The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 05, 1889, Image 4

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    SOAEttT Of Dili.
Pmdn.T. come day of davi. treuJing th
With idl, h"eilm pare,
T'niooking for eurh grace,
1 ehall behold vourlaref
omedav, some day of days, thus may we
renhaii"e the son mav shine from skies ol
r Winter' k'V chill
Touch lightly val nml hill:
What matter. 1 shall thrill
Throairb everv reia with Summer oo that
Once more life's perfect youth will all come,
And for a moment there
I shall stand fiesh and fair,
And dri the irarment rare:
0 nee more my per.ece youth shall nothing
I shut my eves now, thinking hoir 'twill be,
How. fae to face, each soul
Will slip its long control,
Forget the dismal dole
01 dreary fate's dark, separating wea.
And glance to glance, and hand to hani nn
The pant Kith nil ils fears,
Its Hilence and it tears,
Its lonely, yearning yean.
Shall vanish in the moment of that meeting.
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps.
stalwart young
fellows were
lounging in the
gazing out at
the driving rain
and storm -
tossed brown
leaves. All
looked bored to
tlic utmost limit, when a chnnce re
mark from a newcomer called forth
a query from (.'apt. Hart man.
'"What did you Bay, Browning?
Vera Colinsbee in town?"
"Yes; she is to beat Mrs. Downing'
reception to-night. You have cards,
1 suppose?"
"Of course he lias, but little good
will it do him, or any one else, for
that matter," said a melancholy
At this remark agentleman who had
paid no attention to the conversa
tion laid down his paper and listened
attentively, though so quietly that
Capt. Hartman alone noticed the
'Why bo disconsolate, my son?"
was his laughing query.
"Why so disconsolate?" was the
.wrathful response. "When million
aires have sued in vaiu, to say noth
ing ofgilded-youth, whatehancehave
I, a poor young lnwyer, and a Smith
at that?"
A general laugh lollowed bis re
mark, and he added:
"Without doubt she is the greatest
flirt on earth, but she is just as sure
ly the most charming, and I shall
calmly continue to lay my suffering
heart before her whose regal charms
enthrall my brain."
"Hear, hear!" and, as if this was
too much the crowd broke up.
Lett alone, Markham turned to
his friend, who at this moment rose
to hie tect, and, approaching him,
"Are you acquainted with Miss
Colinsbee, Hartman?"
"Yes," he replied. "Come with me
to the reception this evening, and
I'll present you. I have known Vera
for years, long before she went
abroad, and any Iriend of mine is
sure of a welcome,"
"Thank you, Hartman; I'll avail
myself of your kindness. Is Miss
Colinsbee so marvelously beautifr-17"
"I do not think you will say so at
first glance, Markham, but if she fan
cies you and cares to please she is ir
resistible." A troubled look came into his face, 1
.and he gave a quick glance at the
man opposite; then continued;
"Indeed, I don't know what to
make of Vera, sometimes. You see,
her lather and I were chums, and she
became as confidential with me as
with her brother; a more beautiful,
truthful nature I have never known."
A look of incredulity came into his
listener's face, and the captain noted
it instantly.
"I see you cannot reconcile . my
statement with the remark you have
' heard to-day; but up to her father's
death, and the' time she left for Eu
rope, I never knew a girl aa beauti
ful as Vera less free from coquetry.
And her present action is all the
less explicable to me because I
know Airs. Downing, with whom
she went abroad, is a woman worthy
of all confidence, and one who would
guard Vra from unfavorable influen
ces. I am all the more anxious to
have you meet her, Guy, because you
are my dearest friend, and a man as
far removed from the prevalent fash
ion of trifling as myself; and under
neath all her affectations I am sure
there is a true, womanly heart."
"Yon hare aroused my interest,
Hartman, and I look forward to
meeting your fair young friend with
much pleasure."
ome hours later, Markham was
Ending near the entrance of Mrs.
wulng's . long drawing-room,
Jbat in cont emplation of the
scent before him the light of softly
tinted eaadka, the heavy perfume of
firm. t&a briffht faces of beautiful
I throbbing, sobbing undertone of
sweet music.
He let his eyes wander carelessly
around the room, seeking if he could
discover Vera Colinsbee. Suddenly
he felt a hand Said on his shoulder,
and a voice said:
"Come, Markham, Miss Colinsbee
is waiting for j'oti."
Turning, he followed Paul Hart
man, who led the way to a small al
cove. The crowd parted as the two
approached, and in a moment more
he was bowing to a fair slender
young girl, who rosetomeet them.
"Vera, this is my dearest friend,
Guy Markham. MissColinsbee.Guy."
Seated beside her, Guy had time to
study the face before him. Beautiful
it certainly was not, at the first
glance, but the frank, fearless eyes
of wonderfully dark blue, purple,
rather, though that is not a color
poets are apt to, rave about, held
him as by magic,
Returning in a half-hour, Hartman
found Guv still seated by Vera, all
unmindful of the passing of time.
Well. era, 1 alwavs dislike to
spoil a pleasant chat, but Ican'tgive
up our favorite waltz for even Guy."
era rose and gave her hand to
Guy, saying:
"I must sav good-night, Mr. Mark
ham, as I am going home after this
number. Will you come with Paul
and see me?"
"If I mav have that nleasure, I
certainly shall not be foolish enough
to refuse. Good-night, Miss Colins
bee. From that evening Guy Markham
became a frequent visitor in the draw
ing-rooms or .Mrs. Downing, and in
deed at all other houses where Vera
Colinsbee was to be seen.
People looked and wondered, look
ed and admired. Fitted by position
as well as nature, apparently nothing
could be more appropriate than their
union, and no one suggested that
Markhpjn was but another victim
to Vera's charms. She was so sim
ply glad to see him, she talked w ith
him so unreservedly, that for once
Madame Grundy was nonplused.
Only once Paul Hartman entered
as (Juy was taking his leave, and as
he noticed Mnrkham's lingering
hand-clasp, and the lock bent upon
the sweet face before him, a thought
flashed into his mind, and after Guy
had gone, he crossed to where Vera
wasstill standing, and raised her face
between his hands.
"Vera, if I thought for one moment
that you were playing with Guy I
would lose all my confidence in you,
dearly as 1 love you."
Her face flushed, but her eyes met
his unflinchingly as she answered
"Believe me, Panl, I honor your
friend too highly to do aught that
would cause him pain."
One alternoon in the first of June
Guy came in to read with Vera; he
found her in a little room, half bou
doir, half a rose garden, for the win
dows ran from floor to ceiling, and
in through the open panes came
whole sprays of roses, festooning one
entire side of the room.
Vera was lying on a lounge, but
rose to meet him:
"Are you ill?" he asked hastily, as
he noted the extreme pallor of her
"Xo, I'm only tired, I think, I am
glad the season is over."
She stopped suddenly as she raised
her eyes to his, for something she
saw there seemed to check the light
words on her lips.
"Miss Colinsbee, I am poing away,
but before 1 leave I have a story to
tell you. Will you come over here
by this window?"
She followed him silently and sunk
into the chair he placed for her. It
did not need the woman's intuition
to know what that story was.
"A few years ago, Vera, I had a
friend, lou know I have no near
kindred, and very few friends. He
was friend, brother, all, to me.
Shortly after leaving college he went
to Europe to complete his studies.
Letters came regularly for a long
time then grew less and less fre
quent; finally they ceased. I was
surprised, worried even, until I heard
indirectly that he was deeply in love
with a beautiful woman. And while
our separation grieved me I con
soled myself with the thought that
in the end I should be richer; that
his beautiful bride would be my
friend also when he brought her back
to America for she was an Ameri
can." He paused, and, aroused by the
long silence, Vera looked at him.
She had been vaguely interested, but
the expression on his face shocked
her and she started to her feet. He
motioned her bock with a wave of
his hand, and then mastering his
emotion, said hoarsely:
"Vera, my friend was Arnim Schrar
dcr." She -grew pale as death, but
said nothing. "Shall I go on?"
She bowed silently.
"One day there came a letter for
me, telling me of the wreck of his life
by the fickleness, to call it by no
other name, of his love, and closely
following that was the news of his
death by his own hand."
"Guy had been gazing fixedly out
of the window, and, all unnoticed by
him, Vera had risen, and was stand'
ng, white and trembling, by his side.
"Guy!" and as her voice broke the
silence he started, as if a trumpet
had sounded. "Guy, was that all
Arnimtold you?"
"Wan it not enough, Vera?" he ask
ed, sadly.
"No, he should have "
"Vera, stop! I must not listen to
yon. My friend was truth itself, an(,
thongh yon were young, and fn many
wait excusable, bis gave lies between
ua. I must not listen, because I dart
not. I souorh t yon to win toot love,
and makt yoa feel what Arnim Mt,
Bat on .doom not pay wtta
for I, who never loved tefore, lo
you with every filer of my soul and
being. In spite of all that lien le
tween us, I could live forevpr on vour
love, from the world apart, if love
wasal). Oh, Vera, Vera!" And throw
ing himself into a chair he covered
his face with his hands.
How long he sat he knew not, but
when he looked again his eyes met
Vera's. Hers bore the look one sees
in a wounded fawn's when hunted to
the death.
"Vera, I can endure this no longer.
Oh my love, my beautiful love! Some
time, darling, we can meet and be
all we cannot be now."
Vera came across tha room, and,
laying her hands on his breast, looked
up into his face.
"Guy, you have sealedniy lips, but
I love you, and shall loveyou forever.'
He kissed her forehead sadly, slow
ly, as we caress our dead, and so
they parkd.
The winter season opened without
the leadership of Vera Coilinsbee, for
she had withdrawn from society after
a long illness (hiring which her life
was despaired of. But her illness
had only left her more beautiful than
ever, with an added charm in the
new expression that had come into
her face. A prominent artist was
heard to remark that "the soul had
been awakened in Vera follinsltee
But while all admitted
one save Paul Hartman was in anv
way cognizant of the cause. After
Guy's hasty departure, in reply to
question, she said:
lourinend and mine lias gone
raw. i love mm, and lie loves me,
but we are parted as relentlessly as
11 toe grave lay lietween us.
He never questioned her again
only grew more tender to her than
before. And except, that he received
a lew hurried lines from Guv, written
on board an outward bound steam
er, he had no tidings of him.
As for Guy, he was roaming, not
where fancy led, but where bitter
thoughts drove him. Strive as he
would against it. he could never
close his mind to one picture Vera,
so beautilul, but with such an ex
pression of agony in those exquisite
eyes oi ners as seemed to drive him
mad. And if that were not enough
he had the ceaseless longing of his
heart to contend against.
He had told her he loved her. and
he did. lie loved only as strong men
men men who have not frittered
away their heart upon fancies, chang
ing with each new lairface. Ifeeould
recall every moment he had spent
witn ner; the poems thev had mid.
the songs they sung together; every
glance, and every tone of her voice.
Once he felt he must j'leld; the pain
and constant repression were wear
ing his life away. He even went so
far as topnekeverythingup prepara
tory to a return, when, as lie took
up u news pa per to wrap around some
thing, his eyes fell upon an ominous
notice. All rushed back on him in a
flood. Arnim, his betraval, hisdeath
Vera, and his own treachery to the
memory of the dead.
Arnim, Arnim, forgive me!" he
cried, and felt like one condemned.
He sat for hours, but when hearoso
he had a stern purpose iu his heart.
He was still going.not to the woman
he loved, but to the friend who had
loved her.
The simple villagers wcredelighted.
"A fine monsieur, an Englishman
or was he an American? well thev
are as much alike had coma, to
live with them. He was so distin-
guished, so rich, it was a pity he was
so ill."
'He was not ill, onlv wanted ner-
fect quiet." he managed to make his
loquacious though good-natured
hostess understand. And in a short
time they left him to himself.
'lie spent the most of his time bv
Arnim's grave, feeling as if he were in
some measure making atonement.
i ortunately even for the best and
wisest of us
By unseen rord a hand divine
Alsajs our life is leading;
Influences nnfelt incline
Koch day's proceeding.
The mjntic power that shapes events
Is silent in their molclinir,
But through all plnnsjand accidents
It is unfolding.
fie received an urgent summons to
return to America and attend to the
affairs of a young cousin, whose hus
band had died suddenly. He went
at once, and though he tried to ban
ish it his one thought was Vera Col
insbee. He even looked for her when he
sprung to the shore, and chided him
self as he did it. Vera, his beautiful
Vera, on that dirty wharf! Seated in
the train that was bearing him in
land he gave himself up to the dear
delight of dwelling on the happy days
inai uau neu.
How it happened no one knows,
but among the names, in next morn
ing's Times, in the column marked,
"Badly wounded," was "Guy Mark
ham, Boston, fatally iniured."
There was a long account of a most
horrible railroad accident, but Paul
Hartman saw only that one line, and,
hastily summoning a cab, drove at
once to era's home. Ho found her
at breakfast, and made an effort to
appear ac ease; Dut- Bne gave one
searching look into his face, and
turE3d so pale that he sprung to her
"Tell me-is it about Guy?" the
I or answer he placed the namr In
her hands. She read but a few lines
when she ran to the door and gave
an order. - ,
Yon will go with me, Panl?" the
"Yea" and she was gone.
li a few minutes she was in her
carriage, Panl by her side, rolling
toward the hospital. A few wins
part words to the attendant, and
he threw open a door into a private
room. ....
Paul stooped and laid his hand
upon Guy who opened his eyes at the
"M v dear Guv " and his
lailed him.
Taking Vera's hand he led her for
ward. Sinking by the bed she laid
her face gently against Guy's cheek.
"My love!" was all she said.
Paul left the room silently.
"Vera, I am dying, but 1 love you
so, my darling, that it is easier tc
die than to live on separated from
you as I am."
"Guy, nothing but thiscould make
me say the words that must hurt
you socruelly. But I cannot let ytu
think of me as you do longer."
He looked at'her wonderingly. and
she continued:
"Forgive me now, my love, for
what I must suv. but Arnim was as
mil rue to you as to me and himself.
He was married when I met him, but
had deserted his wife to live with a
pretty young country girl who was
as ignorant of his wife's existence as I.
When he met me he w on, not my love,
as I know now, but my girlish fancy,
he was so handsome and brave. I
should certainly have mnrried him,
however, had I not discovered no
matter how I did it his marriage
ond duplicity. In the scene that fol
lowed he betrayed himself so com
pletely that I ordered him from me,
as he told you. That night he shot.
himself, not because he loved me, but
i.: ,.i ,., iv,i
vi x.m 1 1 im i 1 1 1 i v m h i tt: i mil i lie inn .
for his sins had fonnd him out."
Guy raised himself upon his pillow
with an effort, und laid his face upon
her hands.
. "Forgive me, Vera! Forgive a dy
ing man!"
"Not a dying man, Guy! Live for
mp, my love!" she replied.
And he did. Waveiiy.
The Tall Tower Met.
It lias been remarked of the Eiffel
lower as a specimen of engineering
it is simply a variation from the
ordinary method of iron bridge
building. The American engineers
who visited France, England and
Scotland a few weeks ago. greatly
admired the Eiffel, but regarded the
bridge in course of construction
neross the Frith of Forth as far
more remarkable. They do not con
sider it a remarkable thing to erect
an iron tower .'100 meters in height.
It reposes perpendicularly upon firm
foundations, and the weight of the
material is easily sustained.
It is a far more phenomenal per
formance to build out on the canti
lever plan a structure extending,
unsupported bv false work, for a
thousand feet over an arm of the,
sea. That was the wonder our '
engineers witnessed in Scotland, and ,
was immeiiselv more impressive
t hnn the simple iron edifice, notable
lnelly tor its perfection of details
nnd colossal proportions, licit is
the leading attraction of the French .
exposition. '
We have mentioned that there was i
a proposition before the rotnmitteo ;
of managers of the Philadelphia
entennial for the erection of an iron
tower 1,000 feet high, and that it :
was reocted tiecause the estimated
cost, fl.000,000, was held to be ex
travagant. It would 1 worth while '
to look through the old La pars of
the Fourth of July centennial, and'
see how closely the work proposed j
uiiu rejected ior tne oanKs ol the
rx-nuyiKiu nas Keen lollowed in that :
which has leen erected on the Seine.
Cincinnati Commercial Gazette.
The Art Of Prolonging Life.
Dr.Rohson Roosein Popular Scions Monthly.
Exercise is essential to the preser
vation of health; inactivity is a po
tent cause of w asting nnd degenera
tion. The vigor and equality of the
circulation, the functions of the skin
and the aereation of the blood are
all promoted by muscular activity,
which thus keeps up a projs-r bnl.
aneeand relation between the im
portant organs of the body. In
youth, the vigor of the system is
often so great that if one organ be
sluggish another part will make
amends for the deficiency by acting
vicariously, and without any con
sequent damage to itself. In old
age the tasks cannot le thus
shifted from one organ to another;
the work allotted to each sufficiently
taxes its strength, and vicarious
action cannot be performed without
mischief. Hence the importance of
maintaining, as far as possible, the
equable action of the vital processes
assigned to each shall be properly
accomplished. For this reason ex
ercise is nn important part of the
conduct of lite in old age: but dis
cretion is absolutely necessary. An
old man should discover by experi
ence how much exercise he can take
without exhausting his powers, and
should be carelul never to exceed the
limit. Old persons are apt to forget
that their staying powers are much
less than they once were, and that
while a walk of two or three miles
may prove easy and pleasurable, the
addition of a return journey of
"'"ffin win seriously over tax
the strength.
The Wyoming Constitulonal Con
vention has fixed a limit lor the tai
levy for State purposes at four mills
on the dollar, except in case, ol
schools, public charities and payment
. pMi aeuts.,, county taxes
imjted tola mill, and citC
town, to eight mill..
1 lien ja mill f ranklin lUllri.
) '1'm-ii" HutU r retain- his place as
'one of the mont distinguished lawg
ivers in America. Butler first saw
! the light in New Hampshire, ia 11.
' He is a graduate of Waterville Col
lege, and a lawyer by profession.
foe!l. Maxs.. ha- been his place of
esid'licc sili'-e he begun practice)
He wase!-ted '' the Massachusetts
Iiouse of Hejireseiitatives it 1H.V1
and to the -'ate Senate in
Butler was a delegate to the Demo
cratic Convention of lHIJO, held
at Charleston and Baltimore. He
ufht " T n" V T
! M.'jor- .eticn.l In 1 H(,J he
assisted in the capture of .New
Orleans, ol which he was made Gov
ernor. He was relieved of his com
mand iu lHO-J. Butler was elected
to Congress in lNijfl. and subsequent
ly several times. In 1KH2 ho was
elected Governor of Massachusetts.
I Tliinirs We Throw Away,
! I have been told by many Indies
that they never throw away any
; thing; I have lieen defied by others
to mention anything except dirt
which they did not cling to like a
rich aunt.
Now, to lcgin. does any housewife
ever throw nwny crusts nnd odd
piiM'cs of bread, or does she only slip
them into the catch-all, when no one
is looking? All ye that are liable to
13 tempted in this way know that
crusts carefully saved can lie made
into griddle cakes, puddings, meat
dressings, fish cakes; and when dried
in the oven and ground up with the
rolling-pin they can le used forthick
euing soups and gravies, or for any
purpose for which rolled crackers
are used. The pan of crusts careful
ly kept will save the measure of
meal or crackers, and leave another
little coin in the purse to ! gener
rtus with, or to wear away the bar
riers of narrow means.
You have heard of the lady whose
.''like disappointed her in the very
lace of company coming to ten. Did
you also hear that sh was mad nnd
threw it away! She did nothing ol
the kind. Instead, she cut it up in
slices, mad.s a delicate little custard,
brought out her preserves, and
triumphantly placed on the table a
very palatable charlotte russe. An-
other lady, iu
relating her marital
JXjHTiericeH, said her husband object
ed to having rhubarb sauce brought
to the table more than three times in
succession! Of course she threw it
away, and, of course, he twitted her
with being wasteful. (Hi, if one had
but dared to suggest to theunhnppy
woman that she might have taken
her rhubard sauce, oranvother sam e
that chanced to offend by ite too
great familiarity, and have made of
it a nice large tart, with fancy twist
ed bars across the top, and thus she
would have mollified the tyrant, man
They Bolted Farmer.
"Tramps, headed for Detroit,
came along to my place the other
day," saiil a Wayne county farmer,
"and, as I was busy cutting corn
nnd in a hurry tx get the work
over, I asked them if thev wanted
a job, They higgled and haggled
for awhile and then agreed to take
hold at ?l a day, pravided I would
ni.c iiit-m u u in - ii io is'iriri on.
was about 10 o'clock in the
forenoon nnd 1 brought out a
lunch and they sat dowu in tho field
to eat it. I've seen tramps betore,
and while they were eating I had
one of my boys turn out mv three
dogs nnd post them where they
might do the most good.
"After eating , their lunch the
tramps cast their eyes around to
see where I was, nnd, as Iliad my
back turned to them, they bolted
for the highway. I didn't say a
word, but the dogs tumbled to the
trick and were on hand."
'Did they bite "em?" was asked.
"Isn't that what does are lor?"
he innocently replied. "I guess
they bit 'em. I heard a good deal of
yelling and whooping for tho police,
but the police didn't show up.
When I went over to investigate
the tramps were half mile down the
road, running for victory or death,
while each dog was playing with a
bundle made un of coat-tails and
trouser legs. Moblie them
frnf. alinnrl f MA I .... -
if thev
7,um: ul jusr, asic 'em
they did."-Detroit Free
New York must be getting dull.
Two nephews of John Jacob Astor,
Royalir. Carroll and Henry Cnry,
have .ailed to Zanzibar to hunt lion,
and other floret quadruped, of the
Kw!m,,,I1Bi!e!- Thy will bt joined
& W,,felS1A"tPr Chnl-- brother
of Amelie Rivet's husband, wbo i. a!
ready in tbt tropic
lliel'.ight Keveiircd Mi. haH
ustiue Corrigan archbishop ,rf
'rk was l,rn jt, S.wnrk
JVrw-y, August l.T Inio r '
who were nativesoflrelainl. ;
cdu!tel at Si. Man' (
ilriiirigton. Delaware
spent two years, nnd a'
Mary's Emuiettslmrg.
LTim 11!1 f loll i.i lu'li I
7. lie WetJ
r.urope, and was one of the.
BiuoriiiH wiui whom the Am.
Coll.-ge , Home WaH op,.nej
siiKiieo Italian und ILhiy
year and then began thestU(ij
Asa student heevidenced reim,J
i.uiih , i f.i,.rgy, Hn, ,V) j(
Is-rof medals in 'competition
the students of the I'ropa"ai
of the Irish and Creek college
. ' ' " e Lull
nasnira, on M-ptcuiIxT 1 SI
Cardinal Pntrizi, nrul u v,'
the completion of .;.,
Student ol theology. J " 1 1 i ,
was done him in recognition,
excellent conduct n a student
was made a Doctor of Divin
1 1 Lji- 4 . 11
uirjmrioiH nicr i ngorod
inn i Mil nu u.
Jn the summer of the same
in- reiurjieu to his nntiva court
nnd was assigned by tliolate.O
bishop Pay ley, then ISishop o!'
ark to the professorship of Dogm
Theology and Sacred Scripture,
tho directorship of the Ecclesin.-l
Seminary of Set on 1
( ollege. Additional to the df
of this appointment Dr. Corri
also undertook missionary wrirl
SoufhOrnnge nnd Springfield,
Jersey. He was ni'ide preside!
Seton Mall College in lSG-S. Ihi
Archbishop Davlev's star in hi
in lfS70, Dr. Corriiran was udn
trator and Vicar-Gi-nernl of tlie
cese. Three years after, PojielX
pointed him Itishoji of
Early in his episcopate he found'
reiormatorv lor hoys ami woa
and an asylum for the nrilnir.i
his diocese. Forty-t wo new chur
were dedicated by him. and sen
religious communities founded
to lM7(i Dr. Corrigan continued II
ldent- of Seto.i Hall College, lit
appointed Archbishop of I'etra
Coadjutor-Archbishop with Ciinli
Archbishop McCloskev, in 1WU
!eing considered advisable nn
count of the increasing iiilirmilii
the venerable prelate whom In
called upon to assist.
Separatist? Oil and Hater.
A good story told of a err.
chewiist is to the effect that a mi1
factnrer of some patent comp
or other came into his lnhoral
one dav with a bottle coiitainini
unwhoicsomo-Iooking mixture.
" 1 would gi ve aim nd red dollars,
said, "to know w hat would mak'
water und oil in this emulsion sj
The chemist looked at it'
"Very well," he said, "write
"Check?" tho other echoes.
vnnr click for a hundred dol!
You sav vou are willing to give
and for that price 1 am willing
tell you what will make the
and oil separate."
The visitor hesitated a mo
nnd then wrote his check for the
named. The chemist cnrefullv
posited it in his pockctbook
then quietly dropped into liq1
pinch of common salt. Insti
tha tvn tor nnd nil separated,
whether the client was satisfied
not he had got what ho wanted
ha tiii.l nuiil hia wn nril C for
Hoaton Utter to the Provid
Mock Wedding-of Children.
At the fairgrounds utJcrnev
the other day about two thou
children were treated to ft urf
entertainment that made the
ones wild with delight. It con?"
of a mock wedding of two littl
yenr-old-childreu Ister P".1?!
IiOrd Fauntleroy nnd Jessie I inj,
his bride Marmadiike Fox, lOjl
old. ofticintino- in clerical robe
lift.ln liriilo mriui nrrnved in a brs
ful drcas of cream albatross.en tit
with garniture of flowers and wrj
of orange blossoms, i ney cnn
on the grounds in an elegant
carriage, and after thaceremonri
around the rins in a splendid i
cart drawn by a Shetland pony, '
Senator fbnpman't 5-jwar-oW
as driver Globe Democrat,
M mm
m 0rp
Lgl Seers
Cs.l H'V
Cjlly turn
Clevi wil
C bow b
L worked 1
yi that t
!im the
tt who (
L uv that
Foonrse bi
at the fir
udie, must
lip of the
,w. Thcr
t. Ik'Khile)
t n neraiilo
.fliimit to h
r ibat the
to te'
ail of to hii
i! bo wll
Lr pledge Ir
ill if the
Leo offered t
i would deel
Mr. Cannon
Liitinns chui
it for Cokii
kill likely rei
Sneaker R
It In Imposol
flow, d
kink not f
Npt. Mr.
IJiniiary, a
un able, tc
Mi. Ho f
m the maU
Then you
V!i to he doi
r.inlcd In I
II he' only .
I'nal Chrlstn
"Are you 1
illce on rul
fjdllied be I
lo bun In rax?'
1 am not
Vdone, but
tlho. rominl'
ilDted In t
lliat the rule
liuiiK Is wait
fan you
ali&ulc cot
Iv would
I'i, and in adi
', answer tin
Niilfd at the
has taken up
I!) no opr
Ifl'hc views ol
to bp asce.rta
wo nclled.
ps to be
Whed, wlill
With our sm
lo be harmor
Mr. Iteml
knms of oon
fk country,
i was at
Iwco. He b
iiion for a
M wanted l
Wlc' recepl
Hr. Kcod tol
it hi gift.
The esllm
the fiscal yi
) Kecreta
Mt, were n
Uv! been 1
K Ddcd to c
lbs previous
More this e
m com plot
Mency wou
currcd for
wou nt of t
thin added U
would notb
lliat fiwal yi
It was km
a incrcasl
but a fleficlo.
m,ooo,ooo n
rlpated that
urcessor wi
Vcttlio estl
lined t $80,
lt, If the
"ted, mlRt
on between
Hon and th
'Mwndod In
I do not boa
Batet for U
lending si
for pe
ltal pajrme
Hcrvlnf j
Thu turn wl
The repw
M 6MtJ y
') rolls on
lonnrs, cl
vmy Inval
inor child
iM7 naw
Itior ctflid
"3 urvlvoi
Wows of t
17,065 sunrl
Md 6,206 w
Utwar. 1
f 1.7M per
M,7 pent
onert war
wing the
The ayer
"Ion at the
n InereaM