The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 05, 1889, Image 1

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    The Sioux County Journal
VOXi. 2.
- o
ftPatterftM, . Proprietors.
Tlmf Table.
r. E. A M. V. By., Passenger.
joiag west leave Harrison at 10:3.") A. M.
fgiog eat leave Harrison at 2;M P. M.
HarriMHi Market.
Butter, 121 to 18c.
f Poultry, per doz. 2.00 to $3.
Uau, r 1W ID l. 1U
Corn, per 100 ft 11.00
Bran, per 100 ft $1.10.
Feed, chopped, per 100 ft
Potato, per Im. 90c
Sorghum, per pal. 50c.
Onions, per bu. f 1.50.
Beans, per bu. 1.00.
-See Reidy & Pollard about a loan at
Now in the time when wood on sub-
rription ia very acceptable.
-We have tflO.QOO to place on faraii by
December 10. Bbdy & Poulard.
-Wasted I want to buy some good
to-yenr-old steers. J. 0. Morkm.
-Reidy & pollard can let you have
nooey to secure your final proof if you
all at once.
A dance will be given to-morrow
mning at the H.iniliii school house on
quaw creek.
-Tell Vour friends to sulwcribe for
HeJocrnal and get the benefit of our
premium offers.
Nelson Pollard, Jan. Farnam and
Wni. Brooks left yesterday for a short
kuntinir trip in Dakota.
I -Don't foriret that The Jotr.mal is
frrpared to do all kinds of job printing
tat neat and taxty manner, on short
A dance will be given at the resi
dence of John A. Pratt, on Antelope, on
rndav evening, Dec. 14, All are
A dance and supper will be given at
the residence of J. W. Arnsberger, on
Tuesday evening, December 10th. All
m Invited to attend.
-Wasted 500 good posts wanted on
.ascription for which we will allow 10
ewtttpiece. A good chance to get The
Jwuul without any outlay of cash.
The addition to the Bank of liar
Won will be completed in a few days
nn it will be occupied by Jones 4 Ver
ily. It will be very pleasant quarters.
Remember The Jocknai, clubs with
ilmost any paper in the United States
ul wlien you want anything in the I me
of papers or periodicals call and see us
ml we an save you some money.
The scarcity of news in Tiie Joi r
At this week is due to the fact that the
alitor has ben troubled with a gather
ing in his head and therefore unable to
work, and the foreman has been doing
the heavy work or. rather, letting it
A petition is being circulated for the
farpose of calling a meeting of the tax
layers of this school district to look up
me matters of importance to the dis
trict. There waa some deals between
lie school board and the village author
ities which will prolbly come up at
we meeting.
The man who went out to milk and
tdown on a boulder in the middle of
the pasture and waited for the cow to
back up to him, was tlie eldest brother
I the man who kept store and did not
advertise, because he reasoned that the
purchasing public would back up to his
Nace when it wanted something.
Reidy & Pollard are prepared to
dose loans to the amount of 50,000 on
or before Deo. 10, 1889. A chance for
those who have already proved up and
not received their loan on account of the
"but down to get money, and also for
those who have advertised and whose
foot will be made in a few days. Come
'"and make appication at one.
-The ball at the court house on
Thanksgiving evening was well attended
Md passed off very pleasantly. These at
tending enjoyed themselves to the full-
xtent. In theVatlle for the horses
one put up by Mr. Blunt was won by
Smith and the one put up by Jas.
ttery with the supper tickets was
by Grant Guthrie. The dances
vi at Ihirrison are becoming deserv-
popular nnd doubtless will be more
forquent in future.
-. II Andrews and Miss Clara Redd
M married the first of the week and
wived on Tuesday morning at Harrison.
a ttie ranks of the bachelors be-
thinned, Mr. Andrew and his bride
wall known to tlie people of this vi
Wty and all extend best wishes for a
td happy married life. On Tues
f evening they were treated to a sere
Mo, and while tlie music was not so
lodiou as it might have been, stil
"as appreciative, The new married
lt Hill occupy the reside" j"Kt vl
W by Bv, Link,
UiA-. ..... I- .
--" "ii'iii-aiion for
Rkly & Pollard.
a ton with
combination offer
?ioticof I)lsolu1ioa,
Not,, thereby given that U,e firm of
Truax, Snyder & Co. k ,i:..i.... T
Truax retiring. The busing will i
commit by tl undersigned under the
lirmnameofW. A. Snyder & Son, and
all collections made and debts of the old
Arm aid by them.
Henry Skyihr,
Dated November 2S, 1S9.
For more tlian a week now the puli
hc cistern has been empty and the steam
pump silent. Many of the private cis
terns are empty and others nearly so and
still no move has been made by the
town board toward remedying the evil.
Wlien a-sked if anything was being done
in tlie matter tlie simple reply of 'noth
ing," is tlie only answer, and true
enough it seem. When asked the rea
son, the reply is, "If tlie
. . i i n""r-
to kick on tlie levy and say it is illegal
ami to iy their taxes, we cannot
get work done and pay for the same with
town warrants." It is quite generally
known that the city treasury is depleted,
and for what? Partly for necessary ex
lenses, partly for unnecessary exenses
and partly for -salaries that amounted to
the height of extravagance and fol ly.
The first official act by the new board
last sprint: was to create all the salaried
offices possible, fill them, and make the
salary of each as high as the fieople
could possibly be expected to stand
higher by twice or thrice than they hiul
ever Ix-en liefore. In order to meet this
unnecessaary expense the number of
mills levied for taxes was made more
than twi as high as the outside limit
of the law will allow. What is the re
sult? The ieople rightly refuse to pay
an excess of taxes simply to give wmie
one a good fat salary. If the funds were
all judicially expended toward improve-
ing the town, as they should be, it is
quite likely that them would be no ob
jection to the amount of taxes levied,
but when a board has once been trusted
with funds which they failed to apply
properly, it cannot be expected that the
people will make any donations simply
for them to monkey with. If there is a
hoard in whom the people have confi
dence, and who will work in the interest
of improvement and advancement there
will be nodilficulty in raising the ne
cessary funds to carry on any needed
The stock of goods formerly owned
by Rosa & Thompson is a thing of the
past. On last Thursday no legal papers
ould I served on account of its being
Thanksgiving. From the opening of the
store until the arrival of the train from
the east, goods were disposed of very
ranidlv and at prices which attracted the
public. When the train arrived Attor
ney Fisher took poascssion of tlie stocK
under a chattle mortgage and in the
evening He loaoea lour wSunn ...
goods and they were taken to Wyoming.
Shortly after midnight attachments
were obtained and that or KrooKmire
wn served first and others followed.
Tlie stock was invoiced under the first
u-u-hment. On Monday the sheriff be-
to sell the goods. Attorney Conley
got out a writ of replevin, the coroner
being absent he handed the writ to the
sheriir in person, but that omcer paiu no
i. i it om" Ihe sale continued and by
' ,v v .
Tuesday noon the room was cleared.
Senator Bartow came up Irom cnaurou
T.t. he beintr the attorney for
Brookmire, to dismiss the suit, and on
nvestigation be found that the nouse
bonds and also that they
Mima uuv r' . . ,
had not authorized the instigation of
any suit so there was no case of theirs to
dismiss- Conley represents the Toller
ton & Stetson Company, of Sioux City,
whose claim amounts to f 1,400. The
n UnA nnf. tin their bond ana tne pa-
j rut in1" r
pers were issued by the clerk of the d.s-
1 . ., 1. ...Ill ha 4h.t
trict court, ana tue resu..
;n 1 hi-omrht against Sherill
Pfoat and his bondsmen for the value of
the stock or goods. ItM even.Hioug..
by some that some of the actions rela-
tive to the stocK were sue. - -criminal
prosecutions. At all events it
.niiat. stock of goods was
is raruii" " , . , .
not handled in a manner calculated .to
do justice either to the creuiu rs
.. n i.i..i, hM them, and the whole- will be quite apt to see that
the matter is siftod to me oovw.... . -.
, . un taken before any
.. r,n.menced. and the goous
miiiniwiiw"- - ,i,.. i.
wldout at prices w
4lu.n two days, m ojien
the room ., .l.
least ten days nouce m -
.....h aa before the gwala can be
sold, it would not llngnti' every
holesale house in tne cou.mj -"?......
il.' Tlie matter Will
nettled in the district court and there
I will bemctedout to all parties
HARBISON, NEB., IDEC. 5, 1889-
-Reidy & Pollard can make you a
loan on short notice.
Do not fail to call on The journal
if you want a nice job of printing done.
Must Pay l'p.
Tliebhicksnjithiug accounts of A. Hart
are in my possession and must be settled
More Jan., 1, 1890. J. F. Pfcct.
Teacher's Association.
The first xetosion of the Sioux county
Teacher's Association will be held at the
school house in Harrison on Thursday
and Friday, January 2nd and 3rd, 1890.
Exercises to commence at 9:30 a. m.
it is earnestly desired that all teachers
will make arningmeiits to attend
very pleasant time is expected.
as a
The committee on program have ar
ranged the following general plan and
will immediately notify each person of
the part assigned to them.
The first day will lie devoted to model
lessons in, and the methods of teaching
the various branches usually taught in
the public schools. The evening will be
uevoteu to literary exercises and ques
tion box.
Friday; discussions on practical school
topics such as, conducting recitations,
the word method, school government,
securing attention at recitation, and
miscellaneous questions.
Ida Hester, Asa Davis,
Secretary. President.
Liitle Cottonwood Items.
Horace Brown has been quite low
with mountain fever but is improving.
Carey's saw mill is running full blast
these days.
Several of our Cottonwood citizens
have been called to Omaha to attend the'
U. S. court. No one as yet seems to
have learned the object of the call.
School commenced last Monday in dis
trict No. 3 with Chas. Grove as teacher.
School disdrict No. 4 is in want of a
Another "Mud-ringer" at J. B. Pe
quetls' Will be a voter in about twen-ty-or.e
Foster Spears killed a fine buck in the
hills at the head of Soldier creek yi Mon
day last. :. '
A. F. Tally is visiting friends in.Mar
shal county, Iowa.
J. W. Grove contemplates visiting his
old home in Iowa this winter.
Our hunters have returned from thei
extended hunt in Wyoming, and report
game as being very scarce. One party
brought home two deer and the other
two deer and an antelope.
School in district No. 3 is progressing
A. C. Dove is digging a well.
Horace Brown is slowly recovering
from a severe attack of the mountain fe
ver. There as a dance at Mrs. Otey's on
lust, Fridav eveninir. A large number
were in attendance and it was made an
enjoyable occasion.
On Thanksgiving day Mr. James Ev
erson nnd Miss Sarah Bendick were unit
ed in tlie holy bonds of matrimony.
Surely Mr. Everson has somethiug to be
thankful for as has also his bride? A
band of about twenty boys called upon
Mondav nicht. We
presume it was for the purpose of ten
dering congratulations.
fin lost Tluirsdnv onite a number of
the friends and relatives met at the hos
pitable home of the Carey family to pay
homage to a Thanksgiving turkey. The
ihl ihnt. wa snread for tile occasion
nresenteda most inviting appearance.
In addition to the roast turkey there
were pies, cakes, sauce, preserves, and in
thine known to the
Vl Oil"""" --.F - r-
culinary art that is palatable and nice,
All present enjoyed the dinner as well
as having a good social time. It was an
to lie remembered by all
who participated.
The laws of health are taught in the
schools; but not in a way to be of
much practical benefit and are never il
lustrated by living examples, wmcn
mnne cases might easily be Oone.
some scholar, who had just contracted a
cold, was brought before the school, so
that all could hear the dry, loud cough
i,7 it sic-mficance see the thin
ttlju n,v r,
white coating on the tongue and later,
as the cold developed see the profuse
watarv expectoration, and thin watery
discharge from the nose, not one of
them would ever forget what the first
symptoms of a cold were. The scholar
should then be given Chamberlian's
Cough Remedy freely, that all might
see that even a severe cold could be
cured in one or two days or at least
greatly mitigated when properly treatr
-vl anon as the first symptoms appear
This remedy is famous for it's cures of
l.. MU and ( rolin. Jt IS B1IWS
UOI'Kl,n ,
itlv for these diseases and
moat prompt and most reliable medi
cine known for the purpose. u
bottles tot le by G IL Andrews.
Dave Bartlett has taken up his abode
at his country residence south of town.
Johnie Davis arieved here from Ken
dal's saw mill on Tuesday and is shaking
hands with many friends. He will only
remain a few days.
J. C. Northrop arrived home last week
from his visit with parents in the east.
G. B. Cherrington called last week and
ordered The Journal sent to Mrs. Cher
rington, who is visiting in Oneida, 111.
E. J. Wilcox called at this office on
last Friday and contributed to the wealth
of The Jocrnel firm.
Attorney Fisher, of Cliadron, was in
Harrison last Thursday looking after a
claim against the Rosa & Thompson
stock of goods.
L. Gerlach and W. H. Zimmerman
were in Harrison the first of the week
and called at this office.
Mr. Richard Dunn paid us a pleasant
visit Tuesday.
Wm. Koppen of Montrose, called Tues
day and paid us cash on subscription.
Attorney Conley went to Cliadron on
Monday on legal business.
S. H. Jones left on Saturday for a busi
ness trip to Omaha and other points in
the eastern part of the state.
Attorney Bartow, of Cliadron, was
in Harrison Tuesday on professional bus
iness. S. M. Sandy, of Wliite, River, was in
Hacrison yesterday and called at these
miarters. He will henceforth read THE
Joseph Decker, the renowned "Joe."
of Wliite River, called on us yesterday
and added to our exchequer the sura of
two "cart wheels."
Treasurer-elect 6aybart was in Har
rison last Saturday.
Jas. Cook left yesterday for Omaha on
a business visit.
Commissioner-elect Green was in Har
rison yesterday.
Several parties who live on Long
Branch in the north-east . part of the
countv. were in Harrison making final
proof the first of the week.
L. J. Simmons moved into his new
house last week,
Tom Wilkenson, of Custer county, an
old acounmtaece of Atty. Uonley, is
here on business.
Miss Ida Hester has closed her school
on Wliite River and is now at home near
County Commissioner Weir and wife
are in Harrison to-day.
Rev Lusk and family are now settled
in the M. E. Parsonage,
Say, Everybody!
If you owe us anything please arrange
to settle it by January 1st. We need
monev and want this year's business
closed by the first of the year.
Weir & Co.,
Boggy News.
Summer still hangs on and stays
Corn picking is over and wood hauling
is the go now days.
Old Mrs. Edwards, mother of Mrs Gib
son, died on the night of Sunday, Dec,
1. 1SH9. She was buried on the Gibson
J. Bowser and Mr. Watson have ar
rived at home. They made their for
tune at Newcastle and brought back the
E. B. Price came home Saturday look
ing hale and hearty. He had been in
Cheyenne for several weeks.
Loutzenhiser has commenced to haul
in one hundred thousand feet of logs to
Arnsberger & Go's saw mill. A big con
tract. Mr. Bannon has built a nice house on
his claim and that looks like staying.
W. W.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Prieshoff
on Dec. 4th, 1889, a girl. Mother and
babe doing well.
Wednesday evening, after being the
gallant one, B. B. returned limping and
depressed. Don't be timid my friend in
the future.
Saturday Mr. Henry Piekenbrock
moved into his new house. Girls, be on
the look out there is some news in air.
The amateur dramatic members of the
social and literary club are working hard
ia make the next meeting on Dec. 10th
a success.
A large number of the lovers of the
"light fantastic" were present at the Cir
cle Bar ranch on Thanksgiving evening.
Music was furnished by Professor Was-
sehburger & Son.
The difficulty between Herman Cofl
raH and Oehard Rindera it settled for
For the Children of Montrose school
aoollection will be taken up during the
n(rlnininent on I 'oc. 10th. to be used
toward a Cliristmas tree.
A. Dotra.
Remember The
Ranch Supply House,
Harrison, Nebraska,
Where you will find a Large and Complete Stock of
; Felt Boots,
... t
Flannels and
Cotton Flanels,
- Largest Stock -
Of General Merchandise in Sioux at
Square Dealing, Down Weights and Full
Get it for 9 1-2 per
where else.
We don't make 91 per cent, loans but we will make you a reasonable loan and
Than those who advertise the
N0. 12.
Measure. Call and give us a trial.
cent, straight some
per cent