The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 31, 1889, EXTRA EDITION, Image 1
The Sioux County Journal THE N'OUX i orNTY rroprlfior.. Tb Kcpul)llca People Tii Li t ("has. (j-rove J. A. Gre-E-n. SI. (Jayliar T. S. Hark. .t. A. Sou T-liwortli. Geo. 8-H-afer. A. H. H-E w. Thos. K-eidy. Con. Lind-E-mau. - V.- V.,t.s , , d-di.-r. I,,r " lii.l "H"ildl ii,n.-y .,s ''"tnipl t,,. ', '" 'I I !,0-,: lleV t hi, 1-. pay 'ii a r,, era I I a .-n.!el I.i-i,lv of .y .) til' I.IV,.,, (', t'rii.v w, U-, .,,. ir"n l"r ....j, " " tl.:,t a ,,,; , they a-roe to it 1,1111. 1l,n 'ad t!. I Hide ,ii it His 1,. , POLITICAL 1VV5BAJU. I" pie v !,., -in-,.(,. !, liMs. J i:c1:e 1,1 V , t I " i i 'A V Will s.i ill- Ll,, the 1.1,1.1:. ,,,"" i Hi" d.-v. I ,1,1 t ,.f II.... . . , "" .,t ,, ,.uuii,'v 'O ilSil III.-.l.rft,i. .I.Ht,,,',, f r V-,t,., . I". TI.Hi !iirn,l, , ,,,. , f,m mill pre, in, t .,-t b'all t! Ii V s, si V'iV'' it..-- .',? - I board l-.inl , ..f tl- u! Lll-li, ss : I ii'iu I . i r r: T i, ;,n ""I'l" Mi:.!,, l.-l- l l.iiTL 1,1 in" "i ll l.n..ii iix county ;mmI "ii 1 tmt tl.i v uiiiln, t thc VH1 i.f Si .t ! 'ii I"' n in the 1 1- 'f you want III' II W llolll ll.HII "111 t 1. ,,sj "ii-st :ui, l:.,ii,,i.. ,..,.,. otc f -n- J .1 hi A. Ii , fr ,,,.,. ,., iiiisi,..t Iron, (!. ;;, ,,, -I " Vim Want Sii.iix e.iuntv t.i s, tti, up r Ily so that y,, f:,r:il Willi,-..,,,,,, valuable'' 'i- . ., ' i'1" I' lH'i, ' all j ( ';?-, t.. !,. t t.,i, i,, ,n,,,,i i ' i- a !.iisiii,., propositi, ,n. !) (,,. M . tl.-!ii ill i.f a country tli:,t ejV, s a ..!u 1" iv.ll '1 Mas only j, , ,v ago Hi" I, .n.l 111 lli,- cc-ten, part of Hi,, -tat'' was as !;.. ip as it is in Sioux county. It was nothing hut the s,il.-iiu-nt of tin. roiiiiliy ami the cultivation "I t!. sO w,e has mini,. t,t. l;u worth from f, I ind III. p- .Ml t!.- ..-st 'i'l.,! lit- 1 1 n . r. ms,, n u li Si IK'.- II,.' .Il'l- no t'l -!'. I' III V. 'i'l,,- j 1. I". I to I.- ol ; ty. l iit ii,.- il, v. 1 ,, a. i ni inl' i fnl, and tin i. is no n i onnty i Miinot i-Xi. -i- 1 n-siilt- if ir,,)i-r ci iv is j o tli. (ax.-s i ..sil.l-, an.l tlio ! v, n t., j.,.,,,,!.. t,, i t Ill' s, t.ilo n ,, ii 1 1 t ii- matt. -i an; k. -1 t as low as I'I'oj r niroiira o ni' lit ; rom.) h, iv to Ii v. in ol d, I' t. mat t-Ts into to;:, r sli.i,i' vi puliln aii Tli.-sti.iy. - Slra.lit. r-inllii niiisiii ivu ii. il at Hi'- i-i-i ' lit si''.rii.l co at Ru . livil.-, to 'l ie's ticket all through next recon vention a can- ItSov. 5, 19. on't 1in.!e Vft"H on l-i t;,,n i ,v XT Vote 1l.e r jail'la mi j-oj, . ti. I,. t 1, in t"p I" l olt'.iii. AIII." r t'rwl f t!,v atf ois ,,r ri-uiity I i ntr mil l.y a r i.f . ,nl tf ill" reptlUi.-llll o'e's t.. J,. t on rit Tii.-kiy. -If you vvimt 1 keep your taxes down fulicre tliey Ik Idii hikI 1o not wuei ,ii! lic liioticj' siitiiin.leiv.1, vol.- f.,r ar.ulilicitl K-ofil;' tickd. Vote for tlte slrailit rejaildi, rn fH-lf's ti' k.-t nnil yon rieitlnot f. ar that II I allowed winch will not l. irii! Ifi-'al l.y (l.f iliMrjct court. Tln ring- (liiims tln.t its candidates .11 hp !.,, l.ut llu. tsigns of the tunes ikiate that every man on the r-(ni!,li-Mpe"ile' ticket will ' ,y ,1 iftJ majority. -Xntiitf Hit chain,'" in the votiii',' nt i'. Five Points Vaih..iiiii t (', t- -iHtfl. Sh'-.-i r.'. k hihI Sn.i!-" : r,, ', i, ii- Is i: not for. -i t (i.. i i. tn s . ' ' 'at . on . t.oii i.v. Tl h tiuhlic'in riojii-'h candidat ;! have iimilc a r'tly thoionh can iw of tli county, came into the ( onnty Bt tli lirst of tho Week. TheV arv nil Ktiilent that every man on tho tn k.-t ti 1 i-lis hy a K'od majority , -Every day rejx.rts conn; In from all arMof the county in rcpinl to tie) t,o- ktkal mtuation, ami every tiling mdi- hte lira tV very wttMliilute on the r.-inih- kao f(.j, "s ti ket ill I i le. te.l hy a jpeakr iimjority than ha heeii t-sti-, 'saw at nny timo. The aettltri are iWjtiglily arouiwd in tlm tmttl-r. -toot let tiny or tno caiKlitlaU s ,ut 1 1')' tins fiiMuu convutttioil dirwve you tovolmj' for tlit-m l.y rouiimn' you bwfjiit a i f-rlniu (iii.ilitlate on the (tiliiao fMiplu'it ticket. The re,iil,hcan MV ticket, m a wmnr till the ay Ufcli and you do not need to trad- y ifit'-ll a mnle on of tho cjiiithJatus. VuU straight for thu whoiu tu ket and )w i!l never ha vu (x winion to rwixt Vottrs, ot)! of the advoates of tho fit In ki t made tho u--rliou tliut f.'.'iO Niii ilianoe tin; roMult of the- tlf-t.oit kxt 'fuesilay, and tiuit money would laiiy vol in 8ioux count v Hut.n Wi an insult to thu iuu-llij;'ncc and FVity of the of Bioux county fwihe eWction on Xov. 5th should Jli:' a resentment of sn,1, .,..... ...,,i- JS'Ving a rousing majonty for the re- BiUljIiisui joi0- ticket. -Ifemcmlier there are uo chrome ollice Mfrsou tho ivjuihlitun peoploV ticket, Vino men who in former cm.. l,i,i- " InakiiiK' a livin'' out of puhlic olli, e IlIlNilll' t.f.w 41... ....I I It. itiiii,(.: UM cumnuaieis stumor and olllce. Tlie uindalates on ! ticket were placed there for tlm pur " of hivakin up u rinh' nnd pulling' control nf iiiroim. :. i. i....,.i.. ... in uiti luiiiun ti 1 ho will administer thuir ollh es in lntei-,.1., ,.f 41 i:. .....! . ... . I ,.ooi iu Kuury pLopio aim uoi. Ftlie beneht of n fnmmi r...t -At thiMnefctiiHj of the county com- P0 on 'lhurwlav. OctoU r 2-1. . ..- i c I, o l ind son. l olirail K Hie followinir i-lmnirt-H were made i." ,;, for county I'Oll.n,' ulaceu iu tilt) liivciii' ta ,.. .luiv I twin, t ' lie jiui: Fiv. )"iliool hons. , --...v,., 1.,'v ... ...... l LllH'NlM,,.,, , i , .,iu the ud district, i where ft ,,"'-ivK?'v. 'Y, n'k Vi '(;-.'" Y-'-'" ? ',t fvif- ivy ''-llSif Jluntrose Fredu-t Ticket. At the xojle's pi-eoinet caucus, held at Montrose, Oct. 2iith, the following pre cinct ticket was nominal,!: Assessor '' 'lulls ' iiHstensen, Just'.-e, of the Peai-e-M. Jordan, f I.-otVi' lleckm-m. 'oi.staMes J se,i lii'lVr. R. !'. W.l lams. HoadoVerst-er Ilt-nrv Wass, -rlniruer. list-d in I rinted ill - VI -an ., swaili ,1 i We h:,v.- h, iv lM. t came out of :-.1 I l-iil thruit ns v. ii ; was ue.-e-viry to j cori-ii t on v 1,1, i ;p'-t.-at.s... Il I.,,, , 1 Ii, a:s not il.'- i,i, for. !..-.!. s it, i ho-..,-v, r :,.! I,i- ., ...!.-U--I h.v la. I CHI -: 10 t ' i th:r-ls utter -,"l.eollslie j i alter, that ri Jiteoii.-noss far as it is con, vi ni-tl. ,'.,n m ty a i-1..i',v. !t I'.' l-eleve, hilt t w til, i'l-tuil : FACTS ILLUSTRATED - i"l1 i l t t I ' 5 -.".'t i :e I.t'Ml Ihillnts. As s,,uie tjiiestion has I ecu regard to how ballots should I in order to have them conform with the statutes, a letter was written to Attor ncy (iencnit TH-he, asking his advice in the matter. The following is what he says in reply: " n answer to yours relating to the ticket I will say that Section 115, relat ing to fraudulent votes or iu'illots pro vide, a liallot with a designated heading containing printed thereon, in place of another, a name not found on the regu lar i-allot having such heading, etc. Thus you will si e that to have a l al- lot count, d for the I eoi le's ticket :t 'e of the gr ilef tl. tt i tuns! Iv on the In ml "People's Ticket." i.i. 'U. t .:!l -..: e-.u-s1 My judgnienl would V that to have the i:i-s too. Ti oulliisj heading thus li,g. What w.l, lost in : RlVruUOAX STATE TlCIJST ay. it liuir;. rs ami I I'Enl'I K'S ( '(IfNTY Tll'KKT, lit so lar I and then set out the olli, vs for state and mi some as county as you have them on your copy, j V,, urs, X.C, Wm. l.KKSE."' The I n Hot s on which the "People's Ticket" is printed are printed iu accord ance with the al'ove opinion, and the voh rs should s,.,, t hat no one is allowed to throw any of them out, hut should he certain that every vote iH properly counted and a straight return made. if' ri;'-. ' 1 The al ve cut represents the condition ol the county m lbs?. for the .slaughter and since that tine it has got it iu the neck. It was high and dry uhove the slime of the Berkshires that live on the county fat, but alas! ! ' I It looks ready wei-e anxious to II Hi 'Ms ei- tll'-reloie in 101' thai ui, IE i r-KA 4 t V1 V 1t el 4 V i v i i n i i i 11 dalate lo Ml t he vacam-v caused hv tin resignation of Hon. r. H. Cornell. C ' E. Holmes. V. A. Weir ;mU C. V,. Verity went ilow n as d, legates from the st raiiiht ! i-piit,in an mas., convention and C. 1-. Sling, riant! went d ,w ii as a i,-.n sent.i- tive ol tie- i,oii i onvelitloll. The (Ii le- j i.,,i, , r ;i. gates vut hy tl.e mass lonventioli u,'i'' I f,v,ti,res justice, s. .,l,,t hy the uiiai.a is vote of the j , nv.1( ,,.,,. i. ronv, ni i, ,n and that the matt, r (.,11,.. WI1V which The al ow ml i-, pros, -nls tli" fusion party ,t tin- j resent time, Th" l'ald spot is due to ,01'v piety. When the piety came out through it spores it forced ad speclii . .. .!......,,.., ... r t:- hows a matin -m.itii al 1'iidi i),-y. 1 1 - Inward (Irnstdi. Owing to cannot do all of the The llsh-iiook . de uioiith indicates the ilr' parly possesses. Lank lh'fore Vim T.cap. It is a well settled fact that, I he re turns from Punning Water pre,-inet in I'S w, re not just lis they should have lu'cn. 1 o you want a man to have charge of the ull'airs of the county who had a hajid in that election matter, not simply as an outsider, hut. one of the judges, sworn to protect the purity of the hul lot box? it is out of the quos t iiii for this lo lie denied, !t is a matter of record and that is Ihe best possible evidence. In order that there he no niis- talfe -J'oiO 1 1 ,., ... v., .1.11. ,1- from the comitv 1m so far as tie- senatorial distr,, t was con- j wi; t.,p.,, ;1 j,,,. i itself soon and . . . . 1 1 . o 1 ... c ni- 'l aim the sA i-uion 01 unit, juneu j ,1(1V vallt j the political graveyard tow as the caiid,, tale coin let'.d the work of the convention. On the evening of the same day a con- v, lit a,n was In Id at hailroii to place in j ii, m nut, on a land date to nil the caused l,y the ii-Mgualion ol lion. L, W. li.l' hr. -t and the same del, gates : went there to I' pie-.. lit the n ptildu an 11. ass cunv, lit ii.ii. and C. I'. Shng, rl.uid j also Went to h.i'll I'lH- itl lu-1 j moment Ins gall must hav lor he d.,1 not at I ear at id s. al in the ' i iiiuiti- il tioils cassid 1' ojlllllolis iiiiMlig "I palt.'-s 1:. prui true party sp.nt ol Ihi ties is llius displayed in il inanii' 1 aniiot he mistaken. n looking over the ivpuhlicnn pcupl, ,,, ;, t it is a uotieahl" la, t that H i ..... 1.. ..U 1. r'a l.'-kel. I ' "' a" two ol 'the caiid.dates are living on farms. Tl.os. Ihe candidate for shcnll, iK-ing- engag, d in business iu Har nsoii. Mart. 11 (J. wi.'i'. ti"' 'i"il"li,1-' tiva.-urcr. ii v -s "il his lar.n a slmi't il. stance iroiu nil the la. lid huii to ask for a y.iw n- idi'iiiinng ll.-' iiarv work and tne I In l iliwesl , min er whali dls-hut ft I-T s, J V l" .4 . H) '5 t h - - ' '.. ( ... 1 ,. f, ' X J where his sons vaiitile cslahlishmelil I.lllde- clerk, is es- ve Point urecinct. from ..i.i,.i,mi Ih.iuu lor IiiiiiiH Unmiy kIio.,1 house, which in not iu that , l,;., l..s drove, the ' foi collllly fc. . . - K1 llel Ia . I . . I . - k. uie noue ol Juuies Jl. l'ro- ,.,,, mission. "Ifr ill Vt'iirl,,,,,..! ......;.,..( r ., , . r ..II..,, wood lilVolllot, .-.uv,,.r.v ,IVM.,I1. V, ,'", reSlOt.:lll "I I "aidirice of A. K An,l.w tn Hi.',.. 1 1 John A. Iheen, the U.11- Hl.iiiidii,trict No. 15. In '.ot- ,1,,,1,. f,,r,.,,iiiiiy cviiiuossioiiei lroiii tii'- hool house in ill-! .,! .l,.i,-... is a r. s.uci.t ol Kunuiug fSo. 4. .n W... 1 v.... I, ..,..,.;, I ., 1 ul. iv lie Is engaged ni l --. visv j,,- ....... ill' I I'll-'"" ' r UK! hiiuwt i,t T 11 u 10 il.i.t .- w ii.o-.oi-. thu caiiu.ilale lor --m u",'"" lariiioi- r. Sf Todd. ii. .Snake Creek pre- 1 v- aide,.. ,s the .c,.n.l one ! r to Ilenchle)' store. Voter in ' .,. .. '..,,,, , nut he is the owner ol a recinc-tH bhould reineml-r this (jl,aitei- section ol land close I" 11 n in 1 1. -1. 1 ?. ...... i,.s iniei-e.sts are the n ma ioiiu onice. 1,si,n. no iimi, no one mult., vmi that wne as oth. r land o.vner F'X of nnv bi.l , I., .oslu.n.d Soothworttl. toe .auihoale lor siiper.ii- Wtai.v ..,.i;.i. . .1... 1. , . ..,i.... 1 ot i.iihhc instruct ,011 , j suiitilUJi,W Ull lilt to. ion,.;.,. ' j ,W ticket .. '1m ...o..l 1 hut re-' li e i,iosiiou liinneis being circul.ittd agaiubt wmie preciii' t. A. it. nien on that t,t-ket iu n-gtird to county surveyor , I, .-...... ti...i :u v i.,o.. t iiretinct, . lllltt to -- ....I.' "Xuinent to turn voters iigainst a ever since he has lwn 1,1 ; ' Ddn.. ,i ..,. . ;. 0. .1. Shuilv-r is iimus " " avorand niralMxC llm man liiuk- n few niilcH (rom aiiir's""- elianrei lhi.n nnv other wav. I not. 1 oine pretty 'M depend upon it tliut every mun ticket ! not nohi.tir . 1 i.. .. ,. . l. lillj'l' iu j one-ail people liciiei, i. .w?""1 w, ; , who will the public With ., . 1. .... ..... .f that. anil ineeiet v,.,., . . Here lies tie- remains of Hie fusion party which pari- d tins hie on '1 u stlay, the ,'ito day ol Nove-iiil,. r, ley. ,t was spared to us time long years, when the ha 1 hill.--',, r of death look it Willi him to his last masting I da' o. lien; lies the fusion party, So good, so true, so kind, That, wht ii it did a noble deed It did it lor a I, hud. I following certiticate clei k : State of Nebraska f County of Sioux. ('"' I, Chiis. C. Jameson, County Clerk in and for said county do hereby certify that the commissioners record of Sioux coiintv, book A on page is entered 1 ecen'iU-r 1st. lss. Claim No. 471 al lowed to J. W. Earnest, for judge of election and returns the sum of $7.01) from Kiinning Water precinct. lnt.-stiuii-.ny whereof I have her, ami o set niv hand and Ihe seal of said county this iOd day of October, VW). 1. ft as. (I. Jamison, seal County .,i-i-k. Kow, farmers, if a man will he a party to such a transaction, do you want to haveliini in a position where he will have an opportunity to run the all'airs ol j the county? Jo you want to put it in i the hower of men of that kind to say how much lax you shall pay and what, shall he done with the money. It is right and proper that when a man has held an ollice the way in whii h he con ducted himself as an oltieial should he la km into account, when he asks lor the votes of tlie people to give linn authority to transact their business. Vole lor no man on w hose ollicial record there is a hint. v v ' - v ,Ji -- :--; -:- -v J irto;.rt.-JA.-X.---.-..t-,a...-y Here is the condition of the county in Iff, while the young Berksliires" fire tlrawing Us it sources. Already the fat is gone, and she's forlorn save that the lit tle ones still 1 nil together lo diniii the golden milk from her udders while the hon est farmer pours in his golden j ;rain. The year l.D has come and the couuly is stiugghng to release itself from the failhv" grasp of the ring. She has dragged him along until his jeans are about uocu up. one is uiiiing upon you honest voter to come to her relief, bhe is not presenting to him her face, but she looks eagerly to the granger and calling loud and long 1o assist iu the overthrow of the oppressor. One and all to the rescue. Let the acrobatic rascal above (stay downed as he is, and let the county once more get out of the mire. Ihi oiT.ei rs were angels, llut such pe, nil. il- tuaigs, Tin V raised upon llie.u.s, Ives a till To take Hi" plate ol wings. When you go to the polls he sure that you vole the ticket thai will give good public oiiiieis to the county for the next two years. No one denies that the al ia.." of the county have been misman aged, even the fusion convention which ,t on Oclul:., r 4. 1 t!). nut in its reso- ,1 holh day and night ! iu,ioH ulu lollowiiig clause: "We heart ily concur that, there should he iniprov uielit in Hie adni.iictralioii of ouc county all'airs." liv the adoption of such a j plank they acknowledge Unit the puiihe Alan.sou , is one 01 of Hat - iv. k . t .... I .,.! I ( 1 1 is a lariuer 111 Vvar where be has ivsal' d ,1 that does mar i-m) 'l ' TheV labor, d Ii: lo light ti." grangers cause, And nli 11 lia. g"L me shekels in They never hat tlit-.r ' laws. Oh, Justice, Honor, Mercy, Truth, Look at tins wreck we pray. Ami .1' you have it m I:'i' " Cay it noiiie. other way. Now , reader, as you pass that hy , J now liiu t.oi.iuj gave Its honor and its m my up 10 loose Willi, 11 this grave. And if y" "'iinl lro,n tins time on A govcrmnuii tnals true lh.ll vote the people s la ki.t straight AS all goo.l people lit). In speaking of the candidates of that city the Omaha Bee says: "Some of the candidates foisted on the public for jus tices of the peace are not on speaking terms with the rudiments of law.- Pick them out and keep them in private life." When it is necessary to name men lor justices of the peace who have knowledge ol the law, it is certainly vastly more important that a county judge he possessed of a good knowledge of the law. S. barker, the repui.hcau people's candidate lor county judge ol Sioux county is a regularly read and admitted attorney, and is bcaUr uUcd lor pos.tiou loan 11 man who lias not that legal training-. Vote for A. R. Lew for county survey or, lie has made a record as a survey or in his former home in Iowa and if he tells you where the boundaries of your land are you can rest assured that no law suit will grow out of it. tlie Lao if you do not like the way the affairs ol ti ie cotmtV have eeeu managed ill the Farmers if you want the roads laid out and bridges built so that they will accommodate he greatest number of people and the work done at figures which will give value received for every dollar of the public money invested, vote lor the candidates 011 the republican people's ticket. You can depend on it lual men will have no pets. That ii a road is asked for it will be located in the best place to accommodate the peo ple, even if it does cut through the farm ot one ot their best friends, and the dif- past, vole the republican people s ticket 1 fL.,vut ,va, districts will be treated in a eiiuiv. j o not p'H a nauie on tuere that I 1U11 equitable manner. . Tlie ques is iu fiuy maimer connected in w itn rmg j llon 0f roads and bridges is an impor iiiaiiageuitut of puhhe matters, it may pu,. 0110 t ile fanners in Sioux county he some ol tlie caialidates are good per- j alK t1(Jy onyht , to see to it that the re sonai iri.'iids of yours, hut 111 tins case it j jiUbhean people's ticket is elected so that i.s ine pi-.iieipie and not tho mail you are iUtKie matters will be looked alter prop lor. Juiige a man icy u.e company ! tl-y lulj uo favoritism shown to any one. he Jioige a cauihilate hy Ins j ollicial record or the record ol those 111- When the republican representative siriiuiciiUU in placing ins name 011 tne j couveution met at cbadrou vi. is ISttt ucKjl. vote u,r tne miei-e.staotl we I tare urday evening as will be seeu by the pro- ol youi.seii anil your iicgii.jor and lo ak.V with tlie Hot would go il'V man f" man ni.,1 if ...,,..., L.tiu von to fh..'-u is a clean, slraigbt m cotftiry you niay ix-it assured thuV conduct the allaii" " temi.l iu ia.. . ... ii . . . . ... l.h.l ....... ,! hoiiestv, ami n uuiiiLr iriiuie 10 iiiii. , ..... cWiicter of a mi.,, who doe. not : entire ticket ,ll l u cauu- w 1- . o,,'l 1.1 monkey boxen. A live I and a lair count and lunieai, tvluriis .. ,.l.,t w wallletl hV tile I Miopia o SlOIIX "t ......... .. . I ...,! .. mid it is lue dul.V ol every holi est vo'l- r to do all ill h.a JWer lo s -e that that is sta ured. Vote for i t. tShalel' for coroner. He is i..i. ....... st, ,r.d i,li siciaii, and it II rei,i..."'J -. " - ; , . , ... . ,..... 1 . 1 ,: 1 1. ,1. is il irooil : at weight iu Hie court. : ' - M..fs I... vi. 110I been conducted 111 1111 past as they should have been, and then the same clique go lo worn anil put up 111,11 ol their ow n ilk, some ol whom have iieeii oliii cr.s the time, ac cording to tueii- own i-e-olulioil, that Hie aila.isol tne county have mismaii ...r...i il.Ni. k a vefi nice uoiUe, hut It. will not UeeeiVe Hie voters or induce j tiieiu to again intrust the public 11 1 1 airs j to tu.-.r keeping. 1 he men oil Ihe repub lican peoples ticket are men against w 11011 1 nol a word can be saal nor a ! charge ol any Idirl he iii.uie Hie !ciiaracler, honor or ability ol any one ! ot tneiil. il ley are men who caiiie here j to bu.ld up houies and they have been I Willi tlie interests ol the peo ' pie ever since they have been in S.oux I couutv, and if they lvcutvo the supporl the polls Oil ncxl niewi.iy co sltle gllUd ovt-i'iiuieiit tlllU oott ailiii.iits tralivu 01 1110 laws by tii.i. iui imu Uciiu peel.ic o L.t-i.el,. When the le.iui.iicaii seu.itot'.al coa veuiioii al i-.u,-,!. vine ueciueu o a unatti- lliolis Vole UlUb jll.lVU Cill lOVV 9UOU1U WJ me iepi.ol.caii t.aiitiitlale lor stale neua lor, ine ueKjjUtvs ciiuuiily UiU a wise tiling. aUI'. uallow i.s one ol tile le.tiluig auui iicys 01 1.10, Ue is uiiely emit au.u, lit.lig a faualuaio ol iale (.uiiv.t, aim iitii-.Uo las ie.s.utnee 111 loll IK tiila ulliu Up ail CAecilslll, ia.v ra- ltee liuti Wt.n lue lt.s,ei.l iiiiu cslt.em 01 ni oy 11.0 ii.iegi ilv. anil siei w ..llll. nu is .1. evelj way Wollli,) ol lue Honor conlurivtl lqou linn, uiiu hllolllU liu he coital iq.oll lo psliolol uie ui.i.iautagi...6 nru u me.i'ovr ol loe M.ue .-.en.ue, ue win carry to lue same eAeelicut traits ot eoalaeur thai ne wspiata in ins uilaiiiess lue al home. Dir. ijatto.v is not, a siianer iu Sioux county out is know 11 to he u incn.! ol ine grander eleuicut anil lia-y ca'luol do belter loan lo see lo ll that be re- ceed.ugs where in tiiis issue, it was u. nominate a mail to fill the va caused by the resignation of lion. L. U . Gilchrist. The republicans of Box bu Lie county believing that it Was right that tiiat county should have the repre sentative lor the lull term, had instruct ed their delegation to support V. G. fsiuiousoii, ol Alliance, tor the unexpired, term, lo the chum ol Box Uutte county th convention agreed and Mr. Bimonsou was duly nominated. Judging from the record ol ilou. L. W. Giiulinst, whom the rcpunh'-ans ut liox butte county selecleu lasl year lor a standard bearer 111 tne couUsl lor representative honors, it is sale to presume that in selecting a man lor Ins successor they exerciyed equally good judgment. Uiiehi'ist has a warm place in the liearls ol the larmers ol b.oUA couuiy and it will be au en dorswuieiit ol ins uets ill the last session ol liie legislature to give a big vote to the tTauuiiiaie to IU I his place. Mr. ibimousou is a young attorney who Mantis well al home boui 111 h.s profession u lid as a mail, and no one lieeil hesitate to cast his vote lor him next Tuesday, (-.eivt-sa rolisilig euilol'seiiiillliu tne pons : (iJ tj)ji.u (J lu) MUt;(,Uon hut w hut he oil next luesuay. Vvlieu you go to casl I stand by the settlers of tlie norfh your oaliot ne sure "'A j WWlt counties of winch jus district mii-low, lor slate senator is on um , . tu,i,, , ' I txiuiposed us lirmly u did Ins predecessor flit. . ' ' " " j pie of Wioux county. lid Hint of AUK""' Vi.tnrv r"l