndinir nh u nm. cedure since no other similar case had ever Deen treated by anyone. The reaSOn Of no Charirn for on nnorallnn that otherwise the surgeon might charge almost any price for (doctors Mnucumes, you Know, cnarge lor reputation,) if done before medical students, is because of the benefit it is tO them. Who am to hn tha drWn-s nn1 surgeons of the future generations. 1 Polar Bar Xarsery. The female Polar bear is taught by a wonderful instinct to shelter her young under tho snuw. In December she retreats to tho side of a rock. whereby dint of scraping and letting the snow fall upon her, she forms a cell in which to live during the winter. There is no fear that she should be stifled for want of air, for the watmth of her breath always keeps a small passage open. Within this strange nursery she produces her young, and remains with them beneath the snow UU March, when she comes out into the open air with her baby bears. As the only use of the snow burrow is to shelter the young, the male bears do not hibernate like the females, but roam freely about during the winter months. Before retiring under the snow the bear eats enormously, so that she becomes very f it, thus laying in an internal store of food which en ables her not only to support her own life, but to nourish her young during her long seclusion. By an admirable provision of nature the young Polar bears are extremely small at birth, and prow slowly so long as they are in their crystal nursery, thus needing lit tle food and space. When they emerge from their shelter tbe motber bear la extremely thin and very fierce. Spllttlag a Diamoad. The diamond has a grain or cleavage plane, tho same as most minerals or crystalline substances, and hence it is possible to split or divide one into two or more parts. Sometimes a large piece is removed at once from a gem by splitting, but it is a process attend ed with much risk. The Memphis Scimiter tells how to accomplish this matter. The stone is carefully studied and its line of cleav age ascertained; it is placed in hard cement in the proper position, and the sharp edge of a steel chisel resembling a razor is carefully adjusted so that the division will be at the points desired, and a smart rap with a hammer is given it Perhaps no more costly blow may be struck in any mechanical work than this, for in manipulating a large diamond, if it is unskillfully given, a gem of several thousand dollars' value may be spoiled. Saackaatea la a Hon. The famous Baron Munchausen in forms us that traveling one severe winter's day in Russia the postilion tried vainly to wind his horn in the opon air. Later, when the company were assembled around tho kitchon fire of a hostelry, they heard a sudden tereng, terenp, teng, tenp. We look ed around and now found the reason why the postilion hod not been able to sound his horn; his tunes were frozen up In the horn and came out now by thawing, plain enough, and much to tho credit of the driver, so that the honest fellow entertained us for some time with a variety of tunes without putting his moutb to his horn." Believers In Hor.es hoes. A young girl of Crcseut City, Cal., had always believed in tho horseshoe nnd kept herself ornamented with a mlnature one all her life. She belioves in it now moro than ever. Recently she picked up a pcbblo on tho beach and sent it to a lapidary in San Fran cisco. He pronounced it a truo emer ald, worlh $2,6Ua Haawa Sowers. Each square inch of the skin con tains 3,500 swoating tubes, or perspira tion pores, each of which may he liken ed to a little drain-tile oue-fonrth of an Inch in length, makitig an aggre gate length of the entire aurfaoa of the body of .01, 166 feel or a tile ditch for draining tha body almost forty mila long. Moasa'a School Shoes, atada in our large shoe factory at Omaha, Ne braska. Ask your dealer for them. Kef use to take any others. If not kept in your town, write us asking where to pet them. They wear longer and nt better than any other shoes. Shoes have always been made too narrow We make them wide. A reward of Fifty Dollars in gold paid for every pair of our own make of shoes that contain a particle of shoddy, or anything but solid leather. We make one hundred and fifty styles of Women's Misses' and Children's Sewed and Standard Screw, Grain, . Glove, Kid and Dongola. Ele pant styles, wide and good fitting. We also carry one hundred and fifty styles of Men's Goods, Rubbers, ate. W. V. MORSE Si CO., Shoe Manufauctrers, Omaha, Nebraska. It Is comparatively quiet when so still you near me aew arop. NT.-lti-.aa4 Kaaarl-atsr. A new book of attractive reading, brimful of good things worth knowing and illus trated, is just issued. It contains a large collection of valuable auto?ranhs. excellent receipts for plain dishes, humor in rhyme and prose, monthly calendars, and can be bad of an uruggisus ana uealcrs, or, by sending a sunup io me pubiisners. An lin portant feature of tbe work is it offer of tree Music, which offer is set forth therein and by procuring the book at once, any one can be supplied with a choice selection. The little volume is the St. Jacobs Oil Calendar lor I8(j-H0, published by the Charles A. vogeler Company, Baltimore, Md. It is luuy tlie equal of any of its predecessors in the interest of the Oreat Remedy for Pain, 8t. Jacobs Oil, whose virtues never abate, and whose popularity never wanes. The de mand for both book and medicine is very The Portuguese are ereatly interested over me uispuic witu r.nglaud. ns Frequently Kkcommendeu. Mr. If. C. Mooney, of Astoria, 111., writes us that Allen's Lung lSatm, which be has sold for lifteen years, sells better than anv other cougn remedy, aud gives general satisfaction. 'Tis frequently recommended by the medical proiession nere. Many a man has east a shadow on bis life by standing in his ow n light. flxarrvliiir ot xifldenre. There is no article which so richly deserves i ne enure eonnuence oi ine community as Ifitows's HuoNcniAi. Tkoches. Those suf lering from Asthmatic and Bronchial Dis eases, Coughs and Colds, should try them. 1'rice 35 cents. The stories of suffering lo South Dakota u-c uul uecu exaggerated. It is so Everywheuk. E. R. Ball, drug gist at Hlatsvllle, Kan., has this lo write aooui Alien's Lung Balsam: -'It is the best selling throat anil lung remedy, and gives general satisfaction. I cheerfully recom mend it," Buy tbe large 11.00 bottles for lung diseases. Counting the clergymen in, it takes three io mane a pair. A Chicago druiomt retailed over 100,000 "Tanai l'unch" 6c. Cigar in four month. The prince of Wales has not rallied from bis condition oi low spirits. When Baby was sick, w gave her Castoria. When she was c. Child, t-0 cried for Castoria, Whea the became Uia, abo dung to Oaetoria, When ah. had Ch ildroo , aha tare them Castoria, France's chamber of deputies has approved iue secret service creaus. The speaker of the house Is the man who listens to tbe talk of others. THE GOOD OFFICE OF: Is well illustrated in the cure of neuralgia, the chief symptom o! which is, an intermit tingpain which follows the course of the ncrvq affected. St. Jacobs Oil bv eentle rubbing and applied frequently, w ill cure NEUR ALGIA. 19G Sackett St., Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. SI, 1889. I was taken with neuralgia. in Ride and suffered 6 months. I was given up by doc tors, but was cured by St. Jacobs Oil. MICHAEL McGINN. At Druooists and Sealers. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., BalUmsrt. Ml Ely's Cream BalmrS wiia (irk (&TMt?r CATARRII p Apply Balm Into each nostril. k .oS ELY IUiOS., M Wairen St.. N. Y. a-af 'VT iliK flfl you know that you can beautifully de UU corate your walla and ceilings, and do the work yourself, and very cheaply? Ask an; paint dealar. or write fortleattp and Inatruetions. No stamps required. Atabaittine Co., Grand Rapicil.Mich WIVES OHWaTKBTI flbould and may lcaow how child hearing can be effected without Pain or Danger. Informationaentaeftled: AWo-aiarvt DR. J. H. DYE. Buffalo. N. V. tBBaBJHBBffB A sure ICTUUI KIDDER'S PmiLLES.s I Claarlttitown, Ham Omaha, 40652. W, N. II., P ISO'S REMEDY FOR CATARRH. Best Easiest to use. Cheanest. Relief is immediate. A cure is certain. For Cold in the Head it has no equal. (cy.WAiaL-)l!a It is an Ointment, of which a small particle is applied to the nostrils. Price, 60c. Sold by druggists or sent by mail. Address, E. T. IIazelti.nk, Warren, Pa. A J J' ' 06licioosBisc.it 11 Ti-ir I a m r m '-Mm' .... I CTCICTLY-PU-Z. AMm rraajt-iajai rw ar fan nr thxjex uzs bottles. Price 2cta. Met., aad $1 per Battle. 1 Some Children I Growing Too Fast become littlest, fretful, without ener gy, thin and weak. But you can for tify tham and build them up, by tha ""scows OF PURE COD LIVER OIL AND HYPOPHOSPHSTES Of Lime autd ttetlav. They will take it readily, for it is al most at palatable as milk. And ft should be remembered that 18 A ru- TEKTIVK OR CIEK 0FC0CU1IS OB CO LBS, IH lOTH THE OLD AKO YQUK1, IT I? ONEQOALIEO. A-oidiubttUutlonioirmd. MADE WITH BOILING WATER. EPPS'S GRATEFUL COMFORTING. COCOA MADE WITH BOILING MILK. MUSIC IN THE AIR HeadQuarteri far Itttii'l ItwtruLmen:-j, Omm Corn OtrtilU, Aocor.ltfons. Violin. Hanj, M&itdoUus. Guitars, Z i them, uarmoiiioa. StrinkiM for overy instru ment H-ule. full tock of Sheet Music, Munic RooIck, Burnt uni Orrt.e.tH Music, Band Folios, I nut ruction Boukii for all Instruments. Anyono mm lin- in an order will revive a copy of Musiis KKKR. Write to w for priced and catalojfuuj, .tatinff what kind of good&v w aiued. MAX UKYKR V HRO., O in a It n, Nb. Thla Trad Mark la on Tbe Best I Waterproof Coat In the world, aaamwaauoi-..Jh-, NORTHERN PACIFIC. laLOWPRICE RAILROAD LAIDt.nd EE Governraeatt LANDS. ILLIONS OF ACRES In Minnesota, North D- ,ta slimtitna. Idaho. Waahina-ton and Oreann. CEIiPj CAl'UDlcations with maps describing the CHI) rWilbest Aarleultaralflraalngand Timber Lands now open toSettlara. SENT FREE. Addrase I prascrtk and fatlraa. -oraj i Big U aa tha aal crtB ear aff.rNii.iviif materdan'. n. . T. W. have sold Big G far nan- jeara. and It aa ( - iuu oaat or aaiuv actlon. D. B. DYCHE k CO., CktMM it 1)1. 0a. Sold br DrocaistaC DETECTIVES Wtattw ahrawd aafo to act nntr fflaUactl.iaii U 8em Srl4 era. KepraMDUtlfca rec-lt tha I.MrnatiatiKl tctia. Oiinut'i Wafutn? Afla.la.at WttxwA, Orumn i Pockat QavlltrT of Jfaual CrininalR. Tba Intciaittrl ladettcri b a aia eaa, ardoalr w fi ba tleiMti, atamo for partioulara. Kwi nlav aaes t far all. UBAKMAJI DmiTITK BLalAt CO. Araada.atawaU.0, THE EMERSON SEED CO.. 4i! 1-1,3 So. 16th Sc., Omaha, tivb., growers and dtialers In vemtable. flnwsr. crrain ljra5. and tree needs. Our nreeent stocks of Tegetabl teed were largely grown ia Nebraska. Orer 8,M aoraw lit culti ration thU season. Write for our illuslrjited and deactipUv oatakg, e, which will be sent free. FIENSIOW?r. 3 vra in laat war. 15 wliudicatimr clalma. attv alnoav. II O Itil R? STUB' Book-keepliut. Penmanshln, IB Iwt Sa. Arithmetifl. Rhnrt.hand ml ihn-. yiifhly taught by mail. I,nwrates. Clrculara free. BUI AMI LU1JJ1U K, 4J1 MalB St, BuflaJo. M. IT. afiCVTC COIN MONEY. Bn lnera Genteel. Honie MUe.ll W hold neoeaaitT. Will aII to er.rr farnllv end SO rent, for valuable sample and instructions. K. B. HAYEKS, Alcester, South Dakota. fRE A MONTH Attn BOARIa PAID. 1119 or lilihnt onnmlaion and SO DATl' TTT.BaBIT to AOIKTS on our Naw Unnr . ). iaiUt.B.ft CO IU A damiSt .Chicago iu. OPIUM Tfnblt. The oolr certain and i as- ouro. Or J. L. Siepiieita. Lebanua, Ohio. opium;. oaranira habit craam. fraa. Maakar Medlcuw Co.. Cblcaaa. m. TELEfiRAPHY '-rta a good raring I ."""""! ' twaltloB to every gradual " I American School of Tclegrapbr.HaUlBBa.lVla. sk voua oaoocn ro COW BRAKD II I aBDliStU-RITUS. If AMOtUTILV PtlBB, mil aarilU.TA. S at ,cteatlaT I I iwaaaaS taV I I vrsaabh-aa l ia.atahiai. 5 X