The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 21, 1889, Image 3
Se Sioux County Journal. ( . . t I ... 1 PuiaiidiMi every inurwiay. Suixxnption Priie, t.'.OO L J. SimiBi Editor. Eotrrrd t tbe HrTtuii JKwt HW . ice 4 ciaM ftit"T. JtfVRSDAY, NoVEMHElt 21, 1"9. Th test miuUs of the Austr.iluin ballot jm in MachusetU lit tlw rwent Action is pronouiw t-d as highly SHtisfai- KfvUall honest men, regain less i ar- .f 11 18 W ".' -.-7 ....... . ii . ..r V..I.. l :n the same or similar election law. ro no'' "Pn lne waio'e ikkk or v tuiLska are aiiout as tilv mix! as ibev can ' anl il '"''b' imjNirUint Jiat somttliiiig more kiiimiu lory t suu- It i reporU-d that an effort will lie mule to unite all of the ( Ventral A merit tin jytrt with tlie Republic of Mexico, dieby creatint; a Mronjf nation. It ioPS not upieiir tlmt a very siilistiintiiil ..wmment coiiM lie roiistnuletl, for in ill of those countries there are so muny olutiotis tliat there is no U-llin when jpenton could live there in safety, and the coDsoli'uitlon OI me imitmu m:iu-s woulil only tend to i reate new jealousies ul coriWiUi'il trouhle. Tlie supreme court has hand.-.l dewn derision in the of Smith vs. l'of-iBtarp-T, iilllnuinKr fit) decision of the district court, which ptve Mr Smith judKnieiil for fi.-ViO npiinst drlVndiuit. Hie case oritfiiuiteil at Blue Spring, hy ,,l,.f..mliint stdliiw li'iuor to plaint i If h l,usliiul, he ls-inc hahitual drunkard. tlie laws of Nebr.uska are enfoii ed and , few such decisions rendered hy the courts the saloon lieerH will ! more (ureful iibout violutinK tie: law. Black Hart, on trial for train rohhint? ind (or robbing the Oorehi.- stae and iboMins one of the mse risers iu Mulli gan, lum -onfessel to having commit td the crimes. He pleads as un excuse mat tome years ko he was hurt by a fall from a horse since whic h he has had pells occasionally w hen he did not know hat he wan about, und it was during ll sptlls that he committed the crime. H is luirdly likely that such watements will have much weight with the jury. TEMPERANCE COLUMN. (ondurteU by the W. ('. T. I". "Fur (Intl. ami Uiiie nmt S'ath Ijjmi: spirit of W hUt, aii. i of liKlit t ome Ui tin- heart, tUat arc tblrntiiift to iiitiht! Ilreatlieouour Uve, m mill quicken tlif sod, K' lwter u lit for tlie ppenee of l.ixl." "Only Thou, rather. mint kuvmu tin- vc UrawliiK thy rhlhtiva und trifling their grave. Slw ua thy Mercy, on Thee are u e cat, liulilc 0", tMiiKt! Uj thy haven at Itt-t." The hiL'h price of lieef in Germany has ,t.l a market there for American w. tli nnimals are hhilll direct to German ports alive. After pay inK tlw cosl or transjiorUition and cubtom duties tl beef can be sold at from 10 to IS per wntless tlian the prevailing price of German lsef. It is the first attempt of ikwu& .Uv ..attl to Oermny immJ ffljsirations are lin? made for quite Mtensive shipments. A contract ha-s tjeen niiule for nine hundred head to be fiitpped front Illinois in the nir future for the German market. l'renident Harrison last week signed the pr UimaUon admitting the stale of Washington. At the recent election the constitution proposed for Wyoming was ailopted and tliat territory will, in all prolftbility, be ulniitteil to the Knuxt sisterhoiKl of states in the near future. With all the new accessions to full rights on states our nntionui luw-nmkititf wsly will he larsrelv incrwiisml in humliers. It is quite likelv tliat tlie Uisis of represen lation in coiiKress will be cliunged af'er Hie census of lS'.lO, hut even then all the newly settled states will have an in creased nunilier of coiiryssmen. If the basis of represeotutiou is left as it is ut present it would make the house of rep resentative!! so large tlmt it would an unwieldy le(fislaive body. Tlie Russian oil well alon' the shore f tlie Caspian sea, the prodigious yield of which has exceslsl in quantity the most notel welUin Pcnnwl vania. have fxhaiistel the Muhternmean store of oil from which their nroduetion has been flrawii. Ruiisia has been this country's greatest rival in the petroleum market. With Pf fVH1 U fit (Til Imi.I failure of iioil fields of Pennsylvania comes the news tliat further and greater dis over ie r,f a!1 I...,,.. ...... I.. U'l niniriL' a ,m,v IJtTI I lfillV ID " . Eastern capital in already lookinK to" ards tlie western oil Held and if the Kipply at the east lcoine comfninttive ly exhausted the nut will be able to wild up a great industry, which will ' ''reuse the wealth of this section i Ihumier at once gratifyinK and satisfiu;- WTJ'. lire. It is reported that MinneaiKilis w ill, in the near f ni of her irrent- N niil!iu inleresls. It is not known "Withe new locution of the industry be but it is safe to presume that it Ik at some western point. Every ty it is t-.iiiL' demonstrated tlmt it will t,r,Ae more prolltnhle for many of t,,J sTWil liiiiniifniiirinu- esUihlishllieflts to lraU. fiirthur west. The excellent fwlily of wheat producl in northwest nshnitkii is already attnictui? a go. dof attention and it will not lie lontf forc some one will erect n good mill Kioux county wi as to convert the producta of our soil into flour without """xi-enxcof frebliU The acreKe Pf '"at in this county will b greatly w in lHtHI over that of tlie PJ"1 yr and it will be necessary for our hjo I"1 to make un effort to ?et ft "''U I'" jM near cnouKi ' H't TilK 0OM iMirs of HtonnilTloS. I self-interest. rroin the Lever. Announcement is made of the planting of a new town in Georgia, with prohibi tion stipulated in every title-deed. We have heal the question asked in this connection, "Will s-ek or accept an oiiiKirtunitv on such basis;" H mav la? answered by askinjr, in turn, "Is cat tal far-sighted and wiser" There is an abundanc e of capital now Ivinji idle in this country. It desires in vestments that shall lie safe and profita ble, lloes the liquor trallic ailil safety and prolit to business of any kind any where? If so. then town-ljiiildini; should not lian the trallic on commercial grounds alone. Loch the liquor trallic render business ucnerallv l'"48 e-s tnolitalileV Then the builders of new town are commercially justified Uinning it, if they have the tower Ilia's a saloon next any residence or oth er property increase Hie market value of sin h orouertv'- Then the new town should secure all the saloons possible. I iocs a saloon decrease i.roliert y va lues round alout it? Then they who buil the new town mav well and wisely con ileum saloons in advance, and forbid their advent altogether. Sis-akinof prohibition and its elTects in ls moiiies, the bunt Slnti- Hfjixhr siVi: "For every man who drops a dime or a dollar iu a hole-in-the-wall, there are r. nun u.,rkniL'nieii whose weekly waires now i'o to huv fins! mid clothinif and the comforts of life for their famili n,,( a l ent into the tills of saloon keeiars." Five thousand w orkiiipiien isqiresent fnwi i uml iliese romnrise, we will siv. a city of 25.0'H) ;ople. Tlie and the liecessiry stores, factories markets, etc.. which ifo to the niakiii"; of a town. Homes are the unit of town buildiiur. the suiH.Tstructuie upon which every town is reared. A thrifty home .. t,lu.e u-orkine'innn. and his 1 1 1 1 1 I I .t ' - - - n regular oatronaKe of the merchant, tin manufacture, the fellow-artisan, is foi the welfare of all. Regular patronage of these means the thrift and uruwth of the ton; and this maoi the wholenom pi ofit of capital invested in estabhshuiK ....Hi ;ia f.u iiries. its varied im nrovements. When Mr. Vowderly says thai in one Pennsylvania county $17,0(10,000 were s-nt for liquor in a sinl" year, and that if 11.000,000 of this came from work- . .... t .,, .. t inenieii. what does iv sitrnni i' wt 10.000 homes lacKeil comioii, and at lea-st S0.0(H) s.-ople went ill-clad, underfed. And this sinilies thata great i i .i-i ir. I u!iw smaller divi- ueai oi iiitia "i" i i. .1. ,.. ivum i.iisihle: while ireiienil i.piisia i it v sulfen-'d. Two thinirs are required capital ;,w,,re its continued welfare good ,i:..;.i t n,U small taxes. Dividends ..,,,.. of nrosoeritv in business, well paid 11 " . . .. . ... i . ..r industry, a demand foriue proceeds u. . . ...i : i ..nii.hivsi. and the latior (wnicu common distribution of money inrounu re.-ii.wity of trade. Taxes ome o. public burdens or public improvement. Make public bimlens lirl't- i"'d x,-'s will ) light, under any average of im provements: make these burdens heavy !in, eapital suffers as the inevitable cou se.iuence. Tlie sure way to Kuaiiintce I . ' 1 . ..1.IOKU heavy burdens is to mumpiy who are not producers, and the surest way to multiply these is to maintain a saloon system. Every man is a consum er who earns lessttamhe and his require to feed, and clothe, and house mem. (Irani that he earn fifty dollars of sur ,lw every yeiir; then put a saloon be- . ... .i..t. h.l him la tween him and ins wimmp - ..i..;t ....imiiand he become a con- sumer," a bmilen to the town or the state, in some degree, for he consumes mo.. ..,., bis snn.lus. He. is a producer now, . . . -,ui,i..r. He is a OIIIV us no i" i , ,ital from this time forward " ' , . . .... ,!. VinlanJ. N. J- wh suirieo ..:..:.;.....-!. and though now saloons vla.amatU.rofvolU.e,-e,they uie :.i..i.. ,.m,1 uliunst unanimously voted . i. ... the down, hi the entire non...... - last ehs lion, only nine men i, i.-,...t- in Ireland, has liecn 1 cense. imjsh.m""" i..ivn ihexe forty years a temienMi- v anon ,n the great Unen factory there 8,000 ' ... ,.,loved: but the place. 1; i,;;;;.;.; ouk. muor.. "u rs ... , iirisnll. !,!, neither ikiiicc.."".. i C,",,e' ; . -r. IU taxation puwn-sno i" r c , t uuita bun elm ore hghU Maine, acconling to the goveru- . . i .intement iu Jimuary Ust, l ln uce 1MB0. on about one- sixth tlu. levy of thirty years ago. "rr T, I ' n that saloons contn bir. gen;.ni.Koodofamwn,tho 1 . .i o ...itxi-t of a town s career. hihitionattheouts.tora So man can show n. iw otn . iech imon cap! -teT" That capita. an exercise of common sense. There are larre acres of land in (ireat Britain wlience by iitle-il.ils tlie liquor traffic is Uuiished forever: and we predict tliat I soon they will 1 matched in America. I The economies of prohibition are being studied every where, as never before, anil j tliese inolify prejudice, convince capital and serve molality. They do not apieal to the highest standarils, or excite tlie loftiest impulses, hut they are jtersua- sive. We would triad I v see the liuuori trallic alxilishwl as a matter of virtue, ' and religion, and right: we are quite i willing to array men against it as a mat- i I Mirny CCCH kUT Cftl C ter of business, of justice, of legitimate LIV LIU, rLLU HI1U OHUt The Barber Shop. First door south of the court house. E. L. GALPIN, Proprietor, Here you can get a clean shave, first class hair cut or a WARM or COLD BATH The Harrison House. Smith Bros., OFTHKOM.y F1B.ST CLASS EOGERT ROHWEE, PePprmtor, HARRISON. Nebraska. An English syndicate closed the deal for a number of St. Louis breweries the purchase price ls-ing $12,2."i0,000. That is said to lie the largest investment ever made of English capital in the L"nited States at one deal. WEBSTER STABL Wish to call the attention of the public to tlie tact tliat ttiey are prepared to furnish at reasonable rates First Class Rigs On short notice. A Dray Line Run in Connection. THE BEST INVESTMENT For the Family, School, or Professional Library, 'wessmfo VHAMIDCrrJ l . '- i WlCTtONAtyl A ITSELF i Special Attention to Commercial Trade. Best Accommodations in the Northwest. IIiih liooii for vcars Standard Authority in the Government Priiitinpr Oflico and U. S. Su premo Court. It is ntiiiy rerommemicu uy HX State hiin'ts of Schools and tli leading CVdlego Presidents. hourly all the School jsooks published in this country are based upon Webster, as at test ed by tlie leaning ocnooi uuun Vuhiishers. I IJOOO more Words and nearly 2(100 more i;iigraings than any other American Dictionary. SPECI MEN TESTIMONIALS. Th3 New York World wys : vaster i inil-t a ni vi-rwil I v coiitcili- J t lw the ImL Th8 Boston Gkba says: Webster ia the no- i I fit .n,nrA in 1cT)rnirratihv. Tho Atlanta Canslitntloa Wc-iwuirim loi.K i ii ii.. u.i.uui .4 u-ithorlty in our one. The Chicago Into Ocean w- Wl-i.-wt s i ,.i.rlrr,.,l limTulvtie. i b!n t!.i eiiiniliinl. Thn New Orleans Tinies Democrat nay: I. .1. r i nLiiii.ini a ttuuioray m oui'ulVii1''. The New York Tribunes: itisre(;ogniZ-i oVii... mi..! i.hihI i x line "worl-l.(v.k" of tiiu EnRlish luiiirnauo all .ver tlio w.irlil. l.M Ti,l.-,lllf.i-u l'mniihlf t frei. 6. Ji C. MERRIAM L CO., Pulra, Sprinfrtiv.ld, M" City Restaurant, HENRY SNYDER, Proprietor. Iio'.mliiifj by tlie day or week at lowest living rates. AVAKM MEALS AT ALL 1IOUHS. Cull and i-ee us when you are hungry and we will give you the worth uf your money. ONE DOOR NORTH OF BLACKSMITH SHOP. j Main Street, - Harrison, Nebraska. R. E. MASSEY, HOUSE, SIGN AND- BANK OF HARRISON, Harrison, Nebraska. INCORPORATE J JJNiER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, 125,000. A General Banking Business Transacted- Carriage Painter. Having fitted up the large building just back of the Harrison House, is now (irepared to take care of all work in his Can do any and all kind of carriage and waf;on work. t"2TSATlSF ACTION GUARANTEED. UAIUUSON, - - NEBRASKA, Every Accommodation Compatible With a tended. B, F PITMAN, President. 1'onservative Business Freely Ex- CHAS. E HOLMES, Cashier. J. B. Finney, President. BOOK. HOLDERS. The Most PtaneT Dictionary m6ldcr. FolJing and Adjustable Tables. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. R Ml. LAMBIE. 39 E. 16th St..N.Y. A Large Line of Stoves Now on hand at GRISWOLD s MARSTELLER'S, General ofTice F. C BUFFALO GAP, DAKOTA. Silkenskn, Secretary, Buffalo Gap Lumber Company, Dealers in- Including Lumber, Goal, Grain, Lath Heaters, Coal and Wood, Cook Stoves, Ranges, etc. WE SELL FURNITURE And Shingles, IS Pro As usual. A full line of Sash, Blinds, Hair Doors P 1 as t e r , Lime, BUILDERS HARDWARE Alway on band. Our STOCK OF TIN WAKE JS COMPLETE. Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley R. R. "Northwestern Line," Harrison, Neb., -And- COMPLETE STOCK ALWAYS Harrison. Neb ON HAND, G. GUTHRIE. Manager. "PTA1TOS Omaha, Sioux City, Chicago, St. Paul And Ail. Poi"' " East, North, South and West. THROUGH TICKETH.TO ALL, POINTS. , KTnnTilROP. A uent. Harrison, Neb. full Information on Application V II. O. Bukt, General Maiwer,, ) pwiw,Nvbrwi ir.tion and handsome cases, rally war ranted. L7 m wxfo Are the best 1b the worW, nd m f all dsn Others Car years. Over 2W,0iHt in i The. wonle are boond to nave wo best, ud will have Bono but tlie tsifci. Time payments or casa, us FCaH'and sec , or send for Catalog and nil iniormauun. )rmauon. ooo Cto Ctrooi P.ilirs?!. 933 State Street, Cite. t-rst Louis Hot, 91Q &. oia. diy