SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL KBB. HARRISON, STATE NEWS. NEBRASKA MISCELLANEOUS HATTERS A reading room has beeu opened at Doniphan by the W. a T. U. Work will be commenced in Grand Island on a $250,(X0 hon-l in the early tpring. Initiatory step have been taken towards organizing a lodge of Masons at Gering. Alliance people are waiting patiently for the establishment of a laud office at lLat place. The Northwestern railroad is mak ing extensive improvements at South Sioux City. Al Roberts, of Lincoln, was last week sentenced to two years in the penitentia ry for rape. The school teachers of Lincoln have formed a society for discussion of moth ods of work. The new postmasie? at Juniata lias assumed his duties and is giving good satisfaction. Frank Reanis, of Falls City, was seriously burned about the body and amis by carbolic acid. An Epwurth league lias been formed bv the younz people of the Methodist church at York. The railroad companies will be called upon to pay $32,050 in taxes into the Uage county treasury. Two carloads of the finest Imported stallions have beeu received by tho stockmen of Iloldredge. Frank Fontancll has been appointed farmer at the Winnebago agency; vice Henry Neihbus deposed. It Is said that George W. Gushing, general master mechanic of the Union Pacific, would resign January 10. Tho foundation and cellars of a large hotel at Willflcet, Lincoln county, to cost $10,000, have been commenced. Rev. J. G. Griffith, of Auburn, has received a call from St. Mark's church at Omaha and thinks he will accept. The now brick school house at Syra cuse Is almost closed. The board has spared no pains to make It first-class. rolico raided the gambling dens of Joe Phillips at Lincoln, gathering in eleven of the'patrons of tho green cloth. There Is trouble among the barbers of Omaha, caused by the fact that some want to close on Sunday, while others do not. Ninety head of cattle were stolen from Robert McDonald near Burnett and no trace of the missing stock has yet been discovered. Diphtheria broke out in the family of Rev. W. C. McCrackcn, of Fremont, and all his children but the sick one were sent away. Word has been received al Hastings that Darwin Boyd, a former citizen of this city, was killed in a railroad acci dent near Denver.' Wenzel Jonas, of Colfax precinct, Colfax county, has just finished husking 800 acres of corn. It turned out a little over 12,000 bushels. A Berwyn young man recently put on a new shirt and came near dying. Poisonous matter in the coloring of the garment was tha cause. The December meeting of tho Custer ounty edHorial association, which was called at Broken Bow, has been post poned until January 10. , In a quarrel in a Covington saloon a few nights ago James Toohcy fatally tahhed a rambler named Erwin. The murderer was arrested. The citiiens of Fremont are talking np the prospect of a $100,000 hotel. Tho importance of the town requires an Im provement of this kind. One of the freaks of the season no ticed at Fremont Is a patch of growing oats nearlv two inches high, with ' Christmas only four days away. i The Farmers' Mutual Fire and Live Stock Insurance company, of Cass coun ty, filed articles of incorporation with the secretary of state last week. . ' Farragut post G. A. R., Lincoln gave a good fair last week for which 3,000 tickets were sold. Many of the ticket holders drew valuable prizes. Howe Brothers of Verdon have their new elevator almost completed and will soon be ready to receive grain from their old customers and new ones as well. Two shoplifters of tho male per- . suasion tried to work the clothing house of Joe Klein, of Plattsmouth. They were, however, detected and arrested. ' Humphrey has a population of about 1,000. Within the last year seven brick blocks have been erected and some fine residences at an aggregate cost of 830, 000. ' IS. R. Warner, a livery man at Cul- bertson, forged a deed and skipped for parts' unknown, leaving several creditors behind. A reward is offered for his ar rest. ',''. In view of the prospective boom which O'Neill expects to enjoy a magnlf icent hotel, four stories high, to cost not lea than 240,000, will be erected at that ' place. Frank B." Taylor, of Beatrice, died last week In New Castle, Wyoming, of typhoid fever. He was a young man wall aad favorably known In Gage A Hanlanl , Mrehaot received a ear-load of fear M4 om of com last weak aw) d tpMtd of over half of each lgviv ftfa,'M Indication tliat butlneai H set at 11411 In that thriving row J aim- liern-rl, a prominent farmer, living twelve Biiles north ol ?neiton, committed ukid by shooting himself. Financial embarrassment is supposed U be the cause. While John Zoat, a farmer living about four miles south of Bancroft, was examining a revolver, it was discharged, the ball entering his breast and produc ing a wound supposed to be fatal. Byron Skinner, of North Bend, had his hand so badly crushed in the machinery of tho government mills, at Winnebago Indian agency, that it is feared amputation will be necessary. The Missouri PaciGe railway com pany has filed a motion for a rehearing in the Elmwood elevator case and the state board has fixed upon January 8, 1890, as the date for arguments. Mr. Ilcucrtz, of Juniata, sold twenty nine hogs the other day which averaged 354 pounds each, at $3.12,' per hundred, which was ViJi cents above the market, the lot being an unusually good one. Charles H. Rickards of Falls City, while reading the other evening, wah stricken with congestion of the optic nerve and has become blind. The doc tors hope to restore the sight of one eye. Little Daisy Stoddard, of Republi can City, who won much distinction at Chicago in her successful contest for thu Demorest medal, lias donated $."0 to help pay for the W. C. T. U. temple at Fremont. James Toohey, alias 'Montana Jim," who murdered Elmer E. Erw in, of Sioux City, at Covington, broke jail at Dakota City in company with two other prison ers. A sheriff's isse was at once organ ized to hunt for them. The auditing department of the Pa cific division of the Union Pacific and tho St. Joseph & Grand Island will soon bo moved to Omaha. Consolidating the Qiwliitiir flenartniciits will save the Union Pacific about $30,000 per annum Fire was discovered In a larn al West Point, the property of a mac nanaed Larson. The flames acstrojeu tho barn, together with several tons of hav. two cows and a buggy and harness, The fire was tho work of an incendiary. Columbus T. Blackman, county com missioner and one of tho solid men of Red Willow county, sold out his store THE NONPARTISANS. jx irriit iw xmm womkx vr 11 A TO EX BOLL. lbs Ht t jMrv-VIrit " rala-HBl rih Cttlena ' rl u4 Teaasaraera-.1lMletare NtCkarrbM Aakadi Aeelsl """" I..... W.r- -. - t alllTBt - Dee, and ot her property at Lebanon and is among the missing. The name of a fas cinating young lady also appears among the lost. The telegraph department of the Union Pacific is preparing to string an other wire across from Omaha to Ogdeu. The railroad business has become so heavy that it is iuiposslb',0 lo handle without great annoyance with present facilities. A Washington dispatch says that Son ,ii,r Vnddook has introduced a memorial the Omaha board of trade In favor of Chicago fcr the world's fair and a peti tion from the Nebraska Congregational association In favor of additional reli gious facilities. ' Geary W. R. C. of Juniata, wnose tarter was taken away over a year ago, has after thorough investigation been restored, thereby reinstating the corps and restoring to them their past presi- ents and all their rights and privileges n the department. Gvosy Queen, the fastest trotting mare in Nebraska, was sold last week to A. J. Fecke of Syracuse, N. Y., for $10,- 500, by her owners, Johnson & Perry of Wahoo. Gvnsy Queen is six years old and wax raised at St. Edwards, Neb., and has a record of 2:19. .' MSMr Yocum. of Hastings, has ssued an edict ordering the chief of po lice lo take Immediate steps to Close everv gambling house in the city and arrest the inmates. The gamblers have been running their games of chance in that city with Impunity. Ex-Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue F. E. Mfllcn left his office in the government building in Nebraska City the olhcr day to get his mail. He- turning a few minutes later he iouna that riiirintr his absence sneak thieves had made away with his new overcoat, The Nebraska City board of trade. belicvina that the sensational reports sent out by newspaper correspondents o that place are injurious to tho city, ap- no In ted a committee to wait on the ma l agcrs of the different state papers and prevail upon themjto throw out an sucu specials. , ; Carat ill estimates regarding the fail ure of the First National bank at Abl leno place the liabilities al S131.000, and ik aets mostlv western land mort- irascs. at SJ10.0K). The Kansas Far Tiwiiranre comnanv. OI wnicn President Boncbrake, of the bank, also president, will bo somewhat affected by the failure. Mrs. L. Baker wasaccldentlv shotlast week while visiting at tho home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J A. Wells, near Endicott. In a scuffle between the two little sons of Mrs. Baker for the posses sion of a shotgun the weapon was dis charged, the entire load taking effect In the mother's abdomen, causing a serious and perhaps fatal wound. At a special meeting of the Omaha real estate exchango J. W. Paul, T. C. Bruner and Frank Darling wcro ap pointed a committee to act in conjunc tion with a committee of tho board of trade to ascertain the necessities of some of the people of Dakota who aro re ported to be suffering for want of proper food. - den. Estabrook has presented the real cttat exchange of Omaha with an exact copy of tho first map made In Omaha In 18S4. It Is a little affair of about 24iM inches, and contains a plat of toe butlnest portion of the city. In one corner of tha mip Is the following paragraph: "Lots will be given to per imi who will Improve them. Private aalw will be made on flio premise." ratal" TeBBparMee. Clkvklaso, O., Deo. Sl.-The pro visional committee of tho Non-Partisan Women- Christian Temperance union yesterday addressed the public. The trouble between Its members ana the leaders of the National Women's Christian Temperance union, which cul minated at the last convention in the withdrawal of those delegates oppdsed to an alliance with prohibition party are discussed at length. The document says: Harmony teems Impossible. lteurcss of our grievances was denied. Only one resource was left, and that was to form new organization, for the following reasons; "1. We believe the political policy ol the National Women's Christian temper- ance union wrong in spirit, contrary to the letter and spirit of the original con stitution. Illogical in its reasonings, in consistent in its conclusions and exceed ingly detrimental to the cause of tem perance. Wn believe the work of Christian temperance stands above and beyond the lines of party or sect ana we cannui jui low the lead of the National Women's Christian Temperance union in pledging our influence to any party. We must lie free to call on the best men ot an panics for help. We need and must have help to make our work a success We must have the influence of the press of the nation, so far as that influence is on me side of God and humanity, irrespective of party lines. We must range under our banners the ennsuan tenipcinueu women of all sections of our nation, which cannot be done by an organization whoso sympathies and support are pledged to a party. "3. An increasingly large number of women who have contributed money, in fluence 'and years of hard self-denying labor to build up -the National Woman's Christian Temperance Lnlon loot tneir influence is crippled and their consisten cy questioned by the equivocal policy of the national body, which avows its alle giance to and boldly champions thecauso of a political party while at the same time it denies partisanship. 'i. The refusal of the national union by an overwhelming majority to adopt the non-partisan amendment to its con stitution makes It Imperative for honest non-partisan women to let the worm understand that they will no longer re main In its anomalous position, and since the old organization will not right the wrongs that have resulted irom us un wise and unjust policy, but shows a de termination to stamp out all honest doubts In the minds of tho women In its ranks and to ireat with unveiled con tempt all who differ from the majority n regard to methoas oi worK, tne ais- senters must quietly yicici or witnaraw n oomnanv with those of like faith ana pursue the course that ?eems right and wise. 5. The demand is also growing for a national temperance society less com plex in its aims and simple in its gov ernment, which will worK in its organ ized capacity for such objects only as have a bearing on temperance reiorm. "6. The unchristian treatment ac orded to Christian women from year to vear wno uarc to unci sunmuuui. m these national assemolies not in harmony with their fifteen policy emphasizes the need of another organization. The increasing impossibility ol working harmoniously with the Women's Christian Temperance union without the sacrifice of their honest convictions and self-respect or the alternative of leaving the work altogether, wiilcn many cannot do because their commission is from a higher fsourso than tho national union, demands a new organization, through which thousands of women who will not be compromised by the attitude of the Woman's Christian Temperance nnion and thousands who have not yet enlisted may combine their effort8, and in unity of spirit and bands of peace labor for tho overthrow of the drink traffic. The lamentable loss of moral power that has resulted from the partisan altitude of the national Woman's Christian Temperance union may bo In a measure retrieved by a society keening itself free from all par ty entanglement; so freo that no political vultures will ever hover over its conven tions, hoping to bear away any influence that will help them to places or power. "We deslro to organize on a basis so broad that prayer may be made for us In all churches without tear or oaense The consideration of the public Is asked, its advice is sought and its co-operation as greatly desired. e seek the prayer ful aid of pastors of churches, superin tendents of Sunday schools and Christian workers in all fields. We do not propofe to build our work on tho ruin of the old but we hope to profit by tho experience of the past "We Invite correspondence. Let all who are not interested In this national government respond without delay, any are ready to enlist under a non-par tisan banner let them say so at once, If any have a God fp-ied for us let them mail it, as so many have done, that we mav know wle hearts now (ill with hone because of this rallying call. "December 23, tho anniversary of the crusade, we Invite our women to renew their vows before God and solemnly pledge before Him who knows our hearts that hand to hand with simple trust in our divine leader and with th::t ciurage that overcomes all difficulties and knows no defeats, wo will eck to stay this deadly pestilence which cuts down the great and gifted, as well as the low and degraded, and makes tin) fairest spots on earth darken with desolation, nor will we know rest till God calls us homo or gives us tho desire of our hear t a land free from the dominion of th drink traffic To th a end we in i vita all In sympathy with our principles and methods to meet with ns at Mmlc hall. Cleveland. O., on or about January 27, to then and there take a Hon on tha questions herein vt forth affecting a permanent nation il or-.-.tnlallon. Tuociiili signed by the provlflonnl committee, Mr.'. E. J. Pinner, of Cleve land, chairman. . U i BkB 1I.ITOKS. 1- ( ,he California chickens are coming home to Koost. Some who invested their snrplu in the blooming boom of two or three vear ago, making fir.t payments ou ieai estate, have notonly lost the land and the amount paid, but are now con i.m ,ih the demand, accompanied and accentuated by legal process to "whack up' the remaining in-u menu or make good the damage necessarily ana uaturally Incurrel by the b.m promo ters on account ol ineiTui.s--r,-f price. An illustration of this is ad duced right here, being a case in hi. h cx-Senator Arnold, former y of Mar Khalltown and well known in the state, but now of I',Sad..Ua. CaL. brin uit for J20.000 damage through his Iwal attorney . gint L. Armbruster R. E Itloomnctd and Mark known citizens of this city, rhe fa. to are briefly that ex-Postmaster hhulU went to California May I, ith.;"; bal authority from the three above named citizens to make investments for them, providing favorable and f "ls'nK opportunities odereo, in ". wi ne to lnvc?l in .,,, rkVirn UlTIfVR h",d uprinlend-nt tf pulicw , THE UlUV-ll IMiiinwitkm will be a general wendit 4 irom in" u-priBiciifc in bii iorx T.tLK UI1M Ml. M4TK re 'ln-na-Gels or are fa ' where they ran ! class. be inSje.Bcod I Tfcof HmUm mm mirTr mmt m MrvU-i - Th r.w4.rlr-4 .lfc-- '"" '" Alr4 tmm fufcll rr-A TmMm 1,4 M,KiMl f rr.rly, SH..I.S U-w '" braivlMC- was owu means. 1 opportunities were not how iu themselves and Mr. Shult. telegraphed here asking if he should draw upon the trio for f 1,500 with which to make first pament on 20 sere of land, the pur chase price being $40,000, to be divided equally among a company ui .....". A favorable answer was returned, and the draft followed. Senator Arnold was tho owner of the land, and as the boom suddenly flattened out the parties never sent on any more Installments, and plaintiff now claims as justly duo him in principal and interest $)1.50, but as values out there have shrunk somewhat of late years ho is willing to take S'JO.OOO and call it wjuare. Ihe case is set for trial at the January term of court here, and the defendants will fight the claim as they would a nest of wildcats. lowans have surrendered about as much "good money" in California sand lots as they propose to unless some of the hottest litigation ever known In the state compels them to put up more. There has been a good deal of specula tion as to whether contracts of this kind made In Southern California could be en forced and the deferred payments col lected here, anil this will doubtless be a test case, In which tho result will be anxiously awaited. ArreXrd lr Complicity ltlf" Iflnrdrr. FiiEMOST, Neb., Dec. 18. Additional excitement and Interest has been given to then Crowell murder case by the arrest tif Herman Diers of Crowell, a hotel keeper and merchant at that place, for complicity in tho murder of Carl Piilsl fer. The arrest was made by Sheriff Mallon and was done so quietly that the people of the little village knew nothing of it until next (lav. When the news was made, public great excitement fol lowed. Tho prisoner was trough t to Fremont and is now lodged In jail. The officers and every one connected are very close-mouthed and it Is ex tremely difficult to obtain exact in formation as to what evidenes there Is that Diers was connected with the oaso in any maimer, Mr. Diers, sr., of West Point, father to the prisoner, came to Fremont this morning to look after his son's welfare. He Is very much wrought up over the new turn taken In matter. He states that he has been informed that his sou's arrest was made on the alleged grounds that he hired young Fnrst and Shepard to kill Pulsifer; that the con sideration was a suit of clothes and S2." In advance and 81,000 after the murder had been committed. He declares his son innocent of the crime. He says ho had no feelings against Pulsifer, but on the contrary Pulsifer and Herman Diers were good friends, and that the latter ften took his meals at Herman s hotel and borrowed money of him. Tho prisoner took an active part In the capture of the two murderers, but Is not known to have displayed any over weening deslro to effect their capture hat would savor of suspicion, lie was foreman of the coroner's Jury which sat upon the body of Pulsifer. the only thing certain at this time Is that he has been arrested for complicity, which charge, if true, would involvo him as an Instigator of the plot. It is not deli nltely known whether Furst and Shop- hard have stated that they were hired by Diers. WisuisoTOM, Dec. 20.-Fifty Sioux Indians attired in their store clothes and resp'f tident In red flannel trimmings on their hair and gorgeous handkerchiefs on their necks, trod quietly into tho white house on their soft buck-kin moccasin shortly after i o'clock yesterday. They were ahead of time, and Mood along the railing Just outside the door finishing their cigarettes whoa the oommUsion Onorals Crook and Warner and Gover nor Foster arrived. They had come lo Washingten to appeal to the government for better treatment on their re-rvai ions in Dakota. In the ea-t room they were arranged In a badly drawn semi-circle. The president occupied a position In the center alongside, oi uotenior r'. wJio acted as master of ceremonies for the pow-wow. Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Me- Kee and Baby McKee were upwiaior.t. The baby was too curious to see the In dians at closer range lor tne comiui . o. his guardians. Once be broke away and ran into the circle before (loners! Crook, who was standing on the edge, could catch him and drag him back. General Warner first made a speech to the president. He was Interpreter for the benefit of the Indians for Louis I'rimaux. He introduced .lolin ura.soi Standing Rock agency. His remarks , were in his native tongue, lie reassured the president, though the president did not know it till the interpreter told him, that this was not a scalping expedition, but merely a friendly call, and his eyes twinkled as he looked over Baby Mc Kee, whoso bald head was covered by a gandy cap In three colors, topped by a tassel. His tribe, he continued, had never been visited by such a good com mission, so ready and willing to point out matters to the Indians. His people would like, other things, a bound ary lino for ther reservation and belter schools for their children. When he had come to the end of his speech he glanced at his Interpreter and both nodded. Thon John made a bow and said, "Dat's all," and retreated to hl plaeo In line. Cuicaoo, Dec 19. The Tribtim The verdict, even if It is not quit was expecteo, is yet severe enoj teach a much needed lesson, that u-i no matter how 'patriotic their pr.i motives can set themselves up t'j law in this country; that a man be tried by courts unknown to the lean constitution for offanses in, uied by American law. The Times this morning says verdict in the Cronin rn.M, is a gr disappointment. Ihe obstinacy man defeats partially tbeends of j Instead of a life sentence In the p. liary, O'Sulllvan, Coughlin and ought to have been Sent to the s Never did wretches so entirely mo punishment of death. Spared wretched existenfe they will be aged to maintain their silence unh and their more guilty confederal prompters of devilish mnrder, tn; ever escape the consequences o! blood guiltiness The Herald says; "It is alti, likely that upon sober second tt the verdict of the jury In the i case will be considered the most nant with evidence and with just: cou d be made, with the exception haps, of Beggs. So long as the-j live they will remain a menace real conspirators who planned the Marched to the scaffold and paraJ Irish martyrs they might have stfl served their secret and have bJ that they were dying heroic! great cause." LecUlHilon for Iowa- Washington, Dec. 18. Senators Al son and Wilson yesterday jircscntcd In the senate c large number of memorials and petitions from their constituents asking that congress enact a law prohib iting speculation upon farm products and dealing with it in such a manner as to control Its future price. Iliey also presented a lot of memorials In favor of i more stringent Sunday law. Senator Allison Introduced bills for the relief of Mary .1. Dorr, tho owners, officers and crew of the British bark Chance, Annie Piatt, Annie. Slater, Alice Kelly, also Annie and Ellen ti. Lee, John Brechen sr., Mrs. Amanda S. Wisnerand Stephen D. Red field He also Introduced a bill amending the act authorizing the con struction of wagon and foot bridge across the Mississippi river at or near Lyons, la. The bill provides that the structure shall be for wagons and vehl cles of all kinds, animals and foot pass engers ana, at tne option or the corpora tlon, to be used for railroad trains upo such reasonable rates of toll as may bu fixed from time to time by the corpora tion and approved by the secretary of war. J no oriuge is to he with unbrokc or continuous jpans, a pontoon or draw bridge. It is to be sufficiently high U not ito a Hindrance to navigation. N change is made in the lime within whir the work Is to be begun and completed. Soillli ItakuiM MnnVr-ra. WAfV.Mow, 8, 1)., Dec, 19. A meet ing of citizens from different points of the state to-day adopted' resolutions de claring that South Dakota and her re sources have been grossly misrepresented in the stories of destitution which have recently been printed throughout tho country. While a partial fullure of crops has occurred in several counties caused by local drouths, the resolutions sav such failure In so small a degree dues not indi cate destitution In South Dakota any more than the establishment of a public soup house for Its poor In large cltica In dicates universal destitution therein, and In so great an area as South Dakota there muft be In tome localities partial fail ures of crops each yi ar. Influenza Is said to hav mad It ap pearance In Kansas City. Powdrrlr and (allahan. Sr-ttASTOX. Pa., Doc. 20. According to a lengthy statement furnished today by fieueral Master Workman Powderly, Is difficulty with Mwaru caiianan. hioh led to tho prosecution, dates back to the appointment of a committee, of Knights of Labor in 1887 to watch state legislation in the Interest of working men. In March, 188, Callahan com- plalned that the committee was neglect ing its duty and powderly asked him for his authority for staling that "member who stand high In tho order do not want heir reports published. laiiahan re plied Powderly was aoroiioi in nis auty nd the committee a suam. iu june, H88. Callahan published a letter about eidslatlve work and the committee and said after his last letter Powderly circu lated an infamous lie and thus njured his (Callahan's) political chances badly before the June onvenllon this year to nominate an assemblyman. Callahan complained to Powderly thai an Injurious story had been circulated and asked the publica tion of his letter. Later he accused Powderly of vilifying him by circulating stories which hid to his defeat and de lated If his letter had been published it would have saved him, but Powderly sacrificed him to save himself, as the letter would have exposed Powderly's treason to the Knights of Labor. Pow derly published a full Statement of the difficulty together with several of Calla han's letters In the Journal of United Labor, in August, JSS9, In which he as serted his Innocence of the charge brought by Callahan, and his surprise at tho rash utterances of the man. Pow derly told a reporter to-day that ho know nothing of the present case, but supposed it was a renewal of the charge of conspiracy. tan Indailrlal hrUHaa Hal Washington, Dec 21. Tbavk Ident laid before the senate the re J the I 'tali commission on themanaa of tho Industrial Christian home Territory. The report says up U 10, S.15,709 had been expended building, leaving 114,21 of the priation unexpended. Iho comii Ms paid out SI, 441 for aeeeuai penses of the home and support inmates, and about Si, 000 to be ei for furnishing tho home. The proceeds: The home is under the diatc management of a board of And gentleman of broad and i throplc v'ews, who, without 1) other reward than the approvi! good conscience, are laboring fl rescue, and to promote tho inteH women who have been deluded Inl wish to floe from polygamy, and home In this asylum so bounUiOu- vldcd by the government for their , These ladles are courageously f to break down the prejuuici-s Murinon church against the insi and to win the confidence of tb whom this shelter is erected. V' mlttoe express no opinion as to td mate success of tho homo, it is perimnnt which time cm only The Mormon church is charg? working against the Institution, i belief Is expressed that more would enter tho home If the reatrj cnntrnlllnir admission were Imi gent. Riciimom), Va., Dec 19. -A ence of the presidents of tha commercial exchanges, the head branches of the city council, leviij rescnUtlves of military ami conM associations, at the instance of tb' of the city, met yesterday to UkI upon the burial ol jenerson m this city. The following resolutioj Hnftt.4d: Renolved, That It Is ths Judrl thin conference that a public i held at an early date to rcltoraie (lint. Jefferson Davis M titirinsl hre Resolved, Also, that before tM meeting Is bold a committee n appointed by tho mayor to so. scripllons to a monument Viui port the same to said public, mr .,.niv,.d That the aid of ! How We Grow. New YonK, Dec. 20. The World has obtained from tho treasurer of each stite the value of tho property assessed for taxation. The census office In 1880 made a report of an Inquiry Into tho propor tions existing In each state between the taxed property and tho actual wealth, which ranges between 25 per cent In Illi nois and (is in Now York. The World report shows tho increase In taxable property to be t,fl0.1,000,000 and the in crease in actual wealth $1 8,603,000.000 since 1S0. The total wealth is Sol.r.o'j,, exclusive of public properly, aad 8309,003,OCO of property Is Invested and owned abroad. The wealth of the United States now exceeds tho total wealth of the wholn world at any time previous lo the mid dlo of the eighteenth century and the amount invested abroad is alone equal to tho national wealth of Portugal and Denmark. Tho total wealth of five na tions Is only equal to the mere Increase of the united States in the last nine years. ClaM-NaaU ,11a. I Uo. CniCAOo, Dec. 19. Patrol Sergeant John Stlft of the East Chicago Aveuuc- Statlon, Patrolman Redmond McDonald of the same station, and Detective Michael J. Crowe of the Central station, were peremptorily discharged from tho force yesterday by Superintendent Hub bard for neglect of duty. Stlft and Mc Donald gave material evldenco for the defense in the Cronin case, It Is said Superintendent Hubbard has many well-known names in his diary as proper candidates for removal. Among thos;) are supposed to bo "Harney'' Flynn, the, detective, who secro od thu two kiijves found on Coughlln when the latter was arretted, and belonging to Dr. Cronin, In a safety vault until he thought the evidence against Coughlln waa all In, nd Detective Palmer, who la said to havobotrayid many aecrats reposed In him by Hupei Intendant Hubbaid while he waa acting at bead detective In thu case. On who It In a position to know omothlnf of tho InUntlons of tho mayor nd the cltv eovcrnment, thu ! all public bodies should be lam The Filraditlon " Wasiiikoton, Dec 1 1 Harrison transmitted to the sn extradition treaty with Kngland to In his message, negotiated i! tarv Blaine and Sir JulUn I'll the British minister. -i number of exlrod.W f).nS(, is largely Incre&sH most Important addition embezzlement, o u wu Canada and the United ou '. i,,.-hnima class of Win"1-1 dents who' have hitherto s1 a ..i.i!,,oTt!:. tu nny iroiu iiuinn...". , x treaty, negotiated at Iter m i..,. h,.n transmitted to WU ia-3 iivm btock ahu rmonvc OUADA. ffbfti- No.-... floraNo. S niliea fiats I'M Rra Itarlcjr liuitur f'n-mry Iluiuir I)iry.. ' Kkk Fresh Milrtons Dr", pttm Turkeys DrMMxi, p Imoas-fhoic, rUI riit! P" Onions Per bu.., lli-stis Nales..... Wool Kin, per " potaloes New -, Iluokwliesl riour, per bbl Apple-f '"lci P"' ubl liny Per loa Iloaey ' loj(-Mlil pw.liuig ' Hons Heavy weight ,-kioif.e steers NEW YOUK. Wheat-No. S red f'orn No. S Osu-Mixed western Pork Lard ;" UHllAUi- Wheat Per bushel Corn Per bnshel " (isu Per bushel. ...... Pork tK..Ll'pL-'lne anil shlapinl! f:Ule SUMkers aad Iswlors Rbeep-NatUes r": Wheat-No. red easb bashel t Oats Per batbel ' Ho-Mlied packlaf Catl feeders Ule-Mka ad fa"" Hogs-Mlsed ''llri KANSAS CITT Whaat-Wo I " rnea Sa. I ......'' -..l ii mtrnr mmA taaoeft.''' 1 i ' -eVit' a-"1"