The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 26, 1889, Image 1

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ioux County Journal,
V OX. 2.
A Patterson, . Proprietor.
f.f..t M.VK. K.TIn-table
ooiiiir West. ioliiB Eiu.t
k , ireigm, u :i so. im, Jreiglit iit,
jt-pcr nnnaiw w ,
ijier hundred ,.
io-fx r hundreu S
i-chopped -per hundred ft...
Mit-p'r hundred Th
(Mer I,er --
im-ner d
!wltry-ir doz 8 no ft s uo
totona-iwr J.... 4
ja-IHT t. t
W-per ton 4 jo
Igofl-ppr cciru . 351)
lambr-native-purM. ft 15 t
'Corroctnd every ThurwUy.
1 00
1 00
1 Ml
OSTO. 15.
-Notice the newR. 11. time table.
-Grand i,to.,i.raJe New Year's eve.
t your costume ready for the ball
quietly in
i hu m ma ia.sU oil very
-Ball New Year's eve.
I -Grand masquerade New Year's hull.
Work on the new eisUtrn has nut yet
fcea resumed.
Roger Bros. Silverwure for Rale by
fjrinwold & Marsteller.
Do not fail to (mil on The jotknal
if you want a nice job of printing done.
If you want to have a good time do
notmisa tlie masquerade bull on New
Tear's eve.
Barb wire will be 00c. higher inside
of one month. Buy now of Griswold &
We are informed that (i. W. Hester I
will commence work on the engine
house oft noon as he can get the lumber
from the mill.
The dance announced in our last is
nie to take place at the residence of
Jacob Marking on the evening of Jan. 2,
150, has been indefinitely jiostpoiied.
A good acreage of barley is likely to
be sown in Sioux county next wsison.
It bas been demonstrated that that is an
excellent crop to grow here, both for
quantity and quality produced.
By an oversight in the make-up on
the third puge of this issue the date line
was printed bearing date of iJec. 19th,
instead of Dec. 20th, but this being
Qiristman week all such things are ex
cusable. . It would be a good plan at this time
of year if the hose, was taken oil" the
town pump every evening and put in
some of the places of business, so it will
not get filled with ice and inconvenience
those who want to use it.
R. Wilson ha completed house on
his place just southwest of town and
(low occupies it with his family. He ar
rived here only a couple of months ago,
and now he hits it arranged so he will
soon have a quarter section of land from
Uncle 8am.
Tell your friends in the east, to come
to Sioux county if they want to live in
a place where they have nice,
leather the greater part of tjie year. It
would be hard to find a place where
finer weather prevails than the people of
Sioux county enjoy.
Tlie report that the mountains west
nd north of here are full of snow is
good news to the people of this section
of country, as it insures a plentiful rain
fall during the coming season, Every
judication points to a prosperous future
ami good times for Sioux county.
A number of the farmers are ex
pressing their intention to put out quite
a quantity of sugar beet seed. This
will give an opportunity to see just how
much an acre of land will produce and a
thorough test of the sugar yield can be
made. The beets make excellent feed
for stock.
Mrs, J, T. Weir received the sad in
telligence a few days ago of the death of
her moUwr, Mrs. Susan Taylor, which
occurred at Woburn, Mass., on Dec. 19,
ISSJI, : The deceased at the time of her
death was past 89 years old, thus having
exceeded tlie three score years and ten
allotted to member of the human fam
ily by nearly a score of years.
-It would be a good plan for our pco
Kly to begin to take some action in re
gard to getting a flouring mill located
hew, A largo amount of wheat will be
frown in thin locnlit v npxi season and
the farmers cannot afford to pay freight
both way on the breadstuff they
Now is the time to look up Buch matters
no as to have it ready to take care of the
crop as soon as it is ready for milling
Another chanter relating to the
Rosa & Thorn nsoM slock was recorded
last week by the tiling of pajiers in a
suit of B. P. Carlev airainst J. F. Pfosl,
"lierifT, and his bondsmen, for $2,600
damages claimed to have lieon done) Car
MV. hv fliuitnainir of the iroodfl. The
v -v r n - , .
munmon foes been issued and Hie cane
aril I k. in Ilia ilintricl. court. Al
fred Bartow, of lliadron, and 0. F,
Holme, of Harrison are the attorney in
tfn caee. , We understand tlmt another
lUit will probably be 4 ift We
-Do not fail to take advantage of our
combination oiler.
-Now is the time wb..n worn on sulj
w ription is very acceptable.
-Tlie new passenger service on the
Elkliorn is a vast improvement.
-R. Wilson is having a well drilled on
ui place a mile south-west of t
Tell your friends to
TE J-R.Val and get the benefit of our
1 li-fniiu.,t ,.(r..-.
TllK JorRNAi, force indulged
' hnvtmes '-lay off" and
this issue is a diiy late.
t.w i luri, laai JontSAL is
prepared to do all kinds of job printing
iu a neat and tasty manner, on short
Rev. Wilkinson, a Baptist Mission
ary, sient last Sunday at Harrison and
occupied the pulpit at the M. E. church
morning and evening.
The t'hristnian tree and entertain
ment at the hall on Tuesday evening
was well attended, and everything
passed olf satisfactot'ialiy.
subscrilie for
in a
(JnjIFBT At ll.ii f V
- v i'i. xj. Krwi -
age in Harrison, on Friday, December
20. 1HH9. by Itey. I. F. Lusk, Mr. Ira
Nelsrn and Miss Blanche Gilbert, both
of Sioux county, Nebraska.
Ltvf.rmoke ReitfJj. At the M. E. oar-
Honage, in Harrison, Neb., on Wednes
day, L'ecemlier 2.r), bv Rev. L L.
Lusk, Mr. E. E. Livermore, of Hiirri-
win, ell.. and Miss Agnes Beitel,
Lusk, Wyo.
1 lie groom is one of the enterprising
men who is making a home for himself
in Sioux county by earnest labor, and
the bride is an estimable lady who will
greatly aid him in his efforts. The
friends of the newly married pair extend
hearty congratulations and good wishes
for a long and happy journey through
Wanteii 000 good ikisIs wanted on
subscription for which we will allow 10
cents apiece. A good chance to get Tim
JoL'HNai. without any outlay of cash.
Remember TllK Journal clubs with
almost any pajier in the United Stales
and when you wait anything in the line
of pajers or jienodicals call and see us
and we can save you some money.
Don't forget the meeting of the
tecwr association, Jan. 2nd and 3rd,
18S9. The program is prejiared to be in
teresting to all who may attend. A
good attendance will do much to encour
age the teachers in their work.
On last Friday tlie school was given
a treat by the teacher, Asa Davis. The
good things were brought to the school
house without the scholars having any
idea of what was in store for them. The
affair vaa highly enioved by all, and
lends to make good feeling between the
teacher and scholars.
-Elsewhere in this issue appears the
advertisement of the St. Louis OIoIh
Dnuxrat. This is ono of the leading re
publican papers of the nation, and in all
public matters it takes a most fair
minded position. In addition to this its
:olumns are filled with a good class ot
news and reading matter, mauing ii a
very desirable family paper.
In another flumn of this issue ap
pears an extract from the statutes re
lating to eslrays. A comparative lew
of the people are in possession of the
law on this subject and the change made
i..i vinlr tnnkes if, necessary to me
some papeis within forty-eight hours af
ter the animal is taken up, so it will oe
well for all to I informed on the sub
On last Friday the attention of the
county court was occupied tiy a sun.
wherein A. W. Emery was plamtil! and
G. Guthrie defendant, the suit growing
out of a settlement for cutting the flax
of the latter hy the former. The
was tried to a jury which gave a vu-
dict in favor of the plaintiff. The case
will lie taken to the district court on ap-
-The land and loan ofllce of Jones &
Verity has been moved into the new
quarters recently built adjoining w
Hank of Harrison, and it makes them a
very neat and pleasant place in which
to do business. The Commercial ..
r i.n mnvwl from its former location
nan i.rvn." --
to tlie room recently vacated by Jones &
Verily, which bus been fitted up mceiy
for banking .purpose,
-The B. & M. has changed the time of
arrival and departure of trains at Craw
ford st) as to make it convenient for -as-sengers
up this way. Tho twin going
east does not leave until 7:30 p. m. and
the train going west arrives at Crawford
at 5 0 a m. This makes H so man ii-:
ties desiring to go west from Crawford
lave plenty of time to catch the west
bound Elkliorn train and those desiring
to go south on the B. & M. do not need
to loose any time.
-A single page in a single issue of
the (Wm-y taken for advertising pur
poses costs r,00; in Um
other prominent magazines from $100 to
'140 A yearly advertisement of one
column in !he Chicago Tribune costs
in dm New York Triimvc
Little Cottonwood Items.
The first meeting of the literary soci
ety in district No. 3 was on Saturday
night, December 21.
An epidemic is going the rounds of tlie
neighborhood having all the .symptoms
of whooping cough except the whoop.
Chas. Grove was unable to assume his
duties as teacher last week on account
of having a severe cold.
Church services were held in the
school house in district No. 3 by Rev.
Currenson December 15. Subject of
discourse, "Tins good of Sunday schools,"
There were services held by the same
gentleman on the evening of the same
day at the school house in district No. 4.
The Sabbath School at the latter place
was reorganized.
Report of school taught in district No.
3 for the month ending December 13, '89.
No. of scholars enrolled 28; No. not ab
sent during the month 12; those neither
absent or tardy Emma and Maggie Dove;
whole number of days attendance 464;
average daily attendance 20.
Chas. Gkovk, Teacher.
For Rent. Good house, 14x20,' two
rooms and cellar. Enquire of Conrad
We received a communication from
Squaw creek last week, but the writer
neglected to sign his name. It is a rule
that cannot be broken, that we cannot
publish any communications unless the
name of the writer accompanies it, not
necessarially for publication, hut as a
guarantee of good faith. Our .friends
will please bear this in mind in future.
The trouble in one of the northern
nreeinots mentioned in 'our last issue
grew out of a claim held by young Ban
nan, and contested by Dave Rands. Tlie
latter was building a house on the land
and Bannan tried to prevent him from
doing so and a row ensued. Albert
Rands, a constable, ordered a cession of
hostilities in the name of the law and at
tempted to take a knife away from Ban
nan, and as a result got quite a severe
cut across the hand. It is likely the
matter will have to be settled
in the courts. It was fortunate that no
more physical injuries were inflicted.
On last Tuesday a couple of tlie
nm,iirs of Urn school board of school
district No. 7 were arrested, charged
with emliezzlement. The case grows
out of the school board letting the board
,.fi,..-inr ili village of Harrison
have some money, which has not been
paid back to them. The proceedings
were dismissed as the action was not
brought in proper shape. The school of
ficers may be liable for the amount u
they fail to got it from tho village, but
it is a mystery how the charge of em
bezzlement can be made out of it. The
complaint was sworn out by H. Mern
lleld. The long-looked for and much de
uiNJ nassentrer train on this line is now
. .... cin 'i..u Mnndnv morning the
a ia t. vyi, I...,.,
n.i train of the new service passed up
the road. It is a nice train, consisting
of a combination mail and express car,
umnljor. dav coach and sleeper. This
gives the people along this Hue an op
portunity to travel rapidly and comfort
ably and in making a trip to Onvalia or
return they can get into the sleeper and
not have to change at all during the trip.
Th nassenger tram going west arrives
here at 8:1)1 a. m., and going east arrives
at 6:30 p. m. The freight going west ar
rives at 11:33 a.m. and.going east arrives
at 2:05 p. in. This makes it possible for
narlies desiring to make homestead en-
wi,.s to co to Chadron, make their en-
... .i... ,..,;,,ir und return next
try in iou cvv...i..n
morning arriving here before nine
',.i,.i.- Of course to do this they
. i i i i.i;,ml in im down on the
freight, but that would be better than to
have to remain at Chadron two nights.
The putting on of this train in another
indication that the line will be extended
in the near future. There i no question
C. E. Verity went to Chadron on
Thursday oa business.
Geo. Heckman was in Harrison last
Thursday and made a pleasant call at
our office.
S. R. Story, of Antelope precinct,
was in Harrison last Friday.
F. F. Gray, of While river precinct,
was in Harrison Friday and ruaue a
pleasant call at our office.
rG. W. Hester made a busiuess trip to
Crawford on Friday.
Charles Philips, brother-in-law of Mrs.
L. A. Post, was visiting here during the
past week. Mr. Phillips is an old news
paer man and made a fraternal call at
our office.
Will Davis, of the Ifearld, arrived
home last week from his vacation, much
improved in health.
Bernard Upholl', of Montrose, was in
Harrison on Tuesday and made a pleas
ant call at our oltice. He takes the mail
route on Jan. 1, lHflO.
-Mrs. J. T. Weir arrived on Monday
from Chadron accompanied by her son,
Arthur, who is recovering from his ill
Ned Andrews spent Christmas iu Har
rison. Theodore Piekenbrock spent some days
in Children, returning on Tuesday, when
he made a short call at our office.
Harvey Weir came up from Rushville
to spend Christmas with his mother and
returned Wednesday evening, accompan
ied by his family.
D. M. Sutton contributed to tlie wealth
of The Joubnal on Thursday.
Foreman Wright and' family spent
Christmas with friends at Whitney.
J. J. Zumbrunnen and family, J. G.
Morris and family and Mrs. Emma E.
Steers were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. i.
O. Williams on Christmas.
C. H. Redd spent Christmas in Har
rison the guest of his sister Mrs. C. H.
B. B. Smith is visiting friends here and
will remain until after the meeting of
the teachers' association,
diaries and lion Snyder came up from
Whitney to spend Christmas with their
C. E. Holmes spent Christmas with
friends at Rushville.
A. R. Dew was a caller on Tuesday.
A. Southworth, G. W. Gveger and J.
M. Daniels were in Harrison on iuesday.
A. J. Marsteller left on Wednesday
evening for the east to spend the winter.
' M. R. McDowell went to Gordon Wed
nesday evening to visit friends.
Mrs. A. W. Emery left on Wednesday
evening for a visit with her parents near
Sioux City, Iowa.
Looking Backward.
We are well satisfied with
the liberal patronage bestow
ed upon the RANCH SUP
PLY HOUSE, and we hope
to merit a continuance of the
same by keeping a
Large and Complete Stock
Of General merchandise
constantly on hand, and sell
ing the same at prices that
defy competition, ,
No baits offered, but affair
and square deal on every sale.
A large stock of confection
ery just received for the Hol-days.
eir m, uo.,
Say, Everybody!
If you owe us anything please arrange
to settle it by January ' 1st. We need
money and want this year's business
closed by the first of the year.
Weir & Co., .
Best Line to the East.
The Burlington Route B. &. M. R. R.
is running elegantly equipped passenger
frames without change lrom Newcastle,
Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct
to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection
at that point with their own through
i-,.:u fnr. rioiivnr. ( hevenne. and ail
UIi,lt3 i" . i
,..oq4 i.nil for Kansas City, St,
Joseph, St. Louis, Omaha, Peoria, Chi
cairo. and all points east,
" Remember this is the ' only line by
...I,;. ,K fan i ;i If Klfieninir oar from
VV 1111 11 J vi.. L- (J
Crawford in the evening arriving in Lin
,i ri,,,l,f, itiu. nevl, afternoon, and
CUIO .HIV viimm.
in Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis the toi
lowing morning.
, For further information and tickets ap
ply to nearest agent of Burlington
Route B. & M. R. R.
Get it for 9 1-2 per cent, straight some
where else.
We don't make 9i per cent, loans but we will make, you a reasonable loan and
The Fremont,, Elkliorn & Missouri Val
ley Railroad, (Tho Northwestern Line,)
extends to its patrons and friends a
'Merry Christmas" and ."Happy JSew
Year," and for the purpose of enabling
,1 i ,.;;t tiioiv kin-folks during the
l.lieUt vinii,
holidays, will sell excursion tickets De-
cemlier 21th, 2!tn, 30th anil January isi,
good returning January 3rd, at one fare
for the round trip, tietwecn all stations
within a two hundred miles limit. Any of. tlin F. E. & M. V. R. R. will
f,,ll infm-nifitinn as to the 'lle of
tickets,, limits, &e.
Than those who advertise the
ton nod-
000 for the lowest and ., " , ,,, .senger train
Highest no.; in the New a "profit to
$30,200 for tho lowest and f.19,,.00 for wiinau i i j in
hughes! priced column. pa-1 1 he ,m .. of
IJOfs are never at a to for ndver ,sc or, to P roU M to
mollts to Jill up their co imns - fw Rny u.ngtU cf
Wr,f with the idea that i- libera. , 1 ,
Eye and Skin Ointment.
A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes,
Tetter, Salt Rhcura, Scald Head, Old
ni J,n finrns Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Soro Nipples
tmj Tt u inolinor and soothing.
UUU iUtT . o -
Hundreds. of cases havo been cured by
It after ail other treatment bad failed.
25 and 50, cent boxoe for sale by
C.H,, Andwvn, Driifiiii
Re wy a mm.
2 oer cent