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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1889)
TnSdiouxtuumy journal. publisJied every Thursday. Subscription Price, ;.m .SiaaMNM, F.4itor. pterrd l the HarrUoa pot oflice 11 we pt cIm niir. Thvbmmt, November li. lHxg, rkM is miM talk that Krumi. the pott German gunniak-r, will come to jmrtHc and sUrt a Run factory. It tat that Krupp doe not consider that it linuruJ to produce bin guns tumply (df triotitm, lnt will put bin produc- into the market where tlity w.ll Wig tlie beet price li la reported tliat the aruuvhist w itnift to celebrate the execution of jir fellow in liicago in the near fu are. The ot1lc-er say they are well in- ijtued as to the movements of tlie lead- fi end that at any attempts to hold litinp! orex ite the people to anan liy ill l promptly checked. A repetition U poitt expermce win ue (.'uartletl ifainst. The Mormons liave now lost control rfthe schools of the territory and the in- iiatiotift are that in tlie content in Janu- irr, lyW), they will loose all that they now have in control of the public ntlairs, tod Salt take ' 'ity and the entire terri torv of Utah will lie under the control d Gentiles and the Mot on the character of Ui nation by the latter day wiint-, lill I a thin of tlie past. Of course there will te some violations of the ma mm laws for some years to come but Ihe power of Mormanimn will he broken. TEMPERANCECOUJlim. Cendurtri bf theW.C. T. V. "for ,( j,wllwl Xltiv 014, 011 sUirj. BY MRS. g. LOl'lKT B Akron. 'Give you some bread!" Oh, my darling I would that Iliad it to give. It is hard when a niotlier is sorry Tliat lier precious c.iM.- i: .rn iivk; llani as slie looU win. "KUISII On each little curly liead. And nays in tlie depth f l-r sorrow, "I would tliat my babies wer duL" But, Fatlier in Heaven, to liear them A.-k me for sonietliinjr to eat, And I with Dotliinf? to trive them, And their father I-1...1. s .1 ... . iokiiow tliat llw fm.sliand The supreme court of New York I firmed the decision of Judge Barrett bordering the dissolution of the Nortl Jiver Sugar Refining Company. Tin point at issue was the migar trust am tbe decision holds that that is illeipil ud it is likely that other trusts will m with similar treatment. The Kiurti npar to take the ground tl lV wi re not made to protect bar. -r trurts. and with the growing kDtinient against the centralization apital it is quite likely that still more ttringent lawi will be made in this Progmn of Invention Since 1S5 In tl vear the present owners of Scmtiflr American newnpaier com tnwftd its publication, and soon after wtallithed a burwiu for the prixurirtK of ft-H. for intention as home and 1 ' -ii . r-V. rr ! the vi-nr 1M ., is-11. il Iron tkl'.S. Patent Oflice, and the total is- nuefmm the establishment of the Pat nt office, up to the end of that year lumbered onlv 4.347. Up to the first of July this year there hare been fronted 4W.413. Showing Oat mv e the commencement of the pul tration of the Sn'-t-7Iir Amrri'itn there hve liven issued from the U. S. Patent Office 4rMftfl natenU. and about one third more npplii ations have lieen made linn have Vieen granted, showing the in imuitv of our oeoiile to lie nhenomenal Wl much greater tliaq even the enor kius mimtwr of mtimta ivmnsl indiites. rVobably a good many of our readers have had business transacted througn the nftict of th Ammmti. in N.w York or Washington, and are fa miliar with Mimn A. Co's mode of doini; hainess, but those who have not will lie faitresttd in knowimr winiethiiiL' alsiut 'hi, the oldest (intent soliciting firm in mi country, probably in the world. V T.ons vitiilimr tl... oflti ou of the .S(T mlijle Anvriym, Ml Brodway, X. Y., Iw tlie first time, will he sui-prised, on entering the main office. In find such an "tensive and elegantly equipjied estal iuhmcnt ii. .....!....( .iiintprs. Mis, und chairs to corresjwnd, and its Fuunnuug HiinH, and such a large num kwof draughtsmen, gpeciflcation writ and clerks, all busy as bees, reminds f a large hanking or insurance of- Mt with its hundred employees. !n conversation with one of the (Inn, rhn 1 : ,.t iuw lAwiiiwnceu iiie ousuiuw y" liciting patenU in connection with the Mlication of the Scientific Amrrienn, Lilian forty year ago, I learned ut this firm liad made application for tlnU for iinwiird of one hundred uand inventors in the United ytates, d WVernl minU in itinerant for- countries, and had Hied as many win the Patent Oflice in a single Dbntli iiu niu ruiiunta issued dur- ie entire llrat year or tneir i"rei" "t. Tins gentleman had seen the rtnt oflice grow from a saplin to 8 mruy oak, and he modestly hinteu wy thought tlie Scientific Antenmn, ith il l.... i.url nerformed 'J VIt,lfMVU, ' I lOAiMin ol... 1 l,.i;n,r inventions advancing thtt Interests of the Pat- mioltl,.. 11. . u :.. ,. ihe naieiii "'tw, uui ib in lion - Eliciting Urtit occupies the attention of n . r . 1 1.., "UM hundnxl uMiswins emuiojou "una A Ho K..t u. limn number are en nmdoo the four ouhlicationH issued oi "W'y and monthly from their 111 H. I r Ti.a ,Hi1itif- Twtuwoy, n. Y., vis; American, Vum Bcimtiflc Anurican Suf ml . . . . ...... 0..,- rmeni, tha Export Edition 01 1" ii. . T . .1 ......... uti. "Wi Edition of tot Scietitific The Baiter Shop. First door aouth of tbe court houw. E.LGALPIN, Proprietor. Here you can gel a ciean slmve, first claw hair cut or a WARM or COLD BATH noa muea ne " ns iuv..i..nw . :r.. " Has become Die rursiu .1 riH 1 1... umu uro wuiir Of my own and my children's lifu. I knew tliat he drank a little, But oh, I could not Is-lieve That the man who loved me so fondly l ould ever lietray and deceive; ( ould tnrl uis i.n.l ui A . ..,. Yl- allu ij- ille Till I've hated niv verv life. And cursed the hour and moment Unit gave me the name of wife. 1 could not believe when mv babies Were laid on niv lim.r.v l.i-ni j riv And 1 thought that inall Ood'sfair world mere was never a woman so That I should sit here in my anguish, Waiting for moniini; to dawn. Ar.d wishing, God knows I wish it, That my babies never were born. Aud I love my children dearly. And I loved their father well, Tho' my iioor heart he has broken And made of my home a hell; And the t ill) of shame and aniruish I have drained to the verv drees. And to keep these hoys from starving, 31ust go out tomorrow and lieg. When I think of those happy days When I married mv handsome John. So bonny and bright, why I was envied By half the girls in town, And think of the father and mother I left for his dear sake. And then think what he is tonight, it seems that my heart must break. Oh, pitiful, merciful Saviour, From thy throne of love look down; Give my children hack their father, Oh, give me back my John. Thou who hast loved and sulfered And died our souls to save, Rescue my husband, I pray thee. From the wretched drunkard s grave Smith Bros., OK THE ONLY KI KST C LASS UVERY. FEED AND SALE STABL Wish to call the attention of the public to the fact that they are prepared to furnish at reasonable rates First Class Rigs On short DOtioe. A Dray Line Run in Connection. ttEAJD THIS? TWO PAPERS FOR THE PRICE OF 1 THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL Aud the City Restaurant, HENRY SNYDER, Proprietor, Boarding by the day or week at lowest li vine rates. WARM ME A IiS AT ALT. HOURS. Call and see us when you are hungry and we will give you the worth of your money. ONE DOOR NORTH OF BLACKSMITH The Harrison House. EGCEftT fcOtlWEB, Ptojaietor, O- HARRISON, Nebraska. Main Street, Harrison, Nebraska. AMERICAN FABM DEWli one year for Two Dollars. To every one who pays for a year's subscription to The Jocknal in advance we will send them in addition, postage paid, for one year the celebrated farm paper, "American Farm News." Farm Naws is one of the leading farm month lies published and will prove of Immense Value To the settlers of Sioux county. Now is the time for Special Attention to Commercial Trade. Best Accommodations in the Northwest. It. E. MASSEY, HOUSE, SIGN AND Carriage Painter. Having fitted up the large building just back of the Harrison House, is now prepared to take care of all work in his line. Can do any and all kiud of carriage and wagon work. E3f "SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. HARRISON, - - NEBRASKA. YOU. to take advantage of this offer of two papers for BANK OF HARRISON, Harrison, Nebraska, INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, 125,000, A General Banking Business Transacted. Every Accommodation Compatible With a Conservative Business Freely Ex, tended. B. F PITMAN, president, A Had Thing Must Not be "Regulated." Iyioked at from my point of view, "regulation" of the liquor traffic is not to I thought of, provided the liuuor tral- llc is wrong. When you have conceded the necessity of "regulation, you have conceded the necessity ol prohibition. If it is an evil that calls for legal inter vention at all. it calls for but one kind, and that is destruction. A good thing may lw abused, may 1 regulated, but not a bad thing which the whole world concedes to be bad through and through. Humanity does not want "regulation, .t makes no dillerence to the starving, freezing wife whether her rum-enthralled husliand gets his liquor at the licensed druukery or a free one. He will have it anyhow, at no matter wliat cost. But it does matter to the suffer ing mother, whether there shall lie li censed rum-shops on every corner, full of light, full of lieautiful things, warm in winter and cool in summer, full of en ticements, which, under the protection of law, shall enlice her children into their awful devil-fish embrace, and add to the awful curse of u drunken husliand, boys certain to be drunkards, and girls certain to I harlots. It makes a d.iier ence to the community at large, to the Ux payers, whether the evil sliall go on, the black stream rolling on forever, bank full, which is regulation, means its perpetuation, its continuance, without let or hindrance. Prohibition .1..,r of the coming genera- means uro n - . lion and the help of those now on the mmL One strengthens the Uallic-the ........ ; .. hnnast attempt at its sup- OUJCL 10 " ' - pression. dav m R. Locate. Temperance. r manv steps forward in practical temperance one of the most encoumging " 1 . ..I I .u I Sit lollC .1 (IIHIIV Ol vuv tergy. Tliey are condemning the sa toon. Their followers, '" obey Uw-r instructions, are m large bod ies falling i.t . fe.nknu.ip are ready to move for the "al suppression of the traffic. A ugh I tlesJlic at St. Paul, who has just re ceived promotion from Rome, lus gained favorable di.linction by his course airainst liquor selling. "K Father Matthew Total Abstinence Pieties have multiplied, and d.reU their elforU against the saloon A de SS wwput forth by the Plenary ooun JTinJu more mispronouncing he keeping of a saloon dangerous and d s SLb.ebus.,s. and urging all .ath- Ts engaged in it to seek a tetter mod outsell, invention inoninir a liveini"""' B.; -societies in PhiMel- rU, a resolution 1Hsentially prohibitory. When tlie old European ' ""-"- BOOK HOLDERS. he Most PmneT DlCTIONUtr HOIPCR. Folding and Adjustable TabWi, SEND FOR CATALOGUE. R. M. LAMBIE, 39 E. 19th St.,N.V. A Large Line of Stoves Now on hand at GRISWOID S MARSTELLER'S, Including Heaters, Coal and Wood, Cook Stoves, Ranges, etc, WE SELL FURNITURE As uspal. A full line of BUILDERS HARDWARE Always on hand. Our STOCK OF TINWARE IS COMPLETE th Exnort Edition of the Scum- """" , ..Ms.illW shall hve U- AK-Wt! vf ZZu, UsisUint Urn, ..e liiutii' n mil ma nt wnm Anifnii i..t ,.,.iuMii in ui v Thefinrttwo pub.icatmn. .HiWu-fto Fremont, Etkhorn and Missouri Valley R. R. CHAS. E. HOLMES, Cashier, J. B. FINNEY, President, General office F. C. SnjawsKN, SecreUry. BUFFALO GAP, DAKOTA. Buffalo Gap Lumber Company, Dealer? in Lumber, Goal, Grain, Lath And Shingles, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Plater, Hair, Lime, - AJSTD CEMENT. - COMPLETE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. Harrison, Neb 6. GUTHRIE, Manager. mm gc'3 IF Northwestern Line," Harrison, Neb., -And- Omaha, Sioux City, Chicago, St Paul Are itrietlr tnt-lia ii every Mail, pouett a absolutely perfect repeating action and handsome catei. Folly warranted. And All l'o.nts - - - East, North, South and W est. TIMtOU.Uil T. , V) ALL 1'UiNTS. ' Full lofornintiomoii AiiUuiti"n 10J- -1 H. 0. Bt'HT, Geiral Manager, i OnK.htt,Nebr.ka. Are tte Hat ii the worM, and have led ate. The people an aoaad to hayo tte best, and will have none but the LSTEY. Time pajaenta or cash, as castomera PICidl'aad aee ni, or lend far Catatopea j 4ia t .... -Ai- nu uuirwuvi. Is. la? 233 Sttt3 wiicago. OCt l-OU4 Hotw. 16 & 818 QUy C MaWlfiWl?irT' Mdv b .i thu Utter two, the ty and (food citiwnidiij).