The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 21, 1889, Image 4

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    nun m lMt;
Just after the death of tli Sutnt,
And before the.r tire buried 111 buow,
There comes a lestire season.
When Nature is all agio
A clow sritb a mvsnr ilndor
That rival the beauty of Spring-
Jig-low with a beantr mure tender
Than aught which tairSumnivreouM bring.
Some epirit akin to the rainbow
That borrows its magical dyes,
.And mantJea the tar-spreading landscape
in bnea that bewilder the eyes.
Theann Irom his rload-pillowed chamber
Smiles soft on a vision ao gay.
jtnd dreams that hia farorite children
The flowers, hare sot yet passed awajr.
O! beautifnl Indian Bummer!
Thoa favorite child of the year;
"Though darling whom Nature enriches
With gilts and adornments go dear!
itow fain aonld we woo thee to linger
Uu mouutain and meadow awhile.
fur oar hearts, like the street haunts of Na
Rejoice and grow joung in thy smile -
'ot alone to the sad fields of Autumn
Dot though a lost hriirhtnee restore.
Bat thou bi-inire.nt a word-weary spirit
Sweet dreaujsof its rhitdhood om-e more;
Thr loveliness tills us wiu niem-irie
Of ail that was brifrlitnens and best
Thy peace and sereiiiry oner
A ioretavte o beavenlv rest.
Her Husbands Letter.
T is best on the
whole not to
read your hus
band's letters
until he hands
them to you, and
it is much the
best not to ex
amine his pock
ets, except for
boles, and then
-set aside whatever you find there
without examination.
I believe that Mrs. Elliott would
give any young wife that advii-e to
lay; but there was a time we are nil
fallible, being mortal when she had
been married about two years, that
she made herself an amateur detec.
tive so far as her Frank went, and
had found holes that she could not
explain one that hud something in
it about Clara particularly. It was
only half a letter, but it was suspi
cions Naturally jealous, she was too
proud to betray the fact intentional
y; but there is no keeping a secret of
that sort from the servants. They
knew it, other people guessed at it.
Her fancies about Clara oh, who
was Clara? made her heart ache,
but rumaging and prying did not
help her.
When her husband was away as
lie sften was she suffered tortures.
He might, for all she knew, be lead
ing a double life, and as she steamed
all his letters open before she for
warded them, and now and then
found something that might mean
, scare than it said; and so we come to
: an afternoon when she Mrs THintt
came down stairs dressed for dinner,
for which she always made a 'careful
toilet, and met the waitress ascend
ing the upper floor. The girl's place
. atthat moment was in the dining
Vtom, and Mrs. Elliott knew that
nothing was needed or forgotten
that pertained to the dinner; more
over the girl had an air of secrecy
About her, and seemed to be hiding
something under her apron.
"What's that you have there,
Rosa?" Mrs. Elliott asked a little
The girl stopped, looked down,
and answered:
"Onlv a letter, ma'am."
' "For yourself?" asked Mrs. Elliott,
i -"No, ma'am, for roaster," said the
"Well, give it to me," said Mrs.
The girl hesitated.
"Indeed, ma'am, the lady said to
crive it to himself," said Rosa.
"A lady? A beggar with a petition,
J suppose," "aid Mrs. Elliott.
"A lady, ma'am, and she's gone,"
said the girl. "She wore a blue veil;
but I never saw her before, I'm sure."
"Oh, very well," replied her mis
trets. "Give me the note. Mr. Elli
ott is shaving and would not wish to
be disturbed."
The girl gave a little impertinent
toss to her head as she obeyed and
flounced downstairs in a way that
made her mistress resolve to give her
The trouble was that the lady In
the blue veil had given Rosa some
money, had whispered, "Mr. Elliott,
and no one else, and had hurried
away in a suspicious mannner.
Mrs. Elliott meanwhile stood
turning the envelope over. The ad
dress was merely her husband's
name Mr. Frank Elliott and the
edge of the flap was still damp, as if
oealed at the door. It would open
at the touch she could read it and
tknow its contents if she chose.
"I do chose," she said the next
moment, and the edge ot the en
velops rolled back and a slip of
paper feu out. vn n was written
these words: .
"DBAS FBsttc: Meet bm at the usual plant
If yoa caa dodgv oar wife.
- A moment more and the letter was
re olsd, and Mrs. Elliott, trembling
with anger, stood leaning against the
window frame. She felt that the
dread that had been upon her had
takes Hap at last.
However, aba would not bt hasty,
Cm woatJ wait until aha wns sure
tfrat ka daaired to receive the letter
XfkiBot obey the mmmmm H
wJprotoartaat to wm trot
to her. Then tdie would tell him
what she knew ami ak hiscoufideuce.
She carried the letter down-stairs
with her and pla-ed it at his plate,
and as he oiK-ned it she watched him
It certainly did not seem to please
him. He frowned, changed color,
and thrust it into his pocket; but he
went on with his dinner without any
Mrs. Elliott, however, could not re
main silent.
"l'ou look as though you had re
ceived a plumber's bill," she said.
He laughed.
"It's not a bill," he 8oid; "it's a
note, and it vexes me because I shall j
have to change my plans lor tonight.
I intended to takeyou to the theater;
now I can not do it. I
shall have to leave you, and, what is
more, I shall not be back until to
morrow night. I'll send a messenger
to Uncle James. 1U will escort you
to the theater and
I will not tro with vour uncle
James," said Mrs. Eliiott, sharply.
"You must take me; I will not lie used
in this way; you must go with me."
My dear, 1 ran not tell you how it
vexes tmt to hart to leave you," said
Mr. Eliiott.
"Frank," she answered, "I have al
ways said that there are some things
which a wite should not endure."
"Lizzie, m v dear, listen. I w ill take
you to the theater tomorrow night
or the night after; we will enjoy our
selves quite as well. I think it will
rain tonight, anyhow."
Do you suppose 1 am a babv to
fret about not seeing a play?" said
Mrs. Elliott. "No Frank, only 3'ou
must tell me why you breuk the en
gagement and where you are going."
Jiusiness, my dear, business, said
Mr. Elliott, in an nrtifical manner.
I II explain some day. Business is
business. Now, be quiet and com
fortable, like a good girl. Good
night." He tried to kiss her, but she push
ed him away. Then he took his hat
and overcoat and left the house with
u little laugh not like his own.
Hardly hud he passed the threshold
when his wife sprung to her feet, slip
ped on an ulster that hung in a closet
n tlie dining room hall, donned a lit
tle round cap and crrav veil, and
sneaked out of the basement door
sneak was the word.
"She's following him this time,"
lid Rosa to the cook.
"Jealous again," said cook.
"I guess he's giving her reason,"
said Rosa.
'It's something dreadful," said
cook, "the way married men go on."
Meanwhile Mrs. Elliott lurked in
the shadow of the stone balustrades
nd saw that her husband stood un-
er the gas-lamp at the corner ex-
mining the note which he had re
Well, wherever lie wont there also
she would go. Whosoever he mifrht
meet should also meet her. This
was the end of everything, the finale.
But she would not weep she would
have long yea re for that. She would
behave as an insulted wife should.
He wns about to enter a car; she
also hailed it. An ulster and a
thick veil reduce all women
to one level. He would not
know her even if he saw her. She
sat in her corner and saw that he
stood on the platform smoking.
Which way the car was going she
scarcely noticed. He left it at last
and entered another; so did she.
Again he smoked on the platform,
but at last "Fort Ice ferry!" shouted
the couduetor and she followed her
husband into a ferry-boat. It was
dark, and though it did not rain the
air was full of moisture. There
were very few people upon the boat,
but several of them were brutal-looking
men, and they stared at her,
seeming to wonder at her thick veil.
She had forgotten her gloves
and her small, white hands
glistened with rings, some of them
very valuable.
As she left the ferry and, follow
ing her husband's figure, crossed
the great track of a railroad she
trembled with terror. As he ascend
ed the bluff she kilted her skirts and
Who could Clara be? What man
ner of woman was she to appoint a
a rendezvous like this? It was a
nasty, slippery, unpleasant place.
There was a drinking saloon hard by
which seemed "So be full of rough men.
She drew so near to her husband that
she could have touched his coat as
they passed this place, but he did not
look around. And now it began to
rain in earnest, and the road they
had turned into seamed to be two
feet deep with mud, and still Mr.
Elliott marched on. At last a fright
ful thing occurred to Lizzie. She
wore upon her feet a pair of patent
leather ties, and with all this climb
ing and straining of the shoes the
ribbons had comeundone. suddenly
the mud caught at them with that
curious power or suction wnich mua
seems to have at times, and the
shoes came off. In vain she felt
around for them; they seemed to
have vanished. Just then:
"Halloo!" said a voice near her;
"whnt's the matter with you, young
"I nothing!" gasped Mrs. Elliott.
A large policeman stood before titer.
"This an't no place for young wom
en to be kiting arouna aione,
said the policeman. "It's dangerous
if you're a decent girl. What's hap-
nened? Lost yourself?"
"No," said Mrs. Elliott, "I'm not
alone: there s my husband! t rank!
Frankl Frankl"
Mr. Elliott turned and walked back.
"Left you behind did I Lizzie?" he
" Yoa're a mUrhtr careful husband."
said the policeman, "I do think," and
strode away.
Tbmtar.CSrtwkowM a atrvtg
man, simply picked bis little wife up
in bmamisand carried her back to the
grounds w hich encircled the tavern.
Here he set her down upon a woode
platform. Then for a moment hs
vanished and returned with a glass
of wine, which he made Mrs. Elliott
"I've hired a cab," he said; "we'll
drive back to the ferry. It's too
stormy a night to go looking for
Clara; besides, she's thousauds of
miles awav."
"Clara!" cried Mrs. Elliott. "Don't
speak of Clara how dare you?"
"She very nearly ruined me, my
dear. I threw awav lots of money
on her," said Mr- Elliott, ' but she is
looking up now. My dear, I know
you've been rummaging my pockets
and reading my letters for two years,
but I only found out what you sus
pected when my mother told me
that you had asked her if I had ever
known u lady named Clara before I
met von."
"Oil, Frank, don't trv to deceive
me!" sobbed Lizzie. "I read the
note the woman left tonight I"
"Oh, I knew it," said Mr. Elliott;
"it wus fixed for you to read. 1 wrote
it to myself and my mother left
it at the doorat dinner time. I gave
herasignal from the window that she
might know you were coming down
stairs, and I've kept an eye on you
I've watched yoa ever since you left
the door. Mv dear child, I never
knew a Clara in my life; I never had
a doubtful love affair even as a boy.
The note you saw was about nn oil
well in which I had shares the Clara.
She was a fickle creature, I admit,
and made me anxious, but since you
were bound to lie jealous "
"Carriage, sir?" said the driver.
Mr. Elliott lifted his shoeless wife
into the vehicle, and half way home
she vowed that she would never for
give him, but the other half she wept
upon his vest.
"I felt so helpless without my
shoes," she declares, "that my spirit
was fairly broken.
But at all events she wm never
jealous of Clara again. Fireside
A Terrible Superstition,
A correspondent of Notes and
Queries sends the following extract
from a letter received the L'lth of
June from an English merchant at
I'ernainbuco in Brazil: There has
been quite a reign ot terror here dur
ing past fortnight, oning to the dis
apearance of about a dozen children,
who have, it is said, lieen kidnaped,
some say to be trained forthecircus,
others to be killed for the benefit of
sufferers from leprosy, for which dis
ease there is nocure,butnnoldsuper-
siition istnat acuremay ueomaineu
if the persons attacked eat the inter
nal organs of a young, healthy child,
wash themselves with its blood, and
make grease of its body for anoint
ing their bodies. Whether t here is
any truth in the presumed connec
tion between this beluf and the dis
appearance of the children I cannot
tell: any way, report says there is
the demand, and that the price paid
for a child is 10. It seems really too
horrible to be true; anyway, a panic
exists, and hardly any children are
now seen out, and the public schools
have been almost deserted. Some
people who were supposed to have
bought some children had their car
riage stopped in the street and were
stoaed. Our children now go out
for their walks attended by two ser
vants," St James's Gazette.
AKnloffj- on Silk.
Silk is an agreeable and healthy
article. Used in dress, it retains the
electricity of our bodies; in the drap
ery of our rooms and furniture-covers
it reflects the sunbeams, giving thm
a quicker brilliancy, ami it heightens
colors with a charming light. It
possesses an element of cheerfulness,
of which the dull services of wool are
destitute. It also promotes clean
liness, and will not readily imbibe
dirt, and does not harbor vermin as
kindly as wool does. Its cont inually
growing use by man, accordingly, is
beneficial in many ways. Grace and
oeauty, even, owe something to silk.
You cannot stiffen it like woolen or
inen without destroying all its eloss
and value. The more silk, ribbons,
therefore the more silk kerchiefs
and robes are used instead ot linen
and wool the more graceful becomes
the outward aspect of mankind. A
nuniberof strange, grotespue fash
ions originating in the use of linen
would never have been invented
during the more general employment
oi silk. The fluttering of ribbon, the
rustling and flowing skirts of silk,
the silk kerchief loosely knotted
round the neck, have materially con
tributed to make o'jr customs more
natnral and pleasing to the eye. Ex
A Modern Tantalus,
From the New York Sun.
At the centennial banquet alndy,
when told that den. Sherman often
attended la-course dinners a week
i . i l t i
bskkj now ne managed to cscano
gastronomic suicide.
"I do not eat l.ri per cent, of all the
dinners I go to," he said. "I go to
see the dinners and enjoy their
enjoyment, which I never could do if
I were foolish enough to treat mv
stomach disrespectfully. You see, ft
has been too staunch a friend to
nesrlect. I eat to live, and am satis
fled with the simplest kind of loo
Then I take great pains to giv
hunger a show, and while I believs
most thoroughly iu the value of
regular hours for meals and rest,
have learned bow to so through
diniiur room without eatlnc a morsel
without being detected, andgwlthoat
barUng UxtaMttx u boMus."
Sixteen-Year-Old Boy Builds
a Loccmotiva
gtarias About Bears, Dog. m4 Mow ST wo
111-Hebared Haft M rr Glm m
Urmlf Kid.
Little Jo aad Mar; Ana.
Little Jo wan a little mn
And bis little pal was Marv Ann;
It tickled .Marv Ann and Jo
When they found tlu ir neighbor's who lbar
row, Ha! ha! ha! laughed the little man,
Ho! ho! bo! laughed Mary Ann.
"Will my lady ride?" Raid courteous Jo,
"Then hop rii;ht into the. wheelbarrow,
It's not a irilded palankeen.
Hut it's got a cheerful niie en scene.
Will my lady ride" eaid the little man.
"You bet vour life!" shouted Mary Ann.
Aftisted by her smiling Jo
Mary Ann elimbed into the wheelbarrow.
I boekful of Joy it ninde her feel
A the barrow waltzed round on Its wb"ef.
IJicht huupv nu the little man
And dillo, likewise, .Mary Ann.
But alas! alai! for little Jo
And alas! fur M:iry Ami a!-o.
In the niidnt of all tlu ir merriment
Over the barrow and content went,
Down on his now went the little ni.iu
Out on ber heai went M;irr Ann.
His mamma came for little, Joe,
'or Mary Ann came her dad, I'edro
New, far apart, their tearlet flow
Aathey Fit ihettingingiiwlteb below.
A Future Htj,henon.
His name ia George Kil!erir. and his
aee is 1H. He lives M 225 Twenty-sixth
street, Chicago, anil it is a neighborhood
wliere he hees numberless engines pass
ing nnd repassing. With his fancy for
mechanics it is no- great wonder his
younjr mind turned to them as the
height of mechanical skill. A locomo
tive never stopped where he could ex
amine it, but he did so, and the tiniw
came when with a old bank book Uie
spent his leisure hours about the round
house or at any point where lie could
copy the various parts of the machinery.
lbese sketches lie took home, and from
them made draughts drawn to a erfeet
scale. He lias had no more schooling
in draughting than that received in the
public schools, and yet hi work on
pajier Bhows his genius.
from drawing the vour hful mulun
imbibed the desire to construct, and the
locomouve ne uus at ins borne teslilles
to his perseverance and to his nhiiitv
It is complete in every detail, awl, be
sides some lathe work done for him h
his brother Richard aad the casting's
from the foundry, tbe uut.ti-n. f.
which he himself ctit out at wruut
one has put a hand to the construction
The locomotive, whicb was Wilt at the
wonts oi vieniBg, JUcUoii & Co., is
of tbe mogul consolidation and of the
latest design for road freight engines
It U fully equipped with all the neces
sary requirements for aa engine of its
class, and every part works perfectly.
it weigns wiiea empty i0 pounds, 2iil
pounds being am theurivem: ia i
six inches long, and tlx gauge of tike
wack is seven and three-quarters. The
dri ving wheels are six inches in diameter
and have culled rims, and the cylinders
are two and three-sixteenth, i.w.i,
by three inch stroke. The boiler is made
of three-sixteenth wrought iroa and
carries forty pounds working pressure
. , ,m-u- 1 " saiety valve is
set to blow off at forty-five. Th.pump.
which is under tlie engine, between th.
links, is worked by an eccentrie on the
rorward axle and is nine-sixteenths bore
by one inch stroke.
A steam pine heats the water before
fitted with steam brake, which are
placed between the middle and back
driving wheels. There is also a cylinder
UOd1Le Cab ?,,,ch dr "P the bZZ
on both trucks of the tinder. tZ
brake, on the engine and tender operate
at tbe same time. Under the working
KJ.k? rt with
. , r. aim Q ii rings bv
steam and Is neatly finished. ThefVame
of tbe enrine rests on solid steel orfn
connected with eqiialianK bar
the front truck. ?o th? fcack "ri?
sianrsr or snrinsHn.
Um frame. The driving .tLX10
twM-from the trackr hive made T oso
revolution, per minute undw VnTeai
arr'.0?..1''. The
-- wit 1 WW.
Th hoy hot worked steadil
I steadily for Mvea
mouths. and the result prove, how
cIom-Iv n hu watched tle models from
a Inch lie lias worked. Grorze says now
that lil Kreit desire is to (jet into come
locomotive shop where lie can put to
use the knowledge be jiossesse.
A DUboliral Merrr-t Kou nd.
Until a few day.afro a merry -go-round
madeadisijial vacant lot on Fifthaveoue
a very pa radix to the young folks of
Soho. savs the Pittsburg Dispatch. Tbe
man wbb owned the whirligig made
lots of money while he tarried there.
A gentleman who lives near by calcula
ted that no less than f0 were ex
changed for rides on tlie merry-go-round
every day that was fine.
ritill tlie owner oi me nyiajr nonws
did not have things all his own way.
Now and then a gang of toughs would
descend upon him and insist on running
tilings to suit themselves. After one or
o such visitations the showman de
termined to give the toughs a surprise
party the next time they came. A day
or two afterward a dozen hard charac
ters, ranging from 12 to 18 years, ap
Iared uta the scene and a young fel
low with closely -cropped hair, a black
eye, and a square chiu slepu up to trie
showman and said: '"Say, mister, we'se
goin' to ride on dis yer machine an' we
ain t goin to pay see-
To the gumrii-e and even disappoint
ment of the young sluggers their vic
tim smiled pleasautly and said: "All
right gel on.
So tbe short-haired citizens mounted
the riving horses, and the showman
started the machine. Around went the
toughs in great glee. The machine
went a little faster, and the riders
howled for joy. Again the siieed in
creased and the howls grew fainUT and
further uart. The showman turned on
all the steam, nnd the merry-go-round
whirled like a humming top at its first
gait. T'le boys were shouting no
longer, Silence would have reigned but
lor the rattle nnd creaking of the ma
chine. For two or three minutes the
big wheel revolved with tremendous
rapiibty. Then like ripe npples tbe
vounir toughs, with nale. scared faces.
began to hustle through the air. They
struck the ground anything but softly.
but they usually got up quickly and
stiiggeied away. if they lingered tbe
bowman helped them along with a
bane-ball bat. 'When the machine
.stopped only two dtsienidoes, looking
deathly su k. still clung to the hobby
horses. They looked so miserable that
the showman allowed 1 em to climb
own and slink awav without any assist
ance Irom his (luii. lie was never
Ixjlliereu with the noble comrades of Uie
owl gang again.
Applying a l'rlrtrtple.
5Iost of us understand a prirw-iple
most thoroughly when its application is
to be found in our own line of thought
or work.
The members of a entral High
School, after a debate, decided
that the marking system was injurious
and unfair, and titioned tbe principal
to alxilish it.
"We know," said the spokeiuan,
"whether we have prered our lessons
or not; the record of an accidental miss
n:y be misleading."
There was a great base-ball match
iniieniling. in which the whole school
was inteiiHely interMed.
"Let tis try it on the bull-ground
first," said the principal. "In the com
ing match keep no sewcet You. will
know whether you play well or ill, and
as to errors, they are often purely ac
cidental. Why record them''
The boys withdrew without another
word. They could appreciate the il
lustration. KitraonlliiHry Leap by Bog.
A Boston fflass.) dispatx h says; Lieu
tenant Franklin A. Shaw, of 'tis First
Kegiment P Infantry, wan out walking
at Ureal head, with his In tin daughter
Grace yesterday afternoon. They were
attended by a thorough-bred St, ltarnard
"log, the property of Lieutenant Shaw.
While at the highest point of the cliff,
Grace went close to tl a odge. and the
dog, seeing her danger, walked between
the child and the nreoipicei The turf
started and the dg lost his footing.
Realizing his danger, he miule a spring
far out over the dill. Tlie child bad
turned to her father and was really out
of danger when the dog sprang up in
front of her. Ho sprang clear of the
rocks and landed oa hi feet on the
Iwacb, l'.'O feet below It whs a rnmnrk
able escape, for the doer U extremely
large, weighing 103 pouiufei, and such a
leap, without breaking limlm, seema
impossible, beyond a few cuts on lis
feet the dog was apparently unhurt.
hs Way Wrvd Nuts.
Ths First False Step.
It ia a peculiarity of many criminals,
forgers, particularity, thut "they never
Inn nor smoke. This fact rather in.
Urferes with the theory of many tem
perance people that downward steps in
n..D ' ?r?er cn tracwl kw to H
?J. L ?, " penitentlar-
mm an Interview like the following might
berss,ble: Prison visitor (to con vt)
en T 1 s",H" to to' h tobac
2 .yp?tor What followed?" Con
yictr''Tlie second step was easy af ter
tbat-X declined to driiXr
wan'rtKC "."
TberauMhMll hl, nh M
wteMUatilMiftir. .
i sex is..,, , ,irtul
To arrest hiccough cloie
ears with the finders with pr
wniie a lew swalIos of liquid?
Coughs mny be much allev
and dry throats be cured by gl
ine and lemon juice taken et n
T- sV ..1. m .
u prevent case adhering td
pan whvn baked, scatter a lit Ho
over the frreaaed surface before J
ing in the dough.
Use a silver spoon when coo
mushrooms. Th- Hilver will be ,
ened if any injurious quality is i
ent. 1
It is a pood idea for a tall wo
to have hr kitchen table nnd i
tag-board hisrhcr than ordinary
will save her many a back ache.'
Embroidery and braiding will
be largely used on stylish anti
fr . iv ri u l.n. ... . . : ..
designs than in continue putml
I i ...
r-ngimn walking hate have U
crowns than those now worn
many have the brims turned up
hind ns well as on each aide.
Old pierce of passementerie
utilized to trim snshes ofblack mJ
riuoon, rneriijoon being cut a
where painiiitrie ia applied.
A very fifood liniment for sores
iirumes is made of one-half pint
nncvi, uu, one ounce oi linidnn
and a piece of camphor gum th
of a walnut.
leather bnnds are used ns hci
cuftH, collars, revers and wuistco;
upon walking and driving suits
i'llllllf !. , . I
ncm, iimi may oe procul
in colors to match the eontumc
A salve that in good for all ki
i ......... i . ,
i nwuuim, eic., IK miUK) Ot Mj
tiarts of yellow wax nml
Mp)t . Hlowly, carefully Htirrinp;. X)
coonncr, wtir m a hiiiuII qujujtity
1 Vl'tTIW.
AVhen jott boil u cabbage tie n
ui ory orcau in a ling and put in t
kettle. French cookn sav Hint nil
tinpleitfiant odor which miikes n hoiJ
Binell Iiko an old drain will lie
sorbed by the bread.
An excellent way of cooking ed
Is to break them in boiling milk vitl
out len ting; cook slowly, Htirrml
now anl then. hen (bine soft poil
into a dish nnd add &UU.W peji
sun auu, uuticr.
Do not scrajx? the inaide of fryiri
pans, nw after this operation h
preparation fried i liable to cut
or burn to the pan. If the pun
bincK insnie, run it with a hard crn
of bread and waHhiit hot water ni
ed with a little soda.
To Cl.KAV PXJ'KUKI) Tam.s. Via
down with a flnnnel eloth tied over
broom or brush. Cut a thick
Rtalo breiul and rub down with tli
llegin at the top and go utrnigH
down. Caro must, f course Ixi taAti
not to wear upon too-paper.
A rough-and- pimpled face may V
improved by waUins: it in sourbul
rertnilk iuhb before trointr to iiediwi
let it dry and rub it thoroughly witl
dry wheat llowr. in the inormni
bathe with cold soft water, and ru
vigorously w ith a coarse towel.
Delicate Ixpiax Puddiso.-Om
quart of milk scalded, two henpinf
table Bpooniuls ot meal, cojk tweh1
mintitt: stir into this one tahlcKDOOa
ful of butter, then beat three (f3
with four tablespoonfula of sugM
one-half tabkwpoonful of ginger, l
to taste: mix all tnouguy, ana wut
oue- aour.
To laundry rod table Iiiihi
tepid water with a little powder
ta w li t (it, utiiifM 4-a uu I Kii Ci)i(m
Waah the linen nenaratelv tM
quickly, using very little soup; rinsj
in tioid water contiiitiinz a li'M
loiled star.rh; tlry hi tho shade, am
iron w hen nearly dry.
It is odd, says a'writer of fashioi
how many famous women have la
nuburn hair. Catherine, ol Ilussis
irloried in it and Anne, of Austria
had brown hair just on the verge
being red. Ninon del' Knclos v
erunlly proud of her warm tress
and Mary Stuart seemed a duught
of the sun.
Academy of Medicine. Dr. Pietbol
says that dintheria nnd croup m
be cured by the vapor from li'lB.1
tor and turpentine. A teaspoon"
each of the tar and turpentine is 1
be put into a pan ami set on In
A dense smoke arises which tend, t
destroy the fibrinous tissues whk
choke up the throat, nnd tbe pntiei
immediately falls into a deep "l"B
ber, and in the coum of thn
days will entirely recover froj
diptberia. The pan containing 1
tar should be set Into a tariff r
to prevent Art, and everythii
should be taken from the n
that could be Injured bj smoke
Laura is a ji
t that h
i'i kisses, a
v coarse run
Wh and lien
ill the yoi
Wand one,
Want coui
Bat Laura 1
iiilrs her fat
lno-her y
ten is a bra
k eyes ant
id Laura in '
it tins lecn i
There is one
Llom Laura
He is not sc
r. but in tall
nth keen, gn
i curling abc
W, fair mta
His lands i
wan U tira '
JUe.Uwl, biiiI
milk-sop" t
This Godfi
tsased with '
titbout him,
jtrttand a gt
r&mphle nen
brown cabin,
,tion ol stavir
f the (folilen
Jie lwnrn this.
He hates tl
Laura with i
he has novel
W with her li
they take h
lie tells La
llifrreat wo
and she, in n
webs of tl
mong othc
Wrs' Lenf
Codfrey, w
Bciety, wenr
if this world
if one who h
draws a new
m from t
Mof the f
She has jut
boob to in a
Md ho becor.
As the day
kimself if thii
Hie other w
to win this ci
ud mnke a
Pat heart (
1 think th
ith Laura
Wless, worli
lobility of h!
wrfac9 in hie
He has not
nTett upon 1
'though sht
She lives in
Bhn hiw on
to her at. evi
"Do you 1 1
Brry you?
n he has
av(s1 her hi
foung man i
e stream.
art at lion
initell with
Laura gas
"I don't ki
Hen grasj
"Don't I k
Mike a mii
kills it?
F a he; hei
I "
i ! MV7t-r
ra, with
f0 hurt my
."You've I.
f was kind
fme. Kf v
rough ter
"e I'm
ikea me so
t litt.lo?
p9 an f !
uie difl
ika bad
fram Ri
OU. ft