1. 1 -rrirJ -Mi luiH -!ioii irf N'wnrL, " -ioun a iter lift Of tllf :' Am. fM'nr iLfoivir tile Htu S) MADE SPEAKER. TBT BT4ID MT HIM lit UK ylHMT UKWAHltKlt. ill rpimir I won n x'titioti 'Piiirmiil; ''illt'jriti 1!, IN vi'.-ir! roiirt Thin , mil ion i Httlllt'llt f Divin nirorod e wime N Oppaiseaiia Nat I be Forget- C, seeralary Noble Kara H Ills Gaal Caa.eeri.laa; rmtlm Q,re-Tba "" r(Mrrr C, paring Year. I. aeaa.raalBtiellM bellied. jyiisifcTox, !. 3. Now tliat the rshlp fight la over the luti-ri-st J amount of ,.-u rxDRj0D! in Mnrrrw fr Ul(. of 3 auiiiuiiL ihu r..M t,-... ; 1 i-nsions aurinz of It'i 4ki -1 .- ' ' an '"'reuse t ..r-vious year. Th. tou " .ount ,iji,w..44. At ihfl ,-L ,;t ,x... ? YT" ,of ,Hnsion " Thfl wholfi number of claims prevntfd luring- tlie year was su o, iva rourJ liolate.d hop ol.' of Dopm 'riplnro. i'clOHill.-i ton I ' the dil )r. Corri itrv vuirl iignVM, finniilcii i;.s. iii! v ill hi us uIn, I of the ri'ix of x i founo mil wo orplmr,! tew rhurj nnil wt lUnui'd tli ('nnli n I HMO, in 1 il nn n linn it id lioin Ik1 Cjiiy turn to the disposition that Cgoed will make of tbo important Lmuishiu at ul disposal, in other Cj bow be will reward those who Lworked for him early ami late. He tr greatly assiKied in this mailer by yi Uiat the ballotlnif was oiM-n. lie .riactly who voted fi r him on the ballot. He knows who stood by jpun the first and who the gi iille it who climbed on his wanon when Lit that his wan the winning I-a in. f&iT bis late npimnenta will roino Ifsr the first consideration. Mr. Me- W r, as already Ktati-d In these dis- Wiiemust be tendered the i huirman Lfot Iho committee on ways and tw. There Itc a Reneral belief that . JliKiiiley, rocofriiiziiiK already what Lnneraiilo rutluT helley has dime, Irliims to have done lor him, will pri: V lbt the chairmanship of the com-' Lll to tendered to Mr. Kelley ln Ul of to himself, At the same time it Li bo said that Mr. McKinlcy very Womaticully worked himself clear of CjplislKO In that direction by Kayinj? W as the cummitteeslilp had not yet Lo offered to him he could not say that L would decline in favor of Mr. Kelley. Jlr. Cannon, or course, gets the appro- ritinns i liuirmaiislilp. As for Cokiwil. Henderson, of Iowa, he ill likely remain ou the appropriations iimluee. 1IF.F.U INTKltVIKWKII. Shaker Boed was asked Unlay by your Lrrepoudent if he had any idea wheu is committei would be announced. It In Impossible to tell," he answered in flow, dcllberato way. "I should tok not for two weeks, and perhaps kit. Mr. Carlisle took until the 1st IJiniiary, and I shall be doing well If un able to make up the list in two inks. Ho far I have not m en able to m the matter one moment's conslder- JiOB." Then you do not look for much husi- len to tie done until after the recess." "Hardly.' If tho committees are ap- ir.inled In two ' weeks from now there II he' only a few days left before the I'nal Uinsimas recess is laKen. "Are you likely to apisilnt the enm itlee on ruhfJ In advance of the other Mm luces, so that the rules can lm fjdllied before an attempt Is made to lo business'" lain not prepared to say what, mny Vdone, but It would not lm surprising (the. committee on rules slioukl lie ap ilntiil In tho course of a few days, su that the rules could be revised while the lioiiw Is waiting for other business." an you express any opinion on the. able course of legislation this win- WAS HIS NEW WIFE A WITCH. Tne Old Man Thought . but Was Soon Quieted of His Fears. Old man Bill BUr?g had for wma time been a widower for the becond time, says the Tallahassee Floridiao. He grew tired of single cussedness ami ne 18 so u? v imn nf ,, .;.; W.'re forori-'ial fusion, and 103. UJO fur i f . a fusion, inc num ber of claims for original -nsion allowed J?8 n?'' 0 numU'f rejected was HI,. H J he number of claims for inrreasr allowed was 123,001; the number rejected was 06,079. J The commissioner makes w-vcral reiommendalions as to amendments ol the law and additional legislation. WEATHI R Cltor Bl-I.LKTI.V. The signal office weather crop bulletin for the last month reiKirtsmnmruin ii.u., usual In the New Kngland, Middle and .-oiuii .iiiaiiiic states and in the Ohk Valley, the greatest evees lu.lmr i tern New York, eastern Pennsylvania. Maryland and Delaware. In Minnesota, the Dakotas, Iowa and Nebraska and llr extreme northwest there has been aliout I he average. Snow was reported on the ground at the end of the, month In extreme northwestern Pennsyl vania, and northern Ohio, Minne sota, eastern Iowa and Wisconsin. Thr most prominent meteorological feat f the month was the sUjrm which moved from Texas northward to the lakes, and thence to the maritime prov inces, between the jiith and the ".Hh. l lie colli wave following In mis Mill-in causca irilsL ami tree? nu weather as far south as northern Florida minimum temperature of :io dcim-of being reported from Jacksonville and Mobile, and light frosl from New Or leans. f a err mt a m , comp' liilioral mtainini xtnre. I liollnrs. lid milk'' ulsion sj f 'write loes. ' roil dolli to trivet willing the a mm lor the nrefullj '(book lto liq" . IllBti irnted Hdtintied wnnted i for I'roviiK lid res. t Jersev o tlioti j it Burpf lo the It corn" wo littl DlIDH ie Find ox. lOjf rolrtf in H riw.entl, and wrf. ey cnmH lejrant emonyi lendid I I pony.' -ttr-ow at. A Huii(llttc Kx-cIIh. Oi KM ii, Out. Nov. 30. W. II. liar ey, who, In March last, murdered lib wife and two daughters, was hanged here yesterday. The execution was the worst piece of bungling ever witnessed. Tin weight which lifted the body was not heavy enough, and the scalTold was nul high enough to give suflicient rebouni, to break tho condemned man's neck His struggles and contortions as h( slowly strangled to death were frightful. was fa- game ol V would not lie iMilitic for me to do I'i, and in addition to that. I am not utile :j answer tho question. This somewhat tinneccssary contest, and Mr. Keed miled at the recollection of the fight," as taken up all our time, and f.ere lias wn no opportunity for consultation. Ifl'hc views of various members will have fo be ascertained and conflicting opinions reconciled. Measures for which there rflM to be a nubile demand will be ty"hed, while others may be dropped With our small majority there will have lobe harmony and conciliation If we are wircompllah anything." Mr. Keed has received numerous tele- Vnms of eongratnlatioii from all parts of m country, and "the original Keed ttui ' wan at the Shoreman to-day in full lurce. He baa already received an appll iiion for a place. A lady railed on him ml wanted to be placed in charge of the tics' reception room on the house side Mt. Keed told her that tho office was not it hi gift. PKNSIOJt ESTIMATES. The. rsllmatoH for pensions made for m fiscal year beginning July 1, 1880, ) Kecrotary JNohlo In his annual re. Mt, wero not only Inadequate but must uve been known to be so when recom waded to congress. Tho estimate for lbs previous year was Swo.OOO.OOO. Hut More this estimate for tho present year M completed It was apparent that a do Silency would be Incurred, as It was In curred for the previous year, to the (mount of at least, fS.OOO.OUO, and that tail added to the original eighty millions would not be enough to meet tho obliga tion!! accruing before the end of even tliat fiscal year. It was known also that tho pension list (k Increasing, and if tho payments of 1888-89 could not be met with $80,000,000, but a deficiency bill had to bo passed for H,000,00t more, it must have been anti cipated that the former commissioner's Mioeessor would be run Into a deficiency. Vet tbo estimate for pensions was con lined to $80,000,000 for 1880-90. Tho re "lt, If the cause wero not so easily do tted, might produce an unfair compart on between the previous administration lion and tho present as to the amount 'ipendnd In this branch of tho service. do not hesitate, however, to assume tbo responsibility, as I have dono In the esti mates for the next fiscal year, of recom mending an Increase In tho appropria tion for pensions, so that a liberal and fetal payment may be made to all the 'nerving pensioners of the republic. The sum will reach 97,210,3r.3. The ropnrtof the commissioner for tho lt fiscal year shows that there wero on 'lie roll on June 30, 1889, 489, 725 pen sioners, classified as follows: 3.11,484 rmy Invalids, 97,590 army widows, Inor children and deendont relatives; .M7nary Invalids, 2,206 navy widows, Inor cmidreo and dependent relatives; 3 survivors of tho war of 1813; 9,904 Mows of those who served In that war; 17.0A& mninin nf the war with Mexico, d 6,206 widows of those who served In i wt war. The names or bi.wsi pcnsi.Mi w wera added to the roll and the names 1.7M pensioners dropped from tho Mil we restored, making an aggregate o. M,75 pensioners added to tho roll dur lg the year. The names of lo,500 pen sioners war dropped for various causes, fewlngthe not Increase for tho yesr W.I66. . , The average nnr.nal vsluo of.eschpcn n at the eloso of the year was l3t.l8, Increase for the year of $3 78 In tho Tiilm Schilling, of Carroll, la tuny injured in a row over a cards. A young man named Yeoman was fa tally Injured at Independence, la., bj being run over by a heavily loaded wagon. The sale of the Vaudusen system ol elevators, lo the English syndicate, rep resented by Levy Meyer, was completed at Minneapolis. The procession attending Archblshor. Walsh to the cathedral In Toronto, was attacked by a mob who threw slimes, one of which entered the carnage or the pre late and struck him on the arm. The News Letter of Itelfust, Ireland, has published an apology fur libelling Thomas Ncxton, the I'arnellite leader, anil has paid him l'.ViO. The appellate court of Illinois has de cided that the mayors of cities have perfect right to forbid obnoxious pa rades by Salvation army people. Alice Jackman, the abducted heiress of St. Louis, has been located at Qulncy, III., where she was taken by tho Splnks, relatives of her guardian, Dr. Taylor. District Master Workman Ross of the Knights of Labor who has returned tc Philadelphia from the Atlanta conven tion says it Is proposed by the Knights of Labor. Farmers' alliance and Ameri can federation to unite In a memorial to congress requesting tho passage of a bill restricting Immigration in the interest of the eight hour law. Frank Harrison, for over twenty year! an employe of the postoflice at Phila delphia, Pa., was convicted of stealing letters containing checks. The Afro-American league's conven tion, called to meet at Nashville Januarj 15 next, will meet Instead at Chicago, the date remaining the same. The prlvato bank of Kmll Susskind, New York city, has been closed with $50,000 liabilities, duo to Germans, Nor wegians and Danes. The people of Fairland, Ind., have or dered all saloon keepers to close their places by December 1. and have bound themselves never to allow another saloon In the place. Tho report o- Commodore Walker, chief of tho bureau of navigation, recom mends among other things that no man without previous naval service, above ti, n nf i.liirtv-five vears be hereafter enlisted; that the enlistment of aliens for vie bo discouraged with a view to Its final discontinuance. Samuel Kerscliofer, for several year the head book-keeper for the Great Western typo foundry, of Chicago, waf lalled on a charge of embezzlement. It Is said that Kerschofer's peculations will reach several thousand dollars. lhc Great Western has houses In St- Louis, Denver and Omaha. Advices from Honolulu by steamer Australia state that tho United States steamer Iroquois left there November 20 for Samoa, to relieve the Adams, which will proceed to Honolulu. Iho United States steamer Alert was about ready to sail for Kan Francisco. Tho Mohican and Nlpslc still remain at Honolulu. rfl, iwolflnn t lias nnnolnted tho fol- the Tails,' nassee girls would have him. The old , man grew desperaU-, and advertised in ' a matrimonial paper of Chicago for a ! wife. Ere long he received a dainty missive through the maiL It contain ed the photo of a witching, black-eyed maid who wanted a home and did "not require youth and beauty in a hus band. It did not take them long to fix up matters, and now she is queen at the old man's country residence. Bill was delighted with bis third draw in the matrimonial lottery. She is domestic and quite handy about the house, comely of person, and of a naturally nappy disjiosition, but what worries Bill is that she will not breathe a word oi wno or what she was before be coming Mrs. Buggs. The old man is somewhat superstitious, is a firm be liever in witches, ghosts, spirit rap pings, etc., and his wife's silence as to herself tore him all up in mind. The other night Bill awoke with a start A shadowy form was flitting around his couch, and in its outstretch ed hand was some vessel in which burn ed a ghostly blue flame. By the light of the bluo and mystic lire Bill saw that the shadowy form was that of his new wife. Sho was repotting in a soft, solemn Umn u-ni-flj 1tiut. Rill un i roar. 01 1 understand. His heart thumped loud ly against his ribs. Ho folt as if ha were shrinking smaller nnd smaller. His eyes rolled and he tried todraw in his head as would a gopher. Was his new wife a witch of which he had read so much? Was she working some unearthly charm about him? What was lie to uo? Tho mystic fire came nearer his face. Now it was immediately over his head. He thought he saw a long blue tongue of llamo leap dowuward as if to consume his pent-up breath. He gave vent to a fearful yell, straightened out with such force that the footboard of tho bed was shivered into pieces, and leap ed out and into a corner, where he shivered and moaned. "What's the matter, you old fool?" screamed Mrs. Buggs, almost as frightened as he. "Uh, ploaso don t witchcraft me. moaned Bill; 'Til do anything! I'll uive you a deed to the farm. I'll buy you a new bombazine dress. Oh, 111 do anything if you'll only put out that infernal ghost lire and let mo alone! "Shut up, you old, crack-head ea idiot! Come right hero and nail this bedstead together again." snapped Mrs. liucrgs. "If you had tho sense of a dead frog you would havo known that I was only burning camphor to get rid of these blamed mosquitoes. Witchcraft, indeed! What, do you sup. pose' I know of such things?'' "(Jo oo oo r pulled lull. 1 vasn't seared. You spilled some of the fire down my neck; that's all that was tho matter with me." An ingenious English school boy, who wanted an answer to an aritlinmllcal problem, dropped into a grocer's store on his way to school and said he wanted certain commodities at eertaiu prices. After exhausting his list, he said: "Now. if I give you a half sovereign. hat chinge shall I get back?" The grocer una mm, whereupon be tnaiiKeu me shopman and turned to go. . "Wait for I the things," called the grocer; and his disgust can be imagined when the urchin told him he was late for school, and, as he hadn't learned his arithmatic lesson, he had adopted that method of getting the problem worked forhiui. Exchange. kn not flow to under-UDd th.t, iu order to warrant their ui.nufwturw- in gunranu-eing them to iH-neOt or cure, medicine musi p- .i. u-.iin.rv merit n curative proiK-rtK-s. Dr. Vicrce s Golden Medn-al Iiis-rovi-rr is the oolv blood medicine eold through drusrjrirts, under i positive guaran tee tlou It ill beiH-Ht or cure or money p...! f.a-it will he returned. In all blood. kin uoi scalp diseases, and for all -rofulouB affec tions, it is a fpecinc lorn gist Farmers ill find that Salvation Oil urr remedy for trusted feet. All Uru keep it, t is -i5c a bottle. lleury George is of the opinion that Cleve land ni'll be run for president again iu ISWj. The Queen, it is thought, will not open parliament in person. Ho you value t lie health and comfort of your children; Then guard against croup by laking hold of that cough or told at the start, and relive the inflammation with Dr. Bull's Cousrh isvrup. If they have the whooping coufh. do what vou eaii to relieve their palu by giving them llr. Bull's Cough Syrup. All children love it. 4'omlurt (or iho Pallrnl. "Are you feeling better this morning. Fnile Henry?'' Yes, Angie, dear." "You'll soon be well now, won't you. Uncle Henry?"' "I don't know, dear; I may never get up again; Uncle Henry is a very sick man." Oh, yes, I know; but you'll soon get well. 1 heard the doc tors tell pa tills morning that all the doc tors iu America couldn't kill as mean a man as you." (Uncle Henry rallies and is well enough the next time, the doctor calls to get his head under the sofa and maul him till the police break into the room. The diagnosis was correct. Btir- dette in Brooklyn Eagle. Millions of Women use Dobbins' Electric Soup daily, and say it is the best and cheap est, ji tiu-v are right, you ought to use it. If wrong, one trial only will show you. Buy nar oi your grocer ana try it next Mouuay. France has sent two war vessels to Brazil- lull waters. 500 reward offered by we propneon. y. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy for an incurable case. The old fashioned ring of three turquoises If again coming into favor. A rare opportunity to make 5O0 before Christmas. Address w ith ref. Gast, St. lxiuis. Lord Roseherry counsels the liberals to dis solve the House of Lords Agent. John Worth, of St. Louis, want yon to write him for particulars free. AgenU are coining money selling the Missouri Steam Washer. Sent on trial. Gives satisfaction everywhere. Territory exclusive. ft,m,etlitnir attractive in the way of a cig arette holder A pretty girl's mouth. CoNst-MPTiox. For the cure of thisdisease i,.. i,een nn medicine vet discovered that can show more evidence of real merit han Allen's Lung Balsam, k'., joc, ami $1 a bott le. A Michigan woman forced her daughter to swallow poison at lhc point ol me pisioi. A Kentucky youth has confessed to killing his cousin for hfty cents. A jury in Louisiana convicted two regula tors oi muruer. '"tmrUaa, Whether on pleasure bent or business, should take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of F'igs. ns it acts most plensaully nnd effectually on the kidneys, liver nnd bowels, preventing fevers, headaches nnd other forms of sickness. For sale iu 50c nnd $1.00 bottles by all leading druggists. When flaby was sick, we gave her Castor!, When she was a Child, io cried forCastorla, When she became Miss, clie clung to Castorla, When :h had Children, ahe jae them Castorla, rfLEri'slyrtGALSAri 6X anv .DRUGSTORE J TAKC IT FA1THT ru LLY. AND ' LOnMuycva- THKT THfXe it 0M RCWYFO COUGHS & COLDS AileriSlutis&QlSari) ioi.D.8Y.AUDHuGG5T5 M Ha'rws Co ,ffitr,pSC.g A tfllsT BUT mmmm CARTERS rjlTTUt IVER PILLS. - ) roliielr-arrd bjt trr uicir rim. Thev also relieve !. tran from Dyapemia.Io digestion aw! TnoHeaftrl Eating. periBci i ledv (or lHa-inaM.Kai Urowsineaa. u ia"r In the Mouth. Coaleat Tongiie.Pain in the BktoJ TOKC1U IJVfcii. iaJl reznlato the BowotaJ Purely Vcentable. frier tcni. CASTS 1CZBICIHZ CO., NEW YOilK. Small Pill: Small Dots. Small Price. WEBSTER Annllif-r L.eiigevil)' Table. From statistics gathered by a prom i neut llle Insurance company it appears the occupation most, conducive to Ion gevlty Is tliat of merchants. Next to these in expectation of life come farm ers; then follow in succession doctors, lawyers, clergymen, shop keepers and hotel keepers. It. may be mentioned that among hotel and saloon keepers, brewers and wholesale liquor dealers the deaths from consumption, heart disease and zymotic diseases are comparatively few, while the rate for nervous diseases and diseases of the liver Is extremely high. 'Brokers follow hotel keepers as regards average, length of life, and then mechan ics. Herald of Health. A revolt of prisoners at Tunis was attended by quite a loss of life. If fBI:td wllli Snr Kvi. ue Dr. S:ixz Tlioma n' hi l W aler. Druggist sell it. '-Tii. Emperor William refuses to consent to the betrothal of his ei6ter to the Czarwitch. CAUTION. No other Liniment made to reieuble ST.JACOBSOIL CAN COMPARE 'WITH IT. Bt. Jacobs Oil is THE BEST, AND THAT IS WHY ITS CCItES ARK PROMPT AND PERMANENT. AT Decogists and Dkai.eks. THE CHARLES 1.V0GELER CO.. Baltimore,, Md. .nip at the Smith. A kind friend tells us, says tho Washington Post, thut a recent para graph in this column relating to the Harlan county feud in Kentucky re called to his mind a story which is now so old as to be new again. A stranger had gone into one of the southern states to havo a little sporl with his gun, but after hunting nearly all day was well-nigh disgusted at having found nothing to shoot at Ho was about to give up, when he chanced to meet a native, with whom ho fell into conversation. "I thought this was a gre it country for game,' said the stranger. "Waal, so it war a bit ugo. Ther war a right smart o' game roun' hyar nfo' the boys got to guunin' fur it, but I reckon it's mostly killed oil now." "I should say it had been. Why, I've been tramping through these woods since early this morning and I haven't soen a blessed thing to Hhoot at." Tho native, whose heart was full of that beautiful hospitality for which the south was so famous in anto bellum times, stopped and bWioJ in deep meditation for some seconds. "Dogged ef I don't hate to see you go way disappointed, stranger, Oregon, the PamdlMe ol FHI'llier.. M lid. eiiimhle cllmnle. oertnni an-t KluiiKlnnr. :rr.. I'ect- friill, Krain, grass anil .lock country in lli woriU. luill Information tn-fi. Ailtli-ft.i Hie Ori'Kon limn titration nonnl. ror!l:in!, Oregon. Watermelon seeds were found in an Kgyp tiun tomb that was3,000 years old. THKAtlNNKII. THE BEST REMEDY FOR CHILDREN SUFFEUINO FROM COLD In HEAD .NTFFI.ES Catarrh foKTimij ITSELF I BEST HOLIDAY CIFT for Pavrtor. Parent. Teacher. Child, Wnmmm. 3000 more Words nnd n early 2000 more Engravings tbnv any other American Dlctionary- lt la nn invaluable companion in erery 8duwC and at oery Fireaide. GET THE BEST. Sold by all Booksellers. Illustrated PampliWt with specimen pages, etc., sent free. G. k C. HERRI All It CO., Pab'rB.Sprinsfield.Maa but ood idea. he An idea struck him- His face lighted up. 'What time is it stranger asked. "(uartor past 4."1 "Waul, now," said tho native with spirit, "ycu go over and stand behind the big tree at tho fork of tho road just beyond tho knoll. Seholl '11 bo out in just, niicen iiuiiulos nn get a right good shot at the damned yunkee'seuoolmastor." An Afrlcii Dellrarf. Cannibalism still thrives betvti Stanley Kails and Stanloy Pool, among j tho Hangalas, a muscular raco oi peo ple, who prefer an enemy on toast to nuv other health food they know of. All these people when plundered by neighboring tribes glndly join the Arabs In their expeditions against those marauders in order to gather In cnomids enough for a mess. A victory Is always followed by a general gorge which even drives the Arab out of enmp to whore ho cannot smell the (Klor of cooking. This odor, instead of being at all pleasant or palatable, i- ihr like tho sickening smell that la - , 1'lie I'romptneaa Willi Wlilrli nr. Ilnr- rl, Rerelved Ills Money from Ilie Louisiana Male Lottery. Napa (Cal.) Kepoiter, Nov. 13. The fact of the winning of the ll'iOOu by our fellow townsmen, Henry Harris, in the last drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery, Is not new to our people, but meeting the ex sheriff yesterday, w e asked him if he hail yet received his check. Sir. Harris replied 'That the money had promptly come, and that everything connected with It had been most satisfactorily done. I like," sld he, "the way the Louisiana State Lottery Com pany do business. The fortunate holder of ihe w iniiiiiE; number sends his ticket to the home office and as soon as the mall can re turn a cheek is received for the full amount. There is no quibbling, no discounting, no dc.lavs. Everything is done promptly and snua'rclv. As'to what to do with the money, 1 haven't yet exactly settled. I guess I will Invest the money in real estate, in the best county in California Napa and enjoy the fruits of my good lortune. Money makes the man, but the man has to make the money first. Have Yon Seen Ldbby Prison? A most bcautlfulhandsomelycolored picture mailed to advertise the pi lson at ( ,'hlcazo. Sec the advertisement of Llbby Prison War Museum n this paper Woman was made after man, but nmii has been after woman ever since. Faithfulness is necessary in all kinds of work. Especially is jt necessary, in treating a cold, to procure the best remedy, which is Allen's Lung Balsam, and take it faithfully according to directions, and it will cure a cold every lime and prevent fatal results. Sol.l by all druggists, 25c, 50c., and $1 per bottle. Turkey will not be admitted to the triple alliance. lilldrrn Kfarvlnir Iu Heath On account of their inability to digest food, will find a most marvellous food and remedy in Scott's Emulsion. Very palatable and easily digested. Dr. S. W. Cohen, of Waco, Tex., savs: i nave nseu join iin Infantile wasting. It not only restores wasted IIbsucr, but gives strength and in creases the appetite." Apartirlt is ijipliod into each noRtril aiid'ln asfiwa, ble. Price iw rentn at DnifOFisIs; by mail, retriUrei. 60 cents. Kl.Y BROTHKKS, 5 Warren St, New York- GRATEFUL COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. " Br a thorongh knowledge of the nalnral lawav wlilc.i Kovern the operations of digestion and m trltion. and bj a careful application of the a i properties of well-selected Oocna, Mr. KMP provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many aeavr doctors' bills. It is by the Judicious o.e ot nam articles of diet that a constitution roar bo eraoaai ly built up until strong enough t resisS-every iwa dency to disease. Hundredsof subtle maladiesam tloslfna around us ready lo attack wherever iBem Is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal saais by keepinu ourselves well lortlfled with pnre blows and a properly nourished frame. ' Civil wwr Made simply with boiling water or milk. BoJ. only in half-pound tins, by Grocers, labelled tans: JAMES EPPS&CO.. Hommopathic Chemists,. London, England. THIS THE 6REAT TUBULAR WELL AND PROSPECTING MACHINE famoui (or trace eedinor where other have failed. SELF CLEAXING. Drill 4rpa 0 10 U CATAL06UE FREE L00M1S & NYHAN, TIFFIN, OHIO. OHIO v XT" Write Ton Mel-lae. FEMALE- rfhiiiator IJ3f.VV,rF ,ty Tctrn .0 AENSTRUATI0N ' 6H MONTHLV SICKNESS I TIVHI.M DUWhS Cr)HGe. Of U't. AOOK- TO':WOMAN'w"a mWELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA BA. . nui4uwwai4 s. if tor 1 Ml FHl FILLKI MM PHOMPTLT. ItH N. CLUB SKATES TOo! T.J:- This New tLUB Skate r y l with automatic lever fastenings, cast steel runnasw- no key or wrench; no bolts or nuts to lose; ft to Bt Inches; only 70. Sent any part of U.S. rRKKfm 1110 Sporting Goods and Skate catalogue KRKK.- 51 Mlale all reel, bleac Giles Bros. & Co., Jewfite. nBTfftlllie Send for our perfected metlswi Ur I IblJMa of Self-flttlng Sipectaclea. CTlTlflMFRC Try our Sl. Boa- or ir S I A I lUNCnaiionery. Illustrated CataliwueM the trade. lill.KS BUGS i, CO., 101 slate St., Oliteagv lowlnif United State consuls: Hiram J. 1 comog from an over-heauod hath-room iZSZp of IlHnoU, to IlroHlan, Germany. r,.lbly the g ' i . . ,1 : . who is not up colore uio ifranu ji..jr with a weak case Bill Nye. been ....... , . ft ..V ..i it. William c. usruiiri v. .. llollnlara. (lardlHT lias for'ricveral years connected with tho Kvo ning Wisconsin of Milwaukee. In addition to the nlno men arrested In the Chickasaw nation for robbing the Hanta Fo train at Jkrcsyn, two women, .: f imn. nf the men. havo been ar- ;osted. At their homes In Ardmoro two Lens car wero found. Tho women Albert Houlton of Australia thinks It will soon be the United tita'uis of Australia. Tho 8mAi-' Delight 'TantlU's I'unch." The Chippewa Indians want the squatters ousted from their lanus. mtnm fnUniier and Weather Forecasts for 1890 by Rev. lrl K. Hicks, mailed 1anv address on receipt of a two-cent stamp. -1 UK n. J. 11. McLean Meo. Co., 8t. Louis, Mo. Russia Is still massing troops on her west ern frontier. A man who hai practiced medicine for -V whatneiavs: , ; ,. , Messrs. lMn'y""V - ; I lelne my SMITH'S BILE BEANS ...... i .. Un tnmnloTinn vBavrv sac groat in,-"& , ,8 aj,,,. IlanfTBome illus ly half a bun son's Hen nation t h country's in 1 The 4'hrl. mn with artl breeding, etc., ufnhorHe papr Nuttfinal Stock years paper wns even better. Hn- ratinn of nar Ired of the sea il guilt n ami nmts siren in in m. Hofif cleK on their Urandest is u e fiTer published, man said last worthtlUit worth year's will be TREATED FREE. Posit! rely Cured with VcgeUble Reroetl. Hart cured many thousand eases. Care pattecrt grononnced hopeless by the best physicians, from rstdose symptoms rapidly disappear, and In tMf days at least two-thirds of all symptoms are reoo e4. Send for free book or testimonials of mtracnlow nues. Ten days treatment furnished free by niK. If yon order trial, send 10 cents in stamps to par postage. DK. 11. U. UKBICN 4 8QM8. Atlanta. 4v MUSIC INTHE AIR llradqnartei-s for Band instrument. Drum 0r fits AccorUeon. Violins, Banjos, MandolUut. Oultxra,. .libers Harmonicas. Striiiffft for every Instrument ma.- ull stock of Sheet Music, Utisid Books, Band ami Ur cltestra llusle Band Kollos, lnstmeUon Books for Instruments. Anyone sending In an order will reew' a copy of Music FKKK. Write to as for prices and ea aloKues, stating what kind of goods wanteds HI AX HIKWKH-fc IlKff.f , OihhIiu. Nrb- N KIT HCOtIT to ThS Horaema". 8 Dearborn t..Cklc. CHICHCSTCS'S ENGLISH smNVROYAL PILLS. ..w - Red Cross Dlamqnd Braad. Tk IT tltl IH r "'''"" (M.l far sstar. sl "KSe'?' .rkUaaa.Pa, JJS 1STHW years, ouSht to know salt from ''PrjJr' what he savs : Toledo, J". . m a nai ; .,.. . r.entlcmen :- t in tr..n anil would sav that In all my irartlce and eiiierlenec have never seen a prep SXMl I Uld prescribe lakt lls.e K.ow It eonlldence of success as i can ..... - V. . , n..im.r. a rich old man In Cure, "J Jy- . wond HooTkcn ntHdo a pub.ic offer ol r 91.000 U, anyone who would kill a burglar 1- while operatinthBvriWe.anu . lton,. y0Ur.iru.y, "f- """" " rt T La wnmrn i KitlrA lnlrt mo uiu iii'm thoox.roscarwrr.. - - "unr- ' - . . hlm out Bur- & arr;.io 'vcTai otiors who JZTn sensitive on OSS Uts, . arc still ""'K0- ooruim mar. on.. ,ur.s.-. -gjf -aiBBummitBt tVe will rive $100 for sny case of Ct srrh that "". B w li. ti'. .turrh Cure. ran not do cureu ... ;'Vj:.',"i Vn Tsken Internally, CHKNfcY LsMlea.' "7 tmiVl PASTILLES.' Priiw.Hi t:tiTniil Charlesuii' ii. Mass as a MIA BrUCnV III cure lllooJ rolson wlicre MA6IC REIfltDT mercury lain. Owned and tor sTui "a'Tur CooKJt!...dirCo.. omalia, Write. . .rarMwaTited. Kamrnis MIMniirl Steam Washer IBEIITSun Wal. JuHN WollaJMo. S .cmslari fx to s nsrs.u f yvasrsaawd bm mJ fl , I mum iSttUtara. III vrt Mir br ia I 'jruiOasaiailOl. a v . . .. TdSltSaSunvl I prescribe and fully en dorse Big II as the ooljr specific forttaecertaincara. of this disease. (J.ll.lMillAHAM.JI. O . Amsterdam, N. Y- We have snld Blf Q tar many years, and It naa given the best of aallav taction. D.R. DY0HK4 0O:. Chicago. HI '. S1.00. Bold by IMrassiata. rtprtlent wiisawiufea oftDeaii-lHiai Salarr. SI." to SI.SM. We have also calls fer Ineiperlenced men who would De sstlsneo wlia salary oi aaww mi awww i . sit ons wsltlna. write, encnsina wmp, w. positions waning, write, wmi'.ms rlm Travatera' Eaaalay aaes.1 Bareaa lieafoJB. I Ton't fall to visit the MaaWW.MI a hlrhlT Intereatlna 70-1 Rend ten cents and rav Icelve a handaoarefr colored picture of l Jav- BY PBIBON nuaiaa and lntM.annNrs hWhlT Intereatlne- 70-esie Illustrated sterr ef Hat - Addreas L-.bby I'kison Was Mi:sl,a,Chlcao, lav . If you want yosar penslon wltitMsk delay, put year nl.im In the Dana. NTKK, Ally.. Waakw- PEnsiqrjs Ingtaa, C UlfJMAIKIJj-:: W, N. U.. Omaha. 493-49. fftMd lams ARMKSLS iw Dricas.sca, w i mild climate, arletyof crops. Maps and e tree. Taw. Baaa,Laaa UHU.,adiu i 1 f IHa VcanbeelTertedwItlviu tPsin or fl I Saw Mlis.saa. Daaanwt. XascoTKaT I should and may know bow cal TnfBrniatlnnsentsealed. A Wow OR. J. H. DTI, Buffalo, N. - Best Coutth Medlcino. Rocomraonded bjr Physicians. Cures where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the taaui. Children take it without objection. By drumTists. T5T