The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 14, 1889, Image 1
The Sioux Gounty Journal, 4 THE SrOUX COUNTY 0 flaaons Paltrrtton, . Proprietors. Tim Til.le. F. E. A M. V, Ry., Passenger, fjoiajr leave Harrison at 10:83 A. M. joiiig east leave Harrison at 2 51 p. M. Harrison Market. Butter, 12i to lUc Ekx. 20c. Poultry, per doz. $2.00 to $3. Oats, per 100 (1.10 Corn, r 100 B f 1.00 Bran, per 100 Bj f 1.10. Feed, clupjej, per 100 !L Potatoes, per bu. 90c. Sortfiunj, per gal. .iCk. Onions, per bu. f 1.50. Beans, )er bu. $1.00. -A big time at Montrose next week. -Free dance at Montrose next week. -Come and dance Friday evening. Now in the time when wood on sub rription is very acceptable. S. L R. Maine is erecting a barn on Us lots near his new resilience. -Quarterly meet icig"" next 'Saturday ll Sunday, at tiie M. E. Church. -The Hart Blacksmith shop j ojwd ltd R. K. Post is presiding at the anvil. -Remember the dance on November 15th in free for everyone. All are invit id to participate. Weir & Co. have something new to my to their friends in this issue. It will piyyou to read it. FOR RENT A' two room residence M by 21 feet with good cellar. EiKuire it store of Weir & Co. Dont fail to attend the ball on Fri- ky evening, November 15, 189. Ev rybody should come and enjoy them- Ives. -Don't forget that Tub Journal is prepared to do all kinds of job printing h limit and tasty manner, on short Mtica. The'recent snow will prove of great benefit to tlie soil as there was no frost is the ground to prevent the moisture trail toaking'iii, -County Clerk-elect Lindeman is apunirt his post in the store of Weir & Co., and be acU jut the same us he did before be was elected. -Red tlie new advertisement of Rosa Thompson which appears in this issue. Tby have a large stock of gxxls and are wioustosell them. PAY UP-A11 indebted to the Buffalo Gp Lumber Company must call and Ule by the lit of December, either by h or secured not. Dont W matter. postpone -Remember The Journal dubs with knost any paper in the United States d when you want anything; in the line ;, papers or periodicals call and see us a we can save you some money. The Herald office has lieen moved to me wast side of main street into the fchonehaum building, and G. II. Turner a moved his meat market i n to the fonnerly occupied by the IUruld. -There is a good owning here for Ww, U Ualliin exuectM li leave at .......I, r.. t. . . i . . j't iowa 10 uiKe a ciair in a Wge shop and tlie result will be that Hmnill be barberries A Ban would do well here. good -A contest-ase wherein Clem Wei m piainulf and C. E. Verity was de fendant occupied the attention of the wunty clerk on Tuesday. F. M. Uor- "nBion conducted the case for the plain kirn .- n anu u k. Holm.s looked after the Newts of;tlte defeqdant. ii i , . v .w saiu mm yoar ltmt nie nien bocame from the "Fatherland" want- to bretik up the "ring." One of those came from that home across the ter bj Woine a citizen of the United desires The Journal to state that year they did break, tlie ring i fine wipe, The candidates of the people's ticket us to return Uieir grateful thanks to all those """l i the recent campaign and at the ru, ana they hone to be enabled to re- rytleinbv a lawful and economical ministration of the public affairs of countv. The iteople of Montrose are' prepar- K to have il 1 vening, Nov. 22, a grand free iH be given and on tlie day fol- ing a barbecue will be held. They determined to have a good time and rtU all to come and join them. It js to niakehe o:tsion an enjoyable -A new time table is being prepared Wte tffact on Uh, Elkboi n line on the j'0. It maktn a change in tho of the arrival of U Black Hills ex- "o Omalia. but whether it will T ny change effecting the trains not known. It f rumored tliat r,0Kr iwrvice U to be put on thin Tliat woujd be highly appreciated tHiou!gamitlwliiHi, -ie our combination offer in .notli-t "-olumn. If you want good reading' matter c heap you hIkh.1,1 not fail to take advantage of the same. In KdJilu.n lo '' that we club The J0Lr.nal with almost i very pap pUhhslled an(, cm j iKy on any paer or wish to Kultw rilHs for magazine -Last Saturday evening was niversary of the binh of Mm. II, the an- T. ('on- iej any some of her friends planned a - .... in u,e evening a small merino iter home ami toolc JK)S- "vMon ol it and proceeded to have a good time. They took t iie precaution to take a supply of we filled basketa, the contend, 0f which added to the pleasure of the occasion. The ladv in l,n l'" the friends hiul gathered was nr.- tented wilh a beautiful rug and a hand some easel as tokens V the esteem in whi.-h slie is held by them, nd late in the evening the paily disused, after eAieiKiing to Mrs. Conley their U;st wishes for many happy returns of the anniversary. Everything indicates that there will lie a great many new cet tiers in Sioux county within the nezt few few mouths. If every settler that is here now can in duce one other to come here to live we will heve just double tho population we now have, and the result will 1 that the projierty of everyone will be worth just double what it is to-day. It is the people in a locality which gives real es tate a value. The land upon which the great cities are built, und which com mands fabulous prices, would lie no more valuable than laud in Sioux coun tv if there Were no more mumlu tlmi than there are here. If you want your land to liecome valuable get every one you can to come here to live, and then you can realize good prices for what you have to sell and your property will command a price which will remunerate you for the lairdships you exptrienced liy coming here when the country was new. Almost every day we are told of people who are expecting to come west in the near future to locate and an ef fort should be made to induce as many as possible to come to Sioux county to establish homes. There are just as good opportunities to secure land here as there is any where else and the prosjiects for tlie future are no better in any local ity than they are right here. If you want to see the county boom just go to work to gut as many of your friends to come here as possible. You "jv 1 1 L never lie sorry for the effort made and if some of them whohave been struggling hard and paying big rent for the use of high priced land come out hero and get a farm of their own they will always feel that you did them a favor. No one per son can do this alone, but all should do their share of the work and they will each derive their share of the benefits ac cruing from the results. There is proba bly not a ersori in the county who does not know of some one who could better their condition by coming here and by getting them to belter themselves they assist in making your land more valua ble, and therefore you are, to a certain extent, working in your own interest. PERSONAL. Clem Wells spent Sunday in Chadron. IJ. T. Conloy has teen on the sick list for a coupli; of days, li. Rosa came up from Cliadron (Satur day to stay a few days. Mrs. Loutzenheiser has moved on her laim to sX!Dd the winter. Bartlett Richards, of Cliadron, was in Harrison the first of tlie week. Dr. Oliver Fisher was up from Craw ford yesterday looking after his patients. F. M. Dorington was up from Cliadron the first of tho week looking aner a contest case. Jas. H. (ok arrived last Friday from his trip to Chicago. He reports a very satisfactory trip. A. B. Patton is in charge of the busi ness at tlie Elkhorn depot during the ab sence of Mr. Northrop. E. 0. Hough und family bave moved into tow n auu occupy nw.i ,.,v.-....v purchased by J. C. Northrop. A. T. Hughson was up from Andrews . . , , ...1 yesterday and called at our omce iwu. added bis iiaum to our list of readers. J. C, Northrop, Elkhorn agent at this place, left last week ror a visit vx w home in the east. Ho will be absent about four weeks. i Countv Judge-elect Barker left yester-j day for Rushvillo to spend a few weeks. with relatives and friends belore ne as sumes hia ofllcial duties. Jiolicc. All clergymen in this city and vicinity deserving annual clerical permits over the Northwestern system for the year 1890 should make application to agent at Harrison so as to reach. Ikuicral Pas senger office, Omaha, not later than December 0, IHbO. A. B. Patton, Agent, IJarrigpn, Nebraska. AIS0r' TB., ItTOV. 14, 1889. Northwestern Tliis place lias recently changed hands and nothing i. left undone for the COMFORT, CONVENIENCE AND Entertainment of Guests. Come and See Us. WANTS OF THE TRAVELING PUBLIC A SPECIALTY. J AS. SLATTERY, Prop. For The Benefit of Settlers. Cliadron, Neb., Nov. 1st, 1889. From Nov. 1, 1HH9, and uutil further notice, the U. S. Land Office at Chadron, Nell., will lie open from 7:00 to 7:30 p. m. for making homestead enteries .ex clusively. The last night of each month is excepted. Should the last night fall on Sunday, then the Saturday night preceed ing is excepted. We do this on ly for the accommodation of parties j wishing to enter homesteads, and we urgently request fthat no business be presented other than homestead enteries and the necessary'examination of plats connected therewith. Should the public persist in offering business that can be transacted by agents during regular hours, we will be compelled to refuse such business, and very likely be obliged to revoke this privelege. W. II. MuCann, Register, T. F. Powers, Receiver. L. O. HULL, Attorney-at-Law. HARRISON, - - NEBRASKA. "RB1AJD this? TWO PAPERS FOR THE PRICE OF 1 THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL And the AMERICAN" FABJI SEWS one year for Two To every one who'jeys for a year's subscription o The Journal in advance we will send them in addition, postage paid, for one year the celebrated farm paper, American Farm News. ur Iffer No. 2. We will send tlie papers as "above and also the WeMtvn Stockman and Cvllit vator (a 16-page semi-monthly) for Jv'ow is the time for YOU. Jfl Vis' n t tljo iidyantii),'!) of tl)i flifSt Dollars. Hotel. GEORGE WALKER, Attorney-at-Law. Will practice before stll courts and the U. s. Lund uflioe. llusinesH entrusted to my care will receive prompt attention. HARlilSON, NEBRASKA. C. E. HOLMES, Attoney-at-Law, All business entrusted to his rnrft will ce.ivo prompt and careful attention. Office with JONES & VERITY. HAIiRteON, NEBRASKA. H. T. CONLEY, Attorney-at-Law. Special attention given to LAND PRACTICE. Ofhce at the old stand with Reidy & Pollard. Harrison, - - - Nebraska. MRS. L. J. SIMMONS, Dress Maker Satisfaction guaranteed. HARRISON, NEBRASKA. W. E. PORTER, Contractor and Builder. - JEstimateu on all kinds of carpenter work cheerfully given. Satisfaction guaranteed, Plans furnished at reasonable rates, HARRISON, NEBRASKA. L. E; BELDEN & SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers. Repairing done on short notice-. Good work and reasonable charges. Shop south of livery barn. HARRLSON, t t 7 NEB. LEWIS H. MYERS, Plasterer and Brick Layer. All kinds of plain and ornamental plaster ing done to order. Understands cistern ce lnentiiisr. The lavinir of brick flues a apeci- alty. Will give absolute satisfaction or no pay required. HARRISON, NEBRASKA. TRUAX, SNYDER & CO. Blacksmith, Carriage and Wagon Shop. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed in every particu lar. Shop on Main street, HARRISON, NEBRASKA. MRS. L. A. POST, Millinery, Keens a nice line of millinery which she sells at prices that defy competition. GOOJGOObS, GOOD WORK And fair prices. Second street. HARRISON, - - NEBRASKA. Wells! Wells! The undersigned have a fine, new drill and are prepared to put down wells on SHORT NOTICE, and at living rates. It will pay you II You Want a Well to call on or addresss, Amos & Armstrong Bros, HARRISON, NEB, j. ir cook. Agate Sprinub Ranch. Brand C on left jaw. Makes aspecialty of breeding Roadsters, Draft and Saddle HorseH; also red and black Polled cattle, Range on Running Water, Post Office Remember The -Corner IS THE Ranch Supply House, Harrison, Nebraska, Where you wii! find a Large and Complete Stock of Felt Boots, Overshoes, . Blankets, Flannels and Cotton Flanels, AND THE - Largest Stock - Of General Merchandise in Sioux at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Square Dealing, Down Weights and Full Here We Are COME A.TSTID SEE US And our Our stock of dry goods is the Larg est and most complete ever brought to Harrison and was purchased so that we can sell to our patrons at as tonishingly rjoAv jiSnjas' OUR MOTTO IS, s "A nimble penny rather than a slow sixpence." We always keep our stock of Groceries and Provisions Fully up to the times and, strive to please all our parons and sell all good,. CHEAP FOR CASH, ESFEQTFUXjLlfT, ROM k THOMPSON, NO. 9. Grocery- Measure. Call and give us a trial. WEIB & CO, New Stock of