SIOUX COUNfY JOURNAL SIMMON rtTTKNM rakltobara. HABKISOX. NEB STATE NEWS. E MASK A MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. ' Bookvaltex is a new town in Paw M oo an t jr. Ilia new 910,000 bcLooI Louse at Syracuse ia rapidly going op. ! Titer are fifty-one divorce caaea on ike DawM county court docket ', The railroad company ia making grant improvements at Emerson. Cheyenne county last week sent a trio of boys to the reform school I The Ogalallarollermills have stored 23,000 bushels of wheat fur future use. The village of Nordeu lias made many substantial improvements the past year. -Con pressman Dorsey will leave for Washington ubout the 2oth of the mouth. . I A statue of Abraham Lincoln adorns the dome of the new county court in Lincoln. Ketival meetings are in progress at Kestenon and a number of conversions are reoried. A number of Presbyterians at rai nier are ajiitatin:; the mutter of or- Kuiziug a church. : The new flouring mill just com pleted nt Loom U is now running and ready for business. The Catholic fair nt O'Neill netted $100 nnd the church property is now nearly out of debt. The B. & M. lias decided to put on an additional passenger train between Lincoln und Fulls City. Nebraska City rnay be considered a lealthy town. Not a single death oc curred there Inst mouth. Lieut. Gov. Meikeljolm announces that he will not be a candidate for at torney general next year. The Elkhoru will build a now depot at Washington to take the pluce of the one burned a few weeks ago. Henry Lnfbourgh, of Dnstiu, was kicked in the head by a vicious horse and probably fatally injured. Tom SkonUbead, of Sheridan county, took Lis place in the pcuitea tiary last week for seven years. Omaha papers arc' making mild war on the street car lines because they do not provide stoves iu their carry -alls. In the United States court at Omaha Prank Norton was fiued $35 nnd costs for sending obscene matter through the mails. Mrs. Wm. Martin, of Omaha, drop ped dead the other day of heart dis ease. She leaves a husband and six children. A gentleman ninety rears old pur chased a ticket for some point iu Wis consin at the railroad office in Beatrice List week. ' Lincoln has a prospect of setting better mail service in the near future. There is room for improvement iu all parts of the state. George Fossler, a Mate university tudeut, aged 24, died iu Lincoln last week. The mnlady resulted from hav ing a tooth pulled. At Omnhn a colored man named Pilch ard Harris was run over by the motor cars, receiving injuries that soou re sulted in his death. Dodge county republicans elected all their officers except treasurer, clerk, sheriff, county judge, coiouer, superin tendent and surveyor. Boys under sixteen' rears of n? fonud on the streets of Edgar after 8 o clock are liable to arrest. A new cala boose will receive them. . a corn crib nnd granary on the ranch of George Williams, seven miles irom Aorfolk, burned the other day, entailing a loss of $1,000, lwfty business men of Edgar met Inst week and organized a law and order league to protect themselves ngaiust the lawless yonth of the town. viyae mono, son of n prominent Ulysses ioliticinn, has left for parts nn known. A few debts remain bchiud by wuicu ue be remembered. lhe grading on the Kansas City Beatrice railway lias been completed and trains will be running into Beatrice over that road within thirty days. The Beatrice starch factory expects to get in operation in about two weeks. Delay baa been occasioned by the non arrival of machinery from St. Louis. As Charles Weyant, of Highland. was working around a feed cooker h accidentally slipped and one foot went into the cooker and was badly scalded, At O'Neill a brakeman while on dnty bad Lis band so bndly crushed that bis thnmb and first finger bad to be amputated. ' The ministerial association of the If) E, church of the York district dosed a three days' session at Duvid City last week. Twenty ministers were present. A woman of tbe town named Smith ought suicide in Lincoln by tbe use of poison, bat she was rescued from the jaws of death by tbe timely arrival of a physician. Tlit beet sugar factory is at last as snred (or Grand Island. One hundred thonean ddollar moat be raised and boat two-thirds of the amoant has beea promised. , The Chieago, Milwankee k Si Paul road aa4 the Union Feeile are makiag s,-ntlaltnM whereby the) former will -tV.'iMy ram traiae across the Onion PkteUe taste the letter depot at Clraiiee Hurlas, of WWeru, iu slid ing from a buy : act cams iu contact with a pile f"ik, running it into hi ribt luug about two inches. He is im proving slovly. The Fall City publie schools Lave started a saviors bauk for the benefit of the pupils. At the end of the school year each pupil ge s a check for full amonut of deposit. Omaha's city election occurs early in December and as a consequence there is much activity among oliti ciaua. 3dayor Broach ia a candidate tor renominution. A drunken fellow named Henry Sharier picked up Frank Kuruieh, a bootblack of Howard, and threw him into the street, breaking the little fel low's collar bone. Omaha anarchists commemorated the event of the hauling of live of them iu Chiiago two year, ago. The meet ing was sliiuly attended and a very tame affair throughout. Deputy Auditor of the Insurance Department Charles Allen is sending out blanks to all the companies doing business in the slate, upon which they are required to file their annual state ment It is said there isn't a legal b illot box in Garfield county, and at the late election the votes were deis.sited in ci gar boxes, pasteboard boxes, tin c ms or any other receptaele Unit came hauilr. The next county convention of the Young People's Christum association of Frnnkliu county will be bold lit Frank lin on November '-'3d and 2-ltb. All the associations iu the county will be represented. At Dorchester, lhe eight-year-old son of Daviil Melville amputated the index linger of his left baud while cut ting off n chickeu's head. This is the second case of the kind recorded within a few weeks. While returning home from Exeter Pat El wood of Liberty precinct re ceived a compound comminuted frac ture of the thigh, in consequence of the team which he was driving at the time running away. Secretary of State Ben R. Cowdry has appointed 0. C Bell, county clerk of Lancaster county, to the office of deputy secretary of state. Mr. Bell is in every way competent to perform the duties of the office. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dukch.irt of Wauneta narrowly escaped death from asphyxia lost week. Au impaired hard coal burner wnstuecaiise of the trouble, audun alarm clock was one of the life saviug instruments. The commissioners of Otoe comity are in receipt of a petition signed by some of the heaviest taxpayers in the county, asking au immediate investiga tion of the affairs of the clerk of the district court's office. The meeting recently held by the THE NATIONAL GUARD TUKAXXVdl KKtUHT or M.iJuM-GKK-KB4L HCU'jrlKLU. Special AUcaflaai Pat I lb Qum- ! f aeariliaaw H'tnw'- t Ira for laerraard Mtar4 for Tfcir avlara Oar kri l'eal DatVaaa lra c4Ib( Agaluat Allea Laaer Seaa allta Slat Mllltla. T H'aurl nf .a. Mcliala'. Washington, D. C, Sept 16. The annual reHrt of Major General Sclio eld, commanding the army, has been made public. Ho pays special atten tion to the deiertion question. He says: "The causes of misconduct, which lead to desertion from the army, are numerous; they have been sought for diligently fur years, and many of them have been removed. Some of them are probably beyond the reach of any remedy. One of those is naturally i the discontented diMiliou of men ', who are led by that feeling alone to seek a change from the monotony of I bread wiuumg iu any civil pursuit by entering the supposed less arduous ser I vice of the United States. These men rarely desert when engaged in active i campaign, however great the hardships l or severe the di-cipliue may be. it is the ordinary labor nud routine of mili S tary duties which inspire tliem oilh discontent.. These causes of deseitiou I fun n it. lie removed. A sullicient remedy may, perhaps, bo found ill the case of ail worthy men ho find, n'ter a few mouths' trial, I hat they have mistaken their calling, by n more liberal exercise of the poner j to discharge soldiers upon their own I application, tlinirhas ever heretofore pievaileil. Great rare in the recruiting service to prevent the enlistment of nieu of bad character and habit", may be found practicable. Measures having these ends iu view have ulready been instituted. Also greater care in the treatment of rccinits by otlicers and ' non-commissioned officers. The records of desertion from different organizations leave no room for doubt of the fact that the character of the commanding officer bus much to do uith the extent of tins evil. In some instances it appears Hint , captains are in the habit of leaving the 1 care and discipline of their men to tho first sergeant, or other iion-comiuis-sioued otlicers, without that constant supervision and control, which the cap tain should support. In all such the captain should be promi4ly re moved from a com maud which he seri I ously iieglecls. After all possible has been done to remove reasonable excuses for desertion it still remains true that the means now provided for tlie arrest and punishment of desert ers are wholly inadequate. Only one I in five is ever captured. This is not mi trident to deter men from committing ! crime. The remedy is to authorize the civil officers to arrest deserters, aud in crease the re ward, so us to comjiensate them for their service. ! He recommended that the five artil lery regiments be organized into seven regiments; that the infantry regiments i consist of three Imtalions. iiii'iroiraliiii' twelve companies, and that tho enlisted merchants of Buiuet for the purpose of ' strength of the armv be increased to making arrangements to pay more than the market price for corn was success fully carried out, and hereafter the mar ket price iu that place will be 17 cents per bushel. Mrs. Heury Scbmitz, residing five miles cast of Alliance, Box Butte coun ty, had the misfortune to break her ankle. She had gone to the barn yard to milk and was about to begin, when a frolicsome calf ran over her, dislocating her ankle and bruising her. Paul Thome, the bartender who shot Jack Cross at Cut-off Luke island, near Omaha, was discharged by au Umalia justice on the grounds that the crime was committeed ia Pottnwstamie county, Iowa, nnd was ont of a Ne braska justice's jurisdiction. At Plattsmouth the jury rendered a verdict for $3,000 in the case of Mrs. Schnltz vs. Johnson, a snit for dam ages for the death of ber husband, who !,",r"iu JeFnrd to.1!10 cas0 of. twenty- wee killed by the cars at Louisville TWS"?? a.p 0 some time since while, intoxicated by thirty thousand. Keferring to tho work of -the board of ordnance and fortifica tion he says: "Tho plans of the en gineer department, will provide all the land defenses necessary for the security of the great maritime ports of the coun try. u a few cases those land defenses will need to be supplemented by float ing batteries or powerful harbor defense vessels, because tho pecessary founda tion for guns does not exist on solid ground. Submarine mines and mova ble torpedoes will also play in import ant though secondary part of the gen eral plans of defense. Provision should be made for necessary garrisons at the principal seaports." A table is given, showing the necessities of this work. The war garrisons of our Benconst de fenses would bo about 85,000 artillery men and 1,305 guns of modern construc tion. TO PROCEED AGAINST AT.IIJN LABOR. As the result of several conferences between Attorney General Miller. Secretary Windom nnd Solicitor Hep- liquor said to have been purchased at Johnson's saloon. Thomas K. Lowry, n Lincoln grain denier, has sued the C, B. & Q. railroad company for $4,500 damage for alleged discrimination against nim in rates, by failure and refusal to snpplyfears for bis ii'-e, by failure to transport promptly for him, by overcharge on rates, by shortage on grain shipments. A Washington dispatch says the Nebraska delegation to the Baltimore Cnlholio congress who remained over night in Washington for the purpose of calling npou President Harrison were greatly disappointed, tho chief execu tive having stepped out of town for a few Chambers. McKee Sc Co.. of Jennettn. Pa., the first named to-day referred the case to the United States district attor ney at Pittsburg, with instructions to proceed against the firm named and those officers of tho local assembly of glass blowers instrumental in bringing the nlish laborers to this country, provided he is satisfied suits can be maintained against them under the fro visions of the alien contract labor law. KEKDS OP TUB MILITIA. Captain Taylor, who has leeii in chargo of the appropriations for the purpose of providing arms, etc., nnd camp equipage for the national militia, in his annual report makes n plea forau increased appropriation. Jt was 8200, 000 iu 1880 and has only been doubled once since, for providing for the needs oi uenriy ten limes as many people as then. Captain 'J'avlnr recommends tlist days' duck bunting in Maryland K T 'T".: i Triu, . I null JCif UfciiUI niitbei) IIIIVC llUb IliaUe .. - . Mho returns required by law. and Can Mrs. Madison, wifeof Colonel Mad- tain Taylor recommends that after Jan uary 1, 1889, no issues of stores be made to any state which has not rendered re turns. ison, who killed James Pridemore re cently, walked the streets of Scotia with bcr two little children for two honrs in the cold because no womnn ap plied to wonld allow ber to enter ber door. They looked upon bcr, bnt bad no pity. She was finally furnished shel ter by the city marshal. . A young sou of Mr. Consbrook, living near Juniata, was probably fa tally injured the otherday. He "caught on" to the rear of a farmer's wagon and in some way bis feet became entangled iu one of the wheels. Before tbe horses could bo stopped the little follow bad been twisted mid mangled in a ter rible manner. Ho was still alive nt last accounts. L, H. Deuman, president of tbe Hall county agricultural society, and e pionver, died last week. He left tbe city for bis Lome near Alda about 1 o'clock, end two hours later Lis team topped at hie house nnd be was found lying in the. eerrlaM deed. He was one of Hall oonnty's most prosperous form eta, end hie popularity was at tested to by hie eeoned election as president of the trieuitaral society. Million! tltrll,iii.4 av Will. Chicago, 111., Nov. 10. The will of the late John Creerar was admitted to probate yesterday in the county court, and in accordance with its terms, bis friends, Colonel Huntington W. Jack son nnd Norman Williams, both of Chi cago,' were recognized as executors. The will disposes of $8,500,000 ersoual property, und real - estate valued at $-50,000. ' To a number of cousins be leaves sums ranging from $10,000 to $30,000. A large number of bequests, ranging in amounts from $10,000 to $50,000 each, are given to charities, hospital, historical, scientific and lit erary societies, etc., aud a number of friends. The will directs tbe executors to distribute bis silverware, now at Tif fany's, New York, his books, pictures, nnd furniture among bis friend, ana disposes of some other minor belong ing. The testator gives $100,000 lo the Second Presbyterian cbiirob of Cliieafo, the same amount to tbe trtrs treee of the church, the income to be need for mission work, and $$5,000 to theSeoteh Presbyterian nhnroh of Nov York eity, this being tbe eknreh in which the testator w baptized. One hnudred thousand dollars for a eolissaat sUtute of Abraham Lincolu ftio left. The remainder of theekUte, estimated U lie worth loiit $2,350,000, is set aoart for the erection and maintenance ufa public library m the rity of t lueao t be known as the "John Creeiar li brary." Tk taiaoltr li"M. Baltimore, Xovemlier 14. The reso lutions adoi-ted by the Catholic con gress set forth that the Catholics claim to be acquainted with the laws end spirit of both the church and the coun try; declare Ibut there is nothing au tagouiatic iu them nnd continue: "We repudiate the assertion that we need to lay aside devotion lo our church to be true to our country or to oppose any instinition of the nation tc be good Catholics, but we cannot shut our eyes to the many thins lhatthrrateu tboee institutions. Although wealth has greatly increased we rind incipient pau-(M-rism und men, women and children without the advantage of education and religion. Ilemembering the dis tinction between paganism and Chris tianity, and those Hangs that advance Christianity, we favor measures by which these are to be secured. "We recognize education as one of the chief factors and recommend popu lar education wilh moral training for our youth. But ns in the state schools no piovisiou is made for religious nam ing, we must continue our system so that the benefits of Christian education maybe given to all the Catholic chil dren iu the United States." The resolutions then inveigh ajrainst divoice as bringing ruin nnd disgrace ii I nm tlie people and threatening the morality of the uhole country. On so cieties the report holds tlmt it ia not sufficient for Catholics to shun bad so cieties, they ought to lake part in good ones. Concert of action is necessary to accomplish might and societies must not be formed on a race or nationality basis. Tlie plan ami form of St. Vin cent de Paul society is reeomeuded as a typical Catholic society. Intension of societies is recommended to relieve widows nud orphans. Another danger menacing the repub lic is the constant conflict between cap ital and labor, aud it is uith feelings of regret that the antagonism between labor and capital is witnessed, for it im perila society. "We condemn nihilism, socialism nnd communism, aud we equally condemn the henitlcss greed of capitalists. The remedy for the tiouhlo between labor nnd capital must be Ronubt in the meditation of the church by its action on the individual con science, nnd in such civil enact incuts ns ore necessary. The paramount right of labor to organize societies for its protection and benefit is recognized. The employment of very young tumors is disapproved. TUr Farmer' l oiurm. MoNTooMEiir, Ala., Nov. 10. At tho second day's session of the Farmers' congress Judge Lawrence, of Ohio, president of the Wool Growers' associa tion, from the majority of tho commit tee on resolutions rcKrUd a resolution demanding that iu case of the continu ation of the protective policy uil farm products shall lie ns fully protected ns any article of manufacture. Wilhite. of Missouri, offered a minority report pledging the farmers of the United States to a reduction of the tariff and to a change of duties from the necessaries to the luxniies of life, as far as possible. Both reports weie laid over. Hon. L. B. Collin, of Jowa, delivered nn address on railroads and protection to the farmer. Jn lga Lawrence reiul a pnper ou wool growing and mutton pry- (tnciug nua tu gin,' protection for tnis interest. Judge Lawrence's nddresg uus followed by some adverse criticism. Many speeches were delivered bv the delegates from north and south, ail advocating wool protection. .there is a prospect for a reirn ar tnnff debute to-morrow on the minority nud majority repori oi me committee on resolutions. Tho voting is by congres sional representation, nnd tho delega tion from Ohio, Illinois, lona, Michi gan aud Indiana me practically solid for Judge Lawrence's reKirt. Ex-Con-gressmau Wheeler, of lown, ia opposed to it. After a heated debate this evening, the resolution introduced bv John Keljy, of Kansas, was adopted, that the action of tho Chicago combine iu re fusing to testify hefore'tbo senate com mittee was au insult to the people of tho United States and should meet with united condemnation. The maioritv resolutions from the committee on res olutions previously referred lo were adopted to-night by a vole of 171 to 100. A Wr"rliia KpMfmlr. Nrwbubo, N. Y., Nov. 10. A report reached here that half the corps of ca dets at W est Point (upwards of 150) had reported nt tho hospital, ill from poi soning, it turns out that the illness occurred a few days ago; Hint it was not poisoning, but a trouble of the lmuoU aud that tho attack was general with all connected Willi tuo mess ball, drivers. wniterg mid gardeners, each faring ns bndly ns the cadets. Even those who had not lasted food nt the mess were a oadly ancc ted as tlie others. The sur geon had his hands full of business for a time, bnt all recovered, moll J-'1W fill Wilson, the siiieriiileiident, appointed a commisMoii, consuming of Command ant Hawkins, the post surgeon, nud w. r . op'irgin, who is iu charge of the men, w investigate me cause. FREE AND FAIR IUVY. IUOBK WHO nr nut sr- H KKUTU nii.t. Ar oki it. l k BIBS Iarall "' 4 Tltat All tl a 11 an! i.a4 War Hat aa Eaaal,lae f Iba Vmrtfn '" Tfca Warlal' Falr-'aaralvn a( "mack Jar l," Ik "lMr4rr. TrW '' llrr. riEKiiit, S. IX. Nov. 14 -The Fort Pierre Herald, which was received here last night, contains a stronjjaud earnest nppeal. He says: "We are iu a deplor able condition." nnd goet on to state that a company of soldieis with bayo nets iu hand, together lth a iiumlr of squaw men and a baud of redskins, have nuived on the ground. The Her ald on printed iu the evening, nnd this news, coming in this fashion, is start ling to the -opl in this city, who Here unaware that matters hud come to such n pus. Jt is undoubtedly the outcome of the recent rumors from the govern ment headquarters of orders promul gated to put every settler off tho reser vation, as was the case in settling Okla homa, prepnraloiy to giving every one an equal chance to cross over when the roclamatioii is issued owning toe mini. This is the policy of tho government. as iu Uklalioma, ami me auiuoriiies id see that every settler has a chauou 111 Ids fellow to get on Hist. Trouble las been exiK-cted on the mile square for weeks, nnd the people of i'lerie aie wailing with intense anxiety for nes from the other side. A big storm is lowing aud no menus of knowing the true state of affairs aie at hand, but judging from the copy of the Herald wuich arrived lust before tlio storm commenced, things nre truly in a de plorable condition, nith the prosjiect that the ti oops now there havn instruc tions to put every nnin and his family off at once. It is supposed that the immediate can so of the trouble wns the quarrels l)etweeu the ciiizciis of port Pie re and intending settlers on one side nud the squaw men on the other. Those quar rels were becoming brutal and ruinous, und nere caused by the avaricious creed of the squaw men nnd the intense hostility entei tinned by ie settlers ngaiust them. Tlie gov- rnment authorities hnve become dis gusted wilh the state of affairs nnd have idgmg from the article 111 the Herald, ordered the whole outfit to clear, Jt is robable that there will be some loss of life, ns tlie squaw men are a danger ous class, nnd, being backed up bv their usky redskin wives, will light ndespcr- ate battle, and the soldiers, too, will be loth to leave their homes, as ninny of thcui have lived ou the reservation around Port Pierre for many yeais anf- nng untold hardships in the hoie that when the reservation was thrown peu their pains nud suffering would be rewarded, and to thus have to leave their homes and lands just nt the tune hen they Imped for their reward, and especially nt this time of the year, with no place to go ami no means of subsist ence, will have n tendency to make them desernt( nnd bitter. In fimn tltor nro nil driven over this wnv the citizens of Pierre will do all in their power to provide food nud shelter for them, nil hough it is probable there is bound to be lunch suffering. Tho Bask Otunrra Slaai KaflVr. Washwotoh, Nov. 12. The supreme court of the United States Las rendered an opinion affirming the judgment of the supreme court of North Carolina in the case of Cross nnd White, the uresi dent and cashier respectively, of tho mate national bnnk of Ualeigb. N, 0, The crime with which they were charged nnd convicted in the statu court was forgery of n promissory note nud mak ing of a false entry in the honks of the uaiiKiortne purpose of deceiving tl uational hank examiusrsas to the iinnu ciul condition of the bank. It u tended in behalf of Cross aud White that their oflense was cognizable in the federal and not iu tho slate courts. Th. supreme court to-day decided egaiust the convicted bank officers and they will suffer the penally Used by tho Wake county court. Cross aud White were sentenced to Ave years at hard work on turn puuuu rows oi uie county. Dominick McCaffrey anuouncss that be will challenge Hallivan to fight out limber of rounds or to finish. Want a l'rl4's Cnstrrat. Ciiioaoo, Nov. 14. The eomtnittpe called the world's congress committee for l$'.r2, issm d to-day an announcement in which they set forth that the crown ing glory of the world's fair of 1892 should not be alone the exhibit then to be made of the industrial achievements nnl mechanical victories cf man, but that something higher is demanded by the enlightened spirit of the present age. In connection with the world's fair they say that a congiess of all peoples nud ait nations and tongues should be con vened, the object being to bring about a real fraternity of nations nnd unite the enlightened people or the whole earth in a general co-operation for the attainment of the great end for which itunan society is organized. Among tlie great themes tltat such a congress would naturally consider are the following: Piret The ground of a national un ion of languages, literature, domes! io Jite, religion, science and a civil insti tutions of tho different (h opIcs. second immigration nnd naturaliza tion laws nnd proper international priv ileges of alien governments and their subjects or citizens. third lhe most efficient and ad visable, menus of preventing or decreas ing paiierism, insanity nnd crime, nnd of increasing productive ability, pros perity nnd virtue throughout the world. A number of other subiects to be placed before the proposed congress are also mentioned. 'Ihe committee suggest a plan of action regardless of the location of the world's eiOhition. spells at anr time snd sloC Holzhay seemed somes b by the directness of the.q replied: "I carried tbe revolvers .r, ...... I r i , .' n uijkjii nuiu wiki uiiimaig in and did not like to leave where, aa I might not find tl Uolzbay was the only w, for the defense, aud when i l is., 'ill ciuueu uie tieieuso rested raa-BarlraM J..,lr I'HILAURLPHU, Nov. l' journey of the international tourists being pinctically the Associated press rep yesterday sought from a egates an expression of i ouuge Alionso, a delegate f said bis attention had been i nxed upon the industries u I, the objects necessary lo r cause there is a great deal construction in his country. the commerce of this emu, tiy will improve if Aiiki-i,-:iii mini) snow n ineir production lishing agencies iu that con increase of communication l... i .1 - ciirueinij- in me price- o lj tiou will largely contribute , result. He believes in the of a railroad through the ti. cos nud thinks its udvantai Considerable. Ureal embarrassment to . I - . I T . , irom uie compiicnieo. elision, of the United htutes and In uniioriuiiy oi customs legul.u the simplest basis should !.e,.- Ihe coming conference mil . powerfully to the nuioii of i can nations. tieneral Pernzn, of Ycuer ill the journey the delegates h Ihe pinctical solution of iiiany ciul problems between the Countries. It is the emmctm of the delegates that the main in developing mutual trade o the lack of good commuuicati, "The trip," said (icneial "has proved thin much tin, vious opinions regarding I languages as barriers to a pert,, standing between the Aincric, are discredited by the fuels." Minister Jtoinew, of Mexico, resided for over twenty years i iugtou and has traveled llmm. country, spoke of tho womh greiis of the west, nnd hnd struck by tho interest diihiyi where in the subjects which fcreiioe will discuss, lie thiul deal has been gained by raliin tention of tho jieophi of the btateS to the resoiiK'cs of t countries of the heniispheies, n the inter-coiitiiieiital railway is feasible aud will befoiu long del' taken. Delegate Cnstelhilios, of Sn dor, said increased commnuic:, commerce was absolutely le-cei-he should advocate subsidies, form standard of money is J lie international raihvnv ."il pleasure be aided by his counli 0euiiig of the Nicaragua cuinil a great boon to Kau riaivudur other republics of the south Delegate .elavn, of lloiiihin be had been most impressed I" Inordinary energy of the l"-"!' United States, who never scrim (if work anil whoso nnihition I knows no bounds, tie thinlss rieritv is lnrL-elv due to Ihcileve of the iron industry nnd railmJ things in which ho thinks tlie States iiuqiiestiolinbl v ahead of i, nations. He strongly hivon an national railway. f.l IT 41 mark Ran onraa. Mllwauker, Nov. Id. -A siecial from Bessemer, Mich., says that Riemuud Holzhay, -'Block Hart," on trial for the murder of Hanker Fleischbein. of Belleville, 111., nnd for Hie robbery of tbe Uogebio stage, took the stand iu his own defense to-day and made a confession. He admitted that be robbed the Mil waukee k Northern train six inonlha ago; that lie held up a Wisconsin train at nation, wm., a month Inter, and that be waylaid Ihe Oogebia stage and shot Banker Fleischbein. Holzhay claimed that be several yenrs sgo w hurt by a fnll from a horse, ami since thai tune bss been subject to "sin-lla," during which be did uot know what he was do-"XT- He said it was during these "spells" that his various crimes were committed. He bail several of these spells since his capture, and probably had a dozen or more since he was injured. Hoiliny said he remembered the day lie was ar rested and who arrested him. He could V.ot. . 1 w,,y ''I'' "I' Holzhay nays he does not remember who was in the UoKbin stage. He did not remember seeing Fleishheiii or the driyer, nnd failed lo identify the watch anil pocketbook said to to Flelsh- Insln. Ha elaiiuad I,, l.-.l . Fletahbeiii 'a name on the poeketlxmk until his attention was directed to it by lbe i prosecuting attorney flnstrated S,fri!?n,r 'wehat when he said: way ttd yon carry two guns, knowing yea were liable to hare one of these Will Work lr tilcaa" Chicago, Nov. 10. lUsolutio iiasscd bv the Illinois state l agriculture to the effect that II bers of tlio board, realizing sponsibilily resting upon them, limited time for preparation world's fair, lo be held ill Cliic 1902, will, from this timo font vote their personal effort ami tl able means nt their disposal uiu nry of the board, and by iihhoi by the general assembly, lo tj Hint nn exiium wiuon diiiim of their department. lU"i representative and entirely ero fji th intelligent enterprise aim trvof the neolde of the shite, n properly installed ou tho occl ferred to. 0H(afla from Knv Toi li, Vhlr.ifj: mud Mmnrlirrt. OMAHA. Wnr.T-N'o. 2... Cons No. 2 mixed Otis-I'er ha It - - liCTTKit Creamery Ki.'ttkr I) ry Eons Frli - ( HltKK.NS lresed, per tt Tl'iiKBYS Dreased. r It). I.kmons Clioire, per box l)nASOE--ler box Onions Per hii 11eks Navies . Wool Fins, per lb.... Potatoes N' llL'CKWIIEAT I'U)Ull ArPl.ts, pr bbl Hay per ton lio.NET Hoos Mixel parking Hous Heavy watjilits Dkkvbs Choice slcwrs NEW YOUK. Wheat No. 2 red Cons No. 2 Oats Mixed western Point - Labo 6 CHICAGO. WmeAT Pr bushel .... Cobn Per bushel - Oats Per bulil Pons Lahd lloos -Packing audsniu nins " Catti.8 Stockers and fslr '. J Smbbp Natives..... ' 8T. LOL'IS Whbat Nn. 2 rd csh Cons Per bushel Oats Per bushel , Hoos-Mliwl packing Catti-K Keeders a (a (& 11 18 ft lo ( lo 0 ou M 4 50 ' 2 no : n fi no w 110 (n 111 f SO M Nil fi 7,' (4 41 ( '.Ti M 'J 5 ' 70 r.i w 5'' tt 1)0 (S 3 80 01 75 W 75 l 77 'itl 1!) l 05 200 toil 8IOHX t'l'l'Y. Catti." -SUxktn and td- Hoos Mixed. 3 c m V AKSAH t i l V. W....P.a I... 3 Cons Per bu OatePsr bu.... JT 9 4n lit 25 Ml 16 Sioi Puldl Hub" J, M mm1 joterra i jUtc