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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1889)
The Sioux County Journal. Publislied every Thursday, o Subscription Price, f2.00 L. j. SlmB0s, ' - Editor Entered at tbe Harrison post office M aec bud elate matter. Thtbsday, November 14, 189. The war on Turkey will be in active operation on Nov. 23th, at high noon. The first lay Catholic congress of the United 9tates convened in Baltimore on the 11th inst. Twelve hundred lay dele gates were present at the opening ses sion and a great deal of enthusiasm was manifested. A political prophet of Lincoln says that Lieutenant Governor Meiklejohn will be a candidate for attorney general next year. Unless all signs fail, Meikle john will be a candidate for congress in this district, and a lively one, too. Fre mont Tribune. There are few who will not lie able to find something for which to be thankful on Nov. 28th. It does not take a palace to make a happy home, nor does it re quire that every wish be gratified in or der that a person may be truly happy. There are a great many tilings for which all may be thankful. Two Kentucky politicians by the name of Goodloe and Swope had a quarrel at Lexington on the 8th inst. and proceeded to shoot and carve each other. Swojie is dead and Goodloe is said to be fatally wounded. Both were men of almost na tional repute, the latter being a member of the national republican committee. St. I'aul is arranging to have a more magnificent ice palace this winter than ever before. f2o,u(Mi rias been guaran teed for the building of the structure. The last cliapter of the Rowewater Gouger controversy is tliat Mr. Rose- water was found guilty of disturbing "a religious meeting" at Tekamah, and sen tenced to jay a Cne of 4 10 and costs. The caste lias been appealed and if the editor of the Bee pays that fine it will not be until he is ordered to do so by tbe supreme court of Nebraska. The Bee man is a stayer and his opponent ap pears to be built somewhat on tlie same plan. Dispatches from southern and western Kansas bearing date of Nov. 11th state that there was a terrible blizzard prevail ing there at that time. The weather in northwest Nebraska was not much like a blizzard at that time. People will learn in time that ivebraska is no more subject to severe storms than other tates. The blizzard which visited Colorado last week extended clear down into New Mexico and was quite severe, tbe snow piling up bo as to blockade the railroads and cause a great deal or in convenience. A report to the effect that a great deal of stock was lost is said to have been exaggerated. 8ome of the heaviest tax-payers of Otoe county have petitioned the com missioners of that county for an imme diate examination of the affairs of the clerk of the district court's office. The way of the transgressing official in Ne braska is becoming harder as time rolls on and punishment is becoming almost inevitable. Omaha is booming the project of a fine new bridge to be built across tbe Missouri river at that point. The rapid development of Nebraska and conse quent unprecedent growth of Omaha as a natural consequence has made it ne cessary for better facilities to take care of the business which is the outgrowth of the settlement of the state. A traveling man who thought be was a masher insulted one of the girls in a hotel in a town in Indiana a few days ago and the girl hit him over the eye with a flat-iron and then proceeded to do him up in good shape and would proba bly have killed him had not assistance arrived. The fellow will probably be more respectful to hotel employees in future, A suit has been filed in Dawes county by Andrew Richardson against Kilpat rick Bros. & Collins for 25,000 damages. A little son of Richardson was mutilated by a dynamite cartridge left near the B. V M. tunnel by the contractors and the damage is claimed on that ground. The tittle fellow lost a portion of each hand and one eye by the accident and should tbe full amount asked for be awarded as damages it would be but small compen sation for the injuries received, as they leave the boy disabled and disfigured for life, Congressman-elect G. L. Laws, of the second district has resigned bis position as secretary of state and the governor has appointed Benjamin R. Cowdrey to fill the vacancy. This appointment will give quite general satisfaction, unless it be among a few of those who wished to e aa anti-railroad man put in the place. It is certain that tbe business of tbe of fice will be' well looked after for Mr. Cowdrey's )ong experience as deputy has fitted him for the work devolving upon t)k secretary of state. Wbea an officer objects to having his books er records examined it is about time for an investigation to be insisted upon. The treasurer of Riley county, Km, refused a few weeks ago to. let tbe probate judge and two of tbe comniis stooar examine his accounts, as re quired by tbe law of the state, and the next beard of the treasurer be ws in Windsor, Canada. No honest oflV4J ob Jacta to an inspection of tbe record of bin office, for it i simpW the peoale looking after tbeir own bwstness, wjsh whkrbMrMtvstVItistiKi Who want oOo or wbM Ul k ia It VtofenotwMjttfe l$it trt'tao tho The merchants of Chadron are taking active steps for the good of the town and county. They will try to induce all dealers in flour to liandle the goods manufactured at home so as to secure for the farmer the highest possible price for wheat. Other matters of import ance are being discussed at the meetings of busiuess men which have been held quite frequently of late, and the town and county cannot but be benefited thereby. A terrible blizzard struck Colorado lxst week and did a great deal of damage and not less tlian twenty are reported as having lost their lives. The storm was the most severe experienced for a long time, the sufferings of those who were found before frozen to death are reported as simply apalling. One party of cat tle men lost six of their numlier and some of the others were terribly frozen. Further losses are expected to be yet learned of. Capt. W. C. Henry, Commandant of the soldiers' home at Grand Island, has written a letter to Gov. Thayer inform ing him that old soldiers have been sent there without any authority. They simply purchase tickets for the poor vet erans und send them to Grand Island and not furnish them with any money for re turn. The result is that the lionse is al ready filled to its greatest capacity and the officials have notified the people that no one will lie admitted to the home un less sent there in compliance with the statutes. Those in authority are doing all in their power to take care of the old soldiers and sailors who are worthy of the care of the state, but they do not like to be imposed upon. THE Jourxal is in receipt of a letter from Hon. L. W. Gilchrist congratulat ing the settlers upon the election of the republican people's ticket on tbe 5th inst. He says to tell all his friends in Sioux county (and he has lots of them) that he rejoiced more over the result of the election in this county in 1889 than he did in 1888 when he received a major ity of the votes. He also feels that the vote given to Hon. W. G. Sim orison to nil the vacancy caused by his resigna tion is a direct endorsement by the set tlers of Sioux county to his action while a member of the last legislature. Mr. Gilchrist will ever have a warm place in the hearts of the people of Sioux, and he is very proud of the fact. line running into Wyoming will also be extended for, as it is now, there is little satisfaction as fur as train service is con cerned. The rapid settlement of this lo cality and development of the oil and mining regions just west of here ouht to warrant better train service tnan has been given thus far. In order to secure this let every one endeavor to induce people to come here to live and it will not be long until the railroad eotnjieny will meet the demand. In fact tlie de mand is being made already. Tlie B. & M. runs fine passenger trains, with sleep er attached to Crawford, so that people need make no cliange from there to Om aha, and it will be necessary for tlie Elk horn to look after tlie comfort and con venience of the people or the grei'er part of tlie passenger business will drift to their competitor. As a rule the Elk- horn has been able to hold its own and will probably do so in this case as soon as it finds out tlie condition of matters. In three counties in Kansas re-snb-mission was made a direct issue at the recent election and the vote showed a large majority in favor of again submit ting the prohibitory amendment to the people. It may be all right to let the people vote on it again if they want to, but now that the state has got pro hibition why not give it a thorough trial before attempting to change back. It has always been claimed by those favor ing the prohibition laws that after the old topers die off or move away that the question would be settled. If the people of Kansas are wise they will not change back for some time yet, until they have become satisfied with the experiment and disgusted with the results. The question of a new federal election taw is being discussed as a means of in suring a free ballot and a fair count in the south, but the proposed bill does not appear to meet with general favor among republicans. The objection ap pears to be that it would arouse the south to a stern and bitter resistance and consequent sacrifice of life, perhaps, and those are the results it is desired to avoid. If a national law aa made that every person who voted for a member of congress, or for any federal officer roust poseesa certain edacational qualifica tions, and this in tarn be seconded by a similar law in every state regarding the state and local elections, the matter could lie adjusted more speedily and peacefully than in,. any way yet present ed. The people, whether north or south, do not object to being governed by their quale, but it is not a matter of sur prise that tbe intelligent and educated object to having tbe thick beaded and illiterate dictate who shall or who shall not bare control of tbe pb lie office. When the time comes that tbe standard of excel lenos shall be what a person knows and what good traits of character they possess, and not tbe amount of cash they can command or tbe grade of clothe tbey wear, it will mark an posh in the progress of civili sation and ajsionJ progress, The Official Count The official canvass of the election re turns was made at the office of the coun ty clerk on last Saturday evening. County Clerk Jameson, C. H. WeDer and Asa Davis composed the canvassing board. Tlie following is the result as shown by tlie returns, except in a few instances where a stray vote was cast either for fun or by mistake, for some person for an office who was not run ning for that position, and those scatter ing votes are not put in the report below : Sir It EKE JL'UGB. Precinct. Norval Aniest. Antelope 13 8 Andrews 11 5 Bowen 63 20 Bodarc 24 13 Cottonwood 53 18 Five Points 25 30 Hat Creek 17 23 Lower Running Water. ..12 2 Montrose 19 58 Running Water 15 2 Snake ('reek 0 6 White River 20 31 Warbounet 49 22 Norval'i majority T. KEGENTI. Precinct. Knight He-a Antelope 13 8 Andrews 11 5 Bowen 63 20 Bodarc 24 12 Cottonwood 54 15 Five Points 25 30 Hat Creek 17 23 Lower Running Water 12 3 Montrose 20 57 Running Water 15 2 Snake Creek 0 8 White River 20 31 Warbonnet 49 22 Knight' majority 100. The other candidates, Messrs. Morrill and McKenna, each fell behind the other candidate on their respective tickets one vote. SENATOR. Precinct- Bartow Critcs Anteieope 20 1 Andrews 11 5 Bowen 55 25 Bodarc 22 9 Cottonwood 54 9 Five Points 25 ...... 0 Hat Creek 10 27 Lower Running Water... 13 0 Montrose 80 25 Running Water 16 1 Snake Creek 6 ..... 0 White River J7 Warbonnet 51 5 Bartow's majority I 188. HEPREKEMATIVS Precinct. Slmonaon Wcstover Antelope 13 ... 1 Andrews. ...11 s Bowen 61 . . id Bodarc 22 "... 9 Cottonwood M 8 Five Point 28 0 Hat Creek 12 25 L'er Running Water. 18 0 Montrose 19 25 Running- Water 15 l Snake Creek 0 White River 23 s Warbonuet . 50 a biinunaou's majority 1JJ. ntEAftURXR. Precinct. Gayhart Griswcdd Antelope 17 4 Andrews. 5 11 Bodarc 16 18 Bowen i 34 90 Cottonwood 49 24 Five Points 86. U Hat Creek 20 20 Lower Running Water. 7 7 Montrose 75 3 Running Water 1. 7 .. ft Snake Creek 0 White River 22 25 Warbonnet 36 34 Gayhajrt's majority Ill Precinct.." Antelope Andrews. S Bodarc 12 Bowen 40 Cottonwood 38 Five Points ....33 Reldy ttwt W 8 11 24 48 41 22 22 ft fyta reported that the Black Hills branch of the F. B. H V. will bo x teadnd in Uw near future into, the coal field belonging to th company, above WWtwood, It is to. V hoped Mat the Hat Creek 18 Lower Sunning Water... 8 Montrose W ...... 8 Running Water 8 Snake Creek 6 0 White River 24 27 Warbonnet 38 38 Reidy's majority .5 JTJfiUK. Precinct. Barker Hooch Antelope 18 a Andrews 5 11 Bowen.. .,...44 $ Bodarc ...! Cottonwood 41 2t , IW Potato..., .17 18 Lower Running Water... 7 7 Montrose 73 8 Running Water 8 ' Snake Creek 0 White River - 25 24 Warbonnet 3 ' Barkers majority 39- CUlKK. ITeolnet. Llndeiuan. Windsor. Antelope 1? - Andrews 5 U Bowen 37 46 Bodarc 23 Cottonwood 51 23 Five Points 33 22 Hat Creek 1 22 Lower Running Water ... 7 5 Montrose "1 Running Water 8 7 fvoek 6 0 Wl,it River 26 25 Warbonnet 37 31 Lindenian's majority 102 SITERTSTE-VDE-NT. Precinct. Soutbworth. Ilolllngsworth. Antelope 18 3 Andrews 5 11 Uowen 41 43 Bodarc 12 23 Cottonwood 45 27 Five Points 35 20 Hat Creek 19 21 Lower Running Water 8 8 Montrose 69 8 Running Water 8 7 Snake Creek 6 0 White River 34 27 Warbonnet 41 30 South worth's majority 10"). SURVEYOR. Precinct. Iew Rigdoa Antelope 18 3 Andrews 3 U Bowen 45 39 Bodarc 17 19 Cottonwood 44 28 Five Points 86 19 Hat Creek.. 20 20 Lower Running Water. . H 6 Montrose 73 .. 3 Running Water 8 7 Snake Creek 6... 0 White River 20 31 Warbonuet - 45 26 Dew's majority 133, CORONER. Precinct. Shafer. Andrew Antelope 18 3 Andrews 5 11 Bowen 44 39 Bodarc 18 20 Cottonwood 44 -26 Five Points 87 18 Hat Creek 17 23 Lower Running Water 7 7 Montrose 73 8 Running Water 8 7 Snake Creek 6 0 White River 84 27 Warbonnet 41 30 Shafer s majority 126. COMMISSIONER, 2ND DISTRICT. Precinct. (J rove. Kauin. Antelope 18 3 Andrews 5 11 Bowen 40 44 Bodarc 15 21 Cottonwooa 46 28 Five Points 37 18 Hat Creek 20 20 Lower Running Water 5 8 Montrose 70 3 Running Water 8 9 Snake creek 6 0 White River 25 26 ' Warbonnet , 89 32 Grove's majority 110. COMMISSIONER, 3RD DISTRICT. Precinct. Green. Karneat. Antelope 18 3 Andrews 5 11 Bowen 39 45 Bodarc 15 21 Cottonwood 43 27 Five Points 37 18 Hat Creek 20 20 Lower Running Water 5 8 Montrose 69 4 Running Water 8 9 Snake Creek 2 0 White River 23 28 Warbonnet 40 3 Green's majority 98, Lrftl Notice. Tlie Hoard of Church ftitrnaion, eorpor tl.,n organiaed by tbe le.gtlatur of Pemi vlraula and . w. Helder, non-rwiirleiit de fendant, will tike noti. tliat on the tub day of October. A. The Buffalo o.p I uinber Company, plaintiff herein, BlMT iU iH-tition in t" diriol court of Mourn county, Nebraka. mrunt anid defendant, the object and prayer of which are to forc eloae a oerttlu lurohanln lien upon lot nuin--r In block number 3, in the village of llarrlaon, Mom county, Nehraaka, for the unt of two hundred and fifteen dollars and aeventy ueven eent, S2I5 77) for which uui, with Interest from tbe fourteenth day of April, A. I. Plaintiff pray for a de cree that defendant be required to p iv the aame or that aid preinlnea may be aula to aatixtv the amount found due. on or before Monday, tbe second day of ! Bi fkalo ;r J.t'MBKH l'iiFt, Plaintiff, By OKmot WLs ibelr attornuy. BF4WT Or Til E CONDITION OF THE . BASK OF HABB1S0S tbe close of bum.jf, October 30, It L LSI al T II! L 1 1utna nnrl rlluonimi. . . OverdraU, necureul mnt unMocuretl. 'tlit'w ' '- "wii 1'nuuilttl It nil KM . 71 ul 111. fr..n 4i.., u i '.I'-' Keal tat;, furniture and f)xtre 1.4UU0Q Current expenw and taxes paid - tjl w t beck and other cab Item n'm aw-nwiiw piur currency, mcuittr Specie - . . . : H LckuI lender notea , JJoo Total 1 I 1 II I I lOTl MO KIA0II.II1CA. Capital stock paid la riviuenua unpaia S7,U9 5 ,000.01 ...iuvuiii IIUUBIU . . . , . Vu Demand rertinuatc of deposit . -ym-a TUu vertiflcatea of depoait , . tttljn Total S7 ia 3U .ATE NMAKA. CYwurTT OK Riou x, tut: V... . , . , ' MJ KISV- liHIIIfll bank, do aolemnly awear that the above C. K. lli.MtCa.blcr. Subscribed and aworn to before me thin bth day of Nov. ft. 11. T. CoNi.r.r, Notary Public. Nirtlreof Content. I'. 8. Land (ifflee, cUaIron, Neb.. I K'tOlKT h, law. I Ulledto plow or cultlvatTa. y portion rf vwtooer 7, ISMI. '1 he aaid laat e Kra, her.!.. Mimouedto .ppar at tnl. oe?n Kft day of Doembr, UM, at 10 o'clock a! n . re.pond and f un.l-h " aid aUetxd f aUureT ' fT?4,iM".',orwHl,MUI be taken h. U'U ..r,PQWfJM.ltaclv.e B. E. Bkewstbh, C. F. Comrx, Pre anient. Vic Pres. CHAS. C. JAMESON, Caahler. Commercial Bank. INCORPORATED. -A. General Banking Business -TRANSACTED. - Harrison, Nebraska. C. H. Andrews & Co., -Dealers in- Drugs, Faints, Brushes, Oils, -AND- Fine Toilet Goods, STATIONERY & PERFUMES. BEST CIGARS IN THE CITY, Wm. Christensen, Wholesale and Retail Hardware. A large and well selected to.k All'McS ON HAND. ACORN STOVES, BARBED WIRE at price to nit the time AllU fr CJIWPIM BIDDERS tllD Mowers. 3badron, -, Neb. , Nudre uf runlet, I'. , Land Office, ( imdron . . October, i Complaint No. 1(47 liavtnK ljen r, topher Hlier for aliaiidouliir hi. 1 a entry No. Wi. dated teuruatv : iJ I. .i .....l i. , i Mum county, Nebraska, with a v cancel la t ion ,f pald entry; ttie aa; i utji uj nuiiiiiiviir. u, apjar at j-f uij uiri iu ijhji in INHMUllier 1 o'clock a. in., to reiHni Hii'l f,Jn uiony runrariiiii( nald -l!e(trl alaii' Tewllinoiiy of wtiiiMe t fore II. .lonea. Ni,t-trv I'niiii ... ill Ham-oll, Neb., oil illeSnd d'v, oer. ixm,, ai iv a. nt. i. r. foa 17-11) Not Ire of ("mit,M,t 1'. . lJii(t Oftli-e, fliadroii, . " HURT ,, I onii'lahit No iM Ij.iv Ihif U ,. ,.. tbla oftiee by I baa. K. iOW,., I owena tor f allure to eoinly a j T ti llmler culture entry N'u. siVi, Out- Ier4, 10, Uhiii tlieie nel,' il e. -&. t. r H. ill Moll p., brnnka, lib a ! to the eitu ald entry; ronteitant alleging claimant Irtile! t4i break or imii.,. t, ken U'll acre of aald tra,-t durii-w and rcoiid yer, ami liiiled t., i aerea durliiK the third year ef t. r , made ami h falb-,1 to cure k ,m ti dati-of lnltiati'iK till coiit t The aalil p irth-a lire hi-reliv nn,,,, apM-arat tlii othi e on tlie auth davi la-r, Ikk, at 10 o'eUK k , a, in., to re., ftirniab titlinoiiy "om-eriilnK aiir failure. 'IVtlinoiiy of aitiH'M-Ma en la-fore John A. (ipfli, u Notary Ilia ofhei' in ItiimitiiK W i,t,-r pri tH county, .Wbrai-ka. on tl,i;ii ,.,v , biT, IH-Al, at lUo'cha k a. in. U-l I J T. r . CowKua, l; FINAL l'KOOF T( l. All peraona having dual pnaif n. tbla paa-r will receive a marked eni pa)M-r und are rojiieted to ean, notice and if any errora exlt ri aino to tbla oftlce at once. N'OTK K VOH I'l ATloN Ijunl Office at Chadron, Selir a-tla-r3l, Ihki. Notice la hereby (riven that the I named aettler baa tiled not lee nl , tlon to make finiil proof in aiipi,i cbiiin, uinl thataatd pna.f wllj . fori M. I', h lnkald, Judxe of the court, or in hla nlw c. c. Jamn of the dletrlet eonrt, al Hurrioii Iecinla r hi, laaii, vlt; Poloinon H. Story, of t.raumiem who made II K entry No. 117 for the , e 14 ne ijr 4cc M, and aw qr nw jr r !W. He uami' tlin followinK a -In, prove hl lolitiliiioua reildeiire u cultivation of aald hind, tz: John John C. I.. KaKlmid, (,eorire W. Col. W. I.ahK'lon, all of l.riimiiiercy, n,i, 614j M. -MoNTOOUKKT, IJ.- Cohicllilaled Vntlie fur i'uliliea IjiihI OltUte at Chadron. , . Pt- '" li aiaiw ia nereny (Tiven llml the 1 minimi aettler baa filed nol li e nl t, tlon to make final priaif In anppnr claim, and Unit aaid pria,! all H. ; fore Chaa. C. JaineHon, clerk of the court, at lliii rlaon, Seb.,ou Nov. IS, Jolin Ttiiiin. of MmMrnw, ho made I). M. No. 51 It for the ,wk tp M t M. He nainea the following a ItniKi-, hla colitlnnotia reatilenee upon mnl lion of aald html, : l', U r Hem htidxer, of MoiitroHe, Neb.; Ciiribn fredenik huoll, of Itodun-, Nebra Willieliii tiulilke, ufltarriniii a lio made ll. H. No. Ul I fur th .l. 33, r M, He nauiea the follow Ihk Itntr,. hla eoiitlnuoua n-aldenev llKin and tiou of aald land, viz: Aun.t Xp i' mi, .iiik"V r, , .(null, Todtenliaupl, all of llarrlwm, NehruJ I'l HI tl' f, . . . I. I l"'l Jl. ffM.l -13., HI J ..J Coiifiolldnteil Nntlrp fur I'lililimli ljuid tifticf at Cliailioii, H't. 1 Notice ia hereby irlvetl that the f., named aettler him Hied notice of hi. tlon to inuke final finaif In aupiMir chtlni, mid that aald pnxir will U- n fon t haa. JanieMOti, clerk ol Uw court, ut ilarnou, ebraku,fm m vli: MAB V STAIiL. of llixiurr, who made II. K flttnir No. I.VSt tut t ec. 1 1, tp. XI, r. 1V6 writ. She nainea the f oilia-n witni-sie ' her continiioua residence uMi aii'l tlon of auld land, viz: ( lurence II. 1 worth, Jaiiiea M. lianlcU, nientini hetcr, Kilwnrd ilollliigawortli, all ol Nebrtmka, nlao FUKHKIMI K M. I'l'fM'l'NlKK. f Cm who made U. K. rtlltiff' Kn. II'K for aex mx: J ni w.i aw t aee "i, tp 43 r : He mime the following witucjtta-i hla continiioua residence iiimih and tlon of. aald hind, vi.; JoliilaUiau li.J John I'rlee, iinnf lirou n, Churls all of t raw ford, Nebraska, iUo: f.KOUl.K S. iIJ,Klt, of H;irriv who made l. S. No. liWor the cV ft, w,V nw ' aec i. tp HI, t 'M w. lit! nainea the following wllnC'isui Ilia coutinuoiii, reiliieuce iihhi iih'i llou ol aald liind, vl.: t,e,re W. I'ayaou Itlifeloa , Homer A I'riddy, R. Miilth, all of Ifnrrlaoii, Nebr.itka. -aj v . II. Jilt AVI, H B 111. 'luil tor Nutll'f of liir(iriuU'8 Notice la lierebv Khen of Ui' In tlon of Hie Kiink of llurrl-m, "I II Nebraska, '1 be uiideriifned, niiax'lstt fur the ti niia u'tloii of a ifeje lne-a in the M.ile of Ni'lil.!i:i,.i, lowlnar nrllcii H of lueorjior.;: n ARlil'lK I. 'llienatiicol "n.i all .i 1 1 la- Il.iiik ol il.ii rl-on." Aurici.K II. ' !'lwe niM til thia coriNiralion alt. ill be i sloux coiiulv, .Vi br.ibkn. AllTK f.K III. The K-cnernl n:ltiui bll-iiiei.a of tbla eorpor. .lioil l'.il'i ' Inifof money on d" iio-lt, invi -i fuudaiu Iimii", bc.ylnK nix! -,H ehanire, reclilnir nii'T innkini,' for olhera, the biiylnif and ,dhi. t.itit or making lout." on muk- itiul 1 tnir h vii,'riil h.iiikhn hint lie.. iT,i l.l! IV. 1 he c.illit.d .l.n'k'rf! rairallon ahnll la- tweniy llw- iim" iara, divided Inui aliiua-a of one iiu lara eacli., nl leaat twmity -r a-nl.h uliull Im Itxl,! Ill lM'lore lite ineiit of buaiiicaa, and the remainder tiniea ua me noara oi ireeioi W hen any new atia-k ia lwdied, e.ti1 holder aluill tai entitled ti aunacriu' mine proportion of the whole l" luilib In lln, exiatiinr KH'k. and ll tock remiiina HiiauTucrila d lor h" of twenty daya from the iiat" tuck Waa votid by Ui Hoard of h the IL.iinl of hliM'Uirt may ai tiba rlljiil alock U the other trk and If not accented by them, the i" be Hllolial to other iippnciitiia. ARTli l.r. V. 1'hia coriKirntloii liionoe on the lilli day of Anifuat, mKhII .mitli,,,,, ffHienlv-flve vi'.il'ii- AKTKI.KVI. 'Hie highe't Hi"""1'1 dehtedncaaor nubility to which " ration may at any time aubject l be nol lo extated lltiy ar ceni i nl tli.,1 r I .ulu'rilH'il excelit I"' and Mlleh nctfitllulile aiartiM IDHV 1 and aold by the coriair.aioii In ll" trRUHiicllon of bo-i ne.a. AUTH'LI I'll 'I'll,. M if It I TH llf till4 tlon ahall la eoiidueteil by a board nl ora. eiiiMlMtintf l n,,l Iiinh Mien tflf1 la-ra, who ahull la- elected hy tue " era of the eoriairnllon ut the thereof and on the Hrl Mondny of eai-h year ami aald Itonrd J ahull cIioohc f nmi their mimia-r a Vice I'ri-ldent anil a t a-clih i . AKTK I.r. VIII. IheM- artlelea I iiinended Htnnv time by a ole ol II)' of the atock. in wltmv. when-of, the ii'i'h i -ii'" hereunto Md their liauda thl.'illi da glial, laa'.i, III prepuc e of IIKV.I in ' mii I... t u i an: r.. I CIIAKI.i ( STATF. iK NKHII ahA ; ltd a it ne ami x a I, , ll--''" lary I'ubllc duly eonimli"i-'l '" aald -ouutv, do hereby fertile th mill r. i-ii oiiiii, ciiiiiie r.. n- t hurlea K. Verll, aToniilly k" aa tlie ia-raona a hoK- miuiea are lo the for'oln Innlriiuielit, "I'l" Ion- ion In la'raon and ' that they alHma the loreKninK '' liicorporallon aa Iheir frei and aet, for the n' and put apH " "" r . iiaio. WI ILIII-Mlia HIT IWii" - SAL M-al tbla .Mb day of A" NolHl V