f I I 4V 1 ! p SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL BISinONS riTTKHtOM, rafclUhara. HARRISON, NEB. STATE NEW8. ME BR ASM MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS Peru Is to have a bank at an early day. The farmers' alliance will open up a general store at Dwight. W. B. Eose has been appoiuted as sistant state librarian. North Platte's first throe story brick building is Bearing completion. The roller skating rink is being re vived in some parts of the state, The Dally Press at Hastings lias sus pended after running sixteen days. ' The new town of Marsland is greatly In need of a first-elass lumber yard. The Kansas City and Beatrice road Is now open and trains ia operation. The Baptists at Long Pine have commenced the erection of a church. Wahoo society is revelling in a scan da! involving a prominent business man. The people of De Witt are making a move to provide nrot.M Carl Mueller, a saloonkeeper at Grand Island, has skipped by the light of the moon, leaving debts amounting to 8,00o. His saloon was elided by the sheriff. Diphtheria is raging in Iowa, and is prevalent in Lincoln and othr cities in Nebraska. It is an epidemic that is easily carried from town to town, and spreads quickly. Sirs. S. L. Dunham of Weeping Water turned over the ooff e pot at Thanksgiving dinner and to badly scalded her arm that she has been unable to use it since. .Some of the Tekamah business men are confidently contemplating organizing a grain buying association and Having It is both fire. ine editorial association of Custer county will meet December 27 at Lrokcn liow. liev. A. u. r.wing presented a 500 pound bell to the Presbyterian church at Utica. xov. Ibaycr, with a a party, lias gone to Mexico, to be absent until after the holidays. The Grand Island street railway company has commenced au extension of their lines. Johnson and Upton, of Goehner, re cently received 4,000 two-year-old sheep from Wyoming. Abo llirsch, a Chicago traveling man, was thrown from a buggy at Hast ings and seriously injured. A number of cattle running in stalk fields are routined as having died in the vicinity of Howard recently. The members of the Nebraska City turnvcrcln are making preparations for a grand Christmai celebration. Tate Lsrenscu, of Glenco, tried to ride a bucking broncho, but dismounted suddenly, receiving a badly broken log. A proposition to vote bon is for the erection of an electric light plant Is to Do Sutmittod to the voters of Kails City, I ho Adams County Agricultural so ciety wl hold a winter corn exhibit January 3 at the court house, ju nast ings. James McHenry, jr., of Dakota City was drugged and robbed of a diamond ring and stud, worth about S350, at Ho mer. mo Jfeatrfee Lloctric Manufactur ing company nas hied articles of incor poration in the office of the secretary of siaie. The state dairyman's association will meet in Fail City the 17th of this month. An interesting programme has been prepared. An unknown disease, entirely differ ent from choiera, has carried off all the hogs of Goorgo Lawrence, living near Kicmand. uastings will do a great deal of building the coming year. Plans are being prepared for a number of line structures. "miuB mu iasi nseai year s,ri3s pen sions nave baen granted Nebraskans. Of this number Douglajs county people received 440. North Platte's city council fg en wa.iumg k uev.88 ways and means whereby an indebtedness of about 58,000 may be paid. John Jose of Palmyra was dumped from his wagon Into an elevator chute wnu nig icat or corn, but was not seri ously injured. H. C Wahlcn was arrested at Heat rice and bound over to appear at the next term of the district court for selling diseased nogs. L. G. Todd went to sleep in a Platts- mooth ho el with the gas turned partiy on, nut tne fact was discovered In time to prevent a funeral. The first car load of eggs ever ship ped from Wakefield to New York went out recently. The value of the consign ment is placed at 82,000. Beatrice is faring very well In a politi cal way. Eight republicans there have secured appointments to office since the change of administration. A bill has been Introduced in the United States senate by Senator Man derton piovlding for the survey and sale of Islands In the Platte river. Hastings confidently expects a gov ernment building as a result of the pres ent session of congress The late Con gressman Laird paved the way. Having got its million dollar boet sugar Manufactory, Grand Island ex pect bow in time to become the greatest manufacturing city In the slate. The fifth annual convention of the Ncbratka Dairymen's association will be held in Falls City this week. An inter esting programme has been prepared.' Lewis and C. M. Moffitt, of Seward, have received Information that they are among the heirs to the great Moflit es tate In England, valued at $46,000,000. The people 0f Wayne recently do- BMM car of grain and goods to the Dakota tafferers, sending a competent paraa afowg to Ma that a proper dtatrl MtfcM waa made of the stuff. The car with sfceJIad corn, t.soo r aid two dray loadt of I gntfarlea. Another ear tea WIS to tact oat la tM Bear future. the extreme limit for grain. strongly talked and urged. Financial troubles and disappointed love caused Alex ishareham, a young farmer living near Grand island, to at tempt suicide by morphine. The doc tors came n time, to save him. Tjfi Odd Fellows' and Knights of Pythias" buildings at Hebron, both three story structures, aro ornaments to the town. They are now enclosed, ready for the finishing work inside. -The Beatrice Electric Manufactur ing company lias filed articles of Incor poration. The capital stock is ?10.000, and the company will manufacture all kinds of electrical appliances. Two dan-fitters of Michael Fceny, livicg at Howells, recently husked an 1 cribbed 100 bu.-hels of corn in eight hours. They challenge any other two fair damsels to beat this record. Hurbert Dykman, a seveuteen-yeiir-old boy living near Central City, was taken to the insane asylum Wednesday. He is Uolcntly insane, tint result -f a fever from which he lately- recovered. L. M. Marsh- of Spaulding has sol i the patent which hn recently obtained on au nnjtuiar oil Draee to an o tstcru j firm fur SI 3,0 .0. This brace will enable im cha'nics to bore a hole at any anglo desired, While T. li. Selemire and wife, of riattsmouth, went do wn town for a few minutes, burglars went through their Louse. They entered by breaking a pane of glass and stole, one suit of clothes, an over -oat, a revolver and omo jewelry. The damage suit against the Ilur- 1:. I,.. 1) .. r .i . i .it. . . iiiiKo'n ) i, annuo lor uio Killing of lu-r husband in the wreck m ar liaveloik a few inftuihs ago, came to an end at Omaha the other dav. The jurv return- ;d a sealed verdict lu thirty minutes for SO, 000. The I'laUo river bridge, at Fremont was considered safe, until a portion gave way and laud d a farnior named Scott, together with his team and a load of corn, inw the stream. The far mer and his team were rescued but the corn was a total loss, Lafe O'Neil, of Plat! smooth, who recently disfranchised him , elf by re moving his place of residence just over the ward boundary, will try to hold his seat in the city council by having the block on which he lives surveyed and joined to the old ward. A Washington dispatch says the people of Holt county are exceedingly anxious to get a br.d?e across the Nio brara to the Ponca reservation, and Sen ator Manderson is doing what he ran towards securing the approval of the pro ject by the government officials. As a freight train was pulling out of Wood Elver the other morning a young man named Joseph Trust attempted to steal a ride on the break beam, and In some way slipped off, the cars passing over his body, inflicting injuries which caused his death a few hours after. Says a Norfolk dlrpatch: Francis 15. Murphy, a member of tho county boaid of 8up?rvisors, started to go homo from Maduon soon after dark last week and fell frcrn his w-agun when about thres miles out and broke his neck. lie was alive wh.n found, but snecciiloM. A Lincoln dispatch says that Attor ney General Loose's opinion on "branch banks" is provoking serious discussion, especially among sa Ings banks and banks dependent for life upan so-called parent institutions, and the state banking de partment is therefore in anything but tranquil water. Some weeks ago Frank L. Hicken- botbam of Friend was treatrd to a chari vari by a party of enthusiastic acquaint ances who, ho a.leges, put him Into a water tank in order to compel him to cash up. Ho has just commenced action In the district court against tho parties for $5,003 damages.' - Peter Goes, of Omaha, has brought suit for 850,000 damages against tho Hank of Commerce, arising from tho re fusal of the bank to honor Mr. Goos' check for $S04.90 given to City Treasur er Bush in payment of taxes. Mr. Goos claims to have had $3,300 in the bank at the time his check was dishonored. There w as a rumor abroad last eve ning, says the Lincoln Journal, to the effect that Judge Maxwell of the su preme court had placed his resignation in tho hands of Governor Thayer in or der to accept tho position of solicitor for an Omaha street railway company and some other corporation which had been tendered him. Investigation, however, developed the fact that such was not the case. A Chicago paper asserts that the new freight rates adopted for Nebraska are practical surrender by ill Nebraska roads to Lincoln and the political supremacy In Nebraska of that city. It puts on an absolute equality In rates, both east and westbound, and settles In short order the question which tho gen eral managers bare ipeat so much time THE SOUTH M0UBNS. VK TUB JfJ.Y WHO J t l TUKil J V rum tine cusrLivr. Lrg tiifudaure ai ilia Fuurral Ob aaqtil.a u K.r Orlraas K.ll-luua Mrrvl-r4'n4lirlr4 by IllaWop lialla Sar, 4 1 1 ms1 by Fits 4aalatauta A Hrrurd of Prrrr4 luga In IbV ftca ala and Haau wf MVprearutallvr. Funrral of JrOVraon Itavla. Nkw Oiii.kaxs, La., Dec. 12.-1SV universal request Jefferson Davis was given a funeral in full accord with h rank as a military officer, in addition to which numerous civic and other organi zations combined to render the cortege to-day in all respects tho most Imposing not only with reference to numbers but in t lie pomp and circumstance of iis elaborate ceremonial. There nartici- pat'-d in the obsequies of the father of the confederacy, besides the eterans of the lost cause, who have om-e again been called upon to close up their decimated ranks, many gallant soldiers whose un flinching valor displayed on numerous hotly contested fields resulted in glory and victory to the stars and stripes. Eleven thirty was the hour at which the funeral ceremonies were to be com menced, but long previous to that time tho great Square immediately front ing the city hall became an iinwichlly mass of eager humanity. According to programme the square proper was to be reserved exclusiv ely for t () military. In the enforcement of this Injunction) how ever, the large, but by no means ade quate, police force on duly experienced iuiiutneralileob-trcles.aud It was with the greatese difficulty that the swaying mul- uiuoowas Kept tieyond the prescribed environments. Every available place from which either an unobstructed or partial view could be had of tho norllco of the municipal biiildinir was crowded almost to suffocation. During nil this flmu the air was laden with funeral j oirges, i ne, solemn requiem of bells was iieani on every hand ami loud and deep were the sounds of the minnto puns that at Intervals thundered forty deep mouthed tribute to the dead. 'The body, notwithstanding tho very warm and exceptionally oppressive weather of the past week, was remarka bly well preserved. At 12:20 the casket was conveyed from the memorial room to an improvised catafalque, in the cen ter of the front ponico, whose massive pillars were entwined with a profusion of crepe. Over the casket was thrown the soft folds of a silver flag of the lost cause, and there glittered the sabrn with which the dead soldier had carved fame and honor for hlm-elf and glory and vic tory for his country on the fields of Cha-pultep.- and Monterey. Immediately surrounding the coffin were the clergy and armed sentries, they being the only persons admitted to a place on the porti co during the service. The relatives of the deceased were as signed to seats in the mavor s parlor, from the windows of which they wen enaoieu io witness ttie ceremonies. During the obsequies in the city hall minute guns were fired and bells tolled j ne services were conducted by Jii-hop Gallegher of tho Episcopal church, as sisted by five officiating clergymen of various denominations. Bishop Gallegher in his address said in part: "I am not here to stir bv a breath the embers of the settline strife, nor trt speak- one word unworthy of him and the nour. fearless and unselfish. this man could not well escape tho long- uiu counn i u wnicn tie was committed (.really and strangely misconceived he bore injustice with the calmness befitting ins jimcc. jiesunereu maiiv and er ev ous wrongs. Suffered most for the sake of others, and those others will remem- uer mm ana nis unflinching fidelity with deepening gratitude while, the Potomac sccks mo Chesapeake or the Mississippi sweeps uy jsrierlield on its way to the -Mexican sea. At the conclusion of the religious ser vices tho casket was borne by a detach ment oi soldiers to a handsomely decora- wu caisson, which Had been prepared especially for its reception and on which it was to ue borno to the cemetery. The caisson was drawn by six black horses, mo aun asi, ana cacu animal was lead oy a soldier in uniform. The battal lions wheeled into line and tho proces sion proceeded to the cemetery. As the cortege traversed the streets from the turrets of every church a knell was tolled. When the nroercss of the nroenscton finally brought the military to the mon ument and the soldiers were drawn up uiuuiiu in a circle tne caisson stopped at the foot and a detail of honor from Battery li bore the casket up Ice as cent to the foot of Jackson monument, beneath which is the tomb In which it was to bo placed. The vet eran associations, choristers, clergymen, pall bearers, etc., had already taken po sition and the family and intimate friends of the bereaved followed. Bish op Thompson opened the ceremonies by reading the first portion of the Episcopal burial service. Then Private Sapping ton of Company U, Nineteenth United States infantry, rounded tho "taps" ou his bugle and Bishop Gallagher read the second portion of tho ritual consigning the body to the grave. An anthem was sung by the choristers, Bishop Thomp son recited the Lord's prayer, then the hymn "Iiork of Ages" was rendered and the religious rites were over. Bishop Gallagher gave the signs for the closing, the casket was raised from the bier and the soldiers bearing It, marched around to tho doorway at the back of tho monu ment. Tho casket was placed In the middle cf the vault, the slab screwed tight and the deal had fonnd a tempo rary place in the tomb of the Army of Northern Virginia. An artillery saluto was fired and the funeral was over. WKr;IIKIOM41. I'IMM KI'.ltlNuc. In the senate on the, 9th bills were In troduced and referred: For the admis sion of Idaho and Wyoming into the union; to provide a temporary govern ment for tho territory of Oklahoma; to restrict the sale and use of opium in tho District of Columbia and in the terri tories; to create the office of surveyor general of North Dakota. Manderson offered a preamble and resolution (which was agreed to) Instructing the committee on agriculture to report on the subject varions states In favor of a national Sun day rest law, and oue from Iowa aealnst the paasage of such a law or of the Blair education bill. In the house the follow ing committees were announced: Ap propriations Messrs. Cannon, Butter worth, McComas. Henderson of Iowa, Peters, Coegsweil, Belden, Morrow, Brewer of Michigan, Kandall, Forney, Say res, Brcrkeuridge of Kentucky and Doikerv. Manufactures Messrs. Kel ley, E. B. Taylor of Ohio, Arnold, Morse, Sanford, Wilson of West Virginia, lly ii urn, Williams of Illinois, Grime and Fowler. Elections Uowell, Hauk Coop er, Haugen, Sherman, Dalzcl). liergen Greeuhagle, Comst.K-k, Crisp, O'Ferrall, Out hwaite, Marsh, .Moore of Texas and Wiko of Illinois. Ways and Means- Messrs. McKiuley, Burrows, Paynter, Bingham, Mckenua, I'uyson, La Follette. Gear, Carlisle. Mills, McMillen, Brecken ridge of Arkansas and Flower. Mileage Messrs. Lind, To wu send of Pennsyl vania. Wallace of Massachusetts Cluiiie and lYimiugtoii. A joint resolution was passed appropriating Si'is,(;oJ for the printing of 4, ooo copies of tho agricul tural report of Iss'J. The finance committee in the senat on the 10th rejMirted bi-ck adversely the bill to provide for the organization of na tional banks with less capital than S.'iO, 000, and it was indefinitely postponed. Among bills introduced were: To amend the laws relative to elective, franchise and providing, under certain contingen ties, for the conduct of elections by fed eral officers on the petition of a certain per rentage of voters that they believe the election will be unfair if held by stale officers; making it the duty of the treas ury and interior departments to adjust and settle claims of slates against tho Tinted Slates for all lands disposed of by the I.'nited States that were Included in any grant of swamp or overflowed lands to such state; for the selection from the national guard and military schools of civilians to be appointed as second lieutenants lu the regular armv: for the erection of public buildings at Seattle, Taeonia and Spokane Falls. Washington, each to cost not exceeding 8300,000; pro viding for tho celebration of tho 4Xlth anniversary of the discovery of America, by holding an international exposition in the city of 'cw York. It was read a first and second time. In the senate on theflth a bill was Introduced for a joint resolution author izing the president to begin negotiations with the government of Spain for the establishment of a republic on the Is land of Cuba. Mr. Vest introduced a bill regulating the printing of certain public documents and largely reducing the num'x r of copies to be printed. He made a statement as to the Immense 1 mass of books and documents rotting away In the attic and basement of the cupitol. Hoar remarked that those books and documents ouclil to be dis tributed among the libraries all over the country. In the house Cunimings of New York, from the centennial ceremo nial committee, reported the order of ar rangement and It was adopted, (in mo tion of Buyne a resolution was adopted directing the clerk to infoim the senate that the house was in H-slon and ready to proceed with the SOME NEW MEMBERS. TUB J J ThLX ftfU'.V COSUREMaiMCS ruoM ion a ai suite Tli Hciiubl.ratt fcraatortait 4 urm Adopt tl- Kptr( of Plail 4 dim Mill ie I Bon KewrgMMlzallun of lb ( oi-MlUera-lftealla f a irnii AhuH 11 oh 11 Ilr 4 (' u vaiga(attBa Urfore Mvaaior 'ri t uiuaulii. Intra altd irbraaka AH-rraamH. Wasin.NuTOY, D- 12. The congres sional directory Jul issued has the fol lowing to say about tho new ineiiit rs from Iowa and NebrAska: Joseph Henry Sweney of Osage, la., was born in Warren county, Pennsylva nia, Octolwr 2, lstr., was cdin aUxl in the public schools of Pcmisj hania and Iowa, by private study, and In the Iowa state university. Ho Is a lawyer by profes sion, was sergeant of company K, Twenty-seventh regiment Iowa infantry, lu which he served thru; years; was colonel of the Sixth regiment National guard of Iowa for four years, and I rii-a Ib r and inspector general of the Maw, resigning after his election to congress. In isit j he was elected state senator, and re elected lu 187. In lssi) he was by the unanimous votes of the republican and democratic senators elected president pro teniporo and presided oyer the Joint convention at the inaugural ion of liov emor l.arrabeenud Lieutenant iovertior Hull, lu the Twenty-first ami Twenty second general assemblies he served chairman of the senate rallw av eominit- aml during his entire service in ibe fee, the request of the HK-akcr the, members then retired' t i the seats assigned to them. Upon the conclusion of the cen tennial ceremonies the house was called to order hut Immediately adjourned. Bills were Introduced In tho senate on the 12th: For the emigration of persons of color from the southern states. For an International exposition at the na tional capital in 1892. For the free coin age of gold and silver and tho Issue of coin certificates. Mr. Gibbon offered a resolution (which was referred to the committee on foreign relations) instruct ing tho committee to inquire into tho expediency and practicability of en,,ir. lug or setting apart territory for the oc cupation by the negro or colored citizens of the United States, and also to lncnlre, how far and In what manner the govern ment of the United Statescan and ought njuiiauiy i am tne jreemen of the Unl ieu cuues ana their families and de scendants to emigrate thereto and settle ue,e..ii anu w estaiilisn a system of com nion school education. In the house the report of the Silettt committee was pre sented. The report gives a detailed statement of the assets and liabilities of um iwigcam-airarms December 5. The ,,ul is staieu to be $70,708. It oiau-a mai, me committee has not yet made sufficient investigation of the, mat ter of discounts and notes.- Many notes the committee hi 1 cv.'s, were forced to cover the defalcation already existing It also says that the committee cannot too severely condemn the manner in which the icrgeant-at-ai-ms conducted the affairs of his office. Mr. Pay son of Illinois ImrneHi.f,.!,, upon tho conclusion of the reading of the report offered a resolution authoriz ing the committee not enly to examine the accounts but to take char ni n, awets of tie office until further orders from the house, to receive any proposal from Leedom for maklnir urnod ciency and also to make a full report as CU.-.1 ui any aenclency. Mr Brewer of North Carolina Introduced a bill for the repeal of tho tax on tobacco in all its forms. Referred. That Kn.a Hiia-ar Mvlnril. Kassas City, Mo., Eej. 14 The great sugar swindle, p'anned ty thc su gar company, has entirely collapsed, and v.... vownsuips wnicn voted the bonds to foBter the industry will loi rmt !,(,. Ail the, bonds, SJ.OOO in amount, voted In Meade county, have been canceled and tho scrip issued by the various town! ships In Clarke county have boon de stroyed except 15,00J voted by one township, owing to t10 publicity given to tho swindle. The sugar company scheme was a gigantic one, and if it had been successfully executed, a million dol lars would not have conered tho loss sll9. ta ned by the counties and township, Will Til t m Anmnni.sr ,i.t. U,H O- --h-.mvp, nitiu ue.UII act VP. V HI. u,l. senate was a member of the Judiciary and military committees. He was elected to the Fifty. first conurexs as a republican by lS.sWJ voles against ,0.i0 for Hon. L. S. Ileque. democrat. John F. Lacy of o-kuloosa, la., was born In New Martinsville, W. Va., May 30, IhjI, Ileinoved to Iowa lu Is."..",. When tho war broke out he enlisted at the age of t'O In company 11. Third Iowa Infantry volunteers. He ;m captured at the buttle of Blue Mills, Mo., sod taken to Lexington. vJiere lie was -roled with (letieral Mulligan's command and discharged. November, ii;i. Here- enlisted in ronipiHiv D. Thirtv-thlnl Iowa Infantry, and was promoted to first, lieutenant of Company (' In 1h;s and si eved as major on the sf:ift of Maior eneral F. Steele until the end of tho war. He was elected a mcmlicr of the general assemblj in J.,wa In isr,;i. Ho w as elected to the Fifty-lirst coreres as a republican, rceo.ving IS.ooj votes against IT. 1 si forlleneral Weaver, dem ocratic aid union labor candidate. James P. Flyck of Bedford, la., was born in Bakertowu. Allegheny county, Pa.. August !H, IM,'., removed to Wa nello county, Iowa, in ItK and t Tav- lor county in is.'iT. where lie has since resided. He is a l.twyi r by profession, m a member of the Seventeenth gen eral assembly of Iowa, was district at torney of the Third judicial district for six years, was elected over Hon. A. It. Anderson to the Flfiy-lir-t congress as a republican, receiving P.1,207 votes against 11.21 2. Joseph Jt. Keeil, of Council Bluffs, Jn., was born lu Ashland county, Ohio, March. Isr.. He Is a lawyer bv profes sion. He settled hi Iowa In 18S7, He served honorably during the war. He was a member of the Iowa In lsw-os and was Judgn of the supreme court of the state from .January, Ihsj, t March, iss.f, and was elected to the Hfty-lirst congress as a republican, re ceiving 20,3i-5 votes against il,r,se democratic. Jouathan l1ereA nplk rui.,.. j-i-uau.iiR, census, C1V11 aHTVlca trenchiucut. Allen, Washington pkii. claims, woman suffrage, IsMfiaa dJ lions. 1 Pettlgrew, South Dakota Indl "t "ran, raiiroaaa, nient of Mississippi river. ' CftftAV Vtrth 1 i., - n ganlzation and conduct of tho eil departments, transportation roJ i ommiui immigration. To provide these places, tw, committee had In the first place .", N-vi-rai commute, some old senator nuliinul ,. -,4 - - .. . v., auU lue m, sii.jj 01 some committees were inc none of the important committee, changed. The democratic, committee wi in caucus shortly to arrange the o eii.-Nuuiinun me commit! ,url l"u reported 10 Urn Sftnate adjournment for the holiday roceJ IITa(..J i AwusHTUi, wee. 10. The Inr Hon or the dressed bcf business sumed yesterday by Senator Vest' ial committee. Wm. II. Ileover t cr In Washington, said U Cam, turn last spring that it would not f,.i- klm , 1,1,1 ... ...... , u.u uu Kue.rninont cor Llilcago beef men would not sell J any meat anu would drive him out uiui .ui. ii uncus, nowover, did b wcurcu some small contracts, whe lliA tltreitla A,,I,.J I. g ,,,,i,,u, M Uj vvrron wi rieu into effect. Nona of the m, ),,. f -l.l....,.,. r. ,. , . . n .... .. mm uKo onus armour A Co. fc Co., and Nelson Morris woii w!lnea Ilir.l.1 t.r.m n n .. . .. ........ , allJ , nig.efl(j ineu 10 purchase or him. They him two or three times the regular aim nicy nave never since sold li meals. George M. Omhoiiiwir. Washington salesman forKchon !j lesuneu mat ne had received Insiru to sell to Hoover at prices two or iirnes awiyo tne markol rales, what reason?" was asked. 0 was given," was tho renlr. Wlim. he furnished meat to tho Hampton uio-, 01 irgnun, anu to varionj I nous 111 mis city at rogular Inte ne Uid not know who had contrac neen told his employer had one. In never seen It. John N, Hoover, bn 01 n. ii. iioover, eonlinmd tho ment of the latter as to tlm ref, I he representatives of Chicago doa! m-u mm (witness) meat bocaase h, iKinght for his brother. This b was lifted while tho committee w tho west pursuing Its Investigation 1'. llolllver. of Vnri. fv,wl,. was born In Klngwood, Preston couney' Va now West Virginia, on February , Ms II,. graduated in ls.75 from tho i-i. irginia university. u,i Is a lav -yer by profession and was elected to the Fifty-first congress as a republican, re ceiving 20,804 votes against 13,4'jO demo cratic. William J. Council, of Omaha, was born in Cowanswillc, Can., in lstO. Jn 1HC2 ho h.c:ite.d in Omaha and was ad mitted to the bar In IMS'.!, lie has been actively engaged In his i rtesslon since He was district attorney for tho Third judicial district fer two terms, and was city attorney of Omaha from lss.'t ui 1SS7. Ho was circled to the, Fifty-first congress On the republican ticket, Gilbert T. Laws of McCook was born iiearOlney, IILt. In 1S1 and removed to Wisconsin In 1845. I0 roodved a col egiato education, working in the lumW """"" uunngine summer to procure the money to finish his studies. He V..00, -m imU wl,cn h enI''") n the I - nil W isconsin volunteers, served ha tic of illlamsburg. Ho rel.urn.!d to l-rr.",i; n l0CaM in Richland county, served three terms as clerk of tho county court and then went into manufacturing. Ho was mayor of PJchland Centor, and was appointed pistmaster, which place after loctatlntr n Xehru u editor of a staunch rRiinbite.n was appointed reirlKiT ,.f .u. i.'-.7 . " UI elected secretary of state In 18SD ho ding that )laco t Mt e.xC ' i-uiy-ursi congress to fill the vaeancv occasioned by tho death of Hons A frarlnl Tbrairr I'anle a lult'll. .ioii.vstovv.v, Pa,, Hoc. II. I) the jierformanee of Uncle Toin'sCa! the ojicra house hero Jaitl night ti of fire was raised, resultinc !n a U -. j rush for life down tho narrow t Twelve persens wero InsUntly cr ucam uuu many wore aunomi jured. It was found nnressary to turn as: of water ou the crowd f.om tho l:r giuo before the dead and wonndod be taken out. When the crowd was driven aa following were found dead upon Malrs: Miss Clara Burns, Mrs. iNcster, f Horner, Charles Plant, John Our, Lister. John Miller, A. Weiss, John man, Kichard WorthlngUm, LaacTl and an unknown woman. Amen; seriously Injured were: Charles Vm Allwrt Owens and a man named Y There arc alHiut fifty aoriously Inj;. out tlielr names can not ho ascort.. lo-nlght. Tho alarm was false, anil t are many threats against the unkr. man who started It. Thn most seriously Injurcil are Cli auglm, John Welmi!r, Albert 0 Mrs. Piatt and Kichard Worlhin.- Probably twenty morn suslaiued sp. aud bruises, but It is not thought ar thorn are dangerously hurt. The screams of tho panic stricken pie were terrible and it was shoi-kii. see small children knocked down by men and trampled upon. This tin has always been noted a a death ' and was condemned twelve years: but thn other ono was washed vi the flood and this has been used sine Tho manager tried to quiet tho en but It was useless. Ono m;:n jun from tho third story window ami seriously hurt. Louis Witkowskl, mayor of SU: Florida, was shot dead by A. II. Ha: er, a lawyer, at tho hater's oflic Gaenesutllo, Fla. Witkowski's body found In a sitting posture In cU There were no witnesses to Urn a!l The police wero notified. It Is thoJ the men quarreled about a woman. Edwin Fletcher, a prominent y" citizen of Murfroesborj, Tenn., and killed by Frank It. Kclph, a H attorney. Fletcher and a tonpa: called on Selph to demand a rolrac: of a nowf piper article. urn STOCK jsn VIIOIWCK HARM OuoteliaiM ram firm rk, flea);04 mud Klmrtrhrra OMAUA. Wht Wo. S . Corn No. a lulled 0u Per ba ........ It)- Ilarljr , ,, ,,.,, ,,,, IhiiUir f-HMimnry,,,, ...... ....... iiuiuir nairy. 7 ft SU to 21 ( n a in ll-pnl.il.., -.r,, , mrnn. Wasiiwotox, Iec ll.-The reonf.lt. can senatorial caucus adopted the report Of Plait's commlli.m , .i mvui uiit reorgan - nation of tho committee. Ti... committees are as follows: liepubllcan Membersiiln. T..,mi (standing) -Chandler, Hale, E a fcqnire, Pttlg,nw. Quadro Ccnlennlul fvir.i..,i ... .. . Discovery of America i. ...i ... cock Shermnn, (.ai;i(fron "-). eaiwell, Stanford YVii,. ... i. I,i ' """"'I 4MWU. I ('I Jnd an Depredations (simclal)-lw dy whit-lw bn.lwl ' Chandler, Allen, Mucuy, cornPl.r bu , I 'i-i-,r HU9I1I1I , , 4'fZ:rrs - ..:::::::;:::-:::::r:.v.: B.?.'r.di''r ''"'""Tratlon (cha.rmanl. ' vltS'iX: depredaUo,,,: """""'C llmt aii -Kiiih. SI 1,'hirkeiM Ureued, par t w Turk"-yDraMsl, iet ..... 1 lmoim Choline, jn.-r box..., W Oranciif-I'ar box J 03 6$ Onlona-IVr tiq.... W II'-,n-N.ve. 8(0 a Wool-Fin., im lb... W ft lluckwbaat Flour UI ApplM-:holie. per bid irVfl ftj llnr-l'er ton r. f0 ft 8 llon.v .. I.V 69 llnca Mliril iMeklnff S fO A ' ii,,..ii,, . ,..,.,,,1.,. ma (-S3 UKevi t'liolcfl tisT'. 3 0) m:w vonii. W'htNo. t Ki M Porn-No. ,. t & OiU-illlBil wn.leril W I'orlt II fm 4.lt LrJ .'.,' SiO W CHICAGO. of the production of sunr from ht in i. ..i.i. . . the United Mutes and what hUlatin utaMr. i Z On Jul " '! a" od IrabFe to pro: aaafari of Ute oatafea roads araa with ssote and accelerate the Industry In this jcwaatrr. PetlUoas were presented froai Kfnhtno IIa. ii . . -vm utuii, JIILM1C1I. I'Mllf. fl.i . Johnsnn counties, and had succo.Icu In arousing such enthusiasm over the new iidiistrythat they came to regard It tlieii- salvation from possible ruin cau'ed cr crops than so ghum. The fecreta-V 1 of the state board of arieiiltarTVuU Led erecUon ItSJP !, I.d-Pa, , - of western Kansas for Vhl h a . Cd, Z ''K , il. aggregating over ai oon nm. . T.'"' f.'llonai accommodai t..n. L. Il l I -Miia.i Mckiiur w. ..i.-j 1 1 - mj nave uorarv. " ; vwu aaacju. ' ST. LOUI3. Ee. 3. R. Kendrlck waa found dri In bad by the aide of his wife. Kendr , k waa at oaa time president of Vasaw aoi leffe and was widely known. '""ro- Moodv. Ron 1 1, t.i ... I d tldn.Veh.i.. ''""'-ndlan dnpre- , ya raaoari 8IOWX CITV. Cattla-Rioakan and ftwdura Uog.aflxaJ.., KANSAS CITV, Whaat VI ai Cora "Io. ,,,,,, W i..U-!o. I , 17 CaUla-Hiooltan aad Viun Uoft-Muwd W . 7" I , 13 I . 9 .IB 91 a (l et . 3 w M , tfH'S Urn IA Its O'l I m mil SCI M M y & nj . -J9, ,Lf . JLsj. Z L . , ,K. . St i , i I . ' . Jav l" ' i 1 V ..',.