The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 19, 1889, Image 6

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The Sioux County Journal.
Subscription Price, 2.00
L J. SiauMHto, . Editor.
KnurM) at the Ham sua post office a aee
oud rluM matter.
T RSUA. J5iaUIEB 19, 1880.
Judge GrofTa unanimous confirmation
as cfMnuiissiouer of the funeral land of
fice sJiov s that his ability is recognized,
j and Nebra-ski may well feel jroud of the
lienor conferred upon one of hvr citizens.
The work of Judge Groff since taking
charge of tlie otffce lias won liim hosts
of friends all over the country.
ttobert Bwtiiii, the greatest of Eng
lish poets of tiie age, died a few. days
ago. His works are among those of the
highest class, and will live for ages in
the literary world.
The anaual session of the Nebraska Edi
torial Association will be held at Kearny
on January 23rd and 24th. H. M. Bush
nell, president, and F. G. fei ruinous, sec
retary of the association, have recently
completed the arrangtnents and an inter
esting meetiug'is "expected.
The indications are that Wyoming will
be admitted to statehood in tlie near fu
ture and Idaho is clamoring to be taken
in out of the cold. At tiie present rate
of creating new states it will not be long
until territories and territorial laws will
be a thing of the past. The recent de
cision of the courts on the Mormon ques
tion will go far toward getting Utah
ready for statehood, as it is understood
that the territory cannot be admitted to
all tlie rights of a member of the Union
so long as Mormon rule exists. Tlie
The Press, recently started as a morn- new flags with the forty-two stars will
ing daily at Hastings, lived sixteen days scarcely be flying from the government
It is a pretty well established buildings and ships before the addition of
and died.
fact that it costs a good deal of money
to run a daily paper and newspaper men
ought to be eitlier well loaded with cash
or have a good support guaranteed them
before attempting to run a daily outside
of a large city.
more stars will have to be made.
The trial of Kilr.iin at Pun-is, Miss., a
few days ago resulted in a verdict of not
guilty of prize fighting, but guilty of
assault and battery. The jury was out
five hours. Tlie attorney for the de
fense held that it was a social combat
and not, a prize fight. Kilrain was sen
tenced to pay a fine of $200 and impris
onment in tlie county jail for two
months. An appeal was taken to a
higher court and the bond fixed at f 1,000.
Dr. Billings again bobs up in the mat
ter of disease germs. He now states
that the germs of yellow fever in man
of Texas fever in cattle and of the swine
plague in hogs are about the same.
One thing is certain. Billings is ener
getic and persevering in chasing disease
germs and he may yet demonstrate tliat
physicians have been working in tlie
dark, trying to cure disease, when they
ougiiL to nave auopteu a cou to pre
vent it
The nmyor and aldermen of Cascade,
Iowa, were before tlie court a few days
ago as witnesses agains saloon keepers
of that place. Tlie men testified tliat
they called for whiskey but could not
swear wiiether it was whiskey they re
ceived or something else. It is strange
how men will attempt to avoid giving
evidence against men who have sold
them liquor. Hud it been a dry goods
merchant on trial and the witnesses
asked if it was calico they called for and
purchased they would not have hesitated
to state the facts in tlie case. Drinking
men appear to believe that they are un
der obligations to a man who sells them
liquor, but why they should think so is I
a mystery, It is a business transaction
and that is all there is to it.
On lost Monday afternoon the great
Cronin trial at Chicago came to an end.
The jury, after Iwiug fout nearly sixty
hours, having agreed on a -erdict, which
sends Coughlin, O'Sullivan and Burke to
the penitentiary for life, Kunze to tlie
same place for a term of three years and
declares Beggs to 1 innocent. The ver
dict, although considered to be tlie re
sult of a compromise, gives quite gen
eral satisfaction, although some think
Kunze as innocent as Beggs. and that lie,
also, should liave been acquitted. The
jurors agreed to sav nothing in regard to
their deliberations in tiie jury room and
it is prouawe tnat me public will never
know what caused tlie long delay in
the making up of the verdict. Beggs
tliauked tlie jurors for tlieir verdict, and
as lie stepped out a free man, lie made a
vow, tliat he would sjiend the balance of
his life hunting for the men who killed
Cronin. Thus ends one of tlie most
noted criminal trials in the history of tlie
United States, having been in progreas for
over three months, and has demonstrated
tliat murder will out, no matter how
well the plans are laid to con(al tlie
deed and protect tlie purpetrators from
the strong arm of justice.
Harrison, Nebraska.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Every Accommodation Compatible With a Conservative Businewt Freely
' rmi. proof oii(i;s.
lui. naprr will r.-,-r H M.n,ii "'l
-ritftre ru...i u, ,.,
uutuv mnl U any -rri- nM
Will Ul lllioltH III OIIIM. '
Xutlr for l'lli.-ti!j,ui.
Lund Ctflic hi ( lnroil S)
nuiiuvl arttli-r l,,..,ll.i . .'"
lkB to make Anal U1-...1 i '".r
claim, mnl tt,l,i,l pr. will
or In tii. au-a-nrt- Ix-tore tlw A.'rw
, . .,, ,-., uu Jat
.irunif i. neir, ufll.rri,.,
who mwle II K No. 23nn fnr n... ,. '
Sl.rsti. -
Hie nam.-a ti. foIUmliijf wlm,,,
lion of mill ,. al ?
i.rttf K. LmiHlord. TboinB. hi.iV' 11
'-""i B,.:
. . R
Niitir for Pulili. iiiu
Nolle U hercbr irlvi .i, . .
""'! wtller lm Hl,Hl noiio,, V.i hi
t on Wiiuinnal t,TfK,f i,",, Lbn
rlMim, mnl that nr,u,f ,K,rl
for-M. l: KlnkHid, i.i.lBP t ,h"'"
court, or hi liUHlwniv li,r th..
-l.l .rt hi Harm,,? M Zk " Zl'
nary 4ih, imvo, viz: "rKH, on
tli'tlro. Mnlir. of Harris
who 11, s. No. VQ for 11...
"You Press
the Button,
We do the
"'4 V nw(, sH, ti,3J) rK
H. ' follow , wxuuwsu,
IILM1 OI Nlllt Il.ll.l vlw ti,in ." 1 -
"liiiii si,.
1'vutt-r, Ariimr .1. Adiim- ..' 7" V
uimi, nil of IIhitmoii. N,.,r,i;. "
I'0-"1' W. II. MCI -As. n,Hu
PRICE $25 00,
Loa.ll for li I'U iuros.
The syndicate which furnished the
money to float the Wild West show of
Buffalo Bill across the ocean is anxious
to have the books of the concern looked
up as they have not received what was
promised them when they were induced
to invest their money. . The record of
Buffalo Bill has always been good on
this side of the ocean in his business re
lations, and it is thought by some that
he has been imposed upon by some
sharper of good address.
Work lias commenced on a beet sur
factory at Grand Island which is to be
uie largest in me woriu. llns goes IM
..l.... .1... :...t:..4,. i r -.i. ii W
auuw Liuii. cujiumi',u nave lauu in uie
practicability of producing sugar from
Nebraska grown beets. Senator Slander
son has taken a great interest in the
matter and has introduced a bill to pro
vide for encouragement of the suirar
beet industry ,by ' thel national govern
ment. There is no reason why this mat
ter should not develop into immense pro
portions iu tliis state and there is no bet
ter locality for it than in the north-westr
em portion. It should be the duty of
every one interested in the future wel
fare of Sioux county to do all they can
to make a thorough test of this matter
during the coming season so tliat there
will be a record made of the ability of
the soil of this section to produce sugar
Tl. i. J 1 . ; I ...
iuc prospecta are mat ine muddle in
Hontanawill result in the democratic
senators losing their seats. According
to the constitution the members of the
Omaha will make an effort to get the
location of the state fair for tlie next fiv
years, the term for which it was located
at Lincoln having expired. It does not
Ke-loaliiiK, ti.OO.
For sale by all Photo. Stock Dealere.
.Send for copy of Kodak IVimer, with
sample photograph.
Dry Plate and Film Co.,
Northwestern Hotel.
This place lias recently changed, iiands ami nothing ii left undone for th
1 r liifjrii
R tfRW
' V4 Ao to l .
in T4ltMll u
o4 Lhu mt
I Mm from l
'"n mm and rr, .
'wilt Murk n,.J
KB loca'.nv ran .
"frc, lifjrcibfr iih m,,
mtn wtrt, 9n rrer. Ainh,4
xvmmiitt itjr 'H'Ul tl.i a. Mart
j .t fita iikt ta tro to ttMk it, .
.& tM HO put week Mai ttrwrl
On nftitr
MSI 'i fi
imt' vrirrl!. ii..r f.. !
th rh(r All TOO bart'
r1tim ti go aw i-at A
th who rV.-ywt iJ
B, E. Bbewster,
C, F. Coffee,
Vice Pres.
legislature must qualify within the first look quite right to locate the fair at the
thirty days of the session or their seats extreme eastern hue of the state. It
become vacant The senate being a tie ouerht to be located
U A i l . , .. . " '
r iiave prevented its orgam- sible. Of course there is no tow at
aation by refusing to come up and be present in the center of the state lanre
sworn m, thus leaving that branch of enough to accommodate the vast crowds
ine legislature without a quorum. Tlie that each year visit the state fair, but it
time in which they must qualify is would be iust as well to u. it
almost, if not quite, expired, and the re- where it is for a while and some of the
suit will he tliat. thotr will
j ..... B .,.u uowns in central jeorasKa will prepare
Private citizens and the governor will themselves for it Th
all special elections in the various dis- state have some riehts which even Lin-
ricw u mi tne vacancies. coin and Omaha, nno-ht t h k.,
respect. Tlie fair srrounds at Lincoln k
ine uxuoattons are that a settlement commodius and well fitted un. and nine
win oe enecwa between the govern- the fair has been located there the man
jnent and the bondsmen of Howard agement has been able to put it on
Hvejoy, tiie defaulting receiver of the paying basis and clear up its old debts.
jpiuurara. omce. judgment was
Tendered a snort time since against the Tlie recommendation of Judson Graves
inusraen oi ixivejoy, and the payment for postmaster at Neligh has called forth
wouiu worn a narosnip on a large num- a set of resolution by the Antelope farm-
U1 " s aeciaea to try and ers alliance, which m.hlihrl i ik
wwwe vne government w release them Omaha Bee a few dav mm mw:.
t ii..:. .iii.,. . . ' i '"'
u",r 'Sons- ur. Bcnwenck against tlie appointment, and stating
w -o"gressriian valentine nave that thev rann.,1 nnmi. tV,oir,.,.,i
in lrPn.shinfrfsin tr ajma. Ar. r. I i s
d w" owwiv uja (it suDDon ana muuenre tn th vmoT-ouu.
nuM-ier. oenator Mander- men if the annointment is ma,l Tl
BAD Iwia awmuuuuuI 1. 1 1 A I i I .
T " nenei inat ur. man selected for the same position at
Scbwenck's offer of compromise will he Creighton also called forth strong op-
m mawer uettieo, position, and even at his own home the
action of the congressman in recrard to
Tfce Capital Loon and Investment com- the selection of a postmaster was not at
pany, of Lincoln, is a thing of the past, all satisfactory to some of those who had
U was organized, on the plan similar to been his warmest suDoorter. 1W
the Minneapolis company which recentr and other unsatisfactory distributions e
W wot to gn. it seems that the sue- public patronage which he has made has
of the local loan and building asso- aroused a good deal of feelirur airainst
pernios aoa a few of those doing busi- Mr. Dorsev which 1m mieht have avouUl
now over a more extended territorv had be been a little more inclined to do
has given an opportunity tor schemers what was for the good of the general
vo organize ana operate a large number I public,
M companies claiming to represent the
pnnupies ana plans ot operating. Tlie trial of Dr. Kell v. Siiiriiitn,inl
auwucs, laoorers and others were in- of the msame hospital at Norfolk, closed
WW K invest their good money in the last Saturday. The iurv were out ahm.t
-i . . . - - -
pans of tne concerr. and after a little five hours and returned a verdict nt nM
while the company goes to the wall and Uruiltv. This has been miite a. nnti
its assets prove to be a lot of printed and grew out of the result of a sunrica)
j, vnla inttli, wVn I n 1 1 1 ' I . i r: -
"r "ti " . m iuui uww vmrauoii Denormea dv ur. kpiiv on a
It would b to invest in the shares of the girl by the name of Soulier, for a tumor.
nsopanv. a law ougnt to be made to when in reality tlie girl was iireenant,
regulate such organizations. To have
tb wildcat companies start up and
tfarn die after getting poor people to
pu-t with their earnings, puts a distrust
fo all organisations of the kind. There
fcl BO doubt but what local kyui and
taflntf Msoajationi are a benaflt to the
fWsji where tbty exist for they enable
OMwfennk and laborers to secure
(of UMtoowaandthM ita bsntflt
; fc3 f the town MAto bonier, and the
r.CMJw ought not to
MObM l tot few oftV
Ur. Kelly was charged with being the
thor of the girl's ruin and that he per
formed tlie operation for the purpose of
producing an abortion. The fact that be
called in two resident physicians of Nor
folk to assist him did much to clear up
that theory. The relatives of the gi'l
made an assault on tlie Doctor, inflicting
seveni Mil let wound upon His person.
The result of tiw trial clears Dr. Kelly
ot al criminal charges in the matter,
tt would be well for those in charge of
state institutions to be more careful in
future so as not to get the conduct of
thj yvblte hospitals ta W repute, I
Commercial Bank.
General Banking Business
Entertainment of Guests.
Come and See Us.
AYfHfttTCY af7 ",a "" " Til
rirti ftnmis ti f if bn ik !i itrtnd.iiiiitiUe..
m hm . tr (In frvmih-tun .1
0 SxiS .-
1 'if J
Z 'lit
al h - co
I have received my stock of holiday goods consisting of
Toilet sets, manicure sets, etc., also
a fine line of lamps, toys, china cups
and saucers, jewelry, etc.,
And invite all to call and see tlttm when :
Wm. C)iristensen,
AjVholesale and ReUiil
A large and well selected stock
at prices to uit the times,
Agents for
Chadron, Neb.
ntir stock of
Is also full and complete.
I II L Ul I U If I c
For the SnbwrllMTii ot Ihc I
Dailv HpH CtatP Iniirmf
Far Evi-ry Yearly Jhlnm.
In aiklition o my stock of
Fresh and Salt Meats
I bave ust put in a large supply 0f
And also a Fine Line
Atlas World
tinr larjr vuluinp of lit pmrim, roiiulnlia
liirsri hchIi nnin?i (if i-vir' cmnitrv iuid eiM
fllvlxlon niKm tint f m-- iif tin- kIoIk-, Ki-sfl
tifiilly llliiRlrHtcd, with ciilori'd diuKW
"ItowliiB wrailtli. di-bt. civil coiulttluii. im
ihicilimi,, imuiiifiu'liirrH, and commiTca', H
IlKioui wpIm, I'll- . nnil n Miiiiorh lliif of "A
Ifrm-liiK. tuiil muny'iiPW tmnrm nrvet
lure liira,rxjriitml In a work nl tiiiH uu-m
1'ho map an f iHrKU w-Hln cimiiiilH In"1
the iiKMt rpcrnl nml amliinttu; m n rc-e. 4
urn Iwautlllllly tlnKKl, llliln rcniliTlim thus
rlfsranii 'llmlrict, Tlie iwiiiHliirK-n of nt
lour omr ululfuart' clvnrly ili-llm u, mid
whole work broti(rlil to lute ilnti'.
New General Map of the
Size, 66x4f! Imubs.
" - 1I .nd 1 1. .11 lo all
6BHnM "STARLIGHT HOUR" $1.30 Per Salt.
An ontln-Iv nir nmn limt from thft rfi
irrvcrii. lliii liirvoHt rriMii i-ver printed A
onn h!('t ol n:ii)i-r. It in llnulv IliilKh "I
niuuiiuMi on roiu-rtf. ine irn-iminifai .-r
tin In uiKiiciillcd, Tho tmip una la-en riff
pllil from the lnUmi re(-nrtln ol thf
hliit.- land ofHw. It shows all ntHU w
county txiniidiiry llnca, Inrtluii rqucrvatlom
niounlalnnlnkiT, rlvi-rs, all linu of rallnw
to May 1, IMi. and fltl- Uii-rwm In lnW
Cll-r tvrw, A vrnat. ,hiiv 1-11 lntlllf 11"'!
wn rowntly onipl-tBd, m-w (omitim ii j
b-n fornifil.anil no many iinw townn tilJ
aprunif into -xlntnor, thai qniu- a """"J
of tin- map prt-Mititii a tromplcte contract
au outer niapif,
How Get Atlas Map.
ii .... .. m i(h
iin wj ni VAmif ui jk i-iti (i immi 1 - - 1
Of thfft tli mini. I u Hi n rtl
Will olf orJ VXVi ttt UP IlIcllllllillH l l!tf
writer U ibc
On tho following Kirtna; Any nu imr"1?
f 10 lor lh 1 , I LV nTATK Jol K A 1. 1 ot t
'-r, In mltiiiiop, will hti presetiled frae JI
coat, eioMeipraiifre, wittt either th iJ
laaur map, aa bi tnay w-lftfU Anv ou PJJ7
lull (4.0II, (or mi mnutha Iu advant-e.
aolnct either by paying W canta Bxtr,or W
PaylncM.MI for tbriwi uiontba iu i.'vUC
and tl-flO extra fnr tna map or at'.im. .,, J
inn uair.v btatit .i4ii'uAi win t
ffnulJMl (ra iuuIl .
tba t'oltwl AUUa. 5fc manoruHaawt"
Mat by npnn, lor wbiob a -r lal rK
bam MenrMl, tba tinraaa ebargna to b". P",
-11. , . - . . k. ..(IU
onirari. rwnii nonay ny oaua
(not paraonal ahoek.) onom-y order,
prtaa, at oar risk. Addraaa all order
pen to any oOieM w
rU j
' iNC0UN,!ti