The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 07, 1889, Image 5

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    "WiSDAL 15 SERVIA.
qmm Satslls.
'4.Vtlie, whoMe separation
L bufcluind, King Milan, of
taawount of political and
jjirwes, htia travelled over
Lnl her hwtory lias filled
Cgg column in the journalii
UorlJ- I i unnecewittry to
W situation ofServia. vhorw
Crelatioim to Itunxia and
I have magnified the import
r. . i:.i a
lliliiui! iiiuiiiii aim iiio
in which hu iliHruptecl it
,py family.
u'tnlie is the daughter of a
Tj :
in 1116 J4UHS1UI1 lIMIMTIIll
grvhko, ofliesaarnbia, and of
Pult'ticrie Miroiidjra, a Kou-
fh was horn May 12,1m.")),
itlip reigning rrmceolSor-
. . 1 u - - ni. - i i
jrtoUT, n i lie ir oniy cuiiii,
-tw.m horn AngiiHt 14,1 H7.
id- huHBUiKTintended Ilia ed-
Uiult todescrilietherarennd
lieauty of the (jneeii. Jler
yfruturcn have at the name
jlfflitniinnding royal majetity
rtiarni oi n iinyiui gin. iicr
lon'iieau ih crowiieii with n
of jet hliM'k hair; her al-
jped hrown eyes have a look
inexpressibly tender and
with intelligence; her rip-
nsile nnd silvery hitighter ir
raelcitr and pulo complexion,
K her own lUiHsinn khowm,
Vi into a richer coloring by tho
la suns. Sho is tall and mir-
xUprnceful, and her manners
subtle charm, partly royal
lolly foiiiinine.
Wwiw well read nnu pos-
asrixlund varied intrnction.
Vt rrctich miito fluently and
prticnlir pleasure in reading
wry w franco uh well as all
Miuitio&s treating on history,
her favorite Ktudy. On her
helve, k'siilesthe classics and
i volumes, can lie seen the
of Tuine. Coppia, with his
k1 Terse; Sully rrudhoinnie. the
t L'Amaiid nnd Alphonse
t iirforo the fatal S'rvinn
rianwnr broke out, while she
Ri'mglier popularity and the
olhi-r late accession to the
own. Oueen Natalie had
V remote little court the re-
ptern elegance, wit, nnd
Ft, and enlivened it with re-
aver which she nresided with
fpiyety and womanly tact.
Wn! of her marriaire to the
Vonow Reeks divon efiom her,
twnvn as I'rince Milan. On
ft, 1HH2. ho was orochiinieil
flilan I. His seat is a very un-
p, nd it is open to doubt
W present nolicv will snve him
pmyer from tho ignomiuv of
Jw crown.
lnl Phanv Ills Will.
V'" York Trilmnf.
Viliar figure around Crystal
rammer resort near Carbon-
wn., in Into years has been
Mr. McKibben, of Wnshing-
l'rof (3en. McKibben, the
mnn who wus the second of
' l!rolerick in his duel
Wge Terry. Mr. McKibben
w time n grpat friend of Si
"aeron, than whom he wus
f older. There is a good
"out tho old man and Simon
,n- In the course of their lives
npMiient arose between the
ndi on account; of somo po
ration, but Mr. McKibben
turo in his possession upon
Senntorset a high value,
"ftd most anxiously to have,
"ft to Mr. McKibben and
" for tho picture. Mr. Mc
1 oula not pnrt with it.
wd l,o, "I'll tell you what I'll
'J0''. Cameron. I will be
t picture to vou." "Oh."
Pron, "that will never do.
Tfi come le die, where w ill 1
McKibben did not give
picture, and since Cn meron's
"Probably had to altera
to will.
n y render a poor prinWf
,ork and destitue, a little us-
n"crted ft disreputable
Pcimen 08 he came, in n
?itating manner, into the
r "Don't put yourself out"
c?wtily a the editor rose
f4 uddinei' "don't put
J' V nid the editor cheerful
Jjjlled up bU eloeveH, "it
7thut fm going to put
'rfectly Convenient,
rl Urd Wolwl,,
JZTrr f Virginia' h"
,nx,te1 ("-Ix.rd WolseW to Le
It at the unveiling of a statue
lV'T-Lat,:i, hniond.Va., which
to theeareer of this celebrated Uritish
"IW (Jen. I.)rd AVoWley was
born , Dublin, in the year 1833
l e is a member of an old and honor
J family Wlonging to
S His father was
Major of the lWtMl A
JoungWoMey determined to follow
tl.ejirof.wionolarms. Heenteredtl.e
"nay u KNi.ri wIien nim.n
0 age arid in 18.-2 was engaged in
the hurimw war, wherein he ,liH.
played great courage and gained
notice in the dispatches. l ihu
whs sent, to the ( rhnea, w,.re
5" ' "d ia the IrcichcH before
S..bstop() as AHsistant Knginwr
Il'N gallant service received ,,.co
union re,..,i(,v )(.f(,ri, w
severely wo.l.i.lcd ., August ."iO
l. I or a long time his evesHit
as endangered by the misf'ortime
but he recover..-.! and resumed his
position in the nrniv. Jn lsr,7 H,
was sliipwrecked whiie". to
hum. He look part Kiibsemientlv
in the Bupn-ssion of the Indian muti
ny, and was engaged in Hindustan
during 1h.-,n and In:). Jn ix;o lie
served in the Chinese war. and was
present when the forts protecting
1 eking were captured. Our threats
eji.-d difficulty with Cue Uritish
(Joverniueiit owing to the "Trent"
affair led to AYolscley's being
sent to tho American continent.
He made a visit to (ieneral Lee's ar
my while on this side, and in 1W2
aided in the pacification of the I'ed
Hiver Settlement. AVolseloy led the
Urit ish anus to victory in the Ashan
tee War, and was rewarded upon his
return withtliotl.anksofhoth Houses
of Parliament, 25,0(10 and the offer
of a baronetcy. While he declined
the last he wisely took the money.
In 1875 ho represented his govern
ment in Natal, Sout h Africa, and in
87'J, was appointed High Commis
sioner and t ommander-inl lnef in
Cyprus, then newly nimoxed by the
I luted kingdom. the disastrous
Zulu war was nearly over before he
arrived on the scene of action, but
he contributed towards the set
tlement of the questions relating
to it. His popularity was greatly
advanced from 1874 to 187(5
by his policy as Inspector-flenernl
of the Auxiliary Forces. His next
conspicuous undertaking was to sup
press the insurrection against the
authority of the Khedive of Kg.vpt,
by Ara bi I icy. The battle ofTcl-el-Kebir,
September 12, 1882, was the
collapse of Arnbi's, cause, and he is
now an exile in Ceylon. Substantial
rewards nnd distinguished honors
awaited Wolscley upon his return
home. He received 50,000, as a
Parliamentary grant, ami was
created Huron Wolscley of Cairo and
of Wolselev ia the county of Straf
ford. His latest Military campaignes
were there in Soudan, with which he
was entrusted in 188 1.
The School Ma'am in Maine.
Tht school commit tee of Sacohnvo
undertaken to steer their teachers by
means of printed instructions, nom) j
of which are of general interest.
Teachers are directed to be in their j
school at least fifteen minutes before
the time of opening each session. A
part of their duty is "to soo t hat the
rooms and outbuilding tiro kept
clean." They must not forget to
fasten the doors and windows. Most
important of all, they must see to
the ventilation of the buildings and
must refuse to prennt any pupa vo
attend school from a houso where
therehns been scarlet fever, varioloid,
measles or diphtheria. The board
instructs teachers to absolutely
prohibit tho use of tobacco in the
buildings. Lewisvile Journal.
A Hrave (ili l ml Mouse,
Roaring Hranch has a young lady
of nerve. The other evening, wliilo
enjoying a visit with some friends, a
correspondent asserts a mouse came
from under the sof.t where sho was
sitting and found shelter in hcrskirt,
where" ho soon made his presence
known by becoming to ambitious
Did she scream or faint? No; sho did
nothing of the kind. Just firmly
tightened her hand over a portion of
her clothing and quietly left the
room. When she removed her hand
ft dead mouse fell to the ground.
Welleboro Gazette.
. Y .i . " " comny mis .'one .e
'...d the ,ouud..faw: Wi.aeViu
; ronr Uve bee,, swem ing a eousid-
ttlry UJ6li'a Umt,lilt4:J Utlu d""
"Some time npo," tho justice said, "I
bononed a L.,till dicHo.mry, nnd lt M
.t."lT .i e hYf of'yHible au.l
looked for the world like it. The back
w torn and m.itilnle.l. ,,d tlm ele8
ere red lliedicli.a.uiv, ml tb.m-ht
maily diRni.pei.rfd and could ot be
'"iiu.l. 1 kept sweni iu witnesses ri"ht
.don- with the, ns I thought, wlieu
"ry 1 "a3 "oU"u l,ut tho diction.
"How did I find it out? Why, the
other day, jnt I woll(i np hi
f.e, and .is rendering inv decision"
lie book Ml ollt of my li,ls into my
l. ope,,. Tl,t-r it wus -M pkiu ll8 &J
the old diclioiii.ry."
"Did vou,,l
'Suspend nothin- I just went ri'd.t
"Ions as if it n, is liil.h. smo eiion-h.
-NoLodv, you y be sure, in oilice
knew what i fouud but myself." Sa
vuunuli Nuns.
Inf. k.d.
The rapidity n itli which insects travel
is .pule iiKtiinishinv, often exceedui"
lh.!h,,eedof Ihu swiftest nice hois,"
llie coininou house fly is computed to
i.iake i)(l strokes per second in ordiu.irv
ibud.t, itdvaiicing twenty-iivo feet, but
this raio may bo increased to six or
seven times iismiieh. Leiiweiiholk lells
of a dragon-fly which, in n memi-eriu
d.c.iit 10(1 feet loic, succeeded in uvoid
ius a Rwalloiv; and in a recent curious
race at a Westpludiiiu town, betweeu
a .loz.ii. bees mid a dozen pigeons, Ihe !
lirst beo fiuihlicd tho distance of three
miles nearly a quarter of a minute in '
advance of the first pigeon. Tho male '
of the silk worm moth is said to travel
more than 100 miles in n single do v. I
ftlM.rlllaild 2,000 r. Ol.l.
According to a paper read before tho
recent meeting of the Libiarv associa
tion, shorthand has flemished more or
less for '.'.OI.O years. Cicero's famous
writer, Tiro, is known to have had ri
vals in his own time, and Cesar's feals
in dictating several letters simulta
neously nil le traveling still remain un
equalled, lint shorthand, ns now un
derstood, is the product of the present
century. Jt is computed that Ihe liter
ature relaling to the subject would till
no fewer than Ki.OOU volumes, and Eng
land alone has given birth to UU7 differ
ent systems.
A mile I rip by Elevator.
Some one 1ms suggested that, instead
of imitating; tho idea of building a
tower lug .cr than any other for the
world's fair of tnc original idea
be adopted of excavating a deeper hole
in the earth than lias yet been made.
The small village of Schladebach, in
Jierinany, now claims the deepest, hole
yet bored, measuring about ,''J feet
in depth it ii (1 completed in six years at
a cost of 8.12, 500. Ah this is merely a
small bore hole, however, it furnishes
little indication of the extent of the
midd taking of opening a pit for pas
senger elevators to a depth of soino
0,000 ftct, ns proposed.
A Forns Punilne.
CnicAoo, Oct. 30. The Farmers' He
view says reports from its correspond
ents shonr serious absence of fall pas
turage for cattle, except, in Ohio, Mis
souri and Kentucky. The states suffer
ing most are Illinois, Wisconsin and
Minnesota. The Hevicw adds that
farmers have a serious question to meet.
Where cattle are lit for the market 1 1 . oy
aro being sold off as rapidly as possible.
It is slated as probuMe that laiL'e num
bers of animals not ready for tho block
will have to be forced on the already
low market at a loss.
A 4 iirlutiM Kuleldr.
Cokmtans' Junction, N, Y., Oct. 30.
A man sat down on the West Shore rail
road track, at Canavoliarie, at 1! o'clock
yesterday afternoon. As the express
train came thundering along tho wheels
took the man's head oft' clean without
mutilating it or the body. Tho head
fell sixty feet away. Tapers in the
man's pockets showed that he was Amos
'. Jirowne, of East Windsor, Mass.
There was also a postal card from N. E.
licrt. ol Snilt Jtiver, mass., ring
lirowno a position. The buicido was
about 43 years old.
The number of nupils at the Carlisle.
Pa., Indian school has risen iu ten years
from 140 to 085, educated at an average
animal cost of $140, though $107 is the
government appropriation.
The pope has written to Cardinal Gib
bons a letter of congratulation on the
Catholic progress of a century in Amer
ica and its celebration by a proposed
Quick Al.Wfr.
The Chevalier Duplessis, who wrote
a bail opera cailca to, iosu ...a
temper at cards with tho poet dullard,
and murmured something, which was
not mi heard, about his partner being
the worst whist player as well as the
worst verso maker in tlio worm, lo w men
the other replie.l, reprovingly: "Che
valier, you forget yourself!" Ihis is
pretty, but not so forcible ns the retort,
overheard at a whist table: "I wish,"
observed a player in a passion, to bis
partner, that L was sitting opposite to
a gentlemen." "My dear friend," ob
served the other, cooly, "your aspira
tion is grntilie.l, for, whether yon are
sitting, standing or lying, you cannot
bo nun e opposite to a gentleman thau
you arc." San Francisco Argonuut.
online tMldii 1'urlune.
Boilon (Mam.) Herald, Oct. .
South Boston lilts It quite often, oftener
than is generally supposed. Several times
have the great capital prizes of the Louisiana
State Lottery been sent over to the peninsula
to lie distributed among the citizens of that
locality. The latest favored KCiitlcinnii at
the court of C""'1 fortune was Mr. John II.
lla'vev who resides on West fourth street,
ami who docs business at S04 West Broadway.
Mr llavcyls a popular citizen of the South
Hoston district, where he has lived ns man
and bovfor !W years of his life. "
holder of a 2l)tti of the second capital prlzo
drawn at the last drawing of the Louisiana
State Lottery, and he received tf.CKXI In crisp
bill, last week. The full a mount t that was
drawn by the number he held was l(K),000,
n as there were two oilier holders of twen
tieths In Boston, total of 110,11(10 came to
this city as prize money to Rlad.lcn the
hearts of ttic holders of lucky numbers. Mr.
Have? is not a constant buyer of tickets In
lotteries, hut occasionally purchased such
tickets without expecting to draw anything.
A brush between two artists should result
In a draw. -
A Minneapolis man has Invented perpet.
ual motion machine.
Bee the large advertisement in a previons issue of this paper. Send for Colored Annonneement and Specimen Copies, free
FREE TO JAN. , 1890.
To any New Subscriber who will cut out and send us this llp. wllh nam and row
Office address and l.1S, t will send The Youth's Companion FRKE to Jan. 1.
1890. and for a full year from that date. This offer inrlude the FOl'B OOlBLfc
37 AdJrat, THE YOUTH'S CONIPAMIOM, Boston, Mass
Or-aniania "f Sell.
It is now regarded ns n settled ques
tion that, the nitrogen of the atmosphere
is tixed in the soil for the use of vegeta
tion l,y t lie action of the imerolies. ami
that no soil is destitute of these eeriiis.
Jt is unvested that tho yreater devel
opment of the in icrol ics l,y farm-yard
manures may explain the apparent su
periority of M1cli fertilizers over nrtili
cial manures llieorelically as yood.
He who steals my purse, steals trash, but
he who wantonly purloins my bottle of Salva
tion (lil steals boiacthini; that enriches him
tuileed anil leaves me bankrupt, a victim to
aches and pains, a sorrowing woeful citizen,
until I can slowly creep to the nearest drusr
Out at sea a ship occasionally heaves In
sifiht, but a seasick passenger prefers to heave
out of sight.
An eastern man advertises for "a boy to
open oysters with a reference." Ovsters do
not generally obtain references, but" millions
can truthfully testifv to the miraculous power
of Dr. Hull's Cough 'Syrup.
No, Johnnv, ten pin bulls are not made in
rolling mills.
Female telegraph clerks in Kussla are not
allowed to marry any but telegraph ollicials.
You w ear out clothes on a washboard ten
times us much as on the body. Uow foolish.
Buy Dobbins' Klectrie soup of vourgroccr and
save this useless wear. Made ever since 18U4.
Don't take imitation. There are lots of them.
A Ynliili Arm 4 Inilr.
The Lodz Zietuntr states that tin ex
traordinary discovery aa miido in nn
old lunilier room at Lodz. An old arm
chair, which had liplon;ud to tho pres
ent owner's grandfather, mid had been
put away in an attic for want of room,
Was limit" lit. out, the. other dnv to 1p re
covered. When the old cover nns taken
ofl a large packet was found slnlTed into
the seat of the chair containing rl.,.0n
bank notes cf 1,000 roubles each, 800
rouiiles in gold, a receipt from the bank,
dated 1807, for 6,.r.OO roubles, and Rev
el'al bonds. The. chair has been in flie
possession of the present owner for some
years, and was looked upon as a useless
piece ot old furniture. London Globe
A llrnalu! Nf-iie
Of health nnd strength renewed and of
case and comfort follows the use of
Syrup of Figs, ns it nets in harmony
with nature to effectually cleanso the
system when costive or bilious, ror
sale in 50o and 1.00 bottles by all lead
ing druggists.
i'nraaiir of lite lllood.
Some J'cars ago n Jlussian observer
discovered in the blood of birds living
organisms slrongly resembling those
existing in the blood of persons attacked
by malarial fever. It lias since been
found that these minute parasites are
much more common than was nt first
suspected. Cold blooded animals aro
especially liable to have them, nnd the
cariuvor.i morn so than other warm
blooded minimis; but it is only rarely
that thev seem to cause inconvenience
and in only four or live out of 300 birds
examined (lid death result in consc
quence of lesions produced by the para
sites. Li those cases tho symptoms
were identical with thoso observed m
victims of malarial fever.
Best Couph Medicine. Recommended by Physicians.
Cures where all eke fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the
taste. Children tike it without objection. By druggists.
i i
Wanted, Men to Travel.
Thi TruwIiM-R' kiimlovnipnt HurcaU of Chl-
cago is not an ordinary employment llurrau
sucu us xnc woo. .s air. iuii oi, uiu i.- a n em
ulate institution incorporated, under the State
1...., ..r 111....... u-ilh a t.o nil q! e. ncl C,1 T, (MX) IK)
and devoted entirely to the interests of Com
mercial travelers, it win pay you .yuw iui
particulars, free, see ad. in this paper.
If a woman hates vou, you may be sure she
has loved you.
Fd for '4naumpllVea.
Scott's Emvlsion of Cod Liver Oil with Ify-
pophosphitcs, is a most wonderful lood. It
not only gives strength and increases the
flesh but heals the Irritation of the throat and
luniis. Palatable as milk and in all wasting
diseases, both for adults aud clil! lrcn, a mar
vellous food aud medicine.
A compound fracture means compound in
terest on a reasonable fee for the 'doctor.
Buy Union Soap and make a guess.
your grocer about it to-day.
An Athens, Ga., girl has invented a lump
that will cease to burn exactly at 10 o'clock
each evening.
Kennedy's Kast India Bitters are guaran
teed absolutely pure and recommended by
many eminent physicians.
It is the small man who is fearful he will
not get all the credit he deserves.
When flaby wes sick, wo gave her Castoria,
When she was r. Child, clic cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, dio clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she cave them Castoria,
Patented Aug. 16, 1887. ImpiovedJult30, 1889.
n nmri tURlt.
guumnlrea u our. m
- lowing aisMCS. n.ineij; avik
RhpumaUo Complaint.
"Lumhafo. General and
rNerroui TJebditT. Cos-
lir .-'tivfnns, ZidnerDiMues.
-T i'v V Jieirmiinru. iremnu.,
' Sexual Eihiultion Wut
: inf of Body. Duum
'i TliaMfinn. in Youth. Are. Bur-
rifdorSin- URK fleLife. lrM.iidUeiiri.ii?it.
tnLh. womb or o-uiut ormius of male or renu.e-
S,u4 SB. po..Ke tor rKKK iUUHtrated panir'lilet, which will h
A grand jury never goes behind the returns
In (lulling Its counts.
1 1 LYER
losltlrrlvcured by
They alo relieve Via
treHB from DynpepU,In
df geatioD and TooHcar.
Eating. A perfect rera-B
pay for Iizi.inig,Mau8cai
Drowsiness, Bad Tastrt
in the Mouth. Coated!
Ton cue. Pain in the Bide.
regulate tbe uow els.
Purelv Vcnet&ble.
Price 2S Cents;
Small Pill. Small Dose, Small Price.1
"0 to be dead nnd done with the trouble
That fills each day with a dreary pain."
This is the moan of many a woman
Who thinks she can never he well atrain.
"It. were octter for me and better for others
If 1 were .lead," and their tears fall fast.
Not so, not so, 0 wives and mothers,
There's a how of hope in the sky at last,
anil it tells you that the storm of disease
which has spread its shadow over you will
give way to the sunshine of renewed health,
if you are w ise and try Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. It can and will cure all female
weaknesses and derangements, and no woman
who has not tried it need despair, for a trial
will convince her that it is the very thing she
needs to restore her to the health she fears
forever lost.
To cleanse the stomach, liver and system
generally, use Dr. Pierce's pellets. 25 cents.
When a cashier goes to Canada his employ
er's face and his ow n accounts are the long
aud short of it.
Oregon, III.. I'iii'ikII.ii ol I'lirillfirM.
Mild, rq.mlilr cllmiUft. rcrlnln nii'l crop..
Tlfixt fruit, grain, gin, anil ilorl: country in ttm
wur!l. l'.ul iiiiuruiailoH free. A.lcli's ihe Oregon lot. Uunrl, I'urUiuid, Oi.!oii.
A citizen of Northampton, N. H. has been
a justice of the peace for more than fifty
If ffliclpd with Snr Kvc. ti.n Or. Isnao Thomp
tou'a I'.ye Walcr. Hi ugnlslg sell II
GnlrW.if In Hie ft.irdxn of llm finda,
oli. l-ii 1", Willi Vl. w ! I'ilir'a I'.'.ill
III ! I'll.l.lle Itlnliinci'.
A very costly and elegant steel plate en
graving has just been executed in the highest
btyle of the art, copies of which from a limited
supplv, are now ready for delivery, and will
he sent to any part of the world on receipt of
2ii cents each, In stamps or coin. The uoblo
grandeur of Mic "lint ranee" to the "Garden
of the (iods" is the favorite theme of poet and
painter. Tho- outer parapets arc of pure
white, rwhllc the Interior columns spring
boldly from the plain to a height of 350 feet
the whole suggestlnir the ruins of a vast tem
ple. These towering walls form a majestic
framework for the snow cupped summit of
Pike's Peak which reveals itself among the
clouds In the fur distance. To secure nn
early copy of this admirable work of art, ad
dress Jon HmusTiAS (ien. Tk't A 1 ass.
Agent, Ciiicaoo, Hock Island & Pacific
liv., enclosing the price, 25 cents.
Wo rpcommond ' Twi.lir. l'um-h" Ci;rar.
Robert Browning has written a new volumo
of poems. ,
&hiuh)vcl by Three, I'Jc,':
1!mo, TO 55 full-pairc Illustrations. A
twriiiullna;, pxcil inr lri.-cii. story. A .Trent
iotoI. I.nrf(."t unit best hooks ever sold for
prlrr- I ) ! rrlil', MVt p 1.1. s AI.EX
T. Lovd A Co., Lnkealde hhlK.. 1 lilcagu, III.
The dignity of labor Is nil right, hut It Is
tie dig ulght and day labor that many people
jomplnln of.
We. will give 1100 reward for any ease of
latarrh that cannot ho cured with llall'a
(ataiTh Cure. Taken Internally.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Propra., Toledo., O.
Act on the liver nnd bile ; clear the complexion ;
cure biliousness, sick headache, costivcness,
malaria and all liver and stomach disordera.
We are now making; small size Bile Beans,
61A W.pHOTO-GRAyWRE of the
alKivc picture, Kisslnit at 7-17-70," mailed on
Receipt of He stamp. Addres. , the makeraof the
jreal Anil -BileKemedy-"Ille Beans.
J. F. SMITH A CO., St. Louis, Nlo.
50 Cfcs. I
&UI BHOTilliKS, 55 Warren St., New York.
)r".'.r"-..rp .tv ,cecn .ft
. MUWAlLiaUliUtn.
Hlioiiltl ami tuny know how child boariiiK
r-miiw wli'tfu wilix'iii i'm or Lmiijr''
Information wnt wnlfd. A Wokpfukul
DR. l. H. DYE, Buffalo, N. Y.
yAiA DCftfCflV 111 c"re 11100(1 Tolfion whnro
RIAUlw nCISLUI mfrt:urr f nils. Owned nnd tor
laleonif lijr Cook Hemrdy Co.. O in ill, Nb. Wrlia.
4 uf cur. Xr. J. 1
fttspbvB UUioa, 01.
to ibt worob or gi-uiut orgiius of mle
b- - s-Avn a iuaai rn i
stLtUinib lriaULti.rera.i..
for wavw fltiinlrnt.(t nnninlilft. which WiU b
Wlltjou Id plitDheoled eiivtoic. Meuiion this pnper.addreM
3Q6 North Broadway. BT LOUI8, MO.
sun vfiii09
Owen'K Elfctrio Belt Attachment.
morn with case and comfort. Ttie cur-
inado mild or itroiiit. This la thcoulr 4
elfctrio iriiia and Lett ever nindc. It 'A
Rupture Im trnm 041 ( t0 iIajk. Tor full description of lr.
Owcd i Elcctru-Glvutc Belli. Hpinml A(itimic?t Trua'i n4
Vmoi Brnd c. fr rum illnstialcl imniiililt wlilcb, will b
feat j oh In piain scaled envelop. Sold oulv by the
SOO aud US M or tli ilraudtray, St. Louis, Mu
ygtyfl?-This trim in
5iT" f rcut ea"
com hi no
fmv win i: I ItS
"Bf a thorough knowledge of the natural laws
whicti govern tlie operation's of digestion nnd nu
trition, and by a careful application of th line
properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps liait
provided our breakfast tables with delicmteljr
flavoured beverage which may save us many iivv
doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use ot such;
articles of diet that a constitution may be gradual
ly built up until strong enough f resist every ten
dency to disease, llundredsof subtle maladies are
floating around us ready to attack wherever there
is a weak point. We muy escape many a fatal shaft
by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood
and a properly nourished frame."" Civil Service
Gazette." Mado simply with boiling water or milk. Hold'
only in half-pound tins, by Grocers, labelled thus:
JAMES EPPS CO., Homeopathic Chemists,.
London, England.
TMI9 ff
famous for succeeding where
others have failed.
Drill drs 60 to 90 tlssei
tin K-s
. W Write n.
will work
you wish to
dowltha well
-j mm r- STUDY llook-koriitnji. Penmanship,
CI KJ twl I Amhmollc Sliorlluind. clc, thor.
miiflilT iHimhl liv ninll. J,ownilo. I'irculnrs fiep.
llltYANl'S t'OI,l,KUIS,ol .Muln St., UulTulo, K. V.
aikh Tnirucie ln iinnriiiri
low prtcn.,Ea.y Term.,
mlldrllninti. vnrlPtynf crops. Mps Hint elrciil.ri
Ireo. Tbiw. tx,l4ind Com.,l.llllr Rork.ArL
f4 ' fh
k. i iirr'i
hv rpl.nrn innil full dpsrrinlivf
circuit! rant MOODY'S NEW TAIL
Any lady of ordinary intern
pence can easily and quickly,
learn to cut and make any gar
ment, in any style lo any meas
ure for lady or child. Address
This Trade
Mark Is on
The Best
In the world.
. J. Tower, Boston.
llendqnarters for Band Instruments, Drum oorps Out
fits Accoi-tleons, Violins, Bnnjos, Mandolins, Guitars,.
Zithers Harmonicas, Strings for every instrument made.
I'ull slock of Sheet Music, Musia Books, rtnnd and Or
chestra Music Band Folios, Instruction Books for all
Instruments. Anyone sending in an order will receiva
a copy of Music FKKE. Write to us for prices and cat
alogues, stating what kind of goods wanted.
MAX iilliYlCH A I HO..
MiihIiu Nell
f JrCvrmt
ft TO DATS. Al
VaarMtss4 aot lev
I M atM8iriMwt. v
fcf Mfdoiily brtb
I prescribe and fully o
dorse Rig ii an the only
npertflc forihecertaincure
of this dtsrane.
Amsterdam, N. Y.
We have sold Big a for
many yenrs. and It has
given ine pest ot satis
faction. D. II. DYCTTE CO:,.
Chicago, III -S1.00.
Bold by Druggists.
l 0
lteil Cross IHaiuond Brand. '
Thsooty relishle pill for sale. Sstfo and
Snre. IsmI Im. awk lirmmrtmt for tnc 1Mb.
osd Hrs.iid.ln rtd nit-ulllo boxes. Mld
with blueribboa. Tubcnoather. 8-Dd4w
(ktsmpi) for particulars and Relief far
I.Mlfa," in (Alter, hj BtalL Name Pmprr.
CUckctter ChasaicmlCcw, Madlaon 1'liUada, is
To represent whidrsnlo bouses oi the Urge cities.
Salary, M.000 to 1.51-0. Wo liavo also rails fur
inexiprienrfd men who would besstistied with a
aainry of 9BOO to 9frOO for the first year, liood
pohitlons wailinif. Write, enrlosinc stamt. to
Trmvclrl'a, Kmplojinrul Uurvuu.Chicago.Ul.
KnthVm (Eitffllnh) Steel Rnrt
Ponnyi ojul ('Ills lor irreuu
I In r montlily pertods.are safe,
onwiiml uud Ihe oulv conu-
PHsjine.fnt any where on rer-eiptnt fl.(M by Ai.fkki
l Kn ig ut. Uruk'glsl, sune Est., Ciiicaoo, til.
nicr nil i chadwick-s manual
iii. x A in. 70 piffa.
1 lhimiii:trMl ('aver.
ecruT race 011 "P''" 11110 1 nc'0'" one
9tH I r KCC '.'O suiimo, Ijv aililiessiuK.
THE0. HOLLAND. P. 0. Box 120, Phila., Pa.
If yon want your
ieiisiin wttiioiit
delay, put your
claim In Lhn hands
Hl Vr-Llt. Ally., Wftali-
or ,iu-r.rii 11.
ingtiiii, l. V
Bao.oBMBB.Bj Cbarlmtuira, lias.
W, N. U., Ooisbs,
-7- tC
:,.""-.'.: ..'.4 ,v
r-V IJU'a