The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 19, 1889, Image 1

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    The Sioux County Journal
' III,!!
"Ml CHf,
11 rp j ,
k Pati-non, . Proprietors.
TiMe Tabl-.
F. H. A M. V. By., Pasaenr.
going went leave Harrison at 10:35 A. M
Jang eat leave Harrison at 555 P. M.
rn jxt hundred . .
tii-jr hundn-d t
nn-pr hundred t
4 chopped pT hundred I.
1 on
1 00
1 W
fJftiaiWB .... w.. ,
jitter-per t
fwiltry-pr doi j oo
im II TT A
53 00
4 50
5 Ml
15 (10
rui-pr t
(tal-pw ton
W owl-pr cord-.
LdmbiT native per m, ft
Ball New Year's eve.
Onind masquerade New Year's loll.
Roper Bros. Silverware for Bula bV
Oriswold & Marsteller.
-Do hot fail to call o turf joIhsal
jf jou want a nice Job of printing done.
If yoo want to have a good time do
tot miss the masquerade ball on New
tr' eve.
Barb wire will be 50c higher inside
of ofie month. Buy now of Oriswold &
W, O, Patterson has purchased tle
Hart property ami now occupies it. He
contemplates opening the blacksmith
A ladieo' prayer meeting will beheld
it the M. E. Church on to-morrow (Fri
day) afternoon at 8 o'clock. All are in
rited to attend.
There is to be a dance at the reni
oence of Jacob Marking on the evening
of Jan. 2, 1890. All who will behave
am invited to attend. Tickets, including
wppef, f 1.00.
--Otto Tietze had the mmforttine last
freek to loose his urnoke house and con
tents by fire. It Is quite a loss an he had
his winter supply of meat in the smoke
bouse preparing it for urn.
The grand masquerade ball on New
Years eve promises to be the mrmt en
jojiblts event of the season. 10 one
hould fail to attend. Good times are
alway had at the balls of Harrison.
Rev. Lusk. nastor of the M. E.
church, reports tliat he and his family
tre highly pleased with northwest Ne
braska and that the church is in a pros
perous condition, and the attendance on
the increase.
All whd enlov dancing should be
lure to attend the ball here on New
Year's eve, The indications are that
larger number will be costumed than
ever before and the result will be that a
grand time will be had.
The indications are that a good ses
sion of the teacher's association will lie
had on Jan. 2nd and 3rd, IBM. Art ef
fort should be made by all interested in
the welfare of the educational interest s
of the county to be present
It is noticed that some of the boys
are in the habit of going to the depot at
train time and jumping on the train to
take a ride, getting off when the train is
in motion. It would be well for parents
to look to this matter before some of the
boys are killed or crippled for life by the
A subscription paper was circulated
a few days ago to raise money to com
pletethe large cistern near the town
ell, and it was understood that work
ould be commenced at once. There
appears to be some hitch in the matter
as thinn ifill mnain a thpv were. It
i to be hoped that it will be completed
n the near future.
-Elsewhere in this issue appears a card
of 8. L R Maine relative to a special
chool meeting, which was petitioned
for. It that than is some mis
take in the matter as the petition con
Wns a provision for the election of e
achnnl A,r.t and there is no
. .Mown ifi uiiihivi , -
caocy on the board. The petition
"b that the meeting be called on Dec.
0, 1980, but the petition was not filed
In time to give the requisite fifteen days
notice ao that the director does not feel
that it is hi duty to call the meeting.
-It is reported that the engineers
IftlT V a. If V will an into the field
bout Um first of the year to survey
no from the end of the Wyoming
och to the Yellowstone park. This is
tood news for Harrison and Sioux
eouoty for it will not be long until thie
Une will become an important one and
the development of the country west of
fcw will aesist in the development of
this MctJon. The vast mineral wealth
In the Urritory through which the road
Ul pus wiU furniah employment for a
inat many people and thus make a
food BwlMt cloee at hand for the pro
facta of Um agricultural district, just
at of the mining Urritory. H U to
oped that tt axUnaion will be P"
I ;:
-snuM masquerade New Year's eve
TV yur costu ready for the bull, i
-School will dose to-morrow for al
wo weeks holiday vUon, and afw!
the vacation scholar. fld tea,w!
will prepared to get down to work!
with renewed energy.
-Remember The Jovbk al clubs with ';
almost any paper in Uie United
anu wnen you want anything in the j
of papers or periodicals call and see
anu we can save you some money.
-HnsKl-There are still some ac
counts on the books of the Buffalo fop
Lumber Co., unsettled. Tliese must be
closed either by cadi or note not later
tlian lumber 20, 19. I, not neglect
this matter.
are infr.rmtwJ thai i..n.
vim, a LunMauie in
one of the precincts in the north pari of
the caunty alternated to ritW
few days ago and got wounded bj
knife in the hands of the man he w:
ir.Su arrest. ve were unable
learn tbe particulars.
Tim first of week J. W. Hunter
went liefore Justice Jones and asked to
have the replevin case against E. A.
Weir dismissed at his cost. This is the
case growing out of Weir taking up a
horse belonging to Hunter for getting in
to his grain field. The latter filed an af
fidavit asking an adjournment, a letter
press copy of which affidavit was framed
and hung up in the store of the former
for a long time, and read by the most of
the people who visited the sfore.
Al the meeting of the commission
ers on last Monday the bond of the treas
urer for the ensuing term was fixed at
twenty thousand dollars. A nmnlwr of
hills were allowed and the consideration
of the official bonds of the new county
officers were deferred until Jan. 6, 1890.
The resignation of E. D. Salterlce as
county attorney was handed in and ac
cepted, but no action was taken in the
matter of appointing a successor. This
action will put a stop to all impeach
ment proceedings against the county afr
The fifth contest for the Demorest
prize medal occurred at the M. E. church
on last Friday evening. The medal was
won by W. E. Patterson. Only one
more contest will lie necessary liefore a
class can le organized to compete for the
gold medal. The interest in these con
tests is increasing all the time, as on last
Friday evening there were not seats
enough to accommodate near all who
were present. There is need of more
seats for the church and it is likely that
an effort will be made in the near future
to secure more chairs.
The prospects are that SiouX county
will have another line of railroad in the
near future. A mortgage has been
placed on record on what is supposed to
be the line of the Sioux City & Ogden,
better known as the Oregon Short Line,
running across the south part of the
county. Of course there is nothing cer
tain about a railroad until it is built, but
this action looks favorable. The road
will not come near Harrison, but will
materially help in the settlement of
that part of the county and as a conse
quence Harrison will derive some benefit
The change in time on this line of
fi ElUhnrn anbears to have been only
for temporary purposes, as it is reported j
i ..f! U.. rnctuin I
on pretty gooo auiuuniy ui v --
gen train will be put on the first of the
week, connecting with wnai is kuowu
the Black Hills express, at Chadron.
This will make it so that the passenger
will arrive here at 8 a. m. from the
east awl about 7 p.m. from the west.
It is also stated that a sleeper will be at
tached to the train. It takes a little
time for the Elkhorn people to get a
matter in shape, but they generally try
to protect their interests. It is rumored
that the B. A M. will change its time so
Qa to hold the east bound passenger un
til the Elkhorn passenger arrives from
i l f Winnie will not care to
change provided they can get just a
Kood accommodations on u
line. The people along this line will be
, -.n(i htf the rivalry between the
two roads and it is safe to say that the
4l n this line will be larger?
creased when tig new train service is es-
Best LIMtolheEast.
The Burlington Route B. &. M. R. B.
. i ...flu onninDed passenger
is running eicB..vV , r
mines without change from Newcastle,
W voming and Crawioru, neu...
, ... nn,, ..nnnection
Lincoln, nenra, -o -
that point with their own through
trains for Denver, Cheyenne a u .
. . .. -.i fnr Kansas City, i
CJ'i Omaha, Peoria, Chi-
ego, and an po.n t:
Remember tnis is " , -
w leenine car from
which you ran " 1 , , 1 1
In and Omaha the next, "
Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis the fob
lowing morning. licUet(ap-
Vnr further niorni""'" ,,
ror,u . i iw nirton
iv to nearest age"" "
Rout o. "
HABBISON, KEB., DEC. 19, 1889.
C. R. Wells spent Sunday In Chadron,
returning on Tuesday.
J. B. Bradley, of Hatcreek, was in
Harrison on Wednesday.
Mrs. J. T. Weir and son, E. A. Weir,
are at Chadron, being called there by
the sickness of Arthur Weir.
Thos. Reidy, sheriff-elect, went to
Chadron on Wednesday on business.
A. C. Hanna, of Omaha, representing
the Showalter loan company was in
Harrison the first of the week looking
up the business of his company.
Otto Tietze made a contribution to the
wealth of Tire Journal firm to apply on
his subscription on Wednesday.
Mrs. L A. Post was at Lusk the first
of the week on business.
Jas. IL Cook arrived home on Satur
day evening from a business trip to
Omaha and other points, returning by
way of Cheyenne.
Capt. G. W. Tool spent some days in
Harrison during the past week, an
went down the road on Monday.
W. S. McPheeley, one of the pioneer
merchants of Chadron, was in Harrison
on Tuesday. He is looking for a place
to put in another store and niay decide
in favor of this place.
Jas. Farnam has gone to logging at
Darnell's saw mill.
P. Whitney, president of the Piotieer
townsite company was in Harrison on
E. I). Satterlee and A. McOinley went
down the road last Monday evening.
M. J. Gayhart was in Haraison on
Monday and tailed at our office.
Rev. Lusk went to Chadron on Mon
day and returned Wednesday.
Henry Wertz was in town Saturday
and called at our office.
W. E. Patterson, of The Journal,
spent Sunday at Chadron.
Dave Bartlett made a business trip to
Wyoming last week.
F, D. Hitner, of Montrose, was in Har
rison on Saturday and made a pleasant
call at our office.
Geo. Tool gave us some cash on sub
scription last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Pietersen, of Mont
rose, called at our office last Friday and
gave us some cash on subscription.
Mrs. Pietersen had just returned from a
four weeks' visit to relatives in Omaha.
Say, Everybody!
If you owe us anything please arrange
to settle it by January 1st. We need
money and want this year's business
closed by the first of the year.
Weir & Co.,
To the Legal Yoters of School District
Jlumber 7.
A petition signed by a number of the
legal voters of school district No. 7, re
questing a special school meeting to be
called on Dec. 30, 1889, has been handed
to me. There not being sufficient time
between the receipt of said petition and
the date named to give legal notice,
and said petition providing for the elec
tion of a school district treasurer, when
no vacancy exists, I do not deem it ne
rMsarv to take anv official notice of said
petition. If a special meeting is desired
let a legal request be made therefore and
it will receive proper attention.
S. L. R. Maine, Director.
School Report.
The following is a report of the Mont
rose school for the month ending Dec. 6,
Nunber of pupils enrolled, 31. Total
mw nf ilavs all nunils attended, 500.
Average daily attendance, 25. Number
of visitors, 8. Number enrolled up to
Dec. 11, 36.
The following pupils nave noi Deen
the month: Mary Gay-
hart, Lena Gayhart, John Konrath, Rose
Konrath, Louis Gayhart, Martin rewr,
Lee Powell, Peter Burgle, Henry Burgle,
Tvrteheno. Alovcius Rienders, Fran
cis Peters, Harry Christensen,. Herman
Konrath, Zep Christensen, Martin uay
uf Am Rienders. Edwin Rienders,
imi fc, J 1 " " -
Katie Burgle, Gertrude Klass, Peter
Patrons are cordially invited to visit
the school. B. U. smith,
Do not fail to take advantage of our
combination oner.
Now is the time when wood on suo
.-ir.f inn is verv acceptable.
OV. i IJ1'1
Tell your friends to subscribe for
Tiik Journal and get the benefit of our
premium ofTers.
-Don't forget that The Journal is
a An all lilnds of iob printing
prepare" " , .
in a neat and tasty manner, on short
-Wanted-500 good posts wanted on
- .!. f- ,iinh we will allow 10
subscription -
cents apiece. A good chance to get Tim
Journal without any " "
For pain in the stomach, colic and
cholera morbus there is nothing1 better
tlian Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by C. IL
A son of Mr. M. D. Pusser, a merchant
of Gibralter N. C, was so badly afflict
ed with rheumatism for a year or more,
as to be unable to work or go to school.
His father concluded to try Chamber
lain's Pain Balm on his boy. It soon
cured him and he has since walked one
and a half miles to school and back ev
ery school day. 50 cent bottles for sale
by C. H. Andrews
The Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Val
ley Railroad, (The Northwestern1 Line,)
extends to its patrons and friends a
''Merry Christmas" and "Happy New
Year," and for the purpose of enabling
them to visit their kin-folks during the
holidays, will sell excursion tickets De
cember 24th, 25th, 30th and January 1st,
good returning January 3rd, at one fare
for the round trip, between all stations
within a two hundred miles limit. Any
agent of the F. E. & M. V. R. R. will
give full information as to the sale of
tickets, limits, &c.
The New Photography.
Photography is certainly a most inter
esting and delightful study, and the re
sults obtained by means of the improved
system of film photography are so beau
tiful, and the apparatus employed so
simple it is no wonder thousands of our
most cultured people are becoming en
thusiastic amateurs. The most inge
nious, and it seems by far the most pop
ular in use among experts and amateurs
alike, is the Kodak, a little instrument
measuring but 3J x Z x 6i inches, and
weighing only 82 ounces. It is a
complete photographic outfit, with lens,
instantaneous shutter and material for
making one hundred negatives, and so
compact and neat in appearance, that
any lady can carry it without making
herself in the least conspiciouS. The
Eastman Dry Plate & Film Co., of
Rochester, N. Y., are the makers, to
whose advertisement in another column
we call attention.
Eye and Skin Ointment.
A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes,
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Old
Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples
and Piles. It is cooling and soothing.
Hundreds of cases have been cured by
it after all other treatment had failed.
25 and 50 cent boxes for sale by
C. H. Andrew's, Druggist.
In the oldest and roost popular scientific nd
mechnnical paper published and has the largest
circulation of any paper, of Its class in the world.
Fully Illustrated. Best class of Wood EnirraT.
Ings. Published weekly. Send for specimen
copy. Price f3 a year. Four months' trial, $1.
HUNN & CO., Publisheus, atil Broadway, N.T.
Edition of Scientific American. W
A great succwm. Each Issue contains colored
lithographic plates of country and city residen
ces or public buildings. Numerous enpraTfngt
and full plans and specifications for the use of
such as contemplate buildinjr. Price $li.50a yeart
25cti.acopr- MUNN 6 CO., i'LULlbUfciUS.
I maybe seeur.
ea or appij-
lug to MUNH
& Co., who
have had ott
40 years' experience and have made over
11)0,000 applications for American and For-
icn oatentfl. Send for HaudbooJt. uorrea-
pondeuce strictly confidential.
In ease your mark is not registered In tne Pat
ant onice, apply to Munn A Co., and proem
Immediate protection. Bend for Handbook.
CnPYRtCIITS (or books, chart,
tic., quickly prooured. Address
MUNN 4c CO., Patent Solicitor.
Okkerai. OpricI ; Kl BBOAlw.iT. X. V
For tha Flmily, School, or Professional Library.
Has been for years Standard
Authority in the Government
Printing Office and U. 6. Su
premo Court. ...
It is highly recommended by
38 State Sup'ts of Schools and
the leading College Presidents.
Nearly all the School Books
Eublishcd in this country are
ascd upon Webster, as attest
ed bv the leading School Book
3O0O more Words and nearly
2000 more Engravings than
any other American Dictionary.
The WeW York World aya : Webster Is al
most universally conceded to bo the best
Th8 BOStOB Glob y Webster is the ac
knowledged standard in lexicography.
The AtlU COBiHt UtiOn says: Webster has
"TonjnJeentlieiilanclard authority in oar office.
The Chlcieo Inter Ocean w- Webster's
"nTiTidgoonntslway's been the standard.
The Mow Orleans Times Democrat yi
vnierTstanilai d aullwrily in our office.
TheWewTerk Trlbnn8y: it is recogmd
as the most naoftiTaxistlna; " word-hook " of
the Engllah language all oror the world.
Sold by all Bookaellors. Tamphlet free.
6. A C MUUUAJI A CO., Pub'n, bpringfteld, Mat
Looking Backward.
We are well satisfied with
the liberal patronage bestow
ed upon the RANCH SUP
PLY HOUSE, and we hope
to merit a continuance of the
same by keeping a
Large and Complete Stock
Of General Merchandise
constantly on hand, and sell
ing the same at prices that
defy competition.
No baits offered, but affair
SKatnaMBt-afaHBafaBaH aW
and square deal on every sale.
A large stock of confection
ery just received for the Hol-days.
eir &
Get it for 9 1-2 per cent, straight some
vhere else.
We don't make 9j per cent, loans but We will make you a reasonable loan and
Than those who advertise the
INTO. 14.
per cent
1 . . '
-A: :' ; '