The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 21, 1889, Image 1

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The Sioux County Journal-
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Slaunen Patterson, . Proprietor.
Time Table.
F. E. AM. V. Ry., Pawner.
(Win? west leave Harrison at 10:35 A. M.
Ocing east leave Harrison at 2:51 P. M.
Harrison Market.
Butter, 12J to 1;.
Poultry, per doz. f 2.00 to f3.
Oats, per 100 It. f 1.10
Com, per 100 9, 1.00
Bran. p-r 100 ltf 1.10.
Feed, chopped, per 100 H
PoUtoen, per bu. 00c.
Sorghum, per gal. 50c.
Onions, per bu. f 1.30.
Beans, per bu. 1.00.
Now is the time when wood on sub
loiption in very acceptable.
If your-teeth ache call on Dr.
Koons, dentist He will be here Dec,
jDd and 3rd two days only.
Pont forget that The Joit?sal is
preparsd to do all kind of job printing
in a neat and tasty manner, on short
fr. E. C Koons, dentist will be in
Harrison on I ect-mber 2nd and 3rd to ut
tend to any business in liis professional
line that may come to him.
PAY IT All indebted to the Buffalo
GapLumbir Compnny mlist roll nnd
Rttiff by the let of December, either by
cmli or secured note. I'ont postpone
this mutter.
Mrs. B. F. Thomas has given up the
restaurant and moved back to her home
north of town. The restaurant is now
conducted by John C'orbin, who took
possession last Saturday.
A number from this place exper t to
p t" Montrose to attend the ball to-mor-rnw
evening and be present at the barbe
cue on the following day, Tlie prospects
ire that a big time will be had.
Remember The Journal clubs with
almost any paper in the United States
and when you want anything in the line
ot papers or periodicals call and see us
uA we can save you some money.
In another column appears, a new
, Advertisement of Geo. Vi Turtmrn, Hm
hrusdJed Hour, feed and groceries to his
lock arid will lie pleased to sell you
such Roods besides all kinds of fresh and
nit meats,
-Lost FMween Carl Knott's resi
dence and Harrison, on Friday, Nov.
15th, on the main traveled road, my pre
emption filing papers. Finder will
please return to TlIE JoiUNAL ottice.
John Thoms.
Bert Dew was elected county sur
veyor of Sioux county, Nebraska. He
will filj the office well, and when Sioux
county people know him they will learn
that he has qualities fitting him for a
much Utter office than surveyor.
GrenJUd, ('a.,) Tratinaripl.
It is frequently remarked that the
dog ordinance appears to bo a dead letter
in Harrison. There are a great number
of useless dogs running at largo in town
and if the ordinance was enforced it
would either put quite a sum of money
in th treasury or greatly reduce the
number of dogs in the place.
The new time card went into effect
on the Elkhorn last Sunday but no
change in time occurred at this place.
The additional train service expected did
not materialise so the people along this
line have no better accommodations
than before. It is to be hoped that it
will not be long until we will have pas
senger service.
An entertainment will be given at
the M. E. church on Saturday evening,
Sov., 23, by Miss Mary E, Ilarter. This
is a graduate of the Iowa college
for the blind and the program will con-
of musical and literarv selections.
There is no one but would be benefited
the entertainment and none should
'ail to attend. Admission 25 cents;
children 15 oenta.
-On kut Friday R, Wilson arrived
irom the ut bringing with him his fam
ily and a car-load of stock, household
rod and farm Implements. He fi oc
cupying the house belonging to Conrad
Liodeman In the north-west part of town
until he can erect a house of his own on
the land be intends to convert into a
He brought some good stock
Ho him, which help to give a good ap
(Marance to the stock of the county.
A large ciaUrn ii being put in by
town near the well so that a much
flatr aupply of water can ba kapt on
By putting it near the well a
("at deal of ttrain it aaved on the pump
"d it will also be mora convenient for
who haul water and alto for the
rple who get their supply from the
"voir at the croesing of Main and See
ditreeu. The village board did a
thing in locating ttw pew reitrroir
rt (bey did.
-M. ft. McDowell has rented tlte bar-! -The first quarterly meeting of the
Wh r J an1 SUn,by- V" ElJ'
nfT , a ,iU'e 'hi,d ptand a good interest was
of Thomas Holly died last Saturday, but shown. The organisation is in a pros
dsi not lean the particular ccm(itj()n and a Mt f
The ladies' aid uh iety met yesttr- l1 10 l assured for it
day at the home of Mrs. L. J. Simmons. I There is a good deal of talk amon?
Among the matters discussed was some
action relative to a Christmas tree and
enl-Ttainment. The societv will lu,.
next Wednesday afternoon at the resi-
dence of Mrs. H. T. fonley, at which
time a full attendance is desired, for it is
expected to make arrangementu at that
time for the Christmas tree. It is earn-!
estly requested tliat all the ladies 1
-In another column appears a list of
tlie name selected by the rointuixwoners
from which will txj "drawn the twenty-j
four men to serve as petit jurors at the
district court. It was expected that dis -
trict court would convene on December
11th, but we are informed that Judge
Kinkaid will again adjourn the term of
conrt, but to what date is not known.
There are no new cases since the former
adjournment and it can iust as
postponed for gome time to come as not.
!t is quite likely tliat ofPic i;il notice of
the change of date for holding the term
will be sent out in the near future.
On last Saturday the bell for the
school house was placed in position and j
me timuren are called to school by the
.;,,;.,.. ,.r n, i.,.n n i i u. i
, , ,
biung bicated near tlie M. E. Chiirfh,
nr.u mat institution not yet lieing
videA with a bell, the school bell is used
for calling the people together for
chnrch purposes. This makes it much
more pleasant as it causes all to feel
that Harrison is progressing and it will
not be long until other indication of
prosperity will be added. Schools and
churches go far to induce people to lo
cate in a place and we hoie to see Sioux
county keep fully to the front in these
It is quite a surprise to the many
new settlers to see snow and ice disap
pear before tne northwest winds here as
most of the people are used to seeing the
mercury fall when the wind comes from
that direction. Nebraska is justly proud
of the fine climate which prevails all
over the state, but this locality is more
favored than the ffreater .pu-Uon . ot -tint
commonwealth. In addition to that, fi-
el i phnr Hmn in nnv other nnrt of
the state and that is a big item to a poor
man. In tlie eastern part of t he state it
is hard to get any fuel except high-
nriced coal, while here the farmer can co
and get wood for the trouble of hauling
it and cotil can be purchased at J3.50 to
fl per ton which is cheap enough.
Preparations are making for a grand
ball at the court house on Thanksgiving
evening, Nov. 28th. The purchaser of
each ticket will tie given a chance in a
fnw I,-mi ftimruip will tv iurvrvl !
at the Northwestern hotel. Tickets ad -
, , , .
milting a geniieman anu lauy vt Biipjicr
$1, and with each supper ticket pur-
r.knn.J ,...11 1. tritrun u .ImifI'U in finnllint
IIUWAI mil in, ti,wii.,ii'..i.v ...... v
... ,, .,-
raffle for a second horso. Those getting
up the dance ; they wish to give the .
people a good evenings amusement and
will do all in their power to make it.
pleasant forall whoattend. The good
time eujoyed at the ball last Friday ev
ening proves that good times can be had
here at dances and a large attendance is
looked for on Thanksgiving night.
The ball at the court house on last
Friday evening was a most enjoyable
affair. There was a good attendance
and everyone present appeared to enjoy
themselves immensely. The court room
makes an excellent place for dances and
the coiling and walls make the music
sound nicely. There was one thing no
ticable and that was tliat although the
ball was given in honor of the result of
the recent election there was nothing to
make it the least unpleasant to those
who had been supporters of the fusion
ticket, and a number of the most earnest
workers for the defeated ticket were pres
ent and had as good a time as any one.
It was demonstrated on that evening
tliat Harrison and vicinity can have as
nice dancing parties as any place and
those attending are as orderly and gen
teel as those who go to dances in older
settled localities. This indicates that
Sioux county is being settled by a very
desirable class of people to live among
and when you write to your friends to
come out here tell thsm we have just as
good society here a they have at home.
Another thing is deserving of, men
tion and that is that excellent music
is rendered by Messrs. Bartlett, B'unlj
Bron., Oalpin, McJrea nnd Patterson,
and that adds greatly te the pleasure of
the dancing parties.
A Half Patent Flour for $1.3
A Full Patent Flour for . 145
tttralgbt Grade Flonr, Warranted to be
Eqaal to tnj $1.S3 Floor In the juntet
tar 11.20.
AjaisoSEB., nsrov. 21, issa
1 tlie young people of tlie town an.1 vicin-i
'' alout organizing a dancing club and j
huvniEr so i:il l:un .c fn,iinni A.
lle winter. A club could be organized
a"J a dame held once a week, lasting
j not later tlian twelve o'clock, .at & small
expense to each member and breaking
"I at that hour it would not exhaust tl
i participants so that they would not be !
unable to attend to their duties the fol-'
; llJWI' "ay and as a ) lace to spend an
: eveuinB il cu'd '"t be excelled. U'e
ll0'e tl,e Ull 1)8 Put into e,rect '
I t,,e nt'ar futun-
' "A retel,tio" was tendered to lie.',
' and Mrs" Lusk at the M- R tlmrch on
I liut eveninK- A goodly number wei-e in
attendance ami a pleasant time enjoyed
! b-v a"- The peopk- did not forget that
' a we"-niled la,,,r wo'd Ro far toward
making- a minister and his family con-
I ten,ed' 80 a Kood s,,Pr-'y of edibles were
taken as a donation to the family
Both the pastor and his lady express
themselves as well pleased with Harri
son and the people they have met here
and they have no doubt they will lik to
ive here, and the people are all highly
pleased with the new-comers and will do
all in their power to make it pleasant for
( twrn
j With new buildings being erected and
j new business enterprises starting up and
new people coining hero to live the pros
ects for general prosperity are excel
lent. It is almost certain that the next
few months will bring great numbers of
people to Sioux county to secure homes
while there is government land to be
had, for there is not much good land in
Nebraska outside of Sioux county yet
oien to settlement and those who secure
pre emptions or homestead in Nebraska
must get here early or they will find
that the opportunity has past. J Tell
your friends in the east that if they de
sire to get land in Sioux county for liv
ing upon it they must not delay but get
out here as soon as possible.
Petit Jnrnrs.
- The following are the numes of those
selected by the commissioners ' from
! which the 2-1 petit jurors are to
! drawn:
j J es Nolan Michael Schnoebntlm
j J- c'- Parsons G. B. Cherrington
I Hoi lings wort h R. M. Dunn
j (:1"IS- Orewell
(''"'s- F- Cofrio
John F. Fitzgerald
William A. Rich
J:tmes Mc'Jhesney
II. G.
T. F. Golden
Lorenze D. Harmon
J. II. Howard
F. M. C. Procunier
Robt. Harrison
Harrison Beans
F. M. Smith
John Serres
P. K, Murpny
Leopold DeBock
Eli Smith
A. Orton
8am nef W. Hall
Ernest Bungo
Hubert Zimmerman
A. C. Pratt
E. G. Hough
F. .W. Knott
John D. Richards
James Slattery
Louis P.ichard
! John W. Blunt
! Franklin Simons
i J. J. Rodgers
r James T. Mason
I avid Colville
Edward Remsburg
! nj' ' J",ins"n
U. If. Griswold
W. A. Bigelow
John II. Bartel
Samuel W. Cox
J Wejr
J !,.
I John Oayhart
Ed. C. Lockwood
j Joseph Powell
Arthur P. Howe
Henry Leister
Otto Munson
Louis A. I'fost
II. C. Rousch
W. H. Zimmerman Joseph W. Earnest
George Englebrecht W. A. Nicholson
Wright At the home of her parents in
Harrison, Nebraska, on Saturday, No
vemlier Hi, 1HHU, Li la May, eldest
child of Mr and Mrs. W. B. Wright,
aged 11 years, 6 months and 22 days,
Deceased had suffered for a long time,
and for some months had been almost
helpless, and on last Saturday death
came to her relief, She had many
friends among those who knew her and
all are sad at her demise. The bereaved
parents have the sympathy of the entire
community in their sad affliction. The
funeral occurred on Monday, services be
ing held at the M. E. church, conducted
by the Rev. I. L. Lusk. The school
children attended the funeral in a body,
school being dismissed for the occasion.
The remains were interred in the ceme
tery south of town.
All clergymen in this city and vicinity
.i ..;nn, nnmin I r-l.Tii'iil nermits over
t,e f,orlhwestern system for tlie year
81,o should make application to ageni
Isenger office, Omaha, not later than
at Harrison so
December 10,
A. B. Patton, Agent,
Harrison, Nebraska.
Half Patent Flour for 1.30
Full Patent for - 1.45
At R. & T.
Joseph Stastney is in town.
George Heekman was in town last
Miss Clara Redd is visiting friends in
Miss Lillie Thomas left for Manville
last Monday.
Mrs. L. A. Post went to Lusk on busi
ness on Tuesday.
J. F. Cook came up Friday to attend
the ball that evening.
Thomas Bingey returned yesterday
from a trip to Omaha.
(". R. Wells went to Chadron on last
Monday on land business.
b. A. Weir made a business trip to
Chadron the lirst of the week.
E. P. Maine returned last week from a
business trip to Valley county.
L. E. Belden arrived home last week,
after quite a protracted absence.
Mrs. G. B. Cherrington left yesterday
for Galesburg, 111., to visit relatives.
Marion Pfost ordered The JourHaI.
sent to him at Boilarc on last Thursday
Henry Breese left last Friday for Kan
sas City, where he will spend the winter.'
C. E. Holmes went to Chadron on
Monday to look after some legal busi
ness. M. Gayhart, county treasurer-elect,
came up Friday evening and attended
the ball.
Mrs. I). H. Griswold has been On the
sick list for some time, but is now re
A. R. Dew, county surveyor-elect
called on Monday and added his name to
our list of readers.
Miss Wiza Price has closed her school
at Manville, Wyo., and returned to her
home in Sioux county.
O. U. Grove, county commissioner-
elect from the 2d district, attended the
ball last Friday evening.
A. Southworth, the next county su
perintendent, was in Harrison on Satur
day and called at this office.
C. G. Dewel called on Saturday and
ordered The JOURNAL sent to Mrs. Theiza
Dewel at Middle River, Iowa.
County Commissioners Weir and
Burke were in Harrison yesteijday draw
ing a list of names for jurors.
Sid Whipple arrived in Harrison on
Monday. During his absence of a year
he has visited Texas and numerous other
John A. Pratt and W. F. Shepherd
came over from the north part of the
county to attend the ball Friday
B. E. Brewster, of Cheyenne, president
of the Commercial Bank of this place, is
here for a short time looking after his
J. H. Montgomery left on Friday for a
visit to his former home at Garden
Plain, 111. The Jolunai, goes to him
there each week.
H. M. Warneke was in Harrison yes
terday and called at this office. He ex
pects Mrs. Warneke to return from her
eastern visit on Saturday.
W. T. Moore and family left on yes
terday for Lowery City, Mo., where they
will spend the winter. The Journal
will visit them each week.
Rev. Lusk went to Chadron on Mon
day and returned on Tuesday accompa
nied by his family. A sister of Mrs.
Lusk came with them and will make her
home here.
Otto Munson left on last Thursday for
Chariton, Iowa, where he will spend the
winter. Reordered The Journal sent
to him there to keep him posted on
Sioux county affairs.
E. L. Galpin left on Wednesday for
Boone, Iowa, to visit his parents during
the winter. The Journal will go to
him each eek to let him know what is
going on in Sioux county.
A Card.
We take this oportunity to heartily
thank the friends in Harrison for their
kindly feeliug toward us, manifested in
the pleasant reception and substantial
gifts by which we were remembered on
Wednesday evening. I. L. LUSK,
Myra S. Lusk,
The fourth Demorest Prize Medal Con
test, tfiven under the auspices of the
Woman's Christian Temperance Union
will be given at the church on the even
ingof Friday, November 22, at 7:30
o'clock sharp. Admission tree.
, ,!,. Selected
Kecltiitloii . . Miss fclio Meirliun
hl 0 M ins Muy Tool
Hue I UttTon Charles Seott
",UH(! Bcleiiled
llecil.iVlo.1 Miss Ada sinUll
jl,1Hl0 suluctod
km-1 Ullon James Aternfle Id
r. ,, Alius Kuttl eiiyder
IWviu'iUon MtHsMay loot
j.IIHlt. fwiected
HeniUliou . ' -""" utr oelccted
Tlio judges are Mrs. Snyder, C. E,
Holmes and C. F. Slmgerland.
Remember The
Ranch Supply House,
Harrison, Nebraska,
Where1 you will And a Large and Complete Stock of
Felt Boots,
Flannels and
Cotton Flanels,
Of General Merchandise in Sioux at
Square Dealing, Down Weights and Full
Here We Are
And our
Our stock of dry
est and most complete ever brought
to Harrison and was purchased so
that we can sell to our patrons at as
tonishingly 10 1& jTJtU9S'
"A nimble penny rather than a slow
We always keep our stocfc of
Groceries and Provisions
Fully up to the times and strive to please all our patroas and sell all goo$
isro. 10.
Measure, Call and give us a trial.
New Stock of .
inter Goods,
goods is the Larg