The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 14, 1889, Image 2

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Tkaaka-tvlaC Nearaaka.
The following proclamation bu beta
issued by the governor:
BTAT or Kzmubu, Eieoitite Di-Hbtmkt-To
the people of Xebrasks:
Tb earth has given forth of iU bount
eous treasure!, the labors of the hus
bandmn hare been abundantly re
warded, we hare been free from pesti
lence, earthquake and tornadoes, gen
eral health bos prevailed in our borders
and an unusual measure of prosperity
Las been enjoyed by onr people.
It is therefore appropriate that the
people, in token of acknowledgment
of these rich blessings, offer np prayers
of Thanksgiving and songs of praise to
the Great liuler of all.
Now, therefore, I, Jolin M. Thnyer,
governor of the state of Nebraska, do
Lereby appoiut Thursday, the twenty
eight day of the present month, ns a
day of thanksgiving, and I do invite
all the people of the state, those of all
denominations. Jew and Gentile, Cath
olics aud Protestaut, native nnd foreign,
white and colored, to assemble in their
Accustomed places of religions worship
and offer up the homage of grateful
liearts and sing hymns of praise to the
Most High; and I do nrge the people
on that day to remember the poor and
give to them offerings which Bhall
gladden their hearts and make them re
joice at the goodness of God, aud the
kindness of their fellow meu.
In testimony whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and caused to be af
fixed the great seal of the state.
Done at Lincoln this 7th day of Nov
ember. A. D. 1889.
By the Governor: Jons M. Thatb.
I O, h. Laws, Secretary of State,
Corn is bringing but thirteen cents
in the Humphrey market.
The Baptist church at Merua was
dedicated ou Sunday last.
Diphtheria is carrying off a good
many children iu Fremont.
The new bridge across the Republi
can at Orleans is now completed.
A number of the merchants of Ben
nett have adopted the no credit system.
The Congregational church 11 1
Venango was dedicated a few Sundays I
More mail carriers are to be put ou
at Lincoln, thus supplyius outlyiug dis
tricts. The price of hard coal in Fremont is
$0.73 a ton. Last year at this time it
was $10.50.
As the result of a revival at Union
twenty persons have joined the Presby
terian church.
2 The wife of Joseph Blitz, of Omaha,
suicided lost week by drowning in the
Missouri river.
Al Fairbrother, managing editor of
the Liucoln Daily Call, was married last
week to a North Carolina lady.
There is not an empty honse in
Bennett, and many more could be filled
if some one would provide them.
Senator Msnderson, who had neg
lected to register, had to swear in his
vote at Omaha at the late election.
Farmers of Banuer county are jubi
lant over prospects for a wet winter,
which means good crops next year.
At the coming term of the district
court of La u caster county there are
over fifty divorce cosss for considera
tion. W. A. Grifflog, two miles southeast
of Table Bock, Pawnee county, was
kicked by a horse, but not seriously in
jured. The new M. E. church at David
City is nearly completed nnd will be
dedicated November 10. Its cost is
The new M. E. church in David
City is soon to be dedicated. Chaplain
MoCabe, of New York, will deliver the
dedicatory sermon.
Several dwelling houses and busi
ness stores are to go np in Broken Bow,
the work to be commenced at once, if
favorable weather continues.
The Edgar Tost pronounces as a
Canard the report that the B. & M. con
templates removing division headquar
ters from that place to Beatrice.
Lee Dill, a well connected young
man of Nebraska City, who was driven
insane by liquor, made a murderous as
sault on John White, his guard.
Joseph A. McGraw, of Lancaster
county, while ont hunting received a
shot in the hand which will make ampu
tation of that member necessary,
f Gotfried W. Bowman, arrested in
Otoe county, charged with horse steal
ing, pleaded gnilty and was bound over
to the district court in $000 bonds.
The quarterly report of the visiting
and examining board of the soldiers'
and sailors' home, at Grand Island, was
filed with the state board of public
lands and buildings.
A German farmer living near In
dianola has raised this year over 2,000
bushels of potatoes on less than fifteen
acres of ground. He boils them in a
large kettle and feeds them to his hogs.
A man living in Omaha has a patent
for a motor operated by water and com
pressed air. The method is not known,
but it is claimed to be practical and that
the trains to Lake Manawa will be ran
by it next summer.
Deputy Auditor Allen Las author
ized Miss liheta Childe to aet as special
agent for the Mutual Life Assurance
company, of New York. Miss Child
ia the only lady anthoriied to transact
, a life insurance busiueas in the state.
3.3. Bock, living about eighteen
miles north ea-t of Edgar, loot bia bowse
by fire Ust week. II was partially in
twist. Moat mt the eoatesU were saved.
Isrtwricis of the in icamystory, there
bt2 few ia tb koMC at tat Us.
The state banking department is '
receiving the second round of bank re
port. The law requires that these be
made three times eaeh year.
At Nebraska City Mrs. John Hall
had her husband arrested for cruelly
beating her. He was brought into
court and the difficulty was settled by
agreeing to divide np their effects and
part, which was done, and each went
their way.
The Union Pacific bos resumed con
struction ou its extension from Boelus
station ou the Loup City branch to Cal
laway np the Souuth Loup valley. It
is reported that the company proposes
completing this line, via Callaway to
North Platte at once.
While H. R. Corbett, of Aurora, was
picking his teeth with a pin, he wss fcp
proacbed by a friend who familiarly
slapied him ou the shoulder. The
stroke jarred the pin out of his hand
and it went down his throat. It was
removed by a surgeon.
There are a number of men con
ducting saloons in Omaha under licenses
which were taken out by some other
parties, aud Chief Heavy has been in
structed by the police commissioners to
arrest all such persons on the charge of
selling liquor without license.
The following sign adorns the front
0 a Mitchell saloon: ''Closing out
sale My entire stock must be con
sumed by May 1, 1890. Owing to a
serious change in the law I now offer
all goods at more than actual cost. Re
member this is no 'dry goods' tike, but
free lunch morning and evening.
Mrs. Bosworth, of Orleans, was re
moving a boiler of boiling water from
the stove and in tryiug to avoid her lit
tle girl struck her foot against the
rocker of a chair pitching her forward
onto the boiler. The hot water badly
scalded her whole face nnd neck inflict
ing very painful burns. Providentially
she closed her eyes nud saved her sight
The Wahoo Wasp says that Dr.
Bush was called to Melmo to dress the
wounds of John Danielson who iu an
nll-rouud knock-down, with a well-digger
named Brown, had received some
severe injuries nnd bruises, from knives
and kicks. Tho doctor dressed the
wounds and thinks if nothing unusual
happens Mr. Danielson will recover.
Calvin McMurriu, tho young man
who was arrested lust week at Fairmont
for the murder of Otto Larsen and
James Johnson near Julesburg, Col.,
August 25, returned home a free mau,
The parties by whom Sheriff Buchanan
expected to identify McMurrin as the
guilty man positively stated he was not
the person wanted.
The David City Tribune says that
while at one time nn Indian was rather
a dangerous individual to meet in this
section of Nebraska, one whom no
white mau was at all anxious to see or
meet, now an Indian is a rare sight to
the yonngers who inhabit what was
once the hunting nud scalping ground
of the red man. But they are not so
daugerons now as then.
Judge Marshall lms overruled tho
motion for a new trial in the case of
Mary Blair vs. Martin Nowatney nnd
others in Butler county. Tho
plaintiff has recovered a judg
ment of 4,500 against the defend
ants for personal injury caused by a
drunkeu man who hud procured liquor
nt Nowatney's saloon. The case will
probably go to the supreme court.
The Fremont Flail says the Stand
ard Cattle company has another large
bunch of steers iu their feeding yards
at Ames, Dodge county. The number
already received is 5,500 herd of steers,
and there are at present being fed in
the yards that number. The large feed
baru is being placed in readiness to re
ceive the cattle and during this month
3,008 head will bo placed in the stalls.
Alice Blake, a rosy-cheeked lass of
19 years, got mashed on the Salvation
army during the first week of their
meetings in Nebraska City. Her moth
er, father and friends tried by every
means to cure herof the infatnation, but
to no purpose. As a last resort her ar-1
rest was caused and she was brought be-1
fore a commission aud examined as to
her sanity. The board declared her in- I
sane nnd she was taken to Lincoln.
Tho supreme conrt has affirmed the
decision of the lower court in the Cass
county conrt house bond case. This is !
cheering news to tho citizens nnd they
are jubilant as a new court honse is as
sured for Plntlsmouth. Tho contest in
question was over the legality of tho
law passed by the legislature Inst win
ter, by which $80,000 iu court house
bonds were voted for and curried in
Cass county last June. I
D. V. Stephens, the successful
candidate for county superintendent,
in Dodge county, was twenly-two years
old the 4th inst. He is, therefore, prob
ably the youngest superintendent in the
state. He began teaching school nt the
age of fifteen aud has been steadily en
gaged in the work during the nine
ears siuce. He bee nnd more expe-
HIM Preset E. Willard Palate lb
War Waitaaal Maptlw Ga
Grtalf, al Ik Signal earvlee, Jaakr
HI Kporl-Tk Sink
Oalaaaata, taa Laa f Pr !'.
agaUt BalUa- lav
Nallaaal Wamea'a rnrlsilaa Tamper,
aara I !.
Chicago, Nov. 9. The sixteenth an
nual convention of the National
Women's Christian Temperance union
met here yesterday with four or five
hundred delegates present from all
parts of the country. The morning was
devoted to the reading of the scriptures
and prayer.
The majority of the convention is
strongly in favor of an alliance with tlie
third parly, yet they cnunot conceal
their onxiety as to the attitude of the
minority who believe in non-partisan
action. If the Iowa union withdraws
the breach will be irreparable. Last
year the national oSces claimed lC.OoO
local unions with a membership of 200,
000. To-day the official reiort showed
7,000 local unions with a membership of
142, 1 KJ. Among the number which
have withdrawn are such unions as
Miuneapolis, Cleveland and Chester
county, the latter comprising sixty
unions. xriuch startling figures disturb
the equanimity of the organization nud
this evident disaffection has made a
strong impression.
The atteruoou session was devoted to
the business of the union, the usual
committees being appointed, aud re
ports from tho executive committee,
the treasurer, nnd other officers read.
Miss Frances E. Willard, president of
the society, delivered Iter annual ad
dress to-night Iu beginning she said
patriotism had always been a part of
her religion, aud continued:
"Yon mo now iu Chicago. The Cro
nin murder trial is iu full blast. The
national flag was hissed and the red
flag of the communists applauded not
fur from here but a few days ago.
"The experiment of free government
in our largo towns nud cities is a failure
loudly confessed by tho meu them
selves. Nor nro the reasons for this
monumental catastrophe mysterious.
America has become the dumping
ground of Europeau cities; immigration
has steadily deteriorated iu proportion
na its quantity has grown. To-day we
have hundreds of thousands of anarch
ists among us. The multiplications of
conventions, tho enormous accumula
tions of capital, corporate combinations
aud the octopus grip of trusts render
our wage worker uneasy. Note the
snllen look ou the grim faces in the
mine and manufactory aud on the
streets; read the labor organs of the
da) nnd see if well-to-do Americans are
not nsleep ou the edge of a volcano.
Turning to politics Miss Willard said:
"Let it never be forgotten Hint we who
are here represent n nationalist move
ment; that it is our special prerogative
to note the political signs of promise
along the national hoiizon, nnd yonder
we see two great old war ships battering
each other ou tho high seas of the pres
idential campaign; we see that high
tariff and free trade; the spoils of office,
the glittering prizes of personal ambi
tion engage them altogether, while into
the view comes a glistening snil that
tells us she is launched ou a wave, the
good ship prohibition, the wave of
humanity, boundless and free.'
"Are wo nfraid to send our blessing
out after thnt ship across the stormy
water or to ask heaven's blessing on the
brave men who direct its destiny?
"Nay ; sink or swim, live or die, sur
vive or perish, wo have sounded forth
the trumpet that shall never call
Miss Willard recommended 'that they
ask congress to pass an amendment to
the interstate law prohibiting the brine
ing of alcoholic liquors into the prohi
hibition states, also that thev woik for
the Blair educational bill nnd the Blair
prohibition amendment to the national
constitution, nnd for a law forbidding
tue mnnulnclure 01 cignrettos and one
against smoking in waiting rooms and
She said the thanks of the convention
were due President Harrison for direct
ing that no liquor is to be sold 011 t he
government reservation in Washington
to Postmaster General Wanamaker for
his pronounced declaration in favor of
prohibition nnd Sabbath observance,
and added:
"Our protest should bo sent to Vice
President Morton for permitting a sa
loon nuder his new hotel. It was well
known the vice president was the enemy
of prohibition, but that he would thus
ontrnge christian sentiment lv a per
sonal alliance with tho liquor traffic no
one wonia hnve believed but for the in
1 dutiable proof.
Iu conclusion Miss Willard paid an
eloquent tribute to the memory of the
Into Mrs. Hayes, and referring to the
prominence or that Jnrty nnd the ex
president in temperance movements
"Total abstinence never had such
standard bearers as this noble pair."
Brief addresses were mud" by general
jNeai U(w, ,11 oilier Stewart, 01 Uhio,
Mrs. Judge Foster, president of the W.
(!. 1. V.. and Miss Minnie Helr. o
Toronto. The hitter referred to the
elect ion in Iowa and said that it was by
no means a victory for w hisky. The
remedy, she said, was womnn sunrn're,
Mrs. Caroline B. Jiuell, corresponding
secretary or the society, read nn exten
sive review of the work during the pus
twelve years.
11 l; .11
rience tunu 111s ago wouiu inuicute.
The Lincoln Journal say that the
ministers of that city have taken bold
of the matter of funeral reform, and
sensible nnd practical recommenda
tions from them nre published this morn
ing, in view of the tendency of tho
time to make oostly expenditures for
easket nnd adornment, nud needless
display iu various wars, on the part of
both rich and poor, they recommend
that all the arrangements for interment
be simple and inexpensive; that no fu
neral sermon be preached, the aervice
Iteing as brief and simple as possible;
leave be token of the dead by relatives
ad near friend before the service;
that the eeffln be ant 0ud for a view
by the rrnUi; that the custom of
walking us nor to the cemetery ead
mi Nkoovering tb bead funeral Bar
rio 04 f door be dJnc4.
(port nt ral Cireelf.
Washinotok, November 8. General
Greeley, chief signal officer, in his nn
nual report says: "In the performance
of strict military duties, which by law
devolves on him, the chief signal officer
is seriously embnirassed by tho ntter
lack of facilities fur using or caring for
the field telegraph trains or other signal
equipments under his charge; for the
practical training nnd drilling of tl;
officers and enlisted men of tho signal
corps, and lastly, to a minor exleut, by
the need of liberal appropriations. Un
der such conditions the officer and men
of this service nre gradually bin surely
retrograding ns regard their military
duties, aud nt the end tb fiscal year t he
condition of the signal instruction iu the
army is at the loweat ebb it bu erer
known." He recommend, therefore,
that either instruction in tli art of mil
itary signaling be abandoned or aapl
material and moral support be given
the chief, so he may raise it to a tnsU
standard of efficiency. Sxsaking of the ,
weather forecasts, Ueoerm ureeiv can
attention to the fact that under the
present conditions the officers ean de- j
vote barely half a minute to all the pre
dictions for any particular state or dis
trict The percentages of successful
forecasts made by Prof. Manrin, are for
the weather, 84.4; temperature. d.8,
with a general average of 81. ,VUUS
the year 1,060 storm signals of all kinds
were ordered, of which 080 were wholly,
and 74 partly justified as to relocii v,
aud 980 as to direction. In the Pacific
coast territory, iu charge of Lienteuaut
MaUield, the per cent of successful fore
casts increased from 711-8 in 18S9 to 83
n 1888.
Oa l Oklahoma Sgala.
Alfmd, Ok., Nov. 7. A great many
who came to Oklahoma witn me ruu
and went away dissatisfied nre now re
turning to buy claims, and with the ac
tual settlers who areuowreturniug with
their families aud effects from the states
there is the appearance of ouother such
rush as was seen on the day of opening.
Situated as this town is, but seven miles
from tho north liue. on the Arkansas
City trail, its people daily see large
trains of praino schooners retummg 10
tho promised lajni.
Alfred is locMed about seventy-fire
miles south of Arkansas City ou the
Santa l'e railroad, and is a trading point
for all the settlers north of the Cimar
ron river, and for twenty miles both east
and west the business men are enterpris
ing nnd eueieetic. and will make this
one of the leading cities of Oklahoma.
All branches of business are well repre
sented nnd are enjoying a good trade.
The soil 111 this section ot tne country
is very productive. Lur'e quantities of
corn, millet nud sorghum have been
raised since the memorable 22d. There
s a large amount of wheat being planted
this tall. Claims nre selling at froniS-jO'J
to $'-,000. Good substantial stone
houses are being erected on many
claims, showing that parties have come
to stay and make this their home, lied
sand stone is found in largo ledges,
making it not only casv to obtain, but
economical as well. There has been
littlo or no sickness here this summer.
The climate is all that could be desired.
rolnnrl Cooilln. Kill oloiml fcwopr.
Louisville, Nov. 10. Coleman Cas-
sius Goodloo, a member of the national
republican committee and collector of
the Seventh internal revenue district,
tabbed nud killed Colonel A. M.
Swope, a prominent republican, nt
Lexington yesterday, Goodloe was
shot nnd futnlly wounded.
The meu met in the pottoffice corri
dor aud when ench saw who the other
was they glared at each other fiercely.
Then some nugry words followed, when
both suddenly drew their weapon",
Swope a pistol aud Uoodloe a clasp
kuite. As boou ns the weapons were
rawn Swope tired, the ball striking
Goodloe iu the abdomen. Goodloe
then stabbed his opponent in the breast.
After several blows had been struck by
Goodloe, Swope tired again, missiug
Goodloe. After firing the second shot,
Colonel Swope fell on his fnce, nnd wel
tering iu his blood, died nlmost iustant-
ly. On his person were found thirteen
wounds, thev being on the back and
arms nud iu his breast.
Immediately after the lulling Colonel
Goodloe went to a pb.vsiciuu's office,
where his wounds were examined. He
was perfectly cool, and mado disposi
tion of his property in cose of his death.
1 he cause of the difficulty was a state
ment made Ln the republican conven
tion ou May 1, 188, by Goodloe, that
fully two-thirds of the l avette countv
delegation in the convention would not
speak to Swope.
Colonel Uoodloe has for years been a
prominent man in Kentucky politics.
He was minister to Bcb'iuni under
Hayes nnd is a member of the national
republican committee, bein chairman
of the committee on speakers. He is
forty-eight years of atre. married and
has eight children.
Colonel Swope was fortv-five venrs of
ngo ana unmarnen. lie was collector
of internal revenue under Grant aud
The Uraertloii Problem.
Washington, Nov. 0. Inspector
General Brcckenridge, of the nrmy. in
his anuual report devotes considerable
space to the much mooted question of
desertion. He says in part:
We should first render it inexcusable
and then make it impossible and be
nlwoys humane. Our methods of en
lislmeut and the failure to insure arrest
may not promote but nppureutfy have
luilea to guard against this crime."
Uenernl ISreckenri . ;re armies in fnrnr
of the more rigid experiment of disci
pline and the laws already in force
agaiust desertion. It should be mndn
easier to leave the service honorably
thau'dishonornbly and a type should bo
eunsiea wno iou t care to tloscrt.
A change is recommended in the mnn-
ner 01 pnyiug the oftiecrs nud men
General Breckeuridge thinks the offi
cers in the nrmy should bo promoted for
lenutli of service as well an for morlt
The inspectors unite in reporting that
ine lone ami bearing of the enlisted men
is constantly improving.
It is recommended that measures be
taken to secure the improvement of
non-commissioned omcern, such ns iu
creasing their pay, assembling them for
iiiHu-iiuuons, eic. ue recommends the
adoption 01 the three battalion orgnni
Vftftw.., Ia. ...r....l..M . : . . ...
.....,,. 1, ,,,.,, j icgnneuw; iiint tue
line be given the same chance for pro
motion its the staff; the renrmnmeiit of
the forces nnd tho restoration of the
rank of lieutenant general.
At furty-three military educational
institutions in the countrv lb fr A nf
12.381 students, of whom 0,79y attend
military instructions.
The report says that in the face of
i.mijr iMiiiuiuues tue average instruc
ion 01 tue nrmy lias retained its excel
lence, mill tlie recent camps have ndded
efficiency nud throiifrliii..a tr !.,....-
tioii iu large bodies, which was locking
mow tub Avrcus iosthh tisallt
Tk Eleellaa la OMa rf ! -
paallraa Clalaalas Bf rklaa ka
Ik Ha aflk Tlekt-Ia lar Ik
Flrat Tlaa la Iu sslarr Klc
aWasacralleCavaraar-Tk Maaall la
Virginia aa F.laawkar.
Aeeldval at
Cbrtrhnr, Wyo., Nov. 7.W).ile the
union .Pacific east bound fast freiuli
was coming down Sheridan hill in two
p..ii,ua, me neconil Section .
ins control 01 t ie eras-
ensued into the rear of the first see
jioii. a numiier 01 curs wr-re thrown
from the track and
fire. Four ear iu which ware loaded
Sheep were burued Mill.F.l HI u
a sheep herder, who was sleeping iu tlie
W,'T"" jnjiirie w do 1 will
Tfca nasal af Taear' Klaellaaa.
Ohio. The Ohio State Journal this
moruinz says that Chairman Conger,
Secretary Doane and some of the repub-
ican candidates claim the election 01 all
of the republican ticket except Fornker.
They have sent word to all the counties
for complete returns at ouce. it 8 evi
dent that Campbell's plurality will not
be mneb over 10,000, nud if it is not over
2,000, the head of the republican ticket
is the only part of it that is beaten. The
official count of the vote will be made
iu tho different counties to day oud re
port made at once, so that the result
will be known more positively, but a
piixeil ticket is thought to have been
The Cincinnati J.iKiuirer editorially
this morning on the Ohio election con
tains the following paragraphs:
"The democratic achievement in Ohio
is a new monument to the principle of
tariff reform which entered so largely
uto the declaration of principles nt the
Dayton convention and into tlie discuss
ions during the campaign."
'Hepnblicnns who revolted agniust
Governor Foraker did not revolt against
in republioaji party. Their opiHisitiou
to their nominee fur governor did not
interfere with their standing ns republi
cans. Their fidelity to their principles
The figures received nt the republi
can nud democratic hcadqiiorters now
iudicate that the republicans will elect
nil tho candidates 011 the state ticket
with the exception of Foraker and pos
siblv tho lienteuaut governor. The
contest is so clone, according to tho in
mates made on the figures nt baud,
that it may require the official liguies
to decide.
The following was given out from re
publican headqunrteis at 10 o'clock to
night: "We now have returns from
the entire state, shooing the election of
Judge llickman, Attorney General
Watson, Mate Uomiuissiomr Jirowu,
Member of the Hoard of Public Works
Uahu, School Commissioner John Han
cock aud Clerk of the Supreme Court
Hester by pluralities ranging from
2,500 to 5.UO0. We believe Lnmpsoii is
elected lieutenant governor, but the
race between him nnd marquis wis
close, aud I.ampson's plurality will be
small. It will require the official vote
to obtain the exact plurality of the le
pnblican candidal os."
Massachusetts. The seualo will bo
composed of 29 republicans aud 11 dem
ocrats, ns compared with 32 republicans
aud 8 democrats in 1888. There are 102
republicans and 78 democrats returned
to the lower bouse, a republican loss of
18 representatives from last year.
The vote of the towu of Gosnold re
ceived to day completes the election re
turns from tlie entire state, making the
total footings for governor: Prnckett
(rep.) 2(l,80O, Ku-sell (dem.) 120,817,
iJlackmer 'pro. ) Ki.8-4. Marks (labor)
111. Bracket's plurality is 0,084.
ViBoisiA. The Dispatch published a
tabulated statement of tho vote of tha
state this morning, giving McKiuney a
majority of 41,000.
H. L. iiiazolmaii was sent to the i:rnnd
jury to day by the police justioe,
cuargeu wiui attempting to vote illegal
ly at inetdnys election. Amoug the
witnesses examined was Cougresxinau
Wise, wbotestibed that the L'renter ior-
tiou of the time ISrazelmnn had been a
government employe; that ho unques
tionably lives in Washington: that his
wifo is engaged in business iu that city.
Brazelmau said ho was removed from n
position in the secret service eecured
through the influence of Capt. Wise in
February. 1BS8. Afterwards Wise
secured him a position under the fish
commissioner, which he held until Jnly
or August 1, low. 110 was out of ser
vice nine or ten months when he re
ceived the appointment he now holds.
IBUINIA. This afternoon
judge of election of the First precinct
in .lac-Kson ward left the room for hnlf
nu hour. When he returned he pre-
ierrea clinrges ngainst Messrs. Preston,
llelvin and if. M. Smftli. ir.. for oh.
strutting voters. The other two indues
tried the case and discharged llelvin
and Smith and required the negro
judge to pay the cost. This nettled
the negro aud he refused to serve as
judge nny longer. This put n stop to
the voting, but it was resumed about 5
o'clock at the Second precinct. In the
same ward Fred Musser, correspondent
of the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette,
got into a difficulty wiih a commercial
traveler who dealt him several blows.
neverni nczroes were arrested for al
leged illegal voting.
The democrats ore claiming the state
by betweeu 80,000 and 40,000 majority.
Illinois. The election held in Cook
county to-day was for two judges, a re
corder of deeds and a board of county
commissioners. To nisht. Ihn indieu.
lions are, at 10:30 p. ni., that the demo
crats have scored a sweeping victory.
It is conceded they have captured the
board of county commissioners, which
will now stund ten democrats to five re
publicans. The recordership is a neck
and neck race between Stephen (rep )
end Crawford (dem.), with the chances
in favor of the latter.
At 11 p. m. the recordership j not yet
settled, and tho full returns will prob
ably be necessary to determine it. The
best estimates, however, give Crawford
the ejection by 600 plurality.
2:15 a. m. Later returns received
hero changed the figures 011 llio record
ership, and at this hour the election of
Stephen (rep.) is generally conceded
Masacihjsk.i.ih.T)o returns have
now been received from every town in
'?. ? J!." "C'',,t ,!,i"011'. ''as
(rep ). 120,792; Itussell, (,),,), 120.818;
Jfliicknrr (nro ii .l lilh'.j
Tffi:, ' '7y' " IWAmesfrep.)
iiul tdO.tXH ; leering (dem.), 118,yu4;
Lnrl (piohili.), 10.94.V ' '
Nmr Yuhk A 10 ai .i:i:
a 1 1 . "iuii ui me
world, any the democratic victory ia
mora auiaai.i... 1.. n i- 1
" ngni 01 today's
eturns. It a,,,.: The iemoeraU ha.
K,f .I0. l,",,,rvo 8"i,,,a
oersof tlie legislature.
tne leulalatiira l
win. a 1... ...;r "
. " iiinjurity,
Uovarnor U hi cougrat illation on
tb democratic race in VI
wbicn ue louenmg was recef
Governor Lee: I
"Accept my thanks for yoorl
Tb old eemmonwealth fori
splendid success against t he
menU of the administration
ington, the active interests ol
the cabinet, tb lull exarcisa
patronage, the oratory of nurf
publican congressmen and
from outside ber limits anil
poured copiously upon her sol
fried from tue manufacturers
send congratulations to New
v iaowiA. uni 01 100 connlf
state 19 bare been beard fro
3 1
cny ana county mows a pai
Kiuney over Uie rote of
tne democrat nave elected 70
to the bonse of delesntes nn
senate. The composition (
legislature was, bouse, C. ri
87 republican; senate, 20 0
14 republicans.
The democratic gains will 4
30.000 the vote of 1888. Tiiev
a two-thirds majority ou joind
tne legislature
Onio. The democratic Mnii
tee is claiming the election
by a plurality ot from 12, 0 h
aud the rest of the ticket by 1
ranging from 4,000 to R.oou. 'J
elusions nro reached from m
turns and mostly by e-diiuate
believed to be reliable within
of pluralities which nr given.
The republican committed
ing upou which they can re I
pute the figures. The commit
ever, doe not think the complei
will be sutliciently fuvorable to
part of their ticket. Uoih co
nud chairmen seem to be a
the democrats will carry the le
iu Polu urnuclies.
Governor Foraker sent the f
telegram: 'lo the full eUo
defeated candidate can do so
priety, allow me to offer invco
tious and assure you it gives 1
lire to extend to you every c
can snow you 111 counectmu
inauguration ana tuecommeiic
vonr administration
Mr. Campbell sent the folio
ply this evening:
Hon. John 11. Foraker, Go
Ohio: Permit mo to thank
heartily for tho cordial tnlo
received. I accept with hi'di a
tion your tender of courtesies 11
occasion referred to.
Jauf.8 E. Cam
New Jrksrt. Late returns
nous portions of New Jersey
increased democratic cams.
plurality for governor is now
to exceed 10,000. The politic
plexion of the state senate is
doubt and hinges upon Atlantic
which is claimed by both pru tic:
a-ssembly will be democratic.
H abtland. 1 no legislature
democratic, but with a rcduc
Iowa. At this hour-11:30
by counties, about three-fouitl
it 1 cat t tie election of iioies as
by a small maioritr. whicli nm
3,000. Pait of tho republics
ticket is probably elected bv
pluralities. The legislaluie wi
Republicans, fifty-oue;dc niocrntj
eight; doubtful, one. Tho deia
elect thirteen members iu ti.e
whicli, with whnt thoy bad, cka
twenty-two. I be republicans
hold-over and elect nine, liiakiul
number twenty-eight. This givl
republicans a certain majority 0
ballot of eight, and perhaps ten.
sure tho election of n United
senator. Ii may take the oflicial
to determine manv counties, but I
publicans will not lose ou tho
Ovarkuraenro: bf lnz:
Chicago, III, Nov. 8. A specu
patch from Minnewaukan, N. 1'
that thepeopleof Benson comity.
Dakota, represent an element wl)
suffered less from droulli aim in
hnve thoso living north of Pcvii
hot wilt ream re aid from tlie f
such aid will bo most grateful
cepted. Approaching the Northe
ei(i ronil from the north tlie
show evidences of prosperity net
in Turner, Ilamsey, Nelson or J.
But so large a proportion 01 um
cut prosperity is so covered by
mnrIraiM that it is Ul l!KSt 1IBM
to say. judging from ontsilo al
nuces, bow oapniue a inmnj ;y
tl.munli tha mini in 7 season. 1"
fat cattle, hogs aud how in tb'
lv in abnni anee. btiil lliire
no market for them. Hay sells
average of $5 a ton.
Qutlmi la X-c ' , Chlcnfi
mud Kheirhrre.
WnwAT-No. 2 J (i
i-i. Ln
rv '7
n.:; ;v 41
llineK Creamery ' '
I ..... .,1 r,r tt.. 10 (9
v ,.T .l nor tb. 10 '
I.L-MONS-Choic. per box C 0 (d
u.. 4 r.o (
um.iuwi-- "i -
p., kn 1' M
U'n.Vin nurDi 22 (
; : -... ' 20 c
l.l.l 1 00 1'?
fll-1-l.e.B, JUT um - j
HAY-pcr ton "'J
)()NEy In (1
Jloos Mixed parkin...,.- 3, J
Hoos-Iieavy wl(hu ; 80 9
T Oinira alters J OU M
..t v. n I ... 83
r-.... v o 41 (4
.J I, . . V ...... ......
Onrs-Mixed western f f
,, 12 2j I
V" -::::::::::: : m
Wiieir-Per bushel f
Cons-Par bushel "J
Hoos -Packing and ship. .
a..-N.ii.. 2 7.i (9
BT. OL'I3.
... a I 77 0k
r- I)-. i,...u.l !'.) ('?
OATS-Per bu.1,.1 , 11
Hous-Mlxart packing o . yj
CTtL-Fe.drs 1 b0
CAITt. -8tockr and td-
lUi"ZZZZ"". 8 0.1 (4
WsAT-Pr bu 52 J
CoR-Prb ;r' 1
OArs-Perhe .1 I5
Csrrui Stocker d
iMdm ,R '?
Boos-ilood te saaie 3 75 Q
,Vi 1