The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 21, 1889, Image 5

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HERE is r
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stream wind
ing HDIOII thf)
pwn bank
and rocky difTs
of one of our
New England
stute; it emp-
Ljfto the broader river, which in
Ciurrie on to the sea.
(yre is a spot on the shore of tlii
Cm a hijrh, rocky cliff which is
d "The I x vers' Ieap."
I7ir airo a youns Indian maiden
this fearful leap to a watery
,t with her lover, leeaune she w as
the huHhnud of her elioii-e.
tora Cheney knows thedtory well.
kbo passed all her life on the
of this beautiful stream.
Ijtr father is a nun Herman, ami
M kees house for him in the lit-
brown cabin wlii.'li tliey call
All the brutal passion in the man's
heart flames lip.
He drnsrs her again to the edge of
the cliff the levers' Iau and
pretKes a tiene LUs ujion her lips.
j win Buries nurniH irom l-aurn.
"Oh, Ken. have merry "
'(iood-by. mv lati." h t.
hoartwry '"We!! die together!"
And, presKing lier face against his
breast, he springs over the cliff,
down down to the stream below.
rmUn tut Fir am.
Oil the Wrings of the mower often'
lining a few drops of oil each time.
Every time you stop to oil the ma-
hine cant a glance around to see that
the bolts and pins and nuts are all
iere are many quiiiiit tradition in
h it'll the eat hoh'ls
Trlliin. I "'Mid pleasure -and pa wee, tho' we mar
Be it ever so humble, there's no place like
eeciallv if Messed with a wife whose hours
are Lot spent In misery caused by those drag-griu-dowii
pains ariin from weaknesses
peculiar to her sex. Pierce's Favorite Pre
m ription relieves and cures these troubles
and IwinsrK sunshine to mauvdarkened homes.
Tell Dildrum 1 (,old ? druggists under a positive guarantee
ewiH not niinat- r V T , " .""""-"r
h proiuineut pluee:
U anillKlllir lll enrrei.r. in tl.o
Jjoi tit of EiiKlai,d, e amy quote: A
reulleinau u iue evening Kitting coz
U.v in Li i)or, reailins: or nmiiitutiii;;,
wlieu he mas interrupted by the
-ue ot n cat, which ciiite down ti.e
c'umney, and cried out :
J'oi.irum a dead t" H
1 j milieu uy mis striin'e occur
rence, and when, shortly after, lifs wife
euu-red, and lie lelated to her what
had happened, her own cat. wliiehac-
'.. If l! . 1 . -
frlM B'oclHthat are being weaned by
figures as they plungeZwnward i the n,othw LeD- uire U-hing for J? ' " '
With two strokes of the addle a few "enings lent they crowd into chn La J UJ' ' 'e
his canoe is near to where they went , neighboring coops andget pecked by ! ' tllB nnmernus conjectiires staled to
:-. . 11. .
launs-Kranifu liens pr
tlii er and smother.
He knows now that he loves
girl who has been so innocently
happy with him loves her with the
truetit, sweetest love ol his life.
At last Laura's dusky head ap
pears above the waves.
lier great, startled eyes meet the
white lace of her lover as he fiends
toward her, and directl v he lifts her applications
into tin- canoe beside him.
crowd togeth-
Turpentine, coal oil and vinegar,
equal parts, well shaken together,
and rublied on the eggs of the hot
fly on horses' legs will, we are told,
utterly kill them after about three
tjura is a pretty girl in spit- o'
t that she is brown with the
ft kisses, and that her dresses nre
V coarne material, anil tier snoes
Whan'l heavy.
Ill the young iiiiiileniicn knew
U.nnd one, lien Herder, has paid
Want court to her for two years.
Bat Laura has never loved anyone
iilrs her father and the big mastiff,
no her young motherdied at her
ten is a brawny giant, with inoody
k eyes and a long black lsard,
id Laura is half afraid of him.
An excursion party from a distant
:j tins lieen spending some days in
There is one young gentleman of
ilom Laura sees a good deal.
He is not so large a man as Herd.
,but is tall, erect, and graceful,
ithkeen, gray eyes, fair hair, cIokc
mrling about a fine head, and a
W, fair mustache.
His lands are whiter and daintier
pn .aura's, but they have muscles
jUeiteel, and he is anything but the
milk sop ' that IJen Herder calls
This Godfrey "Huston is so well
teased with the country thnt he al
ts the excursion party to depart
without him, while lie invests in a
Jttntand a pun, and settles down to
f&mplile near Aliel ( lieney s little
brown cabin, and declares Ins inten
tion of staying through the very last
the golden autumn days.
lien IJrrhr au'-OWlttOEiimif)y Wfiwi
lie henrn this.
He hates this newcomer, who 1 rents
Laura with such cent le courtesy as
he has nover known liefore.
in Duston beco mes better ace i u a in t -
d with her his gun is neglected, and
twr take lonir walks or sails to-
I He tells Laura wonderful stories of
p'frreat world from which ho came;
plslie, in return, reveals to him the
pmt of the woods, and relates
wtong other things the legend of
Iters' Leap.
I Godfrey, weary of the restraints of
jteiety, wenry of the frivolous women
j tins world, sore nt heart liecuuse
Mone who has cruelly deceived him,
waws a new and dclitrhtlul niaimet-
m from this pure and healthy
M of the forest.
Sue has iust cnomrh know1edrnof
hoiikg to make her enc-er lor more.
mi ho becomes her teacher.
As the days go by ho liegins to aHk
imwlf if this is not a better life than
pbe other would he not le happier
fowin this child-woman for a wife,
Hi make a home here, close to the
pat heart of nature?
1 think that this comnnnionshin
Wth I
a ui lint; (ti ii7 I ly, . nm
stless, world-wenry spirit all the
ability of his nature comes to the
Ifface in his intercourse with her.
He has not thought of t he iinssibln
fffwtupon liura, butslielovedhim,
'though she does not know it.
He lives in a hnppy dream.
nnP has nrdv nnt tlin four ui
jwn Herder, who mukes fierce love
Mllr at I'Wrvnnnnrlnnilv.
"ho you think that. Duston will
Pirry you?" ho queries ono day,
JlH'n ho Iiiih unmi'iiu'il Iter as she
raved her hnnd from the cliff to the
ounir man ulin iu unddlinc alonir
flie stream, "lie has a witeorBweet
Prt at home ho is oulv amusing
"Biael, With VOU."
Laura frnuui nr. tiim in tliiiliie and
"I don't linnw mlint vmi mean?"
n crasrMi her rouirhly by Hie
ftm. '
Don't I know that he's liewitched
-like fiird Irffore
kills it? Ef he sez es he loves yer
' lie; he couldn't love yo as I do,
, "He never said such a thing," snys
ra, with flashing eyes and erim
oncheekaj. "It mego, Hen Herder,
f( hurt my nrra."
t 'Vou've hurt my heart, Laurie.
rwn kind term 'fore that swell
rn. Kf v'ii iu mv wifn I'll never
rough tr ver agiiin, gnl. It's !e-
"e I'm Bkeered of losing you
kef me so. Laurie, can't yer likf
lit tin? I Invn va an."
an Irightfully near the edge
1 the cllffnn near that Laura
lu hMlr anil trie to null rleT
rrom Ben igrnsn.
seconnt lor Una extraordinary event.
t ie most veasoiml.le oue apiara to lie
Jiiat UoJdiiiin had l.een kiu' of ( t
Jand, nnd lliat Dildrum was the next
heir. evT York Wail 'and E
I irieDds, einzens, eounlrvmen: "Hear me
for my cause, and he silent that vou mav
I hear." Now, before Jupiter Tonaiis and ail
1 the rods at once, I do tolemnlv atlirm that
u" iu(;h Syrup is an infallible rem
! e.iy an lime and broui bial disorders. If
i there is any man present who disputes this
She is trembling in every limb; but , The little chick is hnppy when he after forever hold his peace!'' '
ne Keeps n.s arm auoui ner uuu . swallow a big fat worm. Don't
watches for Herder. , , , . ., ..... ,
He does not comenn. ' hV him the little fruits, or the
plants lie sometimes accidentally
destroys. He will return itsvaluein
When they find his body '.ator on
down the st ream, thev n. rnnro-.d
cut across the temple, where he must ! a few weeks, destroying pests.
have struck on the rocks nt the foot
of the cliff, else that savage clasp
about Laura's form would never
have Ix-en loosened, nnd she must
have perished also.
Duston takes her home to her
father, nnd received his husky thanks
in silence, then goes aw ay to his tent.
He wishes to be alone lor a litile
while to tlii lilt .
lint becomes back to the little,
brown cabin in the afternoon, and
goes straight to AM Cheney.
' Do vou think that vou could
spare Laura to no, Mr. Cheney?" he
The old man looks at him sharply
from under his shaggy brows.
'What d'ye mean, young man?"
"That I love her, und want her for
my wife."
Abel Cheney looks him over with a
smile. Duston looks a thorough
Laura don't know nothing about
your tine world .Mr. iniston. mio s
Thirteen miles from Cheyenne is
what is said to be the largest horse
farm in the world. There are 120,
000 acres of land, where roam 5,000
horses, which require the constant at- were invited to send iu designs. One of
A loronto Inventor says his ship will cross
iue ocean In lour days.
Tbe railroads employ 750,000 voters.
tt n.,.u ...
uwwiuujuera ni una salvation Oil a sure
cure lor gout or rheumatism. It is bold hi-
ail urut'g"I for '., cents a bottle.
Japanese I'ollleiie...
It is reported from .laoan tlmt it is
contemplation to erect a bronze utatue
on an open apace immediately outside
the imperial pniuce jn Tokio. and artists
Tbe cleansine. antiseptic and heal Id? quali
ties of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy are un-equaled."
Fortune's w heel in thee davs seems to be
the locomotive driver.
Stimulants and tonics. If conscientiously
made anil properly used, are of undisputed
value. Kennedy's East India Bitters are re
A bird In the hand is worth two in the bon
net', but it doesn't cost as much.
F.xi'uesses bis Gratitcde. Albert A
Larson, of Kirkman. la., iu expressing his
(rratitude to the proprietors uf Allen's Lung
balsam, writes: "I firmly believe my wife
woiild have died of consumption, if not for
the' timely use of your Balsam." Buy the
fl.00 bottle for J.ung Uisex,scs.
It would take a train 3,135 miles long to
carry the Kansas corn crop.
AV. H. Wortliington, editor of the "Patrons
of Husbandry, " published at Columbus,
Mass., writes" under date of Feb. 25, 1SJ:
'Your preat remedy, Allen's Lung Balsam,
I have used in my family for fifteen years for
coughs and wilds, and kuow it to be the best."
'Joe., 50c., and Sl.Oua bottle.
The difference between a hitter bite and a
biter bit is marked.
fuess. Ask
tent ion of sixty-five men. One hun
dred miles of wire fence keeps the
animals iu bounds.
Isy stirring the soil after every
rain, the weeds will be nore easily
destroyed than at any other time.
Never nllow weeds to go to seed, es
pecially in the garden. A single weed
that seeds entails more labor next
season than it would cost to clean
out all of them at this time.
The sudden approach of summer
heat is enough tor fowls to contend
with; w hen the plague of lice is added
the burden is Intolerable. "While the
me inner lepresenlea the emperor
seated on his favorite charger, the
horse beinz so placed that its feel should
rest on eiherside of lliueiitrance bridge.
TliiH is said to have been much' admired
by the oflieinls of the imperial house
hold; hut when it wax submitted to the
emperor it was immediately vetoed, on
tlie ground that it una not in accordance
wiih the principles of hospitality and
politeness that foreign princes and per
sonages of distinction who cmo to visit
him should have to puss under the feet
of a horse bestridden hy him. Phila
delphia Ledger.
Mediocrity always copies superiority. Bob
bins' Llectrie Soap, first made In 1K05, has
oi-i-n niiiiaieu more man any soap mane. Ask
your grocer for Dobbins' Klectrie .Soap, all
other hlectrics, hlectrlcity, Magnetics, etc
are Imitations.
justa little wild fawn pretty enough poultry keeper cannot control the
in the woods, but, not fit to be shut
up in a grand house."
1 " May I ask her?" insists theyoung
"Wal, I 'low I can't prevent it.
answers old AM, dryly.
So Duston strides away to the
woods, nnd finds Laura w alking idly
to and fro.
She looks nthim with shy, startled
eyes, very like the wild fawn which
the. old man has called her.
"Laura dear, 1 used to think my
self a pretty good sort of a fellow un
til 1 knew vou; but now, knowing
weather he can control the lice, and
there is really no good excuse for per
mitting them to worry the flocks as
they do for night and day.
The farmer w ho considers all mat
ters designed for the improvement of
agriculture will not neglect the sheep.
In an old weedy pasture or wood lot
they will more than pay their keep
by the service performed in keeping
down the noxious weeds and liners,
while not hing equals them forrestor
1 ing fertility to a worn-out field.
how pure, nnd sweet, and innocent
j our lifo W mtu, 1 fl taat 1 atn strong, vigorous plant produces
""I'lTl'annantyouforlaHtrong. vigorous seed, which in
my wife. I loved another womnn ; turn, withstands abuse to a certain
once, Laura, but she deceived aud ! extent above the moro delicate off.
jilted me, and I grew to believe all Sprjno: of weaker plants. Strength is
Whether on pleasure bent or business.
should take on every trip a bottle of
Syrup of Ings, as it, nets most pleasantly
nnd effectually on the kidneys, liver and
bowels, preventing fevers, headaches
and other forms of sickness. For sale
in ."iOc and $1.00 bottles by nil leadiii
Bur Union Soap and imike a
your grocer about it to-day.
Price 25cU. SOcts., and $1 per Bottlfc
By thorough knowledge of the natural laws
hic.iguri-rnilie operalioin or maesuon mu nu
trition, and by a caretul aponeaiioii " "
properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps na
provided our breakfast lanles ith a """f""'
navoured beveraKe which may save us many tn-avi
.lectors' bills. It by the Juitieious w M ncb
articles of diet that a constitution may be gradual
ly built up unlll strong enongn re";;j
nenty to disease, llundredsul subtle maladies are
Moatina around us ready to attack wherever there
la a weak point. We may escape many a fatal snaiv
by keeping oursely. swell lortitled wfth pure blood
nT.,ttri nr,,.rilierf frame.'' "Ctvtl Isci-we
Made simply with boiling water or ml. Sold
only in hall-pound tins, by urocers, uiiti.
Homceoiatnic unemisrs.
The pnpermaker Is the only man who can
"size it up" without using slang.
A Baby Hurried.
Aastad, illiin., Sept. 25, 1888.
Onr b ")v V Tears old burned her hand
en a hot stove and we put St. Jacobs Oil on it.
It on 1 or 8 times it was all cured up.
0. P. 6TAVE and Family.
At Dbcgoists and Dealers. '
When a train Is telescoped
are apt to see Btara.
the passenirnrs
Age before beauty n Die century plant.
Orrgou, Hi a FriMlln ol FMi-inr.
Wild. pf)nlili plfmnie. pertnin anC ftlMindint. crii.
Kfl Iitilt, pram. (rrt9 anil iioelc cttniitry In fh!
world. Knit 1ttfurmiluti free. AildrcM Hits Ofgon
linmi((iMluii liunrd, l'ortlaml. Oregon.
Ban. 1 do not care
women were likelier until I came here,
and now, dear, I love you better thun
1 over loved her. Will you have me,
lie is Hiiiilinp; now, but his fuee is
very pale as he holds out two strong
white hands to her.
Lnura thinks she must be in n
dreiini; she can frume no words for
nn niiKwer.
Timidly hIio jilaced her lumds in
his, wishing they did not look bo
She is seized with a smiuen, wna
lonpiiK to lie perfect lor tho sake ol
her princely lover.
When (iodfrey Duston brincrs his
brown-faced wile home with him there
is a line excitement.
JSut she is so pretty, so oripinnl,
nn,i a it Intl. takes so readily to her
husband's mode of living, that
is soon very popular
given a plant ny proper tunn uliuu
in suitable soil. But proper cultiva
tion does not consist in allowing the
weeds to rob the plant of nutriment.
An exchnngpsuggeststhat an addi
tional incentive to raising good
horses, did it ever strike you thnt
the horse rvas the ouly product of
the hirm that the farmer was allowed
to put his own price on? The Big
Four fix the price on the meat crop,
John Hull on cotton, nnd the gab
blers on the grain, but the horse crop
lias not yet been cornered.
.PoftU.vrly cured
mcr utile nun,
'Dipt fcUo relieve Dli
tWiHsfrom Dynpepiiii.ln
KAtlne. K tierfect rein
ledy forlizinM,lSAUM4
DrowsineiiH. lMUl IWiW
In the Mouth, Coated
Toncue.Pain in the Side.
rean late the Bowels.
Purely Vccptable.
Price S& Cents,
Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price,1
Thp girl who has a blind beau cannot be
euld to be without a stiark of feeling.
Larky Nedey.
Columlila (Tenn.l Herald. Kov. 1.
Hearing that $15,(100 had been drawn by
some one in this county in the lust drawing
of the Louisiana State Lottery and that the
money had been paid and wa depositeil in
the Columbia lliinkliiif Co., a Herald re
porter callciL on Mr. Lucius Frierson, the
cashier of the above named bank, and learned
tliat T. H. Neely, of Itigbyville, a village 10
or 12 miles from here, was the lucky man.
Mr. Neeley held one -twentieth of ticket No.
filt.Son. which drew the lirst capital prize of
$;aj,000 In the drawlnir of the I.ouisinna
fctate Lottery i-ompany held the 15th of last
month. The ticket was dejioaited last week
with the Columbia Iiankinir Co. of this city,
who collected the same through their New
Orleans correspondent, the Louisiana Na
tional Bank. We understand that Mr. Nce-
I ley, who Is quite a young man, not yet having
attained his majority, 'is quite elated over
his success. ile is a sober, industrious
Young farmer and this windfall of luck will
. give him a jcood start in life. This is the
first time he ever bought a ticket and be cer
tainly made a good Investment lor one dollar.
A nlck-ln-the-slot machine is being devised
to take instantaneous photographs.
91 wmr..-. ww"
London, England.
inis I
famous for uuceeedJmr where
OlUtfl nave imcu-
ltrlU 4rpe SO t 90 tit
Looms & nieaji,
Ftri for llluitrnta cmlofut. fr.
This Trad
Mark l en
The Best
In th world.
A. JTowct, Bton.
OanMCNTS 0aHTtID to riv
9M? .jemJEm 8)
hv return mall full descrlntlvw
clrenlars ofM00DriIW I4IL-
Any lady of ordinary Intent-,
eence can easily and quickly
learn-to cut and make any gar
mom in nnv stvle to any meas
ure tor lady or child. Address
llraiiqnnrtero for Hand Iiwlrilliienl. brum 3orH Out
fits Acconleous, Vlolttm, Banjos, Mandolin, Uuitars,
Zithers Hannonicm, Strings for every Instrument made.
Full stock of Sheet Music, MusiJ Books. Band and or
chestra Music Band Kollos, Instruction Books for all
Instruments. Anyone sending In an order will receive
a copy of Music FHK1S. Write to us for pi-ices and cat
alogues, statins what kind of goods wanted.
OuimIih, New
AwimmiI m mm
I, J iiiaumm.
kf r eelr of lb
Thpro is no crop grown on the farm
but will run out in time if care is not
taken to obtain new seed occasional
ly, or unless care is taken to keep the
i 1V seed pure and carefully selected, but lln palatable as milk and in all wasting
t" it. 1 .11..,..
vcllous food and medicine
varieties ol
will pay occasionally to try lor n
new one.
(ilil Ahel Cheney never
.Iniio-litpr's elecant home.
II.. i.n tt-nnld tniKSthe trees potatoes, nor can
anil witter, and tlmt he is too old to any other be so easily produced
learn new ways.
lut Laura often visits him.
He has a housekeeper, and thelit
tlo brown cabin hus many luxuries
which it never knew before.-i ainily
Story J'ajwr.
Fiinil f..r CoiiMiniplivea.
Scott's Etnvlsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hv
Tu.i.liriKi.hites. is a most wonderful food. It
not ouly (fives strength and Increases the
flesh but heals the irrltiition of the throat and
;, l,rt,.ti;vl n diseases, both for adults and ehimreu, a mar-
no oilier ui ji isTino vcllous fc
Tt. Is nredlctcd that the pcnniit roaster ot
18(51) will do Its roastini; by electricity.
The Cause at Hll.
A boil may attack any portion
of the body, but it oftener appears
nn the neck than on any other part,
It is discouraging when even a little
grm'n is given a cow in Summer at
pasture to have her begin to fatten
instead of increasing the milk flow.
But if the cow be of that kind, the
sooner her owner discovers it tbe
hpr.ror. If eraininir fattens Iter she
nrobably is not worth keeping with-
. i. - . -.. . . v. . . .,
Watermelon seeds were found In an Egyp
tian tomb that was 3,0tK) years old.
A 10c. smoke for Be.
Tanstlt's I'um-h.
unnt. a....iii ho undesirable, to nllt- tilfi o-rnin. 80 fatten her
have it as the very one upon which rapidly as possible, and get a better
it is located. Tim causes of these cow in her place.
painful visitations are not well uir R)mrtnorn JattIe originated in
derstood. They occur not only in England, and it is even yet
tho debilitated butr in o con)mon in BOln0 old.fashioned sec
Zuler, tions to speak of them as the Dur-
suit of n, low and depruved state of ham breed. Of course the original
the rrystcin, induced by general de- 1)uriam8 were not bred up to the
bility, excessive fatigue, nmooiw pnfc 8tandards tor lieel making,
but the characteristic tendencies ot a
good beef breed were in the original
stock. Good feeding nnd careful
selection of breeding stock has done
the rest.
Tll.nrnirt InllilblenesS. with
letters, Is said to be the longest English word
When Habj wu sick, wc gave her Castoris,
When chewaj c Child, cae cried forCastoria,
Wlien sho became Hiss, Clio clung to Castoria,
When oh had Children, sho gave them Castoria,
Acton thellver and bile; clear inocomiiu-iiou,
sick headache, costiveness,
SlzoKc Ir botHe. f the
A panel steePHOTO-eRAVunB on
rpt'ofmmrA&Vtho makersof tbe
ESS&ntl nde Ke,lI-"Ible Ueans
v. mm auiitu mi ai. nwuuioi
Ely's Cream Balm.
,0 ( r I
Apply Halm int rrh nostril.
Y..X BROS., ft Worrun St.,X. V
1 prescribe and fully en
dorse Big ii as the only
specific forttaeeertalncurs)
of this disease.
0. H.IKCirtAHAM.ln'. P.,
Amsterdam, N. Y.
We bave sold Big ( for
many years, and It baa
given tne Dest ol salis
fisctlon. D. B. DYCHE & CO.,
untcaco, 111.
1.00. Bold by Druggists, -
for "tinele Olrk" WmIIss, the famous Moun
taineer of the Rockles.Keader take ad vantage of this
KOlden opportunitv. Send Immediately forclrciilars,
and Judge for yourself. It will pay, if you want the
best book and first cooler of territory. Terms and
desrrlption Ment FREE. W. K. Itlbble A
to PuhlUbers V Van Buren St., Chicago, 111.
To represent wbok ssle houses ol tbe large cities.
Salary, SI.OOO to I.AIHI. We have also calls fur
Inexperienced men v.a.. ".v..
salary ef 0OO to QWHi for tho Bret year. Good
positions waltinir. Write, enclosing stamp, to
Traveler' Employment Burcau.Chicago.lll.
Tho heavy driving rainsoften carry
depression, improper mou tun
ereise, irregularity of the functions
of the body, and the like Not in (re
tiuently they appear in athletes
while training. There are certain
diseases, among them dmlrf-tes, Our-in-r
tho course of which boils, singly
" M. n;i nnr, tn oc!Ur.
or in crops, . ........ -:.., , " , iinI..vnrl a deen
Thev are also noiea insKiu iio.-v-i.".." away rf -- -- .
which ure characterized by severe Bt,ream ol valunblo fertilizing mote
itching; the constant irritation of ,ch ig irretrievably lost. This
;iara8n!ne "cwtfin medicinesf when ma be prevented by keeping the
KXnS nS. cnnaWo of I-ro- yard well scraped up, and the con.
ducing an cruj.tion of boils. Ono tontl cftrried out pr"mplly , t0 tl,e
writer sav: "To judge from pro- flelds nn,j 8pread. Thert they are
vious observations, 1 think I may fre0 froin leaching and waste, and
Btato that individual- who have a t,hero they will do the most good
rough en, thick dark hair, ond a Negloct of this liability to wash t out
viioroi.8 growth of hair, are mow o( tho contents of the barn-
nredisDooed to the formation o yard Is often one of the great leaks ol
CXr-BostoP Journal ol (he farm, ond yet it i. one which
They have ImlTct cars on the train of disas
ters. Jf ffllc ted with Bern F.ves. ne Dr. I.sao Thomp
en's K) e Water. Drilgglsu sell It. if-
The newspujierof Ac future-To-morrow's.
It Is a long lane that lias no innioic 101
Kcd Cross Uiainond UranU.
Thmilr reliable pill for sal. Nafc ssd
snre. Ladles, ask llrugclst tor t..c II
moni Brand, In rri wlslllf "" "J'
ill. blu.Tll.6oo. Takenoothnr. f .
dump.) for pirliclsr. uid "t"e,V,I?,'
. 11 n j ... ... mall Name Paper.
Cklch-ttr Chelilcil to. Mail... ,. I'hUaaa, ,
A sure
I Ulutrlestown, Mass
nanr nail chkdwick'S manual
HftXl Kill L 7ln.xln . lOniiees.
DHUk UHkb lllnioiio.teiu'over.
on npell allon enclnsins; one
SENT FREE He.) stainn. by aitaicsstng.
THEO. HOLLAND, P. 0. Box 120, Phlla., Pa-
m-tJ fjsjBk Knight's (English) Steel and
II 1 1 W Pennyroyal Pills for Irreiru-
II 1 1 1 IF tar monthly periods,are safe.
MU BBerr?ctual an.l the only genn
kineTscnt "nyVhere on receipt of f 1.04 by AI.FHEn
KJ.HJUI, Druggist, sail State St., Cblcanu, lit
If you want your
pension without
delay, put your
elitim in the hands
NTHIt, Ally.. Wnah-
of JIISBP11 11., "
prices, Kwy l erat.
mj lin.atn tHIt of n"inl
free. Tho.'Hs,Land Ltim.,l.lleBM.h.ArW
M - mm tS STUDY. nook-lieepInK, I'enmuiiMiip,
ft w IVI mm Artthmetic. Shorthand, etc.. thnr
oiiahlT taught bjr mail. Low rates. Circulars free.
BltV ANT'S COLLBUIS, 431 Mala St.. Bultalo, K. Y.
nhould and may know how child bearing
can be effected without Pain or lianpor.
Information sent nenlrd; A Wovdfrful
nB. 4. dte. Hurraio. h. t
u IMA BCUCnV c,ire nioo(l Foisoti where
mAUIW ntmtU I mercury tnls. uwnea and tor
. i. jilr n ....... r liniAlisa Kali Welt
tali Mav cure. Dr. J. I
ttMpbvoa, LbaB0B, QUI.
W, N. U., Omaha.
t rr.v. MofliVinn. Recommended bv PhTSicians,
Cures wheire all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to tho
taste. Children take it without objection, ay aruggists.
fl li I 1 .MM JIKlb U tiaGKt
a v in. m x iw nt
mm im mtm i j
I -w- .e-i "J.. HVjnHI""'"B " --.
IRAVW- LW, lpu,,M:feB..niriiriilTd
AND IWATUKftL Vniw..-.--nfrLUViMUo1
For au.
A YlW-
See the larpj advertliiemetit In a prevloin lasne of thli paper.
Send for Colored Annonncement and Specimen Copiet, trtt
"Bee Tn IAN
Xo .ny ew SobWr7bIr who will cut ont .nd aenrt'u. thl. 'yt."2Li!
7 AMrtU, TNI TUU Ifl i vwmrr..wj ;
I MTor, nYr will b your
aj be eatily prevented.
Health. m