The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 28, 1889, Image 1

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ioux County Journal
7o 2 -
t - .-
Tl Table.
f fc. A M. V. Ry., Pa-sv-nger.
west leave Harrison at 10:35 A. M.
Wat leave liamson at 2.51 P. M.
Harrltoa Market.
Butter, 13 to 18c
Poultry, per do. f2.00 to (X
0U, per 100 !. fl.10
Cora, per 100 B. ft 00
Unn. per 100 -f 1.10.
Feed, cJtnpped, per 100 B,
fotatoe. per bu. &0o.
fcrghuin, per pal. 50c,
Onions, per bu. $1.50.
geans, per bu. 11.00.
-Tbi" 's the ""V to give thanks.
Reidy & Pollard about a loan at
"few in the time when wood on mib-
Li(?tiofl i very acceptable.
-Wasted I want to uy some good
Wvwsr old steers. J. ii. Morris.
(Jod still the train service on this
Softne Elkhorn has nut been im--Btidy
4 Pollnrd can let you have
ywy to secure your final proof if you
t om-e.
f !f your teeth ache rail on ! r.
fans. dntist lie will l here Fee.,
Uvd rd wri day ""l1.
f "a't f. rM Hint The JVht-Mi, it
ra,rnUnl nil kind--, f job print'ntr
jjnwat and tasty rn;(nrwr, on short
-1. E. C, Koons, dentist will 1 in
tiimj nrt f Wemtp 9rd ft rut 3f1 trt n.
tfcal to sny business in bin professional
.hethat may come to him.
-la another column appint an ad
wfaenient of C. H. Andrews telling of
hSwitook of holiday good, lie bun
lu nice line nnd invite all to call.
fAYVP Alt indebted to the Buffalo
(hpLamber Company must call ami
tttkby the 1st of December, either by
arii or secured nobs, font postjone
la matter.
s-TUentor of Rosa & Thnntnnn was
datd toil morning by creditor. It wa
fcnsilt of the failure of the firm at
Ctafwm, a the store here wa doing a
larf famines.
-A case growing out of the Gibson
rtuhle which ih noteil some week
If), wan before the county court yestt-r
J, and an adjournment was had to
ja future dale.
i -AmmgemenU are lifeim.' made for a
wwtnias tree and entertainment at the
wren. The various comtnittiM are at
fork and the result of their Inters will
wbtletH be a fine time.
I -Keniemtier THE JoihsaI, club with
'B4ot any paper in the United Suites
ma When you want anything in the line
f .. .... .
"papercoriieriorticaiscnll and see us
aa wacao save you some nionev.
W. H. Israeli &. Ron received tlieir
w engine 14 Saturday. The In.iler
been repaired and the entire wi w mill
in good condition and after tec. 1st
leompleteawiortmentof building lum
W will be constantly on hand.
-Arrangements are Ipeimr made bv
fte teachers to have a meeting of the or-
paimton established at the institute
WML The exact date ha not been
but it will
;MKky a.aUon. It is hoped that
" teacher and friends of education
i attend if pcxwible,
-H entertainment given at the M.
I Climb on lun a..,..-!.. .. ,
Mary E. llarter wan well attended
av general iaUsfattion. A good
VaiwforUia flrnt time how Uu
ww blind are taught to read and
it" a'wi learned many point o(
"J1 in relation to that class of un
j,t TUe municu.1 and literary
Naclion were good.
"t Momlay morning Truax, the
7"mwi, Wok hia little boy and left
ton. II.. i
- 1 MM. unju VI I 1 1 1 K 1 1 1 I " '
"Mablv on Rnul.... i .-.....,1
E whinb UN HC HIV I 111 U I HIV"
l' "ri- Truax waa afraid to iUiy at
f IT wot ne'gbbor'B and dfwnl
"iit, and the next morning the
'l,tkd agrip and taking the boy,
i " ni by a former wife, he do
,PM for otlier nrU. We undenttand
"umber of a.)unU wUre left
ived from Judge Kin
'frh,aya ago adjourning the din
(woonrt without day. This carrie it
flnrt of Um year, ao that the
tT"! not ba fixed until the judge
f1 "P hit Hat of date for term of
fuT tht year 1890. By the ac tion
Kioluid Sioux county ii naved
Z of a term of the dintrict
"I tor ionj Uroe and thin in quite an
then u no money in the treav
JJ tht inUrMt will be aved.
vTt 0 ta on trw d.Hket whic h
mediate attention so it in bet
Uta tern Im potpoi.
-feidy & Polku-d are io
l we hmnt to the amount of fSO.000 (i
or before 1 e-. 10, ls-fl. A ( lllin(W kr
those who lave a-ly proved up and
not received their bn on account of die
-but down to get n,I1PV, and also for
those who Imve advertised and wi,oe
proof will 1 made in a f.:w day.,. Come
in and make appimtion at once.
An amusing incident occnrteil at tlie
M L. chur h on l.-wt Suuday evening.
AHcrtlif. pastor Ii:m1 , 1o1 Uh sermon,
he armimnce.1 that an oppoi tunity would
l (,'iven for any one desirin- to unite
with tlie cluiri h, and using tlie expres
sion g-nerally us.;d on such occasions he
stated that "during the ainirisg of tlie
next hymn tlM! doors of the church
would I oj), n." The janitor was a new
one and d d not "cut. h onto" the mean
ing of the minister, but anxious to do
hi duty, a noun as the singing of the
next hymn liegan, the janitor proceeded
tooimn wide the entrance doors to the
hurch. As the mercury was quite low
it is ensy to imagine that sia h a pro
ceedingH threw a coolness over tlie en
tiro audience.
-The supply of water was exhausted
in the public reservoir on Tuesday even
ing nnd then it was learned that the
hoiler was out of repair so that no more
water could be puniiel until it was
Ixed. t is to I- hoped that such a
date of air.tirs will not occur often for
t. puts the town in liad sluijie. If a fire
hould In-euk out it would lie almost im
possihle to do anything to check it, and
iTreat loss would result. The work on
the largo reservoir has stop-d. as we
are informed for the want of funds, and
it is not known when work will he re
turned. Had this hecn completed it
would have enabled the town to have
kept a much greater supply of water on
hand for use in emergencies like the
pumping apparatus becoming disabled.
At the prize medal contest on last
Friday evening the medal was awarded
to Miss Emma Weir. These contests
are well atleiided. as on the last evening
as many Wore present as could !e seated.
t i a little liixcotirciging to the ladies
wIki linve charge of the contests that so
ninny of those ex petted to take part fail
to put in an appearance. The ladies are
wurking hard to give a scries of enter
tainments hoth interesting and instruct
ive and the people Hppreeiate their (-f-forts
and it m certainly to be hoped that
thw who promise to assist will not fail
them in future as it causes a disappoint
ment to all. There arc but two more
medals to lie contested for until there
will lie enough so that a class can be
formed from those holding the silver
medals to enter a contest for a gold med
al, after which another denes of contests
for silver medals will begin.
There appears to tie a good deal of
flax need needed in this locality for need
mir and our neoule do not know where!
to gel it. It has lieen suggested that an
etrrt lie made to get the seed sent out.
by some of the eastern dealers and furn
ished the farmers with the agreement
that the farmers sell the crop raised to
the parties who furnish the need, at a
price agreed upon at time of making the
contract. That iH the way a large pro
portion of the flax seed is obtained by
tlie farmers in the eastern part of the
suite and by that method the seed is
kept free from foul seeds, for the dealers
have the bust machinery for cleaning it.
Tlie business men of Harrison should take
hold of this matter and see if they can
not assist the farmers in getting me
seed necessary for use next spring. , It
l.u tiM,n rlcmr mslrated that this locality
ItUf ' -
in well adapted to raising flax and its
cultivation should be encouraged uy an.
. . . M.i ,eau in
The inlant coun oi wu
Hion on November Mill, JuhU M. U.
Jordan olllciaiiiig. wnnu
plaintiff and lleniiun Konrath was de-
damagea claimed to have been done by a
ot 01 Hogs oeioiiRiiif, w .. ---
Tl part"- Bgreed to settle by arh.tra
tuin and Geo. Hex kman, I rank linkconi
... . t ,,liiu.n 1 1 Ii V till
and fraiiK ftuiw ,. ,
daniaircH. They decid-nl that the deend
Zl HlMuld pay 30 and costs, amounting
to W 70. The end may not lie yet.
1 T . , ... M riovliurl. A
A team beionKiiiK io - 7
fon becume unmanageable while com
on, uetuioc n
I""'y e,u h,.,7" .l. ,1, eer and
g thin. , , . , .
0 . .. 1. .. nfir it. and 1U-
Diiee ..,,,.'11 i an cn lovable
" w" a. mi.
: 'in receive allnatlon.
tt&OlX, KEB., IsTOV. 28, 1889.
. ay,Iwrybdj!
If you owe us anything please arrange
! Vy J;lnUar-v lst W need
money and want this yer.r business
c W by the lirst of Uie tear
j Sotiee of Dissulution.
I oti is hereby jriven that tte lirm of
j Truax, Snyder & Co., is dissolved, J. Ii
j Truax retiring. The business will be
; continued by the undersigned under the
i linn name of W. A. RnvHei-jt. ,.
j . t .wilf MIH1
all collection made and debts of the old
(irm jiaid by them.
W. A. SVi'DER,
Hksry Knvdkr.
I 'ah.d Kovenibtsr 2', in9.
Dot'er (TiaL
J Boggy school ia closed,
i Arnsburger &, Co. have their saw mill
, boiler in the canyon and will soon start
I up steam,
Tt.oln.lw ...W.-,..
I at aionirese was a sue-
I cess. There was lots of fun, several
I good speeches and a general good time.
iir. t,. is. fine has added another
building to his claim. It is a stable this
1 ... .
j. a.. Vireger nas nieil on a quarter
section of land near the 0. F. Coffee
ranch and lias his house contracted for
and posts enough it) fence.
WlIJj 'tt'KST.
(jilen Hems.
J. X. Frazier is busy logging.
Joe. 1 ecker is at work on his new
Wonder who stole tlie whiskey ou
election day,
Wonder how our fricnds(?) who
thought they could carry the precinct
with a satchel of whiskey feel about it
K. W. Kemp has built an addition to
his house.
Forty-six voters didn't appear on elec
tion day in this precinct, but still we got
there just the same.
F. F. Cray nnd wife have been visit
ing on White river.
One foot on each side of tlie fence elec
tion morning and both feet on the peo
ple's side at night, that is the way it
was done.
John Fry has built new stables and isj
otherwise improving his claim.
A large bunch of cattle belonging to
the New Hampshire Cuttle Co., passed!
down the valley the other day enroute
to the Charles Lippert ranch where they
will winter. Kicker.
Monthly report of school taught in
district N'o. 1, Sioux county, beginning
Octolicr 28, imx
Numlier of scholars enrolled 12; num
her of days taught lfij. Those not tardy
during the month, Willie Miler, Frankie
Miler and i diaries Milor. Those not ab
sent (hiring month, Moses Hardman and
Willio Miler. Hattie Carey.
Precinct Onicers. r ,
The following are the men elected as
justices of tlie peace, constables and as
sessors in tlie various precincts at the
recent election:
Andrews nrecinct: Justices, M,
Howe, A. C. Pratt; constables, A.
Emery, H. II. Russell; assessor
Antelope precinct: Justices, 8,
Story, A. L. I-eling; constables, J. W.
Langdon, Emil Nurzler; assessor, J. W.
ISodarc precinct Justices, J. B.
Burke, J. W. Hunter; constables, C. L.
Columbia, Joseph Kipp; assossor, S. W.
"" Bowen precinct: Justices, H. Merri
fleld, S. L. R. Maine; constables, R. K.
Post, J. H. Truax; assessor, Asa C.
Cottonwood precinct: justices, A. G,
Chandler, John Mosley; constables,
John Ilixsnn, J. W. Tidd; assessor, 1.
A. Publow.
Five Points precinct: justices, S. B.
Coffee, J. W. Arnslierger; constables
Alliert Rand,M. J. O'Connell; assessor,
John Serres.
Hat Creek precinct: Justices, D. W,
Woody, H. Zimmerman; constables,
Michael Bchonebaum; assessor, Henry
Iiwer Running Water precinctj Jus
tices, M. J. Nicholson, T. S. Slider; con
stables, Walter Pitt, W, A. Mathson;
assessor, Robert Neece.
Montrose precinct: Justices, M. D.
Jordan, Geo. Heckman; constables, Jo
seph BofTer, R. F, Williams; assessor,
Jlaus Christensen.
Running Water precinct: Justice, C.
E. Gowey; constable, J. U Green; as
sessor, R. F. Neece.
8nake Creek precinct: Justice, C.
Palmer; constable, Levi Dickinson; as
sessor, W. Hemcall.
White River precinct: Justices, J. S.
Mcintosh, N. C, Hutchings; constables,
C. A. Rqdby, W. A. Rigdon; assessor,
Joe Decker. ,
Warbonnet precinct: Justtces, u. a.
Garten, E. J. Wilcox; constables, W. L.
Pnrlsh. 0. B. Cherrington; nBessor,
Fruuli Simons and Carl Feyorherm, tic
F. B. Carley, of Chadron, is in tin
place on business.
Judge Hunter Was in Harrison 1. yester
day and called at The Journal office. .
J. W. Scott enrolled himself on our
Kst of readers on Wednesday.
T. O. Williams lias moved his family
into the house rently purchased by
August Wesselmann called on Monday
and ordered The Journal sent to him.
A. T. Hughson, of Andrews, was in
Harrison on Monday.
Z. U. Amos added his name to the list
of readers of Tue Journal on Monday.
E. D. Satterlee, Sheriff Pfost and Lew
Pfost went down the road last Monday.
D. P. Davis arrived from his trip to
Omaha on Monday.
Alliert Rand was in Harrison yester
day and called at this office.
Attorney C. E. Holmes arrived home
on last Monday. He reports that he did
some good wook for Sioux county while
absent, the result of which will be ap
liarent in the near future.
R. F. Williams contributed to the sup
port of The Journal last week.
Chris burger, of Montrose, -orders TllR
Journal sent to him.
A. Piekenbrock, the proprietor of the
restaurant at Montrose, is now enrolled
on the list of readers of The JOURNAL.
Gf. E. Lunsford called Friday and
added his name to our list of readers.
Wm. C. O'Conner called a few days
ago and informed us that his children,
who have been quite sick, are improving
under the care of Dr. Shaller.
Nels Engbret called on Saturday and
added his name to the list of readers of
The Journal.
Mrs. W. H. Farnell, and daughter,
made, an agreeable call at this office on
last Saturday.
J. P. Hazard, of Lawn, Neb., was In
Harrison the first of the week and made
a business call at our office. Mr. Hazard
is doing considerable land business in
the south part of Sioux county.
W. T. Brown, Vorhees, Wyo., was in
Harrison last Saturday and gave- us
some cash on subscription.
Thos. Devenport cramapp on Friday
and went to Montrose to attend the bar
becue. On Monday he called at The
Journal office and contributed some
cash on subscription.
We have recently received substantial
contribution to apply on the subscrip
tion of the following persons: P. L. Mc
Crea, Wm. Hawn, Alex Clark, Ii. A.
Priddy and Andrew Dahlman.
J. H. Ballingee arrived on Tuesday
and took charge of the Elkhorn station,
relieving Mr. Patten, who started east
the next day.
Geo. L. Alexander, representing the
York News Union, was in Harrison on
Tuesday and made a business call at
this office.
John Parish, of old acquaintance of
the editor, was in Harrjson on Tuesday
representing an Omaha wholesale hard
ware firm, and called to see us.
R. Wilson ordered THE JOURNAL sent
to him on Tuesday.
Jay W. Kennedy, representing Cham
berlain & Co., of les Moines, Iowa,
made a business call at our office yes
terday. B. E. Brewster,
C. F. Coffee,
Vice Pres.
CHAS. C. JAMESON, Cashier.
Commercial Bank.
General Banking Business
Remember The
Ranch Supply House,
Harrison, Nebraska,
Where you will find a Large and Complete Stock of
Felt Boots,
Flannels and
Cotton Flanels,
Of General Merchandise in Sioux at
Square Dealing, Down Weights and Full Measure.- Call and give us a trial.-
And our
Our stock of dry goods is the Larg
est and most complete ever brought
to Harrison and was purchased so
that we can sell to our patrons at as
tonishingly rjOAV 1598"
"A nimble penny
We always
Groceries and Provisions
Fully up to the times and strive to please all our patrons and sell aU goods
3STO. 11.
New Stock of
rather than a slow
keep our stock of
. : . A
'1,5: :