The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 14, 1889, Image 5
mBMINC WORLD. ' licoM, 1. . - i Lnriwn Ln ... . 1 , I u s ninn sa i ... i i i- wv. urrr i a a i r r Ereij Dty Interest to Agriculturist. VmI OrwUf by Xu af BMt iMiltt Tk. Fotaw lot rt Wtl Gnm trouble," ay a wool iperly nuuinjje their flock. Uke care la wie treatment tiey will find it profitable Sbefp will live on very rouj;h etdure grout deal of ex- gi certainly they got aoout & stii n a ol both at the hand jpuinon farmer. Upon the s4 no Bnimal will respond t to kind treatment tinJ good ,bwp- ut neglect s;eni8 ml drawback to the farmer Cjfrowcr, and because sheep r . i i. , f return unuur Burn irt'air ire unworthy. Tlie nvcrnffn Uwool does not welt'ti over and the average- sheep C yield more than fifty U mutton, and that of an Cpility. What if by impro ve Wfleet"" should be rained to pteo eight pounds and tin; 4 mutton to noventy-tive The difference in dollars and i the farmer's iocket would kjn look with notno dojrroo of jjoo bit flocks, besides the of knowing that he had dono . , - r . aj ia Hie way ui rurehSion. pjatnt is the one thing nocotv I our flock. Not that every nhould have all thoroughbreds, aid not bo profitable at all, but B'Jio flock by the. neleelion of icummon ewo and the purchase Kfhbred bucks. A few extra !ced In a good buck will bo Mfreatfy multiplied in the en- alue of the lambs. o mnn pi to disregard tho value of the Soman can afford to disregard if of the buck he uhvs. My cx- wi'ib iheep has taught nie that h profitable. Whoro farmers fcir flocks according to their led facilities for caring for them Ls't fail to reap reasonable ro- Tb I'otato Hot. fuwlion of the potato rot has out afreth this fall, and tho t! many that in u season liko p just past sLablo manure will rot in potatoes seem to bo fairly But I do not consider manure ly cna for tho rot, although it kU conditions favorable for its wment, navs a Practical Farmer A. literal application of rna- fclloirei by a very wet seaon, P the fines or tubera to an un- il rapid growth, and whenever kdition occurs the rot is liable in. There is (something lacking potato; the starch does not form ai tho potato grows. Tho m the (lijUMLMS. nnnn tlm nntnl.n u W the titarch cells, and cause Option of thn nlhumnn And P'-'as olemcnliL thin trivlntr rise (intolerable odor of the decayed ui tubers. Tho disease is the faastrous upon low, ret, boggy Wr9lnwt unll u. ,..., yM)n 90 per cent of tho crop Is ftcusa by the rot. 1 ho rot in a known as Peronospora infes- Jiuch grows within the plant. ft colls with white threads, mycelium. Feeding for Macon. Iu eomething else to bo aimed weeding and foeding hogs be te amount of lard thoy will tne host market at presont ia Mfor good bacon hogs. Buy- jKHrtand that a hog fod nothln g F. whilo he raav be hoavv. ia oft and spongy. A hardy con- fa u what tho successful breeder try to attiin. Pick out the best P? slock, neat, plump nnd well twt avoid the coarso, lubberly Vary the food from corn to the trogunous foods, as ryo, oats, tort, middling, oil moal, grass wer, with an ample eupply of fiiiUlors and worm destrovnrs. Nd tnako a dlMtlnction botweon I&od fattening. Corn furnishes Re health-sustaining, flesh-pro- ,0W; It is made up so largely Wlm muUpl.l tl... .. to .it. (only product After the pigs F Crown, and have good, strong Md consliUitions, they may bo fwn with proat Hut even then Fuld be taken or overfeeding In Pion will injure their health. foiera is often a proof of bad and always takes tho most constitutions weakened by con- N diet fwen who havo mudo obsorva- ' of tho broods have lost vigor 'continued feeding of corn as "ivefood. Corn is deficient in Wtlor, especially of lime, and ' corn leads to degeneracy. varied d lot can tho vigor bo Injudicious foeding leads tad loss.N. K. Farmer. xjuvoa ay covering 01 ' flMtMnl JlApnKtlnna of froez- wlof. A wot, moist winter for ksepicg cabbage till free from beads, root to tnan a cold, d M , , nam m . n s0"e Place where it U alw. atr. turn the cabbage P and heaJi r. ".1 "de up so u to leave only the stubs of the root sticking out above the ndt Cabbage thus kept will freeze, but will not be injured if undisturbed until ready to vT-K.ltlnof If the butU-r U thoroughly worked remove all the whii n.,i,. . , uu&rg u caserne, it will need much less salt. It U the impurities of butter, and espec ially its exposure to air. that cause its quick decay. The public taste of late years requires much less salt in butU-r than it used to do, and to make little bait effectual necessitates all the greater care from the butUr-maker. Over Halting is, therefore, presumptive evi dence that salt has been added to cover defects arising from ignorance, laziness and general want of cleanli ness. ow l or All l-urpotm. We never took much stock in the cry for a cow that shall lie equally good for all purposes. That means a dull medicocrity, without particular excellence in anything. The Devon breed perhaps fulfils this condition as well as any other, and the fact that it has never become very popular any where is proof of our position. The competition in farming is now :so close that only the very best breeds fur particular purposes can be afforded. Tho farmer is driven to spoci altics as the condition of success. Swrrt l'utnliiri ami hli kena. 1. . ... . . it is detrimental to iced sweet potatoes to laying hens, as they are rich in carbonaceous elements, and uencient in oilier respects. ( ouseiiuent- ly, if sweet potatoes are fed to hens tlio hens become very fat, and cease to lay. For young chicks, or for stock intended to bo sent to inarket, there is no food known that will fatten them so qmcKiy. 11 is too expensive to uso sweet potatoes for poultry, but tho very small ones, which aro unsalable, may be cooked for market poultry with advantage. The Cattle I'rolileffl. Ceo. H. Loving says it isn't so much the "dim distant future" as tho "trou- Diesome present, winch now worries the minds of cattlemen. Most of them have faith in the future, but they do not know what to do to insure tho realization of that faith. We cannot bo mora specific than to advise them to go "long" on quality, "short" on quan tily, and bring Into requisition all of the plain, common cow senso they can muster. R 1 Varnish remain. . 1 trl..4 matrlHT to remain briht. tC ul,conUnu 4??,l6U American girls occasion- 1 T . g t Th8 micUs sh0 J aommit ,uicid trough disappoiut be warm when lh vi.i, 1 . ooent t nt .n; .p. j. CTl !:T. - is appiiea. , uirriBu; out it will Caviare is made of the rw f .u. n.rPr'! them to learn that the Chinese Bturgeon, salmon, cod and 1 L.. " -V '"Te sncU dread of 4lie fish it i "ua coa and other large matrimomal chain that they frequently fish. It is a Hussian delieacy which is death to marria.. fXe imported in kegs. It U often served pl!l4?il1 Confucius, "women are the f pread on sliees of toast. "O" nifhcult to manase. If you are " is worth while to nat n.,t WTV., em b,co,m? for- mnnili. t , ' nrjr", "v. KeeP iiiein ai ft uiKtaoce r-.yv, me oacn of every lUK oeeome discontented." So many iue noi already so protected ii . "'sauinties of married women as it effectually prevents dust from t'a,rT ?ir'B Prefer going into Budd reaching the pictures. It . u J1 t"l"t' done nowada-9bv firat.iaJo t. Smoke marks from kerosene 1. may be removed from the ceiling by au.i.g un strong soda water, and tho yellow stains from leaks with a strong solution of white vitriol at least, as an old caleiminer and painter tells me. Jt is comparatively easy to extermin ate black ants. The little red ants are, however, very hard to get rid of. A little powdered hellebore sprinkbid around at night will as a rulo quickly exterminate them. Care must betaken in using the hellebore, and in brushing t IMAn .t 1 I f . . -"-u ui nuoiu mey can know nothing unt from the interested reports of the go Utweens. i Archdeacon Gray, in his work 011 Uui,a, states that in 1878 eight young girls residing near Canton, "nlio had been nfiiauced, drowned themselves in order to avoid marriage. They clothed themselves in their best attire, and at 11 I p clock, in the darkness of the uisrht, having bound themselves together, they threw themselves into a tributary dream of the Canton river." Young ijauies Journal. loweer Was Mead. A common looking dog lying dead in a gutter stems a repulsive object, l'nst Rtiell fl til. nnr...L. 1.. : - 11 away in tho morning, as it is poison- : day, wuon a little boy, thinly clad nnd ous. rowucred sulnhur w 1 frenimntli, ; "ouuung on a crutch, en e, . "Hprs i 1. ... . . '. : . A New KIM ft laHtun hutwn put in operation bythemsonfc ture of Dr. Fierce's medicines. His "Golden Medical Discovery" ind "Fsvorite Prescrip tion" are sold by druggists under the manu facturers' positive guarantee. Either benefit or a complete cure Us thus attained, or money paid for these medicines is returned. The eertificate of guarantee given In connection witn sale 01 tneee medicines 16 equivalent im policy of insurance. The "Golden Medical DiBCovrrv" cures all humors and blood taints. from whatever cause arising, skin and scalp disease, scrofulous sores and swelliDgs. The "iavonte rrescnotion" cures all mose ue- ransrements aud weaknesses peculiar to women. Don't hawk, ban k, and blow, blow, di6 gustii everybody, but use Dr. 8age's Ca tarrh Itemedy Joe Jefferson, the artist, encroaches on the time of Jefferson, the actor. JACOBS OIJj For TJcuralcia. answer the purpose. In buying meat for soup, choose a shank of mutton, shin of beef m- knuckle of veal. Have tho butcher crack the bones in every part Tho bones are as valuable as tho meat itself, owing to the gelatine in them, which imparts a peculiar richness. Paddings. Asctiikh Pi iipinc, Sai.te One cup of sugar, 0110 tablcspoonful of flour, one tablcspoonful of butter, rubbed together, then add a pint of boiling water and flavor with nutmeg or cinna mon or lemon or vanilla. A Kirn Pi liniNc; Ono and a half cups of sugar, two cups of Hour, four eggs, two tcaspoonfuls baking powder; mix and add ono third cup of hot uter. llako in a quick oven. To bo eaten cold with whipped cream. Applk IUrtKit Plimmnu Pure and core six ripe npplcs, placo in a dish; make a batter of one pint of sweet milk, two cg;:s, four tablespoonfuls of flour, a little salt, pour over the ap ples, bake half an hour. To be eaten with sauce or sweetened cream. Too lurli t-ontldenre. Hulls are dangerous animsls, and a majority of the injuries received occur from placing too much confidence in gentle bulls, which suddenly and uncx fiectly attack tho attendant. A bull will usually prove obedient when young, but It is seldom that u fully matured bull is safe. No bull should bo kept on a farm that has not been "ringed" in the nose, and it should bo made to work if training It Is possible. Farm ote. A Holstein heifer was exhibited at the liangor (Mo.) Fair that yielded about fifteen quarts of milk daily. Considering that she was only 2 years old the yield was extraordinary. Hubbard squashes uro the best winter keepers and should bo stored away be fore frost Tho squash can be had all winter if carefully stored. Bran is considered one of the best ' foods for ail classes of stock, und it is rich in phosphates. It Is a very im perfect food, however, when fed in placo of grain entirely, but when given in connection with hay and ground grain It largely adds to tho vulue of the whole. The hog will thrive bolter if kept clean and given plenty of water. Slop food docs not afford a sufficient supply of water. Milk will not answer as wa ter. The water trough should be kept filled with clean water at all times. In regard to cutting off tho seed ends of potatoes nnd throwing them away, J. M. Smith says : Last spring I saved a bushel of the seed ends and planted thorn by themselves right in the mid dle of tho piece of two or three acres that I was planting; nnd I found, when wo canio to dig them, that tho yield was just about tho samo and tho pota toes nbout tho samo sizo. Hut tiioso coining from the seed ends were nearly a weok curlier than tho others, Twenty pounds of liny and twelve quart) oi 'oa U given daily is the esti mated quantity of food for a borso, but this must bo regulated by tho sizo of tho animal, the labor performed and tho season of tho year. The Dorset shoep are vory prolific. Thoy were shown at sovenil full fairs laxt yonr, the ewes having lambs at their foot, and nearly all had twins. They also produce lamb in tho spring. IllnU to HiHiavkeaprra. A neat device for tho setting of tables for small parties is to havo tho table round, with a low basket of flowers in the centre, and decorations of smilo reaching out to the edge in each direction, like spokes of a wheel. Each guest has tho spuco between tho outer ends of two of tho spokes. For chappod lips, dissolve beeswax in a small quantity of weot oil by hoating carefully. Apply the salve two or throe tiroes a day, and wold wetllnf the Up as much as possible. To keep hiffhly pollshod braas free fMm tmrnishlnir cover it with a thin ooftt of varnlah made of ihellao dl ', The Uaow-Birl. Winter is coming, Winter is comlns; liirds know it, skies know it, hearts know it. Bleep apain, snow apaia, drifted so deep again, Over each brave Spring poet. Sing the old year with his beard of gray Ho loonetli at you so sadly; Is it, a masque that the robes of May Fit bis (taunt iimbs so badly 1 "Love again, sing again, nest again, yeung atraiu." Hark! 'tis a Lear gone crazy Autumn will sootho lii m with wino and with touch, And golden rod give for daisy. Winter is coming, Winter is coming; liirds know it, skies know it,' hearts know it Wing-weary snow-bird, fly o"er tho sea And break tho news to the poet. Grace Duffle Koo. Bowser! nnd I hen. t.ikincr in tlio eitim. hon. dropped his crutch, and, kneeling by tbe dead dog. cried as if his heart was broken: "Oh, Bowser, is you dead, nuil can't go home with me?" It took but a moment to change the ex pression on faces from one of contempt to that of pily nnd sympathy. The boy was but a poor waif, but he kneeled by the side of his best loved earthly friend, now dead. Merchants and well dressed Indies stopped with kind words for the little mourner. One gentle man, appreciating the Krief of the boy. called mi expressman and told him to lake the dead pet to some place where lie could be buried as the boy might di- reer, ami call upon linn or his pay. I J be Imrvni'' of a do is not much, but the binding up the wound in the heart of tliut poor boy on liis crufcli was an set worthy of permanent record. Phil adelphia Inquirer. lIre. l.ivermirc' Klory. At tlio celebration at Hartford in how of Mrs. Stowe, Ihe following eiiaiacteiistic story was related by Mis Mary A. Livernioie: "My husband," sue said, was pastor of a small country pnrisu beloie the war. We hadii t nny more money than wo could use. I had heard of n paper that was published in nnslunglou culled tho national L,ra Ihe subscription price was t'i OO, and we hadn't the money for it. My bus- band went away for t hree weeks. lnle lie was gone I made him a pair of punta loons. I bad never made a pair, nnd I had never made a button hole. When my husband came home I told him that they had come and cost $2.00, aud that I had paid for them. He put them on ! and pronounced them excellent, aud it wasn t till lie had worn them a week and they had been in the pulpit that I told him the secret. That's bow I got the Nutiumil Imii. 1 don t know whether I ought to have taken this audience into my confidence or not. I've never told this story to any one before, and I don t waut uuy of you to repeat it. Oregon, tlie PnmdWe ol Farmers. Mild, roualilf climate. rrrtnlQ fcntl nlHindftot cron'- Hett fiulu eraln. eraaa and alor.k conturv In Uiu world. Full Ui furiui lun free. Acklresa tlie Orrgoil numeration lioam, I'orlland. Oregon. A HF.IKLY MAKAZINE is really what The Youth's Compasioh is. Jt publishes each year as mucn matter as me four dollar monthlies, and is Illustrated by the 6ame artists. It is an educator in every home, and always an entertaining and whole some companion. It has an unique place in American family life. If you do not know it, you will be surprised to see bow much can be given for the small sum of 1.75 a year. The price sent now will eutitle you to the paper to Jauuary, 1S91. Address, The Youth's Comi'AXiox, Boston, Mass. The treasury department will refuse to reconsider the ruling on lead ores. 15,000 for a Wife. One of the greatest stories (founded on fact) ever puhlii-hed, commences in the Dc- fiuber (A-mas) number ol UODKY'8 t.ADi'8 Hook, publii-bed at Philadelphia. Every woman, married or single, should read it. Heady November 15th. All Newsdealers. Miss Nellie Farren thinks that for a women to smoke "is simply beastly." It is a pleasure and satisfaction to many to learn that Allen's Lung Balsam, that stan dard family medicine for coughs, croup ana all lung diseases, can now be procurea at joc, 50c, and Jl a bottle at any drug store. The man nn successful in getting political office never thinks of fanning. A pocket clifar ta.- liue to hinokerg of "Tansit'a Puucli jc. Cigar. The historian. Bancroft, is an expert in rose culture. Martin Kenned inherited from his grand father, an oiiicer of the East India Company at Calcutta, the valuable recipe for Kenne dy's East India Hitters, which arc now made extensively uy ucr iv M5. STRICTLY PURE. ITCONTAINS KOOPIITSI IJf ASfV 1'OBJf. Mw0 IN THREE SIZE BOTTLES. Price Sorts., 50c ts., and (1 per Bottle. AN F.XQtlSITK E.N.IIAVIN;. Thoie Oood Old Days. Old river captain (shaking his head dejectedly and shifting hissquid to the other cheek) "Steamboiitin' ain't what it used to be. If that biler ex plosion on tho MLssissip' tho other day had happened twenty-five year ago it would havo killed more' 11 -'00 people at tho least calkilation !" Chicago Tribune. An Unholy Alliance. Once in a while tho parson should look over tho notice of tho service be fore he sends it to the papers. Last Sunday morning, in a city paper, ono of tho "Religious Notices" read: "Sub ject for morning and evening: "The Wood; My God; Candy kitchen and Fruit Garden Tuesday evening.'" It was headed "Religious Notices," so we suppose it was religious; but if it hadn't been labeled we should have thought it liurdetto. looked a little profane. No One Disputes It There are forty ways in which I can steal, rob, embezzle and murder, and yet keep clear of tlio law," says a New York lawyer. No one disputes that assertion. Indeed, all will bo sur prised that he has not found a hun dred ways. They Can't Bee It One of tlio American ideas which the Germans refuse to accept is the roller process in making fl"p- 'iho old-time mill stone is good enough for them and they opposo any change, be cause tho millers would have tho mill stones left on thoir hand. An Ancient Bell. In tho steeple of the Congregational Church at liinglimn, Somorost county, Mo., thcro hangs an ancient bell that bus been swinging in various bolfries 100 years or moro. On its surfiico is kiivnro. Iloston." anu it is supposed to have boon mudo by Paul Revoro, who, after tho pence of 1783, established a foundry in Iloston. whore ho cast tho first cannon and bells man ufactured in Massachusetts. Tho old boll has n good tono and sooms likoly to last another century. A lUtaral Kistsk. Gcrm in (just arrived In Now York): "Say, mine frent. vill you toll mo vare dot limburger checso factory vaP" Pollco ofFccr. "That an't no cheese factory what yer moll-that'i the treeU."-Munfcy's Weekly. balewar la the Harden of I lie Colorado, Willi View of l'lke' I'eiik In Ihe Middle Maimer. A vcrv costlv aud elegant steel plate en graving has just been executed In the highest style ol the art, comes ol which rom a tinmen siuiulv. are now midv for delivery, and will be sent to any part of the world on receipt of 25 cents each. In stamps or coin. The noble craudeur of the "Entrance" to the "Garden ol the Cods" is the favorite theme of poet anil p3lnter. The outer parapets are of pure white, twhile tlie Interior eonimiiR sjirui" lioldlv from the nlaln to a height of ;!o0 feet the whole sutreestini; the ruins of a vast tem ple. These towering walls form a majestic framework for the snow capped suinmit of l'ike's Peak which reveals itself among the clutids la the far distance. To secure an early copy of this admirable work of art, ad dress John Sebastian (len. Tk't&Pass. Aeent, Chicago, Kock Island & Pacific liv., enclosing the price, 25 cents. In an oysUr campaign of course the enemy Is shelled. Itiillv Eiruraloim S0111I1 via. the V- bMHli Line Commcncine Nov. 1, and continuing daily until A urll :10. The Wabash will sell round trip tickets to all the winter resorts of the south, (food rctiiriilns until ,luue 1, 1890. Klrsant Reclining Chair and Pullman Ilulfett Sleeping cars are run through from St. Louis, Toledo aud Uctroit, mnKliiK me quiciieai aim favorite route cust or south. Passengers ticketed to and from all points in huropr via. all lines, at lowest rates. For rates, tickets, timetables and full Information, call on or write d. N. CLAYTON, N. W. V. & T. Ageiit, 1502. Faruam Street, Omaha, Neb. : Additions to the list of dishonest men arc made every racing season. The policeman is made tired by using club. He prefers a pistol. Lilekr Cheney. Fort Smith (Aik l Timet, Oft. 19. Mr. D. II. Cheney, the popular vender of fresh meats and vegetables, is holding a very quiet reception to-day. He drew J15,000 in the Louisiana State Lottcrry yesterday and a Times reporter called on hi in to Investigate nnd found It straight goods. The Western Union vouches for (13,558 ns the number win ning the capital prize X),000, hence Mr. Cheney's share w ill be $15,000. lale ('mrvrlablei vAH Smith Mrk.l Time. Oct. t2. ( In order to finish up the question of Mr. Cheney's good luck, we dropped in at his I place of business, 409 Garrison avenue, ttaii mornlnr. "Yes," said Mr. Cheney gently, "The suspense Is over aud the money is inine," pulling out his hank book and exhibit ing the credit. I have drawn 115,000 In the i Aiiltlam State Lottf rv on ft ticket that cost me lust one dollar nnd I have the money in Ithc Merchants' Bank. A 'nleinilbte Fraud. Three burglars worked all night on a .r ;,. nn ..nice and when tlie V linnllV cot it open they found six postal cards n.a ,,uiiiir ktuimis to reward mm mtw ., p.-- . - . , t.... TI... only reiiee tlio V could 'take was to stick the stamps on the wall aud write on one of tlie cards: A jfellor who keeps a big ' without any- filing in ii la """ change." A. M. Priest, druKi", oueioyTine, iu.. . .. ii.ii'. r.terrh Care elTM the beat or Cstlifactlon. Csu get pietT of teUlmonUU, as it cures every one who Ukvet It." rr 11 It, 75c. ? T-f unti. ltnva a, COLD or COUCH, acute or leading to CONSUMPTION, scows IEL1ULSK OF PURE COO LITER Oil. j AND HTPOPnOSPHITES OF LIMB AND SODA ia asiTXixi cunii pon ir. I This prenaratlon contains the etlmula- ting properties of the Hypophntphitet and fine IVorirffflnn Cod hirer Oil. Used by physicians all the world over. It Is at palatable as milk. Three tlmoa as efflca- I m ... ,.intn coil Liver Oil. A perfect I Emulsion, bolter than all others made. For j all forms of Hauling ltueatu, xsroncn uti, CONSUMPTION Scrofula, d as a Flesh Producer I there Is nothing like SCOTT S EMULSION. It Is sold by all Druggists. Let no one by protuse explanation or Impudent entreaty Induce you to accept. ouw'.' na 'Cutti! Huw av4l an Hour Ago t ' At Decggists sd Dealers. THE CHARLES A V06ELE CO, iPARTTRQl iwnui iiw I J ITTLf 1 1 ( iwrn 1 1 ivcn Poilrelyrr'k nr IJinr run. I Tbev also relieTe Km trese from Oynuepeia .lo-l IdigeetloQandTooHeartfl Eatlne. A werrertr kAv tor IMzJuesB.Naii urowgiueaa, naa xmt In the Mouth. Oaatxa Tongue.Pain in the 8ideJ TOKI'lO UVKK. Tbeyl remilt the BowelaJ Purely Vcwuble. Price Zft OatK CASTES KSSICI1TS CO., KW70Z. Small Pill: Small doss. Small Price, TEAMSTERS. You -work in all weather You want an aBi weather" coat. In fact, the best waterproof coat in the world. No frail rubber affair that war. rip before the week is out. Rubber coata wtart and last but a short time. Four teamsters oat oa five wear the " Kish lirand" waterproof clothing-. They are the only teamsters' waterproof coats that are light, strong, durable, and cheap. They coar very little, and last a long time. They never get sticky or peel off. The buttons are wire-fastened, and never come off. They are absolutely water proof and wind-proof. Until you own one you will never know the comfort of a rainy day. Beware l worthless imitations, every garment stamped wiuVi the "Fish Brand" Trade Mark. Don't accept any inferior coat when you can have the " Brand Slicker " delivered without extra coat. Par ticulars and illustrated catalogue free. A. J. TOWER, - Boston, Mim; GRATEFUL COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST, thorough knowledge of the natural law rtvorn t.h nPUlionR Of ditfeStlOII BIKJ and by a careful application of the ais les of wetl-nelected Cocoa. Mr. Kppi haas 1 our breakfast tables with a delkt BREAKFAST. 'n o thnrnnirh lr tins torts? ff th tlAttirftT 1 wJilcn govern the operations of digestion nd i irttion, an pruporties dftvoured beverage which my save us many bvT doctors' billn. Ii by the judicious use articles oi diet mat a consutuunn niy UK7 )y built up until strona enouitb t resist etery i dency to disease. Ilundredsof subtle maiaaitrsa flnallna rnnml in ronilv In attack WQereVertlM is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal bv keeoins ourselves well fortified with pureMwi and a properly nouriabed frame' ' Civil 1 Made simply with bolltnif water or milk. 8c only in half-pound tins, by Grocers, labelled tbms: JAMES EPPS & CO., HomOMJpathiC Chtmis London, England. SMITH'S BILE BEANS , .1 . .unMi1inAi-imnlplifln Acton theliver ana one . Vvcne 5, S .Csteslat 1 f fltOl DATS. I Asaisasisil Ml wfj fl cacseStrlctan. m S3 nrlemly by Ike llriuCismlMlOt. V Onnlnnstt JfTal Ti43iwlirkl I prescribe and fully dorse Big U as the osrffr specific fortbe ctrtMBCica of this dinease. G. H . IMG RAH All, Iff. Amsterdam. K. T- We have sold Rig G to many years, and It .was given me oeat oi faction. D. R. DYCHKAOO, Chfcaco. Iff. 1.00. Bold by DrocKtats. MUSIC IN THE AIR Hcadqna.rters for Band InntnimenUt, Drum OorptOvsV fitB Accordeons, Violinr, Banjos, MundoUns, tiuitaaa. Zithers Hannonicafi, Strings for every instrument madav Full stock of Sheet Music, ilunio Books, liand ami Or chestra Music Band Folios, Instruction Books foraH Instruments. Anyone Bending in an order will receiva a copy of Music KHEK. Write to ua for prices and cat aloitues, stating what kind of gowla wanted. M AX .llliVUIloY BKO OiiihIin. Nel CHADWICK'S MANUAL In. x A In. 70 pa pen. ItiaiUiiiteti Cvr. eru. on nppll anon enclosine vam SENT rntC (2c. ) si amp. by addresivtoe, THEO. HOLLAND, P. 0. Box 120, Phita.r KnghVB Enali$h) Steel mCv Pennyroyal Pills for iireKTa lar monthly perlods.are nmfm. eiTectual and the onlv atom line.seiitanvwhere on receipt ox i.u Dyatrs P. KN1UUT, Urugijist, itwObiate St., CU.eagow BASE BALL , I AD ES s s f mm fg STUDY. Unok-kecplnii, PenmarakhA B I in mm OUL'tll BUY Arilhmetlc. Shorthani). ta.. tlw-- ly tanent Dy man. j.owrates. ureumwrrtfr. ANT'S COLLEGK, 431 Huln St., Buffalo, It. V, WIVES should and may know how child ti can be effected without Pain or Danger Informationpetitwnled: A wondew a DR. J. H. DYE, BufTalo, N. T. aji am DCUCnV Wlu Cl,re WooA Poison wnevn kria and all Hjer nu u.j..ufc anA on,eu cur biliousness. zo 25c per boll I A panel size P palfloniy ly Coolc Iiei .TELEGRAPHY.,! I American School ol Te mercury fails. Owned nmlio edy Co.. omalia, iNeb. Write. gnornnfee a good payHqg; Kin to tfrry fcraonaw.. legrapny.nauiaon, Wia We are verv email ana cuoy w aiz25c per boine. .VURE of tn0 $65;' J. a). A MOSiTH AND BOAKIS l-All, or lilKhP.t commlslon snd oaiiAis' .SF S' HIT In AUKMH OD Oil! NlfW BOOK. ZltULtH A CO., 116 Adams St .Chicago, 111. "ICKWEED TABLETS ! SBP'ttlRSraK caiCASo sraciio coMraNr, mmm relief for ' KIDDER'S PASTILLES.'Svri IHIBHHHflaHHHHRlH'l Cliartetitowu, Mtv nssblt, Tha only imrtmtm aad aasy cure. Dr. J. ! etapbsos, LLaaoa, Oaiav OPIUM W, N. U., Omaha, 4J1 4G. P ISO'S REMEDY FOR CATARRII. Best to use. Cheapest. Relief is immediate. A certain. For Cold in the Head it has no equal. It is an Ointment, of wliieh a small particle is applied to the nostrils. Price, 50r. Sold by dniRcisU or sent by mail. Address, E. T. Hazeltine, Warren, Pa. Easiest cure is I I i ' V2F- Delicious Biscuit 1 f'-iC I oua oaooca ro ( -yi7 - X00 RND I S x lT I nODlMSllEMTIIS. If 1 ll (fl ( MtOUITUY MM. mifjfli j