The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 28, 1889, Image 5

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    est Www 1I W lets'.
0U ever
tlie vindr
lira mil
wl mne "- ' asm yog
Ctiiw iiKi?" anked a yachtsman,
Q etau.linj; on a bluff (,f t,t
UJj; the yachts sailing
Cwr bay.
t l'f uever seen the wiiiil," te-
I'll tell yon bow yon inny.
l, polished metallic surface of ttro
L pore, witii a straight edge; a
gttndaaw will answer tlie puriioKe.
jtydr day. whether Lot or eold,
Lr cloudy, ouljr let it not ruin or
ronrkr other word, let
y lie dry. Hold litis Metallic giir
U riht ancle to the wind i. e , if
f,,uJ i north, hold yonr surface
'urf west -and iucline it at an angle
Jjf ji. . no Uiat the wind, striking,
U( and flowa over the edge. Now
uesrefiilly over the edse at some
Jkot cleily netluwil object, uud j
la the air How oT as wuter fit
gtitm. Uostou
q hear yonr mg raWlmr, some other
said, pullinc hit udrlr.nlv snd
.tif coat hutton In im' Iisd(1h. flut he
jgrrtfaraw be wit detained by rheums --bts
left knee. I preened Into hi hand
patkafre. The next lav he ran to
smi said "Wosiihrrful Ui .Saltation
'amfment lsn font to Christianise the
-od vf I .notion.
fcsfirwe In liiisliirtw t-a he s msn that
it armors mm i pay.
h, Hatter lis done a rtvat pood lu the
kwrtrry almliouse, but kit work will nut
kMipl'le till he n-ora a iruoii aiinjilyof
fcjl'i Cough Hyrup, the people's remedy.
II Hrrr4larw Arrwenpllebmenl-
kia. owued ly Professor Miles ev-
Wif.ira s;o. iuherited an seooninlish-
r j ... i . . t ...i . . i j i
al irora irrw miwuii:!, who uaa rmea
erl to ait up in ah erect position
jbiMastick in imitation of n sol
W situ a iDtiaket. This dog wns
Mt Irom his mother when but a few
Jjiold. and before it lisd an oppor-
01 icnmins, any u icks uy lmila
Withoitt any iraiuiii" when a
nentlis old, he assumed tlio erect
ilion whenever anything; was wanted,
if that did not nttraet attention, ho
'peak, with a short bark. n
vstlisr havl lin in the lialiil of
-Western Kursl.
I etrrf woman In this land knew fur her
L..L. .......I I 1. - I ,..1.1.1.. ..I ,.l. . ,
h m olhfT Msshlnir itoan i-ould m atiM
ml.. A m It l..,f illl..a 1
fin tried It, Usve jou ! Ak vour grocer
Ir Willinm Y. Stead, editor of the
lU Mall Clftzi-tte. was asked if women
kid probably do impertant woik on
ti DPwspaner of the future. Hosn
irl: "Women in the future will
tiswore important part in every-;
it. In Ihn lower esllin''s of life.
Mrs there is the riirrrnic of lieavy
Ki;liU oud that sort of tiling to be
pir, rs see ery liUle difiemnce
mii the sexes in r.tiroi. It is onlv
stiit higher enllinss, where there in
Mr par, that tlio difference roues
iui the women ura barred out."
Srnn, lh ParaaMBO ! Paman.
IM. MMli rJImftlJi. MMim mmA aulur rai.t
Ml frk mh. mram mnd um-x mu.lii m t ti-
SKtf. Wail laferntsiicn lr. ArtdrM ta Orna
jTHMa im, rartiaaa. oregM.
Twa sBrsnreaMargsrs.
MBiddsiord. Me., tiro men ons a
sltudr persou, and the other of
tesperuou ju tlie neifhWoihosd of M)
pwndi-wsre emplayed by n wamsii to
tfsmts on ber family lot TIk v
rNidjr.auo:ere,llisy were aware
sicsrstion waa a deep tlsat the fat
l u nuabla to ret ant of tb hole.
sacWne wns constructed, sud after
s itnisele the bi' one was once
nsnthetop. In pay roeut fer their
itMthe wosaau a abort time after.
m'acli of the twe men five quin ts of;
'jusans eamigii to keep them out
kfronud for nite while, if it
w the worat. fcaeiiaage.
If oWa TKlaf
,f offer Oon Hua4rad Itollan Kewanl tor
air ot Calarrs that raa not be cured by
m Halt's Cetan Cure.
UKNKY X) t'ramt Tle.l (1
w, the . uaetanrigawal, bsve knowa K. J.
sari hr toe last li years, sod believe him
"Wily honorable hi il I huai n- trssaarliB,
Itsaadall alile to carry out toy obllgs
aw dv ineir nran.
lni.WholeJUruceiji Tnlfitn Olilu
wax, iwiwasa & siarria, nuoieaaie urug-
jiaia, loieao, hum.
IVsa IJoeae.n, Csahler Toledo Nstlooal
tank. TnUl OkLn
HifaOaUrrtiCureistsVea tnternally, set
laasrtlv uooa the Uatid and muruua anr-
Sn af'thfl lldmi lri,4 Cru. V-.M 1m
H K all Ini,rru. ' '
fi nrUof Berk conntv, fs., havedft-
j J i the writimi Will la I lwl
tw method and result when
p of Fbw it taken : it u nleasant
freatbgto thetaite, and acta
J7t promptly on the Kidneys,
f and Bowcla. cleanses the sys-
eBecttially, dispels colds, head-
ana lerera and cam habitual
pttioa. Hrrao of Fin is the
pTjemedy of.ite kind ever pro
fa, pleasing to the taste and ac
PPwIe to the itotnach, prompt in
J actioB and Iruly beneficial in it-
Drenared onlv from the most
1 and agreeable eubsUnccs,
ny exoeilent qualities com
id it to all and have made it
!jnct popular remedy known.
Iftrap of Fijra ia for sale in 60c ,
JfMbotUeaby all leading drug-,
r- An rwfiabla drumrist who
Mt hare It on hand will pro-
it nmmntlv for anr one who
to tr it. Do not accept
AiFcxx4 fib mup CO.
j Cayenne In,r in morat;on b a
I faluKe iiifrmlipnt in the ar,n. f,.,i
The winds ( tbw .,Won will make
d I havoc with the flmks if they are
and .H.inlly rftould the
Jens be protected at niKht.
When a mau U frightened or anp-y
hw dative organM do not work;
hiH u, also true of an uninial-henee
the profit of keepinR it in a ppaccful
ud d'arlew state by kind treatment.
In fattening hogs, have a dry
floored pen and plenty of clean bed
imp. I)i8I(eiiW wit h that half of the
pen generally allowed for rooting in
It w an old lielief that an animal
that room into winter quarters fat is
lutlf wintered. 1
. tin in mi-
fione ot our 1iriifKtir ni.itnniu
j wiii. li tlim Haying M ,lmro applied,,
i iinn toNliM-p.
The dairy interests of the United
States, says an exchange, foot up to
1000,000,000, while the entire
hanking capital of thecountry isonlv
about '.!S1,(MM.I,000. The number
of milt-h cows is 21,000,000, giving
an average of :i.")0 gallons eatli an
nually, or 7,:ir,0,000,000 gallons in
a year.
Cows are liable to severe accidents
if compiled to tramp over icy paths
to water, or if ice is allowed tone,
ru m ulate aron nd t he wa U rl ng trough
in the yard. There is no room for
question about the economy of tak
ing the extreme chill from the drink
ing water for stock. Yet there are
lew farmers who wilt take the trouble,
and the least they can do is to see
that the chilly watering places are
not rendered inaccessible by ice block
ades. florer For Nolae.
It will be a sign of progressive farm
ing when the owner of swine saves
clover for his hogs in winter, or goes
further and preserves in a silo sweet
corn with which to winter and help
fat ten his hogs. The possibilities of
hog rearing with the right kind of
silagu are beyond reckoning. We
must have more hogs on the farm to
make more fertility. The cost of
w intt'ring is the present drawback;
but with clover, silage, and roots
there may lie an immense increase
with corresponding profit. A good
hn-cding how is a good investment,
with a little more faith in the natur
al food for swine.
Cam of Cattle.
If the aUW rc turned out of
doors to drink or forexercise, do not
lt them remain out to long, and
guard against their having to plunge
through snowdrifts or against slip
ping upon icy places. A little ex
ercise iu the open air in pleasunt
weat her is Ueiielirial to all animals,
but a half-hour in each afternoon is
enough when the thermometer marks
below the freewng point in the sun,
and is too much ia a oold ruin or a
blustering cokl wind. Perhaps the
young stock, if well fill and livelv
enough to cnj)er and play about the
van!, may not be injured by a longer
Whod out of door, but they should
be taken in before they begin
to hump up their backs and turn
their tails toward the wind. Cultiva
tor. How U Hllli Cow.
Tlie most economical way to milk
a cow, aH things considered, is to
milk tlie two fore teats clean, leaving
off itk a pretty full Htream, and
then milk the hind ones down to a
short stream, and, returning to the
fore ones, milk them t the same eon
dilion, not touching the hind ones
again. This will leave the teats
empty, and the bags too. It is a
false 'notion that tuggiug away at
the teat stimulates a cow to give
more milk: but, on the contrary,
emptying the bag as soon as possible
yields more; then the cow can have
the extra time to cat, which is a bet
ter stimulus than either. A slow
milker is never tolerated in the dairy
district), and a "stripper" iH an inju
ry anywhere. The sooner the cow is
milked, and all the organs connected
with ficding-, digestion ami secretion
are left in their natural condition, the
lietter it is for the cow.-Kural t.nuu-
The lloraa'a IsiUIr rwt.
When the horse after working in
brought to the stable to feed or rest
it.h mud on feet ami legs, 11 ue ""'"
hot and the weather bo warm, the
legs and feet may lie immediately
washed with moderately cool water,
and then robbed tiry. juu
weather be cold, warm water ougnu
to bo use for the washing, and alter
rubbing dry a thick flannel cloth i bo
wound around each limb, and kept
there till it becomes warm, and n
moisture left remaining. Hie clot
may then be taken off, and there will
be no danger ortiHw r -u ...
tism following, which is likely to be
the case unless this precaution is
used For want of it, many a horse
is made lame and the owner remains
gnorantofthe cause. If there bo mlherimr to the out-
imiuiui! ni- " , . tn
sideofthefctlK;kitrnay be ieit iio
4M without n ury be'" bmg rut
That farming bj too olten carried
forward ir. a happy-go-lucky way.may
account for the lartre numliV Zr
slmbby buildings, dilapidated fence-,
I an1 '"""-down apnearancea f ft,
farms generally. The owner may be
more often found lounging about the
village saloon, or dawdling about
the streets in an aimless way, than
at work on the farm. This is the
extreme case. Hi childrenare poor
ly clad, but often clean, for the poor
wife may be Htr.iirtrlino-tn
iy them, despite the intemperance of
the husband. If the husband is
s truggling to better himself and fam
iiy, me imiidings and fences will be
r-ru in uBceui, repair until the time
comes when bettter can lie built and
the farmer will be found at home
Ur-itbiiir il.. . ... .
end. He 1
nuinuif- rarnesuy to tnis
nun uuLuriuy. I ears may come i
"j k. n goou vegetable garden
will 1 cultivated, and trees here and
there will Is; planted to give needed
shade and protection. The time as
length arrives when, the mortgages
having been lifted, a modest house
is built, and barns and sheds are ad
ded. The stock is thrifty and ac
cumulating from year to year,
the farm becomes more and more
fertile und soniethinglike the picture
of the home of rai nier Thrift is pre
sented to the view of the passer by.
Fortunately, in the West, compar
atively few surroundings of the first
class are found. There are however,
enough to keep in mind the fact that
thrift in agriculture means a careful
attention to the work in hand, and
that an uccurate knowledge from
month to month is necessary to
bring the balance at the end of the
right side of the ledger. Young
fanners, comineni inir to carve out
a farm, which picture will be your
aim through life'.' I'rairie Farmer.
The American Girl.
It may fairly beacknowledgedthat
the 'American girl" is the girl of the
period. AVhat she may become in
the future nobody can tell. At pres
ent her destiny seems superb. Her
father finds silver, strikes oil, kills
pigs by the million, and raises corn
by the square mile. She is pretty,
can talk well, does not know what
deference means, and enters Europe
full of money. "If In? but shake a
traveling cloak, Down our Appinn
roll the scudi," said Mrs. Browning's
Koman of John Hull. It isstill truer
of the little girl whom L'ncle Sam
do'-s his lwst to spoil bv unlimited
tenderness and innumerable cheaueg,
As n result of her beauty, her smart
ness, or her wealth sometimes all
combined she lias French nobles,
Italian princes, and English dukes at
ber feet, and can capture coronets at
her will. Sometimes as Henry .fames
and Mr. How ells point out, she is
not so eager for these ornaments as
mjght be expected. For the truth
must be told marriage does not
seem to the fair American what it
still, means, to the majority of En
glish women. Whether we call it a
virtue or a fault, she can do without
it. French women, their countrymen
ay, are not blameless as wives, but
perfect us mothers. Young Ameri
can ladies of cult tire do not greatly
lsire, it is said, either to be wives or
mothers. It is well, t hen, that they
should come to English soil to find
for themselvis the attractiveness of
English nurseries and honieH. They
will learn here that no queen in socie
ty has so true a throne us the wife
and mother who mixes love with rule;
und even is in future years the slen
der Yankee belle is hidden behind the
ampler beauty of the English matron,
we still hear from her lips the wit and
shrewdness, the acute accent, the in
telligent questions, and the rapid
repartee that proclaim her original
nationality. London Telegraph.
. Artificial Deformity.
From the New York Pretw.
The great trouble with the m;rn of
the present day is his feet. The
average complexion is well enough
but the averttge loot is ii fright. Al
most every man you set; has an
enormous protuberance on his big
toe-joint, buttons, I think they call
lAcm, which is far fn pleasing to
the sight or helpful to the gait. I
Hupposo this is occasioned chiefly by
the high heels worn by very young
men mid very silly women. Nature
intended the heel to be flat on the
ground, but fashion not only hoists it
tip an inch or two, hut sends it for
ward toward the middle of the foot.
This of course jams the toes into a
a contracted space, nnd a growth
which, if normal, would be nil right,
tieiitg ubnoiTiial seeks room where it
most easily can nnu it, mm me cun
setpient is ft disfigurement ofn very
auuntlf lill Jl II .1 interestitnr portion of
our anatomy.
Xaral Yarns.
The story has been attributed to a
former secretary that under his Mrst
visit to a man-of-war he expressed
his astonishment at finding "the
darned thing holler." Tho yarn,
from frequent use, has become some
what threadbare, and the following
has been substituted: Shortly after
a new secretary had assumed charge
of tho department bo made a tour of
inspection, and while on board a
craft in process of const ruction, was
asked to define the properdimenHions
of a hutch way. It was something of
u poser for the cabinet olllccr, bnt
J l 11 .1. .IM. inn tin tA
after conwuerauio uciiui-iutiuh
plied. "It depends in a great mons-
lheHij!eoftheilcn and tb.
"I , mM ,a , tn rtit on
Har.nla Tell EawBvery Ttsaw.
1 "How lo I tell a newly married
couple?" repeated a eapitol guide;
y, easy enough. There's one oer
there uow," and he pointed to a rather
esiidily dressed pair who were strolling
about the rotunda and easting wistful
fiances into each other's eyes, "l'on
aee there is all the difference in the
rld between people who come here
to put in a few odd hours of their honey
moon and those who are really inter
ested in the sights about the eapitol.
I hose people over there don't enre a
continetid about the glatunry or any
thing e.e but themselves for that mat
ter. You take them around and point
out the most interesting objects about
the building, and they will raze on
them in a mechanical manner for a mo
ment or two, and then return to the
pleasins paotime of admiring each
other. But then it is only human na
ture, and we have no right to complain
s ions, as they pay for their time.
WtBljington Tost.
The llrrpeal Hula.
Some ono has ventured the very bold
anggrstiou that as the French hare
raised tlie highest tower it is for us to
dig the deepest hole. The spot marked
out for the experiment is the site of the
1W51 exhibition in Hyde Park. There
would be a staircase round the hole, a
shaft in the center and the whole would
le lighted by electricity. In each strata
there should be an excavated mnseuni,
with siiecinieus of the minerals, fossils,
etc. This would settle the question as
to a coid deposit under London, also
supposing the granite to be of aqueous
formation. By entting through it we
should reach the floor of the earth, and
if it should be found that the precious
metals are found eu masse, we slionld
startle the world as did Christopher
Columbus of old. Many other interest
ing questions ss to the increasing weight
mid Lest of the air, as to the state of
the earth's center, the utilization of hot
springs, the cause of volcanoes and
earthquakes, etc., etc., might be satis
factorily answered. Loudon Fheside
Rally Kxciirslans South via. (he
baali I.lne
Coiiiiiif-DcliiK Nov. I, -and continuing dally
until April ail. The Wabash will sell round
trip tickets to all the winter resorts of the
south, (food returning until June 1, 1890.
Elegant Keclinlng Chair and Pullman Buflett
Sleeping cars are run through from St. Louis,
Toledo und Detroit, making the quickest and
favorite route east or south. Passengers
ticketed to and from all points in Europe via.
all lines, at lowest rates. For rates, tickets,
timetables uud full information, call on or
write li. N. CLAYTON,
N. W. P. A T. Agent, 1502, Varnain Street,
Omaha, Nrli.
Ilernlini !' Tllib.
A eitrions fact about Sarah Barnhnrdt
is that she has caused a most tuciptuous
tomb to be prepared in Fere la Chaise
for her own obsequies. It ia al 1 in white
marble, with the one word, ".Bern
hardt," inscribed above the portal.
Within there is space for a single coffin
only. The great actress desires to be
alone after death, as she has been unap
proachable in her genius during her life.
Every year on her birthday ahe visits
this tomb and lays upon it a wreath ol
immortelles. Some one asked her why
she did so. "Because," she said, "I
would like to have my grave decorated
with flowers after my death, and per
haps if I accustom people to see it so
adorned they 'will follow my example
and keep up the custom when I am no
more." Is there not something piteous
in this Ranging of the moat famous no
tress of her generation to the fleeting
memories of those she will leave behind
her? Philadelphia' Press.-
Ha Knew It All.
The bnildera tell a rather interesting
story of a Buffalo eapittdiat who was
nrettv summarily taken down for try
in to let himself up aa the end of all
thiuis iu whatever he undertook. No
matter what was on foot, if he went into
it he must have all the say and nobody
else was allowed even a side remark.
Not long ago he built a fine brick house.
In this undertaking, as iu all others, he
was boss and all hands, dictating to
builders, architects, and all without the
slightest hesitation. At last they grew
.very tired of the browbeating they had
to stand and let him have his way
whether it was right or wrong. The
house was finished and shortly after
ward the owner set about building fur
nace fires to test his heating apparatus,
when behold, there wasn't a chimney in
the house! Exchange.
Llickr PPle.
Ompbelllville (KyO Times-Journal, Not. t.
AVhen it was stated here that Win. and TV.
P. Fawcett held ticket No. 63,856 which last
month, drew the first capital prize of $300,000
ia the Louisiana State Lottery and had re
ceived their money $15,000 a great many
persons thought it was a joke. The Times
Journnl man, wishing to know the truth of
the matter, saw the parties and was assured
that the. report was correct. They received
the money last Friday week by draft, which
was paid bv the Bank of Caoipbellsville at
this place. It is certainly a large Investment
for a dollar. They have for several months
been buying one or two twentieth tickets in
this lottery and stated to us that they had
always drawn enough money to pay for their
tickets up to the time of drawing the capital
It will tie remembered that some time ago,
I.Mr. Sam Frank Spencer, of our neighboring
.town, (ireensburg, drew I5,000 in the Louis
liana State Lottery and that several times the
adjoining county of Marion has been lucky
iln holding tiekeU drawing from $500 to $15,
iiou. i An "accidental find" of an Immense coal
bed has been made at Mahony Plains, Pa.
It is so Evervwiikrb. F,. K. Ball, drug
gist at Uiatsville, Kon., has this to write
about Allen's Lung Balsam : "It Is the best
selling throat and lur.g remedy, and gives
ireneral satisfaction. I cheerfully recom
mend It." Buy the large $1.00 bottles for
lung diseases.
Tlie czar has an Iron -clad train constructed
for himself.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
When she was c Child, 6"ae cried for Castorla,
When sho became lllss, she clung to Castorla,
Whea sha had Children, she tare them Caitoria,
Don't heap coals of Are upon your enemy 6
h?ad. .Remember that coal is $6 per ton.
The University of Pennsylvania has decided
to admit women on the same terms as men.
'Tis Frkoumtlt Recommended. Mr.
II C. Mooncy, of Astoria, 111., writes us that
Allen's Lung Balsam, which he has sold for
fifteen years, sells better than any other
rough remedy, and gives general satisfaction.
'TIs frequently recommended by tho medical
profession here.
Never go to bed with cold or damp feet.
You but sing of the beaut y of springtime,
That glows oa the cheek of the Jouog,
But I sing of a beauty that's rarer
Thaa anv of which you have sung.
The beauty that's seea In the faces
Of women whose summer Is o'er,
The autumn like beauty that charms us
li nr MAM t hsn the lieautv of VOTC
But this beauty is tea loo rarely. The
fates of most women loose the beauty of I
TiiMth iwvinn. Female disorders are like I
f rusts which come to nip the Howers which
heinken vund 'health, without which there I
nn he nn real beautv. If our American wo
men wmi lil fortify themselves aeainst the
approach of the terrible disorders so preval
ent anion ? them, bv usine Dr. Pierce's tavor-1
ite Prescription, their good looks would be
retained to a -sweet old ace." This remedy
is a guaranteed cure for all the distressing
weakBe&fieg and derangements peculiar to I
Dr. Pierce's Pellets, one a dose. Cure
headache, constipation and indigestion.
A bouncing baby should be Imbued with
elastic spiral
A 10c. Cir in lu.lily, but only a tc Ctfu- la prica I
is "Tuil!' Cum-B."
Massachusetts machines
shoes In twenty minutes.
make a pair of I
A 12.50 Pwpar rarl.Ti.
The Youth's Companion gives so much for
the small amount that it costs it is no wonder
it is taken already ia nearly half s million
families. With its fine naoer and beautiful
Illustrations, its weekly illustrated supple-1
menta. ami its double holiday numbers, it I
seems as if the publishers could not do I
enough to please. By sending 11.75 now you I
may obtain it free to January, and for a full
vc-ar Iroin that date to January, inai. a
dress, the Youth's Companion, Boston, Mass.
It takes twenty-seven
house and stables of W
servants to run the I
K. Vanderbllt
The Portugese government is uneasy over I
the recent revolution.
Washina-ton. Tel.. June M. 188.
Had suffered on and on for fifteen yearn
with strained back; no trouble with it now;
two years ago was cured by St. Jacobs OIL
No return. H. CARTMELL.
At Drcgoists AND DtSLCB.
roeltlvelyciired byl
Sweat i.ittie ruia.
They also rollers Die
trssa from Dvsrjeneis.In-
rligeation and ToeHsmrt;
Eatlns. A perfect rem
wdy forDitUneas.KanaeaM
Lirowsineee, una issue
in the Mouth. Ceatedl
Tonene.Pain in the aide.
TUitnu iiiVEtt. Thejl
reaulate toe Bowela.
Purely VowUble.
rnce aa cents
casus lasicnn co., mrmxn
Small Pill: Small Dose. Small Price.
A Day.
Hypophosphites of Lime k Soda
again. Palatable as milk. En.
dorsed by physicians. sold by all
Druggists. Avoid substitutions and ,
Act on the liver and bile ; clear the complexion s
cure billouaneas, alca Beaancoe.
.i. a aii liroi end stomach disorders.
We are now making small si Bile Beans,
Mmerinllv adapted for children and woinen--KfiJl
and eaay to take. Price of either
i' c aMITMaCO.. St. L0UI8. MO.
Time, Pain, Trouble
and will OL KSS
by uslotr
Ely's Cream Balm
Apply Balm Into each nofltril.
ELY BROS.. 50 Warren 8t. N.Y.
Fnni sinn m:
r wwtt?
r r''-.! Ann im"-
I. Ms.is2yjl lirillUI athouis: a.,' I we awsii frM.
t garl 1 W. N. U
to use. Cheapest, Relief is immediate. A cure ia
certain. For Cold in the Head it has no equal.
C i
It Is an Ointment, of
to the nostrils. Price,
by mail. Address,
1 I. '"S&t
l 'W.U . j v
i MM r -.xB-B-mm-t- I
"'-ti , ., .... JJSi
' it rAITH r
wsa r
' rULiY, AND,
Yoo wVtiA8i
' that there. t&
one .KwrF0
m Swiss maW T .
Aliens (yNS&Qisaii)
Solo.bim druggists .
- - -- An- Ik C
J.H HRitis Co iKST "Ci.
When von arc addrened ae above, yonr fra hm-
pulae i to look at the driver. II the day be Heray -
river is wise men, twu wiii hmu .
Fish Brand Slicker." and be will tell jess
that he is aa comfortable on the box as his paasew--rer
in the cab, and that lor hie business this cant:
is invaluable. When yon get once inside a " KanV '
Brand Slicker ." there s no such thine as wen ass
for you. It doesn't make the una Ural dnfercBCw
whether it rains, hails, sleets, snows, or okrass.
You are absolutely and aolidly comfortable. Gcs.
one at once. Mo danger ol your not liking u anew
wards. It is a waste ol money to boy any sean
waterproof coat. They are worthless after a less -weeks
of hard usage. Beware of worthless sae--
Itations, every garment stamped with tfte r -
Brand " Trade Mark. Don't accept any miens-
coat when you can have the " Fish Brand Slicker
delivered without extra cost. Particulars sast
illustrated catalogue free,
' By a thorough knowlede-e ot the natural lae
whic-ii gorern the operations of digestion ass wev
tilllnn anil b s rarMfiil unnllentlnn Ol US Sseat
properties of well-seleeted Cocoa. Mr. Bona
irorided our breakfast tablee
Ith a del
flavoured bererage which at
iv s
save us many bannr-
doctors' dims, it
s by the Judicious use
artlclesof diet that a eenstitutlon mar be (crwawns-
Ir built up until strong enougn l-i resist 7
dency to disease. Hundredsof subtle malndsse
goatlng around us ready to attack wnererers
la a weak point. We mar escape many a ratal
br keenlneourselrrs well fortif
and a properly nourished frame.'
ei: tomneu wn
M&d ilmnlv with bnlllnw water or milk.
with pure bleest
'- IHpU Sen -
oul; in ball-pound tins, by Urooers, labelled Ikw:.
JAMES EPPS CO., HamaMpafhio Crsswush,.
Ltnden, England.
Hemdunsrters fer llnutl Instruments, OrtiHi ()orsOwa--
flts Accordeoue. Violins, Banjos, slaiidolins, Osiasst.
Klthsrs Hsrmoniess, Strings for every instrument sswdsy.
rull stock of Sheet Music, U usl Beeks, Bead east Oe
ehestra Musle Bend Folios, Instruction Books fewntw
Instruments. Anyone sending la an order win reeeew
e cop; of Music FKEK. Write to us for prices asm aea
alogues, stnttng ebat kind ot goods wonted.
irBAVja naianes nnwi
awnka IseBv..
Handsome Ulua
Ij halt a ban
.tratlone of waesr---
lred of she awas--
son's sensation
the couotrr's fe
Ttse twill
arnsus with anl
breeding, etc.
of a horse paper
NaUonel Stock
years paper was
. ..i This
.tl sts.lll.irjs aa
evens- strew-, -sm
sausn Bersw
Grandest '
ever publlabadL
man seiw samw.
worthawf worth
rear s wiu ass-'
even htter. flend lb cents tor n conr t
Tha Marwesmsua, aaa aseusrfcwrm sML,
I prestrlbe and fetrr exs
noree stig u ae i
apeciac fortbecenauac
er thu
ma, K.'T
We have aold Big O ar
saany rears, nnd it hews
;lveo the beat of awAtw
actloa. D. B. DYCHK 1 CO,
t I "X. "X. sar wj
Bl.wO. field by I
FREE ftoverament LAND8.
MILUtONS OF ACRES In Jtlnneaota, Nonli.
RtaTMonutna. Idako, Washington and Oirgest.
wCMfs CfsPfibllc
LR rwnbest
t'Stiuns wiin sseps acicnvios sssw
Agrieu Itanlraitng and Tlmbssr
ettlera. SENT FREE. Addiwaw
t .Kuril now onen toHeUlere. !
PIT IV B I IHNflRH a-aviMi lemwisswv
uuau. ii. iisvauiuuii,
st. faui imnra.
WkmmmtSSStSmmmmmimimmmU Chmrletrtoy-v, Mam '
a mm 0 tTIIT. Book-keeplnaT. Penan
n wLdff IWl HnZa. Irtlhmaf lf) Hhnrfhunrl m
euarhlr tHKht by matl. Jowratea. Clrcularn iVttvi
BHTANT'8 COhLKGO,m Mtvln St.,BulTkli.ll. Xi
,11011 Id and may know how child
taaa be effected without Pain or
InformattonmntAmlea. AVtvnmmnmi
DR. J. H. DYE, Buffalo. IK-rW
a Bioirrn and boarr raissv.
or hiehest commlslnn and SO DAYS?
CRsDlT In sfiKTS on our Simb-
B. aixvCILKB 4k CO., Hi AdamaSI .Chtt-ageviE!
ill CIA BCIiCltV Will cure Blood Poison wie-v
RIAblv nCmCUl mercury falia. Owne 4tm
iIe only by Cook ltemedy Co.. Omaha, Hub. Writtv.
Tba It mmrtrnm .
mmmsT D .sTJ I I smW MM s KU
aaaT cure. ir. J. la...
nnimi BKHtriaiMs.
habit evm-Ca
Mlo er UAConvaoleDOBV Bav-t
Meaker Madtcta Ca. Coioaflrxa OL-
I American School ol Telagri
mnlM a food pajfm
to cvrrv vmrtivatta.
o - w try; Lru
which a small particle is applied1
60e. Sold by druggists or sent
E. T. Uazeltinc, Warren, Pa.
Delicious Bistuit
sasoiurciT rues.
r i
if .
1 1
- ' " .. .,- i v rriiliiti liuniuvr tm w"v ' '
. -
swWamTliJrswe WSSSWW
... :i i .
bed ofl.-A. U. Alien,