THE ACE OF COLD. lA, preacher aad the saga ,,,s.on ,, hua atHioni it nw. fTthe mtre have rolled ana iuyed the dreams of old Upf tiase to-day '.the Age of Tpt lovtra sign; t Jwle a lul-ity J, a witching rye. lhwlk no Ion iter lei LVr the laahiona bold) -jeaiat, litit IhioU, a criinoletti f, Age of Oold. (-yjerer nulla a nay, Carper '"" a Sf": JJb, a ever known to flag-, 1 a ever dull; land nay claim the bar uBunwr wr of old are all dead to-duy file- Ag of Oold. yam prl. no college lad, -pen a Newton brow; LuM not writ a ljniad Lgre no duuena now: families, bore, have vaniahed all: Lr' le t to ai-olil; Laonkl been me of Juvenal , inoriMI? ipvvi . n f Titnnle fine A LONDON LOVER. "u an, and I gat down V a memoranda Jf or I had resolved not to l.uv rnv tl'inpu at the littlp Hhorm in i. J-up Hollo., but SZuVS Pmai ,ourney t(, UmJ that buMuos. Ah. the delist of ..-r. in mia .,t ' no longer bridal A RU .1 "Hll... nV!1 th girl v.ho-o "HcHo" to vou? Mm. doe n't and K0 matter how pers;---,u i.r with f, fam liurv .V'' w,,rry it' the thought v,t '"'rl!al's S'in wore duh clone 1 Voice has o:i th.,,. i,,,i.. il.l..l. 11 . aUKUIIIC ""11 ncioea ntHk'A vmiK i...,.....: ;n. Wit I t hf i.rl.lll. " ......... - ... . ,,,. UJ luinl ()f ,t A , o , , . 1(. pl)0nic p,,.,. iaye -mu.-.i, was n not ... . AM Hatty Hyde on old in u id or at lent not a yoiin one nnd I intent to remain ho. I'.ut lcnnif! vcryiienr ;,i.tlin married I Spring, end 1 11 toll you Low it Urn 35, rind not alwoluU-ly ugly, IL.. wlian T Innb in t )wi rrbihiu T udected there a good fresh roin- eparkling eycHand an dunce of brown hair. I might munied two or thrrx timew, I wami't really in lore. I dure joo don't believe thin, but lean the letter ol declaration up in writing-dink now old Squire Bex. Mr. I'oproflthornc nnd Ckhtonl. 8o tbi-rt?! it when (Harcnco Knyrnond, bar- cam down to npend 'Jio vnea- with Ii'ih aunt, Mrs. Hiehtord eee, the dfjetor married, after all, ciSt much moro wuitabie in larot of mature yourn than I Vidhnve Iwen, and I didn't care, I-I mUMt confess to alittlo wom- Ij flatter around tho heart for be tall and handsome and, in just the liero of romanee that kiiialwflTH dreamed about. "Huttr,"iud Mrn. llichford wo qmtc confidential friends, yon and cl1fd ono another Hatty d Pnniela, and borrowed ea ii bookM, nnd all that Hort of ng-"Uattv, 1 think Clarence ralh- iaociw you." wyou? ' kaiiI I, keling tho tell- blMlien come into niv face, ami heart begin to thump beneath pretty lace t ucker of Valeiieiennes pink ribbon that I hud taken to nne every da v. 1 am certain of it." Ha id Mrs. pford, "and how nice it will bo to ire yon for a cousin!" iTlmt evening Clarence asked me if Jtonld marry him, and of course I It was very nice to bo engaged, f cave me n lovely cumeo ring, icer nnd more antique than any kmoBd could have In-cn it bad his mother's ring, he said nd npeated the most delicious poetry, Kmed that itexpressel tlio very tiinenU of his heart. And we had uderings in the cool, fern-.-ented oda. nnd moonlight tulks on the Wndah, nnd I begun to wonder wber I should I married in white tin or a dove-colored drew. One evening, just after CI 'irence bal wnedtohis unavoidable engage "tintown, Uncle Nathan came 'vkitme. Uncle Nathan was one of thw fple, of whom we are apt to nsk, mmon with niosquitos nnd flies: AuV amen !... ..,11" v "-' v i. ,ii-j vvt7l V'lTllwili n'aa a venerable old gentleman a long, silver hair that loll over w'lar of his bottle-green coat, I doth gaiters that irresisiibly inded one of n black pussy cat, took snuffand tolked through nose. "Harriet." said Uncle Nathan, "is true?" "1 whut true, Uncle Nathan?" "us lol-de-rol about your oe- ngneed to a man ten years "aw than Tourself. Harriet! I thought you had better Ht'i only five yen rs, Uncle Nathan" ? I. pouting.' "And I suppose I ; engaged without sending to Wlstioua lnr n tvpmit." Harriet, thin is not a subject to ?lppnnt about ' said Uncle Na- "von innvilrunililt)(in it. tliat young man is a mere foi tnnu W. You have proptyty, Harrii t, "whnsiound it out." nJnclel" l cried, starting up, I listen tamelv to sm h pT "n the character of ono who X'oenr. my dear, don't getex " aid the intolerable old gentle .tapointr upon the lid of his J1' Nuff box. "You are not a child, Jrtet, n sentimental school 1 Let's talk the matter calmly 'Wloe to discuss It, sir," wn" fdtCTBlfled reply. "My mind i np,and noatnount of meddling iiaie will mr induce mo to ai V MvDsHsa Nathan went way, Cl,.w.n,.. -"'".v mat ""esnouia have all that tommnjir7 I didn't care for i J sell so much, but I was determined not to disgrace (lureuee. wn ine .rud'ant Pm' day, " hen the sky was as blueas the bluest ribbon, and the very leave, hung mot on ess , the yellow atmosphere hke at e slaps at anchor in a sea of gold, I took the early train from But tercup Holl,,w Wjtll tt purse )u of money buttoned into an underpocket ofmy polonaise, lor I had read all ""7UI uorna stories uhout pick pockets, and didn't mean to part with any of my crisp bank notes ex cept lor value received. I felt a little flut tered at first, and scarcely ven tured to look round me.forit seemed as if every body must know that I was going to buy my wedding outfit. Ii I attempt to tell vou nnythin" about the adventures of that day, know I shan't succeed. Women could perlmpsunderstand how I felt in the fairyland ol thone great circles of fashion tlmtexist onlv iu London. 1 bought the wedding dress, widte reps silk and a veil of tulle, suspended from a garland of orange-blossoms, nnd 1 selected a blue silk, nixl a peach-colored Bilk, and a maroon silk, nnd dear me! what is the use of cataloguing them all? Othergirls have been bridea-elect before, and they'll know just how it nil was. And ns for those that haven't, just let 'em wait unt il their turn comes. And then, as thesun began to decline on its westering way, 1 felt excessive ly and unroinimtically hungry. "Is there a nice ladies' restaurant near here?" I asked. And one ol the shopmen went with nin to the door to point out a glit tering establishment, with its win dows full of delicacies. J entered and sat down, feeling very much as if I were an impostor, and ordered mock turtle soup, venturing meekly to look around a little alter the waiter had skimmered away. Dickens says that waiters never walk, and Dick ens is always right. And then for the first time, 1 noticed a superbly dressed young lady one or two ta bles beyond, in a r. lovely hat, wit ha long lilac willow plume and hair like a shower ol gold. "Oh, how pretty she is!" thought!. ''How proud her lover must be of her!'' And I leaned the least bit in the world forward to see the young man in question. (iood Heavens! it was my Clarence! And as I sat staring completely concealed from his ken by the golden hair and the lilac willow plume, 1 could hear light, peculiar laugh. "You wouldn't have me yourself, Kate?" said he. "You have only yourself to blame for it." "That's no reason you need throw voursell away," pouted the lady. " "She's a desperate old maid," said Clarence. "Old as the hills, nnd twice ns ant iquated. Hut she's got money. A man in my position has got to i,.l- nut, for money, vou know, Kate. Would you like to see her photogi aph?" And then the two heads were close together for an instant, and the, voung lady's rippling laugh mingled 'with Chtrnnre's mellow tones. "The idea of carrying such a thing ns that next to your heurt!" said hi If "It docs seem rather outrageous, don't it?" said ho "Hut when we ro once married all that sort of thing will be over. I'll see that she finds 1 f vol " ""Yes1 when!" thought I, now thor oughly disenchanted. Ami i got up ml hurried out of the restaurant early stumbling in my haste over the waiter, bearing on a silver truy mv mock-turtle soup. I-l've changed my mind!" mid I flinirin" a coin toward hiin-to tins Jay fd n't know whether it was ft SiMing or a sovereign. "Never mind ''Ttookthe next train to Buttercup Hollow and wrote a scathing note n Clarence the same evening. Uo tou wnnt toknow what was in it? If eouise like nil women's letters, Kt paJtofit was in the post. SC"(Jur engagement is at an end. II. n-(ip gThe next timeyou examine ho wns to on nnd conhle n't 1 shun i I..,.J .1.. ... IMII- "...u uie. --ariio.- U his got logo, il basal;e;Uyponn fr. m oi e end of tin wire, hut it will p.ohubly be a h,ng time dip;,eur;u? from the other, the sub scriber's end You Ciii "hello'' your self h'.arse at Central without provoking any greater variety of reply than: "Number, please." "Well, dou"t keep ringing In my ear," Oh, dear; can t you wa:t a minute till I et a chance to answer?" lint never hello." And you can sit in he central oHice by the hour without hearing the banished word, u-iIcfs vou lut your ear to a t lephone with a sub scnterat the olh"r end of the wire. Thenaam for lhe change? Nobody KIK.WS. CliIIMalnu. cuts or wound, can he cured In (.hurt lime liv the use i.f sivii,, mi All druirgiHts t-eH'it at 25 cents a bottle. Monea Ttint Hill Travel. Many have doubtlessly heard of the famous travelling stones of Australia. Similar curiosities have recently been found in Nevada, which are. described as almost perfectly round, tho majority of them as large as a walnut and of an Irony nature. When distributed about upon the floor, table or other level sur face, within two or three feet of each ether, they immediately begin travelling toward a common center, and there lie huddled up in a bunch like a lot of eggs in a nest. They are found in a r g.on that is comparatively level, and is noth ing hut bare rock-. Scattered over this barren region are little basins from a few feel to a rod or two iu diam -tcr, and it is in the bottom of Iho-e that the rolling stones are. found. They are from the size of a pea to si or seven indies in di ameter. The cause of these stones roll ing together is. doubtless, to he. found in lhe material of wliieli they are com posed, which appears to be loadstone or magnetic iron ore. Morse's School Shoks, made in our large shoe factory at Omaha, Ne braska. Ask your dealer for them, lief use to take any others. If not kept In your town, write us asking where to get them. They wear longer and lit better than any other shoes. Shoes have always been made too narrow. We make them wide. A reward of Fifty Dollars (u gold paid for-every pair of our own make of shoes that contain a particle of shoddy, or anything but solid leather. We make one bundle 1 and fifty' styles of Women's Misses' and Children's Sewed and Standard Screw, Grain, Glove, Kid and Jlougola. K'e gant styles, wide and good fitting. We also carry one hundred and lifty styles of Men's Goods, Rubbers, &c. W. V. MOUSE & CO., Shoe MannfaiK trers, Omaha, Nebraska. A air f ratarrfc , ic Oar heart, an well as of all hroncbial. throat and lung diseases, if taken in time, i e.Teeted bv using Dr. Pierce's (ioldeu Medical Discov ery, or money paid for it will be promptly returned. A more pleasant physic You never will find Than Pierce's small "Pellet," The Purgative kiDd. Speech is silver and sliver Is likely to mean speech in Congress this session. For Bboschiai Asthmatic and Pil monaky 1'ompi.aixts, "Brown's Bronchial Troches" have remarkable curative proper- tics. told only in lioxes. Time in monev, hut a good deal of it Is about as valuable as Confederate currency. Only an idiot can go tlmuu making any mistake. h life w ithout A pmpliet., lliev say, is no good in his own country; hut there' Is an exception to this proverb. Dr. Hull lias been of inlinlte good to his countrymen, mid his Cough Syrup has become a nationul halm. Ollllleiir lOxercU'. )r. .lohn '1'. Kngle, of the bureau of vilal slntislicK, believes in resting iu the Oi en air. lie said: l or Homo i ergons 1 lie most beneficial kind of rest thai they can Like would lie yachting. Others find rest in driving. l!et, lii.e recreation should be tsdtci) ia n manner that is most congenial lo the one who wants rest.. You will find a grent ninny persons who ale very fond of the wuler, and ns soon n.s their tlnv's woik i over I hey make a i ush furlho boat. Some are fond of horseback ruling, ami ns swill n.s their downtown liuiicH for lhe day are ended they will liinke for their stable just, ns fast as pos sible, get, their liores and ride through tho park. Others find rest, iu swinging in hammocks and leaning n book. Some find rest iu walking. Jn fact, anything that changes the scene or changes the llioughls, so tlint, he can put. them entirely awnv from him nt in tervals during lhe day and give his mind and bruin a rest, and a chance to pain strength, he will derive a great deal of benefit from so doitig, New York Mail and Express. An Insurance I l rk' ;,.id Fortune. Hartfunl (Ci.nn.j Tlnw, Nuvmbr IS. It isn't ottcn that a young clerk still iu his teens bus $15,000 placed In his hands to do with os he pleased, and to use as his fancy may dictate; yet this was a little event that occurred last week to Roc Grant, a young man who lives on Vine street with his parents and who Is employed In the offices of the Hartford Life and Annuity Insurance Company, iu this city. Youug tirant held one-twentieth of ticket i;:l,Sfi!l. which drew the first capital prize of t)O,0O0 in the drawing of The Louisiana State Lottery Companyon the 15th of October. The lucky young man was ques tioned bv a newspaper man and he emphati cally denied having won the 15,000, but ex pressed himself as being willing to receive sueli a sum. Since the interview the news paper man has learned that tjiant, did receive the money; that it was paid to him by the manager of the Adams Express Company In this city, and that two supernumerary police men guarded the house the night the money was kept therein. All this was done without the knowledge of limit's parents, hut, when they too, found out how fortunate the foii had 'been, immediate efforts were made to suppress its publication. Tli I'lenrli .mii' Plirae. French women seem to cling lo gnnts da hnede, ami a woinlerliu novciiv mis been brniight. out, viz., n purse inserted hand. A semicircu lar incision is nnil in the palm, to which is linn allached a metal rim; this opens, allowing u white kid lining formin" a complete white jmrse. A belter purse could hanlly bo inveiited Tlns is ccrtaiiilv turning lo a clever ac count a KoimMvhut Tiilgar plan of carry' jug money in a glove. '1 hese particu lar gloves are motisquetnlres, eight imt tou length, but fastened with a couple of butlous at, the wrist '1 hey are iu demand. The leather cases for watches, hitherto attached to brnee leta. re !v adapted to hang at be .ido. ns chalelaiiics, not so safe ns the wrist., but nicer looking. If yon are so minded, you may carry your money or vonr watch in the ll of jour stick or umbrella; indeed, ornaments are now turned to n useful aeeoiint, and usetitl ,tiele converted iuto ornaments. Cassell's iMngiizine. T!,o"'i'ovelistH. reporters and others W, write Indian speeches, l-egnining Hh the words, "1 iim i"" ' "v 1H Vfl UlHIIlM Wri"l" l!u Pllrrttli jr. In a llritish association paper Lord Raleigh stated that the first camera was a piu-holu camera, and that ft was shown in 1880 that a simple aperture is as effective as the best possible lens in forming an image, provided only that the focal length be suflicieutly great. In some recent experiments the fo::al length was about'iiine feet and the aper ture one-sixteenth of an inch, and pho tographs taken on gelatine plates of a weather-cock, seen against the sky, showed an amount of detail not mate rially le-s than that seen by direct vis ion. It cannot, be claimed, however, that photography without a lens is likely to be of more than scient.liic in terest, as in most cases the use of lcns is a 'vast Improvement. Washing powders are strong alkalies, and ruin clothes. The purest soap obtainable is thi' best and cheapest. Dobbins' Electric Soap has been acknowledged for 2i years to be the purest of all. Try it right away. ICiif llornea and Stenlilbtiat. I do not know which is tho most haz ardous piece of property lo own, a race horse or a steamboat. Your horse may i rim a mile a minute, as they say the old Irish horses did iu the days when lliey timed them by sun dials and Mini glasses ia one day. The next day ho runs through himself nnd is only fit, for soap grease. So with a boat. She may just come oft" tho docks better than the day she was launched, good to all ap pearance for thirty years' service. She. runs ngai list, a snag and sinks. Before you can raise her tho river gets on a boom, sad there you are with a boat not, worth ns much as a pile of cord wood. The niun with his money in vested in steamboats or horses is a prince one day and a pauper the next. Interview iu St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Ore!ii. lite I'ni-iullv nl Piu-uiei-M. XI llrt. riniBliUi ciliimli.. r en aln Kiel nlininhuit :min. he.f linii. Kriilit. (jni.s nnd buicK Cdiiiitrv In He; wurlil. .ml I ii (i.i-o.Ht I in frn. the Opigou JiellilKl'atioa lluiinl. I'i'll land. Oit'icm. W. H. Worth ington, editor of the "Patrons of Husbandry," published at lolumbus, Mass., writes under date of Feb. 3, lsss: Your irreat remedy. Allen l.uug Balsam, I have used in my family for fifteen vears for coughs aud colds, and know it to be the best." 25c., 50c., and 1.00a bottle. San Francisco has 400,000 people and 120 churches. A rare opportunity to make toOO before Christmas. Address with ref. tiast, St. l.ouis. TRADE JgT RIsTM hlkl TltTEA' rnvtitR 111 Sv CONQUERS SOI MAMC4 IX Relieve and curea EHETTMATIS1I, KECB.4XGIA, Sciatica, Lunbago. HEADACBTJC Toothache, Sprain, BBCISEa, BurosandScaJoW Nine-tenths Europe. of our razors come from Smoke Ui be! "TansiU'ii Puni-li' Cigar. It is the He abilities asset were that make the successful assignor. use All on' C. 16 Luniapatn Its Soothincj Healing and restorative ViKTuBf places it tit the head Of. ajTHROKrndLWG JUDRUGGISTS $e it '' AT Druggists and Dhalkm. THE CHARLES A. VOGELEB C0-, SsMl W.sM. SICiaicADlCIIEl CARTERS I rooUlvriyrurrtf km write unw nia. I Ttir alo relieve Kal trvwt t roio Dyspepsia 4n-l digestion and TooHeartn Eating. A pert set rssa-t (e-cly torlllz-iiieas.Naasaal Lirowsioess, oma Tmm in tbe Mouth, Cosss Tongtie.Psin in tbe TOHC1D MVEK. Tfcerl reinilate the Bowel Purely Vegetable. rrlee Za vemvn CASTES KZCICim! CO., KZWTOE. Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price, Thermoffliter below Freezfcx The bustle has a Hip, hip, hurrah I . last entirely disappeared. A man's debts will overtake him no matter how far they run behind. The forestry congress devotes more of its time to barks than bites, ''lie Ladles lellglllod. The pleasant effect and the perfect safety with which ladies may use the liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, un der all conditions make ft their favorite remedy. It is pieasing to the eye and to tho taste, gentle, yet effectual in act ing on the kidneys, liver and bowels. SMITH'S BILE BEANS Act on the liver and bile: clear the complexion , ,ro biliousness, sicU hoa.lHChe, cosuveness, mslaria and all liver and stomach disorders, "we are now nmkins small size Bile Beans, specially adapted for children , nnd wouieu very small and easy to take. Prico of either 5'a nniud bImPHOTO'GRAVURE of the bovc i ic u, i"i!ig at T-IT-T0," mailed on receipt " f 4o stamp. Address tho maueraof the rccci' . ii......i,."li n lieiins. cat A ..-. Mo. ifABBl J. F. SnftlTH & CO., St. The poet is born, not made, born ami maid, too. The poetess Is The Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Railroad (The Northwestern Line) extends to its patrons and friends a "Merry Christ mas" and "Happy New Year," and for the purpose of enabling them to visit their kin folks during the holidays, will sell excursion tickets December 34th. i'iith, 150th andjanu lst, good returning until January 3rd, at one fare for the round trip, between all stations within a two hundred miles limit. Any Agent of the F., E. & M. V. 11. K. will give full information as to the sale of tickets, limits, &e. The pitcher who goes too often to the box Is bound to be knocked out. if flVcri'd wllh Sore five, use lr. Isaso Tliomp sen' lijo aler. Di'iiliKifta sell Ic New navy guns fire fifty shots per minute. lilUlren Ktiirvlnir lo Ilenih On account of their Inability to digest fowl, will find a most marvellous food and remedy In Scott's Emulsion. Very palatable and easily digested. Dr. S. W. Cohen, of Waco, Tex., siivs: "I have used your emulsion in infantile wasting. It not only restores wasted tissues, but gives strength and In creases the appetite." MOTHERS TKicnu- 1 . t rw UHILP $1" LABOR LESSENS PAN T0 LIFE 0r diminishes Mother Ely's Cream IS SURE TO CUIIK Gold in QUICKLY. Applv Balm Into each nostril KLY UliOS., M Warren St. N. Y, BitafTS mm f flTOt DATS.fl Vssraatsad ul IsV Mm smss Bwtstttrs, E3 Mr J onlj hy U VUtui Cktaieil Ci. H I preserlbs and fnllTea 1or Blf ii u the only speci lie fur t he uerui n cure t this dlseasf.. U.U.1NUKAHAV.H. D., Amsterdam, N. Y. W have sold Bie C3 tor Riven toe best ol nui- lartion. D. U. DYCTTKCO llhlcairo. 111. SI. 00. Bold by BruEKlats. ana a tierce i,.o.iu w. a.cei wniui &uiku ui face like a thousand needles. Wind forty m:lt a hour. . You say a man couldn't stand such ex posure ? No, he couldn't, without just the proper clothing. And there's only one outfit that am keep a man both warm and drv at such a time, sad, that is the " Fish Brand Slicker." They are guaranteed ftorm-proof, waterproof, ar.d wtnd proof. Inside one ol them, you are as much out of lhe weather as if indoors. They are light, but warm. Being reinforced throughout, they never rip: and the buttons are wire-Listened. No rail road man who has once tried one would be without it for ten times its cost. Beware of worthless im itations, every garment stamped with ' Fish Uraud' Trade Mark. Don't accept any inferior coat when you can have the " Fiih Brand Sucker " delivered without extra cost. Particulars and illustrated cat alogue free. A. J. TOWER. - Boston, Mass. . IT W use ao. tub I H Bnl HKH ffm Vw " "I.7T atnf-av h n b n ia n m ywi wis wm bKtA W 1 swlHiaiHS . . n . . . . n in r- sun rill lUDUunn rlLLk HI11 PROSPECTING MACHINE famoii for Rueceertintr where othcrB have failed. SELF CLEANING. lrUl dropftfiOto OO times CATAtOGUE FREE. EOOMIS & MfflAlL TIFFIN. OHIO. " MADE WITH BOILING WATER. EPPS'S GRATEFUL COMFORTING. COCOA MADE WITH BOILING MILK. MUSIC IN THE AIR Htadtiuanvi" fr Band Instram n'u, Pinrn Outlit, AworJeons. Violins, Hatijw, MsUadultaat, (iultai-s, Zither. Harmonii'Ot. Striinr.- for eve.-y iimtr menl made. Full rtwk of Hheot Music, Munio ltoiv Band ami Otx-hesta Muftic, Band Folios, liwtroetiiaw. Bouki. for all Instrument. Anyone iwnoinff in as order will receive a copy of Music FREK. Writ tn for prices and catalogues, stating what kind of goo wanted. MAX SIlSVKIt & HII.. 4irI.ii. N-sVv nniB eicATce 70 ! tt" "..less tbmt Vkliu van i ww swvf nsnui rs .This New ULUB Skate. Sa Am i hi J I AM. )KIlTEfl PltOSdiTl.T- m m. mm- Columbus, (ia. colored people. has a daily newspaper for hut of Willi ' rnee. i o i' " ,M" ,, i i . , ... 1. 1 m H. emes." eic. hail l.mier looli HI' HH i,"',h: Unit nnv Hluiement l tint iiliinlier of slolv ileori'iein? thetriitli. J- be It now sceins the elleet Unit In, linn poplihition ia i not. in nceonl wiim I ml urn is not d.viiitf on l...,,aa I ffltVO . Miller, who ! :,s.1 in OctOlKT. s inn i i n w ... an in ii inti a i 7 W Tm, in time. Olill lorpm toM;T-imVt Clnrence h... nnpry - J1" ,)nr (l 1-unr red F'tl t V d liorrowod oi lier, jioilli'lH thiit lie ni . money. Ivlienlioh-vf.t l o . J ottoin ilk over her new drew- You wm Expuesses his Uhatiiude. Albert A. Larson, of Kirkman, Ia., in expressing his gratitude to the proprietors of Allen's Lung Jialsam, writes: "I firmly believe my wife would have died of consumption, If not for the timelv use of your Balsam." Buy the tl.00 bottle for Lung Diseases. TOLEDO WEEKLY BLADE Beat tl.fJO Family VVetmiy Newspupui' published. The only one circtilaUnp; in every (state and territory of the Union. 1.10.000 tuilwrlbers. K very body invited to tjend for a i et-imen ropy. At the ttair.e time fend the addit'ss of a dozen or more of your friend. The Blade if so popular and well known, that It is the easiest of all papers to raie a elub for. We will pay anybody 10,W to raise ua a ehib. First write for particulars. THK ltl..4lK. Toledo. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS. lted Cross Diamond Brand. Th. enlr rellsMe pill tor sste. ftafo ni sure. I.sdl'm. ask itriimrlst for ti.c Ills, none Uresd, iu red sieislllobtneii. atslJ villi ulucrtbtes. Tefceneether. sDd4e. i.tsmiil for psrtloulsr. slid MKellef for ilu" I. (.mr. hi H.IL Same Paper. Chlea ester Chcsslcsi Co., Madlsea B., i'kllada, fa. Fashion Item wears feldt Hatz. -l'rluce Uatzfeldl always I-'bon'trsll to visit the Wl 1 Pend ten cent and re- 1.1 B- I .BY I'KISON (241116 in.) When Baby was ctck, sre gaye her Cantoris, When she waa a Child, Clio cried forCastorla, When she becamo tilss, Clio clung to Castoria, When Ghs had Children, she gave tttetn Castoria, Kansas has a American birds. collection of 1,823 North I. J1 V.'f .".i 's'atlVfaWVs.Rnil ten cts. extra for a a hlKhljr Interesthn 70-pajre Illustrated story of l.lbby Address Li nay emsoN Wau Mlskiti,CIiIcki), III. INFflRIVUTION;sS mild climate, t-nrttstyof crops. Mp nf r Iron tart free. Tlioa. Esa,lADd Com.,l.ltCl Koc:l.,ArU should and may know bow child bearing can be effected without Tain or Iantrer. Information Mntneitled: AWoKMitrut DR. l. H. DYE. Duffalo. N. Y. -fh nj STUDY. Book-kMpinir.I'enmaiiAhip, n J in Ea ArkLhmetio, Shorthand, to..thor omrhlT tauffht hymiiil. .oirnitn. Oi-culnra fre. Bur ANT'6 COLhWM. 4Jl Main St., Buffalo. X. V. WIVES KIBDEB'S HttTamSBBrtSttf. Characitowtt. MasW llM VHiiiHhin from be .;..rl Ii niij than l he CiiuOMH-ian in. 'i l"W. l'v ' I it, live quiet Im s hey are j(.,,,,RIli; rather Hinu .leceas,,,,- n the nniet, orderly eoiiiinulilllcH "I !' ) ml in n letVdor.v. ... tl. reaervaho.iM of Dakota. '"1 i "IB l'l, 0 .N, W ml Arls ..tin In; iMWM- ..lneiitiM . nil ia null,. ...". ?Pi"", tll!T LhaCnot taking ' . s i.. l .l.r.A In las. III lll II , -v. r - i.ih s.ilnlir anil iiit.iniM- s ta riiiaiii- ""', , ,... iuK iu the laud.-uo.wu '"" Hewarn of Olntmenla for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the t3nseet amell and completely derange the whole system when enttriin: it throuuL the mucous t.rfaeea. u.,,.1. .rtii-ies liould never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as tho uamie'c they will do is ten fold totheijood you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Latarrn Cure, manufactured by K. J. Cheney & Co., To'cdn O., contains no mercury, and is taken Internally, and acts directly upon the blood anil mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you Rrt iht genu lar. It In taken Intemsllyaud made In Toledo, Ohio, by K. J. Cheney Co. tajrtwld by Drusillsts, prlco 75c per bottle, Americans must learn how to conduct elec tions without Qunyllng. nsUL TheenljewrtttJa asd essr curs. Llr. J. L. atepbsos. Lebaaea, Okie. I HTKD-l OtM V fiF'M'rs-Commls. alon 60 iM-reeiit.. R, K.Hmith, Frakkport, Kv. OPIUM w PCIITOwanted. Kunioutt MiM.Min Hicatn Wanimr AUtnidon trial. John WOUTU, St. UuIb, Mu. (IoDullKnives: or scissors with tmtomntte lever tasteninns. cunt Mel runaersi no key or wrench; no bolts or nuts to lose: H to 12 Inches; only rile, Rent any part of U. S. for SI 10 Bnortlnff Goods sno Skate cntnlome KKltJsV JFVNF.Y UItAllA.1I til X CW, SI Slule Ntrcel, t'lilt-ag-o. An entlretjr new Inventloa; filling a long felt want la every household. Agents wanted to whom exclusive territory will bs iriven. Don't miss this oiv Knife and Scissort either, or 60c for both.wita, Sharpeners Are llserl. terms to agents, address. H. D. BLAKEMOKK, JIO LIKE, IIXIKOIS THE GREAT FREKCH REMEDY KAVA FOURNIEt?. FOR MEN ONLY. Otct 30.000 casen -uoceaa-fully treated in tho lead in k Paris bspi.als. Used in daily practice by all trench phvBiciana, Mednls and Diploma of Honor, l'ltris KxdoIlmhisV Acts with maclcnl rnpidtty in new cites, fares absolutely those chronic cuses which other rti tlievomy relieve. Full paekatreremedleB sent f.O.I.. express pr- Kaid, ti.'X). UnndoniG puinphlei free. i.QTa FnrnierAfeury, Jth Kt.N.t TRAVELI(ip MEN WANTEDf To represent whol -xule hotirei ol the lrf Hat. Salary. 1,00 to I.5 fO. We have a so call for Ineiperienecd men wno woull bomtlsfled with wlnry of lofSOO for the tlrat yoar. iio4 . positions waitinit. Write, enclntinn Plant to Trvelra' Uiupluj Mteul Bu req u.Ch cagojm . nflyou mow you can bsautiftily dv UU co rate your walls and ceiling and d -the work yourself, and very cheaply? AaH m? -paint dealer, or write for design and Instruction. Nav statupB required. Aiubobtne Co.. Grand Hapten Me If yon want yoar delay, put yomw in tne raitw PENSIONS cif JOSEPH 11. lustan, as. t;. O-llilll NTfcil, All) Waals- F a aj Q I f aj JOHN W.ltlORRTH,, I H n O I J HI U iiBlilnglon, B.C. 'Successfully Prosecutes Claim.. Late Principal Examlnor D. S. Pension Borne Sh 3 yrs iu lost war, 16 adjudicating claims, attjr sasaa. - PATENTS W, N. V.. Omnha. F. A.T.KHWA VnNltlnalH. Ijeud for circular. 40.") 5f. Boat Cough Medicine. Recommendod by Physio ires whore all else fails. Pleasant and agroeable t ste. Children take it without objection. By ilnifr OR THE RIVAL DETECTIVEO 12 Ms. 426 PAVE t 40 rlU. 1A.K Ii LDSTRATUNM. Aaeiceeiiiaalv'awiiiatlaguKTIiCTIVBatnr.v. that will eaptlvaastasj reader's attention from tbe tstt Srat Daare. It. nlot la Intricate aail I Mia epleadldlj aaaaiea. Taera w aot anan pasre or lias in i(. "vi,-s noissonv, tnssisr tatss rurG, mr, is a rssrsuiw w t". w.. id admired for bis eon r aire; while oae'e deepest sjrainatalea twlae about the tender kearted beslle Warbaitoa. A great aessaV DANGEROUS GROUND, orate; IU Incidents splsndldbr handled. for Bis maauaess so Largeat aad beat Buoa aver sola for price. Ml W S ceata, poetpaW. Address ALU T. Lov a Co., LaJtaatd Bul.dlag. Cbkago. UL i but u Llfe. bettor com of me. ft 'v Na. v