The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 07, 1889, Image 3
S Sioux County Journal. published every Thursday. Subw-riptioa Price, 12.00 j.Hmmen, . tdMor. litirr ' ' mon post omre u "xhtrspat, Novejoikr 7, 19. of tl t, r . '"s-d in NYl..-, '' " 1 profit to the mat!'r of iijr. To this ernl it ty, atonr.v J.waie unnvrsi- frfmi of larrnHiinn Mm Ifck,;, In the year 1 ' the present owners of Wgir Amrru-an newsier tom- Lo,l it puhiu-ation. and Wl(l afl(.r i M-imen of ,!. varietv raised UblitliI t'tireau ror the pro, unn of ! "" -nt 1luj I -ar,.f far inventions us homo ul ;.. i I'M. ... ... ' ully ncountries. I unntj the vear iHi-. '"mtianiwl hv u , . i i.. -.iv ..4 :. ... i i i u. ui..... "ci w imi, " M i mot ; questions as it r. S. Patent tl!iif , and tlw totjil is from tlie esliihlishnienl of f ho fat al office, up to tlie end of that year, is Ioshible 'uebered only 4,Z4'- p to the first of July this year flie i . ,...1 .IU. upf neeri mni-ti -t'",iw. miofrip Bt since tlie cornmeni-emeitt ! ile puh ,iuiu of the nl'fif Aiiwrimn th-re ,ve bi-en issued from the U. S. Patent )5f402.1fi6 patents, nnd aliout one 6rd more applications have U-en made ism have hwn granted, showing tlie in pouity of our people to be phenomenal, nui' hjrreater than even tlx? enor- x,y niiriiW of Kt?nts issued indifitc. Probably a good runny of our renders . i i - . i . . are nan uumr-" iruiiH.riHi inroupi fcoffiif of the Sriiiitiflt: Amrrimn, in jwiork or Washington, nnd are f; . 1 i -,. 1 m . . iilar wiin jninn oc i o nioue oi tiomjf lusiiew, but those no nave not will l. Dterestwi in knowing: domethinn alout bu, the oldest patent solicilinij lirni in Ibii country, proihly in the world. Persons visiting-the o(!U es of the nlfc Amrriran, ml Krodwny, N. Y., br tlie first time, will ! suqiriwtl, on iBtering' the main o(!lcu, to find mu h nn HtetMive and elepintly euipd est.ili Wunent, with its walnut counters, inks, and chairs to corrtwxnd, and its omious Kift, and utich a larire num ber of draughtsmen, specification writ- mi, ami clerks, all busy as !, remind mat a large Imnkin or insurance of , with its hundred employees. In conversation with one of the firm, bo had commenced tho business of so Satiny patent in connection with the publication of the Srirnt ijl: Amrriran, more than forty year ago, I learned tint thin firm bad made applications for tenu) for upward of one hundred thouand inventor in the United states. ind several thousands ' in different for- lip countries, and lind filed as muny CMMin the Patent Olflc in a single awitb as there were patents iasued dur iajthe entire first year of their business wr. Tin trentleman had seen the f'mt r yrow from a snrdin to a i.t. nnd he mcxVstly hinted that ' m tli, . ji . in rniu , s '.. ..rh ,'irvulat.on. hail pcrlonutd 6oaxn sluire in stimulating inventions ukI advancing the interests of the Pat i office. But it is not alone the patent "fating that rx-c u pics the attention of Iteone hundrel persons employed by Munn 1 Co., but a large numlsir are tn Pm) on the four publications issued kly and monthly from their ollice, m liroadwoy, N. V., viz The Sruvlif KAnvricmt, the Scinitifie Anurirtnt Siijt- V " ' t, thu ExiHrt Edition of the Sei ifi: Auuriaih, and the Architects am luiiders Edition of the Srimtijlr Avuri- 'hi um iwq publn-atioiis are is- iel every wek, and the latter two, the nrst of every month. give. -rt,ofreltSofaalv will "t.s.UJtbose,l,lwW.u'U H. II. Xk.ikji.sox la- TEMPERANCECOLUMM.. (ondurted bytlieW.C, T. I'. "F"r I7n4 Mir u,mV Th' II.,. nall, t'",,h"1"W':,,m""",'"lH!,.r I llrmly ,ini,t ,y,.t Th .l ,,! ,j. f 11lri. -wivt I till ,y sirt XT,-w wcarv ' ' "'"''I till u.yhndn.a,. n lire I lln.e, f.K,,,,,,,,,,,, wiw,(m; el I nev.-r --einJ t ,,,.1 K,. r. for thl. mniMl KK7 w iumi.T nee. An.i thnt on,- i,i,., K-1th w.wn Anil wiien f ifru-pt-,1 lli'inly itnt1 li,-ra ' I lutiml under velvet n tiiom. Till my brain Kre-wery of pl,,luir Ami niy mri'iiKtli begin to fail, And the rf.. ( , nnmiliiK''xrit,. ment Kre evening Ik:ui to full. And Jn.t h,. my humlmire unela-pinK Their hold on the bi Ki,., And my Iiuh ruining h.iek fro, t). tulnre n.-re -joklntf Hiciin t t ground, neiir to the One who hail elimbetl summit lleiiehnl Iwekwiird a lielplnir hand, And refie.h.-d.eiicoimu.'iil and strength' ened, I took again my stand. And I wish, oh, I wish, that the eliihla n Would never forget ,w they go, That though weary may seem their climbing, There Is Hiways some one ljelow. What horrifying details of liquor trag edies come to us in private letters as well as in all myriads of newspapers of the land! Mrs. Hussett says in a recent letter, "last night across the river a man came to his death by getting drunk and lying on the hay with a lighted pipe in Ins mouth. It set the hay on fire and burned his Issly to a crisp, besides caus .ng a fire which did damage to the amount of $l!,(X)0. Another man was found dead in fiis chair in a salnun. Thu the end of the victims of intemperance are constantly shocking us," The Barber Shop. First door south of the court house. E- L GALPIn" Proprietor. Hi you can get a clean shave. first class hair cut or a WARM or t'OLD BATH I&EjAJD THIS? TWO PAPERS FOE THE PRICE OF 1 Smith Bros., OK THE ONLY FIRST CLASS LIVER1,'IEND SLE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL THE STABLE w;..t. i ,, .. ran ine attention of the public! - u. ,aci mat they are prepared to furnish at reasonable rates First Class Rigs On short Dotice. A Dray Litie Run in Connection, City Restaurant, HENRY SNYDER, Proprietor, Board injj by the day or week at lowest living rates. WARM MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Call and see us when you are hungry and we will give you the worth of your money. ONE LOOR NORTH OF BLACKSMITH SHOP. Main Street, . Harrison, Nebraska. And tlie AMERICAN FARM NEWS one year for Two Dollars. R. E. MASSEV, HOUSE, SIGN AND Carriage Painter. Having fitted up the large building just back of the Harrison House, is now prepared to take care of all work in his line. Can do any and all kind of carriage and wagon work. rJTSATISFACTION GUARANTEED. HARRISON-, - - NEBRASKA. 10 every one who pays for a year s subscription to The Jotbsal in advance we will send them in addition, postage paid, for one year the celebrated farm paier, "American Farm News." Farm. Naw s is one of the leading farm month' lies published and will prove of Immense Value To the settlers of Sioux is the time for county. Now nr YOU. to take advantage of this papers for offer of two BOOK HOLDERS. the Most Pcsuct diction? moloch. Folding and Adjustable Tablet. SEND FOR CATALOCfB. R. M. LAMBIE, 39 E. 1SthSt.,N.Y. S'kiui? for Information. Die chemical detriment at the state niversity is doiii a remarkable work in uie beet suar industry in Nebrav """fwof tets are made with out cost to the producer. The chemical department is gathering nil the informa tion it .,ln tlmt v,, of HlUfn!ltt Iina ,,, Wlue to those ready to embark in lieet n,ng. In order to procure such infor "whon the following circular has Iwen by the department. CHEHICaL IBolUTOBY, UNlVEItSITY OF awa( P. o. Box 674, Lwcwur, Nkk., JUrth, lK9.-To Uie Farmers of Nehars ": In as much as the sujrar industry -air to income, in the near future prominent in our state, -reoperation in Uie collectimr and WnbutinK of reliable iuformation in re- PWto it " you plant, this season, sugar beet ill you kindly note the fads in on and answer the following ue- Rrn Kind Ntattd. conl Number of acres planted. ""rt-Dau of pittntinfr. Jourti,Kimlofsoil. Wth-MetlMxI of cultivation. Time Of fiftrvnnline-. vield ner , Jth-ot per acre. fth-Klnd of season. -nWer to these questions should be ' luivmir iukiivi aji ' ' " The V. (,'. T. U. of Columbus, Miss. sent an earnest request to every clergy' man in the place to preach a sermon on 'The Evils of the Oiien Saloon." The tilca Has considered in the ministers meeting, and the chairman iniide answer by a note saying that the ministers, af ter prayerful consideration of the re quest, deemed it iuexiedient to comply." A Mississippi town of 7,500 inhabitants provides a lare number of saloons for the men to f,-et drunk in, but has re peatedly failed to sustain the existence of even one ice cream parlor for the re freshment of wives and children. The Kir.uri of monev could not flow in two opposite directions. and) variety of seed 7lf Wly as November 1, 18, intend I w I'hiiimii, jur lire lrtiiviiv V r"1 IPBtlier with our analyses of the "'MrajSHl in diflTaNn rvrinn of the "" D ,lf..lli. H. U. NiaioiiioN, fllMnln r k. TKiinaliirV. tbove circular was sent early In asOtl. lAMlk.. u.l.U ....,,11 nlllin- Wt!, to a number of promi "t farmer, i- .1.. ...... ltinv nl " IM uiv ut in. v now resK) tiding by sending to onUory, lor analysis, afMwuuen What you tell me, missus, soiins mons'ous luminuiis, but when the poli tician splainilies it to me it appears sjion tuneous in the other direction," said an honest-hearted colored brother to Mrs. Sallie Chimin, who was trying to con vince him that if prohibition didn t real- i -i,;i,i th. saloon men woulu not llffht it ho furiously. After mature deliberation the McCook Tribune commends the following advice to girls who possess beaux who want to sit up all night or away into the sawed oir hours of the morning every wre v come smirking. If you want to get him away early take a Jiencil and paper and with your sweetest smile say tliat you have a new puule. Then tell him to . , , t cloven cinhers. then to liiase a m" make a perpendicular mark downward from the right of the first cipher, up- wares from the right of tne ioun ., l f,i the riL'ht Of tlie nun, tlO"!!""'" " i. r riirbt of tlie seveniu i .ri,.ii: downward from the right ol the tenth. The marks sliouiu oe nan . ,. t 1,0 him ,. AUK llllll ll,V mi ll I" leiifiv". written. The effect is electrical. A Large Line of Stoves Now on hand at GRISWOLD : MARSTELLER'S, Iniluding Heaters, Coal and Wood, Cook Stoves, Ranges, etc. WE SELL FURNITURE As usual. A full line of BUILDERS HARDWARE Always on hand. Our STOCK OF TINWARE IS COMPLETE The terrible drouth in portions of Min- jne nn lo- haul water nesota is becoming serious. .. Knnkane have to miles to se-) To add to tne from eight to ten stock from ierishing, 'in" in the timber and will foot trouble fires are raging on tlK prairies, and the losses up many thousands of dollars. The Kearney Hub has exited fo a hole year and it to l' " t th'lt t will prove a stayer, T.,e, i;)r tlJgKslofits,.ityandcun(y and is uj.prutwU.-d by Uie eople. Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley R. R. "Northwestern Line," Harrison, Neb., -And- Omaha, Sioux City, Chicago, St. Psul -And All PoinU- East, North, South and West. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL TOINTS. Full Information on Application to J. C. NORTHROP, Agent, Harrison, Neb. H.O.BCRT, General Manager, ) J, R, DccHAPAfi Ocnerol Itwsengw Agent. ) The Harrison House. EGGERT ROHWER, Proprietor. - HARRISON, Nebraska. Special Attention to Commercial Trade, Best Accommodations in the Northwest. BANK OF HARRISON, Harrison, Nebraska. INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $2S,000. A General Banking Business Transacted- Every Accommodation Compatible With a Conservative Business Freely Extended. B. F PITMAN, President. CHAS. E. HOLMES, Cashier. J, B. Fotnky, President. General office F. C. Silkensen, Secretary. BUFFALO GAP, DAKOTA. Buffalo Gap Lumber Company, Dealers in Lumber, Goal, Grain, Lath And Shingles. Sash, Doors, Blinds, Plaster, Hair, Lime, OOHPLETE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. Harrison. Neb G. GUTHRIE, Manager. Are strictly flrst-clsn ii every detail, possess an absolutely perfect repeating action and handsome cases. Fnllv war. ranted ' J D Are the left In all ethers for j aie. The people belt, aid will bi Tune payments preier. Call and aee n, or tend for Catalenei aid fill iaforaatloi. 3OTS ft (DMffi 233 State Strest, Chicago. XOUl Kouaa, 016 A G1S Oliv MtBUMtUirtHf. the world, and hare led fl 'car. Urer 810,000 im I W are hound to hare thellM L?e none hnt the ESTEV. Til or cub, as cnatomen 1l af I t .A .til . ,4 31' J 1; .9 1 4, u " r. 1 -I vli -I ft I I